THE KKE: OMAHA, Flit DAY, JAXUAKY 14, lOlfi. Nebraska Nebraska MILITARY BOARD HAS IDEAS OF OWN State Guard Officers Oppose Views of Governor Morehead on Increase in Army. MEAD RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT GRAND ISLAND? Neb., Jan. 13. Spe cial Tt'lcfiTn.m.1 .TIi Vmrmrrn' mnffrefi'4 ALSO OPPOSE PRESIDENT'S VIEW today abnorbed the Society of Equity, j and a large number of the locals of th ABSORBS SOCIETY OF EQUITY Farmers' Congress at Grand Island Takes Other Organization Under Its Wing. (rrom a 8taff Correspondent." LINCOLN. Jan. IX (Special Telegram.) The state military board which lias been In session here this week, favored i a reasonable Increase in the regular 'army, notwithstanding Governor More bead, commander-in-chief of the Nebraska guard Is against militarism. It also favored the utilisation of the (National Guard in place of a continental organization came into the union. Mr. Tyson, former state secretary of th Society of Equity Is present at the con vention, and the announcement of the ahrorption occasioned great cheering by the delegates. The Society of Equity had a membership of about 1,300. Another feature of today's session wa the plea of C. 8. Barrett of the national organisation to devote every energy to rmv d a f v n rmiA rt , Praulfint liaon. 1 . .. .. . . , , " . . , . ... , lne Browin anu development or the or c ommander-in-chief of the armies of the aniMton 1 nlteq states. Other things favored were government owned munition factories, rifle ranges In each state for the use of the regular army the guard and civilian rifle clubs and colleges; military Instruction In schools and colleges. The board endorsed the Chamberlain bill increasing the efficiency of the state militia. Gottery to l.lve at Hospital. Dr. W. D. Guttery, temporarily de posed as superintendent of the Norfolk About IwO members were presetn at noon today, and a picture of the con vention and a moving picture of their Omaha Man Weds With Vaudeville Star V - ,-sa. f , if SS. ; mmmmmmmtmmm ZMhlTir field. Harry V. Hahn, city salesman for the METER NIGHTMARE SPECTEMO BOARD Water Manager Just Settling Down to Another Campaign When it Bobs Up. Water board, v he glanced furtively to ward llobert Ueei her Howell. Notes from Beatrice and Gage County PKATRK'K. Neb.. Jan. 1.1. (Special.) t i ,.... I lianas ana Tirt. sncriness .r nream, psi- A. It. Mdd has been selected as tosst- , ptat(lin r l.,.,.,,,,,,,. heart-beat, dropsy. NERVES TREATED FREE DB. rkARKtllf MII.EB, toe Creat x. olallst, Dives If sw Book and a 12.1.0 Men ropatiilo Treatment Tree sa a TrlaL Sick people whosn nerves are weitk or d-ranel who hsve wn aK heart, ct m n i. i .. m I 'Id1' l il'ifi i rr liver; blues, headachf, dixtlness or dullness; III I u nr 1.1. I. , Cold l.nnds and fiet. shortness .f nreath. pel- REAL ESTATE MEN ARE PEEVED master for the banquet at the reopening of the Paddock hotel next Monday, Jan uary IT. The speaker and their subjects are as follows; "A Retrospective V ew." O. 11. Johnson; "Do It Now." Samuel lllnakrr; "Dreams of tho Future." K. L, lltvilotie; "Our Puslness Interests," J. W. nuiness; "Traveling Public," II. K. Fackett. K. 1.. May, the manager of the Paddock, will also give a short talk. The rlatonta Tost, a weekly paper pub- president by unanimous vote. J. M. Burdick, Creighton; was elected vice president; D. R. Kills, Omaha, secretary treasurer, and C. H Mead, Lincoln, or- asylum, pending the hearing will be al- I p t 1 rlxt ,,, Janiea K. Elliott'. Morrill; were elcted a-s directors. In the report of the taxation commit tee the action of the secretary of the state board of equalization in basing assessments on tho sales of land wn The state will not receive the 4"t acres location rather than productive value. A of land, most of which Is located in more Judicious expenditure of public Iancaster county, which was left by the money was recommended. will to thestate orthopedic hospitui ny jt was urther recommended march up the street at the noon hour ! Iuxus Mercantile company, was. married were taken. Thursday morning to Miss Edith Mirfield, The election of officers for the en-' who Is attracting much notice at the suing year took place this afternoon i tlayety thla week. Rev. Thomas J. C. II. Gustafson of Mead was elected ! Mack ay ef Alt Saints' church performed the ceremony at the rectors'. Miss Mirfield has appeared at the Gay- lowed to continue to live with his family at the state Institution until after the hearing which has been set by the Hoard of Control for February 2. t.rnnrbl Will Broken. Charles Genuchl about a year ago. The will, which left nothing to t!ie widow, and children, was refused for probate by County Judge Rlsser and the district court today sustained the action !of the Judge, declaring that theallegcd . will was not he last will of the testator. The estate is estimated to be worth about 1100.000. that the ! county assessor was an unnecessary of ' filial, the duties falling naturally with I the clerk's office. MISSING DODGE COUNTY MAN IN RUSSIAN ARMY HARRY H All N. ety each season for three or four years, and met Mr. Hahn the first time she vis ited Omaha on the Columbl circuit. She plays a part this season In the Globe Trotters' musical production, and also haa a popular vaudeville num ber between acts, .he is ai years of ag and her home Is Camden, N. J. Th Water loard is starting the new yrar with ono hard nut to crack. j Ficd I). W'ead. the new chairman, be j lirvpn the time has come to dispose o the meter Kltuatlon which has been ' more or less of a nlphtmare since the tihed at ciatonia. this county, which . was estaruiHneti a irw ihiiui city toon over me piani. When the city bought the plant from the Omaha Water company there were about 2,f00 householders who had meters Installed without cost to tuem by the old company, these meters being Included In the Invoice and ronsldered property pf MENDEL AR0NS0N SUES "whence ne-.v teglme to'lns a lj A MARTIN FOR BIG SUM meters the polb-y adopted was to charge lturlcsnue ''he householder an arbitrary amount for M, IKlel Aronson, tuoprleor of a Kf untie the meter, whl'ii would become his n-p- place moving pL'ture tncaier. nmt " erty, or give blm the option of paying a Martin. lHll South Thirty-fourth street, monthly rental of 10 cents. I for t.i..VH. Tho littler amount Is alleged to represent dameges susibhici oy son for loss of business and Investment on account of Mrutin's alleged fnllure tJ drowsiness, nervousness, sleeplessness, 'r in ' 'nn' rl ' I s, b' ' ache, Ir ritable spine, rheumatism, catarrh, con- I",.. i I i .it do .rli ti ac- i e t I .. i i al .' Y ,u may never have another opportunity. Write no it . Ills Hixik contains many remarkable r. ret -f'e '"e to fvrn'v rih slcl- ns and specialists failed, and also endorsements from lllshops. Clergymen, Statesmen, il ' I ' - t . i.l ad for Bemarkabla Cores la Tom Itata. Ills linproviii i i i..i i i for these diseases are t'je result of SO years' experience and are thoroughly scientlfia B nrl rf-lnMrkxIilv mpiiiiiif nl mn mnrh an suspended publication. I-ai'K of liusiness that he di i not hesitate to offer Fre Is rsslmied as the reason. ( ' ' reamienij to tne sick tnat tney Tim m.iiino s luatlon at Wymore Is much Improved and the schools, pool and billiard halls and theaters, which were closed Inst week, because of the out break of the disease, have owned msv test them free. Write at once. Describe your case, and he will send o' i t- -iMM- i i're- Te t-"ent aid Hook. Address! Dr. Franklin Miles. Dept. NS. 7i to 715 Main St., Klkhart, Ind. been te- What to Do for Itching Skins Madison Given Six Weeks to Answer PJnvfr Lr'o KPTiTifiTi MADISON, Xtb.. Jan. 13. (Special.) Norfolk haa filed Us petition for county at removal. A small delegation con tistlng of Mayor John Friday, Nonis Huse, Leo P. Par.valk and John W. Rice brought the petition Tuesday afternoon. Mad son was represented by M. IS. Fos ter, fames Xichois. A. Ward and M. S. Mi Duffee, and the matter of reisjn- j i ble time for remonstrance and objection 1 1 to snld petition tan argued befoe the i oirm'ssioners, tmd after cons'der b e dis cussion the Maditon people were given until February 23 within which to file their remonstrance 'and objections. NORTH BEND, Neb., Jan. 13. (Special.) Relatives of George Cruickshank, who disappeared from North Bend over two years ago, have recently heard from him from the front in the Russian army. He says he enlisted in Canada In the king's service, but when he wrote was holding a commission In the czar's army. He wrote to his brother Harry on the eve of a pending battle. Realizing the uncer- ! talnty of life in so fierce a warfare he decided to let l-'s people know of his whereabouts. State Historical Society is to Hold Annual Meeting LINCOLN. Jin. '3 -(Special.) The tt lr-ty-ninth annual meeting of the Nebraska Historical society and the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska Terri torial Pioneers'- association will be held here January 17-13. Admission Is free. The opening session will bo held at Tem ple theater Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Addresses will be made by John W. Wil liamson. John 'Blackbird, Major Albert 1 Green and Dr. Melvln It. Gllmore. Tuesday morning tho discussion of Ne braska's proposed semi-centennial cele bration will be led by Hertert M. Rush nell. The annual business meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon, after which there will be an address by Silas Woods. The annual banquet will be held at Lincoln hotel at 6:30 p. m. John Lee Webster will preside. Responses will be by Gordon W. Wattles of Omaha end Henry D. Lsta brook of New York. The annual " meeting of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' association will be held at Temple theater Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Addresses will be mud ' by Governor John Moreh. ad, Jm!ge James A. Grlmson nn.1 William A. Luke. A ' round table discussion will be led by John i C. F. McKesson. Wednesday afternoon the Nebraska Me- 1 niorial association will hold Its annual session. Addresses will be made by Mrs. ( harles H. Anil. Mrs. F. M. U. Oi.inn a id Mrs. John C. Ueniiftt. 1 Wednesday evening there will l e a J hit session in Muslj hall, Temple building. Addresses will be made by Dr. Fred 11. Stearna of 'Pea body museum. Harvard university; Ollwr LaMere, J. H. Hunter i and Albert Watklns. Thirty Young Hogs Are Killed by Dogs FREMONT. Neb., Jan. 13 -i Special. ) Will Patedl of Snyder has lost about thirty head of yoing hogs within the Inst few months. He wss at a loss to ac count for the disappearance of his pork ers until the recont sno, when he found that dogs were responsible. He traced tho canines In Ibe snow to his hog ysrds, where the dead animals were found. Problem Presented. Now comes th situation of 2,'0 house holders using meters installed by tho old company, but lint paying the city either a purchase price or rental for them. Chairman Wead believes tills Is msnl festly unfair to charge the new patrrns and let the others go without charge. Th j board Is rather up against It. To make, the 2.S0O pay ut IhM late date will irnini quite a howl, which Manager Howe I wished to avoid, i From the very first of municipal ownr shlp of the wat.-r plant there has been a vigorous kick ar.ilnst the system of In stalling new meters. Some contended lit : fore the board thai the price asked by Manager Howe 1 lor in. tors was eg esslve. I Now the time has conio Chairman j Wead believes, to thrash this matter out, ' and If there aro any inequalities to ad I Just them so that the hoard will not con I tlnually be sought by disgruntled patrons Mar Come to Terms. At the next meeting of the board a proposition will be made to place the I.tOl water users mentioned on the same basts as those who have had meters Installed by the present management. If this plan should be adn.i'ed. which seems likely, there will he more grief ahead for Man ager Howell, who was Just beginning to feel settled again and getting ready for another polltlral campaign. "Life is Just one thing after another," remarked one of tho members of the construct the Kln' of theater bulling fcr Aronson that had becu promised and agreed Uln. SUES FOR FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS W0RTH0F PEANUTS Fifteen hundred dollars' worth of pea nuts, alleged lo hrve been delivered but not paid for, are the basis of a suit fl'ej by the John King Peanut company against Hugh r Donley of Omaha. Me.'Uh'feli Heads Crete Rank. CRKTK, Neb., .Isn. l.l.-(Speclal) C. W. Weckbnch was elected president of tho (itv National bank, at the annual meeting, Tuesday evening, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Preri dent Fuller last August. Ralph D. Hiown was elected vb-e president, and Kciema, ringworm and other Itching, burning skin eruptions are so easily made worse by Improper treatmelt, that one has to be very careful. There Is one method, how ever, that you need not hes itate to use, even on a bnby'a tender skin that is, the leslnol treatment. Res lnol Is the prescription of a Baltimore doctor. put up In the form of reslnnl ointment and reslnol sosp. This proved so remarkably successful, that thousands of other physicians have pre scribed It constantly for over twenty years. Reslnnl usually stops Itching Instantly, healing the eruption quickly, unless It Is due to some serious Internal disorder. Reslnnl Ointment and Reslnol Soap can be bought at any druggist's, and are not at a'l expensive, Write for free sample Dept. 6-8, Reslnol, Baltimore, Md. W 1 F. A. Novak, cashier, were re-elected. All the directors Bladen Kntr Will He In Aaanst. BIjADKN, Neb . Jan. 13.-(Specal.i The Webster couniy lair will be held at Bla den August :'2. 23. 2i and . This being a political year the management )s plan ning on gettln.j omr of the best speakers It Is possible to pet from tho different political parties. Motorcycle races have been added to the rare program. . Suspected Firebug Is Taken at Miller KF.ARNEV, Nob., Jan. 13. (Special Tel-fgram.)-The '.own of Miller Is terrorised through the vork of a supposed firebug who has. acoordi'.w to word received here today, been tesponsible for two dis i Ftrocs fires bit-?! and who set fire lo the oiera bouse l:ut night. The blase was i?l ovi-rcd in linn to stop any damage, but excelsior .uijd high and soaked with gasoline showed the work to be that of nn ii.cediary. Tracks leading to the hou.-e of o. man well known In the city yere discovered, and it is thought with the arrival today of Otto Mushel, deputy Mate fire Inspector, that suspicions dl-ifcu-fj against '.he man will be Investl- gntrd. Miller has been the victim of two heavy losses, when in November one block was entirely burned out and January 11 the big Cruihcnbcri y department store was tutted. Attaches of the sheriff's office brought the man suspected of the crime to Kear ney, Wednesday, but no complaint was filed, the theory being that the evidence was not strong c rough against him. NORTH PLATTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH WRECKED BY FIRE NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Jan. 13. (Spe cial Telegram.) Fire from a defective flue last night damaged the local Chris tian church. Tha loss will be about $4.3 0. Insurance of the church was $4.0U0. The fire was first noticed by O. E. Elder, who was passing the church at 11.30 o'clock last nlt;ht and Immediately gave the alarm. The intense cold caused the water thrown on the fire to freeze almost as soon as It left the hose, making the fight of the blaze difficult. The building was practically destroyed. A 'M piano n ih building was ruined by smoke and water, as was also the church furniture. Tito Shelton Pioneers Dead. SH ELTON, Neb.. Jan. 13.-(SpeclaI.)- hfl ripjtth nf 1 mm pltl.-n. m,all,n within thirty minutes of each other was the record of Tuekday. William Catter lln. a pioneer of this section of tiuffa'o county, almost 80 years old, died at his home Tuesday afternoon. His death re sulted from an attack of grip coupled with old age. He leaves several children and grandchildren. David Morgan, aged 65 years, died at about the same rnui of pneumonia. H!a body was sent to Wood River for Interment. '3. -Mm t 5Xs- mm. f r. jn -v, 9 LI .v.i-, ( V if V .J' . r"? Jl- ! t fl R ts iJVL v( vj tiK ti hW nil 5 IT tTAf --- fZTl 17 I i ' ii y M ri i'i u m i r tic jtl rr ti rr-:-!- &4 tn 4 l- in .rr; n mtn 1 , Rl rM ' ' -4, It' I ... t 1 T f. - , - . 11 s - A t i i.;'t i ,i .- v. v' ' ? : 4 ifh i TOCROWJASSIST IIAIROJIRf The Most Wonderful Endorsement Ever Given Any Product John Philip Sousa and his famous Band have circled the globe on numerous tours and inspired millions of people in many lands with their soul-stirring, inimitable music. Mr. Sousa has been a smoker of Tuxedo Tobacco for years. Recently, at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, a newspaper representative made the discovery that every member of Sousa's Band is also a Tuxedo smoker! Whereupon, the following endorsement of Tuxedo was gladly given and signed by Mr. Sousa and the sixty-six members of his Band. Read it as sure-fire and convincing as a Sousa March: A 9 11 (l Ho rr 'J ,x ui .test 04 f ' l C A .: ...:.v.-.-. .v -. -...'..-:.;.s: jf " ''.. ::.i:-:..:-' '. ' .y.i;Zt ?'! -i : ' ' .. ; HAIR GROWS OR NO PAY Whn your hair falls out, thr It lack nf naturf't nour1iihmnt, which com from tha blood. Tha Mrwlarn Vauinim Cap f1raw tha blrxM to tha halt roots and ajlva It IlKNKWKI) IIKE This ! frra1 rlrrulntlnn. whlrh 4lstn1 tha small blnntl vanaals, rattHivIni all tha rlogftM ani ibiffajlsi hlond from nrntiod l ha hair routs and supplies fr-Mh naw blood. Tha hair laka nn pew Ufa. Maka 5 nur hair ha va a healthy clow, ffiftpa it from fa I Ik its out and nnw tha Ufa In tha dor mant hair fnitra ao that thav acatn grov a haalthr had of hair. Wa sad our caps out SIXTY DAYS FREE TRIAL In your own hnma. Wo 1st rou ha tho Juris. If you ara not aatlftftM with tha showing mad a you rat urn tha rap. and tura ara no rharas. Wo run all tha rlak that you will ba glad to purrhaso tho t ap at th end of lxty dar. or WK I(ltt. Thora la no 'ibltrlty, or unplfsaaant noiortaty. aa all ahlpmQta ara mado by Parcal Poat without ad vartlalng. Wrllo today for our hooklai sod Pi tlculara, aant aaalvd Id plslo aovslopo. Modern Vacuum Cap Oo.f 556 llarrlay lllock. Oenvcr, Oolo. JOHN PHILIP SOUSA Tht March King "All the vim, energy and enthusiasm we put into the playing of the aJ n jPlT. 'Stars and Stripes Forever' we find in the steady use of TUXEDO." A f old la Dunnrnim Bmk It Now. BU'a Plne-Tar-Hony la fine for cough and coldf. nothea tha lunga, looaena the mucous. Only 25c. All drug glut Advertisemnent. tiarame aud Auto Burned. North Bend, Neb., Jan. 13. Fire at tha farm house of Kd Pic, northeast of town, last night, destroyed tha garage, a Bulck car and washhouse, containing laundry outfit. Including engine, cob bouse, and it's contents. The Habit of laklas Cold. With many people taking cold la a habit, but fortunately one that Is easily broken. Take a cold sponge bath every morning when you first get out of bed asrfbt Ice cold, but a temperature of about r no degrees P. Also sleen with your win dow up. Do this and you will seldom take eold. When you do take cold take Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy and get rid of It aa quickly a possible. Obtain all everywhere. Advertisement .V-vV e'ji-o IS t-t a a i QjZ it v. - - 6 Jam JaJktL No other product ha ever received such a re markable endorsement as this. The incomparable mildness of Tuxedo appeals to men with nerves the fact that Tuxedo does not affect their throats or nerves. And the reason is the "Tuxedo Process", that makes Tuxedo different from all other tobaccos positively non biting, delightfully soothing, restful and refreshing. Tuxedo will appeal to you' for the same reasons. March at a Sousa quick-step to the nearest tobacco dealer and get a tin of Tuxedo today. Smoke pipeful after pipeful all day long, every day, for a week. Then you'll know you've found the one cheer-up-and-speed-up-without-a-let-up smoke for happy, hustling Americans TUXEDO. You can buy Tuxedo everywhere. Convenient, glassinc wrapped, moisture-proof pouch, Sc. Famous Green Tin with gold lettering, curved to fit pocket, 10c. In Tin Humidors 40c and 80c. In Glass Humi dors 50c and 90c. January Clearance Sales We are clearing out all broken line of Diamonds, Watches, Jew elry, Silverware,. Cut Glass, etc., left over from our great Christmas and Holiday sales. Special Bargain Prices Extra Easy Credit Terms 878 D I a mond King. 14k solll gold Loft Is "Perfection- sQ mounting. . ."', 1 a Week. HO. 4 Men's Dia mond King, f sroDg Tooth mounting, 14k .olid sola, Kumn or llnl.n. .1 81.63 a Week. $2.50 a Month M ..A ' 11 .- a Vafe. j ' m fit m 1083 Wrist Watch Case and Brace let are both fine 14k so: Id gold. leaver et, full nickel jeweled, choice of Ither white or gold 7 dial. Oiiamnteed. at 4? 6 Credit Terms i $2.80 a afoata. Hts'i Watchts, solid gold and gold Ulled, guaranteed accurate tlmeke.-pr and wonderful value, a large lot to select from. Prlcea 810 a id up. Terms to eult your eonealanoe. hitnit'imiiitmiwiNi')ii"inwl! THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Osci Daily Till S f. H. Stiatstr Tdl 10 "ill or wriio tnr HliMUate 'uln Ma fa Phono tuimtii I'M n4 our Minora vtll call. The National Credit JewHers, lit It, nOFTIS a i in J bnw (i w iea