Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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.Retail Salci for IToTember, 1915,
Thirteen Ter Cent Greater
Than for 1914.
Omaha Discovers It Has a Distant ! H0LDUP tackles wrong j
" V . - -1 . " MAN IN HARRY EASTON
Kclatwe of Kobcrt Burns Living Here
, Retail by leading merchant In
Omaha in six representatlr lines of
business showed an areraire Increase of
13 per cent In November, 1915, over No
vember. 1M4. Thla Improved condition oC
business Is revealed by the. second annual
merchandising research report of the As
sociated Advertising Clubs of the World,
vhlch has Just been received here.
Clothing store and hardware sales)
made a gain of 10 per cent each, and gro
cery sales made a gain of 13 per cent.
Jewelry store advertising Increased It per
cent, but the jewelry sales showed a gain
of 3 per cent. The Increase In Jewelry
ales U regarded as particularly signifi
cant and Indicative of prosperous busi
ness conditions, as people generally buy
luxuries only when prosperous. Omaha
was selected by the research committee
a one of the marketing centers of the
country, and Information obtained from
local merchants Is embraced In this com
prehensive report.
Consumer demand In ISIS, as Indicated
Vy retail sales throughout the I'nlted
Hate, Increased approximately 1 per
cent over 1914, and collections Improved
materially, according to the second an
nnal report of the merchandising
tearcli committee of the Associated Ad
vertising Clubs of the World, which has
Just been received here In the January
rumher of Assoclnted Advertising, the
monthly magniiine published by the As
orlHted Advertising clubs. In compiling
the report. November wss taken as an
Judex month of business conditions.
The Investigation touched nearly SOt
leading market centers In every part of
the I'nlted Pistes and In a number of
A distant relative of "Bobby" Burns,
beloved poet of bonnie Scotland and the
world, lives in Omaha.
Hoot, mon, did ye no know It?
Aye, his nam Is James Burness, chief
deputy In the collector of customs' office.
He's a Scotchman from Scotland. He
was born In Ochtomuchty, Scotland, a
place which, ho says, you can't pronounce
correctly unless you're a German. Other
wise you'll probably pronounce the "ch"
like a "k," which is not correct.
"Bohhy BurnV name was originally
Burness,' " ssys the Omaha Burness.
"Bobby thought tht name was hard to
pronounce and so he changed it to Burns,
which Is the name by which the whole
world knows him. He tells about It some
where, and ma mlther used to tell, back
In Ochtomuchty, Just how our family was
related to bis."
James Burness has the full Kcotch burr
in his speech, and nobody can say "It'
a bra' bright 'nooiillcht nlcht the nlcht"
Just exactly to suit, him. No matter If
you say it exactly like he docs he shakes
his head and declares. "No, ' ye csnna'
get It Just rlrht."
Mr. Burness has seen tlobhy Burns'
home. "It's only a butt and ben in the
wee cot," he says. Being tmnslnted this
I Marry Kactnn, 1417 South Sixteenth
street, was accosted by a holdup In
front of his home TuesOny evening, but
nil the latter received was a good beat
; iriK. KaMton appeared at headquarters
to see if nny siiMpccts had been arrested.
I "Vynuld you know him If you ssw him
IsRHln?" aiked the officer. "I ouaht to,
I left mv trade mark on him." answered
the victim.'
means that the little cottsae ronslsts of Advertiser and customer profit by the
only a kitchen and a living room. The "1nsirirl Ad" habit.
place where Tarn O'.shsnter took his I j
famous rldo on hlf old grey mare 1 OMAHA RDTARIAKK Tfi fifl !
road on which, fsys Mr. llurness. anyone
on a moonllcht nlcht would be sure to
see spooks.
It's astonishing how the British have The Omaha Kotary club Is planning
possession of this collector of customs' ; to send a lrs.e delegation from this city'
office. C. V,'. Mi Cune, the collector. Is ! 'he district convention which will be
of dear old Ireland. I hrl'1 in Waterloo. Is., January 24. It
J. V. Thomas, clenutv snd Inspector, is P'rined t have special accommoda-
Welsh'and Knalixh. And George It.
Torer, deputy and clerk. Is of Hcotch ,'
parentage although he was born out here I
tlons for the Omaha crowd, leaving here
In the evening, January 2.1. and arriv
ing In Waterloo about midnight. The
a I In western Nebraska.
Street Cars Battle
Hard Against Ice
Freezing to Rails
Not in years has the street railway
company had as hard a storm to fight as
the present one, is the assertion of Oen-
re eral Manager Smith, who said:
Not since the lines were electrified
have we had a stoim that compared with
this one In the matter of giving us
tiouble. Of course, the bllxsard of
twenty-eight years ago was more severe,
but those dsys we were running horse
cars, and when the storm became too
bad. we simply unhitched and turne I
in. Now we have got to keep moving the
best we can.
we nave ocen working every sweeper
Pire in the Rear
of Dresher's Blocks
Street Car Line
Canadian cities, covering stores selling "y acepmg the
Wh luxuries and necessities. Grocers, l''T 01pen- but.W ,h'Ve " dlf-
Dewelcrs. department store owners, hard- schedule. The
. . , , . ii.. .trouble has not been on account of the
r,ZJZlT;J u A A,:""lT l"nou"t " but the wm.
I y ' I op,,""r 1book- melting the enow by friction, simply con-
1o the hundreds of investigator, who in-, Vfrlll ltHnto ce The car
lentcaed them. , joomes along and stalls on the Ice and
Encouraging Increases m sales In all lKn off the car and chop thla Ice away.
J nes Investigated were reported prac The brooms of the sweepers will re
tlcally everywhere in the United States. I move the snow, hut (h.v nt ,.-k
the Ice. Then, again, the snow gets
Fire destroyed five bales of paper In a
vacated building at the real of Dresher
Bros.' dry r leaning plant at 7:15 yesterday
morning. The building Is not a part of
the Dresher plant, hut is an old build
ing formerly used by the company, but
now abandoned and given over to the
storing of waste paper and other scrapa.
The fire did not reach the cleaning plant,
as It was soon extinguished by the fire
j department.
j This early morning fire on Karnam
j street, calling out the fire department
and causing hose to be strung across
jthe street, still further confused the car
service, which was already in bad shape
on account of the bllxxard.
-no me average Increase over 1SM4 In
t uslness In all the thousands of stores
that participated was shown to have been
35.93 per cent. Business conditions in
3915, as compared with those of 1914 fol-,
lowing the outbreak of the Kuropean
ar, were decidedly Improved.
No leas than l.OOi) Investigators called
tspon and Interviewed merchants In the
leading marketing centers. In each city
at least three representative merchants
In each of the six lines Investigated were
Interviewed. Assurance was given that
names of Individuals or firms would not
appear In the report, the object being to
rresent only figures showing percentages
of increase or decrease.
The Investigations were made by com
mercial -club secretaries and members of
local advertising clubs, under the general
direction of Mao Martin of Minneapolis.
Increase in Advertising.
Sales, local advertising collections and
th amount of stocks carried IT mer
chants In November, 1915, were compared
with those of November, 1914, and Novem
ber, IBIS, to get the facts for the ra-
narch report. Business experts concede
that "as is November, so is the year's
business in retailing," and November It
recognized as an index month In the
Imslness world.
The frequency with which the Inves
tigation showed that sales rise as adver
tising Is Increased in a community that
Increased sales and increased advertising
go hand in hand is an interesting feature
of the report. An average Increase of IS
per cent In local advertising throughout
the country is disclosed. Retailers In
creased the slocks they are carrying 4.11
Jjee cent.
! Baylasr Laaarlee.
. Hatlsfsctory Increases In Jewelry sales
eie reported In practically every city,
the average Jewelry aales for the country
hieing 18 per cent higher that those in
314. .This shows that, people everywhere
re buying luxuries, which is taken aa a
certain Indication of good business, for
lieceaettles naturally come first and lux
uries afterr.ard.
An Interesting fact which the' report di
vulge. I- thut while the Jewelers' sales
Increased more, proportionately, than
those of the grocer, the grocer, as a rule,
collects what la due him with much
greater ease than any other kind of mer
chant. t'nllertlna. Above arms I.
In addition to the fact that consumer
iejnand retail aales showed a healthy
Increase, collections also were better, the
average fur the whole country be'ug 5.4
points above normal as compared with
3!i14. The point system of soorlng collec
tions, as used in the report, consists of
resigning forty points for a report of
j oor collections, sixty points for a report
of normal collections and eighty points
Jor a report of good coleletlons. The re
IKtrts of the retailers are thus given nu
merical value for the purpose of tabula
tion and averages.
The following table shows average per
centages of increase In sales and adCW
ltlng In the I'nlted Statea in the six
lines of business Investigated: the figures
under collections indicate the number of
T olnts collections are above normal, as
r ported by the merchants:
Adver- Collec- '
Kales. tUlng. tlons. 1
JV arliiienl sloiea i. 14 s t :
i.nxery stores... s.g 31
r'lott lig stores 17.9 I S
llsrdware stores 1H.J , i
lrug Mores 11 4.1
Jtwelry stores 1S t,s
Itnnr I'lrrttwi larrnud.
' The following tnble shows to what ex
tent the average customer Increased bis I
purchasea in the different sections of the I
Vnited Hates 'n thu several lines of bud-' c
ties investigated, the figures showing
ercrntages of Increate over 1914:
New Kjigland stttlew Hi i
Mhldle Ailaivilc states 13,
houth AtlHiitlo statsa 144
m-Houth fenirel ststes tl.41
tt-North Central states 1-vlS
,Kf -North Ontrul slates ....14 IX
A t t outh t entral states 24 tm
Mountain states If. 46
J acjflc stales ,11.23
Purpose af Unrarrk Mrsxirt.
One of the chief purposes of the report
Is to enable sales managers, advertising
managers, credit men, bankers and r
taliers to plan their business campaigns
Jor lfui more effectively. It Is pointed
out that retailers, by comparing the fig
ures In the report with their own sales,
collec'lunc and stocks, will be able to de-t'-riiiina
what standards to act for lfl
and to compare their own sales, ln
i reum a advertising Im-ieases snd collec
t:on conditions mith those In other lines
Iri tl.ctr o n jind other seciions of the
down in the flsnges along the sidi ...
the rails and soon become solid Ice, la S
Ing the -wheels until ttiey are wltho It
'any friction contact.
"We are doing our beet, and as so n
as the snow stops drifting I am of the
opinion that most of our trouble will l
over, as there has not been enough
snowfall yet to Interfere with the movt
ment of. cars."
Htoekholders' meeting of the IJon Bond
ing and Bursty company have elected the
following officers: Henry Haubens, pres
ident: E. H. I.ulkart. vice president; C.
W. Shaffer, secretary; K. A. McGlasson,
assistant secretary.
Directors elected are: Henry Haubens,
Henry Keating, Henry Bohlff, J. M.
Hays, L. P. Larson, W. T. Auld, K. It.
The year's operations show the surplus
to be Increased llOO.nno. Premiums writ
ten for the year 1913, $24,O0O.
Don't Have a Winter Cough.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery and
you won't catch cold. It kills the cold
germs, keeps you well. fiOc. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Read The Bee Want Ads. It pays!
ROME, Jan. 10. (Delayed.) Porter
Charlton, the American who was recently
released from priaon after aervtng a brief
term for killing hla wife, will leave
Naples for New Tork on Wednesday
aboard the steamer America,
Can't Do the Work
Jewish Community
to Celebrate B'nai
B'rith Day Sunday
B'nal B'rith day will be observed by
the local Jewish community Runday. un
der the ausicesp of the two Omaha
lodgea, Nebraska lodge and William Mc
Klnley lodge, assisted by the ladles'
auxiliary. The principal speakers who
will come on for the celebration Sre Dr.
Rudolph I. Coffee of Chicago, superin
tendent of the newly organised social
service .bureau of the B'nal B'rith order,
and Hiram D. Frankel of ft. Paut, chair
man of the propaganda committee for
this district.
An elaborate program has been ar
ranged for the day. In the morning ther
will be an informal reception to the honor
(Ueata at the Hotel Kontenelle, with a
Joint meeting of the two lodges In the
afternoon, at Modern Woodman hall. At
this rt.eelng the largest class of candi
dates ever Initiated In thla city will
enter the order. ,
V. large banquet will be held at the
Hotel Loyal at 6 o'clock,, following which
there will me a meeting at Temple
Israel at ( o'clock. Dr. Coffeo will be
the speaker and will be Introduced by
Kabul Frederick Colin, with Henry Mon-I neys. I'se Doan'a Kidney , Pills. They
sky presiding as charman. Mr. Krankel
will address the Council Bluffs lodge,
which holds a similar celebration that
Emll Cans is president of Nebraska
lodg and laldor Rees of McKinley lodge.
return will be after the convention closes ,
'.he following night.
Indigestion and j
Stomach Misery
Just Vanishes'
- - i
The moment "Pape's Diapep-j
sin" reaches the stomach
all distress goes.
i . (
Instantly stops any sourness, j
gases, heartburn, acidity,
"Really docs" put bad stomach In j
order "really does" overcome Indiges
tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn anil sour
ness In five minutes that Just that
makes Pape's Plapepsln the largest sell
ing stomach regulator in the world. If
what you eat ferments into stubborn
lumps, you belch gag and eructate sour,
undigested food and acid: head is dizzy
and aches; breath foul: tongue coated;
your insides flllod with bile and Indi
gestible waste, remember the moment
"Pane's Dlapepsln" comes In contact with
the stomach nil euch d'stress vanishes.
It's truly astonishing almost marvelous.
and the Joy Is Its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia
pepsin will give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your drugsisl
hands you your money bck.
It's worth Its weight In gold to men
and women who can't get ihelr stomac'is
regulated. It belongs in you home
should always be kept handy in case of
a sick, sour, upset stomach during the
day or night. It's the quickest, surest
and most harmless stomach regulator in
the world.
Pape's Dlapepsln Instantly neutralizes
the acids In the stomach, stops food fer
mentation or souring, absorbs gases snd
starts the digestion. The relief ts quick,
sure, wonderful stomach sufferers hsve
a pleasant surprise awaiting them. Ad'
vertlsement i
A bad back makes
hard work harder.
All day the dull
throb and the
sharp, darting
pains make you
miserable, and
there's no rest at
Maybe It's your
dally work that
hurts the kidneys,
for Jarring, Jolting,
lifting, reaching,
dampness snd
many other strains
Oo weaken them.
Cure the KlJ-
Some Cold Spots
Bismarck, N. P.-40
n.gstaff. Arls.-U
Havre, Mont.... ts
Huron. S. U ... W
lender, Wyo... m
have helped thousands and should do as
well for you.
An Omaha Example.
B. K. Harker, retired locomotive en
gineer, N. 22d Mt.', says: "My back
hurt continually day and night and at
times It was so bad I thought I would
j never be rid of It. The kidney secretions
contained a brick-dust like sediment. Tor
t'tau.. 14 i day" ( time, I couldn't do a bit of
I finally got Doan'a Kidney pills
Kchmldt's Drugstore and after seven
boxes I felt like a different man."
Rapid City, S.D.-.ti work.
Hherldan. Vyo.-M u,
Valentine. Neb.-2S I1 BJ
Hllllnga. Mont
In man 34 Ravenna
Aisinsnn .i-ainier
Alliance M I Hlue Hill
Ung inns SO I Hepuhlican
valentine Ji turtle
Norfolk 10-
O'Neill t
Hupeiiur 2')
North Platte.... at
Orand Island.,.
Loup City 24
Burwrll at!
Aurora !
Sheridan 44 I tender 40
Harding O I Casper M
Crow Agency... W Cheyenne tit
.. IK
Randolph 20 I
Pender 20 I
Walthlll 20
Hart'iigton .... J4
Hav Springs ..-24
Anoka au
Ashland -1
50 at all Drug Stores
Fosisr-Mllburn Co.P . BufTalo.N.Y
I Gladly Tell How-FREE
It Is a new wav. It Is anmethlns- ihin.
lutely different. No lotions, eprsvs or
sickly smelling salves or creams. No ato-
in I Mr. or snr ppralu
of any kind. Nolhlng (i
amok or Inhsl. No
tssmtna or ruMlns or
Injections, No sleet rlrlt.y
or TlbrsAloa or inAwas.
No powder, no Blaster, no
keening lit tlw houaa.
Nothlns of that kind at
all. ButnaOUnf now snd
different aumathlns oc
llshtrtil and haalthful
anmthlos 4nstallly auc
raaaful. You do not hava
lo wait, ant linger, find
pajr out a lot of money.
You ran atop it ovar nlaht
and I will rladlr toll
ynu how KHKK. I am p.t a doctor and t bis !a
not a ao-ral)ad rtot'lor'a preacrlpttou but I am
oured, a,nd my frlaniW ara rurad and ynu nan ba I
cura. i our auiierinf win atop at oura Ilka loailc.
My oaUrrh waa filthy and loathaoma It mada
ma III. It dulled my mind It undormtnsd my
health and waa wantni my will. Tha hawktni
oou(lilni, apHllus mada nta nhnoilotui to all. and
my foul braaU and dlaguatlna hablta mada a van
my lovad ana avoid ma aarratly. My dallcht la
Ufa waa dullad and my faculilaa Impaired. I knew
that In tlm It would brine ma to aa nntlmal
rava baoauaa a?ry momant of tha day and alaht I
It waa slowly yat suraly aapplns my Tltality. lint j
I found a cur, and 1 am ready to tali yutt about
it Fit KB. Wrlta ma promptly.
sand ao mouay. Juat your nam and aiMraaa on 1
a pnatat card. Kr: "llaar riu Kali, plaaaa tall
ma (low you cured your raiarrh and bow I .'aa rura
nilna." That' all you need to aay. I will under
aianil, and I will write to you with romplata In-t,H-umllon.
KMKK, at vaoa. Io RA delay. Peod
Ilia puatal rard or wrlta ma a letter today. Don't
think of tumlns thla pas until you hay aakeit
fr thla woncWrful traauuant that It can do for
you what It fcaa dona for roe.
SAM KATZ, Suite M771 !
2309 Indiana Avt., Chicago, III
Winner 40
lieadwood M
I'.dKniont 40
Ilrrmosa Si
Huffalo Oap...
Fort Meade ...
, 4
We Are Overstocked on
For Furnaces and Hot Water Plants
SKorV! $8.00 PER TON
This Really Means.
Stomach Dittcrs
when weakness Is manifested in the
MO.tiaih, Liver or Bowels,
re ,tM
imni l
ill -. " - . t
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
250? N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 8C3 or 863.
Only a Few -of
the Many
Specials Here
Hundreds of
Other Splen
did Bargains
m ether stocks
Sec windows
Manufacturer's Stock of Blouses
On Sale
k v1
Two Big
Over 2,000
Beautiful Blouses at
About Half Worth -f&.
$3 and $4 Blouses, $1.95
Big assortment for selection, at choice;
come in Laces, Crepcde Giincs, Tub
Silks, etc., in bevy of beautiful de
$5 and $6 Blouses, $295
Including many Dross Waists on sale.
Come in Laces, Combination Chif
fon or-Cfepe, Silk Taffetas, Fancy
Silks, etc.
SUITS Several hundred new ones just
received from our N. Y. buyer. Fur trim
med Poplins, Whipcords, etc., in choic
est styles and colors; great (11 OjJ
bargains Thursday, at ylTTsOD
An Advance showing of the
most captivating etrla ideas for
epring. 1916; Special at
sale Thursday
15, 19.50, 25
M0NAS In Flannellettes
and Crepes, garments that sold
at $3.00 and $4.00; Ji A j
Thursday at, choice P 1 aHrO
Women and Misses'-on
in Two Big Lots
COATS Made to sell up to $20.00; your
choice S7.50
COATS-Made to sell at $25.00, 975
SCARFS on sale at HALF
and Less Than Half Regu
lar xirices.
mnnri H (Flour: no thins finer at ajiy
prtca, for braad. plea or oakaa. It
pays to maka your own bread, when
you can maka tt loaves from 1 sack
of flour, at , .
19 bars Beat 'Em All. trlainond "C or
L undry Queea White Laundry
Soar, 3
10 lbs.
Best White or Teltew Corn-
I lbs. Bsst Bulk Rolled White Break
fast Oatmeal tSs
S barn Ivory Boap lc
t cans Oil Sardines .Its
Maclean's Peanut Butter, lb..lHo
Hcrshey'a Breakfaat Cocoa, lb...6o
4 pkKS. Best Domestic Macaroni. S5
E. C. Corn Flakes, pk Ba
W. O. C. or Krurables, pkg te
Tall rans Alaska Salmon lOe
SI-os. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves, &
8-oa 'jara Pure Btralned Honey, 3o
Fancy Lsrg Queen Oltves, pint, SOs
2 bottles Royal Red Catsup lBo
'Larg-e bottles Worcester Sauce:
Pickles, assorted ktixls, or Prepared
Advo Jell for dessert, pks; 7Ho
4 large cans Condensed Milk 88o
small cans Condensed Milk 83o
The Best Tea Blf tings, lb I2e
Golden Santos Coffee, for family use,
- there Is nothing- finer, try It. lb. SOo
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb 31o
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb 39o
Fancy Dairy Tablo Butter, lb....27o
Gooil Fancy Table Butter, lb 85e
The Best Strictly Freh Fggs. per
dozen 30o
The Best No. 1 Storage Frith, dox. 83c
Full Cream Wisconsin Cream Cheesf,
lb 0o
Full Cream N. Y. White, or Youns;
Amcrlca Cheese, lb 83o
1,000 boxes Boise Valley Idaho.
I'lancy Roman Beauty Apples, worth
12.25 box; Thursday Spei-ial, only,
per box 91.65
Tit rxorz.B.
V.'lsconsin Cabbage, per lb.. lp
IS lbs. best Cooking Potatoes. .. .30o
3 large bunches Fresh Shallots, Rad
ishes. Beets, Carrots or Turnips, lOo
Fancy X'cnver Cauliflower, lb. ..7Vo
Old. Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Par
snips, lb 2o
3 large Soup Bunches.. lOo
Kavge Cucumbers, each....lOe, lSHo
Fancy Head Lettuce, bead 7Mo
Fresh Spinach, peck 880
loo Hizn xicurx.AX9 xatxx.
" OKAirors.
The lilnii that retail for BOc doien
everywhere. Thursday, dozen, SOo
Tltra a -tavavavsj NaavM All A Tm-si Aaa
Mobile is the headquarters the starting point from which
the tourist may quickly and conveniently reach all the de
lightful winter resorts of
The Gulf Coast
with their alluring succession of outdoor sports: golf, tennis, bathing, boating, riding,
driving, motoring, fishing, and hunting. Moreover, Mobile is the new gateway to
Writs today aaa find out about our all-rail or sail-and-water trip to tha Southern retorts,
you about our low-fare circle tour to Mobile, Tampa, Key Weit and New York.
Frao fc.eU.rt mmi full Ufa
Let me tell
tisa pM application la F. L. Harris, Caaaral Aaat,Saiat LnmU
A Great January Lace Sale
Thursday begins Our AnnualJanuary Clearance Sale
on fine Laces. This will include all the different lines
Hand Made Cluny Laces, for underwear and fancy work.
t Novelty Flouncings for Evening Gowns, Party Dresses, Reception
and Ball Gowns.
Point De Paris, French Vals, Point Esperit, Fillet and B. B. Laces
for Lingerie and infants V wear.
Cotton Cluny for fancy work and curtains.
Fine Val Laces, Oriental Laces, Chiffon l'aaces, Allover Laces, Silk Chantilly Lace,
lfeal Princess Laces, Irish Crochet and Flat Venice Laces.
Silk' Nets, Crepe Chiffons and Georgettes. A wonderful opportunity, insuring you a
saving of 25, 33Vi and 50 per cent, duringthis clearing sale.
Read the Big Grocery Special tor Thursday
Quality Goods, Freshest Stock and a Saving of 25 per cent to 50 per cent, on the
Cost of Living.
17 lbs. Best Purs Cane Granulated
Bus-ar 9-00
4S-lb. Sack Best Hlf h Grade. Dla-