Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    8 A
Tin: omaiia suxday bke-. January o, idig.
Protestant Churches of City Unite in
a General Obserrance of An
nual Week of Prayer.
San Carlo Company Will Sing for
Omaha Last Week of This Month
snd prpsrlilns by the rsstnr lit 10: Sit a.
in. ami 7.3m p. m.; Hlhlr srhnol, - m.;
loung l"r,ple c'hrlmlsn union, p.
m.. mldw-FK prater nip'tlnn, i ..A p. m.
Clifton Hill. Orsnt mil Forty-fifth, B.
R. Von dr Llpp, I'nstor Sunday school.
Hi a. m ; reguisr preaching service, 11 a.
n. TnniA. L -r r . n n. Snillf
bols, talenod American artists; Carolina j (hrltln Endeavor, '";) p. m.; evening
Zawner, noted Ruaiilan sinner, former poaching service at T:J.
star of the Imperial opera, Mascow. fa-I t.owe Avenue, M?3 North Fortieth. A.
r, r.rnei, yi iiiipier !:. a. m., , v"..'-i
Tvery evening during ths week, with
the exception of Wednesday. conrea
tir.ns of ths Protestant churches of the
lty have gathered at central churches.
here they have observed the annual
werk of pnrer. Vednesdsy evenlnn, the
congregations gathered In their own
church, where the usual weekly prayer
meedns; was held.
At the week of prnyer services this
year, the meetings were much better at
tended than during any corresponding
period In the past. As heretofoie, som
central church wa selected and there
the members from all other neighborhood
churches met. At each service there was
a short prayer service, followed by short
talks from members, a song service, the
meeting concluding with a short sermon
by a pastor of some of the ihurches
At the week of prayer meetings this
year many new faces were noted. Large
numbers of the men and women who
tinlted with churches following the
"Billy" Sunday meetings sere In the )
congregations and upon many occasion ;
they gave their testimony. I
Pastors are greatly plessed with tho
success of the week of prayer services
that close tonight and assert that there
has never been a yesr when the st
tendance wss so large and so mjch in
terest was displayed.
Rev. Charles A. Kylle of Puotlngfu.
China, will give a stereoptlcon lecture In
the North Prerbyterl.m chtrch. Twenty
fourth and Wirt street. Widnes'lay
evening st 7:13 o'clock.
C. X. Dawson, psstor of Diets Memorial
Episcopal chuich. delivered his lectur i
on "How to r.slse Cain" at Daykln. Neb..
Thursday and at Orleans Friday evening.
Under ths leadership of their pastor, j
Robert Karr, members of the Third Pre- j
byterlan church. Twentieth and Ieaven
worth streets, have started a "win one" 1
rsmpaign. Many of the niembeis hava
eicnru m. pirus- J nring si least one new .opera atars. a large and perfectly trained
member Into thg church during the cam- chorus, entirely new and rlsnorste ...!.
mous throughout Kurope ss Amnerls in
Oods Jlefore Me." U m.. Kabhath school.
"Alda" and as Axucena In "II Trovatore; I j D. in.. Junior Endeavor society; 3)
Manuel Pslsxar, celebrated Spanish tenor, P m.. Senior Kndeaor society, "i M p. rn-
who treated a Herniation hen he made "1-lvlng Water."
his American debut with the Snn Carlo J 'TU'l?.r- ?lXiZnth -r-., ' 11 :
. . i Meek, 1'astor Morning servie "t li.
company St the r.nston Opera house; n,nn, service at 7 VI, Mr. (k-orse
.S-elle. de Mette, mcizo soprano, formerly i Waterman with a susi'l team will con
wilh the Metropolitan (Jrand Opera com- (duct the service; Sunday school. ' ;
,,, ' . , , , 1 it m.; Juulir Christian Kndeavor. 3 p. m.,
pany: f.luw ppe lyric tenor, Al- I tntermedlnte Christian Endeavor. p. ni.;
frede Graxlanl, tenor, of the Royal Opera 'Senior hrintian Endeavor. P- Til.;
housr.. narcelona; Angelo Antola, barl-lprsyer meetiig, Wednrsdsv, 7..W p. m.
tone, fsvorlte singer of Hrauss snd I Benson. A. J. Mr-Clung. Pastor-Sunday
, mx..,i h. r 'School, r a in.; morning worship at II.
Eeoncavrllo; Alessandro Modest I. bsrl- ,rmon ,llb,.t -Hope;" Junior Christian
tone; Pletro Drblssl, baso, from the 1 Kndeavor. 1 p. m.; Chri.-tlan Endeavor,
tjpera Comliie, I'arls, and Mile. Pea-I ;. p. m.; evening worship at 7 :3. ser-
H.....O.. f.nrn lhe'n,"n aubject. - The One Tnlng Needful:
ratlna. premleie danseuse. Horn the , pl.ay,r mn Wednesday evening at ;
Metropolitan Opera company. j Hrotherhood, Thursday evening at .
The musical directors are Ulueppe An- First, TouriK Men's Christian Assocla-
Bc linl and Fulaenslo Ouerrlerl, the "score-. t Ion Biiildlnir. Kdwlu Hart Jenks. I'sslor
Minister Morning, 11. sermon snd recep
tion of member", evening. ".; evangel
istic serviie; Bible school, lf s. m ;
Christian Kndeavor, 3i p. m.; midweek
service, Wednesday, s p. m. ; ladii s' gym
nasium. M-nlnv. S z. m.
Reot Ksnlr.ed Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Iisy Saints. Twenty-fourth snd
I hlo Normal class. !:l."i a. m : Sundsv
school. ;,:,; preaching. 11; religlo. ..;
preaching. .Vt the Moose hall, South
(Imnh Wnntlav ii'hnnl 11 m m ' nresch-
! In 1 Si
Snlr tiinlit. Nations' Fcn'enelle. 5414
Cuming. Mrs Kiln 5nrttner, .Message
Bearer Servli-es, ;15 p. m.
Omaha Holiness Aso lation. W. K.
Foshier. President ;opi I service. 3 p.
m. at First I'nited EvniiKelical church,
24JO Franklin street.
I'nlon Oofipel Mllnn. 1 " Douglas,
Teleplirne I mucins SV, A. M. Perry, Su
perintendent Keauiar rescue miss on
I work every nljht at 7:i. with siicclal
I rescning sei x li e Bunds v at 1 and 7: i. 1
Bible reading and prxver servl. e every !
motnlnir at 8 30. Speakers for the week: j
A. M. Perry, Revs. J. A. Maxwell. C. W. I
rswson. Oeorre L. Peters. W. H. Pn-
derwood. C.osrel tesms made nn of mis-
sion converts and workers will have
less maestios," knighted by the king.
' tho ffteat favorite operas.
Morning service at !;:: evening serv
ic mt 7--V1 . Hlai.,...llnn l...,ti,- l,v- IIV-
The company's rrpettohe includes all iCharles A. Klllle of Paotlng Fu, China.
This lecture is of extraordinary merit
and the public is invited. Sunday school. I
12 in.; Endeavor meeting. 6:15 p. m.
Westminster, Mason and Twenty-ninth. ,
J. Franklin Young, Pastor Morning wot -
ship r.t l(i:3T), theme, "Ood:" 12 m.. Bible ;
school; 4 p. m . Junior Christian Kn- I
dcavor ineeilnc; : p. m . Senior Chrl
charge of praver meetings next week.
Wednesday at the Orace Buutist and Alt-
Cabe Methodist churches.
Salvation Army I
Finds More Poor j
Families in Need!
Adjutant Joseph Ellwood of the Salva- I
tlon Army reports that he has found !
some worthy families In need and Is !
tlan Knde.ivor meeting: exening worship ready to deliver any goods that may he
Caroline Zawnep
With an array of the world's tcrnllng
, J
.V4py fl
Rev. F.. W. Cox ot Tltusvllle, Pa., will
begin special services at the People's
rhurch, vi6 North Eighteenth street, on
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
Olivet Oroya Mission. Thlrtv-slxlh and
Crown Point Avenue, William A. Mul-I
ford. Pastor Sunday school, 1:46 p. m.
Weekly meeting, Tuesday evening, 7:3u;
ermon by the pastor.
Olivet. Thlrty-ctghth and Grand Av
enue. William A. Mulford, Paator Morn
ing service. 11; topic, "Our Stewardship."
Evening service, i;30; topic, "The Sln-
t -. ., j.. . I ,n m
rii'r m I'lrRin. ptjnuajr pi ii.'ui, iv m. in. ,
invrsture and a superb orchestra under
direction of a maestro who can Inspire
and control, tho San Carlo Grand Opera,
company will be heard in tho Auditorium
January 17. IS and 23, under the auspices
of Tangier temple. Ancient Arabic Older,
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
The company scored a great success
here last year and Is said to be the most
complete grand opera company both
numerically and artistically that Ims
toured the Vnltcd States, giving the
people Vi opera at popular prices. Tie
artists with the company include Ed
vlge Vaccarl. coloratura soprano, ac
claimed as "the equal of Tetraxuliii:"
A - A
i t
Young People', union. 6 30 p. in.; led , "iJJ
gospel group. No. I. Wedneedsy evening, i Kacstner, dramatic soprano with
prayer and praise meeting. Wednesday many foreign successes; Sophie Charle-
afternoon, 7.30. special service or prayer
at pastor'i homo,. 4747 North Fortictn
First Swedish. (18 North Eighteenth
Service will be conducted by gospel
team ceptalned by Archie Carpenter, be
ginning with Sunday school at :4ft a.
in., preaching at 11 o'clock and song ser
vice at T o'clock.
First. Harney and Tark Avenue. It. O.
Rowlands, paator Morning aervlce, 10 :Su;
subject of sermon, "The Assises and Re
sults." Evening service, 1:M; topic,
Strong Hours-Their Value.", Sunday
school at noon; George Waterman, au
perinlendcnt. Young Peoples meeting,
:k p. m.
Grace. Tenth and Arbor, E. B. Taft,
Pastor Men's prayer meeting at :-K) a. m.
Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship,
tl o'clock; subject, "A Life of Service."
Voting People's union. I:4& p. m. Evening
worship- at 7:30 o'clock; aubject. "Another
Opportunity." Mission Sunday school.
Kilo South Fourth. p. m.
Cavalry. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton. J.
A. Maxwell. I -est or Morning topic, "The
Atlnesa of the Greet Commission." Even
ing topic. "The Refleg Power of Sin."
Bible school at noon, O. W, Noble,
superintendent. Toung People's meeting
at : p. m., led by Miss Mabel Craig;
subject. "Why Join tha Church?" Sub
ject for Wednesday evening. "The Holy
Car 1st la.
First. Twenty-sixth and Harney,
Charleg EL Cobbey, Paator Bible school.
s . j. ft- jr.,; i om
nlon, 8 a. m.: Sunday eehool, i io a. m
morning aervlce, 11 o clock; evening sci v.
Ice. J.w p. ni.
St. Mark's English. Twentieth' snd
Biirdette. L. Otoh. Pastor Morning wor
1 pif. JV ,0''''- "The l.ost Child Feuml
Again. Evening service at 7::m. tonic.
Members of Jesus Are Member of Each
other. Sunday school st H:ta a. in.
v-iicirimn r.niifavor lit :4.i p. in,
worship at 11: topic, "A Salutation to
I'dB." F.pworth league at p. m.
Evangelistic service at 7:.1o p. m.; topic.
"Tho umuha Horn Again Club."
HniiHconi Park, Twenty-ninth and Wool
worlh Avenue, Rev. Jvnoiy l. Hull,
Mlnlstcr-Morning wors'i .i at It a. in.;
topic, "New Forces In Social Life.
K veiling worship al 7:4i. topic, "llelr of
the Ages."
llrts Memorial. Tenth and Tierce, t
at 7:). "The Prophet. th Times and the given to the army for this purpose. His
M,:,.f.nil .o,s;'x:::nfn? :z; .re t mi D.v(Port s.reel.
Day:" Wednesday, 7:15 p. ni., midweek i The Salvation Army gave 1.140 meals at
prayer arrvb e
North, Twenty-fourth arid Wirt, MJ V.
Illgbee, 1. 1.. Pastor Morning aermon
at 11. theme, "Strength and Gladness in
Religion:" S-.mdav school. ll:4a a. in.:.
Junior Endeavor. 3:) P. ni. : Senior En
deavor, K::i0 p. m.: preaching by the pas
tor, i p. m.; stereoptlcon lecture
Wednejday evening al 7:4j in the audi
Christmas, he states.
EL PASO. Tex., .Tan. 7. General Rosallo
Hemandei hss declared himself Inde.
Dundee. Fiftieth snd I'nderwood. Hsrrv rendent of the de facta government of
B. Foster, Minister Sunday school. 9:45 I Mexico, according to reports from Santa
a. in.; mens Bible class. 10 a. m.: morn- I r..o ...j c-. .,,. . a
Ing worship at 11: evening at 7:30; Cutis- 1. . ;. . ... c . t,
nan Endeavor, :45 p. m.
mlt his desertion from the Santa Rosallo
district of Chihuahua state Into the moun
tains with a band of followers, but were
reticent as to the cause.
Third. Twentieth and Isvenwnrth.
Robert Karr. Past ir ::!0 a rn.. Sunday
school, with ad. lit classes for men and
women; 10:4.". a. m.. public worship snd I n i ,i - ... .
sermon, theme, "Cleaners;" 3 p. m.. Jim- "r"",l ,
lor Endeavor; :i p. m.. Christian En- Villa officer, who turned to Carranza '
deavor prayer meeting; 7:4o p. m., even- i after the occupation of Torreon. '.
Ing worship and sermon by the pastor,
theme. "Snags." : - -
Covenant li-tt T ..., .- t
l n
Just?" The Men's Bible study Wednesdsy
r..-,iio m a m ine lecture room oi lue
Park vole. Thlrtv-firt and Cold. R. W.
Taylor. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m.
Preschlng, 11 a. m.; subiei t. "Moses Vin
dicated." Christian Endeavor. 7 p. m.
Preaching. 7:4." p. m. ; subject, "Ap.
Centre! Culled. Twenty-fourth snd
Dodge, Hugh B. Speer. Pastor Morning
worxhlp. with sermon bv pastor. lf;
topic, "Things Which Matter Most."
Sabbath school, 1? noon. Toung People's
meeting, p. m. Evening worship, with
sermon by psstor. 7; topic. "The Still
Small Voice."
I nltarlan.
' ovenant. Pratt and Twenlv-seventh. ' TH 11
harlea H. Fleming. Paslor-Morn'ng ! m. I HI - H
orshlp. 1ft:30; topic. "The Wav of Wis-! Kl T iJIIIlfl
m." Bible school at noon. Kndeavor. I I i It! 1 H I
45 p. m. Evening worship, 7:.l; topic. 1 II ,3 9 H 9 I H
Is the Cod of the Book of Numbers t"n- I
Ht. Kfalthaw'tw TrngrlLV. vltA...ik, tN. )KWmi. I'nfttnr Kuniln v . anhfinl at
' aninmr rirreis, tiV h. V. nttydor, i .i. i,. r runs, miprrmif ruifni
rnunloB and Mtmon, 11. ''d ,to be new officers and re
factor Morning service at 11. stiriiect
A Reaannalilo Service;" .Lilt her league
and seimo, at 7:; p. m . subject, "Foi
the Gospel'a Sake: for Christ's Sake;"
Sunday achool at 10 a. m subject. "The
Coming of the Holy Spirit;" l-adlca"Ald
aoclcty meets Thursday afternoon.
Grace English, law South Twenty.
Uth Street, C. N. Swlhart. Mlnlster
At 11 a. m., "Seeking the King:" at 8
P. m.. "A Perfect Pattern;" Sunday
achool at 10 a. m.; Luther league at J
p. m. Branch Sundny school. fVirty
eighth and Leavenworth hall, at 2:30 p. m.
Our Savior's Danish, Twentv-second
nd Iavenworth. T. n. Am;iicntorp,
1 astor Sunday school st 9:30 a. m. ; gcrv.
t'" al ' :w " "' ""'' meeting. H7
Tir Thirty-third at 4 p. m.; services
at S IS p. ni.; Young People's meeting
Thursday evening at 8:15.
fclnn. Thlrty-atxth and Lafavette. A. T.
Loiimer, Pastor Sunday achool at 9:46 a.
m.. servlcea at 11 a. in.: Installation nf
ding of minutes of
me hours IS rtrlslisn EndeavoT l-Tthel evening vles at 5 fH? -"vice.;
Kllnkor. president; 7; aermon. "Pente- , ,v5rT nV 1 ,' k: iTr"yrr1"crv'
coau" tVllowshlp meeting every Wednea- .inrriZ2l " wcck; r.nolr
day at 7:30 P. nu S,clU meetfng during Ta.a itli .y ?.V'ln 1 enrmaHol
thi week.- Flslwrman a cluh. Friday at C'"M w"1 mct .Saturday at 10 a. m.
: n . n. In Ik. -hiii-c C W R KOUntie Memorial Furnm ....1 r,.
Thursday at 8 30 p. m at Mis. John GUIs,
.i eouin t'etiuxi noumvara.
North Bide, Twenty-second and- T,o
throp. Georfc-e L 1'eU-ra, Pastor Bible
school, t w a. rn. : morning aervlce, 10.40,
theme; "Thai -homw," Evening aervlce,
7.36. theme, "An Important Wedding."
Endeavor Intermediate, 6;o0p. m.; benior,
14 p.,m. '
Chrlsllaa grteare.
Second Church. Pundea Hall. , Under
wood and Fiftieth Streele- Servlcea at It
a. m., aubject, "bacrament;" Sunday
achool. t:4& a. m. ; Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o'clock.
First, Nineteenth and Davenport, F. T.
Rouae, Paator Morning service, 10:80;
goapel service, 7.; pastor will preach
at both services.
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W, H.
Hampton. Pator Morning servloe, u;
evening aervlce, 7:3u; Sunday achool. 10
a. m.. Mr. James Bulrk, auerlntendent;
Senior Endeavor, I W p. m.; Intermediate
Endeavor, 4 p. m. ; Junior Endeavor, t
p. m.
German, Twelfth and Dorcas, R, Hllker
baumer, Paalor Services, 11 a. m., sub
ject. "Following Christ." At 8 p. m., sub
ject, bex-klng t Prist While Yet Young." i
foundsy a hool. 4i a. in. Young People's I
jucv-uuif si i y. ui.
Plymouth, Eighteenth and Emmet. F.
W, Leaviu. Minister Morning aervlce at
10 SO, tonic. "The po-lal Nature of
Christianity." Bible school at noon.
Young People's meeting at t.JO p. m.
Evening worship at 7.30. topic. "Won
by One." Annual supper and business
nieiir- wedneedsy at :3n p. m.
St Marys Avenue, St. Mary's Avenue
and Twenty-Mventh. Rev. G. A. Hulbert.
Pastor Morning worship st 101, with !
ty-slxth Avenue. Rev. Oliver I. Battsly.
Pastor: Rev. C 1-Vmnklln i
rl"'e Pastor Morning worship, 11 o'clock,
'Attending to His Esther's Business;'
-.-ouia, . ocioi k, A call to Enlist
rnent; Sunday school. 4". o'clock. Oscaf
P. Goodman, superintendent ; Luther
lesgne at 7 o cl.K k; at t p. m . branch
Sunday school. Twenty-fourth and Ames;
catechetical lectures Thursday and Fri
ay, S p. Friday. 4.U.
First. Twentieth and Davenport. Tltua
I owe. Pastor Bible class at t.4 a. m.. T
K. Sturgess, superintendent. Morning
Morning worship st It a. m.; topic, "The
New Testament Idea of Hell." Junior
league at 8 p. m., Marv Amnions, sup
erintendent. Epworth league at :30 p.
m., Floyd Shepherd, president. Evening
evangelistic service at 7:an. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Jennlnga. Flftv-aecond and lflrkorr H
H, Cheiioweth. Paator Sunday achool at
10 a. m Morning preaching at 11:15; sub
ject, "'The Family Altar." Epworth league
st 7 p. m.. Miss Lillle Givcns. leader.
Prayer meeting at 8 p. m.
Walnut Hill. Fortv-flrst and Cbarta
Oliver Keve. Minister Mrs. Ida M.
Walters. Mrs.. W. K. Colfass, Mrs. M M.
Mill and Mrs. Bryant will have the eve.
nlng service aa a gospel team at T:30.
Morning service, 10;no. Sunday school, 12
noon: M. O. Cunningham, superintendent.
Epworth league. 6.30 p. m.; C. I
Fritscher. president.
McCsbe. Fortieth and Furnam. W. It.
I'nilerwood. Pastor Morning service at
11. when District Superintendent II. G.
Brown will occupy the pulpit. Evening
wnrshln st 7:W. with sermon by pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mrs. George
Kntrlkln. superintendent Adult Blblo
class st 10 a. in.. John Lewis, teacher.
F.pworth league at p. m . Miss Nelie
rrnehstlns. leader; topic. "The Beatitude
of the Brlnger of Good Newg."
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and
t-arlmore. Earl K. Bowen. Minister Run
day school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. and 7:.T p. ni. Meeting for child
ren at 3 n. m. Enwprth league at SO
n. m. Prayer and fellowship hour on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. ni.. when
Dr. 1". G. Brown will be present. Special
neetlng of the official board on Wdnea
tav at 8: n. m. Choir meets on Friday
venlng at 8 o'clock.
First Fnlted. Twenty-first and Fnmet.
A. C. Douglas, I'ustor PubUc worship
T nltarlan. Services In Turpln's Msll,
Twenty-eighth and Farnam At 10:30 Rev.
Robert Leavens of Fltchhurs. Mass., w ll
presch; subject. "A Pioneer Church;"
music by Phyllis Tebhens, soprano;
George Barker. Jr., violinist; Helen Sad
lick, planikt.
M Iscrllaneoas.
First Reformed. Twenty-third and Deer
Park Boulevard. John F. Hawk. Minister
Sunday school. 8:45 a. m. ; Dr. H. Bus
man, superintendent. Morning worship
and holy communion at II; theme, "The
Death of Christ; IIS Significance." Mis
sion Band, 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
::t0 p. m.; topic. "Why Join the Church."
Evening worship, 7:30; theme, "God's Se
cret Things." .
Associated Bible Students meet In Lyric
building at 3 p. m. T. H. McNaught will
lecture on "The Hope Set Before Cn "
Harford Memorial, T'ntted Brethren
Nineteenth and Lothrop, w, o. Jones'
Sanpl Pack
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"Situations WaritecT ads are free
I-!., iiu.s uy ine pastor. Music by the
Keiley eliolr. Funday s hool at noon, with
kindergarten. Meroritieon views of China.
Jd-wek serxlce, Wednesday at S p. in.;
Subject, "Talka on the Parables."
rirst United. ?t Krsnklln Btt. Ira
aenriae, l'astor Morning sermon by
pastor st II o'clock; evening sermon by
f-ssior at 7 : o'clock: Sunday s. hool at
f' a. ra., Samuel Mailer, aiiperintendent;
nslon band fcundsy at !. p. m.. Mis.
laird superintendent; benior K. U C V-
-ITf tln5 ;a m : Prayer meeting
and choir practl.-e Wednesday evening
L. h,ehur!h; Y- M. 8. will
1 X-,,or."1"y ''nlng at the home of
": KauMd: a business session will
Z? hltn "' officers will I
tier ltd; iy U Htarna. upennlendenl.
f iiwU-h t,h Goo1 Shepherd. Twen.
!Tm. S t'hto "treeta. Key. Thomas J.
Ollsr, Rector liolv I
u. ..j nooi at :u a. m. : morning
'er. litany and aermon at 11 o'clock;
I' rare
.viuch. "" ith Mriuon at
hurch of St Philip the Deacon. Twer.
JTm. h.l "m", Vlcar-8undy after tlx
epiphany llclji communion at 7 a.
tu.: morning preer at luao a. m.; holy
tMjcharUt, rhnial and aermoa at 11 a m
enli,s prayer and sermon at I ; Bun-'
s,ho at o'clock.
i-t. Andrew s. rorty-tirst and Charles.
t K. tlutkhart. lUtorUoly comma.
Via 3
ill X?-T-r-p-l i - Si - V
ca e a n. T-ia"
In order to promote and
maintain health special at
tention must be paid to
the Stomach, Liver and
Bowels. They must be
kept strong and vigorous
and should perform their
duties with regularity.
When weakness is mani
fested, remember,
is Nature VFirst Aid"
Try a bottle for
Safe, Sound Life Insurance at Actual Cost.
The Big Factor
Preparedness is today acknowledged to be the big problem in our na
tional government.
It is likewise the big problem in the life of the individual prepared
ness against emergencies of the future.
There is one emergency which every man knows will come into his
homehis own death. No man ever escaped. The wise man, the fore
sighted man, prepares for this hour by carrying safe, sound life insurance
which guarantees that his widow will have at least enough money to pay
the funeral bills.
Safe, sane preparedness in Nebraska may be had for every man in a
certificate of membership in
The A. O. U. W.
The greatest state fraternal insurance company in the world. Organized in 18S6, it has
laid out more than 11 million dollars to widows and orphans of deceased members. The price
of a o-cent cigar a day will maintain protection for your family in this great fraternal insurance
What This Reliable Insurance Will
. Cost You Per Month.
ir tou wait ivroMUTiov
Following Is a table choing the monthly cost of insurance in the
A. O: IV W. to its inemters. The rates ore low, but adequate:
Age Policy of $1,000
IS to S4 $0.75 per month
25 to 29 S5 "
20 to 34 1.00 '
35 to 39 1.15 " "
40 to 44 1.30 "
There is aa A. O. U. W. lodge in your vicinity ready to welcome ;
you as a oember. Make application today while your health will allow '
you to secure membership to some officer or member of your local i
lodge. No certificate issued for more than $2,000 to one member. '
Crsnrl Master Workman. A. O. V. W
H of Nebraska. HuMreite. X, h
Policy Of $ 2,000 Jj Tear Sir:
nt;o iwr mnnthBl ' ,n interested In SAFR. SOUND
.50 per month m r,i-AH.vNTKt;u life msursm ,t 1c-
1.70 " "l T.l'-ih ;.osl.nd yu nisy send me.
niitiiii'T AM Obl.lUATiON O.V MV
H TAUT, your fr booklet telling; of tin
I " siuMiion or in
(t f . wun ui LDiieu n oi kmen or Nebraska.
Till IIU