THK REK: OMAHA, KATUN DAY, .JANUARY 8, UMtf. 15 RENTALS IMHK A9JD (OTT4QKS. Mwmuinorii. the Central Furniture Store's FTtBB RENTAL LIST VnFAUTIFfL $-roorn bungalow. $.. Web. lis? BARX9 AXD OAHAtiF.S. i BARNS 1114 Pierce, ir. Doug. 2 STORES A 911 OFFICES. MODERN store near pcttofflce; low rent. O. P. Stebbtns. 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE MUM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE FLORIDA, I BARGAINS In Florida high lands. 1,300 tern at $7 per acre. Writ box 330, Ar cadia. Fla. IOWA. MT farm for rent frnm March I net 14 acres; southwest corner Hardin township. J. H. F. Kntse. R. F. D. I. Council Bluffs. Ia. MISSISSIPPI. A PECAN ORCHARD Investment will mako your financial future secure. Ocean Siring. Mies, orchards are doing this for their owner now. F.s v monthly payments without Interest. Ask W. T. SMITH CO . P. 219 Citv Nat. Hank Bldx NF.RHASKA. CHOICE FARM BARGAINS. tOO-ecre stock farm. $75 per t5-acre. Cedar county, $105 Per. BtV-acre. bottom land farm, $50 per. 100-acre. Hurt county. 1130 per. C S RELYEA Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. WISCUASISJ. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop state In tha union; aattlera wsnted: lands for aale st low price on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent, lands for stock raising. If interested la fruit lands ak for booklet on appte or chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. M isi'El.l. A ft mors. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR HALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different dnys for $2; or M words, 14, or 75 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2."0,ooo readers dally In four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska (arms. Rates on request. UNITED 8TATES TRUST CO.. 212 8. 17th St. 6 TO for loana on best class city residences In amounts t'i.OuO up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. LOANS on city and farm property. Fire, tornado, burglary and automobile In surance. W. U. Tempitton, 6u3 Bee Bldg. T. jreo. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KELiFB REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 1716. $100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg.. 18th fc Farnam Bts. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, 6. 6H, 8 per cent J. H. DtimoDt & Co., 416 State Bank. 6 riTV - (i rrlh.rir Sift. 12 iirandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE LAND FOR CITY PROPERTY A number of people who own farm lands have written us that they wish to exchange for city property. Moat of these people are looking for homes. Why not exchange that house which' has been vacant so long (or some good land that Is Increas ing In value every yearT From an Investment standpoint farm lands offer the best opportunity of any class of property that you can buy. We do not care to list your property unwss 11 is near 01 en cumbrance, as the land we are offering to trade Is clear and the nwiinrs will not assume encum hrsnca on the property they trade A. P. TUKEY & SOX, rhone Poiig. 502. 1507-8 W. O. W. Pldg.- FOR EXCHANGE We will oxi-hMiige a five-room cottage Willi ftvo lots, all clear, valued at ll.OuO, for a more expenaive house and aaaume some encumbrance. The cottage Is located In Omaha Heights. at of 39th 8t., on Hlme b!in;.'lj Ave. Tl'o IntM me rI' right, but the houso needs some repairs. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phone I'oiia .(!. t.VOT W. o. 'V. Bills o. lowii Land to Exchange Kiglitv acres, located about twenty miles from Omaha, and near town of ;ietiwood. Ia. Want to exchange same for Omaha residence. For more par ticular rail I II ATT-FAIRFIELD CO., MO I'ini. Nat. Hank. Tel. Doug. 4! "Pi m; half-skction-central " NKBIUSKA. Well Improved farm of 3M arres near Kearney, one-hiilf in "Ultlvatlnn, bal ance fine hay mid pasture.; R. F. H. and telephone; 100 per acre; owner will exchange for SO or 130 In eastern Ne braska or western Iowa. PAVNR INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1 r loor OniHlm Nat. Bank Hldir. I. 17l. HAVE an twO-acre ranch to sell or trade for Income property; would like to hear from a good reHl estalo hustler who can get me a deal. Write Box "i, Edgar. Nab. WILL trade my equity of II.S0O in an S room modern home In H simoom Park district for clean stock of groceries Web. S79. ."sm Ooldware. 221 Sherman. TWO clear Omaha lots, wo rt h 6uo7f or mu amo. Phune Colfax 284. REAL ESTATE Al'RKACiK 15 ACHES This land is northwest of Florence about 14 miles, has a good -room house, with barn and good well; some fruit trees. Owner wants offer. Now Is the time to buy to uso or as an Investment. CREKJH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. aOX Ben Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 'J4TH ST. BARGAIN 10S ft. corner, partly lm Droved, near Farnam. HrUa i-it-iaio. r mul iriw long time lease. GLOVER & SPAIN, !!-?) City Nat. H. W A N T K I Several parlin with tl.'n to $,i.MA to invent with us in huild iii; new apartment tiou-a. tha tieitt iiuoiim proiwrtfe-a to tie had. bee Hi shout it at once. HASTINGS & HtYUKN, 1614 Her. 8t.-o REAL ESTATE SOUTH A DANDY 1IOMK CKEiaiIT0NS 1ST Irge living room, dining room with rhiteh window kitchen pantry. rr entry, oak finish, two bod room. sun room and bath on Id floor; elegant fix ture, furnace, full cement Nurmfnt and walka. close to school and Hanecom pa-f". corner lot with south end east front, price $3.1300, $600 nh, balance monthly, lxn-ated near 85th Ave. and Arbor. ( O. CARLBERG, 3 Brandots Theater Bldg. $2,9006 ROOMS Living room, dining room, bed room end kitchen on 1st floor, oak flnlah: bed room, sun room and bath on 3d floor; all modern; Juat completed; fur nace; coin. c ijn-ccinent : e" ' front lot. Located VC 8. th Av. $309 cash wUl handle this. C. G. CARLBERG, 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. BUY ON EASY TERMS We can sell you splendid a-roorn modern house, with garage, only one block from Field club and two from Hamcom park on a payment of cash, balance 30 per month. Paving and all tsxea paid. You can't go wrong on this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. tth Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 171. SO. OMAHA property, 451S 8. 33d. John Johnson. REAL ESTATE MIf ELL AJKKOI S. A SNAP Six rooms, two stories. Just com pleted ; high, sightly location; one block to car line, In restricted addition; down stairs finished In oak; upstairs In birch and white enamel, with oak floors. This Is a snap at M.400; term, short cash, bal ance -nonthly. Call us for appoint ment to see this. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, Tel. Doug. 1721 S42 Paxton Block. GET THE HABIT Took for ad eomethlng different every day. either In real estate, rent als, investments, land or exchanges. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 915-1 City Nat. Bk. Bldg., Doug. 4. LEGAL NOTICES The Union Land Company. THE UNION LAND COM PA NT. TO THK STOCKHOLDERS' OF THB UNION LAND COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders cf The Union Land Company will he held at the office of the Company in Omaha, Neb., on January 10th, Mil at 10 o'clock A. M.. for the election of five directors, and for the transaction of such business as may legally come before the meeting. ALEX. MILLAR, Secretary. D.20d.20t. BANK STATEMEVTS. No. 2775. RHPORT OF CONDITION OF THD MERCHANTS AT10AL BANK at Omaha. In the state of Nebraska, at the cloee of business on December JL 1915: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 5,7$S,110 SI Overdrafts . 6,394. M U. a bonds: U. S. bonds deposited to secure circula tion (pax value).... 2u0,000.00 U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. 8. de posits (par value). 80.000.00 Total U. S. bonds 830.000.00 Bonds, securities, etc.: Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits... 38,000.00 Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not i n o I tiding slocks) ' owned unpledged... &4,t42.M Total bonds, securities, etc. 91.M.K Subscription of stock to Fed eral Reeerve bank, less amount unpaid 30,000.00 Value of banking house 150,000.00 Net amount due from . Federal Re serve bank 18,96$.2T 1 Net amount due from approved re serve agents 74J,17.76 Net amount due from other bank and bankers 1.294.331.S7 Exchanges for clear lug house 22?,796.7S Other checks on banks In the same city or town as re porting hank 15,0S7.2 Outside checks and other cash items.. 2t,SS8.;g Fractional currency, nickels and centa.. 1,356.17 Notes of other na tional banks 24.4no0 Federal reaerve notes 6.0n0.iitt Coin and certificates 412,4.0'l I-egnl tender notes.. i2,6fO.00 R e d e m p tion fund with U.S. treasurer 12,600.00 3.023,449 33 Total $9,421,697.69 , . LIABIUTIES. Capital stock paid In $ froo.nnooo Surplus fund 500,00000 Undivided profits less current expenses. Interest and taxes P"d, 3BO.671.19 Circulating notes outstanding.. 250,000.00 Due to banks and banker $1,812,873.3 Dividends unpaid.... 6,390.00 Individual deposits subject to check... 4,778,623.05 Certificates of de posit due in lees than thirty days... SO! 725 0 Certified checka 144.650.63 Cashier's checks out standing ,.. ins.9480; IT. S. deposits 73.auA.67 Postal savings de posits 86,834.04 Time certificates of deposit payable after SO days or wore 623,631.65 T.78O,9I6.60 Total $9,421,697.69 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa: 1, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of the above .nmert' bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowlcdxe and belief FRED 1'. HAMILTON. Correct Attest: Cashier LUTHER DRAKE. FRANK T. HAMILTON, O. SAM ROOERS, . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January, 1911 B. B. WOOD, Notary Public. OKLAHOMA GRANDFATHER LAW WILL BE AMENDED OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 7.-Oovernor R. L. Williams Issued a proclamation to- ;dy convoking the legislature of Okla homa in extraordinary session January IT. The proclsmatlun does not mention questions that the governor msy submit for consideration, but it is belle. d here that the so-called "grandfather law" will be submitted for amendment and the leg islature asked to enact a more stringent anti-usury law. Provisions of the "grandfather law'" imposing qualifications for voters in this state recently were declared unconsti tutional by the supreme court of the United States because the effect of the law was to disfranchise negro residents. PATRIS ARRIVES WITH GREEK SHIP SURVIVORS WASHINGTON. Jan. T.-Galleries and Patris. having on board the 300 passeng ers of the Greek liner Thessalonlkl, abandoned at sea yesterday, arrived at iuarantlna at 9:50 o'clock tonight and will dock tomorrow morning. Ilaak 4 Irarlasjs. OMAHA. Jan. 7. Hank clearinga for Omaha today were $4.0M 061 4. and for the coirespuudiii day lt year, $3,14u,. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Most of Wheat Sales Made at Ad ranee of Two Cents, Although Some Can Get Less. DEMAUD FOE CORN IS GOOD OMAHA, January 7. 1M. Ths run of heat and corn waa quite heavy today, and there waa an a live de mand for both of these cereals. The cash wheat market was strong, moat of the Ji-.". n "1d advance of 1 cents although a few cars sold only half 1 .ov"' yesterday's quotations. dfmnd In general for corn was g"od although most of the corn being rT.Y1 lh Present time Is of poor ?.""' .Corn prices remained steady. I- ",rk't ranging from 1 cent higher to half a rent lower. Oats receipts were not very good, and tne demand for this cereal was moderate. pAces 'd l t,rmcUoal,y unchanged kIm! "d ""'er "re strong, selling at fnt 'vnce over the prices of the previous day. n?r",f!l. JCS, and flour were qual to l,Ml,ov bushels, corn, i.OOO bush els; oats. m.OXi bushels. IA.KV,'T,00, h't olosed nnchaned to Hd higher; com. Hid higher. K,fAmry whB1 receipts were 1.77I.O00 bushels and shipments MJ.OiX) bushels, If. 1reoe'ut "f wa.Ono bushels ami shipments of 1.4rt.0i0 bushels Isst year. Primary corn recelpta were to.9,000 bush "n.l "hlpmenta HM.iwt) buahela, against ft'P'" of 1.7N(k000 bushels and ehlpment of aO.000 bushels last year. Primary oat a receipts were SM.000 bush els and shipments 1.117.000 bushels, against receipts of SW.OuO bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. rhlM WheaU Corn. Oats. Chicago as m m MinneapoIU 4W I,ulh 1 Omaha 107 105 2S Kanaaa City pi M ?.V. ll?ui 77 0 I Winnipeg ss These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 2 cars, tl.U: I car. I.14; 12 cars, 11.14; 3 cars. 1.13H; 7 cars. 1 car. U.12W; V cars. $1.12. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (heavy western), II 1!; i care, si.lO; 2 cars. II. 0; S oars. 1W; H cars. 11.07; 2 cars. II.OH; 8 cars. 11.05; 1 car (poor), 1.04H; 1 car, 11.04. Saiti !' 1 car. SI .&; cara. $1.08: m cara. I1.02; 2 cars. 11.00; 1 car, 7c. No. I spring: I car V 1: 2 cara. 11.16. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.13. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $l.Uv: 1 car, $1.11 No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $l.o; 1 car. H.08. Rve No. 2: 1 ear. B.1. Vn d- 1 car. 7So. Barley No. : 1 car. 6Sc. No. I 4: 1 car. ft)c; 1 car, Corn No. I I wnue: a-a car (old), 71c. No. 4 white: cars, c; 2 S-5 csrs, fioHc; 4 cara. 65c. No. 5 white: 1 car. HAc; 1 car, (i3c; 1 car. 2j4c; 2 -b cars, 6Jc. No. white: cars. MHki; 2 cars. A9c; - car. fiRc. No. 3 yel low: 2-6 car, Rc No. 6 yellow: I cars. 4c; 3 cars, 634c. No. yellow: 1 car. lc; 3 cai-S; (t)c: 1 car, 69e. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, ic. No. 4 mixed: t car. 66c; 6 cars, Soc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 63c; 3 cars. 62c; .'rs'.2c:.1 c"r- fil'c; 1 fr. - car. )o. No. 6 mixed: 2 2-5 cars. 60c: I cars. 69c. Sample: 1 car, 58o; i cars. 67c; 1 car. 66V4c; 3 cars, R5c; 1 car, 63o; l car. "2i. 1 r."r' 4"e- 1 car. Oats-No. 8 white: 8 cars. 42c; 4 cara. 41c. No. 4 white: cars. 41V,c. Sample: 4 cars. 3M4c; 3 cars 89c; 2 csea. XHtr; I cars. 38c. Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat No. 2 hard. V-ZlVl-!?u2.0i hr'- l.Hn.l6: No, 4 hard, $1.04-91.12; No. 2 spring, ll.l&flLlR; .rprJn- ' 16; No. 2 durum, tl.l4wl.1i; No. 3 durum, $1.1391.14; sample. 1Wc'i)l.fl6. Com No. 8 white. 67(gc; No. 4 white. i66e; No. 6 white. mJiW; No. 6 white. 6imff6iW No. 3 yellow, 67 6c; No. 4 yellow. 6.vp6c; No. I yellow. 6amW4c; No. 6 yellow. MVfcfjir; No. 8 mixed, 6667c: No, 4 mixed. 644T66c; No. 6 mixed. V8t2Hc; No. 6 mixed. 68iffOc: sample. 40066c. Oats No. 1 white. 42Q 43s: standard, 4?ier52i4c; No. 8 white. 41M 42c; No. 4 white. 411W41,V. Barley Malting, 2fr6Rc; No. 1 feed. 644JC9C. Rye No. 2, 92Kc: No. 8. 901e. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street: rt Icle! Open. H1h. Tow. Close.! Yes' y. W heat I I May.ll 27H0I I 1 26H juiy.n wrw Corn. I MayJ77iflTil July.!?"-1! 1 2T 1 19S! 115141 VtH I 27,28 I 18T419 IT1 1 l.HA TW4 46i miA 77HA, 771 uats. May. 48ffV 4SI 48i'4A W41rA4 July. Pork. Jan.. May. Lard. Jan.. May. Ribs. 7ei. IX 871,4 46 KB 47 18 95 19 25 10 17H 10 87H 10 86 10 72H I 18 T5 19 10 10 (KV, 10 26 18 76 19 10 19 25 10 1?H 10 35 10 37V4 1 ZiVi 10 1?4 10 35 io raw 10 2b Jan. . 10 4?i! 10 774 10 32Vd 10 8.m May.HO 75-72 10 Kn in 5 A-Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featoree of the TradlaaT mm Cloelnc Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Increasing receipts and the growing difficulties of shippers had a bearish effect today on wheat. The result was a henvy close, at lVifi'lNc net decline, with May at $1.25V1.2r.H snd July 81.17V Other leading staples, loo. sll showed a setback; corn, c to Vc; oats, lc to and provisions, 2ic to Uo. It waa a nervoua and Irregular market In wheal, but moat of the Ume, and es pecially in the last hour, the changes were down grsde. The temporary rallies were based In the main on what provm to be Illusive hopes of a generous export business. An advance In vessel rates from Argentina gave some further traiw slant encouragement to the bulls, and so alsu did reports that the movement from Australia during January and February would be light. Gradually, however, the bears acquired the advantage, for Europeans were said to be offering to recall at a substantial reduction In prices, and there was word of a decided Increase in the stock pile at Minneapolis. Much addlUonal signifi cance in regard to the accumulation of supplies seemed apparent when announce. mrnt was made later that arrivals aH primary points totaled nearly twice tej amount of a year ago, whereas sh ments displayed a material falling off. Depression In the wheat market grew more pronounced on account of shipping contracts here being made enforclblej only as soon ss the railway embargo at the east is removed. Even on that basis, not more than 17u,nnn bushels was dis posed of. snd the aggregate of the day'w export business for the whole United Htstes waa estimated as not surpassing at the most 500.000 bushels. Corn gave way with wheat, despite some sales to Europe, and notwithstand ing new high record quotations at Llver 7ool. Receipts here wss Increasing, but very slowly. Oats reflected the action of com. Selling preasure though was not much In evidence. Provisions sagged because of the down turns In the hog market, and In grain, packers were on the selling aide, provisiona. The msrket wss fairly well auatslned, however, by speculative de mand. In later transactions the market ruled eaay, yt line with hogs. It was said that scarcity of feed was causing the sacrifice of live stock to an unusual extent. BUTTER I-ower; creamery, 2248004,0. EGGS Higher; receipts, 3,010 cases; firsts, 2c; ordinary firsts. 27H4T28c; at mark, cases Included, ?lalc.. POTATOES Higher; receipts, V, csrs; Michigan. Minnesota and Dakota white, 9ftci1l.02; Minnesota and Dakota Ohlos, IsXiSI . POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls. l6Hc; spHtiaa. 15c; turkeva. 1H. Chlraro Cash Price Wheat: Vo. 2 red $i.27: No. 8 red, $1.24; No S hard $1.2r4fl1 .23: No 8 bard. 81.W4M.20. Corn: No. 2 yellow, old, 7"4e; No. 4 yellow, new. 70TV72c: No. 4 white, new. TO'vfame. Oata: No. 3 white. 4M"Ubr: standard. mtiVtr. Rye? No t. 9H Barley: tMSi 7c. Peeds: Timothy, 8H.OtVrS.00; clover $10.ffn9.on. Provisions: Pork, $17 7M1 IS TV lard. 8T8TMM0.0?',,; ribs, rHfl 10.3TH.S Mlaaeapolle Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. T WHEAT May $1.3rl.?!S; July. t1 rlMjl 21V; No. I hard. $1.2f: No. 1 northerns $l.i2V4fH.;34 No. 2 northern. $1.17SHl.20'i. CORN No. S yellow, 745c. OATH No. 9 whits, iV'aAMr. FLA Xtl tVr2 26. FI X 1 R Un c ha nfed. BARLEY etfcjj 7c. IYE-fiHc. HilAN-llS 0OS18.25. Kaasaa 4'lty U KANSAS CITY 'I aad PratUloai. Jan. 7-WIIKAT-No. 1 hurd. $1.1411 Ik; No. 8 red. t:v X. JJav, 1 ! Vfl July, $l.iVitl H 'OHX- I nchanced : No ! nliw( iki. No. I white. ('.c; Ku, 1 ytlluw. Wc; j No. 8, &tftttc; Maj, Sc; July. TJtf 73He. ATR Unchansed- No. 2 white. 4.1 J 4c- No. t Mixed. 8XTIT. BUTTFR Oeamery. 83c; firsts. 81c; seconds. J"V: narking. ISr. Fi!H-Firsts. Vtc; seronda Jnr. POULTRT Hens. 12V; turkeys. 17c; springs, lie, NF.W YORK flRXERtL MARKET 4altlM of 1tf Iay Varleea Commodities. NEW YORK, Jan T.-PIOUR Quiet. WHEATSpot easy: No. 1 durum. $1.87 f. o. b. New York, No. 1 northern. Dululb. $1 3l'ii, and No 1 northern. Man! lobs. It.n. c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, tin settled: Mav, $1.34 CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow. 85'jc. prompt shipment. OATS-yutt. No. 9 white. 4!trV5. HAY-ltnaettled: No. 1. $l.J0fl'l 22'-. HtPS-Qulei; siste. common to choice, 1916. ltJSSe; 1914, frOV; Paciflo Coast. 1915. lltjl.V; 1914 KtllOc. HIDES Steady; Bogota. 300310; Central America. 19c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. HO $4c; seconds. 824T1V;. PROVISIONS-Pork. quiet; mess, $1900 019 50; famllv. $AKOmr21.00; short clear. $19,50421.00. Beef, stesdy; mess. $1926t 19.75: family. $!90iiils 'm. Lard. easy, middle west. $lo.ltooa. TALLOW Quiet; city. 8c; country. 74 Wc: special, c. BUTTER Steady: receipts. tubs; creamery, extras. 33fl.l4c; creamery, flrsla, iSft:Uc: eeonnds. JfttJTV. E( (. Steady; receipts. 4.77 casa,i. fresh gathered, extra fine. 874ic: extra firsts. 86c; firsts. SSyffttc; seconds, Slttf 33i CIiEESE Firm: receipts. 1,044 hones; slate, whole milk, flats, held, apeclala. 174JVc; same, average fancy, n't'rfUSc; same, current make, sieclal. l7'rl7Se; same, average fancy, l6Vnlc. POULTRY Dressed, quiet: fresh killed chickens. lMf21c: fowls, irqfUSc; turkeys. 244T3SC. Live, firm; western chickens. 15c; fowls. 17ipM7Hc: turkeys. JutiV. vnAHA uE,nr,nb nani,i FRUITS Oranges: Cai. navels, 64s. $:.00 box: Cal. navels, t"s, i.'2b box; Cal navels. 9ts. 100s. $2 60 box: Cal. navels, 126s. $3.00 box; Cal. navels. 150a, 17m, :va, 824a, $3a box; al. navels, Jltis, V0, $3.60 box. lemons: Extra fancy fal. Sun klst, tuns, sans, $o.00 box; extra fancy Cal. Red Ball. $4.50 box. Urapefrult: 86a, 4ia, Ms. $3.50 box; 64s, 90s, 8.1.75 box; Clear water a-renefmlt. all slsos. 14 25 liox. Grapes: Emperors. H.b&b.m keg; Mala gas, rr.OOdJw.oo bhl. Crsnberrlea: Bhl., $1200; box. $4.00. Rsnanae: Medium alxe bunchea, $1 MlwIl.Tb: medium else Juni boes, $ bunch; medium slxe Jura boes, $26y2.75 bunch; extra larxe J"m boes, '41.125 bunch; mammoth jum boea. 84.50ti8.76 bunch. APPLES (Barrels) Ben Davis. Illinois. $3.25: Jonathans. O. & J.. 8-l.sO; Jonathans. Kansas. $4.00: Missouri Pippins. Slsr, $8.50l Oenitons, Stsr, $3.50: Jonathans, Star. $3 50: Ben Davis, Missouri. 3.26; Black Twigs IHhleld), $4.50: Black Twigs (Comm.), $4.00; Hen Davis, Star, $3.L'u; Daminns, Bechtel a, $400; Ben Davis, Bechfel's. $4.00; Willow Twigs. Beehtel's, $4.00; Ramanltes, Beehtel's. $4.00; Genltons, Hechter's, $4.00; Wallbrldge, Bechtcl a, $4.00. BEEF CTJTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 18V,c; No. 2, 16ttc; No. 8, 12Hc. Chucks: No. 1, 9c; No. 2, Mci No. 3, 84:C. Loins: No. 1, 20Vic; No. 2, lSc; fio. i 14c. Rounds: No. 1. 13Hc; No. 2. 1214c: No. 3. 11ic Plates No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 8rc; No. 8, 7c. APPLEH tBoxes) Rome Beauties, 9ns, 31.75; extra fancy Jonathans. Washing ton, 82.00; Newton Pippins, $'-'.00; Arkan sas Blacks, $3.75; Wagners. $2.25: Ieli. -ous. 82 60; Grimes' Oolden. $2.J J'ear matnes, $2.36; Staymen Wineeaps. extra fancy, Waahlngton, $2.00; Spltxenburgs, Washington, fancy, $2.60. Cider: Nehawka. $3.26 keg. V EG ETA BLE8 Potatoes; Red River Chios, 90c bu.; whites. 81.00 bu. Sweet Potatoes: Kansaa. $3 60 bhl.; Jer seys, $1.76 hamper. Onions: Yellow, 2140 lb.; red. 2'4 lb; Spanish. $1.75 crate. Cu. Cumbers. $2.0 dos. Peppers: 50c basket. Cauliflower: $2.75 crate. Brussel Sprouts: JOc lb. Cabbage, r lb; red. 2Vc lb. New Beets, Carrots, Turnips: 50c dos ; old, IHo lb. Head Lettuce: $1.00 dos; crates, $4.00; leaf. 40c dox. Radishes. 6O0 dox. Cel. ery: Jumbo. 90c dox; Michigan, $2.00 box; Parsley: 60 dos. Eggplant, $1.50 dos. Ruta bagoes. lHc lb. HONEY Comb '24 sections), $3.75 esse; Airline, (2 dos. 6-0 x. tumblers). 11. HO rase. Figs: New, twelve 10 ox., (Sc case. Dates: Dromedary, (30ai, $2 81 case; stuffed, walnuts, $1.8! box; fard dates, 12c lb. NUTS Peanuts: No. 1 raw. 6Hc lb: No. 1 roasted. s lb.; Jumbo, raw, 8Vo lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 9Hc lb.; mixed nuta. 16c; almonds, Pukes. 15c lb.; English wal nuts. No. 1, lostc lb.; English walnuts, No. 2. 13Hc; filberts, 15c lb.: pecans. 12'4o lb; pecans, jumboes. He; Braxlls, 18c lb. P5P(,ORf-No. 1. rice. 4c lb.i 40 l-lb. packages, 82.50 caae: Nebraska white, ac cording to quality, 2'c!iT314)C lb. MISCELLANEOUS Cornpops. $3.28 ease; cornpops. H esse. $1.66: komettee, $3.28 rase; komettes, H ease. $1.65; check ers. $3.50 case; checkers. Vi caae, $1.76; cracker lack, 83.60 case; cracker Jack. case, 81.76; chums, $1.50 case; chums. caae. $175: salted peanuts, $1.25 can; horseradish, $1.75 case. St. Loots Orala Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. T. WHEAT No. I red, $1.28471.30; No. 2 hard nominal; May. $121; Julv, $1.14i. CORN No. 2, 71Vic; No. 2 white. 71W 72c: May. 74T4fr75c; July. 75S.C. OATS No. 2, 44,-lHct No. 2 white nominal; May, 46'ic; July nominal. Llrerao Grata Market. LIVERPfXJL. Jan. 7-WHEAT-Spnt, No. 1 Manitoba. 13s 4Vd: No. 2. 13 3'd; No. 8, 18s H1; No. 2 hard winter, new, 12s 6d. CORN Spot American mixed, new, 10s 2d. Cotton Market. NTUW YORK, Jan. 7. COFFEE The market for oof fee futures was higher again today on a broadening demand from Wall afreet and cotton trade sources which seemed to bsve been Inspired by the recent advance in freight rates from Brasll to New York and apprehensions of Increased dl f leu 1 ties of Importation. The market had a comparatively quiet opening and at first prices were only 4 or $ points higher, fcut buying became more active during the middle of the dsy and active months sold 1725 points above last niybt's closing fix urea with July touching 7.26e and October 7.60c. Tha close was within a point or so of the best st a net gain of lfca2( points. Sales, 67.760 baps. Quotations: Jsnuarv, 6.Sc; February. 6.96c- March. 7.04c; April, 7.09c: May. 7.14c; June. 7.19c: Julv. 7 24c; August, i. 29c: September. 7.3Tc: October, 7.88o; November, 7 44c: December. 7.4!ic. Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7s, 7ic: Santos 4s. 914c. The enst and frelirht market seemed rather iregulsr and unsettled, led owing pertly to delsy In receiving firm offers It wss reported thst there had been a smal ssle of Santos 4s at 8 90c, but it waa thought that this might have ben an old offering, and later offeree were quoted at about 9.0ivfr9.3rt feaaed on credits. Owing to the holiday there were no official cables from Brs xlllan msr'.ets. I Omafea flay Market. HAY Prairie, choice upland, $J 6(Vif 10 00, muat be extra choice to hrinir 910 00- No 1. $X !0r?j9 5ft; No. 8. 86. 50&8 50 : No. 3. 84 80 S 50. Choice midland, WflOjW &O, must be extra choice to bring $9 60: No. 1. 87 60 TX SO; No. 1. ITMrrjSW): No. 2. 85 5flW7 50 No 3. 64.rAf5M Choice lowland 37.00 7.tjo: 10 1. w; No. i. 8n.rmM.ns; No 3. $4 Ortit- 00. STRA W Choice wheat, $S.fVi.50; oat or rye. t6 0.50 ALFA UFA Choice, 312 tf?M2 50; No. 1. 810SO.mi.6fl; No. 2. $9 5010.00; No. 3. $Y00 S.OO. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jsn. 7 COTTON-Kpot, steady: middling uplands, 12.55c; sales, 700 bales. Futures were steady: January, 1I.36c; March. 12.56c; May. 12.75c; July, 12.94c; Oilier. I2 5c. The cotton market closed verv steady and from 7 to 13 points net higher. Cotton futures closest very stesdy: Jan uary. 12.36c; March, 12.5ft-; May, U.87c; October l63r. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 7. COTTON Spot, easier; good m'ddllng. .65d: middllnr. 8.22d; low middling. 7.73d. Sales. 10,000 baits. Sagar Market. N'FW YORK, Jan. T. STUQAR Raw, eaay: rentrlfugwl. 4 8SrJ)4 6I; molasses. 3.6tS.75c: refined quiet. Futures opened quirt snd st noon prices were about un changed. Evaporated Aaples aaa Dried rralts NEW YORK, Jan. T. EVAPORATED APPLES-Dull DRIED -FKl'ITB Prunes and sorlcol. firm. Peaches, quiet and steady. Raisins! tuiit OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade it About Study Sheep and Lambs Steady. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA. January 7. 191. Receipts were: l atne. linrs- Sheep, Official Mnndnv X HI STt 11.S64 Official Tuoadav lv WW V1 n Official Wednesday .... 6 81.741 7.9M Official Thnrs1a" ,...4! 20.524 7. lisllmate Friday 13.500 $.000 Five days this week 125 93.733 Fame days last week 19.071 61,547 Same days 3 wka. ago 16.731 70.239 iame days 8 wka. sen I7.9M 66.519 Same days 4 wka. ago 27,077 63.70 bema . 1 . .... . 1 60.56) 84.70 aa.vei 51 07 W.iilS 6..:i3 " jr, i,i , , lh foiiow.iiu table snows the rec Cll'tS , vv.,t., nogs ami sneep si jmiaha Live Stock market for the to date as compared with lat year ... 1916. 1915. Inc. Cattle jsn ji pia .1M) '"ga uj-jw a;,,) ,5S Sheen 1 i u the yertr Deo. 10,721 The following table shows the av prl.-ee of hogs at ths Omaha live market for the last few days, with farisons: -erase stork com- 1915 114 '1913. H9I3. 1911. 11(110. 1 7 02 7 tVtii M 8 08 $ 98i 7 49. 7 1 3 I 7 97 8 11 7 04 9 66 T M1 6 rfl 7 7 86'M 7 fcil 7 r $ 96 7 791 8 .90 TI 7 14 7 U7 6 ' 7 7 9 90 3 7 05 T S5 I 96i 7 891 31 Shi,, T 04 7 56 7 96 Ml 7 r 8 8) 4 T 14 7 bi 7 081 I 7 71; 9 21 Date. 1916. 11916. 11914.11913. 11912. 11911. 11910. Jan. l. I 7 19 7 6 7 HH OS, I 8 $4 Jan. 8. Jan. 3. Jan. 4.. Jan. 6. Jan. . Jan. 6 . Jan. 7.. Date. Dec. K Dec 84 l'ec 28 Dee. J6 IVa 87. IVc, 7X. De. r. Iec. 80. leo. 31. 7 811 7 09 0rt 7 81 7 80 7 1.1, 6 90. 9 02! 8 30 7 ul I Sl) 7 H 3 SJ 7 l t, ii 7 7' 9 47 8 89I 7 62I 0j 7 43I 8 61 9 9s) 7 62 00) 7 4 i 8 ol 7 98 7 11 I 7 91 6 M "Sunday Holiday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the L'nlon Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RBCEIPT8 CARS. CaUle.Hots.SheeP.Hrs. ! At SI. f 8 Wabastt 7 17 50 48 7 04 i'J 7 02 I 1 64 6 74 6 72l 7 00 10 1 1 89 24 8 M 3 19 1 6 45 4 1 4 9 3.. 3 19T 34 1 HEAD. Missouri Pacific .... I nl 11 Paciflo 13 C. N. W.. east .... 3 C. N. W.. west .. 9 C. St. P., M. AO. C, H. A Q., east .... C, B. A Q., west 8 C, R. R. P., east 2 C, R. I. A P., west .. Illinois Central .... 1 Total receipts. . . 46 DISPOSITION Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co $l 1.6K0 250 Swift and Co 26 2.57 3, HI Cudahy Packing Co. .. 816 2.256 1,06 Armour A Co 329 3,l0 3.563 Schwartz Co 334 J. W. Murphy 8.72 Lincoln Packing Co.... 83 W. H. Vanssnt Co 19 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 84 Hill A Son 6 F. B. Lewis 43 J. B. Root A CO 49 L. F. Husx.. 2 Roaenstock Bros 3 F. (. Kellogg 1$ Werlhelmer A Degen... 81 4 H. F. Hamilton .1 Sullivan Broa 4 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 44 Christie 16 Hlgpins 8 Roth 10 Meyers 21 ' .... Baker, Jones A Smith.. 7 John Harvey 49 Kline 13 Other buyers 143 .... 72 Totals..,) 1,740 U714 9,12 CATTLli Receipts were light this morning ss usual on a Friday, but the total for the five days la large, amount ing to 39,125 head, the heaviest of any recent week snd Isrger than a year ago by almost 8.000 head. While there were not enough cattle on sale thla morning to really Interest buyers there was a fair demand and the meager offerings changed hands In very decent season. Prices psld for all kinds were practically steady with yes terday, although buyers were not quite so eager for the common to medium kinds as they were yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice yearlings, $8 6000.00; good to eholoe peeves, ss.wkms.iu; rair to good peeves. $7.25u.O0: common to fair beeves, H K 7.25; good to choice grass heifers. $6.0 7.00; good to choice pass cows, o.&u4ji Jfi; fslr to good cows, $&.0nnr6.fi0; common to fair cows. $3.764MV00; good to choice feed era, $6.tKu7.60; fair to good feedera, $6,259 6.90; common to fair feedera, $5.004J.25; good to choice stockers, 86.751Sr7.36; fair to good stockers. 86.o04rt.76i common IV fair stockers, $5.00'(rii.Oi); stock heifers, $5 5Otf.50: stock cows, $4.50M.OO: stock calves. 36.flniir7.60; veal calves, $7.004i.6O; bulls, stags, etc., S4.50trt4.36. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, Ne. At. Pr. No. . pr. MM 7 Mr f l 9 W7 II II 10 M II 1M I 14 M 7 CM) 11 m in an tt 1 11 ' : 7 II liw 7 so 16 1'" 7 M IS.... u t 0 It ! 7 A" in t n H t 71 14 mi I I STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 ?7 4 m II til T 91 24 970 7 SO II M 111 COW8. 974 4 K I 31 4 M leu 4 n 1 on 1 no tin 1 m 1 Ill U I Ill I M I l 6 M U 1017 I 76 IS 1101 I U lias on lxu it 10 STI If, 14 til IN HEIFERS. SM I SO T 414 M 2 171 I M I IhS I 7 13 7I I 00 ..I (14 II till 21, l t 41 III 4 1130 40 4 74 74 HULLS. 1 1M I 00 1 106 I II 1 1440 I 1 1T70 I 14 1 J4M I an I I , 1 UK) I M I IKS) t 00 1 1430 A , CALVES. I 41 4 Ml 7 97T I M I 1 t 411 74 1 ! I IN) 1 140 Id 1 7 on 1 1 S 1 140 I M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 M0 I IS II Ill I I :l J 6 700 40 II 7b0 I so 11 W 64 It 70 M HOOS Supplies were large again to day, estimates calling for W cars, or 13.50U huad. The total for tha week to dste of 8.1,733 hesd Is larger than for any similar period in a long time, being 22,000 head heavier than a week ago, 13, VO head larger tnau two weeks sgu snd 25,0u0 heal greater than for the same week a year ago. Earlv advices from other markets were. If anything, of a slightly discouraging nature. In spite of this, and the fact thst receipts were so heavy, shippers started out early buying evervthinar thst suited them, readily, at a VrflOc advance. Most of their purchases ranged at $6. 754. 35, the latter price being the day's top. Packers made their opening bids at prices that were no more than stesdy, and actually succeeded In buying a few hogs that did not look to be much higher than yesterday. Most traders were ask ing ss much aa 10c higher figures, how ever, snd with shipper furnishing such ken comrM,iloM nicker araln were forced to fall Into line, and !n the end nisds the big share of tl'eir purchases on a 50iloc h t-lo r As was the caae yeeterdav. movrrnapt was hardlv as ac tive ini'ht hue been ernected. but a very decent clearance had been made by shortly riftcr Id o clock. Bulk of the sales landed at $6 65474 80, big strlntrs selling st 86 7016 76, and tops reached 96. Vi. Aa compared with laat week's clo.e nrl ee .how a lotffir.e ad vance, despite the fa' t that supplies so far thla ve-k . losely approach record in,,' arm. Representative sales; Nw At. Sll. r. Ma. Aw M. w it . Tt . 171 110 4 64 II tit , w. 7 ... a aiu. tn vl 14 a 7 4 BM M N J' ' n IZ J - n ... 7 7 M ... I SO 3 tzt 4 T I UO .. w ,9hS SI 4 16 PIGS. i' so ... 4 as I so ... 1 as It ... 61 M7 ... t 9 SHEBP ReceipU were (onerous for a Friday, some thirty-four cars, or $ 000 head, arriving. This is ths largest run to show up since Tuesday. Total for the five daya is 60.67, a 1400 gain ever laat week and 17.0H0 larger than two weeks ago, but smaller than last year by 16.000 head. On first rounds packer bids were, if anything, easier en everything except the best stuff, and trade naturally opened out pretty dnlL Iter on things firmed up. and while trade waa a Utile rirasgy all the way through H turned out fairly satisfactorily, the liberal Friday nm clearing prellv well at generally steady prices. One hiinrh of choice light wetbl lambs reached $1006. the highest price paid since June. Rulk of the offerings sold at $76f9.90, with a few bunches as high as $10,00 Clipped lamb tops moved "P a dime. $.7o being paid for another cut cf the ones thai sold at $ 60 yes terday. This week's market has shown the bia-gest sdvam-e reaiatered during any similar period In a long time, current values being all of 7.V ahoxe 1at Friday. Kwea were In scant supply snd sold In about the same notches as yesterday. Rest reached $ 50. while two loads of Mexicans that carried a thin end went under a light aoti at $.0o. Heavy year ling, a sain brought $70. Aged sheep and yearling prices are around 50c above a week ao. As has been the case most days of this week no feeders of couseipienc e were offered, two or three little bunches of thin ewes maklnc up the supply. What few- feeders have Iweii here Ihl week have sold higher than at any lime last fall, a high aa $9.00 being paid for feed ing lambs. There continues to lie a fslr Imiuiry for feeding and shearing lambs, some of the latter having sold t 86.96 esrly In the week. Quotations on sheep and lambe: Uninj. rood to chol.-e. $9Vtfl0 05; fair togood. t9.Wfc9.96; lamba. clipped. $ 9"ji vearllngs. good to choice light. $'j.'AT 8 50; vearllnaa. fair to choice heavv, 87io iT76; wethers, fslr to choice. 50r,r7.5: ewes, good to choice. $6 2Mf50; ewes, fair to good. $. 00(1625. Representative sales: No Av- rr 42 Montana lambs ' J m t'9 fed lenina ? 206 fed lamb ' 194 fed lambs " H 74 Montana lambs " 2ffed lamb W " 20 fed ewes I"1' J JO 2!9 fed feeding lambs 95 9 10 1.-.3 fed ewes H? M Jl lambs l fed lamba 74 10 0 I fed lamba 93 9 00 4s9 fed yearlings HO " CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKF.T Cattle rirm llosra Weak Sheen Firm. CHICAGO. Jan. 7.'-CATTLB-Receipts. 2 000 head; market firm; native 1 eef t.ere $6:vn950; western steers. Srt.Sifie) 10; cows and heifers, $3. intra. 40; calves. $7.lfl,10.7.".. HOOS Receipts. 53.A10 head; market weak, unchanged to 100 lower; bulk, $.M) 17.10; light, ti 6i4T7.fl0; mixed, $6.7fii'.20: heavy. $4.7.'jt'7.20; rough, $i.75l.86; pigs. $u.inn4 7). SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta 15,00) head; market weak; welhera. 8i.Orii7.!1; ewes, $5.00tu.W); lamba, $.00lfl0.i10. Sloes City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Jan. 7 CATTLE -Receipts. 6"0 head; market strong: nativ eleers, t.2iV97.rpO; butchers, $;l.oon.f ; cow .. and heifers, 25; cannera, $:i.;5tl4.,o. stockers and feetlers, $fi.90si7.3U; bulls, Btsgs. etc., $4.;Vn6.O0. HOOS Receipts. 11,000 head; market stesdy to 6c lower: hesvv, H75'tii.KO; mixed. 6.70irc.7; light. $6.50ftl.70; bulk of sslea, $6.(V66.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1.00) head; market steady; ewes. $6.()tf6.30; lambs, $8.65. St. I. owl Live Stork Market ST. LOftS. Mo.. Jan. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts. l.W head; market steady; native beef steers. $7.50w8.iO; yearling steers and heifers. t3.50cbe.H5: cows. I6.iVku7.00; stock ers and feeders. $Tc.OiKo,7.2i; southern steers. $5.25iS.50; cow-s and heifers, $4.00 S.M); native calves, W00W108O. HOOS Receipts. 15,7u5 head; market stesdy; pigs nnd light, $.(o7.15; mixed and butchers, $7.0frff7.25; good heavy, $7.20 4J7.25. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts. 900 head; market higher: yearling. $7,6068.75; lambs, $9,004)10.25; ewes, $vtJ)'7.75. . Kansas City Live Slock Market. I KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan 7 CATTI.K ueceipis. euci head; market stesdy; prime fed steers. $s.5O'ir.0O: dressed beef steers, $a.7r.1lN.25: western steers. 36 OTW1 M) HOOS Receipts, 14.0UU head; market 5c nigner: nuik, $; heavy, $6.8cim.S:,; i lackers and outchers, $S.7Mp1.90; light, 4.70j.SK: pigs. $4.7.Vnt.2r,. SHEEP. AND LAM BS Recelpta 3 JT0 neaa: marKet nigner; lambs, $9.a5iyl0.10; yearlings, t7.7r8.f5: wethers, ss 7Mi7 I ewes, $i.7iVfJ.75. j St. Joseph I.fve Stock Market. I ST. JOSEPH. Jan. T. CA TTLE Re Icelnta, 300 head; market steady; steers, i $6.5U4i.0O; cows and heifers, H.OWjjpS.60; fiivrn, en.vlTf.4.n. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 1000 head; market firm; lambs, $J.CHy'J,s5. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live rtock from the flvs prin cipal western markets: Cattle Hogs. Sheen. omaha l,3c) 18,500 K.flO) Sioux City ano ll.OJ) Chicago 1,000 J.011O Mm Kansas City oo 10110 3 200 St. Louis 1.400 15,700 I0J Total receipts 6,800 108,200 27.80) Oil and Rosla. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jsn. 7. Tl'RPEN TINE Quiet st 50i6Vvc; sales, none; re ceipts, iui nDis.; shipments, 117 bbls Stocks. 22.64 bbls. ROBIN Firm: tales. W7 bbls.; receipts. num., iiiilimicma, ,i nnis. ; stocks lOh.Kix bbls. Quotations: A. B, C. D, 10 on r, i.wi: , n.pns s.i; tt, 35.BO05 S); L $6.96; K, $6 05; M, $6.6(1; N, $7.00; WU $7.25; WW, tlM. Death Comes to George Crossley His desire to attend the funeral of Gen eral Dodge was the means of causing a seoona tragedv In the family of Oenrge W. Crossley, whose sou, Trof. Bruce crossley, was killed a year ago when caught In the flywheel or an engine on the 1,000-arre farm seven miles from Council Bluffs. Air. crossley csme to Council Bluffs late Wednesday afternoon and stopped at-the Kiel hotel. He was found uncon scious In his room late Thursday morn ing with the room filled with Illuminating gas that had escaped from a burner. He died Friday evening without having re Sained consciousness. Dr. A. V. Hennessey was called and after his serious condition wss noted Mr. Crossley wss hurried to Mercy hospital. Mr. Crossley retired early In the even ing, complaining of feeling tired and ill. There were no calls from the room dur ing the night, and the presence of the gas was not detected until after o'clock yesterday morning. The transom was open and employes of tho hotel quickly traced the escaping gas to the room oc cupied by Mr. Crossley. When the door wss forced he was found lying on the bed In his night rotes and entirely uncon scious. The gss jet In the room was found to be ,artly open and the escaiw of the vapor nad been very slow. It Is bell. thst Ms-. Crossley arose during- the nlht snd had lighted the gas, and when he had turned It off had acci dentally struck ths vslve In withdrawing his hand. Mr. Crossley had been In poor health for several years, and It waa owing to this fact that his talented son resigned his position In the faculty of the Ames Agricultural college and devoted his time to the management of the big farm. The father was terribly shocked when his son received his fatal Injuries. Ha had been greatly depressed since. He had always been a great admirer of General Dodge and despite his feeble health Insisted upon coming here to attend the funeral, Jdr. Oossley was about 70 years old. Melal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7.-METALS-I,A $6 90. Spelter not Quoted. Copper flrm: elec.trolyUo, t23 76fr24 - Iron, firm; No' I northern. $J0.2cp'j 76: No. I $1 75(430 S: No. 1 southern, $A) OutgO) 50; No. 3. 119 ,bti 80 85. Tin quiet: spot, 843.00 bid. At Lo7 don: Spot copper. J87 10a; futures, :87 ids electrolytic-. 11. Spot tin, 178 lw fu tures. 174. Antimony, 13. Lead 83 15s. 6plur. M, NEW YORK jTOCK MARKE1 Conflicting Elementi Onide Conrtr of the Market. miCES FROM HEAVY TO WEAK NEW YORK, Jan. 7. -Conflicting ele ments guided the mursc of today's sctivi market in a considerable extent. Durlni the forenoon sentlmmi remslned undei the spell of denrcarlon or rautlnn engen dered by the Gary statement and prlef ranged from heavy to weak, some spe lialllea yielding 3 to 6 points, while high priced Issues suffered more severely. In the last half of the session material re coveries, running Into substantial net galna. were registered, the improvement being concurrent Ith the report that Merlin ), accepted Washington s terms In the matter of the Liisltania case. I nlted Stales Mrcl. the bellwether of the market, had been In free supply dur ing the early operations at S. yesterday low price, hut on the upaard movement of the afternoon It advanced to g7Uj, clos ing at Us best. other shares, notably American Can nnd pelroleuma. aa well as copper and miscellaneous laauae. rose spiritedly from low levels, and General Motora, which registered an early loss of -t points st 415. rclxoin.ied to 4.). Kails also ,arilipHted In the rise, al though to a smaller extent. A feature of this irrnup waa the better Inuulry for Is sues of minor toads at a material gain toward the close. Among the other specific movements was that of Mercantile Marine preferred, which made an extreme advance of 3" to ,9' on unoiflrlal statements purport ing In give an outline of the proposed re organisation. Tolal sales of stocks MK'.iiMr-n: t mj.ihi snares. the new low recoid of 73 on some early offerings, but Hosed at Tt, yesterday's minimum. Anglo-French 5a rose to SnH. their high quotation of recent weeks and i'h . frl'l'n of the syndicate price. The known movement of money during the week points to an Increase of local bank reeervee tomorrow, largely as a re sult of additional gold importa New llnancing by railroads and Industrial cor porations are expected shortly. lionds were firm with more diversified trading. Total sales, par value. $4,320,000. lrjieu .Mates bonds Were unchanged on Number of sales and leading quotatieae on stocks were as follows: Aie new ?ES- "i1- Ti0? AIHs-4 Calmer lc a 11 JacT American Best rlusar ... I ooo r?V4 uku tw American Wn 46 t .1lJ American Ixxmnotlye .... 4 noo t 441. , American n a R I4.KX) 111 in 1HIU. Am. 6. A R pfr) mo m lli Am. Kunr (UMnlns 8.000 1114 Liik iirJ Amsrlcm Tel. A Tel ..... Ji;2 Amerlenn Tohaerat I.."! VH Aniomia (isppor t.7oe SH u nw '''"""s Vim tots ier 107. y lwln LnromcMIra U.tix) 4 no jiiru ..alltlninr Ohio lino (U Mu MJ' lirllilehm Hlsei ,,. 42 lirnokiyn Rapid Tr . (Wlirnrnta Poimitum .... li.ina rru, ui I, (anactlsn Psc-trio I.teo im IT lHU, Central IjMlticur I.teo 64t4 a 61W 1 h-cupesic A otu 1,100 aia a u hlra U. W H 'liinuio, 14. A Hi. F t,7m ism mo4 Jims N. W e 131 ill iu; I'lilcaso. K. I. ch P. Ry.. i If ft S ( hlno optxr Or 6 MW II u I'olnracln rlci A Iron I Sen II o rrurlhla RcmI 10. en 4 ta'i stv lcnv.r A H. O. pli so 11 u u m, nutlllsrs' HcK-urltlaa .... 4 on 47 4u ." 4U ;u (tanerai Rlantne mo n itj it Oroat Nnrlhsra sol 1.7n0 Sk IM 13474 Urit No. Or ells 4.I0S 0U 4 4u Ousssnhslm Bsplocnatloa.. en S114 vjxi j Illinois Ontral tn 3074 lm luTV Inlerhnransh One. Corp.. t") 9 MS fl ln.plr.lloo Cflpr 11604 46 464 .,'t Inisrnailonal Harvasur... an lwt pwu 10.1, Ktnai i lly Boutbsra.... ano tlj irev i,s Icshlah Vallsy l.iss si 14 lu ul ixcui.vtu. a Neahyllls... tna lux, 1B4 ui; Meiltwn Petrnltum 71.700 tlM 112. Ijccu Miami Ooepar (.400 Mil IA Jv. Miumiri. K. A T. ifl..., Mls-mirl Psrlflo Nulnnal Hlcrult Nat Ion. I Iaa , Nevada CVipeer , New York Central N. Y., N. H A H Norfolk A Westers Northorn Pacitlo Paciflo Mail Pacific Tel. A Tal Pnnrlyanla fullmcui Palara Car..,. ty ron. Cntpr 1X1 3o l'i ft ct l.eoo M14 1114 1,1, 10,001) ln 107 4 10 , 1.100 74 ik 7ia ce 111 iti i-is , 8.m) 117 114V! 111, n 4 11 i?v , 00 41 -4 401 41 614 4" MIU 1W.I4 ).',s .np v.6 4 14 ntwdins 4.100 l?s Sit l.-'i mvpuniic inoa m BUtl,,,, a.TC.1 NC4 Sl4 n. Houlhrn Pact flft I rOJ in;, c1 aouihsrn Railway J sen tn rt t..s pMurishahsr Cnmpsny 700 100 1M4 161. Tmnw rnppr tu tm i4 114 mi Tenaa Vmpanr BTV4 jti IJTij l'nlon Tarinn ,K0 llCj 11714 tv, t'nlon f'srlflo nrd tm ui M IU t'nlied HiatM Steal 97.400 ml M : V. S. Steel fard I.jno 11T IITI4 11T", t'lah Ceppar I.ler) r4 1014 an. t'nlon am Mi asi4 i. W'MlnjenmM Rlectlis ... W.lno a, 74 Montana Pownr SO0 T 1 74 Denerml Motors 1.TO 41 411 4M Walath H pfd 4 inn 114 H14 IH lnlrnalnnat Marin pfd. 41 Tew Tn 7 7II Total salsa for tha day. U.on stwrcsi. Dl'.H' ItKVlKW OP TRADK Prepare for Farther Bateasloa of A mertraa Eaterartse. NKW TDRK, Jan. 7.-Dun's Review to morrow will say; Prepsrstlons for the further extension of American enterprises are undertaken with Increased vigor at the end of the holiday sea eon. Iiomestlo finances are In an unusually sound position and fund continue superabundant for all legitimate requirements, while there la no lack of the confidence essential to the launching and promotion of important projects. In the latter respect present conditions af ford a striking contrast to those existing twelve months ago, and, moreover, all of the statist les I barometers emphasise tha changed situation prevailing at the open ing of 191. I'nllke the beginning of 1918. the new year atsrts with a record production and distribution at high prices-In menv lines and an accumulation of rorward contracts that ensures a continuance of the exceptional activity in about all branches of business. With comparative! v few exceptlona. annual settlements have been effected without serious strain and In a number of instances results of in ventorying surpass even the most san guine expectations. Traveling salesmen sre returning to the road and reports from every section of the country tell of brht prospects In the commercial world Si Hsonstile shutdowns at manufscturlng plHnts were very short because of urgent demands; yet. while holiday Interruptions were less of a (actor than usual. It I nevertheless, remarkable that pig iron output exceeded all previous monthly to taia during December. Some fresh labor troubles have developed in the basic In dustry, hut An the whole strikes are not erloiisly disturbing Weekly bank clear Inns were ti.'.S01,04J. New York Money Market. p?? VS- J-MERCANT1LE PA I'Kit 3.11 3V per cent. STKHLl Nfl Sixty dsy bills. $471; de mand, $4.75'4: cablea, $4.7. SILVEH-bar. Uc; Mexican dollars. 4"vc. HONns-aovemment. steady; railroad bond firm. TIMF LOANS Firm; sixty and nlnetv cent' P'' Cnl' montn 2S'J per CALL WONET-Steady: high. I per cent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate " I!?! CI"1 UM .'""I. closing bid. 14 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Closing quotations 011 bonds today wers ss follows: V- 8. rcf. 1. rww ...i Mo. Par. r. la.. 4:1. do eoupon M N' y. r. dab 4a ft'. tJ S. la. IM intwV. T. City 4H. ""IMC. 4o tovpoa 101 14 V y Scat. 4X4. J,a ' V S. 4. r 110 M v.. N. M. 4 do eovpoa 1111 ry. as . mi Panama I. eouoon. in No. Paciflo" 4 lie Am 8mltar I ...11VM, do I . a, A. T. A T 4I4O..107WO. S U ref 'ii!"" aji Armour A Co. 4a.. 14 Pac. T. A T. j ""loin Atchison sen. 4s ... '4Penn. eon 4Wa la.' Hal. A Ohio a 41 '4 do saa. 414 101 1.0. Parlflp 1 ... 9"".iRacllna no. a. 144. I'hM. A Ohio 4a.. 9lkM. I. A H. P r is til! I' I D I 4. ...M So Pae c. Ss.... r m a s r s ..ii do Twt. i?w f B I A P. r. . a-o. R.iiwr le . m . cw. commb racins 4s.... 7' Leadoa Stack Market. LONDON. Jaa. 1.-mariu. - dropped and closed weak, today oa th stock market. SlLVKIi-Har, MU-kM per ouarsv. MONKf-iWq4 per cent. ) ratea, short bllLa nod cl tuciiitha- A iceactionary tendencies were at work In the foreign exchsnge market, sterling falling more than i centa from Its high rate of ths nrevinua H xj.rb. w -. .. vo it. mm sin Erie so. 4a Tw V. g. Rofcbar a....lun. cn Klertrlo ta....1MP S. 6tl la.... iev Ot rfo la 4Ha lootWahaA U4 6a..! 'm. ill CVs, rf. 4 ... I','t. t'atos 4m.'.'. Mel K. C. So. raf. .... Jc-w. lu. n u. If. U A N aal. . ... 'Al-rra4KAl (s MU M K. T. la 4a.. 14 Bid. cent.