TI1K HHE: OMAHA, SATUKDAY, .JANUARY 8, 1916. I Nebraska DEMOCRATS PLAN BIG TIHEAT FEAST Many Ticket Being Sold for Cele brttion to Be Held Next Tuesday. Nebraska MAY IS OUT FOR DELEGATE (From it Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 7. ipeclal.)--TI( ke ta for the democratic editorial dinner which will ! hold next Tuesday evening at the 1. tiV'ln city auditorium are got nit rapidly unil already over have been disposed ff. The banquet will he nerved by Land lord Johnson of the Llndrll hotel which Inmrti a bang up affair. Mr. Johnson liaa agreed to throw In an orchestra for eood measure and when demorratlc poli ticians are pot, trying; to make speech sniiaic will enliven the. occasion. The committee wants It distinctly understood that white the feast Is given tinder the auspices of tha democratic press asosi Istlon no republican will be haired provided ha has the dollar to buy a. ticket. They guarantee, ho will get Ma money'i worth from tha program and the feed will ha thrown In. Candidates for state and congressional nomination on the democratic ticket will comprise tha riwakera with possibly one or two of the hi fellows thrown In aa a sort of starter. The program mill not be announced until the time tomes to announce the batteries. May l.melv to Pie 4 andldate. W. C. May of Gothenburg wss In Lin coin for aa hart time today on his way home form a trip to Omaha. Mr. May announced that he expected to he a candi date for the republican nomination for delegate to the national convention from tue Sixth district. lie hag been one of th leading repuhllcana of that section for many years and feelg that he is. entitled to a chance to represent the dis trict In the convention which will nomi nate the next president . Pollard Maklaar Caayaaa. TJ. M. rollard of Nehawka, candidate for the republican nomination for gov. rrnor, waa In Lincoln a ahort time yes terday. He la filling several dates at farmers' Institutes, speaking at llubbell. Hr lining. Culbertson ana rirasantdale al ready this week and In Fslrmont today. Curtis l cn the rrogram for tomorrow. Me tui things ate looking mighty good for a republican victory and his can didacy la coming on very satisfactorily. 4 oatrsrtors Mae Coaaty. The Plate Board of Irrigation has re ceived notice that the contractors who built the state aid bridge at Boon's Bluff are suing the county for the balance due on the bridge from thst county. Plate Engineer Johnson is sending a man to Scott's Bluff today with the plans drawn by his department to be usej as evidence in the case. lrro?T Visits ' I.I Benin. J. C. Morrow, receiver of the Alliance Isnd office, called at the state house to day. He wsa appointed by President Wil son and was one of tha rirst to get In through the political barbwlre ofstruc tlons put up hy the opposing factions of the democratic party. He landed May I of last year. CHERRY COUNTY DEMOCRATS ENJOYING LOVELY QUARREL VALENTINE. Neb.. Jan. T.-WilBscieJ TelcgramO-The political sensation of tha hour In north Nebraska democratic poli tics Is the withdrawal of J. f Qulgley of thla place from the race for the ap pointment as register of the United States land office at Valentine. Judge Qulgley. who is a oun man active In local politics, secured an Inside track on the endorsement of Senator Hitchcock by soliciting endorsements from promi nent democrats even before the president wsa elected. He waa so successful that no other prominent candidate appeared. Then a protest was made agalnat his appointment on the ground that he was too much Interested In the publlo land business to he qualified fnr tho position. This protest was Investigated by the department and it Is claimed by Judge Qulgley'a friends Ihst he wss fully vin dicated. In the meantime two years had elapsed since tho appointment should have bean made and aa the earninga of the office office weie turning down as the result of the rapid disposal f f the public lands. Judge Qulgley developed a case of cold feet. About two weeks ago Judge Qulgley. father of the applicant, quietly packed his grip and slipped away to Washington. It appears that he took with him his son's withdrawal from the race, but the mat ter has been kept so quiet that local dem- Nebraska ocrats, at least those opposed to the Qulg ley faction, were not aware of It. Now It appears that C. A. Roeeeter. the present sheriff of Cherry county. Is Mm groomed for the position by the Qultiley faction. The opposing faction la furious that such an attempt should be made to take advantage of them and rush a Qulg ley man Into the office without giving other prospective candidates a chance. Some lively work la now going on and the prospects for political feace among the factions are not good. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-President Wil son today nominated Frank M. Broome of Alliance. Neb., to be receiver of pub lic moneys st Valentine. Neb. MANY TRACTS OF LAND TO BE ADDED TO ROLLS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. T.-'Speclal.) Aa certi fied to the state auditor by the receiver of the several land offices, slxty-eeven tracts of land In the Lincoln district will be added to the tax rolls this year and ITS from the North riatte district. They are ahnwn In the following counties: LINCOLN LAND OFFICE. Dundy W Howard Chase IM Bed Willow Hayea 2"i Frontier Oreeley 4l Valley 21 Total NORTH rLATTTC LAND OFFICK Arthur 20) Kimball Banner 3 Lincoln 10 Iotin 4 Mcl'herson 1 Morrill i, Terklns 2 r: Total Cheyenne Custer .... Dawson .. Deuel t.ardrn ... Keith 17S' RECEIVERSHIP LIKELY FOR NATIONAL CASUALTY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. t-fKpeclal Telegram.) -It la probable that the affairs of l'n a Nstinnal Fidelity and Casualty company of Omaha, which has been In trouble for soma time, will be placed In the hands of a receiver. The Insurance board thla afternoon considered that the best way to aettla up Its affairs. J. H. Ages of Omaha has had charge of the company's affairs for about alt months and has been able to atrsl.ghtep out many of the difficulties the eompat y wsa In, and la of the opinion that a re celverahip la the best thing to be done. .Bern a i rv CLEARANCE of Sam Peck and Stein-Bloch and . . . . TO men, who want "tho best" this sale is a "wonderful opportunity" because it's the only kind we keep. $12.r0 Suits or Overcoats now .. $13.50 Suits or Overcoat?, now1 $15.00 Suits or Overcoat?, now $18..")0 Suits or Overcoats, now. '. ".' . $13.50 $20.00 Suits or Overcoats, now. . . . . i . .$15.00 $22.50 Suits or Overcoats, now $16.75 $25.00 Suits or Overcoats, now $18.75 $30.00 Suits or Overcoats, now $22.50 $35.00 Suits or Overcoats, now. : $26.25 Alterations Without Extra Charge A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. I In Furniture' ;. :Jtm n ' v. j " ' - m Li 1 , This sale covers the entire field of home furnish ing requirements Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Koom and Den in all ranges of prices and every piece a genuine bargain showing a nubstantial reduction from the true value at which it was originally priced. Come In and investigate Thla partial Hat can only suggest the savings available: Kegular Jsaaarr 'rice. Sale Trios, I S. 00 Square 2-tn. post Bras Bed, 3-lt. . 6-ln.. satin finish 920.00 82.00 Brass Bed, 2-ln. square continuous post, satin finish, S-ft. 6-ln.. 43.00 28.00 Fumed oak Dining Table, 4 8-ln. top 18.0O 42.00 Fumed oak Library Table, heavy plank top , . . . , 80.00 10.00 Karly English Arm Chair 4.O0 13.60 Cedar Chest H.00 ' 57.00 Full reed Baby Carriage, white leather top 86.00 1.00 Oolden oak Rocker, leather back and seat O.SO 4 0.00 Leather Rocker, loose cushion seat 2D.OO 115.00 Mahogany Divan 70.00 : 7.00 Mah.os.any chatr? rush seat. .... .,. S.o 4 0.00 Leather Chslr, loose cushion seat. . 8.iK 5U.00 MAhogany Settee . . , .,,.' SttLOU .50 Golden oak Table 8.50 60.00 Mahogany Settee, cane seat and heck 85.00 9.00 Fumed oak Rocker. Spanish leather t 5.7ft Jar Fries. t Ss.00 Mahogany Jaaaary Sale mos. Chair 815.00 B5.00 Tuna mahogany Dresser 37.50 14.00 Ivory enameled Chair, cane seat and back , 0.80 35.00 White enameled Chiffonier, plate glass and cretonne top 23.00 110.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, heavy colo- nial 5.00 59.00 Oolden oak Chiffonier 80.0(1 84.00 Golden oak Chiffonier .' . . M.OO 20.00 Oolden oak Dressing Table...... ia.50 23.50 Vernls Martin Bed, 4-ft. 6-ln. wide 15.00 60.00 Mahogany Sofa 20.OO 52.00 Ivory Chiffonier, white maple top. 85.00 40.00 Walnut Desk, colonial style 20.00 30.00 Oak Telephone Cabinet. 13.00 6.50 Old oak Taborette... v. 8.25 70.00 Mahogany Chiffonier 45.00 32.00 Flanders Settee, cane seat and back 15.00 35.00 Upholstered Chair 1T.50 22.50 Flanders Chair, leather seat and back 10.OO 100.00 Upholstered Wing Rocker OO.OO In Draperies Saturday Will Be Particularly Devoted to WINDOW; SHADES Phe K-ason'ti .clearance ofwindow,hados, eome slightly soiled, but all good values. Table No. 1 160 shades, 43 to 64 Inches wide. Best quality hand-made oil opaque mounted on good rollers, values to $1.25 Each-35c . 10 styles overdrapery ma terials, values to $J.I0yard, for Yard 38c ; - Table No. 2 . 200 shades, up to 38 Inches wide. Hand mad oil opaque, 'solid color and duplex on Hart horn rollers., Values to. f 1.00 For 25c Each ' .T0 Tapestry 50-in. wid Yard 95c 230 Curtains for 95c Pair Table No. 3 300 ahades, machine oil opaque, sites to 45 Inches wide, on good rollers. Values to 90c ... . For 18c Each 93 Cretonne Hllow Cov er? 25c Each An Important Feature of This RUG Sale Is the fact thst included in this sale are Whlttall Anglo-Persians and Anglo-Indian Rugs. Hardwlck ft Magee Bundhar Wilton and French Wilton Rugs and Hartford Saxony Rugs. These are qualities that we can poa itively state Mil not be offered at leas than regular prices for a period of at least six months. These are values to be considered and in our opinion would well warrant anticipation of your rug needs fr spring. This Is only a partial Use. Sot the savings! Sale of TV " T"B ---Hi. - iric-a-Drac r S39.00 hand carved oak table stand ard 819.50 SG5.00 Wedgewood lamp.. $32.00 ii.GO Humidor, mahogany. 14.00 14.00 Humidor, oak. .... . 7.00 Drelee) Chin ULV PRICK ffi.00 Candlestick $3.00 .50 Breakfast set.'. . ". . 8.25 6. 00 Cup and Saucer..... X50 .6.75 Bon bon dish.......' SJtZ And msny other pieces. m.rnlar . rrtce. 9 22.50 Runners, Ilundhar quality, SslS... 10.50 Runners, San ford Axmtnater. SxlS. . lfl.Ot) Runners, Krrmh Wilton quality, 8x9 18.50 Kugs. uunuuar qnaiit), -on-o. S8.00 Hug, Bundhar quality. 4-xl2 Xl.OO Kug, Auglo-lndUn, W hit (All. 44x7-6. 7JV Rug, lapetry Rrussels, 0.9x9 20.00 Rug, Ilundhar Wilton carpet, 6-9x8-4. 19.SO Hcolch Art Kugs. 6x9.. S1.50 Rugs, Ilundhar Wilton, 0x9 , 2.VOO Rug, lilgelow Axndnater, 8JxH-6 . 16.00 Rugs, cross seamed Tapestry Brussels, X2..V) Rut;, Browa Axmlnster carpet, 9x9..,. la.OO Rim(, Tapeatry Bruasells carpet, 9x11. . . . 43.0O Kutts, Bundhar Wilton, 99 M.OO Ham. Hardwlck Wilton. 9xlS 60.00 Hug, WhUtall's Anglo-Persian, 8-3x10-4 82JVO ltuiii, Whlttall AnKlu-PersUji, 10-6x18. 62.60 60.00 Rugs, Bundhar Wilton, 10-6x10-6.......... 49J&0 12O.00 Rug, French Wilton, 11-3x15. 79.00 9xia Jaaaary aU Vrtea. . . .$18.ftO . . . 7JNO . .. lil.50 . .. 14.541 . .. 2a.B0 . .. 14.50 . . . 4.50 . . . la.fto . .. 1S.50 . .. &5.00 17.50 11. 9H 12.00 7JM 85.00 49.50 48.BO tui HY. .ORCHARD (8L WILHELM CO. 414-416-418 SOUTH 16TI! STREET 1516-1S-20 Farnam Street. i::;:.;::! if If ;. S11.25 Lhv fi i . Alterations Without Extra Charge . MEN'S SI1ITQ oJ U11U OVERCOATS Listen, Men! No Omaha Clothing Sales, not even the Palace Sales of the past have ever equaled this sensational, money-saving offer. Every garment or article bears the Famous Palace Guarantee. SUITS and OVERCOATS PRICE I pants Cm The Palace has aJways been THE $10.00 Suits and Overcoats. $5.00 . EVZ iiJSS- $12.50 Siiits and Overcoats. $6.25 iTVSiiT $15.00 Suits and Overcoats; $7.50 I $1.60 values, now ....-OSd $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00 Si: Z $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.50 .;... - ... .... silos . - . ' 7 - 13.50 values, now S2.48 14 & $4.50 values, now only $2.08 grt j The famous anett-Peabody f- , 23 dozen fancy Dress Shirts asK Uloves. km ou, dik u-w.,. $1.60 values, at. only VC im,d 5Q valuCS, A ft IlUrVVtttr Fleece Flannelette Shirts, flat or military collar. IQ now T-C Uned Shlrts and Drawer8 QQ (uray only). 75c values, now at ttU ' only ....J&K Heavy winter weight and flannel Night Shirts. 75c All Wool Knit Dress Gloves, all - Q Union Suits. $1.50 values, 7Q values, only 30 colors, 60c values, now Xa7C tt 5C All our 60c anfl 76c Neckwear 35c; rfjj (f 15c Fleece lined Canvas Gloves. Knit A ' Unicn puits, fleece lined and heavy 3 for aPJL.W Wrist, only "l cotton ribbed, $2.00 value qq All our 26c Neckwear, 18c;, Kft Regular 26c Paris Garters. i r reduced to aVOC 3 for... OUC only XsSiC CJ All Wool Cashmere Hose, blacks. value. grays, oxfords; 25c 25c Cashmere Hose, black only, at 100 dozen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 10c values 15c 11c 3c ..r . COR CLOTHING COMPANY. ! ,.14m & DOUGIASV Sweater Coats All our $2.50 Sweater Coats, large shawl col lars, extia heavy weights all d QQ colon Pl aOa7 QUnno High Top Work Shoes, valued WllUO to $6.00, only . . . : $2.48 Winter Office Quarters If you have found that you are not entirely com fortable in your office, we can assure you of having all the comforts of proper heat and ventilation. While we have only a few offices from which to select, possibly one of these will be just exactly what you want. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that it always new" The only rooms that we can offer now are the following, but If they do not meet your requirements we will be glad to place you on our waiting list. Choice office suite, north light, very de Room222 lrDl or two doctors or dentists; wslting room and two private offices; . 620 square feet 845.00" Room 322 Sult consisting of waiting room and private office; north light; 520 square feet. A splendid office for a dentist or a physician $45.00 Room 636 0n,y vacant room on the 17th street . aide of the building. Faces directly on Seventeenth street. Partition for prt- ' vate office and waiting room. Size 117 square feet 318.00 Room 105 At the head of the stairs, on the floor opposite The Bee business office. Site 170 square feet. Would be specially use ful for a real estate firm.... 830. OO Apply to Building; Superintendent, Room 103. SATURDAY BARGAIN PRICES Pig Pork Loins, fresh, not frozen 9c Fresh Dressed Chickens ;. ,..10c Morrla' Supreme Hams JS4o Skinned Hams ..14,o Sugar Cured Hams ,..10 Rxtrs 7an Breakfast Bacon ... I8S Sugar Cured Baion -. . ..13f4a KTZCIAX.S Prom I to p. ni.. Ijunb" Chops. . . .6 Kroin to 10 p. m., Pork Chops.. .100 Dslivsrlss to all parts of tha otty. Mall ordars fills at ones. PUBLIC MARKET JSJ?. of r,".e.y.?,'i Star Pot Roast IMS Pork Putts Younar Veal Roast.. Youns Veal Chops.., Umb Lesa liinb Cliopa - Mutton Ktew Salt Pork Spare Ribs . SijO .iato .14,0 ..s ..ts SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Pig Pork Loins, fresh, not frozen : No. 1 Forequarter Lambs tpare Klbs Fresh Pressed Chickens 100 tteer Pot Roaat S Pis- Pork Rutta . . . . . ; Youne: Veal Roast IMil Youns; Veal Omps 14o I.amb LcKt 13540 Mutton Chopa 14,e hull Pork . Morris' Supreme Hunt Skinned Hams , Sugar Cured Hams Kxtrs Iean Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Bin on r'reah Uyateia. quart 97c ...HO . .180 ,.MP ..10o . .1S4S . .13o . ...3SS DsUvsiSss to all parts of the city. Mall orders filled at oaes. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wootworth 5c and lOc Store. 1 South 10th St. Tel. D. SJ307. See real estate columns for bargains SawaBawasiMasBMasa iJrST' , , mm- , t