THK NKK: OMAHA, FHIDAV. JANUARY 14, 191C AMERICANS TAKE JOSEJODRIGUEZ Bandit General it Reported Cap tured by Miners Defending; Town of Madera. i m GUERILLAS REPORTED XILLID EL PASO. Jan. 13. General Jo Podriftuet bai bn captured near j Madara, Chihuahua, by Americans, according to reports received here. A message received from Madera etated that a number of Kodrlfcue. men were allied and that the Ameri ca n are calling for help It irnii rpori1 ytrtj aoldlr ha4 Wn ("nt to MarWa. The capture wa mad tiy Mafimlano Jlarqufr. It a oaid. He Is an employ nf the Ilrarat Intrr'ats at Babrkora and In pew at Mrtera kewpinc ordr, with about in Americana and a fow aoldirr. Tha m.g rtatad that Rndrlaii.a w mrt In a pitched battle, defeated, and hi mm catlTad. raptured and killed. General Joe Rodrtana waa rharir.rl In flrt iporta with rponlbillty for the ! maaeaora cf tha Americana at ftanta ! Yuabal. Ranorta ot Mexican on I train, however, charted General rteyna. 'clonal Tablo lpei and Oeneral nelt r.rt with personal direction of the bandit. rrtr e ItM aa HaaHa. j Farty of Rodrluei men ware reported Uaptured and held at Madera aa prison er, where. It la eald, they ware ahot aa ) bandit. A call forhelp preceded the capture of Tlodrlaueg, later advice atated. - The Americana heard that Rodrlauea end hi men were burning- hrldaea below I Madera and called for help from Chlhua ; hua and aked that troop bo mahed 'there. Without waltlnB for the troop. lariue attacked the bridge burner with 1 13 men drawn from American and the aarrleon at Madera. After the capture ' the call for help Waa repeated, t I'wnaul Garcia haa been appealed to by Itli HtaU department U ruh troop to 1 Madera. BODIES OF VICTIMS REACH EL PASO (Continued from Pa to One.) fivn.l here. Neither thin verlfi t i.jii for a rumor that three American had been murdered in the faian. di trlct. Honor. I edlea of the Santa Veabel victim are be.i.r prepared for ahipme it and for v a nled to their home. . naaie Iar4 lneUr Aa tha train pulled In, thirteen Ameri can mining men reported that tha body of Joe SSnder. reported killed, waa not with tha recovered1 bofllee. F. E. Ktepheneon, aeoratary of tha Mining and Fmelter Mao aaaoclatlon of Chlhuahaa. who organlxed the party that rnrovered tha bodle. amid: ' "Soma were bard to Identify,' foe. their baada ware almost blown completely off. ' They ware tripped of clothing before they war dragged out of tha car and killed. V'kfi we arrived at tho seen ot tha mi ac re tha Car rani guard re mained at Banta Taabal. Near tha oaoa of tha maaaacra wa found a 1nd of bandlta ancampad. Wa raturaed to the troop train to get a machine gun and then proceeded to the plara where tha bodtea were heaped and were not mo ire ted. i- aalaaar Meee t Jaare. Mexican reaidlng In Kl Paao, fearing repriitala on account of tha tenaa aitua tlon. are aaan upon tha alreeta only en the meet urgent buninee. Newa of tha demonstration laat night at tha hotel of Oeneral Joaa Ynea Halaaar, former gen eral In tha Mexican army, spread rap idly to tha Mexlcam quartera. where can elderahle uneasineaa waa apparent Karly laat night General PaUiar re ceived word from tallow countrymen that tha feeling wa running ao high hia safety on the Amerloin side wea endangered. He immediately fled, crotalng, it I be lieved, into Juirei. Two American twtilemen Mlealnr.. An esredition which le't Chlhughua City to recover lite bodice of tha nineteen lain Americana wa informed by the station agent at Panta taaoel that Pea Jemtn Mnell and f'renk Wooda, two Amer ican cattlemen, H."cd there, bound west half an hour after the Weteon train waa i r ported In trouble. Tha atatloa agent mid be yarned the two men to return, but they aald tliry were armed and feared no trouble. JV'othtiu" later waa heard of Hi party and It I believed they met the fate of the Wataen train. Mluera Plan In I'urn Rritwral, j A plan to form a regiment compoaed of l.w American m'nlnr men for the pur iwiee of entering' Mexico and ' running don the hart It's rf ponstblo for the maa eacre of Amerttana at Pan Ysabel wa formulated at a mevtlng here laat night, it was learned tcday. At the meeting It waa decided to present the Van today to official of the da facto Mexican govern ment with a view of securing the sanc tion of the t'atrar.ka government. A large numler of American, it wa stated, had started to loin the force, and foreign mining corporation had offered to aupply the necessary arm and ammu nition. tonaal Kdwarde llaoled. Thoniaa l. Edward. American ronaul at Juarea. aaa I evolved, with ahout of rrltlclaia ben he appeared in tha lobby of a local hotel ill ltd with miulng men I hi morning. "Uo back to Juarei, where you belong," waa ahouted at hiin by tha mining men surging forward and around him. "You are Villa i-onaul, you are not an Amer ican. Uo to Coahuila or aomewher where Villa la. Wa have eighteen American boa : ha murdered. Yon ought to be proud of your friend." "You cannot Intimidate me," aaid Mr. iCdwarda, calmly, and turning hia back be strode from the lobby. Oavlrs rroaaleed Protect!. Conaul Edwaf-da at a led that protection for the maaaacred Americans waa prom ised by General Utvtra, commandant at Juarei, on January 4. "Tha State department wired me Jarv ' vary 8." be aaid. "to make urgent repre sentation to the Carranxa. government bora to protect the train upon wMch the Americana traveled to Santa Ysabel. General Gavlra gave ma poaitive aa aurancea and a meaaage waa eant to Gen eral Trevlno upon tha matter. General Gavlna aaaured ana that forces wore being . aent by tea way of tha capital and by way of Juares out over the line of the Mexico at Northwestern railroad to meet another and systematically exterminate the tiehdlts. "Norm ot tlieae things were done." ijinsul ICdwarda waa Instructed to de tf the Me i loan aulnertuea th liu - mediate protection of properly of tha Madera company at Madera, and the Teareon property In weeterrt Clilhuahi'a. Villa Maeh f Marderaf deduction from eventa In Chihuahua, wired by local representatives to the Slate department today, are believed to have etated that It appeared that General Villa I pec" "ally back of an nraaniaed campaign to wlpa out Americana In Chi huahua etftta for the purnoee nf revenae nd to bring Intervention to break up tha f'arranaa government. It wa etated that local representative of tha Plate department believed General Villa deliberately aent Ma family out of the country to relieve Mmeelf of con cern and reetralnt on thHr behalf. The department haa been Informed that Villa haa directed an attack, on the mining camp of Parrel. Will Tulir American from Parra! Co-operation of tha Carranxa nnnaulate and the military authorltl In Chihuahua. reunited today, It waa aaid here, in prep aration for special train to bring; the Americana out of the Tarral district at the ahorteat poaatbl notice. Rome 2TO for eigner are In tha district, for the mo.t part employe of the Alvarado Mining company, of whli-h A. J. McQuatters, now In New York, la tha manager. Two Villa f'olonela In Command. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-Tha killing of Bart Kramer, an American, by Mexican handka Waa officially reported In dia patchc to tha atata department today Collector Cobb at E Taao, Tha col lector reported Kramer wa killed near Gulerra, glxty milea wt of Pan la, Taabal, In Chihuahua, Tha department waa further Informed that tha band whloh killed the party of Americana waa commanded by two form er Villa colonel. Lope and Beltran. General Tleyna also waa aaid to have been In command of a part Of the Mexi can foroe. Aeeordln to the dlspatohea, elgthty-flve men ware aaalgned to (hoot the Americana. A force of about WO man waa reported near tha acene, apparently held In reeerv. After killing tha Ameri can, today a dlapatohaa a. Id. tha Meal can robbed tha train and later retired in the direction of Carretaa. t l ector Cobb aa.d ha Ital hean in formed that troop lra:na had boon aent by the Carranaa authrril . in purau.t of the bandlta, tni pjini from Jautei anl tha euther fn:n Clil'tuaiiua. Another dlpat h to tho depart men'. aid the Oeneral Villa recently bad h. iii aaan near Cpihiiaiut. hut hia pre-e-ii whereabout wn unknown, xenatur aheppard today received a telegram from fr. C. C. Young of El Taao. atatlng that the dead Americana had been Invited Into the country by Oeneral Obregon. Ilenator Wheppard said ha would lay tha meesage brforo the P tate department. EXTREME COLD , NIGHT CAUSES MUCHDISTRESS (Continued from Tags One.) anywhere from one to throe hours. Paaaenger trains operated on tha line weat and aouth from Omaha are running close to ached))!. Most of them are on time, but a few are from one-half to an hour late, the delay being cauaed by tha intense cold. It being difficult for the englnea to make ateam. t and I Heme Improve. Bo far as weather condition In Omiha l territory are concerned, the railroad peo- pie find a decided Improvement over Wednesday. While It la still cold all over the country from tho mountains to the Missouri river, there haa been a pro nounced rise In temperature and tha be lief ia that warmer weather la on the way, due to arrive within the next twenty-four or thirty-six hour. All through the weat tha weather Is fllear and calm, At no place haa thera been any anow since Wednesday fore noon and aa that fell prior to that time haa not drifted, the railroad line are al clear. WIM a etlnaer. All ever Nebraska, aooordlng to tha morning report to the railroads. Wednes day night waa a atlnger, one of the coldest In rexsent yeara. Primrose, up on the Union Pacific a Bpalilng branch, in ooone county, took me prise.. Thrro tne mercury went down to 33 degree below (aro. According to the station report.! sent to tha railroads at 1 o'clock thia morn ing, the war meat spot in the state 1 1 that hour waa at Bridgeport, wneri It t ss S degree below aero, Generally In Nebraska the temperature! were higher than at a corresponding hour Wedneaday morning. Wednesday morn ing the temperature ranged from II lo tl below and thla morning at a corre sponding hour, from I lo 17 below, with U degree at Primrose, the one lona u ccptioti where It waa Intensely rokt Then. too. It Is much wanner up In Wyoming, from whonc the cold wave headed In. Wedneaday morning it was 44 degrees below at 8harldn, and at the samo hour thla morning It waa T. below. At Lander, where yesterdty It waa 44 degreea below, thla morning tne temperature had risen until it waa ID degreea below. Yesterday morning, up at Hilling, Mont., a temperature of 4J below wa recorded and thla morning at the tor responding hour it waa t above, tireatcr change are reported from the country to the northwest of Billing. Indnatrlal Home Bwamped. The extreme cold completely awaiTiped the Kalvatlnn Army Induatrlal hotel at 111! Douglas street. Ca.Maln Kline was so overrun with demanls fir warmth an) led that h fl'ted up abut thlrtv aicepihg place In tha buimunt, and all v re occupied. ' I gave away alxty-lhrve beds last ti1-ht to irn who didn't have a tent." ho aaid. Tin morning he had a demand for an uiilinilcd number of nen :o -vi k tut'.inw ! ko at Peymour lake and hi aent out elrty-to. Besides this l.J hal a bla cVfrnd for men tj ehov l snow and j ten, out a number for thla purpose, f.t- j ti n out aome of th vn with shoea and ! wi.tni clothing before they were fit to ( lo work. Railroads Waat Men. Even the railroala demanded a Ojici- ! bo of anow ah)v.lnra and t'apta..i line'e aupply of worker fell Uiow the , Cuinand. Ho aent a Uoaet to the V'r.luii , Pacific, but had no a left to aupply a demand from the 'a-tY.vui.ter Icr t,uu aiiovelera. "Tber la work for every able-bodied ma a who want :t," be aaid. lu addition to thla. he baa been supply ing an average of ihi.'y meals free of chaige to destitute men at tho Indus trial horn. Tne caplala hopee t get two or three carload of old ilea from the railroad to suifly work to niea in hia wootyarJ. Wa. Death. SIOL'X FALLS. Jan. lt-Thlrty-three degreea below aero waa the temperature officially recorded here laat night. th tnldeat for aevaral varL Oiie death In ifcouth Pakota la the toil ot the frigid IN -At.. rV. ,,' COW PER TOWYS. wave, Robert Jarohsnn, a fanner living near falem being the victim. He waa found dead In hi buggy, and Ms com panion, badly frozen, waa found lying on tha ground nearby. Much suffering; ha been reported throughout this section and wire service is badly demoralized. (tmri Trouble at Kearney. KEARNRT, Neb., Jan. V (Special Telegrm.) With the thermometer regis tering at fO degree below r.cro early thl morning, eKarney li in th prfp of the rnoet aevere weather In a number of years, wlih the result of demoralised train service, non-delivery of mall, and much Buffering among live stock. I nldent at Palrbory. FAIftBURT. Neb., Jan. 13-(Specnt Telegram.) The coldest night of revemt yeara ' prevailed here last nlcht when the government thermometer dropped to tl below. Three or four Inchea of anow covered the ground. All tralna passing thla point are running behind time, duo to ateam failures. fee dealers are arranging to commence, filing tho storage plants, a thl la one of the coldest spell of the year, and Ice. la eight to ten Inchea thick on Mttlo niue river. Fairburys Oldest Citizen Is Very 111 TAIRMfRT, Neb.. Jan. 13-fflpecial.) J. B. McDowell. Falrbury's oldest cltlxen and pioneer, la In a critical condition at j hia home with a aerloua case of grip, j Little hope la entertained for his recov ery. Mr. McDowell waa born In Ohio In 125 and spent his boyhood dnya In Kalr hury. III. His brother, Judge 13. Mc Dowell, founded and platted Falrbury. naming it after Falrbury, 111. Mr. McDowell came to Nebraska In 1SV. locating at Hettrlce, where he served as register of deeds at tho land office until 1S75. Ho tchn icmovod to Falrbury and became Interested in the Kalrhury Roller mills. Mr. McDowell waa married three times. Mr. McDowell haa been an artlvo cltl- aen of Falrbury for many yeara and re- rently celebrated hia ninetieth birthday Ilia wife la also reported null ilj with grip- Demand that Wilson Remove Edwards ni r-ACO. Jan. l.V-Ttie criticism that greeted American Consul Kd wards' ap pearance In a local hotel lobby, early lodny reached a climax In a (cnplhy petition to President Wilson to remove Consul Edward at once. The petition was forwarded late today. The petition, atfer setting forth that the sinners are all American rltlxena with Mexican interest, asked. Conaul Edwards' removal "because ho haa for the laat aevernl years, dining tha con flict In Mexico, at all times oliown either supine Indifference with reference to the wrongs committed agHlnat American llvea or property In the district for which ho la conaul, or la, and haa been too In dolent or indifferent to afford any aid, help or comfort In the protection of American rights and Interests." I. Iter (oauplalnt Makea Inn In. happy. No Joy lii living If your etomaeh and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King a New Life Pill. All dniggitUe. Adtcit.M-incnt. Groom Given Pre- Nuptial Shower KHKNANIXIAH. la , Jsn. li. (Special.) Tlie old order chanaeth and a recent I 'a go county arount waa given a pre-nup-tlal shower, at which hoes, hatchets, farm atock, lmplementa and a S3W check were soma of the gift that took tho plaoe of fancy work and recipe a. It waa given In honor of Wilbur E. Dougherty of Coin, , who waa recently married to Mtaa Grace Pavey, a graduate of West ern Normal college, and a rural auhool teacher. Tha affair waa glvon at tho borne ot Mr. and Mr. Arthur Hender son. SUITS TO ORDER $18.00 lUtluccd from 923.00. To reduce our stork and keep our tailors busy. $40 Suits, reduced Co 133.00 Suits, reduced to $30 $25 We use good linings and trim mings aud guarantee every gar ment perfect in fit and style. MssCarthy-Vilson Tailoring Co. 3 IS SOl'TH 15th SWEET, Bell-ans Absolutely Removes indigestion. One package pFOVCS it 25c at all dmggistS, TO LECTURE HERE TODAY FINE ARTS COURSE. jf v- j f ar . , a V-n , m JOHN BEGIN ATTACK ON SALONIKI FORTS Assault of Teutons on Position of Allies' Trenches Developing on Immense Scale. BOMBARDMENT STARTS MONDAY HOME. Jan. 13. (Via Paris.) Tha attack of the Teutonic allies on the entente force defending Salonlkl In bolng developed on a large, stale, According to the Athena correspon dent of tbo Giornalrj D'ltalia, tele R'apbing tinder Tuesday's date. He reports that a bombardment of the Dritiab line to the Doiran zone pro reeded all day Monday. The German rcnimander of the attack ing forces, aaya tho correspondent, will make nee of Austrian. Rulnsrlsn and Turkleh force. The participation of the Turks ha been doubtful, he adds, but it la now certain that they will be Included In the attacking army. Chinese Rebels Are Defeated in Series of Bloody Battles LONDON. Jan. U.-Many Chinese revol utlonarlea were killed and captured in a eerlee of bloody engagementa on January t, 1 and , In the districts of Tamsul, Potonga, Yen'ttuwo and Toklo, accord ing to Information received from the Canton government by the British authoritlea at Hong Kong and forwarded by Rcauter' Hong Kong correspondent. The Hong Kong dispatch Bays that tha rebel were well supplied with army, munitions and military unlforma. They fought until their ammunition waa ex hausted, when they continued to atruggle with bomb. Ultimately tlm revolutionaries were routed and many of them, including some of tha leaders, killed or taken prisoners. Tho government forces also raptured munitions and horses. The various gar rison are engaged In following trace. left by the rebels who escaped, with tho object of exterminating them. Wool Growers Meet at Salt Lake City SALT LAKE CITY. Jan. n.-Tha Na tional "vV'oo 1 Growers' association will meet here this morning In annual con vention. The proposed restoration of tha tariff on wool and tha prevalence of rabies among aheep in western atatea wil be one ot the principal toplca of dis cussion. Piles Cnre lB l e 14 Day. Dnigglsta refund money If Taso Oint ment fall to cure Itching, blind, bleeding or protuding plies. Flret application glvea relief. Wo. Advertisement. Attorney Jlaelalt Ilart. .KHARNET. Neb., Jan. lS.-("pclal Tel egram.) Judge II. M. Wnrlalr. prominent lawyer, waa Injured today when he fell on an Icy sidewalk and broke one of the small bonea In hia arm. He Is not badly hurt. Beautiful Upright and .Grand Pianos FOR RE1MT S3.50 a Month and Up Rent allowed oa purchase price. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. lail-lS raraasa. rhone Song, laas HARTMANN Wardrobe Trunks At $20 and $25 (Also higher priced ones.) are the heat buy you can make If you want the best wardrobe trunk on the market. They have the Li IT TOP, CONVKltTIBLK HAT BOX and other features. Kvery trunk ha HKINFliHCKU edgea and la fiber covered. Wa rarry everything' In first elaaa baggage. Repair Job a specialty. Freling&Steinle "Omaaa'a Beat Btrrwga uil4e 1803 Farnam METAL DELIVERY B0E1ES Made ia nrtona iwriha te soil ny ear. IHiM M tnd up drunnd. Hmlr te ol ekaais. n'Mr Sniaar-i is eiuul bsked en. IttaHne l r,U -Ira. -Td is eock-ukk Mp1., WipijJ-fc-.tkma.i our ..p-oas. Alam aUtal Uana eaaup. Wntatuoaf. caixumiAU gnu tank renrAJrr. 1M Mrai lTth line. gaaaa CHy. Mo. 3 CANDIDATE CUTS tlf -ENGRAVING DEFRTt1tNT PUOMI TTtta I ooo tit 6UILDIN6 OMAHA i . i sni ' sinn . ad RE rr ) Greece Protests the Ocupation of Corfu by Allies MiNHON. Jan. 1.1. The Greek govern ment, eay a dl'iotch from Athens, ha irotctcd ntnt the occupation of the llnnd of Corfu by tha entente powers. It is believed In then that the arreat of tlie Austrian fi nil Gorman consul at t'orfu l certain to follow. The corre spondent telegraphs that Prltish and French ahlr have landed In Albania food eupp'les for iSO.000 cfb. PARIS. Jan. :3. The ministers of the allied powers nt Athens have handed a note to the Greek government declaring that they regard It as the clear duly of humanity to transport a oon a possible f art of the Serbian army to a point near the Albanian coast, according to a llavas dispatch from Athens. The note asserts this step is taken "In order to save these, heroic soldiers from famine and destruction," and that the Island of Corfu hns.heen chosen 'for the purpose aa offering the necessary facili THONrSON Trie.lbsnion Center oPIlie Middle West Esfablished 1886. Final Clearing $ ale of AH Dresses Every winter dress in stock goes for one of these three prices: $7.50, $12.50, $15.00 All dresses, regardless of former pricing, axe included. Evening gowns, dancing frocks, dinner dresses, afternoon and street dresses, lace, net, chiffon, Georgette crepe, velvet, satin, soire, taffeta, silk-and-wool, and serges. We have a total of 98 dresses remaining. They will be offered as follows: 24 Dresses Former Pricing $12.50 to $19.50 Friday - $7.50 This is one of those Genuine Clearing S ales. Every dress from regular stock. Sizes 14 to 44. No Approvals. No Alterations. No C. 0. D's. Sales To Both Cash and Credit Customers are Final Bedding Specials For Tomorrow x That Mean dreat Savings AM (Kir stock blankets that have hen used a samp Ira during our sale and are mussed and sllfthtly soiled from handling will be Hold Fri day regardless of cost. AVe give few prices, but there arc lots more equally as good: fisioo Camd'a Hair Blanket, largo size, at 10.7 each. $10.00 Camel's Hair Blanket, large alze, at ffl.fWV each. AIl-Wool White KUnJceta, regular $10.00 quality, at $fl.f0 a poir. All-Wool White Blankets, regular $12.50 quality, at $7.00 a pair. A II-Wool Fancy HI tie and Pink Plaids, single niankct, $.1.00 quality, at $1 50 each. Comforts, silkoline rovers, full slse, rarlety nf styles, all pure cotton filling, eitra heavy, regular $2.75 quality, at $1.08 each. Basement. PENNSYLVANIA New Scenic Route from Chicago to m Through Cincinnati and Louisville & Nashville R. R. via Knoxvillt and Atlanta NEW STEEL TRAIN OF Drawing-Room Sleeping Car, Dining Car. Obaarvation Car and Coaches Lv. CHICAGO 12.01 am tSU4n Cara rd 10.60 am) Ar. JACKSONVILLE 8.45 Next Morning After Leaving Chicago Tourtat Tlcketa te Winter Raaorta in Florida and South Sold Daily Pm ttomlerM t km mmm trmln, mmmn rwOTtuiHMl, lovriil 1 mens to Wnfr Hmjrtm im llunii mmd I iumUt n, iniJ from tt.i I itt Wf mj, or ay lirMJ kf W . H. M I W L A SO. 1 mvH fa- nmfr A 1 1 . JJJ OUt NartonoJ m Hm . QJ Vet, IIENSIIAIV CAFy I n i nMMAMMt I UUIIWUII lidllddlll Every Evening from 10:30 p.m. Augmented Orchestra Entertainers fill ties from tha point of view o anltatlon and food aupply. The powers add they do not support Greece will object to the proposed trana fer of the er8in. who are the alliea of Greece and who will only remain a short time on the Inland. The note concludes: "There la no Intention at occupation, aa all guarantee have been given under thl head to tho Greek government both concerning Corfu and other parts of Greek territory which the allied troops have had to use." Germany Will Fix Prices for All Live Stock BERLIN. Jan. 11. (Via London. Jan. 11) A great national organisation for the purchase of all live stock offered for sale In Germany la foreshadowed by the Voasische Zeltung aa a result of recent conference among the various minister at Berlin. Two great organisation are to be formed representing producers and con sumer, the first to consist of breeder ELDEN 6 33 Dresses Former Pricing $20.00 to $39.50 Friday - $12.50 AMfSKMKMTf. BOYD I P.M. ta 11 OONTINl'OUH TODAY and SATURDAY, HENRY W. SAVAGE'S Pullman Car Comedy "Excuse Me" A PATHE FEATURE Prices, 10c and 20c. aaday, Monday, Taaaday "A PAIR OF SIXES" With OSCAR FIGMAN Trie; a So to $1.0. Iitti How. t, r ra' . ,i aOtro rtotora Sarvtoa TraMata tha Bmiaat nartoaa XmoUoaal otraaa. BTaHI,T BTETZsTB Sa tha Ttlaa Saaaatiaa, "Th Hotss el Tun" HIPP rhotovlara. la aa4 Kara.y. D. aoaa. Concert Orchestra TODAY aad TOMOMOW at llsOO, ll:ao, liaO, lOO, 4 ISO, ;40, tum, aiao aaa :o. ZarUafi raaaoaa anara Baanty COStSTAUCE COLLIER tcrcuesf var of animate and dealers, the second muni cipalities and representatives of the coit sumers' oraanliatlon, both to be under the eupervlslon of the national govern ment. The paper says It is Intended to nave experts appointed to fix the prices of all live atock reaching the markets which shall bo Just to both breeder or raiser and consumers. It Is expected in thl way to counteract unduly hlfch price. Queen of Greece is Summoned to Bedside of Kaiser LONDON, Jnn. 13 A wireless dispatch from Rome snys that Queen Sophia of Greece haa been summoned to the bed side of her brother. Emperor William, whose illness Is described as serious. The queen, the message say, i to depart at once for Hcrlin. To Prevent the Grip. Colds cause Grip Laxative Bromo Qulnine removea the rauae. There is only one "Uromo yulnlne." R. W. -Orove'e signature on box, J5o. Advertisement. 31 Dresses Former Pricing y $40.00 to $85.00 Friday - $15.00 GO. The January Linen Sale John S. Brown's Table Cloths in This Sale $4.50 John S. Brown's Cloths, $3.00 $4.75 John S. Brown's Cloths, $3.25 $5.00 John S. Brown's Cloths, $3.89 $6.00 John S. Brown's Cloths, $4.00 - 1 Bleached Table Damask $1.75 Bleached Damask, $1.25 $2.00 Bleached Damask, $1.50 $2.25 Bleached Damask, $1.75 $1.75 72-inch Silver Bleached Damask, at $1.25. A Sale of Guest Towels 35c Plain Huck Guest Towels, 25c 50c Figured Huck Guest Towels, 39c 75c Figured Huck Guest Towels, 50c AJIt SF.MF..NTS. H T0NIQHT. 5- saiwat- Th. ".mroay MaUnaa, ih Dltlat-ulli.4 nlUh Actor Mr. Cvrll M nrlA tiiS5 "GRUMPY htaBOa to (1.501 Bto., 6X to ga.oa. ?an., Mat. Wadaaaaav M. HOKKAX HACKETT In Wlllard Maok'a IlklPI IUF Dynamlo aaooaaa I wf-1 f Mat,, aso, aoo, Taai It, gfto, 6O0, rhaa Xoo-. 4 THE DUB r lir vl PELJta. Dallr M.iId. li. Cvrr Nirbt, I it Tbl ML KIEL. WORTH A LEW IRrfl A HRBATH OK" (IU VI KGIN'I A ;" lb BtmZu Cllr Four: Uli A MaCuthj; Mack A VlDoMt 8.m Dartoa, Hicham Ku; Orvbtuoi Trmi Mblr. Priov: Matin., (allarr. 10c; tMt m.u (ai rpl alorlay au Suodwl. Mc. Nlibta, lo. lit, uc .ad ItfC. Today Wf NEWTonlte 2:30 ilRU HJD 8:20 North Brothers Stock Co. Omaha's Baat Thaatrleal Barjrain, "THE SPENDTHRIFT" 10 Cat, m.s.rv.d Baat. as Oaata. Baat Waah. "BlOBB," Tha Otxl la Whlta "OMAHA'S rUaT CBBTBB" Sally Mat., lS.a&J0o BIVTCH" Globe Trotter ooonaa Prmak HuntW. BlarkfaAalai : Frmnkla Rica'. Im aaraaaallana: IMtar A O Hay in th. Navitral baalch. "1. Uia Tranche," K4rtb Mlrtlald. -utal. Bafilona; Frd A l.rflla Wamvar fruDa IL. Naw lark Hlwudrou.. bit Batuij Chsrua. XVadlaa' Xttma Matlaaa Wat Days. Nit. ana waa.: to Laoturr l!lSllM:t1aWa UKT THK HABIT. I'huiie I. DOW fur Ileaerved Beats. Continuoua 11 to 11. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER