THE BEE: 0MA1IA. JANUARY 191G. WANT AD RATES. WANT AP for tho erotilm rrtmna nvit IM Tho IM U.'tlco I"-ton 11 OUCH. WANT APS for tfio moralng ind !-um1r 1HM.IH muM mik Toe In Oftu otloie J . m. WAST AD recold oner thMO tinnro will auto lh1r flrtt oppooraDc ondr "To L : to ciity-" CASlfTlATKB. Ono time. I eonti wonl. Two or mar rnnorculiio tlnoa. l'i an S word, OS'S Inoortloa. Tn ronMKuiHo times. 1 cont a word, each tnoertlon. CIIARUK RATES. Opo time. 11 ronli lino. Toroe roitoorullie llmoo. It not! lino, eerh loaortlon. Hvo cooiecJr tlmos. coot t lint, each tasonioa. TMrtr eiercatlT llmoo. 7 coon liao. sack Inoortlon. Oont Hi iToroco words to the lino. No ad.trtiwni.nt ukon for looi thou ! coon. NOTICES. Corfll of Thonlii. Poolli. rnorl mil txi4(0 Xotlroo. 1 rcnll o lino ooch Inoortloa. Mini Bun rbarfo, oO com a. Portlea o1orilln(i In tnooo eoliunno anil kovlng th'lr anowori ttArrmrA In com cf Tho Br will r loo o ook for canto to oniblo th-m to rt thotr Unoro. m nono will no ollror4 eieept on oreeontatloa of cr4o. Alt idTortloomont Innorteil to bo ran tinlll 4loooctlouc4 Blurt bo tott4 by -rittea ordor. Tho hoe will nnl I rotwnslble for moro than tho flrit Incorrect mention of anr ad vert loomenC TSo TMm rerroo tho riht to rlet or ro vrlu oil odTortloomontt. Too ton Blare your wont ad In Tho Boo br tolophono. TELF.rHOXR TVLER 1,000. DEATHS AS! Ft NKRAI. SOTICKS IMPET-Dr. Charlea. January W. l91t: affed W yeara. ... . . runeral rvice will ba held from the family realdence, Paclflo afreet. Fri day. January 14. at 2 o'clock. P. M. Re main will be placed In giving vault at Koreat Lawn cemetery. Friend Invited. JTroWY Richard, aed 79, January 11. Father of Thomaa r Mr -tynlo Mulvtlhlll, Richard Mr. Klla, Maaon, Bd. J. Mlckell, J. and Wm. K ., all ot rrleral from family realdence, 14! Ptnkney St. Thtiraday at : a. m. to Sacred Heart church at a. m. interment Holy Bepulcher cemetery. MrtJNSON-flwan H.. aged 4 r'ari, Jan uary 10. 1916, at realdence, .ie North Sixteenth. . . . Funeral Thuraday afternoon at I o'clock from N. U. Swanaon chapel at Seventeenth and Cumins to Joreat Uwn cemetery. t'Tlenda invited. FLORIST". BATH'S, florleta, 104 Farnam St. D. 9"Q0. 1 HENDERSON, mi uouglaa D. il. M ember riorlat Telegraph el. Aa a. ffgka A 8WOHODA. 141S Farnam Bt. aTdonaQHUE. ltd Harney. Doug. 1001. MARHIAQB I.ICKPISF.S. UratiMi to wed have been Uued to the following: Kama and Readence. Thomaa D. Sulllvau. Omaha Myrtle M. Fowler, Omaha John Taaloh. Omaha 2raglna Mllkova. Omaha Bernard N. Miller, Malvern, la.. Anna Erople. Malvern, la Charlea W. Baker. Parry- I--" Blanche Mae Curler. Perry, la O. M. NaugYiton, Hampton, la.... Caaai Merrt. Hampton, la.... Freeman Bottorf, stockham .... Blanche Turner. Aurora Antonio Coatanio.... OuUeppa Rlccerl, Omaha Aire, ... 2S ... 19 ... 27 ... 30 ... : ... SI ... 40 ... i ... m ... 28 ... n ... 18 ... 21 ... 1$ Ready Reference Directory ABSTRACTS OV TI'IXH. WTtJt Xitl guarantee and Abstract K rJivl J " modern abstract of flea. w a, 17th St. 'Tel. D. tvtir . REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract of doe In Nebraska. 8"8 Brandels Ihea. ACCOUNTANT. E. A. DW0RAK, 0. P. A. toV487 Ramge Bldg. Tol. Doug. 740. lUVtklUlkU NuVfciUlfciS. M. T. Shafer Co.. Uth-Farnam. P. T474. AHCHlTUCTa. Kwtt B. Dodd. tC8 Walton Blh. P. son. Al'lUU.NKVS. OL T. Ptcklnaon. U Paxton Blh. P. im. AUCTIONS. IlUS. towa Auction Co.. Ult-H W O W. rl.88a. 84 A Sk hi st 1 a S ft. H. BEEPER. IMS N. 18th. Weh. t2?. VU.ASS AND IRON FOUNDRIKS. Paon-Mltchell Co- nth and Martha Bta. iTHTaWJFRACTIU SPINAl. ADJU'SITS PR. BORHORN, 18th and Farnam. Wead lUdC D. W7; Palmer school gradual. br. J. C Lawrence. 1 I'alrd Bldg. D. ML PR. W. H. KNOLLENBERO, Suit US, Be Bldg. Tel. Tyler loa. CU1ROPOD1STS. CarH J. Bufordi408JPa. ?'"J,dMI'' CAlTPKlfThiRi AkO CONTRACTORS LoMsard Son. 108 Capitol Ave. T. 1831 C W. Hokanaon. A Lvnwth. Tyl. tltt-J. COSTUMES. THEATRICAL, gowns, full drees suits, rent. 3 N. lflh SU John Feldman. for DANC1NU ACADEMIES. FALL, terra open at Mctckie's. ' Doug. (440. PB UTTE ACAPHMT. Ill a. 18th St. LUovSSatAKlNU COLLEOE. Keisier's Pressmaklng Col. 1628 City Nat Terry Presamak'g collcn. toth St Farnam. loJUaaaalAlalNU. IJtDIES' JACKETS remodeled In the Utfcot style; rrasunable price. 1911 Far nam bt. 1'hone Douglaa thi. Dl-RS AND CLEAN EBS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 130 N. Uth. P. 6071 DElfc-CTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Fvt dence secured In all caooa. Tyler ID. DEMISTS. EMETINE treatment Pyorrhea six -ek treatment by mall. Ad ilr, Dr. Bt'iil. T.achout Hldv.. Im Moinea. la. Enclose stamped envelope tur ii"- Pr. Btsdbury. No pain. 1J W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flcklea. 714 tilty Nat Bank. Tafl Dental Room. Hit Douglas. P. 2188. DMIGS. DRU;.S at rut prices: freight paid on $10 orceia; tatalogows free. Siirrmsu A Mc 1 ihk Co.. Omaha Neb. 1,1 till I 11 IN i K)K WUXl..N,' Ai'i'ortl'IO.V. aide, knife, sunburat. IkiX I'iatliig. covered butiufis. all ois-s and tvifc. hciuolltcliiug, point edglus; em- t,ni'irry. iduii. MaKiiitg. cording, e'tii c.jf wiiik t.'UtiontifMe. pennnoio : n I 1.0H1.4 IV, Z'M Douolii blovk. f L'w u.t THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers the question "Where to go tonight." Uonnlona. EMPRESS. 15Ui and Douglas Sellg Tribune No. J. "Tho, Tide of Retribution," 3 reel Bio graph. "Ilia Wife Knew About It." Vltagrapn. "Caught With th Goods. PRINCESS. 117-1 DOUGLAS. Today la Keystone Special Day. Ches ter Conklln In "Th Home' Breakers. Gladys Hulett In "The Name' of the Ijiw," a 4-reel Thanhauaer dramatic masterpiece. "See I n- Milwaukee," Educational. "Keeping Up With the Jonesis," comlo cartoon. North. GRAND, 18TH AND BINNEY. Five reels of good picture. LOTIlROPj 24TIT AND LOTHROP. Paramount lrent MAHY PICKFORD In y Such A Little Queen. oath. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Ilearat-Si-Ilir No. 10:1. . , . ., "Aa tho Twin l Hent." ,1-reel I.uhln. one Plua One I'Vmaia one, vhmi'ii; ROIILFK. 2561 LEAVENWOKTII. Ilodv and Boul, wttn J" lorenrw A World production. One-rl comedy. . Writ. MONROE. 25D5 FARNAM. Metro preaenta the heaitfirtu nuie Juvenile hilar, Mary Mllea Mynter In Alwaya In the Way." South Side. DE?!SE, 24TII & N. The M)yteriou Bride," a-reel lvntcn erhocker. . ... . "The 1'alth of Sonny Jim," Vltaaraph. "The Unforglven," Vltatrraph. ORPHEUM, 14TH AND M. Paramount Feature, "Nlobe," A comedy commencing I.OnO year ago, featuring Harnl Pawn. BIRTHS AND DUATHS, Blrtha Oeorga and Anna BlUnl. 3022 Amea avenue, girl: Una and Grace Coachka, Polk, Kirl; W. C and (r trude Mc.Oowan. 1142 Ogdcn. boy; Hubert and Heaale Kuben. 14k, Not-tn tweniy flfth. hov; Frank and Anna Hlkara. I!49 South Twelfth, boy; Raffaele and Marl anna Snntl. 1113 XrlgKN, hoy. Anion hihI Hofiu Wortlnewic. aiju eouin iwnujr- flDeathI-John Kraua, 69. 13C3 South Six teenth; Winifred MayWllcox 2. M7 North Thirtieth: Klla May Whitney. 53. 4.1f. Charlea; Roy A. Winfrey, 8 month. hoapltal: Dolly Whlienan, nuaimni, Henry W. Chapln. 54. 211 Ohlo LOST FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BUUFFK STREET TVran.i kovlnv loat IlltlU article WOllld do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Hluffa Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left Many article eacn nay are turned in and the company la anxloua to reatore h..n o tha rlahtful owners. Call Doug. 48. i (iut iiAiwMn ii'ith and Farnam an Strand theater, pin eal envelope pnrme with elephant cUbd; containing leather key ring fold with name and adrtreaa of owner; diamond art In Mh aonlo ring; cartla etc. V)t,l1,.Tw',r,'J if returned to Mra. II. U. Smith, J&Il Harney. Tyl.r 110. KLKCTROLYS1S. ITloa Allender. 24 Bee Bldg. Red 8055. KLKtTHll'AL REI'AIHIXi. CAHILX. EIBCTR10 CO., Bee Bid. D. 387. rtHNtlUI AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 402 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. rtHHILUI. BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 4S34, H. Rothols. talk Leavenworth. H. res. ItlsTOHICAL. COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the oountry. Theo. Lleben & Son, 1514 Howard. D.41H lMTlltdlON. Engllah, French Inatructlon. Sf Lyrlo Bid. JUSTICES OK THE PalAt U. H, H. CLAIBORNE, 818 Paxton Blk. Red 740i. Mulary public; deposition steno. b. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Block. LlVhl STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO. Exchange Bldg. MOV1NU I'U l tHH MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo- tion picture machine and film bargains. ocuiaa l . Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you irrm. aicvariy. nil w. o. W. Bldg, OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHIKB ARMSTRONG, SIS Be. Bldg. PATENT. D. O. BamelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bt urges. 6.(0 Brandela Theater Bldg. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. P. Elsele. 113 City Nat PHIN J l.U. WATERS-BARNHART Ptf. Co., quality priuuug. Tel. Doug. 2190. U H. l.ku bb CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS J744. POCQLA8 Printing Co, Tel. Douglaa 844. SCAL RPAiVt". ' Om. rd Ppal Co f 5U S. lith. D. u. tHOa. KEPA1U1NU. llarley Sho Rep'r Co . 2004 Farn'm. R. M44 STEEL CE1L1NU: CARTER Sheet MetalCompany, 116 a 14, TOWEL SLPPLlEk. OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 B. Uth. P. UX TUUNfci. AND SUIT CAS-S FREUNQ A 8TB1NLE, 1808 Farnam St. VACUUS! ItaAAMi, A'-L make. . b. Wllliama. 80S 8. 18th. Tyler loll. WARM ofk.ll.tUll. Christiansen, td fl Paxton Bk.. 18 rr ex a Wh.DUtNto A I lu.tai, Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg, Co, aiuout. MINUS. BRODEQAARD'S luck- wedding Hngg" at Ui h and Douglas 8ts WIM.B AND tlMtuHt, A l.EX J r TER, JOt-S 8. Uth St. Wines.' I sisarw. riats oiuner U to 8. luc HENRY POuTtK'K I.TqUOR HOUSE, lito and Capitol Ave. Ton cent iumb. PUT your family liquor at Klein' Limn iotuaa, Lt J -' .'.-. Do -aim LOST-FOUND-REWARDS Lost or round ada In Omaha' I,ot and Found iTu'elluin means the Immodlata ri'turn of that artlclfi If advortlood In TIp il, tho IxikI and Kouod pap 1 "ST Pork p"t hook, fin llarnoy. hotwoon and retuin to I'-tfl Harney atrort; reward. L.O.-T-lliindlf of laundry. 11. nt-r, lav'Wth, on 4Sth; reward. Wal. 2.- ,l 1ST Heh rn prT, engraved Pantnar l.orl. 142: reward fall Wehaler 4S FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS r'urnltare and lloaaehold t.oodo. FOfl BAt.K Mere to a. naaalflr-atton that la or Die tit moat Importnnro to every reader, aa thia column offom aome ex ceptional opportunlth-a every day and email want ad will aell yncir artlcl at :ta full value. Phone Tyler l'V PGR HAT.K. 11-foot tlKht oak office counter. ult ahl for atatlonery atoraRe; almost new; a hariraln. 0.'t Hrnndels Uldg. A I.I. RKI'AJRH Water fronta, furnaca folia, etc. gulck aervlce. Omaha Ptova Repair Work iy.-H Ioi;gla. Tyler . OMAHA PM.IjOW CO. Mattreaw a made over Juat. like. new. 19H7 Cumin,. D. 'Ml. ltARilAlVS IS KURNITURPf AND HAIIDWARK. 1W N. itTH. VVHn lfi7. FOR 8A I. K Detroit Jewel ana range and oak i hlffonler. ?.77 X. 41at St. riannn, Maalral Inalromroli. : in anld will he paid for the name of a proapeotive piano or player-piano imyer. RoniNSOX PIANO CO., !I4,S. 1Rlh St. Factory TMkI rlliutera t'ahle Tlano. PIANO for aale or trade for team or cow Phone Colfax 14i!. 13 BO per month. A. Hoaoe. 1513 Doucta. fltore and Offlrp Flxtarea. DESKS, aafoa, acalea, ahowcaaea, ahelv lnar. etc. We buy. aell. Omaha Fixture it Supply Co., 414-1S-IS H. 12th. Doug. 2724. Daclru bought and sold. J. C. Heed, KW Fnrnam St. Douglaa 3148. I omrrai and Kodak. FILMS developed free If purehaeed from t-noto jrari tsnop. iis wee Ming. JJepi. v. Jewelry, Diamond, Watehe. DIAMOND DOCKET, men' and ladled watcnea, reaaonanie. Friedman. 111 Itniif. l.omher and Bolldlna; Material. HOIJflU, aheda and fence for aale, In good condition ror nxe a lumber; wlU aell cheap. Dong. 4R4R. Hewloa; Machine. WE rent, repair, aell needle and pari of all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1Mb and Harney. Douglas 1662. Typewriters and Supplies. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 16. Oliver Typewriter Agency, i:w Farnam. TY PER W ITEMS sold, rcmeo repaired. Central Typewriter Exo. 1905 Farnam. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked ribbons. D. 3242. RKNT a "RemlnRton" not just a type , writer. Low rent. Call Douylas 12ht. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. 31 S. 18th. St. All makes for sale or rent. TYPEWRITERS lor rent 2U8 Bee Bldg. Machinery and Engines. ELECTRIC MOTORS. 1- H. P.. 2.11 volta, 3 phaae, now f 2- H. P. 220 voltH, 3 phase, new 3-11. I . l.ii volta, if phase, new. ....... 60 0- 11. 1'., volta, 3 phase, now 67 DYNAMOS. 8-K. W' 110 volta, D. C, new 70 5-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new 100 24-K. W.. I-) volts, new 80 1- ll. P. gasoline engiri 80 Ml. P. nam: lino engine, throttling governor V . 10ft I. IS BHON ELECTRICAL WORKS, XIX 8. 12th St. o ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. Including shafting, belts and pulley. everything In the beat of condition. Thia includes moulding machines, Jointers, land saw, tltlting table saw, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas 838 or Call 1115 Harney St.. George II. Ia Co. ONE 10-horse ana I. H. C. engine; one - nolo Marseilles sheller. Will soil or trade one or both. E. W. Patrick, R. 3, Tekamah, Neb. Billiard and Pool Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures o all kinds; easy payments. The Hruna-wIck-Halke-Collomittr Co., 407-409 S. loth St Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP, Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of th best Omaha business school. Good reaaun for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold Very reasonably. If Interested investi gate at once, because fall term bet-Ins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of lice of The Omaha Bee. VliKK 1 lb- ' l1o Gunpowder or avi-jaj j.pgn tea with every 10 lbs. of best 3.V coffee, parcel pout, at $2.7&. Dave's Coffee Market, 16 1 1 lavcnworth St., Omaha. Neb. POPFEK 8v' money. Use better v-""'x A 1 coffee. 16 lbs. high grade by parcel post, prepaid, $3.60. W. A. Skaife Co., Omaha Neo. $3.20 Golden West Whisky, 4 full uusrts bottled I., bond, nrenuld. Cackley Bros., Omaha. COAL t oaskets delivered. $1; Illinois nut or lump. $o.J0 per ton. Pnuglas MSI. DURKIN Thomas, Douglaa 2019. ia Cumin St WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy on monthly payments small ator room, with living rooms above, in Central school district Phone Red 74. CFFU E furniture Dough! and sold. C. Reed. LM7 Farnam Doug 4144. J. WANT to buy a picture show. Mean buoi nesa. Address Y 177, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS CnTROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of th nature of your ailment, chiropractic will d for you what no other science ran. When all else fail try me and note th dif ference. I adjust the cause of SO-CALLED Incurable' ailments and all derange ment r ecu 11 or to women. Dr. W. II. KNO LLENB ERG Phone Tyler 1936. Suite SU Be Bldg. s tar Features These are Special Extra-Reel Picture aow appearing at th following Theater: LOTHROP. K4TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount Present MARY PH'KFORD in Such . A Littl Queen MONROE. S&66 FARNAM. Mary Miles Mynter la "Always In th Way." ORPUEUM. Paramount feature, ilaxel Dawn. 24T11 fc M. "Mob," featuring PR1NCKSS, 1217-1 DO I' G LAS. ('.lady Hulett In "The Nam of the Law." 4 r'el T haiiiiau.wr masterpiece. ROHLFF.- 2561 LEAVENWORTH? Bidv and foul with f Tor r lie Rockwell. A VVuili A'rvHiucUuu. , ANNOUNCEMENTS LEASE FOR SALE on two offices nicely located on second floor TIIE BEE BmLDINO Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. KNOINEKR1NO, plana and map draw In; at low ratea. Roe McEalhron, VA Omaha Nat l Hank Pldg. BRODlfOAARUS Irtirky Wedding Rlna-a" at lllh and Toua-laa Po. EXKIlCiaiC AT T.M.C.A. Bualnaaa men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN NEW Wlncheater pump gun and 1") anena. two pair hip Doom, l pair Mackintosh boots, hunt ng coat, hat and ohcli veat and hunting bag; all new. Will wap for motorcycle or what 8. C. 820, Bee. AMHEROLA" Edlaon' new diamond point cabinet phonograph; thl machine with aaaortment of records coat oif) three montha ago; will awap for good No. 4 UiHterwood typewriter. Addrea s. C. MR. Bee. WANTED to swap. Why not advertlae aomeining mat you no lonaer nave any tie for and get something you really need. Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-paasenKer, Mb model, Juat overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the beat 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It tnuat be A-l condition. Addreaa S. C. 72o, Bee. 84i EDISON Phonograph and 2." select 4 mlnute records, for typewriter;, nVo Burton mndolln outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Addreaa S. C. 82. Re. ADDING machine; cost 8:tt new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry; book cases, filing cabinets, automobile, good stock or anything of value. Address S. ". 6WI. Bee. CHILD'S bed, dining table, large rock ing chair, three burner blue-flame coal oil Move, oven and top, for something easy to move away. Address 8. C. 8!9, Bee. ELECTRIC light cabinet, 64. 1 C. p. lights, newly wired, equipped with soven large mirrors. Will trade for anything 1 can use. 8. C. 829. Bee. T Y 1'BW R1TER.S Remington No. 2. Dens more No. I, both in fine shape; to ex change for poultry, calves or what have you? Address S. C. 8.10, Bee. ALL furniture In 4A-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value 11.800. Address S. C. n03. Bee. $100 SHARE flouring mill stock for ko dak and typewriter, or typewriter ana camera, Vlctrola or anything of value. Addreaa Y 200, Be. MANDOLIN Two good mandolins, cost 818 and 136; exchange Tor diamond, piano or typewriter; make offer. S. C. 8-2, care Bee. 19H HALLADAY touring car 80 It. P. In flrat clssg condition. To swap for I "Powers 8 A" or "Balrd ' moving pla machine with motor. S. C. 4'.9. Bee. HAVE large slxed library table, beauti fully finished In fumed oak like new, to swap for equal value, what have youT Addreas 8. O. 8.T7, Bee. - WILL trade 13.000 value In a household article for an automobile, vacant lots or equity In house and lot. Address S. C. 823, Bee. SKATES, almost new. nickel-plated, coat 8.1.60: not ordinary skates. Will swap for something useful. Address S. C. bii, care Boe A CABINET phonograph. In good shape, with twelve records, to swap ror a dresser In good order. S. C. 828, care Hee. PHOTOGRAPHIC finishing outfit, worth $15, very complete. Will take anything of equal value. Addreaa 8. C. 643. Bee. SET J. C. 8. books for aale cheap or will trade for anything of equal value; In good condition. Address S. C. 678. Bee. PISTOL Colt's Automatic 7-shot. new; exchange for Standard Typewriter or diamond. S. C. 824. Bee, Omaha. PHONOGRAPH, cabinet snd 1U0 records. Cost $100. Exchange for piano or cheap lot, even deal. 8. C. 823, Bee. NEW 12-gauge Stevens pump gun and solid leather case for anything I can use. S. C. 821. care Bee. WILL swap either large dining room table or a roll-top denk for a library table. 8. C. 508, Bee. SMITH Premier No. 10. nearly new. to ttade for your No. 2 machine. Address S. C. 8I7L Hee TO SWAP My L. C. Smith No. 6 type writer, what nave your Aaaress s. t. 818 Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. GOOD roll-top desk and chair to swap for anything 1 can use. Address S. C. 837, Bee. NEW No. 8 M. M. high power rifle to trsde. Address S. C. 831, Bee. $400 MAHOGANY upright piano for auto. S. C. 836, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BULLDING Office Room 103 $400 BARGAIN. I muat sell my news stand by Jan. IS, 1916; carries full line of cigars, tobacco, candles, magaslnes. stationery, etc.; good paying business, 36 per cent profit; can be taken car of by wife while hus band works; two living rooms in rear; reasonable rent; good reason for selling. For further information, call Collax li4. IF YOUR Buslneoa College will stand rigid Investigation and ia Just what it Is advertised, or if you are looking to start in business for youroelf, you will be perfectly satisfied it you use the Business Chanc column of Trie Bee. Whan buying or selling a business, phone Tyler 100O WE have an opening for a good man who is now employed. You can earn from H& to $5 per month in your spar time. Don. t interfere with your regular work. No capital required. Office open until 7 p. m. Mr. Kyle. 1015 W. O. W. Hid.. Omaha. Neb. NOTICH. All people that are using oil burners and are diaoaltsf led, please rail at 111 W. O. W. Rids., or phone Red 8-. and make appointment to s th Miliar generator work; no smoke, soot; noth ing but heat WANTED An experienced reliable un dertaker, with from $l.ou to $2.tM) to in vest in business in prosperous western town; capable of managing business. Address P 184, Be. o FoR SALE Harness shop In good town In southeastern Nebraska; no competi tion : will reuuire $ut0 or more to buy. Address F. W. Hubbard A Co, Alexan dria. Neb. LIST your business with m lor qu ok results; Duy, sell ana x cnange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room i. Baird Bldg. Tel. SfM. HTH AND DOUGLAS BTi FOR SALE Bakery. Win good bual ness. County scat of, rallroa I division Must sell account of oliur business. W rite at once. Y 193. Bee. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, marnine ana tnrougn Theater Ex. to, ! Farnam. D lv7. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor aa Be office: 18x21 feet; $j0. The Bee Bldg . Ofttc Room 108 TO SELL or buy a buolli.o. call on Busch A Borghoff. Fl-ei.ier Jblk D.J3li. TO OFT In or out of business call ei GANG EST AD. 4 Be Bldg. Doog. 84T7. Sl'.fl Omaha Tlirati-r Supply Co. for tai gains in eslahlisned shows. D. 3iJ. BUSlNrJSS upportunlticr I til Capitol Ave., UwaLa. ' BUSINESS CHANCES Investment. Our Nebraska farm mortgages re not affected by European wars or panics. Amounts $400 to $20,000. We collect ail Interest and principal free of charge; 20 years in the Nebraska farm loan field without a Iom ts our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY 201 Om. Nat Bit. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOU NO man, can apeak, read and write Pollah, Ruaalan, derma n and Engllah. Will do any kind of work and am com petent worker. Call Harney 1TS3, and aak for Stanley. TOVNO, competent man, wiahea a po sition as Janitor, or anything; If needs, can saw wood between the hours of 10-4. Reliable and eober. Call Harney 874 or 5fi9 So. 29th St. yni'Nl man. rpeaks. reada and write Pollah, Ituaatai, German and Engllah: haa had experience In clerical work, but will do moat any kind of work; can drive Ford car. Call Stanley at Har ney 1TS3. YOUNG man of good character and temperate, wlahes position; speaks sev eral languagea; no objection to salary. F. Herman, General Delivery MAN and" wfe want to take charge of 'email telephone office In oountry town. A 4, Bee. AUTO repair mwhanio wants work. Any kind considered. Red 4.b l-iyntv Female, COMPETENT white woman deslrea posi tion ss cook In restsurant or institution. Beat of reference. Doug. 76f8. RELIABLE colored woman wanta work of any kind, scrublng snd cleaning. Call Douglas 537 Mrs. Bally. EXPERIENCED wsltre wlhes posi tion in hotel or restaurant or private family. Doug. 771R. COMPETENT cook wiahea employment in private family. M 4o, H" NEAT colored girl wishes general house work. Web. 4788. HELP WANTED MALE Store and Offices. SALESMAN, expd. machinery, Xaloaman, auto supplies Salesman, city, A-l only Bteno., law, splendid future.... Bookkeeper, lumoer expd Correspondence clerk, expd.... ....(125 .... ia T ' . . . . 66 . . 65 .... 60 Bteno.. very gooa future... .... 40 W ESTERN REF. A BOND AffS'N, INC., Originators of the Reference Husiness. 752 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg SALESMAN. Machinery, Gas Engine $12R and exp. SALESMAN ITS and exp. SALESMAN, Retail, City STENOO. and OFFICE CLERK STENOGRAPHER 60 TY1MST-H1LLEK 41 CLAIM CLERK 50 WATTS REF. CO., 838-40-42 Brandels Th HE A tD bookkeeper, exp fo no., bookkeeper JiO no, A No. l...i J"0 Steno. MtMIIO iiro ik vn wood writer, flaures $40 Steno clerk, very good, future 845 WESTERN REF. M BOND ASSN.. Inc. 753 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. STENOG. -BOOK KEEPER (Orain) 85 STRNlKlRAPHHR 55 THH CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB BLDG HIGHXJRADR commerteal poMUons WFST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. Drug Store Snaps, Job. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED A good advertising solicitor for a weekly labor paper, xnis ia a gooa for one who la wllltna to work. Salary and commission. Apply 640 Bee Bldg. . WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell froceries direct to the consumer. Writ larper Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, t'hlOHgO, ill. Teamsters aad Chaaf fears. WANTED Experienced laundry driver; familiar with Ford car. Address A 867, care of Bee. Trade Schools. YOUNG MAN. be a bsrber. 1 teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tool fur nished. 1 give you acuial shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays snd keep half th receipts. My stu dents In bin uemand. I have colleges in all principal cities in U. ti. and Can ada. Call, write or phono A. B. Moler, President. MOLE It BARBER COLLEGE!, Omaha. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER, If .you can't attend day sobool you itn hold your lob and at the same lime get your automobile education If you enrol in the NIGHT CLASS OK NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2408 LEAVENWORTH. RED 8110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2063 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. LEARN THH BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tui tion. Including set of tools; wages paid; electrl massage, hydraulic chairs; cat alogue free. 1121 Douglas St.. Omaha. Mlseellaaeoa. WANTED Men to try examinations for government obs; $i month. Common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y Be. MEN 18 or over, wanted as railway mall clerks. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 L. Rochester. N. Y. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES tie find a position that fita you. CO-OPERATIVE- REF. CO., ' 10JS-1 CITY NATIONAL BANK. BLDG. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. 1 . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Store and Office. WANTED office clerk; must be rapid and accurate at rigures; chanc for promotion. I'udahy Packing Co., 14th and Jones St. STENOGRAPHER $M SALESLADY, City. SHlarv and com. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 860 WATTS REF. CO.. 8.18-40-43 Brandels Th. Professions aad Trades. Gl Rl. to le irn halrdresaing. Oppenhelm Parlors, 2W City INat. APPRENTICE Oppenhelm. halrdresaing. Islotnsats aad Solicitors.' EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR SWITCH: PERMA NENT WORK; STRAIGHT SALARY AND CAR FARE. APPLY SAT. R. TYLER. FLAT! RON HOTEL. lloaaehold aad Domestic. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Pee? will run a Servant Girl W anted Ad FREE until ou get the desired results. Thia applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring sd to The Bee office or tetopboa Tvler 10H1. WANTED Girl for general housework; home; t in family. good wages, gooa 6u2i Underwood Ave. Wal. 34 WANTED Good Bohemian girl or wuman for general housework. Call after 6 30 p. in. Ml N. Xlh St. WANTEI" White girl for general housework; small family, no cUildten. 2trto Harney. Har. 4v19. WANTEIvCompetent whit girl for gen eral houaeaork. No waahing. froiO In dsiwood Ave. WANTEl -Gooil white girl to assist with tuusework: no waatuiui; no cooking. HELP WANTED-FEMALE lloaaehold and Domeatle. WANTED Girl to nsaiat with houae work and care of small child. Phone Uniney 7fy,, COMIRK.D woman wiahea general house work or kitchen work. 1411, In rear of Chicago St. . WANTEI Neat, reliable colored maid. Permanent place to right party. Har. 4.-. WANTED Middle-aged lady for houae keeper; German preferred. Tel. P. 8146.. EXPERIENCED laundrv woman want bundle whin; neat work. Web. H57. WANTETwitrl for general housework; fa mil v of four. Har. 3:119. 870 Dodge. WAXTEP-Girl for general housework. 81 IS S. S'th Ave. South 22T4. , WANTED Middle . Web. 3707 or 1441 N. sged housekeeper. 19tJi St. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster TO. -xl Mlseellaaeoao tOl'NO women coming to Omaha aa strangers sre Invited to Tlslt the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary s Ave. and Kth St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. EDUCATIONAL GET BOYLES GREVT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Juat send me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, most attractive offer ever made hy a repu table business, training institution. It's a combination premlum-and-oash-rebate offer that will both make J-ou money and save vou money. MID -WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy., Touch Tyepwrltlng, Telegraphy and Civil Service preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue and last Issue of college Journal. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. Hth and Harney St Tel. D. 1563. Omaha. Nebraska. AFTERNOON SCHOOL 3 to 6 r. M. Penmanship. Arithmetic, Business English, Engllah for coming Amer ican taught five day per week, 3 to 8 p. m. Moderate tuition. Call Kduc. Dept., Tyler 1600. Y. M. C. A. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of courses In a reliable Business Pchool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a, course Investigate this at once, sinco Fall Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOO'KKEEPINO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning clas in typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Ov.ner and Manager. 80S S. 18th St. Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholaralilps'ln a first-class Omaha Business college: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. ' W 111 be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. LEARN to danoe at the PeLux Dancing Academy; classes Monday and Wednes day: 60c per lesson, or 8 lessons for $2; private lessons any time. Phone South 3630. or Doug. 4310. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R.' TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. I TOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to Tisit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at the union Station ft if- novation Armv Industrial home ao- licit your old clothing, furniture, msg- axlnes. we coneci. we uuiura Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1U0-111MU4 Dodge St. RAM FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 709 South Pith St., aecond floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mae sage. chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. RTT T T TT 1? V Succsafully treated U I 1 Ulvti without a urglcal operation. Call or write Dra. W ray A Matheny, 3t Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladlia and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage, 1919 Farnam St Douglas 3437 Personal Misses Staples A Mason, bath elechrte treatment. Open 9 a. m. to p. m. Doug. 713. 85$ Brandeia Th. ""VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAY BATHS. Edna La Bell. 7 S. IGth St. Sd floor apt. D. 7046. MISS WILSON. Baths. 1802 Fsrnam St. Room Pnone lunulas 8751. M. HRITGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Room 212, Karbach Blk Red 2727. RHEUMATISM treated auccessfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, $14 Bee Bid . MRS. 8TEEI.E, Medicated batha. 1721 Dodge St. COZY inktiicurlng porlora. baths. Fsrnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7.VT4. 1802 SCIENTIFIC maasage. Phone Iouglas 372. 520 Bee Bldg. M ASSAGE Miss W ebster, 518 Paxton Blk. Douglas Ztfl. BATH-214 Baird Blk., 17th and Douglas. FOR RENT-ROOMS rd Rooms. HOWARD. 2215 GENTLEMEN, If you want a nice room, either single or double, with nice surroundings, see what we have, we serve gooa ooara. 20TH ST. 3o NO. Elegantly furnished modem rooms in private family, to re fined people; excellent board it desired. 'JONEd ST.. i4i4 Front room and board for two. in pr.vaie lanmy; geiitipnien preferred: walking distance. Doug, 8122. ROOMS Well furnislied. in all modern home; references required; walking distance. 2115 California. Douglas 6J3. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLEfl 19th and Farnam. 80th and Farnam. opecial Rates to Permanent Quests. WELL furnished, comfortable, warm room. Private home, clos In. Reason able. For gentleman Harney lwl. ;:07 FARNAM Nicely furnished south and eat room, modern, well heated for gentlemen. FARNAM. 222 Two nice housekeeping rooms, flectricity, steam, gaa range. rtioiu. d t S'TH ST.. 119 N Mod, newly fur, roonio O.S Xuj bed rooiu. m JTsrus . tL FOR RENT-ROOMS Hoaoekeeplna Rooms. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. 3 rooms, bath, entire upstairs rcst dence; modern except heat, IK1. 2ill Corby. Web. STTw. IVE.VPOKT. 21S TWO NICELY FURNISH ED TIOUSEKEEPINQ RMS. BRICK FLAT. 20TH ST.. 812 N. Suite of rooms, with bath: nicely furnished; also sleeping room. OUTSIDE steam-heatefl apt., furn. for light hkpg. : $ wk.; 21o Chicago. T. 2W7. Board and Rooms. FURNlHFiD rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in private famllle or hoarding house of the hlh eet olas will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. TWO large, well furnished rooms; large closets; modern home; good board; In private family. Tyler, 1709. Untarnished Rooms, STEAM-HEATED room for living pur- oses In dowtown office building. oug. 2464. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. FOR RENT. Jfi32 Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1216. Xorth. 1S24 EVANS Nice new 5-room bungalow. all modern, large room, oak finishln throughout, corner lot, south front. one block of car line; immediate pos session, H5 per month. H1ATT-FAIRF1ELD COMPANY. 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. P. Up-to-date 5-r. bmtgalow; $80. Web. 12-. Sooth. 8-HOOM home In lianmom 1'ark District, 1138 Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition; $35. H AST1NQS H EYDEN. 1H14 Harney St. FIVE-ROOM house: modern except furu nace. 6T3 S. 24th Ave. Har. 4.155. M Iscellaneoaa. 8-r.. 3304 Davenport St, Weat Farnam. 8-r., 620 8. 21st Ave., modern, $42.50. 7-r., 2429 Emmet St., mod. ex. heat, $'. -r.. 27' Parker St.. colored, mod.. $80., PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas 898. BARGAIN In 4-room houe, with garage, on Willis Ave. Will consider rooming; houae as part payment. Inquire 2406 Har. 161H SHERMAN Ave., mod.. 14 i. $33.o 208 8. 4tst., modern, 7 room, $22.50. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUG. 654. Mlacellaneons. IN all parts of city at reduced rent dur ing winter months. F. D. Wead, 310 S, 18th St., Wead Bl.lg. I Innsea Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. UUUbtJ3ln m), part( of th cUy 6EE the Central Furniture Store's FRE3 RENTAL LIST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, $30. Web. liS). BARNS 1314 Pierce, rear. Doug. 289. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. 3-r., 2717 Dewey, conltlng of one largo living room, with built-in bed; kitchen snd bath: NEW, very choice, closa in. $34.50 to $30. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. T314 Harney St 3-R.. 603 S. 28-Close in, walking distance, nice, light rooms, heat, water and jan itor service all furnished for $20 year round. HASTINGS fk ITEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. STORE WEST FARNAM. Cheap rent corner. See Reich en berg Bros., 927 City Nat. Bldg. Tel. D. 1S46. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on Weat Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. AND 7-R. APTS. 2U7 N. I6th; heat. water and Janitor service all rurnisnea for $25 summer. $32.50 winter. Doug. 1H06. South. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment. very desirable, the China Vlnta, aotn and Poppleton Ave., $42.60. 823 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1671. 6-ROOM flat, newly papered and painted. $18 per montn. tjau uoug. (. tvemp Kuchnlck, 2512 Leavenworth. Miscellaneous. 3-R.. with t built-in beds, at 3301 Dewey avenue; NEW, Just completed; has In dividual porches, something right tip-to-date in Omaha's newest apartment houses; beautifully decorated, choice lighting fixture; excellent Janitor serv ice: $; to $45. Lease to Oct. l. hastivos v HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St FLATS. 6-r.. 8116 Leavenworth St.. mod. ex. ht$1 6-r. Shelbv Court., close in. mod. ex. ht.$1 6-r.. 122 8. loth, za nr., moa. ex. ct...i - ..... h,. C. T .r C, tit -r., AU O. 4Dl.ll Dl., l-Jro. . k,w. PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas SS. THE for rent advertisements appearing in the For Rent column of The Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent Phone Tyler 1000. 4-RM. 2220 Howard, in tho New San Mateo; ha sun room, one built-in bed, close in; Just completed: $33.50 summer, $38.50 winter. Open today. nTTNOS HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. APARTMENTS. 4-R-, Alsatian, 115 S. 35th St.. $35.00-40.01 4-r., Flo-I. 2"h ft Cap. Ave. $15.00 40.00 4-r.. Georgia, 1040 Georgia Av.$37.60. PETERS TRUST CO., Douglas 898. iRM. 30i6 Harney. NEW, has sun par lor;, one built-in bed; nicely decorated; sood location; Apt. No. 7, sub-lease, $37.50 summer. $12.5f winter. Doug. lftOfl. ClOSEIN ar-artments, 3-r., trod but heat, Nice location. $15. D. E. Buck & Co., 912 Omaha Nat.. P. 5228. ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney. 4-room apartment. Call Harney 647. FOR RENT Furnished Apartments and Flats. CHOICE 3-r. Apt., located 2717 Dewey Ave., furnished complete except linens and silverware; all new; has bullt-tn bed: $1J umm r. $35 winter, close in. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney St. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, packs, ships, S-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storsge, $2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. 42:8 & T. 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storsge and mov ing, 219 N. 11th St. Tel. Douglas 394 or Ilsrncy 1937. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing 0nMA'HSP VAN AND STORAGE CO., 8 16th Sr. Douglas 413. FIDELITY VvTcb -Miti-l Phone Douglas 2 for complete list of vacant houses and spartment; also for storage, moving. ltti and Jackson Bt. r iTV'VTll Kxt' Co., moving . Kj. lrjlLJ ,,aiklng and storage. 1807 Farnam St. Douglas 8148. MAGOARD Van Storage Oo.: Moving' pack lag. storag and shipping. P. ltui. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY af oT? E RN gor near poatofflie; low renU u. r, eieDuim, oiv fwiiicaifo. WANTED TO RENT tafaratsh ei H oases-. plat. ' sT your 6 and t-nxmi with us 1 have clients waiuna MAt'K tTlDTrt! I 1- M Garry), i Keeiine Bldg. 11 E-d Iwtt. Xi r i