Tin: r.EE: omaha, sattkday, January s, ioig. Bug-House Records Copyright. International Pervke. Drawn for The Bee by J. Swinnerton CASK! 1 I THE HISTORY OF THE CASE. M iPUl N? 3bf MAD A. MOTHCfJ. N-LAW VtyrtQ ONE" ArrtRNOON HE DEODtDlOvJOMP JUST AS HE WAS A&OOT TO OUMP HE I x I MADE HS UPE A BURDEN BUT SHE OFF THE DOCK AMD END Mi5 "nCOUBlES HEARD A WOMAN S CP-Y POR HELP" pT VvAO HiS MOTHER-IN-LAW. . , MAD THE MONEY AND HE HAD NO JOB HE SAiD'DO NOT F"ER. I REGINALD HEY. Keeper' turn y' blitmerspoon wtu save tou" , V-s some. moce. povser. I y X " -ftfrfe ON THIS MACHINE. ZjV ((ft 4h5' II GUNNERS START OUT WITH A WIN Give Walter 0. Clark Trimming in Game Full of Features. thrty-three to thirty-one After tying the score three times and jumping in the lead twice, tba Townaend Gun club five Oefcatea the Walter U. Clarks at the Young Men's Christian as portation last eve nlng In the second extra five mlnutea of play. S3 to 31. Not until the last toot of the referee's horn was the content decided, and ' even then It might have gone five additional minutes, as Noland of the Clarks flipped a basket one second after the contest was cslled, but which was not allowed. The game was the most eicltlng and Interesting from the spectators' point of view, ever staged on the gym floor and served as a fitting opening of the Trl-City loop. Carl Hansen, substitute guard for the gunner", who replaced Carl Welgel. made the lucky flip for the gunners In the aeo ond extra flve-mlnute period. Prom the start the Clarks Jumped In the lead and throvphont the first period were never headed. The half-time count ended 17 to 1!. On the restart the Clarks began to Increase their lead, but were Jerked up short when the Gunners hy gradual and persistent m work begun overhauling their contemporaries. A bas ket by Carl Welgel, followed by Lutes and Harris, put the Oimners on a par, the half ending with a to 29 tie. Both fives had plenty of chances to eop the game In the extra minutes of play. Each missed a number of easy goals, the ball at times rolling about the hoop In a tantalising manner. Roth fives were also off in foul goal shooting, Psr rlsh landing flva out of twelve attempts and Harris seven out of fourteen. While all the players put up a hrand of playing seldom equalled on a loral court, the work of Bechtold at center for the Gunners was more Than above the average. Though outweighed and smaller than his opposing man, Bechtold out Jumped his lanky opponent on a number of occasions. TMe lineup: TOWNfENPS Harris R. Welgel ... Hechtold lutea C. Welgel.... Substitutes: Field goals: CLARKS RF.IT..F Nolan ...j.F.iR.F Klrpser O.IC Puiyear ..U.O. L.O.... Montgomery ..UG.IR.G rarilsn Hansen for Carl Weluel. Harris (M, C. Welcel i, Lutes t4, K. Welgel, Hansen, Kaepeer, Nolan f7. Puryesr S). Psrrlsh (V Foul goals thrown: Harris 7), Psrrlsh i. Koiils committed 'larks. 7; Townaend. It Heferee: Charleawnrth. Tlmekeeiwr. lake. Kcorer: Moore. Time of halves: in minutes and two &-mlnutea extra e-rlods. SPEARS GETS LONG LEAD ON SCIPLE AT BILLIARDS George Fpeara, Floug City billiard ex pert, performed last night at the Byrnes' billiard parlors before a big crowd, which witnessed him as he administered a de feat to K. A. Bclple. Bpeara tore off the 200 buttons at the ill balkline game, while the Omaha man waa getting W. The visitor's highest run was ;2 stalnst triples U, GASPAR TO LEAD THE SIOUX INDIANS AGAIN PlOrX C1TT. Ia,. Jan. T.-Harry Cas par, manager of the Ploux City Western league team during the last few weeks of the 1015 campaign, sgaln will lead the Indians In 1911 Ha signed a contract today. Oaapar announces that he will not be a bench manager, but will take his turn on the mound. "Cyclone" Davis Hits Preparedness Crowd WASHINGTON. Jan. T.-Debate on the the floor of the house were pectied today for the first time since the holidays, members and spectators crowding m to hear Representative Davis of Texas, a new member, familiarly known aa "Cy clone," spesk on "Preparedness and Rural Credits." I Ma speech included an attack on the "Interests," which, ha aald war urging preparedness for war. and was enlivened by some poetry of his own making. r ale w 3 Jit veronals at iramid From America's Best Makers: Hirsch - Wickwire, Society Brand. Schloss Bros., "L" System and Sophomore, Worth to $30.00, on Sale Saturday for $15.00 Overcoats for every man, for every purpose, overcoats that are reliable in fabric, findings, tailoring and I Coats for street, for dress and for motor wear; in each kind a complete range of styles. Come wear. You will find the greatest variety ever assembled in any one store in the west. , to our men's store expecting to find the best values offered in months. Store January is Clearance Time, and These Are Priced to Go Quick. Worth to $30, on Sale Saturday for ' ', 11 II I II III 'nil 'II I,' ii mm .mini'ii JJjaMl I i i i "I "I Mil lill hH ' Htf M IVv J r . i I AMI mil '5r J .. .u I vrf. tl . y "vwri . trj in is is mi t . . - - i. k. i. a iri t m This Sale Will Strengthen Our Reputation For Giving Remarkable Values. Also On Sale Saturday Fur Lined Overcoats $25.00 to $125.00 Values, ' Assorted in Five Big Lots: it i. iM.t a. it. s. fil Valuea, Value, SJ.VI Values, $19.50 $21.50 $31.50 lt 4, Lot B. $7.VOO Values, ri"$.(K) Values $51.50 $91.50 SBHBBSSBSBHBBBBSaBlBBBVaBSSSBSMBHBBaBBBHBJBB BaBaaSSBSBJJBaaBBBB 55? If ill' . u . " Vt;l-. ' 'trMi kWsiiitt aac-a 1-Sftrfia tfcvnntii afawWs'jW '--iVVii'-'y-.1""- Our Semi-Annual Sale of Manhattan, 'rh Emery and Other High Grade Shirts A sale too well known and welcomed by Omaha men to require any com ment. "Manhattan" and "Emery" are recognized as standards of quality wherever men appreciate high grade shirts. Below are the regular prices and our sale prices for Saturday: is ifmWfW mm. All $1.50 Manhattan and Emery Shirts, madras and percale. . . $1.15 All $2.50 an.l $3.fMT"Manhattan and Kmery Shirts, madras ami satin striped $1.95 IS Dozen Men's Wool, 65 Dozen Men's Wool Silk and Wool and Flna Hoae, regular 26c values. Worsted Union Suit. for ,Bc mostly large aireg. wortn 60ft pa)r of Men'a Tine to $3.60; epeclal. Satur- Quamy Kld and Cape "ti0 i diiy ,l -W8 L"""8 nd street Gloves, Men a Kid and wortn t0 $, 60 A Cap Street 18 Dozen Men a Inter special pair 9c and Dress Weight Cotton and Wort Gloves, slight- Mixed Union Butts, in 120 Docen Men's Negli ly mussed, ecru sod gray color, gee and Golf Shirts, mad Worth to 95c, Worth to $2.00, sale price ras, percale and flannel, at Saturday . .9.V and HI I AH Wlorth to 76c, St.... 49c All $2.00 Manhattan and Emery Shirts, corded madras $1.55 All $3.50 to $4.50 Manhattan and Emery Shirts, filk and linen. Sale price $2.85 About 35 Dozen Men's Fur, Fur Lined and Wool Lined Gauntlets and Driving Gloves Included in this lot of glovsa ara all our fin. fur and fur lined llnrtuon 8ml. t'rxin Hkin and Muakrat Gauntlols, mostly all of I lie gloves are fur lined. Also all oar fur lined and wool lined Auto Gauntlet. All our fur lined and wool lined Driving tilovea ara Included In this J HrgiilMr values ur to 110. On sale hatur- 1 qe jp, o ne dy. In two lots, at $1.25 Any Man's Hat (Stetson's Excepted.) Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Man's Hat in Our Entire Stock (Stetson's Excepted), including our fine Imported Velour Hats that have been selling at $3.00 and $3.50, Saturday .81.25 ah mo f amous aiayo wax) Hats j 1.13 All the $2.50 and $2.00 Hats $1.25 Serviceable Shoes For Men Shoos that wear well, look Khm1 and cost little. Three spe cial bargains : Men'a Holld Leather Serviceable Khoes, made up in good styles, dull leather; button and blurher tare; wide roomy UsUl. All sizes, pair Men's Canvas Leggings, all sizes. Worth up to AQ 79c s pair; sale prlre "HC Men's Heavy Work Sboes, made from finest elkskln leather, oft and pliable, full double soles through to the heels; either in black or dark tan. Specially priced . . 1 . . $2.50 $3.48 Any Man's Cap 35c Your Unrestricted .Ohoict of Any Man's . Cloth Cap in Our Entiro Stock (Pur Caps Excepted.) All fall and winter caps, former prices 65c, 95c, & $1.25, Saturday, 35 Boys' Headwear 29c Your choice Saturday of all the Hoys' and Children's Head wear that has been selling at 50c, 65c and 75c, at. .29