WANT AD RATES WANT ADS for the evening edition mmt rmh The Bee Offlc before U o clock noon. WANT APS f. the morning mi Bundav edition must reach The Bm Office before I;li p. m. WANT APS received after thee hour will make their first rper a ace under "Too I.ate to classify" CASli HATKS. Ona time, f cents word. Two or mm consecutive ttmee. 1H rente Ik word, each Insertion. Seven Consecutive time. 1 cent word, each Insertion. CTARoiTRATFrl. Ona rlma, II rent ft lino. Three coneeutlv time, 10 cent a line, each Insertion. Beven consecutive timet. 8 tent a tine each Inwrtlon Thirty consecutive tlmea. 1 cant Una, Mdt Insertion. Count etx average word to th Mn Ne advertisement taken for ieea than cent. K0TICE9. Card of Thank. Death, runerat and Lodta Notice. 10 centa a Una each Irmertlon. Minimum chart M ceo la. Partiae advertising In theaa col Omna anil having their "n" add -eased In care of The Bee will rleaae ask for cards to enable hem to rt their lettera, ea none wtll be delivered except on Pre aantatlon et card. An advertisement Inserted to run until discontinued muit topped by written order. .The ftee will not he responsible for more than the flrat Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Tha Be reaervea the right ralert or rewrite all advertl nentA Ton ean place your want ad ' T Bea hr telephone. TELEPHONE TTfXn tOOO. CARD OP THANKS. TO the many kind friends whose w.or(f" of love and avmpathy and material aid Itav comforted our sorrowing hearts, and for the many loveiy flowers which . o beautifully symbol! the brief life of our beloved Vera, we thank you all. Tlev. and Mra. Tliomaa At. Evana and family. 'DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES ' BUTINT.TT-Anna M.. widow of the late ' Stephen II. Burnett. In her K.th year. Funeral private. Friend are requested I not to send (lower. lONNELLY-Mabel E.. daughter of Sir. and Mra. Jamea Donnelly, at local hos pital. January . 1!1S. Funeral from residence. VM F.mmet street, at 11:30 p. m. to Good Shepherd Episcopal church. Nineteenth and Ohio, 4 p. m.. Saturday. January . Interment Forest lawn cemetery. Auto service. HONEY Jennie, aged 6l. January , at dandy. Neh. ' ... Kuneral from residence. 5S24 North 24th St. at 3 i. m. Saturday. Interment Forest I .awn cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Rlrtha Paul and I.adla1av Veabk'ky, 424 South Fortieth, boy; Domsnloo and Outseppa Battlato. 1338 South Twentieth, J rlrl; Charles and Dora Brown, 4522 North ortleih; Jamea and Minnie Cook, lull South Fifteenth, girl; William and Mary tllbanlea, 2914 K, boy; Owirlea and Anna Herkek, 1823 O, girl; Ignna and Lilly Jeeenaky, 2134 South Thirty-third, boy; Vaclav and Antlionla Kankovaky, 2502 X, hoy; Frank and Anna Krotky, 5222 South Twenty-flrat, boy; Anton and Carolina Koael. 68.') South Nineteenth, Rlrl; Don M. and Marie Moore, 191K' Burt, boy; c. C. and Ethel Muir, 41W Wirt, hoyj Fjirl and Kllen Smith, 4812 South Twenty-fifth." boy; A. U. end Mary Htom. 2l t'aaa, boy; Charlea and Union Tiorney, Ifayette. alrl. Deatha Heaala K Crowder, ST. 2'M) S pa Id In e: Harry O. Homan, 8, 2723 Mere dith avenue; Sarah II. Donaichuo Si, bCi North Twenty-fourth; Ullva Helm, UK 9CM Pirn.! ITratiU Hmtlh if. 1 'hi. ' rnro; John lUpa, f&, SUA I'lne; Hannah Belaendorf, it 84(M Kouth Thirteenth. MARRIAGE LKENSBS. Permit a to wed. have been laaued to the following;: Name and Residence. Age. TiOuta Klerk, Sioux Falls, ft. D :t2 Amelia Kronen, Sioux Fall XI laaao Dlcua, Omaha 74 IaiI Conway, Omaha 55 Frank Gilbert. Omaha 23 Ruth Miller. Omaba 21 Bl'ILUINU PKHM1TS. Nebraska Telephone company, 3301 Har ney, addition, rx; Home Rullder'. 119 to 127 South Thlrty.fifth. brick hospital, VS.M); 11. H. smith. 1S:W South Twentv flfth, frame dwelling, 7.(W0; Smith Brick company. 1323 South Twenty-fourth, auto ahed. ll.OOo. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHIROPRACTIC If alck, regardless of the nntur of your ailment, chiropractic will do for you what no other science can. When all else fall try me and not the dif ference. I adjnt the cause of SO-CALLED "Incurable' ailments and all derange ment peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERO Pbon Tyler 1935. gutto S1J Be Bldg. LEASE FOR SALE on two offices nicely located on second floor THE BEE BUILDING Inquire- of tha Superintendent, Room 103. HitODUCIAARD'B 'Luoky Wedding Kin" at iftih and Douglaa Bta. fcXEKClBK AT Y.U.C.A.-Buineaa men. AUTOMOBILES W lll.Nt EH you are considering aell tng or buying, a uaed far and you want full vlue for your money or you aut peopkt who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no re- ' gret If you buy or advertise througu the uaed car column of The Uee. I'huaa 1 11 HupiuoUile WHijie, else, txjulp. f I l'l Muiulur touring, brand new .. 76 I 11 -cyiuder (udebaker tounog. te0 1 1V1S Holller, -cyllndr tourlim.. x0 1 114 Oakland touring 4 I Meta roadster Li ILf??"-?' ;ju Karnam. I i. 3310. FOR fcALE My Ietrolt el'cTric.old model, but lit excellent condition; prao-tl-ally new batterira; price fcw. W A. M surer. Council Bluffs, la. AUTO TIRES REBUILT. 2. Ml TO tS 00 DUO T1HE CO.. Wll Chbago Bt. IAViNJ cilv. . l-ovli,irtr complei. ly equipped, guvd order; tuake y,,r' riimrnriiti parage. K maka your worn out ainala tire Into uarnnted Duplex tires. ZwJebel llrua Farnam Bt. Douglaa 4K7S. ' 1..1 RAMBLtH touring tar: $0 extra uulyinent. tuch as seat cover, etc : BAl.ClAINd In slightly usd and demon strating lira. . Kaieiwl, E Farnam. I ". roOtKWXRb for any turn an to wa can't repair Coila repaired. lidorfrr, lit i . mm. l-lif. 1-. winter aioraga l,nn cara are j. luted and repaired, Johnson Uanf or; b o. AUTOktOhlLB MUTUAL lisaUHANCis CO.. luugaa 2s it JOK llt lirHT-Aite if.irU.g at Middle rsie rie rtione I yltsr 7. 2 ' i.AmA l"i. a btrh niaiioii. lull ttiueni M. 1 hune I'uu.ua THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANORP PA1I-Y. Answers tfie question "Where to go tonight." Domlasi, EMPRESS 15 & DOUGLAS Hearst-Sellg No. 105. The Thirteenth Girl, 3-reel Vltngrtph The Fable of the Heir and Heiress. Essanay. Ups and Downs. PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLA8. Six reels of Bond pictures. Including good Keystone comedy Norta. C1I1AND, 16TH AND J1INNEY. "The Land of Success," 2-part feature. "The Momler." 1-part drama. "I"n's 1'aeful I'ncle,'" comedy scream. "The Red Circle," No. J. LOTHROP, 24TII AND LOTI1ROP. William Fox present "Nance O'Ncll In "A Woman's Past." Soatfc. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. "A Socletv Schemer," Kalem. "The Ioslntr Game," It-reel Kesnnny. "flhosts and Flypwner," Vltagraih. ROHLFF. 2661 LEAVENWORTH. The Forbidden Adventure, with 1oulse tilann. Mutual masterploce. One reel of (rood comedy. W eat. MONROE. 2556 EARN AM. Mabel Trunnells. In "The Wrong Wo man. Sldnev Drew, in "Their First Quarrel," llcarst-Scllg Pictorial, cur rent events. Hosts Side. BESSE, 24TH & N. Ilearst-Sellg No. 104. Thn toney (lulf, -reel. Kslom, featuring Alice llolllster. In the Hod Circle, chapter 2, featuring Wnth Roland. ORPHBfM, 24TH & M. Kline Kdlunn feature. "Vnnltv Fair." Featuring Mrs. Flak. s tar Features These are Hpeclal ExtraReel Picture now appearlns at tho following Theater: RESSE 24TH AND N. "In the Red Circle," featuring Ruth Roland. LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOT11ROP. William Fox presents Nance O'Ncll In "A Woman's Past." ORPHEUM, 24TII & M. "Vanity Fair," featuring Mr. Ftsk. ROHLFF, 2661 LEAVENWORTH. "The Forbidden Adventure," with Louise tilauin. Mutual maaterplcture. AUTOMOBILES Industrial Uaraga Co.. 80 A Harney Bta. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. SG2e Far. Li. 1001 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARUOY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLKB. Harxain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "Tha Motorcycle Man." 2703 Loavenworlli. BUSINESS CHANCES Offico For ILEAL ESTATE INSURANCE Samo floor as Beo Office THE BEE BUILDING Offico Room 103 . 4i0 BARGAIN. I must sell my news stand by Jan. i 1916; carries full line of cigara, tobacco, candles, magadnes, atatlunary, etc.; good paying business, 34 per cent profit; ran be taken care of by wife while hue band works; two living rooms In rear; reasonable rent; good reason for selling. For further Information, call Colfax IWZ. IV VOI R Business College will stand rigid investigation and la Just what It I advertised, or If you are looking to at art In business for yourself, you will tut perfectly satisfied If you use the Business chance column of The Bee. When buying or selling a business, phone Tyler WOO. NOTICE. All people that are using oil burner and are dissatisfied, please call at Hi W. O. W. Bldg., or phone Bed 32u and make appointment to ace the Miller generator work; no smoke, oot; noth ing but heat. FOH BALU Harneaa ahop In good town In southeastern Nebraska; no competi tion ; will require $) or more to buy. Address F. W. Hubbard A Co., Alexan dria, Neb. L1HT your business with me for quick reauits; ouy, eru ana axi-nange. RELIABLE BAKOAIN CO., Boom . 11a I rd Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3620. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STi MARKET and grocery for aale tn Blous City, la. Big busineas, rine location, money maker. Write at once. Address Y 1X7. Bee FOB SALE On account of stoknaaa, 4- year lease on Brown Park Mineral Spring Baths, Bouth Omaha. U. H. Concannon. THKATKRB Buy, lease or aell your the- aier, macnine anil auppi.e inrougn Theater Fx. Co.. lfl Farnam. D. 1XH7. OFFlCkl for real estate or insurance; same floor aa Bee or rice: 13x21 feet; fJO. The Bee Bldg., Office Boom 103. NINE) furnished rooms, full of roomers. opposite tne Burlington depot. Uooa location. Call Tyler 1M. TO BKLL or buy a buaincoa, call on uuscn A Horgnorr, r renser bik. D. Kill. TO OFT In or out of busineaa call on OANOKSTAD. 413 Bee Bldg. Doug. S477. 6KH Omaha Tbaater Bupply t o. for bar gain In eataniianeii allows, it. ahjo. EDUCATIONAL GET UOYLK3 GHEAT OKFKR FOR THE M1D-W1NTKR TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, moat attractive offer ever made by a repu table bualneas training institution. It's a combination preinlum-aud-cash-rebate offer that will both make you money end save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY SD, IS BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Btenotypy., Touch TycpwritiiiK, Telegraphy and Civil Bervio preparation. Writ, tele, phone or tall tor big 114-page catalogue and iaat issue of college journal. BOYLE 3 COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT Msth and Harney Bta Tel. D. 1J6J. Omaha. Nebraska. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL FTENOORAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day Bchoot for Young Wonw-n. Kvenlng Bvhool for Young Men and omvn. taiuiday morning class In typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Orner and Manager. U. Uih tU Omaha EDUCATIONAL- BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For rah-, with good reasons for sell ing, a vsHety of courses In a reliable Kindness Hrhool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very rcasonabl--a we y below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investlsste this at one, since Fall Term begin oon. Call office, Omaha Bee. FOR sale, the following acfioiarahlpa In a flrst-rln-s Omaha Huslneaa College: One unlimited combination business nd shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or ateno graphtc course. Will le aold at a discount at the office cf The Omaha Pee. FLORISTS RATIC S. florists. 104 Farnam flt. D. JK00. U HF.NDKRSO.V. 1XU Douglas. D. 12r.. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HKBS & SWOHOUA, 141$ Farnam St. A. DONAQHLK, 1623 Harney. Doug. 1001. FOR SALE Furniture and Household Good. AUCTION SALE Ilifih Class Furniture 521 N. 19TH ST. Friday. Jan. 7th. at 10 a. m. aharp and Saturday. Jan. xth, at 10 a. m. sharp, wo will sell to tho highest bidder, one hlgh-clnss piano; several good rugs, 9 by 12; brass beds, dressers, buffets, pedestal dining table, dining chairs, mahogany parlor aet, Circassian wal nut dresser, mahogany chiffonier, kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, Ver nls Mnrttn bed, sanitary couches, ward robe, bookcase, gas atove, linens, bed ding, dishes, cooking utensils and hun dreds of article too numerous to men tion. I'OWn AUCTION CO.. AUCTIONEERS. For auction sales and term, call Red S2W. FOR SAI,h-Here is a classification that Is of the utmost Importance to every reader, a thla column offer some ex ceptional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your nrtlc'e at ita full value. I'hone Tyler lono. FOR 8AI.K. 11-foot light oak office counter, ult able for stationery storage; almost new; a bargain. 'i03 Krandrls Bldg. ALL REPAIRS Water fronta, furnace colls, etc. Oulck service. Omaha Stove Jpalr Works, law- Douglaa St. Tyler 20. UARGA1NS IN FURNITURK AND HARDWARE. 18.19 N. 24T1I. WEB. HM7. HhLu hnught and sold. J. C. Reed, tyoojva 1207 Farnam Ht. Pouglaa 814. Horaes and 'ehlclea. Thirty-two mtlk wagon for sale, cheap. Johnson-Psnforth 'o., lth and Clark. IMunoa and Musical Instruments. M W) per month. A. Hoane. ISIS DnuglasT Machinery and Englnea. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, Including ahaftlng, belt and pulley. Everything in tho best of condition. Thla Include moulding machinen, Jointers, band saw, tltltlng table aaws, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas 3g or call 1115 Harney 1., Ueorge II. Io Co. ONE 10-horse ga I, H. C, engine one 6- nme Marseilles ahellcr Wlll 11 or trade ono or both. E. W. Tekamah, Neb. Patrick, It. 3, NEW fecond-hand motor, dynamo. 4 magnotuj. c., mechanical repair. Le UronTilectrlc Works, 31b-aj H. lith St. CAH ILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.3S7. Poultry and Pet Stock. FOR HALE-Now Hx12-ft. chicken house cheap; leaving city. Webster 7470. MXI grain. 1'iQ lha. II. 7S. Wagner, Wl N.1H, Sew Ins Machine. WE rnt- repair, sell needlea and parts of all aewing machine. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' lMh and Harney. Douglas ICC Ntorca and Office Fixture. DKtiKH, afes. scales. howcases. sholv Ing, etc. W buy, aell. Omaha Fixture V Bupply Co., 4 14 -H-Hi B. 12th. Doug. 2724. Typcwrltera. BKNT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $5. Oliver Typewriter Agency, l'Xi f arnnm. TYPE It WIT Kltrt sold, reuwu repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. 11W5 farnam. PKI.IANCK llibbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and inked rliinons. D. VZAZ. RKNT a "Remington'' not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Dou-iia 1ZS4. BUTTS Typewriter F.xchnnge, 31 S. 18th. Bt. All mane ror sale or rent. TYPK WRIT KftS for rent 228 Bee Bldg. Mlscellaneoua. FOR BALK CHEAP, Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the beat Omaha buulneaa schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full prte, hut will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because fall term begin K)n. There are a variety of course tor aale. For particular Inquire at the of fice of The Omaha Bee. FOR KALE New and second-hand carom and pocket minaru taoie ana Dowung alley and accessor lea; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payment. The Bruns-wck-Balk-Collcndcr Co., 4u7-4t 8. loth 6t. FUEE 1 lb. of (Ms Gunpowder or Japan tea with every 10 lbs. of beat loo coffee, parcel poat, at t2.7&. Dave' Coffee Market. Mil Leavenworth Bt., -Omaha, Neb. "WANTED To aell at onee five head of hogs, mare and spring wagon and 40 head of chickens. Addrev U. Brook Ins. East Fort street. Omaha 1 lo-horse power 1. II. C. engine, 1 ft-hole Marseilles shelter; will sen or trade one or both. - E. W. Palrkk. R. 3, Tekamah. Neb. NATIONAL Cash Register; total adder with detail atrip attached; ler.tct order; Red l. Col noil Bluffs. $3.20 Gulden West Whisky, 4 full quarts bottled In bond, prepaid. CacUley Bro., Omaha. COAI. 8 baxkrle delivered, tl; Iillnol vualJ nut or lump, V1.50 per ton. Dougiaa but. DIAMOND LOCKET, mW and ladiea' watches, reasonable. Friedman, 1211 lMiug. M I l.TI'i K AI'll. with motor, A-l condi tion, reasonable. A SM. Bee. HaP WANTEDFEMALE AiiiENTa AND SALESWOMEN. WANTEl Four neat appearing young ladles, IS to U yra. of age. to travel for advertising Co.; aalary or commis sion; previous experience not neceaaary. B. ll. Chichester, Hotel Harney. CLERICAL AND OFFICE. BWUARH PEGS IN SQUARE HOLEB. W find a poaillon that fit you. CO-OPERATIVE HEE. "0. 101&-1 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. BOOKKEEPER iI.AUNI'KYi ... 150 ST K NO. AND BOOKKEEPER SO STENOGRAPHER 45 THE CANO AGENCY, BEE BLfHl. STENO. and Bkkpr.. Bteno., Sieno. and clerk, .; Steno., WATTS BEK. CO.. d0-l Brandeia Theater. fct; FACTORY A NO 1M ADICS. APPRENTICE Oppenhelm. hatrdreseine. nOMKITICI, THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee wtll run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad I- REE until you get the dcaired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Be office or lelt-phuue Tler KHiO. HELP WANTEDFEMALE iioxk.s i it a. WANTKD Competent maid for general housework, famllv of three; no wash ing; good wants. Mrs. Walte H. Squire, 124 N. th Ave. WA NTED Woman or girl for house work, mornings, to 12; one living within walking distance of 24th and Brown. Colfax 4'W. WANTKD Girl for general housework; good wages, good home; 2 In family. Wi22 Underwood Ave. Wal. S429. COM PKTENT maid for general house work; good wag"s; em nil family, llar n e y ar,i. 123 s. M Ave. BKTTLKD woman wanted for house work; small family; small salary and good home Phone Doug. f5t. WANTED Htrl for general housework, $ per week; no washing or Ironing. Ill N. 3ft h Ave. WANTKD Reliable white girl for gen eral housework; 3 In family; plain cooking. Walnut. Vf,. WANTED Otrl to assist with houae work and rare of small child. Plion Mnrney - WANTKD White girl ' for general housework: small family, no children. 2H0 Harney. liar. 6519. WANTF.I Competent girl to do general houeework. Mogy Bernstein, 2215 Utv enport. Doug. flftM. WANTKD (Mrl for general housework; Oerman or Bohemian preferred. Call at Sil Dodge. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Harney 2J0. Mr. F. J. Dwyer, 417 N. 39th. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be plain cook, 333 Wool worth. II. 8.142. WANTED Olrl for general housework; no washing; small family. Ml N. 20th. WA NTED Middle-aged lady for house keeper; German preferred. Tel. D. M46. Wanted Ladles' laundry; neatly done by experienced laundress; cheap. W. 2157. WANTEI Good girl for general house work. J15 B. 37th Ht. Har. 4o2. WANTF.D A girl for general housework; email family. fcSg S. 2f.th Ave. LACE curtains and bundle carefully laundered. Webster 42S3. WANTED Good ccond girl, 3303 Wool worth, If. tH42. WA NTED Woman for housework. Call 2K.K) Charle St. ISCKI,ANOU. YOUNG women coming to Omuha as tranger are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary'a Ave. and l'Hh Bt., where they will be dlrecud to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station .M WOMEN Become government clerks; $J0 month. Write Immediately. Franklin institute. Dep't 608, K, Rochester. N. Y HELP WANTED MALE A4.UNTS, ALESME. sOLK'ITUHK, WANTED A good, steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward' wagon in every county; no experience needed; you furnish team, we furnish working capital: only ambitious men need reply. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward' Medical Company, Winona. Minn. a PIANO salesman for special sale work In Nebraska and B. Dak.; experience not absolutely necessary. Apply Sat. p. m. between 1 and 4. Bring references. Piano Man, Room 824. Fontenelle hotel. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. III. WATER Gs Burner will do your cook ing, heating and lighting. 1(J1 Capitol Ave., Omaha. COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. CLERICAL AND OFFICE. SALESMAN, machinery, ga engine, I"i "in exp.; stcno., 7o; steno., j0; ateno., steno. WATTB KEF. CO.. 838-40-43 Brand Th. umu-nn a rn ... ..... ... VS'i REFERENCE t BOND ASSN. 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FACTORIES AND TRADES. YOUNO MAN. be a barber. I teach you quiokly, cheaply, thorougtvly. Tool fur nished. 1 give you actual ahop work. You have chance to work Saturday and keep half the receipt. My stu dent In big demand. 1 have college In all principal cities In U. S. and Can ada. Call, write or phone A. U. Moler. President. MOLEU BARBER COLLEGE, Omaha. SAVE $25" BEE OUIt SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. 11 you can 1 attend day school you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you euro'! in the NIQHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2408 LEAVENWORTH. BED 3110. OlK)D MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big aprlng rush. Fine training work on auto anj electric starting system. ' AMERICAN AUTO COIJEOE, 20C3 Farnam Bt. Omaha. Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRAD Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tui tion, Including aet or tools; wages paid; eleclrlcj maasage, hydraulic chaira: cat alogue free. 1124 Douglaa Bt., Omaha. WANTE1 A guild, all-around butcher Henry Duve, 2920 Ieavenworth St. rug Store Knapa, Joba Knelst. Bee Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEIV A man familiar with Interests of the shoe retail trade to procure sub scription for the leading shoe trade publication. Thl man to have a noae for new and be able to write it. An excellent aide line for man now doing subscription or reportorial work. Ad dreaa Circulation Manager. Boot and Shoe Recorder, 179 South 8t., Boston. Mass. o WA N TED Men to try examinations for government jobs: : month. Common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y b, Bee. MEN U or over, wanted aa railway mail clerk. Sample examination questions free. Franklin institute. Dept. 221 L, Rochester, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED L CIVIL engineer with a complete aet of surveying instruments, which may be "used where employed, desires a position. Would accept drafting. J. L. Ferguson. 242 Benton Bt.. Council Bluffs. YOUNO man who can speak, read and wrne ronsn. ttunt an. German and English would like position driving ntkchlnr: ha had good experience In any busineas. Stanley, Har. 17K3. CITY salesman, six yeare' experience. calling on grocer and baker, would Ilk to make connection with tellable firm for mi. Reference furnished. Webster 273. YOUNG man of good character and tem perate; wishes potutlon; speaks aeverat languagea; no objection to salary. Ad drees, F. Herman, General Delivery, Omaha. YOUNG man with good education wanta wora or any aina in notei or restau rant; I also first clasa painter and car- (x-nter. Addresa A Kikoff, General De ivery, Omaha. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position in family of two, or to care (or elderly couple or Invalid; beat city reference furnished. Phone Web. 4K84, 9 to 11 mornings. WANTKl Position a housekeeper by middle-aged woman In small Protestant family; elderly man' home preferred. Mr. B. F. West. Gen. Delivery, Omaha. W A NTED Position In physician' office; two year' experience in surgical, noae, eve, ear and throat work; best refer- ence. Web. la) 17 spencer St. FIRST class plumber, atearn and ga fit ter lhva situation; will go anywhere; wagv 13 M per day. Will Jonea. 13,1 DouKlaa St , Omaha. A GOOD man wanta ateady work on a farm where everything la furnished; man la thoroughly experienced In farm- lng. Phone Red 1796. or call till Cas St. CHAUFFEUR, any make car. Il eneidT reliable, aober and steady: aalary rea sonaule: to reach for Interview- Call Scales. Tel. Red 1UU. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta place as chambermaid or will do light housework. Webster 7IW5. WOMAN ulehes position aa housekeep er for elderly couple. Mrs. A. E. Ken dall, (Ion. Del., Omaha, Neb. F1RHT class baker on cakes and bread wlwhcs situation; will go anywhere: 35 yea rs' experience. 1.121 Douelaa. Omaha. A MIDI LE-AOED lady want a place for housekeeping; good cook and clean worker. 1111 Birch. WANTED Job as bouse carpenter in stere or office building. Call Hsr 4'l. WANTED Plain or fumy sewing; at home or out. Red 1NM. WOMAN wishes position a cook housekeeper. Oolfax 40W. GENERAL work Webster 7902. or maid work. Call LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street csrs. Many article eacn day are turned In and thn company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Doug. 4. LOST One Angora goat skTn: left on street car at 46th and Cuming streets about 1 P. m. Mondav; rewHrd Call Walnut 1431 or Doug. 7ii6. J. K. Rogers. LOST or Fnnndads ln6maha'irLost and Found medium mean the Immediate return of that article If advertised In The Hee, the Irfst and Found paper. FOR return of Ford touring car, IMi, model; eng-lne No. 75MH9. License N". 232K3, Neb. No questions asked. E A. Luckv. 274 Merenlth Ave. LOST Pair eyeglasses In black case, probably on Hsnscom Psrk car. going south. Reward for return to Bee office. LOST White South 1063. mare. l.OnO lb. Phone PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. It. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disesses with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 210 Bee Bldg. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assoclstlon building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. TUB Salvation Armv Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4 1:13 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St BAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 709 South lth St., second floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduate. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. RlTPTMTRlV. Succsafully treated U 1 I Ullli without a Biiiglcal operation. Call or write Pr. Wray & Mstheny, 304) Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MEDICATED .apor and modern Turkish hatha for ladiea and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladies; Swedish massage. 119 Fsrnam St. Dougta 3437. Personal Mlsaes Staples & Mason, bath, mass., electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Doug. 713. 8S2 Brandeia Th. H'APOR. tub and aoray baths for ladle. Edna La Bell. 7i p. ism St., za floor apt. Duoglas 70411. j WANTED To correspond with manufac turers of artificial limbs. F. P. Mayes, 327 North 32d St., Lincoln, Neb. MISS WILSON. Bath and massage, 1S02 Farnam St., Room 2. rnone Douglas 87M. M. BRUGMAN, Massage, steam and shower baths. Red 77. Room 203, Karbach block. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, SI4 Bee Rldir. MRS. STEELE, Medicated baths. 1721 Dodge St. COZY minlcuring parlors, baths. 1802 Farnam, Apt 7. Doug. 7574. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TCKTiT? Title guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. 306 B. 17th St. Tel. D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. 2og Brandels Thea. ACCOUNTANT. E. A. DWORAK, C. P.A. 423-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7408. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. P. Shafer ft Co.. 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodd. S3 Paxton Blk. D. ma. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ATTORNEYS. C. T- Dickinson. B11 Paxton Blk. D. 1804. AUCTIONEERS. Dow J Auction Co.. HUM WOW. R.82SS. BAKERIES. r. H. RFIKDKH 1W1 N. 18th. Web. 827. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-MltcheM Co., 27tn and Martha Bta. COFFEE BY MAIL. ,'',''VT,. Save money. Ue better CUr r IjCj cuttt. is lb, high grade by parcel poat, prepaid, 13.60. W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha Neo. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS DR. BURHORN, 18th and Farnam. Wead Bldg. D. 6347; I 'aimer achool graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I l aird Bldg. D. 64CO. . 1 DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERO, Suit Hi, Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1U3&, CHiitOPODISTS. Carrie J. Bufnrd. 2o Pax. Blk. Red 4S87. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS Leasard & Bnn. 1908 Capitol Ave. T. 1631 C. W. Hoknon. tfiOS Lvnwth. TyL 219-J. DAN t IN la ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mktckla'a. Doug. 6440k DE UTXB ACADEMY, 111 SJ. 18th Bt. DRESMAK1NU COLLEGE. Kalatra Drsss making Col. 16 City Nat Terry Dressmak'g college. Fth A Farnam. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style: reasonable prloe. 1911 Far nam Bt. Phone Douglaa 2t. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 130 W. I2th. D. BOTi. " DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 8U Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all eaaea. Tyler 1134. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, til W O W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat- Bank. Taft Dental Rooma 1U7 Dougta. D. 2184. READY REFERKXrjE DIRECTORY DHtUSi DRUOS at cut rrlcee: frelsht paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Me lon nell 1'rug t'n.Oni a h a Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Ulna Allender. 24 Pee Bldg. Red 3fw. EVERYT1I1.NU FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife. unburst. bog pleating, covered buttons, all sire and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennsnts. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. Douglaa 1)S6. FIRKACGS A.ND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 402i Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER. 1D20 Farnam. Red 634. H. Rothola. 2818 Leavenworth. H. 2763. A. L. KOTOVRALEK. 717 S. 24th St. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume In tha country. Theo. Lleben & Bon. 1314 Howard. D.4115 INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 612 Faxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition ateno. 'C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PR Q!4. CO. Exchange Bldg. LlfSIITlStt FIXTIHES. nTTTNCTN Thomas. Douglas 2519. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Dra AlcCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATH PHiMCIAiXS. JOSEPHINE AKMSTKGNa, 4115 Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. If. A. Bturges. 630 Brandeia Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILT.OW CO. Mattreases made over just line new, ifarr turning, u. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele. 11 City Nat. PRINTING. WATERS-B. A RNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 3734. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 44. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. r13 P. 12th. D. 2911. SHOE REPAIRING. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Fam'm. R. 3444 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 13. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Bupply, 207 S. 11th. D. 523. TRUNK AND SUIT CASES. FRELJNG ft STEIN LE, 1806 Farnam St. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. fi. William. 301 3. 18th. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, id ft. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING KlAllvNIuUt. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WEDDING RINGS. BRODEOAARX'8 "lucky wedding ring" at 16th and Douglaa Bta. WINES AND LlttCOHB. ALEX JETES. 201-8 B. 13th Bt. Wlnea, liquor, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to t, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8B. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein' Liquor house. G22 N. 16th. Douglaa 180. SWAPPERS' COLUMN NEW Winchester pump gun and 1D snens. xwo pair nip doois. 1 pair Mackintosh boot, hunt ng coat, hat and hrll vest and hunting bag; all new. Will swap for motorcycle or what? S. C. 820, Bee. CAMERAS One 4x5 folding camera. In good condition, and ono one-mlnuto postcard camera, almost new; will trade both for a good 5x7 or 6Vx8i view camera. No Junk. Don't answer un less you mean business. Addresa S. C. 541. care Bee. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise something mat you no longer nave any use for and get something you really need. Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOWh "ARGO" Roadster, 1S15 model, completely equipped. Machine not run over W miles since motor completely over hauled. Might swap for high class Vlc trola outfit, player piano or toward a touring car, aa need larger car. Addresa 8. C. 1J8. Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-pasenger, 1W15 model, luat overhauled and fully equipped. Will aw&p for the best laii model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 725, Bee. SHOE repairing outfit. Including Singer machine, new coat ; Solidity Jack, cost fcia. and other tools and find ngs too numerous to mention. Will trade for good harneaa and wagon. S. C. sll Bee. ADDING machine; cost Jtuu new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry: book rases, filing cabinets, automobile, good stock or anything of value. Address 8. C. 6S8. Bee. CHILD'S bed, dining table, large rock ing chair, three burner blue-flame coal oil atove, oven and top, for something easy to move away. Addresa 8. C. 819, Bee. ALL furniture In 4-room hotel; reason able rent on building; Bouth Side: will exchange for real estate; value 11.800. Address 8. C. 603. Bee. 1912 IUU.A DAY touring car 30 H. P. In f'rst clans condition. To swap for "Powera 8 A" or 'Balrd" moving plo- macmne witn motor, a. i o. Bee. 200 EDISON cabinet grand phonograph and 100 records, mahogany upright piano; one or both for auto. 8. C. 814, Bee. BET I. C. 8. books on electrical and me chanical engineering to swap for, what have you? B. C. 818. TO 6 WAP My L. C. Smith No. ( type writer. Wht have your Address 8. C. 8!, Bee. SMITH Premier No. 10. nearly new, to trade for your No. t machine. Addrea 8. C. 817. Bee. PHOTOGRAPHIC finishing outfit, worth tl-S. very complete. Will take anything of equal value. Address B. C. 54-1 Bee. WHAT have you to trade in good second hand auto for a large organ In beat condition. Address 8. C. 811, Bee. WATCH, amall .21 rifle, gaa beater, for telegraph key sounder, etc, or what ftave youT Aaaress n. J. siu, nee CAMERA A 1x4 canuu. In good condi tion. Will trade for phonograph. Ad dresa S. C. 808. Bee. BILLIARD table, home aise. ISx7; con dition good. What have you 7 B. C Hee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile 1 bargain ce the "Automobile" classifi cation. A "For Sale" or ' For Rent" Ad placed In Th Be will accomplish It pur- WANTED TO BUY WANTED-To buy on monthly payment, small store room, with living room nbove. In Central achool district Phone lt.-d 74. CFFlt h" tui 111, ure Hough' ana soiO. C. Reed. 1?07 Farnam Doug (14. WANT to buy a picture show. Mean busi ness. Address Y 177, Bee. RENTALS APARTMENTS AND FLATS. THE DEWEY 3301 DEWEY AVENUE 132.50 TO $40.00 NEW Have 3 rooms, with 5-room accomoda tions: two built-in lieds, individual porches: nice light rooms, well ventil ated: leautiful lighting fixtures, nicely decorated. Excellent janitor service. See these todav. H A ST I NO S HETPEN 114 Hsrnev. NEW PAN MATEO 3-ROOMS. WIT 1 1 SUN-ROOM And one built-in bed; located at 2220 Howard Street; only one left; strictly up-to-dnte: nicely decorated; close-in; walking dintance; $.16 summer. $40 winter. HASTINGS K- HEY DEN. 1fi14 Hsrney. 3-ROOMS THE WAYNE. 2717 DEWEY AVENUE. New: has built-in bed, refrigerator and gas range: close In; walking dis tance. Rent reasonable. $?4.M) to $.10 00 HASTINGS & HEYDEV. 114 Hsrnev 3 ROOMS 603 SOUTH 28TH. $20,00 Apt. No. 2, good light rooms: close In; walking distance; no carfare. See this todav. HASTINGS ft HEYPF.N-. 1S14 Harney. FLATS, -r., ?11! Leavenworth St., mod. ex. ht..$lfi -r., Shelby Court, dose in, mod. ex. ht.14 -r., 1K22 s. 10th, I'd fir., mod. ex. ht.,..$12 -r.. i .i s. 2iith St.. near I eav. rt $11 PETERS TRUST CO.. DouBlaa 818.-0 A 1 1 , T. rr...i.-.VTrr.r. r.. Alsatian, 115 S. Kith St., $15.0040.00 4-r., Flo-Lea. 20th ft Cap. Ave. $.15.00 40.00 "r;;,..';,r'!,H' "f'tieorala Ave$X7.b0 - II?f-T?'lPST-RST CO., Douglaa 898.-0 rJiK. fr rent advertlsementn anpearinc in the For Rent column of The Bee da y cannot bo beat for variety that will please and fill tho needs of any u.-o.i ing to rent, i none Tyler 1000. 'IKK 1'.1V II II I L- 1 ) ir- . r t 1 . .... . . . - ...... . . . v . v .,(-. I , DAnUAI., 11 ' atrlctly modern, hot water plant, llRhted closets, etc.; very best location: close In. Just west of high school. 220 N. 2.M. $.10. D. 1182; Tyler 2140-J. 5-ROOM FLAT, newly papered and painted. $12 per month. Call Doug. 9S7. .xt-iou 01 ivucnnica. zjiz ieavenworth. 903 N. , 17TH-6-r.. ail modern apt., 106.00. ,u-vvunuiin t-r., an mon. ant.. x.iz. HASP BROS. DOUG. 16M. MODERN 7-r. apartment. Including beau. .11. .1 t-nni nun room, in west farnam district, for rent. Harney 13W. o C'SE-IN 1 artments, 3-r., mod but heat, ii., ,u,"l,"n' u. r.. .buck & Co., 912 Omaha Nat.. D. 5226. BT. CLARE 24th and Harney. Call Har- .T 'Pll. 61-RooM, heated flat, 1023 8. 21at Bt. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. THE BOSWORTII, TWO BOOMS AND BATH. 2217-19 HOWARD ST. Only one furnished apartment ' left. Big living room, with disappearing bed; srood-slzed kitchen and fine bath room; apartment for money In the clty $.17.50 winter, $.12.50 summer. $-'2 50-$27 5o'e u,,furnlshed apartraent- ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY. ' Tyler 1S36. Keellna Rldir ' i finmin 2717 DEWEY. CLOSE IN. Furnished complete expect Hnena and silverware; new; ha bullt-ln bed; very HASTINGS HEYDEN. Kd 4 Harney St. BOARD AND ROOMS. FURN7SHEID room that offer every mod ern convenience and comrort in private fHinilies or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooma column of The Bee. Phone Tyler luoo. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8. B. room, opening on Bleeping porch, with board; private home; gentlemen. Harney 6924. FURNISHED HOUSES. WANTED To rent at once new Dundee furnished house until April 1; very de sirable; has seven rooms, o well as sun room and sleeping porch; references required. Douglaa 1671 or Walnut 3129. UP-TO-DATE furnished house or apart xnent for tha winter: must be first class. Address O 443, Bee. FURNISHED ROOMS. ROOMS Well furnluhed. In all modern home; references required; walking distance. 2116 California. Douglas 5293. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HAP.LEY. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Kates to Permanenc Ouests. 2507 FARNAM Nicely furnished B. and . E. room, modern, wen Heated ; lor gentlemen. LARGE outside, steam ht. rms., turn- for housekeeping. 13.60 wk. 2102 Chi.. Ty. 3W7. MODERN furnished room for 2 gentle men In private family; close In. H- 7120. 2 MODERN rooms, en suite or separate, $3 for two or $1.50 single. 322 N. 21st St. NICELY furnished room, close la; modem. 1S1 6. 2d St ONE furnished room. 2506 Farnam Bt. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. BTEAM-H EATED room for living pur pose In downtown office building. Doug. 2464. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. OUTSIDE steam-heated apts., turn, for light hkpg.; $ii wk.; 2102 Chicago. T. 8607. FARNAM. 2S22 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, steam, gaa range. HOUSES AND COTTAUES. NORTH. Up-to-date 6-r. bungalow; $30. Web. U39. SOUTH. FIVE-ROOM house; modern except fur nace. 623 3. 24th Ave. Har. 4355. WEST. FOR RENT. WS2 Harney Bt., mod. 10-room .brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O Brlen. Tel. H. 1094; D. 1216. - MISCELLANEOUS. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglaa 3U4 or Harney 1937. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooma, for houee hold goods and piano; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ft 8. lta JSt; Dougla 4163. FIDELITY bYrvTce Phone Douglaa 288 for complete list of vacant house and apartment; also for storage. moving.lUiana jacneon bib. "GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores moves, packs, ships. S-horss van and 2 men. H-2o per hr.; storage. 1 per moatWiactory guar. D. 4. f . 2. -r.. 3304 Davenport St.. West Farnam. 8-r., 50 S. 21st Ave., modern, $42 60. 7-r 2429 Einiuet St., mod. ex. heat. $'. S-r 2706 Parker Si., colored, mod , tn. PKTKH9 TRUST CO., Douglaa 898.-4 (S8 19THr$-r., all mod. house, well ar ranged for renting rooma. close In, $40. fcjs Wirt. 5-r., mod. ex. heat. $15. auo4 N. 27th. lo-r., all modern. $27.50. GORDON VAN CO. Moving B N. Hth. Tel. D. 394 or H. Vul JP PFFn KxD Co- moving - iVL-Jju necking and atorage. Farnam pt. icugiaa :i. HniiccaCrelgh Bona A Co.. R Pldg. OUSeon , prt, ? tt.. v $JA GO A RD Vsn A i-lu.-- packing, storage and ahl. .ag. D. 1 I