Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    tiiv oXfATTA RTTVnY RKK: .IAMJA1U If. l!lb.
inn HAIAIIA L: HA V . .t.vAx v, i:md.
is Going On
in Society Circles
Hiii Cudahy'i Wedding.
MIm Florence Cudahy. daughter of Mr.
nd Mm. P.dward Cudahy of CTilcasv.
formerly of Omaha, will be married to
Mr. Vaughn Rraldlna: Saturday, Jan
uary U it 4 o'clock. In Chicago at the
cathedral of the Holy Nsme.
The bride will he attended by her aster.
Mrs. Austin Nibleck, a matron of
honor; Miss Alice Cudahy will bo msld
of honor and the bridesmaids will be
Miss Helen Itlnde. Mls Issbelle Robblnt
and Miss Elisabeth Fuller.
The best man will be Mr. Jesse Resid
ing, and the usher are to b Messrs.
Jfthn PftUmfen TlamnalAiil XJCa ikVnra
jr.: F-dwerd Cudahy. Jr.: Philip Sw ft.
Henry Keen. Nathaniel Wheeler. Mc3het
'Baxter of Knoxvllle and J. T. Blossom '
of Fairfield. Conn. I
On the Monday evening preceding th ;
Wedding. Miss Kllisbeth Fuller, one of j
th bridesmaids, will gv a dinner at tha '
Casino club for the bridal party.
Tw&c&tm&n-Callahan Wedding.
Th wedding of Mies Charlotte Calls
' han and Mr. Quentln Twschtmsn of New
Tork Ctty will ba relnbrated January
' In Grace ehurrh chantry In New Tork,
with only the family and a few Intimate
friend present. Mr. and Mrs. J. d For
est Richards and Miss Callahan will
leave January It for the east.
Where the young people will spend
their honeymoon Is not yet decided, but
on their return they wilt occupy thai
residence of Mr. Twachtman, thai
(room's mother. In Greenwich, Conn., I
while ah I spending the winter In the
Omaha society folk regret that her mer
rier will take thla charming younc
woman away from the city, but there is
the promise of frequent visit to Omaha
after her marriage.
Keller-Wilbur Wedding.
Cards were received last week from
Mr. John Wilbur announcing the mar
rlage of her daughter, Edith Bernlce. to
Harold Russell Keller, U. 8. N., on Sat
urday, January 1, at Wellesley, Maaa.
LJeutenant Keller I th aon of Mr.
and Mr. Charles Ft. Keller of thla city
and was a graduate of the naval acad
emy at Annapolis In 191 3. atnoe which
time he haa made several visit home.
Mies Wilbur I a Wellesley graduate and
haa a brother In tha army and
another In the navy. Lieutenant
and Mr. Keller will be at home after
January It at tha Sherwood In Phila
delphia, where Lieutenant Keller la en
duty at present.
ShraderBeach Wedding.
Word has been received by relatives of
the marriage of Mia Ethel M. Beach,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beach, U
South First atraet. Council! Bluff. la.,
and Lester M. Bhrafler of Waukee, la.,
tha ceremony having been performed at
the Presbyterian parsonage In Waukee at
I o'clock, January I.
Thla announcement cornea as a surprise
to the many friends of th couple, aa an
early summer wedding had been rumored.
The couple will make their home for the
present with Mr. Shrader'a parent tn
1 Waukee, where he and hi father are
In buslneea,
Carey-Baldwin Wedding.
Mis Muriel Baldwin of Seattle, and Mr.
Warren B. Carey of Topeka. Kan., were
married on December , 1915. The new
of th marriage waa a surprise to their
f many friends. Both graduated from the
umim man scnooi in ivu, me cnae ow
ing a very popular member of the aoclal
set and the groom being a member of the
basket ball team, of the Olee club and
waa a captain In tha high achool regi
ment. The young couple wilt reside at
Careyhuret. a large ranch near Topeka,
of which th groom la manager.
Lewis-Sbipman Wedding.
Mlsa llortenae Shlpman. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. t D. Shlpman of Kansas
City was msrried January 1 In Kan
sas City to Mr. Walker Lewis et Omaha,
j son of Mr. Elisabeth Lewi et Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis wilt be at home
after February I at KM Dodge street
Engagements Announced.
Mr. Joseph Borghoff announces th en-
secernent of her daughter, EUsabsth
Mercedes, and Mr. Frank 15. Overholt of
thla city. The wedding will be celebrated
tn February.
Mrs. Mina Hendricks announces th
engagement of her daughter, Helen, for
merly of Rock Island, III., and Mr.
Homer C. Sheridan of Slgourney. Is,, the
wedding to be celebrated In the early
Stork Special.
A daughter. Jan Elisabeth, was born
t Mr. and Mra. A. C. Scott.
A daughter was born New Tear'a eve to
Mr. and Mra. Ross Longnecker at Birch
Knoll sanitarium.
A sou ws born Thursday to XI r. and
Mrs. Adolph 8 tors. Mrs. Store waa form
erly Miss Mary Hay den.
leap Tear Party.
The Clnosara club gave a leap year
party at Scottish Rite cathedral Thurs
day evening. The women members
brought supper boxea. and choae their
partners for tha evening. Table were
aet In the rear parlor on the dance floor
and coffee was served.
Th next regular dance will be Thurs
day, January . and on Thursday, Feb
ruary J. tha club will give another box
aupper party.
The program which waa to have been
given by the Buslnttee Women a club of
th Toung Women' Christian association
Tuesday evening, January 1. at which
time Mr. Edltb L. Wagonar would have
talked on Edward McDowell and aa Illus
trated musical program given, haa been
postponed to March T on account of tho
mu.lca! event to be given en the Uth
by Mr. and Mra. Thomas J. Kelly.
Eeception by Mrs. Welpton. ,
Mr. Douglas Welpton will give a large
reception at her home Wednesday after,
noon, January M.
Sinner Preceding Dance.
Mr. and Mra. Ludcvlo r. Crofoet win
entertain at dinner preceding th Bub
eerlption dance Thursday evening, Jan
uary T.
Winter Plans.
Mr. C. L. fykes. ho Is visiting at her
former home la Texas, will not return March L
Jiu Haicyea Cotton and bcr guest.
Her Engagement to Wed Announced Today
M' Mi
: i v v:i 7 ,
' V, t i V- vj: 111
C -
Mlsa Rebecca Haven of Cincinnati, leave
Wednesday for Palm Beach, Fla.
Omaha University Affairs.
The largest and most successful patty
of the school year was given Friday
evening at Redlck hall by the freshman
class of the University of Omaha. Tha
undergraduates decorated the library
with flaga and pennants of white and
green, their class colors. ' Piano solos
were given by Katharine Rltchey, Elisa
beth Berry man, Frank Relsenberg and
Hans Koors.
In a series of inter-class games the
sophomores were awarded first place
with a total of twenty-flv point, th
Junior and preps were tied for aecond
with twenty point each, while th
seniors and freshmen were unable to se
cure any. Among those present were:
Misses Misses
Dorothy McMurrsy, Nsthlne Talbot,
uiadya Tallmadge, Kstherlne i'ase.
Viola Pierce
f.uie i-ieuana,
Kllssbeth Uordon,
Kutli riundland,
t!aa Anderson.
Kit Carenter,
Ieura Axford,
Irene Wilson,
Manila Case,
Alice Hogg.
Helma Anderson,
Fern Gilbert,
Elisabeth ftelbert.
Irene McQuire,
Esther Knapp,
Amy Sschau.
Merlon PenrsalL
Elisabeth Rerryman, Aloha Jenkins,
Mable Nelson,
Helen Johnston,
Lillian Anderson,
Florence Dow,
Lotta Johnson,
Kdlth Olson.
rtaomi ixtwt,
Lulu Miller.
Quito F.ddv,
Ruth Elmberr.
Lur Marsn,
Fredericks Wltsell,
tiertrude Reynolds, Gene Roberts
Ruth Collins.
Alltha McWhlnney,
Kstherlne Rltchey,
Vlctor DeBolt,
Edwin Rolls.
Iiand Iawla,
Floyd Wooaley.
William Thompson,
Edwin Rella,
Paul Selby,
tons Mentor,
Roy Schmidt,
Roy Chenoweth.
Teddy Korbmaker,
Roy Oreellng,
Paul 'Hungate.
Einmerson Goodrich,
Victor Jorgenson,
Manual Grodlnaky,
Howard DeLamatr. E"." 1R0',?,'
iac2?9.?rt- WullanC.'m
r.ogsr Ernst.
Percy Dalsell,
nonert viark.
Mtchsel Llpp. '
Kari Whlttaker.
Jap Leach.
Richard Perry,
Fernle Adams.
Winifred Oagnebln
jereia uruoe,
O rover DeBolt,
John Jenkins,
Hena Koor.
Ktigene Simmons,
F.arl Duncan.
Frank Kramnert.
Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Waters.
Paramount Club Dance.
The Paramount club of the high achool
set gave a dance at Turnln'a an,,
Friday night The following were present:
Messrs. Messrs
Edward A. Zlpfel. John Miles.
Eugene Russum, Charlea Morearty,
Ferold Love joy. Harold Nelson.
Leonard Burke. Floyd Paynler.
'ydn Ahmanson, John Peterson.
Fred Bacon.
Fred Rohra,
ftaymond Burgess. Clyde 8mlth
ClMrn I'art.r
Guy Toland.
t'liestsr Trimble.
Kriward Wlnterton,
Leonard Wlnterton.
Miasea -Marie
lta Carter.
Mildred Foot.
Klsie Htors.
Mary Fuller.
Iteulsh Clark.
H Muffett.
Tillle Collins.
lot Merrlsni,
Adelsid FoKg.
rtrude R lan,
Janet Kowser,
Harry Collins,
Jessie Inms,
Winifred Travis.
Dot Rohrhauah.
i'lvde Crilchfietd.
Welter Oerke.
Roland Jefferaon.
siyvia Hoover,
Alys Attman,
Jean Wallace.
Lllrvore Uallaaher.
Alble Howes.
Isabel McDonald.
Martha Clark.
Roberta Coulter.
Marlon 1 i n . n.
Jennie Wilson,
K'JIh Watson.
Paulina Trnm.
Daisy Steel.
Aidls Carter.
Helen Beleel.
Lucile Henderson.
Uertrude Gerke,
Frances W a Urm.n Nina llaMll
marion l miller, oca true Monttom
Dorothy Myers,
tamer Collins,
rthel Mof'ullough,
Nellie Coulter,
Haael Hsskell.
Abtle Howes.
Frances WatL
Marie Watt.
Helen Slnolalr.
Apnbel Simia'r.
Mea.-jrf .
Mabel Fransan,
Rttbert Criatla
Harr;' (ilrleon.
Henlamla lnreunlte. R llma-an
i,tnird "rinrs, vurn t axion.
route ftoirta.
Conn Dugdale,
H. Fanner.
Frank Campbell.
Adrian Lund.
.1. A. Collins.
Harrv Mole.
Vincent Schmltrose,
F. Powell.
Fred Soihmsnn,
Harrv Walkar
Donald Hhepherd.
H. A. Mnle,
B. Crewford.
H. R. Mullltan.
Howard Uibeon.
Patrons and patronesses
atesare. anq siesasmes
D. K. Loveloy. VV. A. Smith.
K. F. Morearty. C. A. Cairna.
J. S. Zipfel.
Crrignton Unitersity Dance.'
The Pnlverelty Mixers club of Creih
lon university will be hosts to the stu
dents and alumni of the university on
Tuesday evening at a dancing parly at
the Hotel Fontenelle. This will be the
first Crela-Mon dance of the new year
and the third of a aeries to be given Jur-
Ing the school year. The chaperones of
the party will be:
rrnfa and Mesdamea
J. W. Forblne. H. G. Touna.
J. M. Kltxaerald. A. H. Blgelow,
w. j. r raeer, re. . lary.
Drs. and Mesdamcn'
H. L. Connott, T. J. Dwyer,
U. A. Young, H. F. Gerald.
A. i MUlrtieaa.
Prof. F. J. Kub'tscheck.
Complimentary Recital.
A complimentary recital to the chil
dren of the Junior class and their friends
will be given by Mr. Wlllard Chamber
at Chamber' academy Friday evening.
A program of classic dancea and exhi
bition of bar piaatlo and technical work
will be given.
- Those who will dance are:
. Mleaee . "Misses '
Kathertne GallagherCharlotte Todd,
Johanna Brodersen, Gladys Reeves,
Msry Meyers, Caroline Thelnhart,
Mary Gibson, Dorothy Sandberg,
Florence Gannon. Roberta Druesdow,
Florence Druesdow, Kllen Mattern,
Jessie Craig, Irene Powell,
Jean Hlte. Mildred Jack,
Florence May, Ruth Betts,
Kdalyn Hnrrigan, Wenonah Vtorrlgan,
Merle Grauer, Annabel Slnclalre.
Mesra. Messrs.
Ben Gibson, Jack Gibson.
Kensington Club Meets.
Ms-s. William Hofmann was th host-
ess for the Morning Glory Kensington
club Thursday afternoon. Tha next meet
ing will be at tha home of Mr. Crone
meyer, January 10. Those present were:
Mesdamea Meadames
Harry Hyte, Richard Shandy.
Russel Richardson, A. Crunerheyar.
Fred Billing, Maurice Cochran,
Senior Tuesday Bridge.
The Senior Tuesday Bridge club will
coma together for lta first meeting of
the sesson Tueaday afternoon with Mis
Elisabeth Congdon. The member are:
Mesdamea Meadames
Arthur Keellne, Frank Koegh,
Denlae Barkalow, Walter Roberts,
John Madden, Ross Towle.
George Redlck, Lout Clark,
John Hedlvk.
Mlsa Elisabeth Congdon.
For Congdon Guests.
Mr. Arthur Roger entertained at
bridge Thursday afternoon In honor of
her sister. Mrs, Herbert French of Loula-
vlll. and Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena.
Among th guest were:
Mesdamea Meadames
Rarton Millard, Denlae Parkalow.
William Fltsgerald Walter Roberts.
of Troy. N. Y.; Paul Gallagher,
Misses Misses
Mary Burkley, Elisabeth Congdon.
Louise Dinning,
New Drama Class Meets.
Mis Zora Shields of the high achool
faculty la giving a aerie of twelve talk
for a group of twenty women who meet
Wednesday afternoon at 4 at the home
S . .
7 . . -
.at a, i . r i
7 iff
-a- . i H w4
. - J If ' f.
UlrsXlmer JwiesStwierfatd
of Mrs. Frank Colpetxer. Last week Miss
Shields gave "The Wings," by Mr. Jose
phine Preston Peabody Marks, and this
week she will talk on "The Trojan Wo
men," by Euripides.
Return to School.
Miss Naomi Towle returned Tuesday to
Bradford academy, Massachusetts.
Miss Grace Allison returned to school
at Manhattanvllle, N. Y.. Wednesday.
Miss Reglna Connell, who returned from
Chicago last week, goes back to school
in Boston Monday.
Channlng Jordan, aon of Mir. and Mra.
Harry Jordan, returned Tuesday to th
Shattuck Military school at Falrabault.
Miss Flora Buck, who haa been spend
ing the holidays at home with her par
ents, Mr. and Mra. John Buck, left Fri
day for Poughkeepsle. N. Y where she
la a student at Vassar college.
Miss Florence M. Rhoadea. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Rhoadea, who haa
been studying music for some time at
the Burnett studios In New York City,
returned there after spending the Chrlst
mva vacation here, to complete her
Warren Hamilton, aon of Mr. and Mrs.
B. O. Hamilton, returned Sunday to his
studies at Armour Institute In Chicago,
where he la taking tha architectural
course. C. Harry Roberts of Beaumont,
Tex., who apent th holiday here with
htm. also returned on Sunday to Armour
Institute. . -
MSsa Dorothy and Mlsa Janet Hall leave
today for "Chicago to resume their art
and muslo studies. Miss Hall and her
later live at the Three Arts' club, where
there are a large number of girls to pur
sue th etudle of variou arts. Mrs.
Hall expecta to go over later for a
week-end visit with her daughters, who
will probably not come home until
Social Gossip.
Miss Elisabeth Heaton, who 1 soon to
leave for New York, will be given a
buffet tea this afternoon by Mr. Richard
Lee Metcalfe.
Mr. and Mra. Louis Doup expect to
leave the latter part of next week for
New Orleans and San Antonio, to t
ton aeveral waeka.
Mra. F. S. Cowglll haa completed the
dismantling of her home and I now
topping with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Wheeler until her departure for Chicago
to join Mr. CowgllL
Mlaa Louise Hupp of Chicago arrived
Sunday and 1 tha guest of Mrs. J. H
Van Duaen and Mlsa Helen Van Dusen.
Miss Hupp visited here last winter and
made many friends.
Mr. Robert Dinning returned Thuraday
to Philadelphia to continue his studies
at tha Academy of Fine Arts there. Mr.
Oscar Weaton of Eaat Orange, who ac
companied Mr. Dinning west for the holi
days, returned eaat on Sunday.
Mlaa Grace Wiltshire of Los Angeles.
CaL, who spent the holidays here with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, haa rj
turned to California. Mlsa Wiltshire Is
not a stranger In Omaha, having paased
aeveral weeks last summer with Mr. and
Mra. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W, MeGeath and Miss
Mary Megeath left Monday for New York
and ware accompanied as far as Chicago
by Mis Helen Eaatman, who returned to
her art studies there. Miss Megeath will
remain la New Tork foV the opera and
theaters for two or three weeks, Mr. anJ
Mrs. Megeath returning early next week.
Mr. and Mra. Abner Lumen of ?alt
Lake City, who arrived on Friday of
last week to visit their dsughter, Mrs
C lasula Moyer, left Thursday for Flor
ida, accompanied by their other daugh
ter. Miss Phyllis Lumsn. who haa been
here several weeks with Mr. and Mr.
Meyer. Miss Lumsn will stop again on
her way home from the south In the
A visiting tirlds of th last week was
Mr. Elmer J. Sunderland of Kanass
City. Th Elmer Sunderland were the
guests of Mr. and Mr. J. A. Sunder
land and were on their wedding trip.
Mra. Sunderland waa Mis Muriel Whit
ney of Kansas City and waa married the
week previous with a wedding that the
society editor of the Kansas City Post
called "one of the prettiest affaire of th
Omahan in Louisville.
Miss Helen Gallagher, daughter of Mr.
and airs. A. M. Gallagher, haa returned
from Louisville, where she visited her
grandmother. The Louisville Courier
Journal print the following: ''Miss Helen
Gallagher of Omaha, Neb., Is being ex
tensively entertained during her visit to
this ctty. She Is honor guest thla after
noon at a theater party at Keith's gtven
by her aunt, Mlsa Margaret Hannan. On
Tuesdsy eveplng Mlas Helen Feather
stone 1H entertain Mlaa Gallagher at a
card party given at her home. Wednes
day sftcmoon Mrs. Jnmes Hannan will
give a luncheon in her honor. Thursday
evening M'as Beesle Hannan will give a
dancing I arty, Mia Gallagher being her
A r ;-:
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( M '
V, '
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guest of honor. Miss Gallagher will leave
for Omaha, January 1, accompanied by
her undo, Mr. William P. Hannan, who
will spend a few months In that city."
Winter in Honolulu.
Mis Katharine Thummel leaves today
for 6an Francisco to Ball Wednesday for
Honolulu, where ahe will visit Mr. ani
Mrs. Blomfleld-Brown on their pine
apple ranch about twenty-flv miles out
of he city. Mlas Thummel expecta to
remain until AprU, when Mrs. J. J.
Dlckev will return with her.'
Mrs. George A. Hoagland, with her
on, Mr. Paul Hoagland, and hla eldest
son, George, 2d., leave today for Ban
Francisco and will sail on the Wllhel
mlna next Wednesday for Honolulu to
visit Mrs. Hoagland' daughter, Mr.
David Stone, and Captain Stone, who
ar atatloned In the city of 'Honolulu.
On the same boat with them will be
Miss Thummel, who goes to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Blomfleld-Brown.
Social Affairs Planned.
Mis Marlon entertains the Tues
day Bridge club thla week.
The Friday Bridge Luncheon club will
meet with Miss Mary Burkley.
Mrs. Coe Buchanan will entertain at
afternoon bridge for five tables Tuesday.
The Dundee All Saints' guild will meet
Tuesday. January 18, at the home of Mrs.
W. Q. Fuller.
Miss Irene McKnlght will entertain the
membera of the Monday Bridge-Luncheon
club Monday afternoon.
The entertainr.ent committee of the
University club announce n dinner-dance
for Eaturday evening. January IB.
The Kensington club of Vesta chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star, will be enter
tained Thuraday by Mrs. John E. Simp
son. .The North Side Progressive cluh will
give a card party Friday evening at Its
ha.ll. Twenty-fourth street and Amea
Mr. and Mra. Roy Ralph will entertain
the Tueaday Evening Auction Bridge club
thla week. Twelve membera will be
present ,
Mra J. H. Beaton will entertain at
luncheon Wednesday for her house
guests, Miss Olive Kaftree and Mlas Mary
Hume of Chicago. Covers will be laid
for twelve.
Mrs. R. B. Busch will entertain at
luncheon at her home on Wedneaday for
her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Hey ward. Jr..
of Pittsburgh, who la spending the holl
dsys with her parents.
Mra. S. B. Doyle has aa her guest her
later. Miss Ellen Wylle of Knoxvllle,
who will remain until the end of the
week. In her honor. Mrs. Doyle will aive
it box party at the Orpheum Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clarke of Villa!
Belvldere, N. Y., who are the guests of
Mrs. Clarke's mother, Mrs. Ella Squires, '
J K - J
; i .v ' n
VVV'f. w
j will give a box rartT for the Homer con-
crrt at the Boyd theater Thursday even
ing. Airs. Frsnk H. Myers will entertain at
her home at luncheon Wednesday after
noon In honor of Mrs. Stanley Hartman
of Chlcsso. who Is the guest of her
father. Mr. Albert Cahn. and for Mrs.
George Later, who 1 oon to leave for
California for a three months' sojourn at
Long Beach.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mr. W. A. Frer returned Thursdsy
from a trip to Texas.
Mr. Pmndon Howell returned Wednes
day from a xhoit rlelt to Berkeley, Cel.
Mln lldcn Inirworien In planning to
go to Csltfurnit". rhortly un ncr grand
mother. V l VtLr.n liaa 0-nm. St.
Joeeph to visit hr parents. Mr. and Mrs.
8. Lclbowitx.
Mr. A. F. Jonas returned Friday from
a week spent in Denver, where she went
to attend a wedding.
Mr. aiyd Mrs. Green of Lincoln, who
were with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson
last week, left Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. A K. 1-eters and daugh
ter of Omaha ait guest st the Elm
hotel. Excelsior Springs. Mo.
Mr. P1 Airs. D'cl: Onnri. who have
been here fur the holiday", return today
to their ranch at Malaga, X. M.
Mrs. J. C. Klnsler. Miss Blanche 'Kins
Icr and Atlas Adelo Moore have returned
from a five week' stay in California.
Miss Winnie ftn'th, ho has been visit
ing friends and relatives In Joplln, Mo.,
for the lnt six week, is expected horn
Mr. and Airs. K. J. Cornlah. whn cam
on from Xew York to be here over New
Tear s with Mrs. J. At. Atetcalf, returned
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jacques and Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Spens, who were at the Fon
tenelle for New Year's, returned Sunday
to Chicago.
Miss Calara Bull leaves today for Min
neapolis, hnving spent the holidays here,
the guest of Air. and Mrs. T. K Cnne--
don. Miss Bull will return to Omaha In
Mra. It C. Hswe went to Chteaa-n last
night for a few day end about the ISth
Mr. Howe goes to New York to be with
her daughter. Mlsa Marlon Howe, for two
or three week.
Mr. Charles D. Beaton and Mra. C. F.
Meta. who have been visiting In Mil
waukee at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Beaton' parents, Mr. and Mr. Wurster,
are expected home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William MoFerrin re
turned Sunday to Hoopeston. 111., after
pending New Year's In Council Bluffs
with Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Rt.w.rt r.
and Mra. Donald McFerrln remained over
uniit Tuesday.
Personal Mention.
Mr. Paul Beaton la' at the Wise hos
plial recovering from an operation.
Mlsa Bertha Stella-sohn nil Mlaa VT.4.
iKsensky of Denver are the guests of Mr.
ana Mrs. w. L. Harris.
Mrs. John T. Yates, who haa been ver
seriously III with pneumonia during- the
holidays. Is somewhat better thla week.
Mrs. Frank Crawford and her sister,
Mrs. Knox, returned Thursday from
Boston, where they have been frtv mimmi
Sidney Cullingham, son of Mra. Robert
Beecher Howell, haa been quarantined
at home with scarlet fever since New
Yeara day..
Ur. and Mra. L n
11.. Beck returned from Oregon. 111., the
, I 1 or wk- vlng been
L? - 7 " atn or the,r father on
New Year's eve.
Mra. W. J. Naah has returned from a
seven week' western trip. She visited
the exposition and spent several week
with her daughter In Los Arujeles. Mrs.
Nash alao stopped In Denver to visit her
oon Barton.
Mra. William E. Martin leaves today
for Kanaaa City, where ahe goea to ar
range for a course of lectures to be
given there ' by Mrs. Anthony Merrill
of Chicago. From there they will go
to St. Joseph.
Mis Madalene Hlltl returned Tueaday
morning from New York City, where ahe
pent four weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Charlea Sawyer and Mr. Sawyer. Mr.
Warren Hlllla of Chicago, Joined hi sis
ters before Christmas and returned with
Mlsa Hlllla.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MoCord and son.
James, went to St. Joseph Wednesday
morning, accompanying the body of their
daughter, Margery, which haa lain In the
receiving vault at Prospect Hill cemetery
since December 24. The Interment took
place In St Joseph Wedneeday afternoon.
Mr. and Mr. McCord will return horn
early thla week.
John Cow per Powya I th next lecturer
for the Omaha Society of Fine Arta. He
will talk on "Master of the Grand
Style," using Dante especially for Illus
tration. Friday at 4 o'clock at the Hotel
Fontenelle. Powy Is a stsff lecturer at
Oxford. England.
Mailt Coach Relieved.
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your
cough, soothes your lungs snd Invites
sleep. Only 25c. All dru-rists.-lv.r.
1 tisement.
You'll Do Better
V . I a
auui inspection or a Dig Line
Si.'Trr" -
aSat K
w v 1
sure to appeal to folks who seek refinement and artistic
environment in home furnishing!!.
Every Rug Fully Guaranteed
Lj Prices the Lowest That
Beaton &
415-17 So. 16th St.
wt.y - . i
(J, : V . ' ' I
i v?'
. V " -i v
' ' ' j -
?a?V '''A
' ? . " t
fc s -..ti f ;
The Illinois Central local offloes re
port that the travel irom this section te
Florida since the middle of December
haa been the heaviest of any like period
since the road reached Omaha. Thla
year the number of city and town people
Is not so great aa during some past
years, but there are a great number of
Rsad The Bee Want Ado. It pays!
Your Soiled
fp The closing of tho
holiday season
leaves many , soiled
party dresses, wraps,
gloves, furs and feath
ers. .. Send them to us
and we will make them
good as new.
jp "VYe clean more fine
clothes than all the
others cleaners in Oma
ha combined. Simrilv
because we do them
grn Phone for our auto,
"jf We guarantee sat
isfaction and perfect
The Pantorium
"Good Cleaners and
1515-17 Jones St.
Phone D. 963.
F.largarette Lcmcn
3d Floor rattanon BU,
17th and Tarnam. xongl TSSaV
Omaha. Veb.
at Beaton & Laier's
r V I .
of Rich
Oriental Rugs
Just Received
Is Respectfully Invited
The collection includes many
fascinating weaves in much
wanted and desirable colorings
Yoa Will Find Anywhere
Laier Co.
Phone Doug. 335