Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Kelly s to Give an Irish Program
For Social
Mr. and Mm. Thorn J. Kelly lll give
a proirrnm of lrlh folk snnits at th
Fontenolle on tl.e evpnin of January IS
(Tuesday of nent work) for the benefit
of the 8ocl Settlement,
H has been a lon tm slnc Mr. an.1
Mr. Kelly were heard In Omaha In this
delightful diversion. Tlifw who were
present at U Inry's Avenue Conrrrss
tlonal rhurch one cvenln In Mirch,
when the rroftrirn wns first Klven, will
recall It aa one of the bright spots In
Omaha'a mualal history. Mr. Kelly has
palnstnklnRly collected a number of gen
uine folk son 78 of Ireland and of Scot
land and England, too and arranged
them In attractive TOT?rtnRS. How he
ITesenta them may better be told In an
excerpt from a nme of appreciation writ
ten to him by the lute Mr. B. H. Hnrrowa,
following that rver.lnc's program:
"I only want to express my delight at
hearing the old songs sung by a genuine
Irishman, ami, ou will let me say, by a
pcnulne artist. And Mrs. Kelly ehnrei
first honora with you. To many it waa
a revelation, to all a sincere pleasure,
but. better yet. It waa an education to
every hearer. In doing thla acrvlce you
not only delgh:ed your frienda with an
rfistlo aong recital, Tnit you have
achieved something far higher, which
was to teach them the tenderneaa, the
pathoa and the hidden team of Irish
The program which Mr. Kelly haa ar
ranged for the evening la:
'Thro' Kreln'a Isle to Kport Awhile"
I'll P.ork You to Rest (lullnhy, or aoon
ttee tpc).
The Oood J'ropl (fairies).
a I The Young May Moon.
Oil The !cpraliaun.
('-) The Mm-penny Fidll.
Tbe Pentlmen'al Ixver,
a) My Love an Arbutua.
l The Utile Ked I.ark. .
(cl I'harrned 1 y the Luster' (translated
from the Irish).
(il Haillnilcrry (example of the Cro
nan). CROWN-ITS.
The Pevo'lonal Lover
(ai The nnwy-Hreasted Tearl.
(Ik Cramai hn-n Molly,
(c) Would Uod I Sere the Tender Ap
ple Eloaxoni.
A Christmas carol. The Holly and Ivy
Girl. ,
. (a) Mlllhurlero.
l Tho Minstrel Bnv.
tcj The Ulian Van Vtht.
'Erin, who Veep Thro Her Smile and
Pmlles Thro' Her Tear."
(a Erin! Tho Tear and the Smile In
Thine Eyes
h Over Here.-(Famine Times).
( CarrlKdlinup.
!) Khe is Far From the Land.
(a) Klttv of the Vown.
(b Trottln' to the Fair. ......
(ci The Unp In. (.he lle)ge,
(d In Dublin a Fair Oily. Street Bong).
(i) The Beautiful City of Nligo.
"Aa Slow our Khlp Her Foamy Track."
80 loath we part from all we love
From all the links that hind 11a; '
Po turn our heHrta, where'er' we 'rove
To thoae we've left behind us."
Welsh Sees Warmer
Weather Ahead for
Omaha Sunday
With tha tcmpcratura. pply 22 degree
at 1 o'clock hls morning. Colonel Welsh
of the weather bureau feela that ho Is
supplying a commendable brand of win
ter weather to his patrons In and about
"Not even down to aero so fsr this
winter," he said. "That's pretty good,
eh? I remember one winter during my
career here whim the lowest was sera.
"But It isn't time to crow yet I re
member some winters when the coldest
weather came at the end of February.
However, the tlilo Is going satisfactorily,
and It looks ns If It will be still warmer
Weather reports sent from stations
along the lines both east and weat Indi
cate that from far over In Iowa to about
the central portion of Nehru V. It I
cloudy, misty and foggy, with light snow
In a number of localities. Temper. lures
range from 10 to 30 degrees above sero.
Through the western part of Nebraska
and In Wyoming U is clear and calm.
Down In Kanaaa, according to the re
ports to the railroads, there waa consid
erable snow. However, It has turned
Into rain ana Is much warmer than on
Best Says City is
the One to Provide
Omaha a Workhouse
County Commissioner Frank Best and
Mm. Beat have returned from a trip to
Chicago. Minneapolis and Peoria.
In the latter two cities Mr. Bvst Inves
tigated city workhouses In operation
there, and returned with a pretty defin
ite idae that eatabliHhment of a work
house for Omaha is a city rather than
a county proposition, owing to the fact
that it .la the city which furnishes the
' prisoners.
"I found Omaha Is gaining much In
, reputation wherever you may go," said
Mr. Best. "It Is fken of everywhere
as one of the very best cities In the
country and is receiving mm h valuable
' advertising."
Papa Did Not Like
the Teacher's Plan
The small children at Windsor S' hool
have In en taught to help each other with
overshoes at koing-homa time. A sweet
little miss had difficulty with overshoes
which were underslze.
The teacher suggested that she tell her
father to give the overshoes to her
punger stater and buy her a pair-of
a larger size.
In the course of time the teacher ob
served the a. I. m. struggling with her
shoes. "What did your papa say about
the overshoes?" kindly asked the teacher.
No reply. Next day the teacher asked
again. No reply. The tvacher asked the
question on the third day and the s. I. m.
looked into the teachtr's faia and
".My psia said you should go to heil."
Settlement Benefit
Smaller Cities
of State in Need
of More Hospitals
Moro hospitals are future assets of the
smaller cltlr In the state according to a
prediction made by Pr. F. A. Iong of
Mndlaon, Neb., In a talk before the
students and faculty of the t'nlveralty. of
Nebraska College of Medicine at Forty
second and Harney streets. Tho subject
of the talk waa "the Idenl I'hyslclan."
Dr. Long advised the young doctors
to establish themselves In a good com
munity and Jhen take an Internet In the
affairs of that, community. "The greatest
trouble with tho average country physi
cian today," he said, "is his restlessness.
He la always changing his location. Once
you establish yourself In a good commun
ity, take an Interest In It and take part In
the civic dutlro, thereof. Your standing
In the community depends entirely upon
the company you keep, and If you as
sociate yourself with those who have tha
development of the community at heart,
your charactor will be unimpeachable."
The doctor also advised the younger
men to pay strict attention to the bus
iness details of tha profession. He told
them his neglect to send out monthly
statements In early years of hla practlco
had cost him much money.
Tuesday evening at the Miller .Park'
school social center the following program
will be rendered bv advanced students of 1
local teachers:
Plano-Kltig's Hunting Jig (English)..
' Jnhn tJnn
riano Gavotte (German)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Miss Helen Hennett. 1
riano-Pastoral with Variations (Oer-' '
man) fdosart '
Mlsa lima Podolak. i
Ronrs Turn Y to Me (Old Highland
Melody) '"omposer unknown
Pnowflakes" modern )..Frederirk Cowvn I
"rim t n UIA.n'i . I.- . 1 1 1 .
u..., .w ' r r.lll. 1 inn I. . , , . .
k.t- ';"" v William Arms Fisher
"Fairy Mpera" (American)
Herbert Brewer
Mlsa Grace Northrup.
llano Les Myrtlllcs (Modern French)
Theodore Dubois
Piano Bcherxo 4 Polish). .Frederick Chopin
, Mlas HHon Bennett.
Piano In the Hlelgh (Russian) ..'.;.
... fetep mtch Tschalkeweky
Plano-Ithapsody No, 14 (Hungarian.)..
Frans Llsst
Miss It ma Podolak.
Miss Grace Northrup. pupil of . Mr.
helly: Mianes Helen Bennett, Irma Todo
lak, pupils of Mr. Duffleld.
John Haynea Holmes of New Tprk.
r ........ , luiiinniiiro-1
.. ( v. . . ... 1
miu riiiiit-n 10 uniana tnts mnntn
to address the local I'nltarlans, has been
secured by tie Political Bquallt league
for a lecture Thursday evenln. January
20. at the Central High school auditorium.
His topic will be, - "The Martytdom of
Thomas Mott, Osborne of Slar King," an
address on prison reform. The lecture
la free to the public. ,
Hev. Holmes arrives In Omaha rext
Saturday for a series of lectures and w'll
be here one week. He occupies the pul
pit of the Chinch of tha Messiah in New
York and U said to t a brilliant
Count the Days,
Pimples Vanish
Mot Anyone Out Xow Hare a Fair,
Ih-autiful Complexion By I'slng
Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
Trial Vaokaaw Mailed TBEX.
Where there are plinplra, blotches,
blackheads, liver spots, etc.. the blood
Is filled with Impurities. Cleanse the
blood and these embarrassing disfigure
ments disappear at ones. That Is what
Stuart's Calcium Wafers do.
You won't bo' always worrying about
the Differeaoe I Bags a Taklaf
mart's Calcium Wsfsra for sCy aaia
Oaly a Short Tims Afo."
what your frictida sad -strangers think
of your "broken-out'' faoe, .If. you give
these wonderful little wafers a. chance.
That's bersuao -th.y go .right to the
sest of the -trouble, the blood, driving
out all Import! strcng-lhjrnlng It, ton-
lug it up. And. when .tha. blood Is clear, I
the skin is. me. fnuu blemish. . . (
All drugguus keep ibem in Stock. Pric 1
60c. If you. waul tQ try tiem first, mall I
coupon below . lor. fr.e? trla.1. package.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. atnart Co., 31 Stuart Bid.,
Marshall. Mica, fcemt me at once, by
r.turn mail, a free trial package of
tituart's Calcium Wafers.
Street ....,'..,.
Citr fttat
r.ii,,;,- u . tt 1 j . ... c. . 1
Gathering: to Be Held at the State ;
Tara at Lincoln the Lat
Half of Next Week.
The Nebraska Dairymen's association
will hold Its thirty-first annual meeting
Wednesday. Thursday anri Frirf.v t.
uary 19-21. in the Plant Industry build
ing at the State farm. Lincoln. The Im
portance of lmnrovlnr tha nn.lli..
dairy producta la to be discussed by F.
W. nouska of Chicago, and discussions
are to follow by A. L. Haecker, Lincoln,
and R. A. Stewart. Omaha.
"What the Farm TVmAnatKiA- r--- t-i
for Dairying." Is to be taken up by O.
H. Lelbers, farm demonstrator for Oage
county, and a discussion la to follow by
Frof. D. If. rropps of the University of
w t-iii anna,.
Subjects relating to the nrnl,lrv,.
Ihe producer and the consumer of dairy
products are also to be taken up. The
dairy exhibit at the State fair Is to be
discussed. "The Dairyman as a Credit
lrm - Banker e Standpoint." "The
Future of the Dairy Industry," "The
"..King auacnine,- "The Coat of Produc-
Plenty of
to Wait On
You and
Nothing Reserved
At less than wholofialo
prices and in many instances
at less than the cost to manu
facturers. 27x54 .Velvet '
lings. Vl.f 3
36x72 .Velvet ejrt f
Hup. V-al J
4 ft. Gx7ft,6 WiU fcQ Qr
low Rurs...,...'..'.VJw
8x10 Willow. , 07 OK
Rurs. Vi-vU
0x9 Brussels 7 FA
Rugs. VI -OU
0x12 Brussels $Q FA
Rugs............. vH.OU
S&S $10.50
8-3x10-6 -Velvet CIO CA
Rags... vIv.OU
9x12 Axminster Clfi Eft.
Rugs.......... V.D.3U
. Dressing Tables
At Goliyt-Out-of-Buslnesj 'rrirea.
All $16.50 dressing JQ C(
tables now ij)OsOU
All (21.00 dressing dl O rn
tables now TlaCisDU
All $39.60 dressing J -t Q Cf
tables now ...... J) 1 JsOU
All $35.00 dressing JQO PA
tables now P--.OU
AM $40.00 dressing jOQ Cfk
tables now apaCasOli
Ono big lot of Ingrain Rugs,
many of them are samples,
others are slightly soiled and
many other have been slight
ly used, sizes from 6x9 to 9x
12. Clioico of the entire lot
Library Tables
At Golng-Out-of-Buslnems Pr !.
All $7.60 library 6A XZ(
tables now aPsOVF
All $10.50 library OC
tables now fJtJ
All $15.00 library dQ ((
tables now Ja7.VU
All $17.50 library fr-ifi 7C
tables now aDllis I O
All $2!. 60 library 7C
tables now P lrta J
At ColngOut-of-Buslneaa Prices.
All $10.50 dreasers jg
All $14.60 dressers yg
All $17.50 dresseVs JJQ 25
All $27.50 dressers
iJn' c,h'r M
I Cow Judging contests are tr be In
progress. A butter makers' contest la to
M n,M wlth a M ,ovlnf c,)p hunB up RJ
the prlao.
A dairymen's, banquet la to be held the
evening of January 21 at the Llndell hotel.
F-dwIn R. Webster of Marlon, la., dis
trict engineer of maintenance and right
of way for the Milwaukee road, waa ap
pointed district representative for the
American Association of Engineers at
their national convention, December 10
and 11. Mr. Webster Is undertaking the
formation of local chapters of this unique
association throughout Iowa, Nebraska
and South Dakota.
The educational committee of the
Drama league, headed by Miss Jeanctto
McDonald, has arranged for a lecture to
be given by Samuel McChord Crothers
of Cambridge, Mass., Friday, January 2S.
Dr. Crothers has lectured In Omaha
many times, twice during the last year.
The aeries of weekly lectures Instituted
A Genuine
All of the Immense Stock in Our Big Warehouse Rooms and Hundreds of Samples
Now Displayed on Our Four Big Sample Floors Must Be Disposed of
Everything is marked at going-out-of -business prices, which means in this sale less than wholesale and in a great many
instances less than the cost to manufacturers. There are hundreds of other items which are not mentioned in this advertise
ment, so if ybu do not find what you are interested in, come to the store as early as possible and you will not be disap
pointed, because every article throughout our entire store is marked at going-out-of -business prices. Buy now for your fu
ture needs. An extension of time at the same low prices will be allowed if it is so desired.
in m.u.u.iinijiiiii.n-ii.ii' 1 Jii. ... . . i
W W 127 i li.
najsi.i miwsWHsisTiriu- itniiiswsiiniii i igis ! m rigour i m
I y- p-
, .5 .hi
' ' ,i
Rubers. 1513-1515
Stock of
All heating stoves,
steel and cast iron
ranges, cooking stoves
and base burners at
going-out-of - business
High Grade Furniture at Record
Rocking Chairs
At GoltiK-Out-of-lluslncsa Prices.
All $1.75 rocking nr
chairs now tOC
All $3.00 rocking
chairs now
All $6.00 rocking
chairs now
All $8.50 rocking !(- t)f?
chairs now . . OO.IO
All $10.00 rocking
chairs now
Don't wait, buy everything you need for the home
now, a chance of this kind may never occur again
Dining Room Chairs
At (Joing-Out-of-UuKlness lYU'tw.
All $1.25 dining
room chairs
All $2.00 dining
room chairs
.... 65c
All $2.60 dining d - Cf
room chairs V .Ovl
All $3.50 dining
room chairs. . . .
All $4.50 dining'
room chairs. . . :
. $2.25
A Complete Outfit Will
liM Fiirilire Co
by the Drama league will be resumed
February I.
Trot Illeed and Edward Lynch ef the
Omaha Conservatory of Arts and Music
present "The Workhouse Ward" Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock, as a courtesy
to the local Drama league.
Rufus R. Wilson to
Talk to Ad Club Men
Kufua R. Wilson, known a a printer.
Journalist, author, publicity expert, city
and community builder, a man of long
and successful experience In public works
of large Importance, will talk to the
Omaha Ad club Tuesday noon at the
faxton hotel. Hla subject will be "In
fective Community Advertising."
Mr. Wilson la a man who has had a
thorough practical training In advertis
ing and all Its branches. He worked
through the mechanical end out Into the
front office and even went beyond that;
from a cood printer Mr. Wilson evolved
into a versatile Journalist and worked on
the large dully newspapers in Pittsburgh,
Washington and New York.
About ten years ago Mr. Wilson went
west and finally located In Seattle as
publicity and advertising expert. In the
natural progress of events, he became
chairman of the publicity committee of
argain Event
ai Less than the Cost
.lu n i ...i - .. ...
It MjS', ............. i y.i "...MM
Howard Street. Closing Out Their Entire
Splendid Home Furnishings
Every article on our
four big sample floors
has been marked at
going-out-of - business
Kitchen Cabinets
At Ciolnx-Out-of-Iluslneas Prices.
All $12.50 kitchen
cabinets now
All $18.00 kitchen
cabinets now
All $22.50 kitchen
cabinets now
All $27.50 kitchen
cabinfts now
All $32.50 kitchen
cabinets now
Sewing Machines
At (lolnK-Out-of-lluMinesii Price.
All $22.50 sewing
machines now
All $28.50 sewing
machines now
All $34.00 sewing
machines now. . . .
All $38.00 sewing
machines now. . . .
All $4 5.00 sewing
machines now. . . .
Cost You Less Than Hall
Xhe Seattle Commercial club. While serr
Ing in this capacity, he was instrumental
In organizing the Chinese relief work,
conceived and carried out by the Seattle
Commercial club, through Its Chinese
relief committee, of which he waa secre
tary and directing head.
Mr. Wilson haa a message for every
man In Omaha, and the Omaha Ad club
extends an invitation to all those who de
sire to attend. There will be no charge
for admittance, simply pay for your own
Friday is Busy Day
for Petty Thieves
W. C. Dermott, IKS Ohio street, reporta
to the police the theft of 60 from his
rooms Friday.
Sam Allis, 1125 South Twenty-eighth
street, was strong-armed and robbed at
Twenty-fifth and Leavenworth streets of
J. C. Bastlan, 29oi Farnam street, waa
visited by thieves, who robbed him of
eleht boxes of clirsrs.
Frank Farlow, 2817 Parker street, lost
eleven chickens from his coop Friday
nieht. 1
it, j. nuni s nome at iuiy mcKory
street was paid a visit by burglars,
who stole clothing to the value of flOO.
- j 1 Everything Must Be Sold
io Martuladiire.
All statuary, gas and elec
tric lamps, pictures, medi
cine cabinets, mahogany can
dle sticks, smoking stands,
hall trees, hall racks, etc., at
Going - Out - of - Business
- Breaking Prices
Dining Room Tables
At GoinK-Out-of-Buslneas Prices.
All $17.60 dining Q Cf
room tables now sJM.iJv
All $21.50 dining t"1 "I Cf
room tables now.. S 1 X.OvF
All $25.00 dining ttlO flA
room tables now.. vUiUU
All $32.50 dining -i n C(
room tables now.. J)XOsJ
All $37.50 dining CjO1 Cft
room tables now.. J)TOv
Library Cases
At Going-Out-of-nuslueas Prices.
All $12.50 library f-T Cf
cases now P 0 vl
All $15.00 library CI f T1
cases now J)X.iv
All $17.50 library CIO (f
cases now PlsisUl
All $22..50 library tfjl R
cases now ...... aJJXO.fiJ
All $26.50 library C 1 7 Efl
cases now P X OU
ii You Duy at This Sale
4 ' -1
Teachers Discuss
Coming Lecture
of Helen Keller,
Plans for the two lectures to be given
by Helen Keller, the blind, deaf girl, at
the Hoyd theater the afternoon and even
ing of January 29. were discussed at a
meeting of the Teachers' Annuity and
Aid society Saturday morning at tha
city hall. Mrs. Nora Lemon, principal
of Lothrop scnool. Is president of tha
organisation which Is bringing Miss Ksl
ler end her instructor, Mrs. Macy, to
Tickets for the lectures will be on sale
In the Board of Education rooms In the
city hall after 4 o'clock on Mondays,
Wednesdaya and Fridays.
Thero have been many Helen Keller
programa given In the pubfie schools and,
a number of the eighth grade graduates
of the mid-term classes are planning to
attend the lecturea In & body, accom
panied by their teachers, rather than to
have the usual class parties.
A "For Sale" or "lvr Rent" Ad placed
tn The Bee will accomplish its pur
pose. This Is
the Greatest
Bargain '
Event in
Lace Curtains
Hundreds of pairs, includ
ing all the Nottinghams,
Scrims, Marquisettes, Clu
neys, Battenburgs, Scotch
Nets, Irish Points, etc., etc.,
all at going-out-of-business
prices :
$ 1 .00 1 ace curtains, Q C a
sale price each UUw
$1 .95 lace curtains, A P
sale prioe, each .Ouw
$2.25 lace curtains, 4 A
sale price, each . . . . V I I U
$3.25 lace curtains &4 PA
sale price, each . . . . V "
$4.50 lace curtains, Ag
sale price, each. ...V I "WW
$7.00 lace curtains, A A r
sale price each VWbSsW
$8.50 lace curtains, 00 AC
sale price, each. . . . Om3'S
$10.00 lace curtains, J JJrt
sale price, each. . . .y"swU
Drass Beds
At Golng-Out-of-Buslness Prices.
All $12.50 brass CCOE
beds now pJ.5iiJ
All $16.50 brass dQ 7C
beds now J17 . J
All $26.50 brass CIO OC
beds now Jla.aD
All $29.50 brass Cl Aft
beds now ! ... 710.UU
All $,35.00 brass CI 7 7E
beds now Oi a9
Four big sample floors
and large warehouse
rooms filled with furni
ture that must be dis
posed of during this
Going-Out- of - Business
At GolnR-Out-of-liusines Prices.
All $29.50 daven- Cl Q Eft
ports now J) X .01
All $37.50 daven- C9 ((
ports now PawO.UU
All $41.00 daven- COQ Cft
ports now P7.3J
All $45.00 daven- (HOO Ef
ports now 0J3
All $52.00 daven- COQ AH
ports now aPa7.ivf
Iron Beds
At Golng-Out-of-Business Prices.
All $4.00 Iron beds 1 TC
now J) A 3
All $C00 iron bed !0 7C
now 1 U
All $9.00 Iron beds &A Tf
now . J)t" f O
All $12.50 Iron beds Cfk
now PO.OU
All $15.00 Iron beds J7. 7f"
now V s a3