.'a me-'i'WAf M h. dwmMi'i' v,v. -. tt-. THE BEE: OMAIL, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. A t o a WANT AD RATES. WANT AH for th vnln Mlltlon nuM fsa-Jl Tke Hee Office b-fnre 11 o'fkvk ou. WAKT APII tnr th. moestng s4 Stin'lar 4ttini must rear. Tha Bm Office orlmt t 44 a. at. WAJCT AD imlml aw these hmirs eill thlr rirat appeir.sc nirt "Too La: to claa-lfy." CASirilATF-a. Out. tmv t rnli a wnrtl. Twrt or mr conecrti'va tlmvs, 1 eenia rh lnorilon. f4Tn rniMiitT tim. I fnt ft Word, eft lnartlon. ciiaiuVkiiatkh. On tlmn, 11 rrttm litis. Thr rniwwtitlft tlmrf, t rntd ft Itiift. rh Inmrtlon. frn ronirtitlTft ttmwi, S cM. a Una, ftftfh tnrtloa. Thin? rnniwratlvfl tlmt. 7 cvnti a Hn. aarb Inmitoa. Count at araca orl to th ltmv No a4vrtlarmnt taken for Imi lhaa 90 rant a. xotTcks. Parti- t Tbanha. TVwth. Fonr and Tyxlffa Nntlraa, t mti Him aarh tnaartlen. Miat Diqib chart. b0 ont. ftriij arlvarttatnr In thmm rolnmna and hi in thMr antwara ad1rraM III car nf Tha fWa will rlraaa atrit for earda to analila thm In a"t thftr lMr. arm mn will ua daltvarad axrapt on praantatlon of car da. An advairtlaamaM inarrt'd ta b run until fllacontlliued muat ba Rtopnd j written order. Tna l will tin. ha rwT-nihla fnr mora than tha flrat Incorract Inaartton of any al vartlaamant. Tha 1W iraraa tha right to raja or ra wrlta all adTarttaamanta. Tna ran ptara your want a 4 In Tha Baa Uy tetrphona. TELEPIIOXK TYLER 1,000. ANNOUNCEMENTS CIITROPRACTIC If aiclt. regardleaa of the nature of your ailment, chlropractlo will do for you what no other aclence can. When all elae (alia try me and note the dif ference. 1 adjtiat the cause of BO-CA tXED 'Inrurable'' ailments and all derange ments fcculiar to women. Dr. W. H. KN0LLENBERG rhone Tyler 11W6. Suite S12 Bee Bide;, LEASE FOR SALE on two offices cicelj located on eecond floor THE BEE BUILDING Inquire of tba Superintendent, Room 103. OMAHA Main Quartet. Hawaiian and populur prugraina. Open for engage ni nta. Hawaiian coHtunioa. Harney ii). UKUUKGAAHU'8 'Lucky Wedding Hlnga at itli and Dougm Bts. Ir.XRHISK AT T. M.C. A. Itualneea men. AUTOMOBILES WHENEVER you are considering sell ing or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want feople who are willing to pay for what tney are getting you will have no re a. el II you iuy or advertlae througn the used car column of The ttoe. Phona l yler ivK. 1 )ui4 Hupmobile coupe, eiec. egulp. tit) 1 l.'ltf Monitor touring, bmnd new.... ti7i 1 1HI4 4-cyl i.der Kluucbakcr touring. 6M 1 1914 Hol ler, g-cyllndcr touring 0 1 i:i)4 Oakland touring 4 JO 1 Met roa.1i. r iJ) Aiilo Clearing House, ;;i! Karnam. D. 3310. FOR WALK My Detroit eleetrle,"""old model, hut In excellent condition; prac tically new batteries; price 1000. W. A. Maurer, Council Bluffs, la. Ready Reference Directory ABSTRACTS OF TITLU. KKRR fife guarantee and Abstraot Co.. a nv dern abstract office. m Sth St. Tel. D. Mr. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest absiract office In Nebraska. Braadela Thea. AllUUKTAN Tk, E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, 433-437 Ranige Bid g Tal. Dou g. 7404. AUV fctt l iai.NO V kiL'i lt;g. M. F. Shafer Co.. I2th-Farnam. D. T4T4. AH4.1II l ast, i a. Everet fl. Dodd. 6U I'axton Blk. D. KM A A SUM. Mb IT a. T. Dickinson. Ill Paiton Bik. V. 1804 AllllU.bkH, Powa Auct'on Co. I11M4WO W, R.W , . i.a. r. . Web 3.f HR ASa AMI IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 27tr and Martha pis. CHIROPRACTIC SP1.NAL ADJU'MTS DR. Bl'RHortX. 1'h and Farnam. W ead Bldg. D. bS47; Palmer school graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 l aird Bldg. D. 4401. liTt W H. KNOI.LENBERO. Suit XI!. Bee Bldg Tel. Tyler 10. IHIHOPublSTS. Carrie J. Bufovd. ? Pax. Blk. Red 45S7. CARPENTERS AU COMH4CTOR Lessard & cmi. 1 Capitol Ave. T. 163. C. W. Hnkansnn. -jut, Lvnwth. Tvl. 1!-J. ( OMTt MES. THEATRICAL gowns, full dres suits, for rrn'. N 171 h St John Feldman. DA Nl IN U ACADEMIES. . FALL term oivn at Mtackle's. Douj. 1110 nr: lttxf acaokmt, hi . wtn sl UkktIHA K IN (J IOLLEI.E. Ka s'er's Dressmaking Col. 2 City Nat Terry Dreasmak'g roll, xe. t"th s Farnam URKHJIAKIMi. LADIES' JACKET! remoi'e'ad In the 1st est atyle: reasonable pries. 1911 Far nam St. Phone Douglas 2X2,. DVCHI AND CLEANERS. 8TATE Dry ring. Co.. 120 N. 121h. D. KHi DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. SIX Neville Block. Fvl- Ckw secured In all cases. Tyler Uo4 DENTISTS. EMETINE treatment. Pyorrhea six weeks treatment bv mall. K.IM Ad dress emlos rg stan ped i nv op. Eu.eka Emetine Co., Teai hout Blog , D- uoiuea, la. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, til W.O.W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Dr. rick lea. T24 City Nat, Bank Tart Dental Rooms. 1Si7 Douglaa. D. SIM. DRUGS. IRUGS at cut pr'cea; freight paid on $10 ordars; catalogues fr. Sherman A Me- lonnellliruf km.. Omaha Neb. . EVERVTllINU FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst. toi pleating, covered bulimia, all alses and (!-; Iieiualltciiiiig, point edgiug; em Irvi'ifry. tlum braiding, eurdtn eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants Idea) Piea'lr.g Co., V Douglaa block THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers the question "Where to go tonight." EMrRESs""W15&"'D0UaLAS KM PRESS. 15th and Douglas Selig Tribune No. J- "The Tides of Retribution." -reel Blo graph. "Hla Wife Knew About It," Vltagraph. "Caught With the Goods." PRINCES3, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. 8!x raola of good plcturea. ,-lerted Keystone oomedy. Including; ,rlh. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. MARGARITA FISHER, in 4 ' INFATUATION FOUR. PARTS. The flrat of the New Vogue J-reel comedy. By all meana see "Charlie Chaplln'a" double In thin. It's the talk of Omaha. oath. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO. A1TOM). 2X24 LEAVENWORTH Four ree I of good plcturea. ROHLFF, 2661 LEAVENWORTH. A Woman's Past. Featuring Nance O'Nell. One reel of good comedy. mialh Hide. BESSE, 24TH & N "The la k Hole of Glenranald.", 2 reel r Kalem. "flnakevlllea Champion." Eaaanay. "Jungle Juatlce," ISellg. Trtie lloa rdman In "Stlnga ree." ORPHEUM. 2lf fl A m7 Three-reel Thanaplay, "Ambition." "Claay's Innocent Wink," and other Interesting films. Writ. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Htuart Balrd U, "The Runaway Wife." Rroadway favorite feature, in 4 part. "What Did He Whisper," Vita comedy. s tar Features These are Special Extra-Reel Pictures now appearing at the following Theaters'. BESSE, 2TH & N. True Rnardmsn In "Stlngaree." GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY, Oft A NO THEA., ItiTH AND BINNEY. Margarita Fisher In "Infatuation," Four parts. MONROE. 2555 Farnam Stuart Balrd In "The Runaway Wife," In four parte. ROHLFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH. A Woman Pest. Featuring Nance O'Nell. AUTOMOBILES AUTO TIRES REBUILT, ti-00 TO li.00. DUO TIRE CO., 1611 Chicago St. AUTOMOBILE and general Insurance; fire, theft, liability, etc. ART THATCH ER. 1217-1 l.' l y Nat, Dong. M01, Industrial Oarage Co.. SO & Harney Bts. ELECTROLYSIS, Uloa Allender. 92? Bee Bldg. Red 3055. fir Sacks aku tiavvurk. HABERSTROH. 402 Vamllton. Wal. S71. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETETR. 1920 Farnam. Red SS34. H.' Rothols, Leavenworth, n.' ?73. A. 1,. KOLOVRALEK. 717 S. th 81. HISTORICAL. IUSTUMES. . . THTQ largest stork of masnuerade and theatrlcsl costumes In the oountrv. Theo. Lieben Hon. 1514 Howard. D.411S INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruct'on. r Lyric BM. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. II. H. CLAIBORNeTmJ Taxlon Blk. Rsd 7401. Notary public; deposition stem. C. W. BRITT. $01 Barker Block. LIVR STUCK IOMMISSIOS. i. i MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg MOV I.N U Pit TURK MACHINE. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo- iw picture macnine ana rum Bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa yeu can. Dr McCarty. 11 11 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH I'll V SIC1ANS. iOSKPHlNS ARMaTRONO. 4JII Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. KarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Klurgra. V Brandels Theater Bldg. rLI'MES CLEANED. CUPLFD. dyed. D. Elaele. 114 City Nat. PRlN'llNLi. WATERS-BARNHART Pig. Co.. quality pnnung. Tel. uoug. I'm. 624 h. l3to nt CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1764. DOUGLAS Printing Co, Tel. Douglaa S44. . . . . SC ALU REPAIRING. Om. BUnard Scat r 'o . Ml . lTfth. D. 911. SHOE REPAIRINU. liar ley Shoe Rep'r Co., 1004 Farn'm. R. $444 STEEL CE1L1NUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. IS. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 S. Uth. D. 6M. TRUNK AND SUIT CASES. FRELING A STEIN LK, ISO Farnam t ACvval v ... A AI L makea ' E.' B. Williams, tut a. Uta, Tyler loll. WAflli SfEUIALlBIS. enrlstlanaen. td fl Paxton Bk . tl yr. axa. WEDDINU Sl'ATlONERY. Wedding announcements. Doag Pty. Ce. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEOAARD'B '1uckv wedding Hags' at lath and Iouglas Sta. WINES AND LtMUORS. ALEX JFTES. t01-l g. Uth St. Wlnea, liquors, cigars Plate dinner 11 to I, lot HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE Uth and Caultol Ave. Tea-cent luoch BUT your family liquors at Klein's L.qoor bouac. Oil N. Jia. Douglaa bog. AUTOMOBILES WE make your worn nut single tires Into guaranteed Duplex tire Zwlcbel Broa., 2.V8 FsrnamSt. Douglas 4TS. WANTFITobuy 1!14 or 1915 Koni toiir irm rar; bo1y In good rendition. Vox !2.r., Kmwi, 2i''h- . l-rtyTiB. truck. 12.".. NehraKka Hulr-k Pervlre Station, 1914 Farnam HI. Plione Dour. 721. BARGAINS In allghtly ued and AVmon tratlng tlrea. Zwlebel, 2ilS Farnam. D 4K7a. BAKUAINS In alljfhtly uwrt anil rt"nion ilrallnit llrew. Zwlebrl, 2"18 K(irnnm. 1 47. fMlEWARD for any iWneto wa can t repair. Colla rei aired. Uaysdortcr. ill N. 1th FRKK winter atoraao when rara are painted and repaired. Johnaon-Danforth AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Dougiaa2R1 JOEMlTnPHT-Auto retaTrlnr at Middle State Oarage. Phone Tyler Vfl. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 3UX Far. l. 2ax)1 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLK3. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 tiO BARGAIN. I muat aell my newa stand by Jan. IK, 1914; carries full line of cigars, tobacco, candles, magaxlnea, stationery, etc.; good paying business, lb per cent profit; can be taken care of by wife while hus band worka; two living rooms in rear; reasonsble rent; good reason for selling. For further Information, call Colfax 1GI2. IF YOUR Business College will stand rigid investigation and la Just what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start in business for yourself, you will be perfectly satisfied If you use the Business chance column of The Bee. When buying or selling a business. Phone Tyler 1000. NOTICE. All people that are using oil burners and are dlssatlsflnd, please call at 116 W. O. W. Bldg.. or phone Red 3M: and make appointment to see the Miller generator work; no smoke, soot; noth ing but heat. Vy FOR SALE Drug atore, northeast " Nebraska, town 1,200. Rent, A. Re ceipt, day. Price, $7,500. JIM WRAY, SIOUX CITY For SALE Harneas ahnp In good town In southeastern Nebraska; no competi tion; will require I').! or more to buy. Addreas F. W. Hubbard & Co., Alexan dria, Neb. LIST your business wlih me lor quick results; buy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO., Room 2, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3620. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STH. FOR SALE Jewelry, book and station ery store, best town, southeast No braaka. Must aell on account of health. Terms to right man. Address 1, Bee. FOR SALE Bakery, Doing good busi ness. County seat of 6,000, rallr.ial division. Muat sell account of other business. Write at once. Y 193, Bee. FOR HALE One peanut wagon, roaster and popcorn popper. Persuader, glass enclosed, 4 compartments, good order; one-third price. ti0. Box 13. Blenooe, la. run BAL.K on account of alukntwis, 4 year lease on Brown Park Mineral spring natns, (South Omaha. U. Concannon. ' THEATERS Buy, lease or aell your the. aer, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co., Hflft Farnam. D. It:i7. OFFICE for real estate or Insurance; aam noor as nee or uce; laxzt reel; ijo. The Has Bldg., Office Room 103. NINE furnished rooms, full of roomers. opposite the Burlington depot. Good lotation. call Tyler SO. FOR RENT -Everything furnished, shoe limine parior. o. uin Bt. J, Blun dell, 2 8. 13th St. WILL sell variety and Jewelry store, or trane tor orug stock. Box 321', Coiad, Neb. lu r.Li or Duy a Dueincas, call on busch & Morghoff. Frenaer Blk. D. S31J. TO OKT In or out of business call on GANOESTA D. Alt Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. BElfi Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. 32-. Investment. t)ur Nebraska farm mortgages re not affected by Huroiiean wars or punirti. Amounts $100 to 20.000. We collect all interest and principal free of charge; 20 years - in the Nebra&ka farm loan field without a Ions la our record. KLOKK INVESTMENT COMPANY 201 Om. Nat. Ult. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. EDUCATIONAL GET DOYLEH GREAT OFFER FOR. THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, most attractive offer -ver tnsde by a repu table business training Institution. It's a combination premlum-and-cajih-rebate offer that will both make you money and save vou money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN UOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy., Touch Tyepwrltlng, Telegraphy and Civil Service preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue and last issue of college Journal BOYLES COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. D. 1563. Omaha. Nebraska. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasona for sell. Ing. a variety of couraes In a rellabla Business ftohool, one of the lead ng busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away beloA regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fall Term begins soon. Call offi.-e, Omaha Bee. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOK KEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. tatuiday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. o ner and Manager. S06 8. 18th St. Omaha FOR sale, the following scholarships In a nret-riasa Omaha uuslneaa College: One unlimited combination business and ahorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. W til be sold at a discount at the office ef The Omaha Bee. LEARN to dance at the TtoLux Dancing Academy; rlaaaes Monday and Wednes day; tc per leaaon. or t leasona for $i: private lessons any time. Phone Sbufi SoJO, pr Doug. 4310. FLORISTS BATH'S florists lw4 Farnam St. D. SoV L. HENDKkHON. 11. uougles D. 11. Memtier F'orlsts Trlrgraph Del. Asa n. I .1 .. . - ,. r: i H t.ss . .mmn Hij i- ernam Bt A. DON AG HUE. 16-3 Harney. Doug. luoL FOR SALE Furniture and Household nomla. FOR SAlJhMere'u a VTnsHlflrntlon that la of tlie uttru'iit Imiioi tr, n,e to every render, aa this column offra some ex- frptlonal ripport"nitl a every flny and a . email want ad will aej ymir urtic e at :ia full value. I'hnne. Tyler FOR SAf.K. ll-foot llchl oak offlre counter, ult aM for atntionery atnr ik; alm'iht new: a bargain. Hrnndela Uldu. AM. HKI'AIKH-W ator front, furnre 'olla. et tjukk aervlre. iimaha Stove Kepnir Work UiKi-H DnuRlii.. Tyler 2". OMAH,A ,p,,ItLW c''1;TJ"tt.r,'"!"'?; mone over JUBt "J?e ne?L umlm;. Di,. llAROAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 11.19 N. 24111. N EH. HW7. Horses and Vehicles. AVANTED To sell at onoe flvt head of hogs, mare an I tprlnx wagon anil 40 head of chiik-na. Ad'lrens K. B.o kins, Enst Fort Mtroet, Omnhn. Thirty-two milk wations i.ir sale, cli"Hi. Johnson-Ianforth 'o, IHtn nnd r'lark. HAV-7.f,0 ton. A. H. Wagner, M N. 1ft. Macliinorr nnd Kngines. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. Including shafting, belia and pulley. Everything In the best of . condition. Tbla includes moulding tna,ehlns, Jointers, lard saw, tltltlnii table a'iw.i. sanding and boring machine, etc Phone Douglas K or call llli Harney St., Oeorge H. Ie Co. ONE 10-horse gas I. H. C. engine; one - J noie Maraeiilea sheller. v in a.MI or trade one or both. E. W. Patrick, R. a, Tekamah, Neb. NEW Second-hand motors, dynamos, ' inagnetoa, etc., mechanical repairs. Lo Bron Electric Works, 3S-M 8. 12th St. 1. 10 horse power I. H. '. engine, I S-hole Marseilles sheller: will sell or trade one or both. 12. W. Patrbk. K. 3. Tekamah, Neb. CAHILL ELECTKK: CO.. Bee Bid. D MIS. Planus and Mu-iicnl IiiNtrumenls. W.50 per month. A. Hoane. 15i3 boula.. Poultry and Pet Stock. FOR SALE New Kxl2-ft. chicken house cheap; leaving city. Webster 770. MXD grain, luo lbs, $1.7:,. Wugner, S01 N.lti. Stores and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2721. riaolra bought and sold. J. C. ReodV 1207 Farnam Ht. Douglas 3146. Sewing Machines. WE rent, repair, sell reedlea and parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa 1662. Cameras and Kodnks. FILMS developed ree if purchased from rnoio i-raii bnop. no nee niag. ucpi. u Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $6. Oliver Typewriter Agency, I'ani Farnam. TT PER W ITERS sold, rente., repaired. Central Typewriter Exe. 190 Farnam. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked ribbons. D. 3242. RENT a "Remington" not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12SI. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. IStli. St. Ail makes ror sale or rent. TYPEWRITERS for rent 22S Beo Bldg Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In oni of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling; perfeotly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. If interested investi gate at once, becatiBe fail term hevlna soon. There are a variety of course f ir sale. For particulars Inquire at the of lice of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allevs and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The P.runs-wlrk-Balke-Collcniier Co.. 4tr?-10! S. loth St. FREE 1 lb. of (oc Gunpowder or Japan tea with cseiy iO lbs. of beat 3"c coffee, parcel post, nt $2.75. Dave's Coffee Market, ltiil Ix-avonwoilh Ht.. Omaha. Neli. Iiiri Save money. Use better w - coffee. b lbs. high grade by parcel post, prepaid $3.60. W. A. Bkalfa ft Co.. omatia is en. (t'l )f Golden West Whisky, 4 full quarts bottled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. rO A I haskTts delivered, if; Illinois w'111' nut or lump, 15,50 per ton. DouglasM31. DIAMOND" LOCKET, men s and ladies' watches, reasonable. Friedman, 1211 Doug. UURK1N Thomas. Douglas 2619. ;228 Cuming St. Mt'l.TIGRAPII. with motor, A-l condi tion, reasonable. A 3F4. Bee. FOUR comforters, 27 Douglas St traveler's samples. HELP WANTED-FEMALE FACTORY AND 1NAIIKS. APPRENTICE Oppenhelin, halrdresslng. IKOI10S I It ... THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wante 1 A 1 FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl attending high school r business college to assist with house work for room nnd board. High suuool girl preferred. Wal fiSd. WANTED Middle-ege.i woimtri to do light housework for room and board. Also to be company lo lady. Web. 3l;s5. ?74 Orar-tSt. WANTED A goodv lilt e 'girl for general housework. Reference required. Rest wages. Four In family. Call South o6. WANTED Girl for general housework; good mages, good home; 2 In fainllv. 1123 Underwood Ave. Wal. 34'.H. W ANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: good wages, no wash ing Harney IsOii. 136 S. 3Mh. WANTED White Blrl for general housework; small family, no children. t'!40 Harney. Har. 6519. WANTED Competent girl t do general housework. Mogv Bernstein, 2'15 Dav enport. Doug. 3054. WA NT El i- Experienced white cook. Ref- erencca required. Mra. R. R. Schneider Fremont. Neb. DOM ESTIt S. WANTED Girl for general housework: German or Hohrnilun preferred. Call at 8116 Dodge ' WANTED Girl to assist with work and care of small 1 child. hnuse Phone f Hsrnev 75r. WANTED Girl for general housework; Bohemian or German preferred. Call al 4201 Dodge. WANTED-Goort girl for general houie- wora; small family, lei. Hea 4,tii. ,ij is. -itn Su EXPERIENCED elrl for general houae- work. Harney 2-M Mrs. F. J. Dwyer. '07 N. SKth. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be plain cook, 33J3 Woolworth. H. 47142. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; small family. 611 N. 20th, WNTElMridle-age.r lady for house keeper; German preferred. Tel. D. 8145. Wanted I dies' laundry: neatly done by experienced laundress; cheap. W. 2U7. WA N T E lAho usekee pe r ; call Sunday or after p. in. weekdava. Wal. y.3. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2548 Capitol Ave. Mrs. K. H. Jenks. LACK curtains and bundles can-fully laundered. Webster , WANTEI-aHd Second girl. 33 Wool- worth, H. 0342. HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Woman for housework. Call :s Charles St. UOMKKTH.'. M l( KI.I. AM1.')! (jCNL. women coining to oinulia a alrurtKera ore invited lu r.eit the outtg Women's Christian Association building at bt. .Mary s Ale. and ! th St.. where they will bo dlitdid io s.iitalile boarding lumen or oth rwls,- aaainted. Look tor our travelers' giMde jit I nlon station. A-RAR E TTpport unity; comfortable liv ing, humo aewing, plain cloin seams; HI., M... Inil l.iuCi.UK , e.'Hlj . H I'all- vnya n-j; no trilur wanted; s.mi'lea l"c. returned If not satila t ,iy. Home Hew ers' Co., Jobbers Sew ink'. Kehouotn, leK WANTIH) Olrl wltlTiiwitchboard experi ence to call up a llt on home phone. Half day woliv. Address at once C. 4, t'niaha Hee. HELP WANTED-MALE AUK,Mi hAl,K!IE. OI II I 1'OHS. : DAILY average selllna Improved Ad vnnco Pump tlovernors; they maka toe hardest working pumps eaay, windmllla turn in sllkhtcst wind, runiplng englnea work with less than half the Has or ateam; fit all timpa; warranted 3 years; excluRlvo leititory, price, U each; hon .rable men wiinted to sell them eviry where. International Foundry Co., St. I 'h ill, Mhnn. W ATER Ohb Burner will do your cook ing, heating and lighting. 1416 Capitol Ae.. Omuha. WANTED Halesman to s"ll to grocers, general storea and confectioners In small country towns; 26 per cent com mission; 44i weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Company, 2"7 H. Commer cial St., St. Ixuls Mo. Dept.- 4. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. III. WANTED Experienced piano salesmen. Reference required. S hmoller t Mueller Piano Co. ' 1.111-13 Farnam St. SELL advertlalng plpea; simple and par ticulars free. Japanese Novelty Co., Clinton, la. o COAL agents wanted In every town; gel a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. CLERICAL AND OFFICE. .SALESMAN, machinery, gas engines, tUb and up. SALESMAN, cltv W STENOGRAPHER S7& STENOGRAPHER, wholesale $) STENOGRAPHER and clerk 160 riKI'U'E CLERK twho can handle dictation $50 to $) '1 VPIST (hill clerk! $40 SALESMAN (window card writer). .$75 Watts Itef. Co., K3S-40-42 Brand Thea. SgUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that flta you. CO-OPERATIVE HEF. CO. 1015-16 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BOOKKEEPER $100 STENOGRAPHER $T,0 THE CANO AGENCY 600 BEE BLDG. HIGli-GKADE commencal positions. niVi'. REFERENCE & BOND ASijX., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. HTENO.. $75: typist, $40. WATTS REF. CO.. 838-40-42 Brandels Th. FACTORIES AU TRADES. YOUNG MAN. be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools lur- iilahcd. i give you actual shop work You have chance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My atu derits in bl demand. 1 have colleges In all principal cities In U. S. and Can ada, tail, write or phone A. B. Molur, Pi evident. ! MOLEU BARBER COLLEGE). Omaha. SAVE $23 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day echool you can bold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enro'1 In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2106 LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. . AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2053 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADB:. Trl-City Barber college; low rate tui tion, Including set of tools; wages paid; electri': massage, hydraulic chairs: cat alogue free. R24 Douglas St., Omaha. Drug Store Snaps, jobs. Knelst. Bee BldgA MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thou, sands of appointments to be made. I ree booklet telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examina tion questluns. Nat'l Co. Institute, 43) Hexenth St.. Washington. D. C. VANTED Men to try examinations for government jobs; $79 mouth. Common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y 16, Bee. MEN 18 or over, wanted as railway mail clerks, sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 L, Rochester. N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN AND WIFE Vv Isli POSITION TO GETHER. EITHER IN CITY OR OUT; WOMAN IS COMIPETENT COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER: MAN IS ALL AROUND HOUSE AND YARD MAN AND CARETAKER. ADDRESS WITH HULL PARTICULARS, F 4'0, CARE PEE. A CIVIL engineer with a complete set of surveying instruments, which may bo used where employed, desires a position. Would accept drafting. J. L. Ferguson, 242 Benton St.. Council Bluffs. YOUNG man who can speak, read and write Polish. Russ an. German and English would like position driving mi chine; l as had good experience in sny huslnesa Stanley, Har. 17W MARRIED German man without chTH dren. sober and induHttlous. would like position on firm; references. PleHse a. I.lies S. Wilbelni. 6.3 West Washing ton St.. Council Bluffs. WANTED -Pos'tlon as housekeeper by inlildle-aged woman "n small Protestant family; elderly iviHn's home preferred. Mrs. B. F. West, Gen. Delivery. Omaha. A I l.-M A K' l'.M ..... .-. I A. -r,.l me.. Ageii at. .mm men, A-l reference and bond. Neat appearing and congenial personality. Phone I 'ouglas 7790. CHAl'FFEUR. any make car, licensed, reliable, sober and steady; salary rea sonable: to reach for Interview Call Scates. Tel Red sun. Foil EM I AN girl wishes to do gene-V, housework; best of references, work in nel fsmilv preferred. Webster 80.5 FIRST-CLASS steam fitter would lik i pnatt'on: can furnish th best of refer ences. Harry Lanhan, 1321 Douglaa St., Omaha. WOMAN wishes position as housekeep er for elderlv couple. Mrs A. E. Ken dall, Gen. Del., Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED V-Ung lady desires posi tion as P. B. x. operator; e od refer ences. Doug 3rT7 Ask for Fdi h. lIH'N'tl lady would like rtosilion as la.lv attends nt In undertaking parlor. Ad-d--es IJ 41 rtee. M1DDLI--AGED man would like work ef any kind. Addretj Willie Jones. 1321 I niuglas St. YOUNG manld man of sober disposi tion wishes steadv work. Address Allen Hodges. 24'.. I-avenworth St yol'N't) MAN wants work, wll go any where. Will Hardv, 1321 Douglas St. 10Ht-"D woman wishes work as ro.,lt pi hotel or bearding house. Web. 758. WANTED Coo-inc. hoosework or laun dering. Call Norah. Webster 6S55. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Oman a a- Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whe'.her they left It In the street rara. Many articles eacn day are turned In and the company Is anxioua to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Doug. 4s. LOST Pair eyeglasses In black case, pwlwibly on Hanscom Park car, going south. Reward for return to Bee office. LOST AND FOUND WILL person who found lady'a seal purse containing lady'a watch and monogram fob lettered C. E. D.. in Monro theater. Wednesdsv evening, turn It In to Monroe box office. LOST F"ridaTaftnoon7 from 411 Far nun. Fren h bull puppv, 5 months old Kail ears, screw tail, color dark brindle, name "Pat.'" l iberal reward. Call Wal. LNk'i, or Walnut 290!. $50 REWARD for return of Ford tour ing rar, isus moriel; engine No. T:'4ns. Llrense No. 232V?. Neb. No questions asked. E. A. Lucky. 27 '4 Mered th Ave. LOST or Found ads in Omaha's Iist and Found medium means the Immediate return of that article if advertised in The jJce, the Lost and Found paper. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. It. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 2(0 Bee Bldg. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. . THSTlaivaUon Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, msg azinea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodgo St . SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 709 South lth St., second floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 a. m, to 10 p. m. RITPTTTT?F. Sucessfully treated U 1 iUliHi without a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray & Matheny, 3Q4 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladies; Swedish massage. 1H19 Farnam St. Douglas 3437. Personal Misses Staples A Mason, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Doug. 713. 852 Brandels Th. VAPOR, tub and sprav baths. Edna La, Bell, 709 S. lth St.. 3d floor apt. D. 7046. 1 ISS W'LSON', Bath, 102 Farnam 8t. Room l. P.. one Doiiulus S751. M. BRUGMAN, Steam and shower baths. Room 202, Karbach Blk. Red 2727. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bid?. MRS. STEELE. Medicated baths. 1721 Dodge St. COZY m inioiring parlors, baths. Farnam, Apt 7. Doug. 7574. 1802 SCIENTIFIC massage, Phone Douglas 6372. 620 Bee Bldg. BATH 214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. SWAPPERS' COLUMN NEW Winchester pump gun and loo shells, two pair hip boots, 1 pair Mackintosh boots, hunt ng coat, hat and fheli vest and hunting bag; all new. Will swap for motorcycle or what.' S. C. 820, Bee. CAMERAS One 4x6 folding camera. In good condition, and one one-minute postcard camera, almoat new; will trade both for a good 6x7 or 6Hx8', view camera. No Junk. Don't answer un less you mean business. Address S. C. 641, care Bee. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000 "ARGO" Roadster. 1916 model, completely j equipped MacHni not run over ou inllea since motor completely over hauled. Might swap for high class Vic trola outfit, player piano or toward a touring car. as need larger car. Address KdAliKlKK. lightweight, two-uassenger. )!HQ moaci. JtiBl gvcrnauiru aim tuo; equipped. Will swsp for the best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but it must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 726. Bee. SHOE repairing outfit. Including Singer machine, new cost ; Solidity Jack, coat $J5. and other tools and rind nga too numerous to mention. Will trade for good harness and wagon. S. C. 812 Bee. . $45 EDISON Phonograph and 25 select 4 minuta records, tor typewriter:, afto Burton mandniln outfit, gocd tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Address S. C. 806. Bee. FOR sale or exchange, one lot, on main street Blair, Neb.; incumbrance 1200.50; worth iJU. ..Ill exchange equity for iron lathe tools or light car. Ford preferred. Phone Florence 437. ADDING machine; cost $: new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry: book cases, filing cabinets, automobile, good stock or anything of value. Address S. C. 638. Bee. ; CHILD'S bed, rtlnlng table, large rock ing chair, three burner blue-flame coal oil stove, oven and top, for something easy to move away. Address S. C. 819. Pee. IF you have anything of value that you desire to swap, call en HANSEN, 3M Bra n d e sT hea t e r. D. 2597. ALL furniture in 45-room hotel; reason -able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value $1,800. Address S. C. 503. Bee. M ANIKH.1N Two good mandolins, cost $18 and $35: exchange lor diamond, piano or typewriter; make offer. 8. C. 822, care Fee. 1912 HALLADAY touring car 30 H. p. in fret class condition. To swap for ' Towers 6 A'' or "Balrd'1 moving pic machlne with motor. 8. C. 459. Bee. !- " '' ' v-au regis ter. Fox 332. Coiad, Neb. WILL trade $2.0i value In a household article for an automobile, vacant lota or equity In house and lot. Address S. (. 823, Bee. ! SKATES, almost new. nlckel-nlated. cost ! f- not ordinary skates. Will awap '"r uwi'ii. Auareaa .-. . ou care Bee. $200 EDISON cahlnet grand phonograph and l') records, mahogany upright p inn: one or both for auto. 8. C. 814, Bee. A CABINET phonograph, in good shape, wit i twelve records, to swap for a drearer i gocd order. S. C. 28. care Bee. PHOTOGRAPHIC finishing outfit, worth $15, very complete, will take anything of equal value. Address S. C. 643. Bee. WHAT have you to trade In good second hand auto for a large oruan In best condition. Address 8. C. 813. Bee. PlSTxL- -Colt's Automatic 7-sbot. new; exchange for Standard Typewriter or diamond. S. ( K24. Bee, Omaha. PHONOGRAPH, cab.net and b records. Cost $lou. Exchange for piano Or cheap lot, even )eil. S. C. 823. Bee. NEW 12-gauire Stevena pump gun an1 solid lesther care for anything I tan use.S. C.821. care Bee WILL trade a fine cltv lot in Sacra mento. Cal.. worth $500, for an auto. Address Y. 197, Bee. WILL awap either large dining room table or a roll-top deak for a library table. 8. C. 653. Bee. SET I. C. 8. books on electrical and me chanical engineering to swap for. what have you? 8. C. 816. 8M1TH Premier No. 10. nearly new. to trade for your No. 2 machine. Address 8. C. 817. Bee. TO 8WAP-My I C. Smith No. I tvpe writer. What have you? Address 8. C 8l. Bee. BILLIARD table, home aise, $Hx7; con dition good. What have you? 'a. c 115, Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'' classifi cation. - GOOD roll-top desk and chair to swap for anvthing I can use. Address S. C. SJ7, Ilee: . Hi'iMER pigeons, about 65 birds. What have vou to trade. Benson 32s. COLORED man seeking for work farm. R. J. Rlgsby, Chnnute, Kan. RELIABLE cobred girl wishes position as chambermaid. South 3'-T2. EXP. colored woman vants position to v.crk Mr da vs. Wrh. 1-1 '. vTkteD-H01-SECT.EANINO OR DAT j WORK. COLFAX 373. I WANTED Position by young lady sten- ographer. Colfax 919- ! WOMAN wishes position as cook In small rest a u ra nt. Red s?33, MAN wishes work as janitor or house -nan. Web. 72. GENERAL work or maid work. Webster "602. Call WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Red 7SM. CFFK E furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1?07 Farnam. Doug S14. WANT to buy a picture show. Mean busi ness. Address Y 177. Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished rooms. Apartment of 4 rooms preferred. Address Room D-21. Hotel Rome. WANTED TO BORROW PRIVATE party wants to borrow $J50 on his diamonds for 36 days. Will pay $fi0 for loan to responsible party. S-4S5, care Bee. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED-114,000 on new Elk building, cost $33,000: & years; in a city of x.M"; Interest allowed, 7 per cent, and $2,000 at 6 per cent on Omaha new home; fine location. O DOHERTT & HUGHES. 711 Keeline Bldg. RENTALS APARTMENTS AND FLATS. FOR RENT Very desirable apartment, the Woodland, 31st and Dewey Ave., will be available about February 1st. Rental $50. Leased to October let. Reference re quired. Adrees Russell, 1403 W. O. W. JBldg. THE for rent advertisements appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one deairlng to rent. Phone Tyle r 1000. 504 8. 30TH ST. 4 rooms, modern, very desirable. 22.60. R. H." LANDERTOU. 202 Neville Block. Tel. D. 6765. 5-ROOM FLAT, newly papered and painted, $12 per month. Call Doug. 9S7. Kemp & Kuchnlck, 2512 Leavenworth. ClOSE-INararlmcnts, 2-r., trod tut beat, Nice location. :5. D. E. Buck it- Co., 912 Omaha Nat.. D. 5226. FIVE-ROOM modern, brick flat, and Bleeping porch, 2708 Jackson. Red. 8153. It! CLARE 24th. and Harney. 4-rom Apt. Call Harney 647. SIX-ROOM, heated flat, 1023 S. 21st St. D. KW. BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and cpmron in private families or boarding houses of the hlsh eet class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler luoo. JONES ST.. 2424 Front room and board for two. in private family; gentlemen V preferred: walking distance. Doug. 8122. BEAUTIFULLY furnished S. R room, opening on sleeping porch, with board; private home; gentlemen. Harney 69'M. Kt HNlSHED ROOMS. SHERWOOD AVH., 1416-Two newly fur nished rooms In a private family. Hom privileges to the right parties. Wit'i hoard. Webster 7172. ROOMS Well lurnlshed. In all modern home; references required; walking distance. 2115 California. Douglas 5293. HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HA P. LEY. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. WELL furnished, comfortable, warm room. Private home, close in. Reason able. For gentleman. Harney 6193. JONES 8T2605 Nicely furnished rooms In new modern home, close in; gentle men prefe rred. Tv ler 2580. THE KELLOGG " New, latest, modern conveniences. 454 Harney. Douglas 4470. 1 2507 FARNAM Nicely furnished south and east room, modern, well heated; for gentlemen. FURNISHED room, private home; board If desired: lady or gentleman. Web. 5ww. LARGF. outside, ateam lit, rma.. furn. for housekeeping. $3.60 wk. 2102 Chi- Ty. 207. NICELY furnished room, modem. S. J-d St ciose iu; FINE furnished rooms. Crosstown ar. 2916 South 24th. ONE furnished room. 2505 Farnam St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM HEATED room for living pur poses iu dowtown office building. Doug. 2454. THREE rooms with lint and cold water, bath and lights; cheap. D. ft'Aa. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. OUTSIDE steam-heated apts.. furn. for light hkpg.: $6 wk.: 2102 Chicago. T. 27. TWO large suites furnished complete. Douglas 854U 1303 Douglas. ST. MARY'S Ave., keeping room. 202: modern house- FURNISHED .HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart nvnt for the winter: must be first class. Address O 443, Bee. 1314 CAPITOL AVE., 14 rooms, mod- $45. JOHN N. FRENZ.ER. Ill S. 15TH ST. HOUSES AND COTTAGE. NORTH. Up-to-date 5-r. bungalow; $30. Web. 12;a. FIVE-ROOM house; modern except tur nace. 623 S. 14th Ave. Har. 4355. WEST. FOR RENT. ' 232 Harney St.. mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 10M; D. 1216. BllSt ELLANnjl S. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooms, for houae huiu t.ooua aim pianoa; moving, packing and shipping. oMAHA VAN AND STORAGE OO 6 8 16th St. Douglas 4163. 5-ROOM cottage, 127 N. 37th- $15. 6-r. cottage, 4H N. 25th, $15. 6-room cottage. $17. 8-r. house, strictly modern. $2. TO LAND & TRUMBULL. D. 6707 448 Bee Bldg.. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, packs, ships. 3-hor-van and 1 men. $1 25 per hr.; storage, $J per mo. SalLilactory guar. D. 4338 A T. 2H FIDELITY servTce FBE'4 Phone Douglas 2V for complete Hat of vacant I out.es -ind siiartmenta; also for Horage. moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. 62 8. 19TH. 8-r- all mod. house. weiiar" rahgeu lor renting rooms, ciose In, 4iu 25.S Wirt, 5-r. mod. ex. heat. $15. 2O04 N. 27th, b-r- all modern, 127 60.. RASi' iil.od.. IHJUG. 16.53. BARGAIN in 4-room house, wllk) g a race" on Willis Ave. Will consider rooming house aa part payment. Inqulro 2404 Har. 401 SO. 24th. 7-r., mod. flat ,$45! "" 2ii4 California. 7-r.. mod., M C. G. CAltLBtilui, III brandeis Theater. t VJ