Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till: BKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. .TANTAKY 12. 1010.
Beckmauu Feels
! He Is Sustained
l I.oiik Uracil, v'sl., n onr of thr IifIi to
' her rstate, which Is ppmllnar In tho court
j of that city, whore her death occuiro.l
I .dipt recently. Mts tHW5iiti wan one of
i Kroiti a
r.rlifnriol Ananrifttinn Meetine at t'oimnlswioiirr
Lincoln Draws Faithful to Old
Stamping Grounds.
stuff Coi ie.piiinlciit.i
Jan. 11. i Special. - 1 .11 ml
Fled Hecknum Is feelinn
i pretty nood this niornlnc. having rt-
cciveil a letter from Anton Kaspcrsen of
I St. l'mil. who owns land adjoining the
tracts which have been the occasion of
ENDORSEMENT ' ,n,"'n 'lix'tn'slon and on which the State
; hoard has recently onu red a repi aise-
i inent auainst the Ishes of
Krom a Starr (. orre-ponneni. i
LINCOLN. Jan. H. -(Special.) IVmo
cratic editors of Nebraska have been
the orKunixcrs
leases it :
of tlie church hcie. and
Guttery Relieved
Pending Hearing
coming Into town today In numbers. Al
though all the democratic visitors are
not newspapermen, most of them expect
to have something to do with the fra
ternity before the year Is over.
On account of the threatening blizzard.
many who had Intended to come from
out In the state were forced to change
their plans so that the banquet was
changed from the City Auditorium to
tho I.indel! hotel, the two dining rooms
Hiid the ball room being thrown together
lor the occasion by Landlard Johnston.
llatloK Want Convention.
A delegation from Hastings, headed by
Secretary K. A. Wake of the Chamber
of Commerce, with John Teeling, Jack
Corey and R. B. Wahhiuist as a com
mittee, were boosting Hastings for the
place for holding the state democratic
convention. Hastings Is the only citv
so far which has made a bid for the
Demon atic celebrities who were on the
1:1011ml early were: Senator Jack Grace,
candidate for the democratic nomination
for the railway commission; Senator
John Mattes of Nebraska City, who will
aKain be a candidate from that district,
Victor Wilson of Stromsbtirg, a candidate
for the democratic nomination for the
railway commission; (Seorge W. l'otts,
chief clerk of the house at the last ses
sion, and a possible candidate for gov
ernor; Uort Sprague, secretary of the
ilcmocratlc state committee, and a can
didate for chairman; Kditor Shields of
oilcans, candidate for the democratic
nomination for governor; Representative
Snyder of Hastings, Who will endeavor
to return for the next session: Repre
sentative Katiffman of Nemaha, who uIfo
aspires to return, and other noted states
men. '
Besides these were Fire Commissioner
I'.ldgell, who can live longer on no salary
than any appointee of the governor and
mow fat, who Is a candidate for railway
commissioner; Senator Skiles of Saun
ders, who admits he wants nothing but
harmony, provided it grows on his kind
of a tree, and some others.
Ilrynn and Mutter.
the land
i commissioner.
Commissioner lteckm.inn opposed plac
ing' the reappraiseinent in for hands of
the county commissioners because the
commissioners bad signed a petition to
the board asking that the appraisement
lie lowered. To show that Mr. 1!. ck-
ninn was about 1I4IH on his contention
that the land was not appraised too
high, the letter received this morning
substantiates, and Is as follows:
1 undei stand the niitv u ho renls il.e
1. 14. ranve 9 of
SJ of NK1. section III.
nowarn county, is paying lor the use
of said land the amount of IVm only.
1 also see by the last Issue of our couni
paper that a number of Howard count v
people have been down to see vou In
retard to getting the rental reducul.
which. 1 understand you have partly
agreed to. anil that a new appraisement
vi'l te made.
I have land joining above described
school land and would be perfectly will
log to pay $;.' n year for such Venial
I'm I hei ini re there Is land on the east
of tills land (hat cannot. I.e bought for
less than $liki an acre.
' t From a Slaff Correspondent. I
i.i.m i'l.-v jail. li. irpcciai icicKiniii.i : 1.,P(,
v:, ...... i..t i .... w n iinM.i.,1 o... '
Norfolk Insane asylum has been relieved I
I of the management of that Institution i
I lempoi ai lly pending a hearing, at his
I reipiest. which will be held February 2
'at Not folk. lr. Carson first assistant,
will have charge of the Institution until
I further action Is taken by the board.
I lr. tiutteiy bus retained the services'
i of Judge U. F. flood of Lincoln and the
two were in cwnference wtlh the board
; today.
, . .
Judge Bakers Filing
Received by Pool
j i From a Staff Correspondent.
j LINCOLN. Jan. 11. t Special.) The
j filing of Judge lien Baker of Omaha for
the republican noniinr.ticn lor congress
i from the Second district i cached the of-
f ice of the secretary ol stale this after
i noon.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BKATK1CF. Neb . Jan. 11. i S -. Int. i - '
A stranger giving his name as John l:. 1
McClane and claiming Cleveland, O., n
his home was arrested Monday aftc,-'
noon and lodged in Jail after he had
passed a worthless check for l-'Vi at C. i
F. Montgomei y s grocery store. At tltei
police station stills found In McClane''
book showed that be had liaw 1
about eight checks on the Nebraska j
Slate bank of this city ranging In J
i amounts from 12. to fl Nothu. '' it
the stubs were left. Tiny wcic lilt lia.i
on the Nebraska State bank, maiio pa-'
able to John H. McClane and signed bv
hint. He Is about 4"i yeats of age an)
unite large.
Seaborne Mooie, a ch II war xeterm
living three miles southwest ot the city,
died Sunday evening after a brief lllncn
of pnucmoniii. He Is survived bv bis
widow and two sons, Harry of Foil
Collins, Colo., and O. C. of clear 11 e,
8. 1 No arrangements for the funeral
will be made until their arrival.
Mrs. J. ( Finery was called to Topehi,
Kan., Monday hv a telegram announc
ing the death of her slater. Mis. Kittle
Winter, who formerly result
more. She Is survived by lu
two daughters and four sons
proof of n tat lonship as n nephew, since
lis will case U pending In the supreme
court. The en e m.iy be iinlshi d tumor-
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days.
low. , la many laatancca Persona b anf-
j trA untold afonr for yaara dootorlnf
Tlirn TTrvvana of Mill Inn for norvooa waaknoaa, stomach, liTr or
i lib uuiovo ivb muiiuu i kll
Killed for Glanders i
iFioiii a Slaff Coi respondent J
LINCOLN, Jan. II. - tSiwclnl Telegiam I
-Fixe hoi si's were Mlbd on account of
slander, belonging to F J. Yoiinkln of
Mullen, visteidiiy, out of a herd of about j
1 li i t . according I i Information reoetvl
by the slate veterinarian this morning.
The horses wcie condemned anil killed j
after an examination bv pi. Schilling,
special Inspector. Another examination
will be made a little later to see If any I
of the remainder of (he herd show signs j
of the disease. j
Cuming Pioneer
Dies at Spencer
iff i
Int county from IS'W to dioil thH
nvmlnn at Sprm-or, Ntli. wnn a
ltMh r of H. l Kloke of Ouiufin, Homy
I Ml v-K1oko of Pirn nnl llorninn Kloko of
hii!lmi.I. ' I'0 AtiKM'. Ilo wn.i 7H yonrft oU. Tto
I funornl will ho hM lu ro Thin h lay mom-
kldnT dii or torn other tlmtit
whin their rtal tronblo wat Uck of Irom
In th blood. How to tU.
Nf h k. N. Y In a r rnt rii4'tmr 1'r K
Smirr, Spxtllit'. of I'.iU iltf ll !f ou
it mkf an rl rt tn ' nropl ht
turn 111 on woitM prttt Iv h irftlv m tn i)t4
t tt f xcwlliltlv Ur numhr hi Ink Irnn
tttid Via are III for nn nihr rrin than iU In k
of (ton. Th mnnifnt Iron i mippllil 11 (l:ir
PuiHitu.lp of ilnnroM Miniptomt diKBpr With
out It on I ho hloikl at one lor tti no r tn
iliange foml Inin ltlng tipu and lhnrti niui
Inc ton t 1ib you any ftM1 . ou rlrtn't ftt t)i
iMnit cut uf It. Your foo-i merely pa
throunU mir Rtiitfin WVp nun tttnuiwh
a mill hh th rolltf an I1m aprt that
thft mill can t nrinl A" a rntt of thla rnnttnu
ona b'on, antl npt va atarvatltin. ppopla n
Cnirllr wpaknrtl. nrntta an1 all nil down
arttl fi-iumlr Jrxelop all nrt of (nndltlntia li
In tno tltln . another U burtlrnvi wlih nhalt)iT
fat ; a-'ma at i wh tliv ran haMW walk .
om t hlnk thv hav dvKpcpiiia. k !dnv or llvr
I ti on hi . aotnd can't alerp at night, nlhprv -. r
alory nnd tirrd nil da ; aom luvv antl IrrliaMp,
aom Klun' ami 1 1mtl'R, but all lark h 1,mI
pnwr ami ndurait. In avirh rastw. It Is u.
than fftollahneMi to Uk vtlmnlatlna mrilti inra or
narcotic dnia. whtth nnlr lilp up vnnr fttitcinit
t tal pr for tha ntoment. mavop at t-
4ctiaa of )Our II f 1atr on iN oultor nhnt any
ona tlla vnij. If you ara aot utrnnt an4 wall fmtt to jourir (o maka im following, taat.
how Ions ) mi ran Work or how far you ran walk I
without bcctHiiltiR tired. Navt taka tw flva-craln'
tablet a of nrdtnarr ntuatf.l Irnn thraa tlmmi par
1ajr iftar maaU for Ua waka. Than tat your!
atrngth again ami for Toumalf bow much yw
hava lalnrd. I halt arrn doana of narvona mn
frwn opla who wara alltna all tha tlma doubla.
an4 avm trlpla Ihplr atn-nRih and endurance aai
antlraly gat rtl of tha'r iTmptoma of dvapapala,.
I War and mlir trmiba In from tan t fmirttwn
dnja' tlma aimplr hv taklnx Iron In tha propar
furni, and thla afiar tha.' had In aom rmum htmn
ilrtctcrlna for mnntHt with ut otiialnlng anr bana
f iL Yon mn talk a nu pUaaa a) out All tha
wonilar rouiit bv naw rmrllM, but whan y
nut t1nn i hnl fat ttiar U nothing ,ka
mtn rii iroti to put ror In vn'ir rhka and
-d aound. 1ia It hr flcph on vmir tnnwa It hw
mn mrrtt nr anrt lonim-h l rmnm t hfnfir andl
ttio o-t blool bulMrr tn (It wnrM 1 ha onlr
trouble was that tlia old iirm of Inorcanle Ironi
lihft t 1 not ii i a of trni. I -on a-etnta, ate. oftn
ruinr ioilf'a trtth, upt thrtr atomacha and!
wrra not ji-imtlatd and for thw raaaona tbar
ft-nini Iv did nmi hat m tban good. Hut wilh
tb ilm.nverr of tba npfr form of organln lr-nj
all I lit a h.AB hen nvrmm. NMat4 Iron for;
(rtinpir. t plrHsvant to tak, do not Injur thai
liitb fnd la altnoat innicdlatly bnMlclal.
NOTW Tli manufacturer of Nuvatad Iron hv
an-h uphoiitttd ronfldfo. a in It a ponT that
t bm Itorh anitouncampnt thmt tha Willi
foT'mi li'iomi to anv rharttahla Inatltutlon If thav!
cannot taka atir man or woman nnilar alitr wh"j
lv K Iron and lnrr tliflr atrogth 2(rt par cant 1
or over In four tlma, provldM tbey ha4
no nerlmta nrtinit' trntihla Aluo thar will rafimd'
vour moiifv In any fif n which Nuiitd Iron!
dta not at lat dnubl vonr afrnath In tani
.!. I Una. It U dlpn-d In thla city br (hr
man a M.Onnrli lrug Storaa and all othar dmg-i
(lata AdvrrtlMmnt.
ST. K!VAHr. Non. Jan. 11. Sm-tial.V-Mrs.
Martin Pnttrrson of iionon
ilicd fit tho homo of her (iitunhtcr. Mr.
William Tomla hrm Siimliiy mmlne;. a
tho rosiilt of an nendfiit.
Mia. I'atUrson arrivni Saturday to
visit hrr dauKlUrr and family. About 3
oarlock 'Saturday evening nho arrl lcntally
(trppnl info l ho elevator way on the
firat floor of the Fonda resitlencp, faltinff
to the basement on the cement floor. She
never regained roriMonu.HnruM and died
about 9 o'clock Sunday evening.
.Mrs. I'aueraon and her husband were !
Pioneer aettlera of Hoone county. Slie was I
i:il.N! lSI.AMi. Xeii., Jnn. 11 (8pe-
! ei;i 1. 1 The executive committer' of the
Nehraska State" Jewelers" association
' met ill tliis clly yesterday afternoon
' Willi Secretary Connors of the Oomnier
i ( ini chili and arraniied for the next an
nual conxenlion of that organization to
ho held 111 this city l'elinmry and Tt.
J. II. Illffo, inesideiit of the association
of HastluKs; It. Sclniniacher of St.
Paul, secretary and treasurer; O. C.
.Iiiim of 1 lastliiKs, K. j . Niewohmer of
folnmlius anil William Neitfiedt and
Itohert Meyer of this city were preset
The t'ommereial club will provide one of
about Ml years of aKe. Funeral services ! entci tamnient features by way of a
were held this afternoon. banuuel.
rUVTTSMOrTH. Neb., Jan. II. tSpP.
cial.r-.lohn .N. Schwartz, who went to
VUnilobu, t'anuda, a few years since, re-
lined a short time since, and will make
I his home here for the present, where he
Mayor Charles Bryan blew Into the
hotel lobby about noon, wiped the steam
from his classes, conversed a moment
with friends nnd then wrapped the man
tie of his cloak about him and silently
stole away.
Colonel John O. Mlaher. who leaves for
.New York tomorrow, stole into the lohre,
'noked around to see if the mayor was
there, and seeing him not, lingered for
.-nine time.
However, tho editors in their meeting
this afternoon Rave a general endorse
ment of the administration and Bavo en
dorsement of the manner in which the
lifirsident had handled the war situation
arid haif-heartedly endorsed tho prepared-
rum- sohoom of th president In the fol
lowing paragraph: . j
i "We unregerved'y repose confidence in
our democratic president and our demo- I
cratlc congress, including our Nebraska
representatives in tho national legislature,
for protection from tho extravagant pre
paredness program of the republican lead
ers, with the firm belief that they will
adjust this acuto question to tho Batis
ta etion of a majority of the American
They also cave an endorsement of the
stale administration.
Colonel Arthur Mullen of Omaha waa
early on the ground. It was rumored that
Mu'len had something up his Bleeve, but
if so he kept It very quiet, although he
looked exceedingly wise at times.
Senator Hitchcock could not be present,
but his special representative was busy
most of the day looking after the sena
tor's political fences and tightening up
the wire wherever it showed signs of sag
ging a little where some discontented
democrat had tried to creep through.
Killtura for WIInoii.
There was some sentiment shown
against endorsing I'resldent Wilson, the
bone of contention being that some do
sired an endorsement of his preparedness
plan, while others who were afraid Jliat
to pick out -.ny particular thing might
spoil the harmony plan favored passing
up endorsement altogether rather than
taking a chance of raising opposition.
Mny l'orce Miirrhmil.
There appeared to he quite a sentiment
in favor of Governor Morehcad for a
third term, or rather the nomination for
a third term. This comes from two
source those who believe that the gov
i rnor has made good and lias given the
state a good, business administration, and
those who desire to act blni out nt tlm I
way so that Senator Hitchcock will have
plain sailing. The latter element 1.4
working hard to get the sentiment
worked un lieht and much H.i,enHu i
the wav In which the wires are pulled.
Should the governor get Into the sena
torial light it will complicate things con
siderably. It is generally believed that if
the governor could have his way he I
ould much prefer staying out of the po- I
litical game as far as himself is con-j
cerned until two years later, and then I
go up aa nst Senator George W. Xorrls.
fhould he be renominated by the repub- i
licans, for the senatorship.
Kdllorlnl Officer. !
The Editorial association re-elected all I
officers, being Doc Tanner of Oinnhu.
president; K. A. Walrath of Osceola, sec-j
rotary, and John W. Cutright of Lincoln, !
vice president. 1
Edgar Howard, sadly dilapidated, but
still in the ring. Is present. He still has 1
a bad-looking eye and may lose the sight i
of It from the auto accident of a week '
ago. when he got tn the way of a bunch
of joy riders. A hole In the back of his
head testifies that the curb stone where
he struck was the hardest.
will engage in farming. Mr. Kchwarlz Robert Harris,
fH,tfii of Ueittrler.
llHATItlCK, Neh., Jan. 11. (Special
Telegram.' The officers are looking for
a farmhand named George Wake, who
passed bad checks amounting to 1 15 on
a number of business men of this city
the other day and escaped.
Clarence (iltchens, a young man, ac
cused of forging a check for JS.rn) on
merchant at Holnies-
was well pleased with the country nnd
tho advantages for making money there,
but when the matter came to conscip
tiou In England, and with a show of It
in Canada, ho thought It was better to
move. Mr. Schwartz said that when a
Canadian was coming this way that his
ticket was taken away from him and he
was put off the train for fear that he
would get Into the 1'nited Slates, where
he would not have t go to war unless
ho wished. Kor this reason Mr. Schwartz
thought it better to get back to his na
tive land while getting was good.
Ultt In Fnllx City rlinrch.
I FALLS CITY, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
The Christian church of Falls City was
named in tho will of Mrs. Dawson at
vllle, was arrested at Washington, Kan.,
todiy for breaking his parole. Ho refused
to come without a requisition and Sheriff
Acton left today to secure the necessary
It developed today that Glthens has a
wife at Red Cloud besides the one here.
' Sunday Workers' Hphnnl.
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 11. Oieclal
Telegram.)-The invitation of the Hast
ings Christian church for the annual
school of Sunday school methods for Ne
braska Clirisian churches lias been ac
cepted. The date has been set for Febru
ary 21 to 25. It Is expected that more
than 150 leading Sunday school workers)
from the Nebraska churches will he present.
Crop Improvement association will be
held In the Commercial club rooms In
this city on Saturdn, January 2.'.
V. K. Lenhart, who bus served one,:
term as district clerk, has anln filed !
ns a candid, ite for re-election on the'
republican ticket. i
NOnTH n.ATTK, Neb . Jan. 11 (Spe
elal Telegram.) Tbi convention of the
State Sheriffs e'soclation closed here
today wllh the election of officers. The
officers elected ore: President, John A
Jones, Nelson; 'ice president. Oliver 11.
Hedge. Red Cloud; secretary-treasurer.
W. C. Condlt, Frctnrnt. I
The next meeting place of the assocbi-l
Hon was left to be decided at a future
date by the officers-elect.
Bad weather prevented the automobile
trip with which the chamber of Com
merce had planned to entertain the
sheriffs. A snio.ier and program of en
tertainment was given for the sheriffs to
night at (he Elks' club.
H;:ATUICK. Neb., Jan. 11-(Special
Telegram.)-John 1.. Kennedy of Oinnhn
addressed tho Commercial club luncheon
here loibiv on the stihlecl. "The Common
interests of the Farmer nnd the Commer- i
cial Clubs." j
Mr. Kennedy said that If the commer-
rial clubs of the stale would reach out
and take the farmer Into their confidence
and Into their work they would soon
djOiiblo their rapacity.
Get tho farmers Into these organiza
tions, not for what you can glvo them,
but what knowledge you ran get from
them, as my experience has been that
the best thinking Is done by tho man
when he Is following a plow." In touch
ing on national Issues Mr. Kennedy stated
that he fawned a merchant marine, but
was against enlarging tho army. He
said he wished to go on record ns favor-
'la h
I Fire Tested Goals
lug (ho establishment of
tariff commission.
Farmers' Committer In Meet.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. ll.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) President Gust a fi son of
Mead and Secretary Plait of Edgar, of
the Nebraska Farmers' congress, have
called a meeting of the executive com
mitter of the organisation late this even
ing as the opener of a two days' session
of tho organization beginning tomorrow
Quito a number of the members arrived
this evening and about Soft are rx peeled
In tho city for tho next few days.
teensed of Speeding. !
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 11. -(Si- I
elal Telegram.) Hen Cleveland was ar- J
resled for running Into a vehicle driven ,
by Fred Ilorst. Cleveland did not stop !
to see what damage had been done until
bis own automobile went Into the ditch.
He was fined f 10 and costs, and paid u
I5 bill for repairs.
O'Connor Testimony I'lnMiril,
HASTINGS. Neb.. .Ian. 11. (SVoclal
Telegram.) The taking of testimony on
tho heirship claims In Ihe John O'Connor
case was concluded today, and the state
began Ita rebuttal. One witness testified
today that bo had heard O'Connor say he
had killed a man In Canada. John T.
Culavtn .of Omaha declined to present
Funeral Directors o Meet,
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 11. (.Special
Telegram.) The Nebraska Funeral Dl-
reslors' association will meet In Hastings
on June (1. 7 and S, It was decided at a
meeting of the executive board hero today.
III 'lake Itaillum Treatment. '
P1.ATTSMOIT1I. Neb. Jan. ll,-(Sp-:
elal.) .Mrs. 11. F. Crook of this place was
taken to Omaha, where she entered a
hospital at that place for treatment for j
cancer. She will tako treatment from a ,
physician, who uses radium. j
Exccllo Lump-ZonttKro-i . $8.00
the Idrnl coal for economy. Iioal, service nntl results -Its users nro
Hi liest ml vert ixcr Ask litem,
MacGregor Lump or Hut--Co,B0'$ . $8.00
n quirk, clean starter for niillirnrlle fires In I lie morjiinit; also the
very liesl kitchen range, ronl ohlalnahle.
Olympic Lump, Egg or Hut .... $6.50
our hlfili Ki'itilc Illinois Coal.
Coal Hill Lump, Egg and Hut . . . $5.50
.n excellent Illinois con I.
Cherokee Hut $5.00
A sUtinu coking coal Ions five.
Hylo Hut $4.50
The economical eoiil jjooil
211 S. 10(li SI. Douglas !7H. Three l liones.
HTHE patriotism that makes a man fight for his
4 country, is a good quality. But patriotism com
bined with the good sense to keep her
out of a fight, is better yet.
"TVTO BITE" in a tobacco is a good
quality. But " no bite " com
bined with coolness and natural
flavor is a BETTER quality.
That's why VELVET is the
choice of more and more pipe
smokers every day.
Into VELVET goes the very pick of Ken
tucky's famous Bur ley Tobacco. This
Burley is cured 'in the natural way by
two years' patient ageing in wooden hogs
heads. Then it has gained that delightful
smoothness so noticeable in VELVET, which
age alone can give.
To the Ever-Sunny Southland
VIA tiii:
Florida, Cuba,
(Vlobile, New Orleans
And nil other Utilf CohM. point. I'lnnl return limit, June 1, 1016.
To deMlnnlioiiN in I'MHtlliA ami CI HA chii n one route and return
another at filthily hlulier fme.
Attractive erulNen to the Went I nil lea, Panama Canul and South
America. Kor detailed information and dencrlpilvc literature, call
mi or mldrcRn
II. f. SHIKMIS, General Agent Pnnxonurr lept.,
.ill South lllh HI., Woodmen of the World Uldg.
Jeleplione Uoukuim 3o..
Cunrithi 1916
10c Tint 5c Metal-lined Bg
One Pound Glas Humidor
Stoiiiat-b 'Iroalilea.
P(rorn who liave stomach trouble arc
pt (o bimo dtaiouraged. They wl.'l e
by the following that their chances of re
covery are excellent. A, K. Wililamx. ,.
dependence, Va., tella of a remarkable
cure that aa effected In that vicinity
One of hla cuatomera vai ao badly af
flicted with (tomach trouble that lie waa
aent to a hospital, but received little
benefit and came home to die. Mr. Wil
liam suggested that he try Chamber
lain' Tablets, which he did. atvl today
he Is a well man an I weighs lij ikim.cIj.
ubtal liable everywhere. AU trUsi went
us&tTT k fv(R tusacco to.
Winter Offi ce Comfort
Ivsdt'incs of wt'tillier are Hie real let oi' an oi'fico
liuililiii. It is tlicii that the little tilings count. This
building lias not only n vacuum lioatiii"; .system, but is'
metal weather ptripcfl. The court rovides wonderful
The building is always practically full, because of
its popularity, but occasional changes offer oppor
tunities to get choice offices. While the list below is
all we have to offer today, there may be something
which will just suit you. If not, let us know your re
quirements and we will watch for an opportunity to
take cure of you when the first change occurs.
"The building that is always new"
Room 222 Choice office suite, north light, very de- ''
sirable for two doctors or dentist?;
waiting room and two private offices;
SCO sijuare fett S45.00
Room 619 ()n tne beautiful court of the building;
k?.c 135 square feet 1 $10.00
Room 636 Only vacant room on the 17th street
xido of the building. Faces directly on
Seventeenth street. Partition for pri.
vate office and waiting room. Size 187
square feet 818.00
Room 105 At t,le head of the stalrc, on the floor
opposite The Bee business office. Size
270 square feet. Would be specially use
ful fur a real estate firm 830.00
Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103.
See real estate columns for bargains