T7TE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .TA NTT A TIT S. IHIrt. HEW HAYEN CASE GOES TOTHE JORY Jndpe Hunt Instructs Tanel that Conspiracy to Ewtrain Trade it Only Itiue. HE EXPLAINS SHERMAN LAW NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The rase against William Rockefeller and ten other former directors of the. New "ierk. New Haven AV Hartford rail road, charged with criminal con spiracy under the Sherman law, was submitted to the Jury today. William Rockefeller was the only defendant not In court when Judge Hunt began bis remarks to the Jury. The charge against the defendants being a misdemeanor, his presence was not legally required. Ths court, iftor describing th Indict ment. flrit Instructed tne Jury tht the case vhottlil be considered wtthniil regsrd to any testimony that would Indicate "sny sttenipts to Influence Icgtulatinn by bribery or corrupt mesns." Ths Indict ment contained no au.cn charge, he said, j Plsmifnlng ths flhermsn art, ho sld that It did not preacra a limit to ac-j nuiattlons, and that large enterprises may Id a certain sens l permitted to inonop. ollie commerce. Magnitude of buMne.aa Waa not In Itaelf a violation of a law. The criminal act.'- he aald. "la In con spiring to restrain freedom of action and unduly restricting or sarpreaslng compe tition." The flrat question for the Jury to decide, he aald, waa Whether "hark In 1890 or thereabouts there existed a conspiracy to t-onopola commerce. 1 the govern ment doe not satisfy-you that a con spiracy existed at that time, then the whole esse of the government falls." ) Judge. Hunt explained that the alleged Conspiracy must have wwn a contlnuoua one from 1W Into the three-year period covered by th statute of limitations. latent la Paytiliokoa'lral. .The court held also that the charge could not be sustained unless the Jury was satisfied that the defendanta or any of them "Intended to enter an Illegal com bination." Intent, be aald, was psycho logical, and not to be ascertained by fixed rule of law. The Sound lines' agreement of 1886 the r-ourt characterised as "obnoxloua to the Hherman law" and said that it waa for the Jury to consider whether It was kept In force after 1880 In furtherance of the conspiracy. Discussing the testimony of Mr. Mcllen, Judge Hunt said be had "thought there would be no serious chal lenge aa to the accuracy of his state ments and that the only dispute among counsel would arise from the inference Lo be drawn from them." History of tae'l'ase. ' The eleven former directors of the New Tork. New Haven A Hartford railroad who have been on trial for nearly three months charged with criminal violation of the Sherman cntl-trust law expect to know their fats soon. The defendants are: William Rocke feller and Usvlg, CaS Ledysrd, New York; ttdward. Li. Itolinms. New' Haven, ( onn.; CharloSi, -Vy Bruokor,,v, Ansotils. t'onn.; V. Newton Barney, Hartford, Conn.; Robert S'. Taft, Providence, It. . 1; K'hsrles M. I'MtC Hrpoklyni Hepry K. j ivictlarg, BUmiVJ, Conn.; James H. Hem- ingway, A. lleaton Ropertson and Fred - trick F. Brewster, ftrw Haven. They were specifically charged with conspiring to monopolise the entire trans-1 portallon traffic rf Nww Englaud.- They were Indicted .n Ft bruary. 1915. after an ardlng the conduct of German sub investigation by the Uepsrtment of Jus- marines In the Mediterranean were undor ,tlce. begun more than year prevlotia, , od he Ideltlcal with those contained and the trial bejan on October II. Ten1'" Austria- reply to the laat American 'other former directors of the road note on the Ancona. Indicted with them, of whom three made successful pleas of , ih.inunlty, six ob tained a separata trial and one, Ucorge MacOulloch Miller, waa not brought' to trial on account of his sgn. On the ver dict of the Jury In this case would largely 'depend the altitude of the government, counsel said toJsy. toward the six who gained a eepa.-ale trial. These are Geoi go F. Paker. TheoJore N. Vail. Francla T. I Maxwell, T. !eVitt Coyler. Kflward Mil-I llgan and Alexander Cochrane. In the event of an acquittal by this Jury It w.sin th8 ''""anean would not attack Inot thought that the case would no"wmbtaat alilpa without onUce. 'pressed again.it the six 'f The maximum penalty In the event of conviction Is one year's Imprisonment or ,ieuo floe, or both. Dates Back Sixteen Years. . , The alleged conspiracy dated back' (o July X 1830. the date of th enactment of the Sherman law, sine which the New Haven brought under its control every railroad In New England except those owned by the Grand Trunk, many steamship lines snd some sixty trolley rimes. In this way It was alleged It tamped out competltkm and wss on the point, the government charges, of sup pressing the competition of the Grand Trunk through a traffic agreement, when 1 he government In November, 1H12, stepped In snd Indicted Ml 'lien snd two t.rand Trunk executives. The case against thtm was subsequently dropped, but . it Is largely upon this agreement, ha 'princi pal alleged lllcgan act within the period covered by the atatute of limitations, that the prosecution In this csss based its execution of a' conviction. All Drfeadnnta Prominent. 1 The trial has boen a remarkable one In many respects. It haa born die tlngutshed by the wealth and rronuiieme of the defendants and for the fact tl-at for the first tlino have the dlrectora of a railroad Uren brought la trial under the . criminal clause of the b hernia n law. The defendants have bevn reiu ewenttd bv nearly score of noted lawyers, against whom Lbs government marshalled four, headed by It. U Batts. former law part ner In Texas of Attorney Ueneral Greg, ory. It has been estimated that In coun sel fees and expenses of Investigation, ste ' nogrsphers fees. etc.. the coal' of ike trial has reached well over A,uuO. While not a record In length, the trial wss remarkable by the fact that one . witness, Charles H. Mcllen, former presi . dent of the New Haven, waa on the stand for thirty-five court days snd thst each side virtually built up its rase on his tes- Itiuony. Kour day a wtre a-nt In arlect Ing the Jury, two by lha Koveinnirnt in I outlining tls testimony, fi daya In ar- , ' flfc'n Interference with I'nltoJ fc-ulng motions l dUmiia tba indictment States malls on ths hlih seas er an route and four days In aununlng up. Krank M. i to destinations Is contemplated la a reso 8wacker of bt. Ixiuis ot federal couusel, lutlon Introduced today fry Henator Hitch ho baa ten credited by ths defense cock of Nebraska calling upon Postmaster with knowing more about New Haven affairs than anyone thai, speul two years In Investigating and preparing the caae. Oaly 4e "Hnao !." To get the genuine, rail for full name. Laxative Bronte Qulnino. LrfKic for signa ture of K. W. Grove. C'urea a cold In one Jiy. Advert st-nieiit. rw TVant Ada. It payat Beginning to BERLIN PLEDGES SAFETY OF ALL NEUTRAL SHIPS (Continued from Tags One.) aastirancea covering submarine warfare In the North fee the German government wss represented as considering that no Americana could poaaibly be aboard ships other than liners In regular passengar carrylng servlee. Itesiaoa for Delay, It has been known for some time that Count von Bernstorff had devised a plan which ha believed would satlafaotorlly end the Lualtanla controversy. He was understood to have submitted the propost' tlon te the Berlin foreign office before Christmas. There wss some delsy be cause i. of adverse sentiment created by the reauest for the dismissal of the Qer- man aval ,B military attaches, and the demands In the first American note to Austria - Hungary on tho sinking of the Italian liner Anrona. . Aa for the disavowal asked by the 1 pitted States, the Oerman government ' D-Myers arrested Charlos Hayes, here (was represented aa considering the most'""1 evening, .for the alleged offense of effective form of disavowal was aasur-jw,, desertion. The arrest wss msde by snees that such acts should not be com- direction of 8herlff Sievers of Grand Is- mltted In the future. The assurances re- - VKHMAMY OFFKHS INUKMNITYj Bernstorff Sabmlta Proposal to Pay ninagei. I WASHINGTON', Jan. 7.-Count von ! Iternstoiff, tliq German amba4ador, presented to Hocrstary Itnslng today a proposal to pay Indemnity for Americana lost In the Lrfialtanle disaster and thereby (oucludo that controversy, and gave as surances that any German submarines WASH1NGTON. Jan. 7.Proposals which the Oerman government believes will end the controversy over tho Ital ian la disaster In a manner satisfactory to the United B tales were understood to have been received here today from Ber lin. Count von Bernstorff had an ap pointment to confer with Secretary Lans ing this afternoon. Germany Is hel!red to have agreed to' pay an Indemnity for the Americans lost when the liner was torpedoed; at the same tims baaing' a reservation ef any wrong doing on the contention that the destruction of the vessel was an act of reprisal In retaliation for the British blockade of Germany. Germamy is also understood to be ready to give assurances that Its submarine rommandera operating In the Mediterra nean will not torpedo, without warning privately-owned veaaels of any descrip tion, including liners, freighters and tramp steamers. German assurances In regard to submarine warfare In the North Sea Include only liners In the passenger i srrvloc. I It waa also atated with authority to-1 day that Germany virtually had agreed , With tho position of the United Stales In regard to small boats not being under ! all oonditlona a place of aafety for pes-' sengers aboard a ship about to be d-; atroyed. These laat concessions ars un-' deratood to have been contained in the laat note from Germany regarding the sinking of the ship William P. Ft. The ; communication reached the State depart- I nient several weeks ago, but has Ixn-n I withheld from publication on the ground 1 that It bad a certain bearing upon the J lAJaltanta negotiations. Germany Is un-1 derstood to have fully agreed with the American point of view, HITCHCOCK URGES PROBE OF MAILS INTERFERENCE WASHINGTON. Jan. T. InveatisaUon ELL-ANS I Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Blossom Out General Burleson to supply the senate with all Information In his possession bearing on the subject. . The re.fjlutlon was referred to the postal committee. MORE' NOMINATIONS OF POSTMASTERS MADE (From a Staff CorrcspnnriVnt.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-fSpeclal Tele gram.) The following nominations of postmasters were made today: Harry C. Furse, Alma; A. H. Shepard, Ansley: William C. Itosecrans Aahlanri: William 8. Morgan, Atkltuion; Johnrnav not conv,noe1 016 Moran, Callaway; James M. Crews, Cul brrtson; John Wilson, Franklin; P. J. Mclla. Gretna; Melvin A. Brlnegar, Alex andria; Harry A. Crosby, Beemer; Cora Congorve. Cairo: HareJ James, Carroll; lAmborss E. Sherwood, Halgler: Jerome W. Connelly, Lindsay; Thomas O. Nor man, Oxford; E. C. Ratcllff, fltratton; C. P. lAindgren, Wauaa. GRAND ISLAND MAN IS ARRESTED AT LOGAN. IA. LOGAN, la.. Jan. 7. (Nneclal iHh. .) wno win be nere today and take Mr. Hayes along for future rcfr. ence. Hayes aaserta that there la noth ing to the charge. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, WE WILL SELL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OUR & Shirts and Neckwear SHIRTS $2.50 and $3.00 f Qf Hhlrts now PlOJ 2.00 Shirts now ..$1.45 ..$1.15 91.50 Shirts now 811 ka and Flannels reduced ..25 Broken Lots of Underwear at One-Half Price. 0 !!! 1417 FARNAM STREET. jim iiiiaunapf Follow tho 4Boaton Path" to 1 Real Drug 60c Hay's Hair Health 29" Llstrln 12S 10. 34. 59 DOc Pozzonl's Powder .....26 50c Scott's Emulsion ...... 152 $1 Fellows Syrup 73 3 5c Castorla 21 6c Syrup of Figs, gen 29 60c 1'ebeco Tooth Paste ...34 Cigar Specials 10c Toni Moore, Conchas 8Ue 5 Limited 10 to a Customer. 10c George the 4th 5 Boi of 60, 82.50. 6c Bannerettes. 8 for . . . . 25 Box of 60, S1.55. 50c Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tab let 29c 60c Merttol Dyspepaia Tan- leta 39 r.i. f .... TtA If IJnii 1H11 O t l&e Carter'g Uver Pills . . . 2.rc Beech sm Pills 17e 11.00 nuffy's Malt Whiskey 7 BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam e HINT AT ELECTION IN GREAT BRITAIN Ministry Hopei to Avoid Neceisity of Appeal to People to Pass Compulsion Bill. UNION OF PARTIES IS BROKEN LONDON, Jan. 7. There seems little doubt that a general election will be the very last measure re sorted to by the government to ob tain the desired "consent" to the es tablishment of the attenuated form of compulsion provided for In the pending military service hill. That st'ch general consent would be ob tained by an appeal to the country la admitted by virtually every-one, but the belief Is expressed In many quarters that It can be won without si, rh an upheaval. The Westminster Gazette emphasising tho fact that only forty-five memhers of the House of Commons representing const (tuenciea In Great Britain, which alone Is affected by the bill, opposed the mensure. It thinks the minority can be convinced of the necessity of enacting the law and that the treaty to national unity will be removed by free debato In tho later stages of the bill's course through Parliament. Itreaks Ip Collttoa. The Manchester Guardian expresses re gret that the first result of the project of compulsory military service Is a breaking up of the union of parties, which, checkered by some untoward events, nevertheless, helped to keep a united nation concentrated on a single object from the outbreak of the war to the present day. It says: "This breakup was announced by a maralvc majority sffslnst tho government bill st the great labor conference yes terday and la slgnalired by the prompt resignation of three lahor ministers. Of the three partiea forming the coalition one has thus withdrawn. Of the other two parties one distinguished member ha withdrawn, while a material proportion of the rank and file will go with hlin. "The government has at a stroke be come a party government, although the party Is new In politics and a definite and regular opposition emerges at the same moment. Such are the consequences, deeply regrettable, of which many of us have consistently warned the government since the conscrlptioniats' agitation began." - Compulsion Jtot Neeeoaary. The Go&rdian demands positive evidence that compulsion is necessary, saying at the same time that the national cause is paramount over other considerations, ii says that the figures of the Derby recruiting campaign aa given out by the government do not cvmvlnce It, as they labor party. These figures, the Guardian contends, have made out case for further exam ination rather than for action without examination. . tiet Rid of m Harklngr La Grippe Conch It Wenkena. For the severe racking cough that comes with la grippe, Foley's Honey and Ter CJompound Is wonderfully healing and soothing. It eases (he tightness over the chest, raises the phlegm easily and helps the racking, tearing cough that la so ex hausting and weakening. R. G. Collins, ex-postmaster, Barnegat, X. J., says: "Foley's Honey and Tar Compound soon stopped the severe la grippe cough that completely exhausted me. It can't be beat." old everywhere. Advertisement. Advertiser and customer profit by the "Classified Ad" habit NECKWEAR $2.30 and. $4.00 Ties now $2.00 Ties now , $1.85 $1.45 $1.15 $1.50 Ties now $1.00 Ties 65c now ......... &Oc lies How . . . 35c Bargains f 3.75 Horllck's Malted Milk for 82.74 $1 Horllck's Malted Milk...G7 11.60 2-qt. LegTind'a Foun tain Syringe O $2.50 2-qt. Legrand's Com bination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle. 81.40 (1.60 Legrand's 2-pt. Hot Water Bottle 00 We guarantee all our Rubber Goods. ISo Lust rite Nail Enamel ..14 26o Sloan's Liniment 10 26c Mentholatum 1G 2 So Pond'a Vanishing Cream 1G 26c Melbaltne Face Powder 1G 26c Colgate's Tooth Powder 15 50e Podolax Bells ........29 60c Resinol Ointment 3S Free A IBe Itottle of AR1I.1NA WATER, The World's Finest Ixatlre, To Every Customer eiaturday. Millionaire Goes to Jail to Test Law CORNING. N. T., Jan. 7. George C. Baylees, millionaire president of the Psy les Pulp Paper company of Austin. Pa. and Blnghamton. N. T., left the JhII at Coudersport, Ta.. to appear at a hearing at H arts burg. Instituted to obtain his release. Bayless was committed to Jail follow ing a charge of Involutary manslaughter in causing the death of Mrs. TTiomas I aw It In the disastrous flood at Austin In September He could have been released under bail, but preferred to go to Jail to test the question as to whether ho Is liable to prosecution for aliased neg ligence In connection with the breaking of thn Bayless company's dam. Once before Bayless fsced a charge of manslaughter In connection with the flood, but the charge was dropped by ttio Austin Flood Fufferers' association. Sat isfactory terms for the settlement of civil damages were reported lb hsve been made at that time. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Jan 7 fJpoclal Tele, jrram.l Nebraska pensions granted: KM ney A. Bayer, Fremont, 112. A postoffl-.. hnn been established at Feacli. Warren county. Iowa, with Tcjrl Keoser as postmaster. Mrs. Mayrr.e I Peterson has been ap- OMPSOrl-BBLDEN &GQ. TheA Fashion Center oF llie f EddleWesl Established 1886. Tailored Suits Reduced in Price Every suit from regular stock. Coat Section Plush Coats, $18.75 to $29.50 Velour Coats, $48.75 The Fur Shop Only a few furs left, but the prices are reduced. The Yearly Linen Sale Without an Equal Really fine quality Pure Linens at clearing sale prices; qualities that can't be purchased in the market today, and at prices that will not be possible to duplicate elsewhere now or in the future anywhere. , We are sincere in urging you to purchase now. Table Cloths- $ 2.50 Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths at$ 1.75 at $ 2.00 at$ 2.38 at $ 2.80 at $ 8.80 at$ 4.0O at$ 5.00 at $ fl.75 at$ 8.80 at $10.80 at $15.00 at $20.00 at $25-H $ $ $ $ $ $ 3.00 8.00 8.75 5.00 Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths Table Cloths 6.00 7.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $35. OO $50.00 Table Cloths Table Cloths t $37.50 Bleached Napkins 2-50 It.OO 3,75 4.50 e.oo 7,50 Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, Napkins, 1.80 2.00 2.75 8.38 a lor. a doz. a doz. a doz. a do. 4.75 B.OO 7JV) 8.89 a doz. a doz. a doz. $10.00 $12.00 $25.00 $45.00 $17.50 a doz. a doz. $35.00 AMUSKMKJJTS. Continuous From 11 ua. to 11 pan. rhona D. 8069. Last tlmss today at 11, 13:30, a, 3:30, 4 7:1ft, S;30, S:40. Jass I Zaak7 rrssants Geraldine Farrar la "TEMPTATION" 1 ri.h. ty ncui owns,.. TOH01ZOW Alloa Brady la "Tb Kack," 8CPKKMK VAl IK,V11X13, PICT L UES. Continuous 11a. iu. to 11 p. m. Where Uie Omaha Bee Usirertal AnLn&ted Weekly IJUy Be Seen PARS AM THEATRJi GAMRAPHO!TB OZM LOTAli LTTUO MACUO HAIT800M ARBOR ITT PALACK DIAMOND BTRT AUfO OMAHA, rnlntd postmaster at Tll"nka, Ko.-iiih oiinty. Iow a, vico U-o O Wolfe, rcs.cned. and Mrs. Malar H. RowKlett at Burton. Kcya Paha, county. NebrasKa, t Ice .Mrs. Mary K. Fisher, deceased. Womans Democratic League is Meeting WASHINGTON. Jaj. 7. -The Woman's National Democratic league began Its fourth annual convention here today with delegates from throughout the country present. Chief events on the day's program In cluded the reading of greetings from President Wilson and address by Speaker Clark on "Democracy today," Mrs. William A. Cullop, wife of Repre sentative Cullop of Indiana, president of the league, and Senators Tbelan and Walsh also were down for addresses. The league -will formulate plans for aiding the democratic national commit tee In the coming presidential campaign. HANS SCHMIDT DENIED REARGUMENT OF CASF A LP A NT, N. T.. Jan. 7.-The court of appeals todsy denied a motion for a re srgument of the appeal of Hans Schmidt, the New Tork iriest wmvlcted of tho murder of Anna AumulTer and sentenced to die In the electric chair at Sing Sing $2.25 54-inch All Wool Plaids, Half Price, $1.1212aYd. In fart, the raw materials alone without figuring the ex pense of manufacturtnc would flmire up to more than $1.12. Many beautiful shades of new blues, greens, browns and navy. A Sale of Handsome Coatings $2.50 to $4 Values, 54-Inch, 98c and $1.19 a Yard. Whoever needs materials for a new coat should not overlook this opportunity. Plaid-back broche novelties in tans, browns, mis. tnres. Table Damask $1.50 Bleached Table Dam ask, $1.00 a yard. $1.75 Itleached Table Ham ask, $125 a yard. ' $2.00 Bleached Table Dam ask $1.50 a yard. $225 Itleached Table Dam ask, $1.75 a yard. $1.75 Itleached Table Dam ask, $1.25 a yard. EXTRA SPECIAL John B. Srowa fc Sons' Hapklns, 100 doztn $10.00 3-4 Xipkint, January Sale prict $5.00 a Dozen Limit t Ons Sossa to a Oustomar. Crash Toweling 17c Itleached Crash Towel ing. 12 He a yard. 20c Itleached CYash Towel ing, 17c a yard. 22c Bleached Crash Towel ing.' 18c a yard. 25c . Itleached Crash Towel ing, 22c a yard. AMUSEMENTS. nrvrr last DU I U two DAYS Continuous from 1 to 1 1 1. M. The Battle Cry of Peace At lied need Prices. MO KB AY, For Three Rights, Matinee Wednesday Joe Weber's Musical Success, THE ONLY GIRL Nights, S5e-$2.00. Mats., 25c-f 1 M TODAY VALLI VALLI Xa ths TartlUa rrohlaaa tnay, THE VOF.lAfl PAYS TurpinY School New term begina Jaa. loth. Beginners' clans. Monday and Friday. p. m Ad vancrd t-laaa, Tuesday, a p. m. olwum urcheatra. BeKlnnc-rs prtiuuie.l to tid. vance.1 c)km. Private Imw.ih any ttme. IJat yur nan; now. Special rate ticket to iuiila Joining claas alucday and Tuesday. Jaa. 10 and 11. Ttlepboiia Hr. tit.'. The School of Modern Dancing next week. The motion waa made by at torneys for Schmidt last Monday. The National Capital Friday, Jassary T 11 The Senate. Met at noon. HIM amending law to prevent disclo sures of national defense secrets Intro duced bv Senator Overmsji. Senator Hitchcock introduced resolu tion calling upon postmaster general for Information on Interference with Amer ican malls by censors. Foreign relations committee met. but took no action on submarine question or nomination of H. P. Fletcher as Mcxlcsn ambassador. Buspenslon of tariff provision, free . listing of supar May 1, proposed in reso lution. Introduced by Senator Brousssrd. Adjourned at 4:53 p. m. to noon Satur day. Senator Kenyon Introduced s bill to prohibit telephone or telegrsph trsnsmls sion of racing Information. The Hour. Met at noon. , Kewr Admiral Stanford continued testi mony before naval committee. Foreign relations committee agreed to consider next Friday proposed legislation to regulate water power at Niagara Kails. Kepresentatlve Gsrdner In speech op posed embargo on arms and war munl- t( Representative Kent Introduced bill to create national park service under Inte rior department. Adjourned at 6:07 p. m. to noon Satur day. Toilet Goods Specials 25o Wool Powder Puffs, 10c. Soap, Sandalwood, Violet and Rose, three rakes In a bos, spe cial, Saturday, 10c a box. Almond Hand Lotion, 19c. SilksReduced In Price Many of the lots are suf ficiently large to last all day; others will not. So, it's diffi cult to list each bargain. Every lot will be ticketed so as to show the special reduc tions in each case. (No tele phone orders taken.) Better see these silks early. Huck Towels 25c Huck Towels, 19c 45c Huck Towels, 25c 75c Huck Towels, 50c $1.00 Huck Towels, 75c $1.50 Huck Towels, $1 Turkish Toweling 20c Bleached Turkish Towels, 12V2C 25c Bleached Turkish Towels, 19c. 45c Bleached Turkish Towels, 25c. 50c Bleached Turkish Towels, 39c. 75c Bleached Turkish Towels, 50c. 85c Fancy Turkish Tow els, 50c. A Sit- SI,H5 Today .' and Sun., Ths Book That Thrillsd the World, THE WMMKG OF BARBARA WORTH Mat., a5o-60o-75CLXTg., 3&c-60c-75c-l ThrM Days, Jan. 10, 11, 13, Mat. Wad., Ths Wondsv Show of tho OalTsrss. TTHURSTON A All w This Bsasoa. t&ri rtrSfl "ally Mats..i8-vee jA-ff Brags, l-a4-60-7&a List Time, Mat Today, AL REEVES TinoT" TOWITE eTo Aad Continuing Ino. Vast Bat. Mat. LUTCM-' Gloha TrAttsrt Mialoai coostns uiooe rollers BarUs4aa Bint MatlBS weak Days. THE BEST XV TAVDCTIU1 CURTAIN TONIGHT 8:10 KATnrai TODAY. Patmna are raqueata1 to be In their rata before Oertruda Iluffuiann slarta SUMUltUN." TONITE TfTNEWf North Brothers Stock Co. Omaha's Bast Thaatiloal Bar gal a "THE LION AND THE MOUSE" 10 Cents "lUX 25 Cents of Dancing 28th and FARNAM