Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1916, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Call Tylor 1000
If You Went to Talk In The IV
or lo Anyone Connected
With The. IW.
Fair; Warmer
VOL XIjV NO. 180.
On Trllll, at Motel
ITews Itudl, to., Bo.
Poor Unable to Keep Warm and
Eren Rich Have Their Troubles
with Frozen Gas and
Water Pipes.
Warm Weather in West is Headed
This Way, Although Weather
Man Says Slowly.
PRAYER To this a Greek Catholic priest of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, is given the credit for having; prevented a panic aboard
the Greek liner Thessaloniki, which for over two weeks
floated about the Atlantic in almost sinking: condition. He
appealed to the religious nature of the passengrers and, erect
ing: an altar in the steerage, held a prayer service.
' !-.. 4 . . . Tl 1 J -' A . - -!-
iruxons Arc uomDHrainj tne uniy
. , r v" " ' - -.j. Tort of Monteneero with
Court Rulei . i xoa 1 m. T
May Not ',1!"K l' inijfi Thcir Un R"ng:e
' v. '. V-
. . ., . .-. . '
- . ' '.- y
f " . 1 .
a ' A a.
Envoy at Washington Informs Lan
sing that Soldiers Have Been
Sent Against Assassins
of Americans.
Smith Tragedy to Mau
ser's Other Jobs.
if 1
O mall a , .
U3 Fremont
valentine . .
Lander . . . .
tilings . . .
Slonx Fall
Randolph ..
94 O'KeiU
33 Alblua
6 Mebraska City.
44 Wllber
40' Xd-ar
43 Worth Platte . .
33 Winner, S). D..
Long Fin
36 Norfolk 36
Below zero,
Omaha 10 Pueblo
7 P. M.
Cheyenne .... 30 Rapid City
Darenport .... 13 Salt Lake .
Denver 2H Santa Fa .
De Koine .. BSharldan .,
Lander 6 Sioux City
North Flatta. . OTalantlna .
Fair tonight and Friday. Slowly
rising temperature."
This whs the encouraging word
tiiat went out from the weather
After the coldest night that has
heen felt in Omaha and Nebraska, a
night that caused great suffering
among the poor, that even froze up
the gas in the pipes, the backbone of
the cold spell is broken and there is
a prospect of returning to something
"The accent, however, is on the
'slowly,' " says Colonel Welsh. "It's
r.ot going to get very warm right
Still, the termometer began climb
ing early in tbe day. It stood at 22
degrees below zero at 7 a. m. and
by 10 a. ra. it was 19 below.
Warm In Wm(.
Out west and up north the cold had
abated considerably. Yesterday Chey
enne was reveling in a balmy 16 above
nd Salt Lake City had 25 above. Denver,
not very far below Cheyenne, was i
below. Even down In Amarillo, Tex., It
was zero. Valentine Neb., was 24 below.
In the twenty-four hours ending at 7 a.
in. there were leinarkable falls in tem
perature to the southeast and remarkable
:'ine to the west.' At St. 'Louis "the ther
mometer fell 60 degrees, at Louisville 64
degrees end at Little Rock 54 degrees.
At Cheyenne it rose 22 degrees and rises
of from 14 to 18 degrees were recorder out
through Nebraska. '
In western Canada the temperature
I os xen oegieer. iioiii uo nciuw 10
low zero.
Clear sky greeted Omaha shortly before
sundown Wednesday and the sun shone
today encouragingly. Trre wind died down
during the night, making it more possible
10 be out without freezing extremities.
So great wis the cold that It froze the
jas in several restaurants and the cook
ing apparatus was out of commission
o eucn . ,n" """' .Z ". ..
was considerably curtailed until the-pipes
-ere thawed OUt.
.. ... a A 1 1 ,L . m I ,
Move lo Iowa,
The blizzard that swept Nebraska Wed
nesday, is general over eastern Iowa and
western Illinois, though much mora
ncvcre. The murnlng reports to the rail
roads indicate that the worst portion of
(he storm in central over that section of
the atute Indicated by a line drawn north
wild south about through Cedar Rapids.
In Iowa snd Illinois mere was a much
greater snowfall than through Nebrasa.
The. wind la snid to be blowing at tbe
speed of thirty to tl.lrty-five miles per
hour fnd the temperature all the wuy
from IS to Z2 dciireea below ero.
The railroads are not attempting to run
v. iuht tr.ins throuch .astern Iowa and
lllinois and passenger trains are being
moved with great difficulty. All pas-
fcuger trains
1 continued on
from the east are lal,
Vase-Five, Column Two.)
The Weather
ForecMKt till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omnha, Council Hluffs and Vicinity
Fair; slowly rising temperature. :
I rmiM-raluit' Ml Oumna leatrrday. ,
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m 22
t a. m.
7 a. m.
8 a. m.
a. in.
10 a. in.
11 a. m 17
12 m..
1 p. in..
3 p. 111..
3 I, in..
4 p. 111. .
5 p. m..
p. m..
7"p. in..
S p. m..
Comparative Local Hrrvri,
1918. 1:114 im:i
Highest yesterday 47 45 10
Ixiwest yesterday Tl x IH 3
Mean temperature 1 41 K
J'recipllatinn ; . . 'f
1'eniperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 20
I leficiencv for the day ;a
Total deficlencw since March 1 Ki
Normal precipitation 03 inch
lieficiency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall Bill' e March 1..27.1'? ncr
Iieficlency aince March 1 1 .64 inches
I'rflc.leney for -or. period, 1914. 3.M Inches
It f iclency for cor. period, 113. i. SO inches
lleorla from slalloua at T I'
Statinn and State
of Weather.
Cheyenne, clear..'
Davenport, pt. cloudy.
Denver, clear
11 Moines cloudy
lender, clear
North Platte, clear....
liualia, clear
Temp. High-
1 jj. m. est. fall.
... 20 14 .00
,..12 10 .ft)
... 32 .00
,.. 8 .00
,.. 14 '
,.. 0 4
...10 .cl
,.. II 30 .")',
...12 -10 0
... :rj V.4 .to)
... 2N Si .
2 .0)
...12 1Q .
b 4 .Onl
ucdio, rt. cloudy
aplrt City. iler
a't Dake City, cloudy
Santa Fe, pt. cloudy...
Sluildan, clear
Sioux illy, cleur
Valentine, clear
T indicates trace of preelpiiatlnn.
i- A. Wtl.ell. Lmim, l-orccater
1 '. ' '
I - i J
r A . -
as ii"- i . - i
83 f a I - $
3 r ' y I jj
31 ' f . r ! ?
Dr. Rouse's Plan to Put New Life
Into Church After Sunday Re
vival Falls Flat.
ASM&iAfil rABiUtt AL3U UUllo
Complete collapse of Rev. Freder
ick T. Rouse's plans to boom the
First Congregational church along
the lines laid down by "Billy" Sun
day in his recent Omaha campaign is
Marked by Rev. Dr. Rouse's resigna
tion. Dr. Rouse was a vigorous sup
porter .of the Sunday evangel and a
member of the executive committee
iu charge of the campaign. Follow
ing the departure . of the Sunday
party Mr. Rouse tried to Infuse new
life into his congregation by using
sunaayesque meiuoas. Jiy name
has been Rouse;
henceforth it shall
v, .i'.,
be von Ilindenburg," he declared
The trail hitters were gathered In. At
the reception each trail hitter stood
l il a atilnfr V. n (i rlth n nrAL'inni mamhai.
,and thu( u w d th frl,owsh,p hao
,been cemented.
Th( church crowded for tw0 gun-
1 days. Then came the reaction. The ex
citement died down. The congregation
dwindled and It has Continued to dwin
dle in spite of militant evangelistic meth
ods, in spite of an assistant pastor, in
sptte of neighborhood canvasses, in spite
of new organizations for prosecuting the
congregation's activities.
Work All In Vain.
Immediately after the Sunday campaign 1
he rfty wgg by church Jnt) ,
;ril.trl. t- . lira, r.Hln rmmH th.
j church and these districts were canvassed i
by-some of the workers. Handbills were
distributed urging the people to come to
church. All in vafn.
There has been opposition to Dr. Rouse
on the part of some of the church's
members for a long time. Even from the
time that he was called, eight years
ago, It waa admitted that he wasn't ab -
solutely orthodox. And his attitude to-1
ward dancing and card playing haa al -
ways been friendly.- -
The First Congregational church Is ad-
mittedly a hard field because of the fact (
Its membership is scattered. Less than 1
i 13 per cent live within walking distance
! of the cnurch at Nineteenth and Davcn- '
. port streets. Many members nave joined
the general exodus in recent years to t lc '
wewtern part of the city. This Is largely I
responsible for the poor attendance. Many
on the church rolls have lost interest be
cause of their distance from the church
and , have ceaeed to attend or to con
tribute. TJie assistant pastor. P. B. Cleveland,
has alno resigned. He had been em
ployed only about six months and was
puid by the 'non'a class of the church.
His contract expne: January 21. so that
Ins resignation merely marks the close of
his contract.
The possibility of this church and the
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church
uniting and building a fine church in the
western part of the city Is a very likely
development. Vhis would be merely fol
lowing the example of other congrega
tions, such as the Fir.t Presbyterian and
Kountzc Lutheran.
A chun h edifice locate! nearer the ra -dences
of the members would be sure to
cumulate the attendance.
Army Gathered by
Huerta's Followers
Defeats Argumedo
KU PASO. Tex.. Jan. 13. General rien
jamiu Argumedo. In command of 6,000
Oaxaca troops, la reported today in ad-
vices believed to be reliable, to have
been victorious In a battle at Kacalon
with 1,500 de facto government troops
from Chihuahua. The battle, It la said,
waa founght yesterday.
The troops of Arguaiedo s army are
aid to have been gathered In Oaxaca
by Generals Ulanquet, Mondragon and
Asuilar, of the old Huerta army.
The leport of the battle waa brought
... ht, Muln. . t , I l-l......
lluerto today by a mceaenger from F
caiou. It waa raid there that the inraaeiiger,
an officer of Argumedo's forces, had
reached here disguiaed.
Prosecution Completes Its Evidence
Identifying Hauser as ,
Judge James P. English, presiding
at the trial of Arthur Hauser in dis
trict court, ruled late yesterday that
no evidence of alleged crimes other
than the murder of W. II. Smith,
with which the dandlt is charged.
i was admissible and the case of the
i prosecution came to an abrupt close.
The prosecution rested at. 3:50
j o'clock Immediately after Steve
jMaloney, captain of detectives, had
jtold of bringing the defendant from
Wichita, an.
i KAttorneys for the defense de-
ready to testify because they had
not expected the state to rest so
soon and their request for a recess
until 9:30 this morning was granted
by the court.
A revolver with which, the state
alleged, Hauser killed Mr. Smith
was offered In evidence, but was
ruled out.
County Attorney Magney offered to in
troduce evidence of a -erip of crimes
similar in plot and execurton to the
""'""P anu inuiaer ror ine pur -
pose of assisting In Identifying Hauser
as the slayer of the late Woodmen of the
World cashier. Counsel for Hauser ob -
Argue In Whispers.
The lawyers and the Judge carried on
brief conversation concerning the sub
ject in w'. lspers In order that the Jurors
mlfa'ht not hear. The county attorney of
fered to cite decisions o. courts uphold
ing admission of evidence of series of
similar crimes for purposes of UlVntlfi-1
cation In criminal trials, and the defense I
wa ready to cite contrary rulings Judge!
Knglish declined to hear arguments and
ruled out the evidence.
j of otllpr cHlnM may not he lntroduceil
la prejudice the defendant and it was
I UP this theory that the court made it
decision. Had the evidence been admitted
the state was prepared to put on the
witness stand numerous victims of al
leged crimes by Hauser to show that he
usually attacked a man and woman to
gether and insulted tl--women. These
victims would have identified Huilser as
their assailant.
.More than NX) spectators crowded Into
Judge English's court room yesterday n ft-j evoked a rrotest from the Orerk govern
ernoon and more than 200 stood In the j ment. It is said that the protest Is'
.Continued on Pnge Five. Column One.) ! largely formal, and that the allies have
! given Greece guarantees regnrdlng their ;
Judge Instructed
Jurors to Free One
Menace Defendant
JOPl.IN. Mo, Jan. 13. Consideration
by the Jury of the evidence In the trial
of the alleged publishers of the Menace,
a weekly newspaper of Aurora, Mo.,
j charged with misuse of
1 can here In the t'nited
the mails, be
States district
; courtf early tonight.
! A verdict of not guilty in the case of
Rev. Theoodre C. Walker, one of the
i defendants, was recommended to the
Jury In his charge by Judge A. S. Van '
Valkenburg, who said that the aged j
minister' did not appear from the evl-!
denc.e submitted as having authority or
esiaDiisnea connection wmi mc Menace
Publishing company. Three men In ad-
dition to Walker were named as de-
endants, Wilbur F. Pheli, known aa
President and business manager of the
company, wruce M. Phelps
Known as
nmperintendent, and Marvin Brown,
known aa managing editor, and all three
were described In statements read In
court as principal stockholders of the
Interest In the case was heightened
because of the infusion into the trial
of numerous references to religious mat-
ten. the charges arainst the defendant.
being based on articles referring to thi
Roman Catholic clergy.
Captain E. P. Nones
and Three Coast
Gunners Drowned
j GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. 13. -Captain
j K. P. Nones, medical corps, I". 8. A., at
, tached to the eoaat artillery post at Fort
, Crockett, and three privates of the coast
. artillery corpa, were drowned In the Gal
veston channel this morning when the
; government boat J. B. Is was run down f
' and sunk by the tank steamship Charles I
K. Harwood, outbound for Tamplco. The
body of Captain Nones has been recov
' ered.
Villa Bums Must
Get Out of El PasoinT:nderrr;ra,K'ir,1,n ,nu"'-
. Poatmiuiter Genriral Htirlaon HiMf.,iA.4
EL, PASO, Tea., Jan. U. Miguel Diax
Dombardo, minister of foreign affair of
the Villa organisation, who haa never re
nounced his affiliation, was arrested to
day, charged with vagrancy, and held In
1.04 ball.
I General Jose I'llcto was arretted Inter
at a local hotel and alno charged with
Kiery Villa leader In KI Paso la to
lie run out of town," declared Captain
W. D. Greet of tlie police department
lortay. -'Thojc undealiablcd are not going
lu be permitted to remain In the city.-'
Montenegrin Court and Parliament I
is Preparing to Quit Cittinje
PARIS, Jan. 13. Austrian forces
advancing from Cattaro and Bvidna
have reached Mitchtt, five tulles
from Antlvarl, which is being bom- !
barded by the Austrian long range
guns, according to a dispatch lo
I.Ouevre, under Tuesday's date.
In view' of the success of the Aus-
trian offensive against Mount Utv
cen, measures have been taken by
the Montenegrin government to
evacuate C'ettlnjo Immediately, ac
cording to a Scutari dispatch, says
the Petit Journal's Milan correspon
dent. The government, however, has do-
Hded t0 ron,inu' ,n ',R(tle against
the Austrlans, the dispatch adds.
ftNriaa-arn Heiurel t aptnrert.
LONDON. Jan. IS. The newn from the '
eastern front of the cnpnire of Hsrtnifitra i
is regarded in military circles as prob- ;
ably true, although offli'iat annnuncpintMit '
on the subject has not been received .
The town, Just northweat of Cserunwlts, ;
is a conversing point for five aoort roads, '
and In of great strategic importance. Prior
(attempts to capture it have been sloutly
The report from IetroBra,l (ha. the of-
! renslve In Callria und HensarahlH hn
been suspended for the present Is
garded as at least premature. The Ru
j an offensive could not. It Is believed, be
'suspended suddenly, as It wss undertaken
j after careful preparations and launched
a'wlth unexpected strength. The object
of that offensive Is said to be threefold:
To demonstrate to the Rumanians that
the Russian forces are able to assume the
Initiative when they choose; secondly, to
divert Austro-Qerman forces from the
Balkanst, the western front and, finally,
to Improve the general strategic position
of their own left flank.
When the full effect or this Russian ol
fenseive canno yet be determined, entente
military experts affirm that the tiecond
object was attained; that the situation In
the Balkans was sensibly relieved and .
that the operatlqns . undertaken by. the
Germans against the French' in Cham- !
pagne was robbed of its force.
Alllrs Occupy t'orfa.
The fact that the French flag now la
waving over the place on the Island of
Corfu, which belonged to the Oerman ;
emperor, and that the occupation of the I
Greek Island by the entente la considered ;
as complete, has, It Is reported, already '
! Intentions. Greece, It Is understood, takes (
a sympathetic view of the entente action, j
I aa It is for the purpose of preventing the
! Serbian army from risking the danger of j
starvation. !
I.enuan Advance Falls.
The German offensive in Champngnr, j
which reached its culmination Sunday,
Insistently reported from French hesd- i
quarters as having been undertaken on !
an important scale and with u definite 1
military purpose. The failure Is declared 1
to have ben complete, and the stromc 1
German forces which were employed suf- ;
tered terrible loupes.
Steamship Heronian
Struck by Torpedo
NKW YORK. Jan. i:..-The new I,e -land
liner. Huronlan. irom Galveston,
was torpedoed on December 29 off the
IrUh coast, according to reports current
in shipping circles todsy. The Interna
tional Mercantile Marine said they had
received a cablegram stating that the
Huronlan had met with injury and had
been towed Into port, but the message
did not state what had caused the dis
aster. The Huronlan sailed from Galveston
bound for Idveroool on December 12. It
was reported to Pave encountered a sub-
not far .rora tho spot where the
Lusltanut and Arabic were sunk. It was
built in 191.1 in dasgow. It was 4;i feci
! long and its rrui.Mired groas tonnage
! 8,768. ;
Iglengyle is sunk
i without a warning
IX)NI)ON, Ihii 13 The HriUsh Hteaiu
I ship Cilcngylc. sunk in the Mediterranean
'on January 2, was torpedoed without
. warning, according to a Havas dinpatch
1 today from Marsdlles.
j The sumo dispatch reports that the
! steamer Tafiri, which arrived at Mar
I aelllea from Fhllii pevllle, escaped for the
second time from a submarine by speed
and clever maneuvering.
The National Capital
Tharda, Jaanary 111, lli.
Tbe Senate.
Mnutnp filnn. milihilo.l 1 n . ... .
, administration bills before poatoffice com.
Senator Uli introduced a resolution
to authorise use of army aud navy In re-
JitU"!? A'L.w," 'h.?J -
The llouae.
e'leaentaTl've Harrlaon. .Mls-iaa ppi ie- I'ASA DKN A, Ck1 Jan. 13-Mre. Julius
linked reiresenlalltt lor rritl. lalnn i,i.f. Uurrowa. widow ,.f founer I'nlted
ininiftiailoii fori ign Mdicv and made plra i states Senator Huivowh of Michigan,
In Mpcechea on the Mexican situation.
Ilepreaentative Hlayden, Texaa, defended
aduiiiiialralioii let otinii Ion of ( trnnu
and raid time had com. for the I'hii
Amcrtcan union to icMore eace In Mexico.
I i
whose death at El Paso is
momentarily expected.
4 ir TV- : 1
Huerta's Death is
Matter of Minutes
J'ANO, Tex., Jan. IS.-tliu-rta
(tied tonight.
KI. PASO, Tex.. Jan. 13. At a late hour
1 011 in 1 1 1 (Icncral Huerta wax si 111 alive.
It was Mated that his death waa prob
ably a matter of minutes.
Two Earth Shocks
Felt at Washington
WASHINGTON'. Jan. 13 -Two heavy
earthquakes were recorded early today
on the aelftnoKraphs at Georgetown I'ni
vci'stty ohNer atory. They were very pro
nounced and were centered approximately
between 2,000 nnd 2,7011 miles from Wash
ington. The first tremors were recorded at 2 04
a. in. They continued until 3 o'clock,
reaching their maximum at about 2:3:1
ciock. ine accond oisturnance com
in. and continued until
a maximum being reach
ed at 4:31 a. m, .
The greatest movement during both dia
turhanera waa north mid south. The rec
orda were not easily reail and ileterniln
ui ion of tho location of tho center of the
dlnturhanre waa impossible. It is con
sidered probable the quake was one of
those which have been shaking Central
ur "",B w"" tM""'
i 1
died I, ere today at tl home of Mrs. U.
K. Fairs, a relative. Mr, liurrow rarae
here shortly after the death of her hus
band last November and had been In ill
heslih for several weeks.
l v - lit
: if:
ft '-Or
iiM.m V-M' J j
i i vj . J : J
I Feeling Stirred by Arrival of the
j Corpses Still Further Moved
i by Rumors of Capture.
j KL. PASO, Jan. 13. The Madero
i telegraph operator reported there
was no truth in the report of ten
American men and two . English
women killed at. Madero, as rumored
in Chihuahua City and brought to
the border today.
u. PASO, Jan. 13. A rumor waa
circulated here today to the effect
that three Americana had been mur
dered in the Cananea district of So
nora, in the vicinity of the Phelpa
Uodxo property. It could not be veri
fied here.
KU PASO, Tex., Jan. 13. Develop
ments in the Mexican situation
moved with kaleidoscopic' rapidity
Public feeling, stirred by the arlval
I of the bod ins of eighteen Victims of
I tbe raid of Villa bandits at Santa
Ysabe) Monday, was further moved
h;' the reported capture of General
Jose Rodriguez. A message from
.Madera announced his capture and
the dispersal of his bund by Amer
icana and a few Carranza soldiers,
and contained an appeal from Amer
icans for help "from whatever quar
ter it came." '
Reports to the State depanirttit ficm
Imal representatives were unde'vtood to
express the belief that Genera! Francisco
Villa waa back of an organlituel mm
palgn to wipe 0111 Americans in Chlhua-
hue lor revenge and In hoM that It
would bring American Intervention an!
breakup the Cariunza government.
The report from Chlhuahun tnat tt"n
Aiiie'leans and two Fugllsh women bad
leer killed at Madera could not be con-
(Conllnued on Page Two, Column One.)
ii'oi reapoudeiice of the Associated Pre.)
fcKiM'l,, Korea. Dec, 1J. Ruaaia has
placed another hlg order for war supplies
with the Chonen Tanning company. It
includes 200,000 pairs of boots and 200,0I0
uimunltlnn touches. The new order will
be executed by June of next year.
Since the outbreak of the war the de
mand for Korean tungsten has shown re
markable increase. Aa the mineral is not
found in abundance its price has soared
rapidly and U now quoted about three
times what It wss before the war, namely,
about JI..VO per ton.
CfiDAU ItAPIDM, la., Jan. U.-Rioting
which has prevailed among the inmates
of the lowa Htate Reformatory at Ana
innaa throughout the last week was
quelled yesterday with the solitary con
finement of the sixty-seven '.irlsonrr
thought to he ring leaders in the dis
order which have Jeopardised the lives
of Warden C. C. MoClaughry and other
of the reformatory staff and forced two
of the guards into temporary Insanity,
Five Thousand Men to Aid in Rnn
ning Down Last of Villa
j WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. Am
j bassador Arredondo called at the
! State department late today and per
sonally Informed Secretary Lansing
; that soldiers had been dispatched in
pursuit of the bandits who murdered
i the Americans, with orders to cap
i ture or kill every member of the
band. He said, if necessary, every
soldier of the de facto government
j in the northern states would be
i pressed into service for this purpose.
Mr. Arredondo said the dead Americans
i had been warned to keep out of the
, guerilla warfare territory, although Gen
i eral Obregon had given them permission
at their request to pass through the linen.
t III !end Army,
j DOFGDAS, Aria.. Jan. IX-QenersI P.
, Fllaa Calles, military governor of Sonora,
is preparing to aend a column of approxi
mately 6,000 cavalry Into western Chl
hauhua to aid In running down the re
maining Villa forcea. according to an
announcement here today by Ives G.
Lelevler, consul of the de facto govern
ment. WASHINGTON, Jan. U.-Secretary
Lansing late today gave another warn
ing to Americans In Mexico to leeV
any districts where "there is revolution
ary trouble."
The secretary atated that so far the
itepa taken by the Carransa
ment on the American reDreaentatlnn
appeared to be aatlsfactory. He added
that the United States would expect evi
dence of the punishment of the bandits
who klll-d the Americana near Chihua
hua and upon that evidence would de
pend the action of the United States.
(secretary Danalng aaid If proper and
final steps were not taken, an
might arise between the Untted States
and the Carransa, government. His lat
statement waa regarded as significant
of the determination of the United States
to enforce protection for its cltlsena In
General Carranza' ambaaaadnr her
today formally assured Hecretary Land
ing mat the Car ran xa government
deeply deplores the dastardly action or
the Villa forcea" in klllina rlihtun
Americana near Chihuahua Tuesday and
added that efficient action will b
taken to bring the murderers to Jus
tice." He also save assurances th.t
General Carransa would take steps to
remedy the situation in tbe state of
Durango, In which depredations against
foreigners have been reported.
There were no developments In h
situation at the White House or at the
ftate department, but In con areas hotb
house and senate continued to giv it
Senator Iewls, democrat, Introduced a
resolution proposing to empower the
president to use the army and navy to
restore order In Mexico as had been done
In Haiti and Nicaragua. He asked that
It lay over without action, however, and
there was no further debate at that stage.
In the house Representative Slayden,
democrat, of Texas, defended the recog
nition of General Carransa and declared
that if order were not restored a Pan
American coalition of nations should
do it. '
President Wilson today told Senator
Sheppard that the Americans had been
specifically warned to keep out of Mex
ico, in reply to a suggestion from the
senator that the situation was serious.
Senator Sheppard said the president did
not nay what further action would be
In regard to statements that General
Obregon had urged American mining men
to resume their work in Mexico, State
department officials said no information
to that effect had been received here,
but it waa understood a general resump
tion of mining activity was the expressed
hope of the Carranza authorltiea.
No message had heen received today
from Consul Sllllman and it la not re
garded aa probable that a reply from
General Carranza to Secretary Lansing's
representations will be received before to
morrow. Secretary I .analog said today that the
department would prepare soon for the
senate the Information on the Mexican
situation asked by Senator Fall's resolu
tion. l Determined.
Secretary Lansing added that the ques
tion of responsibility for the killings still
was undetermined and that the State de
partment recognized a certain analogy
between the situation In Mexico and the
situation in the west during-tne early
hhttory of the United States. Carranz;i
authorities, however, he said, should have
warned the Americans away from a
region which they knew to be dangerous.
l.atn today President Wilson and Secre
tary Lansing conferred on the Mexican
situation and devoted nractlcaJlv the
j whole discussion to means for securing
.accurate Information of the attack up-
British Miners
Decide to Fight
Compulsory Bill
LONDON. Jan. U-The Miners' Fed
eration of Great Britain, meeting today,
resolved unaniinoualy to oppose the bill
for compulsory military service.
i ue leuerauon empowered It president
to call a further conference in the event
that the bill become law, to (jonstdev
what additional steps aboulA be taVvk '