4-P. HIE OMAHA SUNDAY 1JKE: JANUARY !, 191G. Council Bluffs Social Notes One of the most en lovable social events of ths season i the dance given In the Kaglea' hall, when Ihe lxthua club and 'their friends sssemrrled to welcome the J Nw Yesr. The hull w-a attractively I decorated In the color of the club, pur I r's and gold. Tli mimic -as furnished by Wlnn'a orrhesir. The Brand march ! wss led by sllss Tim IloMrr and Mr. i Charles Brady, followed ty the meni l Iwri of the committee snl their ladies. 'Tlie patronesses were Mrs. J. I Oln- botiK. Mm. Oeorse firaJy and Mm. J. T. (Carey. The commit' in rharga n I composed of M.rj Kocrrt O'Nell. Chsrle Prady. Sam riumer. Thomas I Wilson und Mlrhtel Carey. Those In t ! tendsnca were: Misses Misses ir.lllh Holder. Kva Felcrk .loeephlne t'leaver, M'sr! I Irnn, I els I"lnmer, nlta Wilx.n. little IMller. I'.oeo Rvm. Allene Kendall. Anna O T-rien, Msdrlvne lloylan. lirno HiMt. Prrm st.itit. iVi-tl l.nrmad. : .Anita KU.-r. flladya Ryan. ' Thelma Ju.Kee. .Anita Allavle. .A'lctira u'ler. .!ca Moi.it"". 'ivatal McColm. ?'arle !.ea ViR. Inea Fuller. Meers . Messrs.- Tlay F. Tannelilll. Ualph M1worth, Cherlea Thompson, Adolph Plwoky. j , Itnndolph Ftrlnger. Msrsliall Kpaulfllng, IJ'aul B. lUnmiwii, John Kelly. ' Franela P. Monty. Oeorjr V. Ixykwooc! I Tranrta Maloney, Robert O Nell. Iw. O. Klarer. Charlea Brady. Claude J. O Hare, fnm riumrr. 1 Paul Brown. Thomas Wilson. I J-eonard Flleworlh. Michael Carey. . IV-ne-1 M,C-rthv. K'- Aner-o. Ft. Paul' General Oulld met Monday ifternoon at the home of Mr. W.d Allen on Clark avenue. Ths afternoon tu taken up with liiMlnee and sodal i rlans for th coming eaon nerora mm. It a dcrldod to hold a aerlea of teaa. the flrat of which Is to be held at the ihomo of Mrs. POIIwan on Pat irday. A meeting of the Federated Mothera" I clnba wna held on Monday afternoon at the library building, at which about thirty i member were preaent. It waa agreed at ' thla meeting to carry on as active mem I lera all who had ever been placed upon ;the roll. Cndnr the old ruling all who 1 did not succeed to office each year would V excluded from membership after their ' term had expired. After rarejful consider ation the members voted to retain as members all those who had aver belonged to the organlxatlon and not to limit the membership. Plans were also discussed for an evening meeting to be held In February, at wnleh time tha teachers will be able to meet with the mothers. The Fortnightly meeting of the Atlas club was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Pr. Harriet Hamilton. The meeting opened with a discussion of cur rent torlcs which was led by Mra. Lyman Phugart. Mrs. Tlohert Peregoy told of the first colony of Australia and Mrs. Klmer Fhugart gave an Interesting paper on the Island of Java. Mrs. W. I. Walker will be the next hostess of the club at a meeting to be held at her home on January l1. Mrs. R. B. Terwllllger waa th hostess of the Ideal club at Its regular meet ing which was held on Tuesday after noon. Mra. Thomas Metcaif, sr., opened .the meeting with a discussion of current topics and the balance of the afternoon was spent in a study of the religions of Japan. Mra. Fred Johnson told of Bhlntolsm, Mrs. T. K. Cavln gave a his tory of Buddhism and Mrs. W. II. Dudley gave a paper on Confucianism, which waa the religion of the scholar. Mra. Terwllllger will be hostess to the club again next Tuesday. The regular meeting of the Child Con servation league has been postponed tilt Jsnuary JO on account of the funeral of General Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Peaks of Dea tMolnes and Miss Marian Raundera, who has been attending Drake university, spent the holidays with Colonel and Mrs. C. G. launders. Mr. Peak and Miss Kaunders returned to Pes Moines Mon day evening. Mrs. Teak will remain for a time. Mr. and Mrs. William McFerren of Chicago, who spent New Year's as guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Test Stewart, returned Sunday evening to their home, while Mr. and Mrs. Donald EMcFerrcn remained till Tuesday. A very pelasant kenslngton wss given Tuesday afternoon by Miss Graco Kargea In honor of some of the girls who war spending the holidsys at home. Luncheon was served late In the afternoon. Miss Boinlce Pall entertained Informally Thursday evening In honor of some of the girls who were at home for the holt days. Music and games furnished the evening's entertainment and refreshments were served afterward. A number of young people who had been at home lor the holidays returned to their respective schools early In the week. Miss Anna Pearl McConnell and Miss Mary Mitchell returned to Beech wood school at Philadelphia. Monday evening. The Misses tiertrudo and Elsie Tinlry went back to Vaawar college. Miss Berdma Sriyd.-r resumes her work at Oberllu. Miss Marian Turner went to Washington. O. C, where she Is a student at the tamers school. Wendell A. Killing returned to the state university at Iowa City. The Misses Olga atio fcdith Nennas resumed their studies at Ames. Miss Oars Hart returned to Dana Hall all Wellesley. Mass. Miss Grace Smith and the MImscs Iois!as of Georgia, nieces of Mrs. Clean Kimball, with whom they spent the holidsys. returned to Hockford college at Hockford. III. The msrriage of Mr. Ray W Barnett and Mies ivy Wild took place at noon Saturday at the home of the bride's psrents near McClcllaud. The ceremony as pcrfomcd ly Ilev. 4r. J. T. Jones of the Klrt Congregational church and was witnessed by sbout fifty friends and rela tives. After he aeddlng a wedding din. ner wss served, following which Mr. and Mra. Barnett left for an extended trip. I'pon their return they will make their home on the old I'amett homestead near V eston. Mrs.' Herbert Woodbury was hostess Wednesday to the Book Lovers. The study of Thackeray was begun "Thack eray, the Artlut and Journalist," was tlven by Mrs. L. F. Whitehead, and was followed by a paper by Mrs. Woodbury on "Thackeray, the Pom. the Novelist nd the Philosopher." Miss Bice closed the program with a reading from -The Book of Buobs," the selection being "A Utile Dinner at llnunona." The whole program waa Interesting and instructive. Mr. Woodbury will be hostess again at the clubs next meeting oa Wednesday and "Henry Kamond" will be the aubj ader considers rlaev Tb monthly meeting of the Oriole tiirla was held Monday evening at the horn of Mra. C. R. Harding. Part of the business of the evening consisted of plans for a social meeting to be held Vmiorrow eveninr la honor of Mrs. O. J. liuniMii. It ill be In the nature of a farewell to Mrs. Hsnoen, who soon de Officers Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf Club J ..rr i .-x parts for an extended trip to the west. At the Wednesday meeting of the Woman's Christisn Temperance union, plans were 'made for the coming of Mrs. Sena Hsrtsell Wallace, who Is to de liver two addresses under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, some time during the month. Mrs. l. P. Frank and Mrs. J. U. IlalrJ. were appointed a committee to attend to the details of the arrangement. The mem. hers of the Council Bluff Woman's club and of the Suffrage league will be guests of the Woman's Christian Temperance union on this ocrsslon. The Friday Afternoon "600" club held sn evening meeting Wednesdsy, when the husbands wore guests. The evening wss spent playing cards, and closed with a dainty supper. 1 'rises were won for high score by Mrs. Les Evsns and Mr. Duquette. January 14 the club will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter Jensen. The L. T. club wss entertained st 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesdsy by Mrs. J. V. Ppare. After the luncheon, gifts were exchanged through the medium of a grab bag, and the rest of the afternoon was spent In sewing and visiting. A club guest wss Mr. Knoblauch of North Pakota. Mrs. Oordy and Mrs. Quick assisted Mrs. Hiare. The club will be enteretatned on January 19 at the home of Mrs. Harry Pargman. Dundee Society Notes The wedding of Mlaa Margharetta Burke and Walter Klopp, took place Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr. Charle Burke. Rev. T. J. Mackay officiating. Mia Helen Chase of Lincoln wa brides maid, and Richard Payne, best man. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grossman leave thla week to spend two months In Florida. Miss Olive Raftree of Chicago, sister of Mra. II. Beaton, and Mlas Mary Helms of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mr. Beaton. Wallace Hhepard and Wayne Pelby have returned to Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and small son of Wichita. Kan., were gueata last week of Mr. and Mra. J. B. Jones. John Reed returned Tuesday to Bhat- tuck Ml!lltary school at Faltibault, Minn. A daughter was born New Year's eve to Mr. and Mrs. Longnecker at Birch Knoll sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnson have returned from . Paxkersburg. Ia., where they spent the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Chsiies McMartln and children have returned from Ueaman, Js., whert they attended a family reunion. The Missionary aoclety of the Dundee church gave a lunceon Friday at the nianae. Mr. and Mr. Peterson have moved Into their home at toil I sard street. Mr. and Mr. Leonard Abercrotnbte have moved Into the Plndell home. Mr. W. J. Nash ha returned from a visit of several weeks In California and Colorado, at which plaoes she visited a daughter and eon. Miss Bernlce Nelson and Harvey Nel son returned to school at Llnootn Mon day. Ml Mildred White entertained twelve of her schoolmate at a kenslngton last Saturday. Mr. and Mr. C. B. auarman enter tained at a family dinner last Sunday In honor of W. H. Eldrldge, a brother of Mrs. Bauaermsn, who has Just returned from a business trip to Japan. The Dundee All Saints' guild wiU meet Tuesday. January IS. at the home of Mrs. W. G. Fuller. Mrs. A. J. Cooley entertained six guests at luncheon Wednesdsy at tha University club. Mrs. II. B. Iemere entertained four guests at luncheon Wednesday. Mrs. II. J. Hchlfferle entertained at hrldge Thursday. The new Friday Bridge Luncheon club met Frtdey st the home of Mrs. Wal lace. Mr. and MVs. Roy Ralph will enter tain the Tuesday F.venlng Auction Bridge club this week. II. A. (iondrn of Chicago, waa a guest laat wrek of his sinter, Mr. C. K. Biefkln and Mr. Mefkln. For Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Sunderland of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Ches- ney entertained at dinner Monday, and Mir. and Mra. E. M. Sunderland enter tained at dinner Tuesday. Mrs. R. R. Copp of Chattanooga. Tenn., who has been with her sister. Mrs. 8. R. Rush, leaves this week for New Orleans for the rest of the winter. The new electric street light through out Dundee were lit for the flrat time New Year' eve. They are very bam some and make this aectlon of the city a light a day all through the night. DAUGHTER OF E. R. WILSON HURT BY FALLING TREE Eleanor, t-yrar-old daughter of E. R. Wilson, well known automobile dealer, living at its North Thirty-fifth atreet, sustained a bally lacerated scalp and pos sible concussion of tbe brsln wheat a tree which was being felled en C. Olson's premises. Thirty-fifth and Davenport streets, fell In such a manner a to strike fcsr as she waa ilaylng in the street. Advertiser and customer profit by th "Classified Ad" baUt Sfrs r- e, ' lira W.rt. finn Benson Social Circles Mr. Lena Jorgenaon of Jordan, S. D., will be a guest of Mrs. P. Christiansen for a few weeks. Miss Helen Jorgenon has returned home from the Lister hospital much Im proved. Mr. O. L. Waterbury and children have returned home from a visit with relatives In Ord, Neb. Mrs. Walter Enell left on Wednesday for a visit In her old home In Noxen, Pa. Miss Kllxabeth Selling haa gone to Bloux City, where she will visit at the home of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. August Burmelster are having open house today in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. Miss Merle Longacre of Dodge, Neb., pent the week-end last week at the borne of frlenda here. James Berry of Dubuque. Ia., waa a guest last week at the Jame Maney home. Vernon LessarJ spent last Sunday with relative In Bellevue. Mrs. II. Uelntselman and daughter re turned Tuesday from a short visit In Lyon. Neb. Miss Margaret FVdde haa returned to the state university after a visit with har parent. The Woman' club will meet at the home cf Mra. M. D. Vernor next Thurs day afternoon. Mr. E. A. McOlssson entertained last week for Mlas A. Irwin or Zlon City, 111., and Mr, and Mrs. C. D. earson of Omaha. Mra. D. B. Smith of Plittimnnth m-k spent Isst Wednesday with frlenda Iri Benson. George Stelaer of Thavor vr t .. of Benson, is visiting a few day at hi old home. A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mr. Qua Holmes. Tuesday. nd AM t a Uaa nl Mr. V. Klnnrv on Sturfi i-- . j v a ew week. The Woman's Christian Temperance union met at tha laat Friday afternoon. Mr. M. D. Veno waa the leader. Mr. Albert and daughter and Mra Witt of St. Edward. Neb.. v.r. gueau ,Mt week at the A. F. Snyder homo. Mr. J. J. run. will be hostess for th Aufweldersehen club at her home next Tuesday afternoon. Miss Madalina llmt t.... . . . - r-i-.i. . . " toaay tor . .r ' fUr Den,ltne- two weeks - nome ot ner parents. Miss Retta RlrkK.in... . ... ....v. iiv lor ner home In hhenandoah, Ia. on Wednesday -'"" vibii wun ner alster, Mrs. F. II. iruninger. Mr. J. T. Sheonhsok r m. i . uiuvinniKWIV HI., and Mr. William BaaUng of Wood- uurn, ino., wno were called here by the death of Mr. Marv si.i., h.. turned to their home. Mlses Irena Horton, Gladys Anderson. Mary McCabe. Meta and Carrie Blair and Kffte Klllan have returned n h.i. at Peru. ' Mlaa A. Knudsen of Page. Neb., and Mrs. A. II. Farnsworth and oaughters of Melborne. la., were recent guests at the D. & Farnsworth home. Mr. T. J. McQuIre entertained Wednes day afternoon for the Glen Park Kensing ton club. The house waa prettily deco rated and a dainty luncheon was served. An entertainment for alt the Swedish people of Benson waa given lat week by the I. o. V. llelge lodge at th Benson Auditorium. Th English Lutheran league will hold Ita monthly social meeting at the church Wednesday evening. Misses Georgia Roeander and Johanna Hansen and Messrs. Herbert Frtrrwian and Edward Oleaon will have charge of the social Mra. R. H. Cass entertained a number of little folk at her home last Friday In honor of her little daughter birthday. Th guest were My and Belle Brewster, Bnola and Marjory Aekerman. Mary Saw telle. Francea Rlvett Dorothy Wulff. Dorothy Davis. EUie Dlvl and Mildred Hardy. SUTTON OPENS OFFICES FOR HIS DRY CAMPAIGN A. I Sutton, who Is out oa a "dry" platform for th republican nomination for governor, la opening headquarter In Tha Be building and expect to begin active campaign work Immediately. Mr. Sutton expresses a hltrh degree of confi dence In th outcome of th primary, be lieving th outlook for him la favorable 'thua far. Social Affairs of the South Side Mls Jennie fliiley, popular slumna of the South Hlsh school, leaves today for Dakota Junction, Neb., where she will tsko up her work s.i a hool teacher. Mrs. nussrli Burrses entertained at a kenslngton social st her home Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Curti I ill with an attack of la grippe. she is resting st her home. Rev. .1. W. Alber of the First Chris tian rhureh is quite ill with an attack of tonnllltis. He l confined to his bed at tho parsonsse. Mrs. Vrsnk Miner. Ul North Twenty sixth street will enfertIn the women of the First Christisn church Wednesday afternoon. t Mrs. Charles Winters will entertain the Adah Kensington at her home. WZ North Nineteenth street. Thursday afternoon. The condition of Mrs. Chsrles Mahl l reported to be somewhat Improved. Misses Hssel Cook and Maurlne Mur dock returned to Lincoln Mondsy, where they are attending the Nebraska Sta'e university. Miss Nina McWIlllams. senior st the Wesleyan university at t'nlversity riace, also returned to school, after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. R. H. Dennis entertslned the mem bers of the economic department of the South Omaha Woman's cluh Thursday fternoon st her home. She was aajiated as hostess by Mesdamea Byron Clow, A. W. Tasg and W. A. Nitsche. The pro gram wss directed by Mrs. II. B. Heri qulst and R. M. Laverty. Tho marr!axe of Mr. John W. Johnson and Miss K'la Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe. came as a com plete aurp.ise to their many friends. Fri day afternoan Mr. and Mrs. Johnson went quietly to paplllinn, where they were married. After a short wedding trip they will be at home to their friend at the home of Mr. Row. 4210 South Thirtieth street The Thureday afternoon Whist cluh was entertained ty Mr. J. O. Robertson at her home, 2MS A street, Thursday af-! ternoon. Ouests of the club were pres ent. Including Mesdames Smith. Esds and Fltagerald. Prlxea were won by Mrs. Northrup and Mr. Robertson. Membets present were: 1 Mesdamea Mesdames W. Ike. F. Wascm. Benklo. R Franklin. W. B. Koutt. J. Northrup, J. Robertson. Mrs. Roy Dennis entertained the Auc tion Bridge club Thurs'lty afternoon at her home. Prise were wm by Mrs. JJc Klroy and Mra. Jameson. Thoso present were: Mesdames Tobin, M. Hinchey, George Francea, F. Ames, Furen, J. Mc Elroy, Hunter of Council Blufft, M. Cul kln, Alllngham. Jameson nii'l R. Dennla. Mrs. William Routt entertained mem- bora of tha Jolly Dosen Card club at a 1 o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon. The centerpiece waa aet with a beautiful mound of rosea. Cover were lsld for; MVadames Mesdames C. W. Hathaway. J. A. Pulllam, . Hathaway, I v. ruiiiam. F.arl Burke. W. H. Hancock, C. A. Cllne. R. Delanney, W. A. Rosing. I. Havoka. H. O. Bowker, W. R. Routt. Mrs. Earl Abbott entertained a cara club at her home Monday afternoon. High five waa the popular game of the after noon. Guest of the club were Mrs. J. W. Sartdon and Mrs. Adam. Those who attended are: Mesdamea Mesdames . A. Nore. O. Dyck, B. Monerer, w. Keuogg, J. Cummings. Kilker, J. T. Consldene. Oallager, F. V. 8nalfleld. W'oode. Th Girls' club entertained at ineir an nual dancing party Friday evening at the Moose hall. Tha hall was decorated In red and gold. The evening' program proved on of th most successful parties ever given by the club. Much credit ia due the girls, especially for the hall decoration. Those present were: Misses Misses- Marie Krug. Ann Maurer. Helen Tyner, Sadie Rothholtl, Oladys Van Rant. Lueile Nitsche. Mairgarete mtsreraiai.lllie tstienoerg. Axnes Fltagerald, ixuiae scninoie, Klsa Smith. Haxel Cook. Viola Williams. Mlttle Ward. . Cathrine Crawford, Clady King. Clare Iworak, Marie Staroskle. Ann Hliraina, Amanda Peterson, Edna Ksther, Helen Dennis. Messrs. Messrs. 1,t liowry, Jsmes Koutsky, Russell Phllln, Paul Jordon, Philip Russell, Kdward Schmidt, John Bchnlts, Paul Shields. Ianord Blessing, Ralph Henry, Edward Hotnpal, Paul Monroe, I -enter Hnomson, nsorna oisen. Channy Mann, Julius Stlenberg, Paul Orchard. John Ward. Htilrlev Menefee. Oeorre Schmidt. Russell Barclay, John McCullough. West Ambler Social Activities A daughter waa bora last week to Mr. and Mra Oscar Grant. Mrs. Grant wa Miss Violet Gtlmore. before her marriage. P. lb Edgar left Thursday evening for Pcott'a Bluff, Nb., and Cheyenne. Wyo. He will be gone about a week. John Dunn of 8t. Joseph, Mo., was the guest of his brother, F. C. Dunn, last week. Hal Etultl and Frank Stults of Lin coln. Neb., wer guests over New Year's of their grandfather. M. N. Stults. ' Tha Grace Sax Bible class will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m.. with Mrs. II. S Nillsen. 27 South Fifty-first trset. Mr. Charlea Seaman and eon. Roland, of St. Joseph. Mo., and Mra. Klsde and Miss Emm Dunn of Kansas City. Mo., cam laat week to attend the funeral of Eva Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold spent New Trsr's as guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Way ner of Ralston, Neb. Samuel Brown of Clarlnda, Ia., was th curst last week of Mr. and Mrs F. D. Stula Mr. Brown went from her to 8tou City, where liwlll spend th win ter with Ms daughter. ' Mrs. W. T. Mayfield haa been quit alck th last week at her horn on Forty sixth street. Mr. and Mra. T. W. Smith had a their gueata laat week. Frank Coon of Green field, Ia.. and Frank Mason of Kansas City. Mo.. A reception will be held In th parlor of Jennings' Methodist church for It. II. Chenoweth on Wednesdsy venlng. January II. ' Th Royal Neighbor held installation of officer on Wednesday evening with Mrs. John Wlsler and Mra W. C. John on, a presiding officers. Mrs. II. 8. Nielsen entertained at lunch eon Thursday for Mra A. Weaterbery and daughter. Marion, and Mrs. Herman Olson and daughter, AUca, of Benson. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nielsen held a family reunion at dinner Tuesday even lrur, when covers wer laid for: Mr. and Mra. II. 8. Nielsen, Mr. and Mra. Jamea Nielsen, Mr. and Mra Carl Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson. Betty Nielsen Jan Nielsen, Clara Nielsen, Johanna SHE WILL WED ON MONDAY WITH FRANK DREXEL. rr -".'...v-, f 1 ZdnaM Colwell Nielsen, Richard Nielsen and Bobbie Nielsen. The West Side Mothers' Kensington club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Thomss McDonald. The Beat Medicine for Coogh. The first dose of Dr. King's New Dis covery helps your cough, soothe throat. Oct a bottle today, 60c. All druggist. Advertisement. Have You a Piano IF B aW-"WWt.M. sj3gsrfcaMamaaaafaMMMa Here's the Whole Plan See How Easy We have in our store a beautiful $660 Player Piano. Tbe manufacturer of this piano has ship ped It to us with the number concealed. The number has been left off the Invoice so that wo ourselve do not know what the number Is. Neither Is this opportunity open to any of our employes. Raise the top of your piano and look on the plate for the number. Then fill out the coupon be low and bring or send it to our store in a sealed envelope. The person whose old pian.0 Is numbered the number nearest to the number on this $550 player will receive the player. That's all there is to it. Kor all you know yours may be the number mat will get you this fine player. The Opportunity Will Be Open 30 Days Saturday, February 5th, the judges will open the envelopes, unseal the player piano and make the award to tbe party who has the number nearest to the number of this player piano. In case mors than one person has the right number the name of the piano nearest the beginning of the alphabet will receive the player. OUR OBJECT To Popularise th HOSPE PLATER PI- I ANO with tho new patented features, trans- I Doslna tracker bar and other devices, which enables you to play exactly as if you war playing by hand and pedaling; mad easy and liecs.ua our big tuning and repairing department wants tha name and location ot every piano In thla vicinity. . . . A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St. M (Established 1874.) VI j$L yfrl jI fl h r So,,d Go,d w",s watch ess Ladies' D I a mond Kins;. 1 k solid gold. Ix)ftis "Perfec tion mount- U lng. 8 a'itoath. Special Bargain 1 138 La Valllere. fine solid gold, genuine onya cen ter, pearl pen dant: fin Dia mond: complete withlS-ln. CI C chain i9 91.GO a Moat. Gold lAK-ket. Roae finish, apace for two pic turea, fin Diamond ii: Star Clf) Ketttnff w 1.00 a Moata. Diamond Stud 01 Diamond Stud, solid gold. Tiffany Cain mounting JrU 1.00 a Week. n PLY TO H olid ONE OF POPULAR GIRLS WEDDED LAST WEEK. ttlrs. Leon Veawr WEEKLY CONCERTS WILL BE HELD AT AUDITORIUM Commissioner Wlthnell announce that beginning Sunday afternoon, January 111, a scries of weekly concerts will be given at the Auditorium. A band of sixty rleces will be heard, a will a large orchestra. Local soloists will b on the program. The admisaton will b in cent for any seat and an effort will be made to pop ularise these concert. and Do You Know What 'J K- x UJJ Ji . Iri fr V ' YOU DO YOU CAN GET A PLAYER THirT) IT? TT? PIANO 3) Rring Or Mail This Free Player Piano Coupon To A. HOSPE CO., Dept. B, Omaha, Nebraska, My full m Street . . . li City Name of My Piano Number ot My Piano We ar clearing out all our broken lines of Diamonds, Watched, Jew elry', Silverware, Cut Glass, etc., left over from our great Christ ma a and Holiday Bales. Special Bargain Prices Extra Easy Credit Terms ?? Men's Diamond King. C throng Tooth mounting. 14k solid gold, Roman or a7C poliHhed finish. 9 7.M a acoata. Scarf Pin. olid gold. Eng. llsh finish, fin mond. ..$10 1 a stoat. Open Dally Till 8 p. m. Saturday TUI 9 JO Call or writ for Catalog Wo. oa. rhona Douglas l4 aa4 our sals, aaaa wilt call. The Old Reliable. Original Diamond and Watch Credit House Xala Floor, City BTatloaal Bank Block. 4M aouta lta troet, Omafta. Opposite Borgesa-Baak Co. Sapartxooa Btoia. ACTUAL TEST HAS PROVEN That Imitation of D Miracle eaoea hair to grow out eearer ana atiffev gfter each removal. Profot yoorsalf. Jjrsist oa io genuine sy nd yen w'11 fet the only bslr remover that hag seen ustd and reeotn wianded by mlnnt phy sicians for over twelve yeara If your dealer wiu not anpply you, rder direct. DeMtrael Chemical Co. Park Ave. 12th St.. New York. i-old and recommended by hneiuianac jiC Connell Drug Co.. Owl Drug Co.. Har vard rbarmacy and Loyal Pharmacy. Beautiful Upright and Grand Pianos FOR REISJT $3.50 a Month and Up Rent allowed on purchase price. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311.13 Taraam. Phoa Sotif. 1033 "URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM" faetloD. If you Itbeumatlam or Naurltls, aeuis or chroolo so matter what Tour condition writs to-dr for my fUt a BOOK eq RHtUM ATI SM-lt. CauM and Can." Tliouawi(teill!t"Tbinnel wonderful book aver wrltteti. 'Ion'i Pnit aataron It's ABSOLVTaXV RttV.JfcSSt. A. CAfiE Iik.. all l Sracluea. Mass; the Number of It Is? n i xt n . liiLsfllL-J In exchange for your old Upright, Grand or Player Piano. No Lottery No Guessing Contest No Scheme THE House of Hospe Assures you this is a clean, legitimate plan to give away a high class Player Piano Free State. wrist vwiuu iuiand Kxtenaion Uraielet are hoth fine 14k solid gold. Ljeyer set. full nickel Jeweled, choice either whit or gold dial. tOM TC G uaranteed 9 . a.BO a Koala, Solid Gold Thin Model 22 fV212 A Month Bo. 1143 llhi.uio. Klgln or Waltltaan Watrli, full jeweled, 14k solid gold cas Fits In the pocket Ilk a k'Tt Cil allvsr dollar TaULaCai $ A BCOBTaz, r ill 7T X i1 I X