Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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. 1 j 1 1 7 T I
i rn nVtS SvoO ( V I'M COINC TO HlDt
0rTl KCOMK TlCKLtOotWoU- HCRt CONtb UrfTlL THt- tvt THt t
J SMEAKtM' OUT- " J Jj V ' fi ' -f Af HOME'. C J
hi irl "-V- HIOE UNDER r-llfSl,1?iHT S v ' -J- Y,? v ( Ir
Fire Laddies Make Loch'i Crew,
with Peteri Out of lineup,
Tussle for the Limit.
STAironro or tub teams.
Won. Lost. Draw, Pet.
Denmark 4 O O l.OOO
Oermaojr 4 0 O l.OOO
Swrila a 1 O .710
Amertoa a a 0 .BOO
Bohemia 1 a 1 .333
Barlead 1 3 O .SAO
Ira la a O 3 1 .000
Italy 0 4 0 .000
The well-known dope which ha been
getting It where the thicken got the ax
for the last twelve-months, got It again
In the Thursday nighty performance of
the International Tug-bf-W'ar t the Au
ditorium. s v.
Tho flrpt upaot In the dope occurred
when Germany tackled America. ., Oer
many la one of the favorite, only the
lanea being credited with chance to
teat them out. liut the firemen who
represent America gave the Peutache a
tattle for their money. The pull went
the limit of twenty mlnutea and the
Herman advantage waa only four Inchea.
Peta Loch's crew went Into the tug
with Charley Feter. the wrestler, out
of the lineup. Peter pull In No. I po
aitlon and la the beat man on the rope
excepting Matt Blmmer, who hold! down
the anchor. It probably would have
been a different atory with Petera pull
ing, but the fire laddtea gave the Uer
mana a mighty tussle and muit be given
their due. '
Iriah Battle. Hard.
The aecond upaet came when Phil
Lynch' eons of Erin proved a stumbling
block to the Swedes. It waa figured that
fiweden would yank Ireland the distance
In short order, but Lynch' laddlea
wouldn't have It that way.. The Rwedea
barely pulled the Irish eight Inches in
the limit.
Denmark kept up ita record of "lick
'em In a hurry," by putting the kibosh
on the Scotch-English sextette In the
record-breaking time of ten and three
fifths aeconds. The Bohemian found
Italy fairly easy and won in two min
utes and fifteen seconds.
The pulls last night between Germany
and America and Kwedeu and Ireland
were two of tho best seen during the
tournament. Jack Prince last night do
dared they were two of the best he ever
aw, and Prince has aeea a number of
tug-of-war event.
Klrenif kkntf Improveoueat.
The fireman team which held Germany
last night waa a different team Irom the
one which went down before the Danes
M easily tha first night. Anchorman Car
penter strove mightily in the saddle. It
teemed aa If he could hold a Moi,l en
gine back. Ills work and that of his
mates waa a. vast Improvement over their
previous performances, and tha knights
of tha nozzle are due to be beard from
In the future. The German team, of
course, did not have Its full strength
with Petera out. but that la no discredit
lo liarty'a men.
The IrUh also ahowed great Improve'
ment, although substitutions took much
weight away from Lynch crew. Phli
had a couple vf slight youngsters In his
first two positions and It 'looked aa if
Ireland was booked for a quick defeat
but the alight youngsters were game and
they held tig lit. And Lynch' heavy men
on the end of the rope also held tight
and the Swedes liad to do their best to
Hat Tills Tonlgkl.
Some) hot tilts are expected tonight. The
first match on the program la between
America and Sweden. And this pull
ahould be a corker. The dope favors the
Swedes, but the fire laudlea will make
their presence known, that la certain.
tor rivalry the battle between the
Irian and the Kcotch-Enriwh should be a
warm one. I'lillly Lynch says he'll have
all hi regulars on the Job to lick the
EnglUh, and he mean to do It. Whether
he'll make good remains to be seen.
The other matches tonight will be be
tween Germany and Bohemia and Italy
and Lenmark.
la addition, some excitement la prom
ised by a "freak" pull scheduled tonight
The "Ink splashers" and the "truck man
ipulators" of the Paxton-Qallagher com
pany will lock horns In a pull. The first
mentioned are the cierka In the whole
sale house and the lattr are the lads
ho chuck heavy shipping boxes around.
'i'hl event should be a scream, from the
spectators' standpoint. The team are a
foUows: Ink splasher, tfalaher. Gordon.
Wallace, tselgler, Tracy and Slegfe; truck
manipulator. Mahoney, Helm, Boggan,
aduui, la lme and
traaka ! taplala Trap.
KKAKXKY. Neb.. Jan. 7.-4Speilal Tel
gram ) L. Franks, captain of the Kear
ney High avhool foot bull team the last
er .was re-elected today at a meet
.ng o fthe letter men of the local school,
t'aptsln Franks has made an enviable
record, playing end oil the ISM team,
where he was selected a one of the all
Mate playera and shifting to quarter
vear Oirouiih the eraduatlou of
Dai 1-autE. all- aiate quarter. Franks'
-lotton waa liuauimous.
Clark Will Stage
a City Tourney on
Indoor Golf Links
An Indoor golf tournament open to any
golfer In Omaha will start at the new
Indoor golf course conducted by Bill
Clark, Field club professional, at III"
I odgc street. Saturday noon.
The qualifying round will be played
Haturday afternoon from 12 o'clock noon
until 6 o'clock In the evening. The qual
ifying round will tic thirty-aix hole and
sixteen will qualify. Tile match play will
start Sunday morning and continue ac
cording to schedule just aa a regular
tournament In played on the outdoor
Two prizes will be awarded, one for
tho winner of the tourney and ono for
the runnerup.
This will li the first Indoor golf tourna
ment ever staged In Omaha. Clark ex
pects practically all of the prominent
golf rharka of Omaha to enter, as the
Indoor golf game lias already proved
qnlto an attraction. The game Is' en
tertaining and make good fun for the
Give Bag Punching
Exhibition at the
Burgess-Nash Store
An hlhltlnn nf arlfntlfln ha punch
ing will be given In the sporting good
department of the Burgeaa-Naah store
Saturday afternoon and evening ry wii
bur Hathaway. Mr. Hathaway will be
remembered aa a member of the team
of Wilbur and Wright, who recently
played at the urpneum. sir. ninj,
la one of the leading exponent of scien
tific bag punching and nia exnioiuon at
Hi Hnranaa-Naah at ore ahould be an at
tractive one to boxing and gym. fans.
"Ducky" Holmes Says
Not the Omaha Ducky
LINCOLN, Jan. 7.-(Spe'i Telegram.)
"I"ncky" Holmes, who haa Just suc
ceeded In completing the organisation of
the Lincoln baae ball club aa a etosk
company, of which he will have the man
agement, la having considerable trouble
convincing people, that lie I not the
"Ducky Holmes" In Omaha, who has
been getting considerable publicity there
The Omaha man sails under tha Identi
cal name a the Lincoln man and runa a
aaloorr down near where "Billy" Sunday
had hla tabernacle. He also poses a a
baae ball man, and the lincoln man ob
jects very strenuously to having hi name
and the name of the Omaha man con
fused. Catcher Lapp is
Presented to Sox
PIIILADKLPHIA, Fa.. Jan. 7.-Connl
Mack, manager of the Philadelphia Ath-
letlca, announced today that he had
turned over Catcher Jack Lapp to the
Chicago White Sox on condition that the
weatern club assumes the contract the
Philadelphia club now haa with the
catcher. Mack said there waa no trade
of player or money Involved In the trans
fer, he simply making a gift to the Chi
cago club.
'I am well supplied with young
catchers." said Mack, "and I am letting
Lapp go simply to carryvout my policy
of building a new team with young
playera. There wilt be no cut In hi
Skating Fine at
the City Park Ponds
Commlsaloner Hummel report that the
lea la favorable for akatlng at tha fol
lowing place:
Rlvervlew park.
Hanscom park.
Thlrty-firat and Dodge street.
Thirty-third and Cass streets.
Miller park.
Kouiitxe park.
Kontenelle park.
Kprlng Lake park.
Thirty-ninth and 4 street.
Carter lake.
Several of these locations have been
flooded and wilt be maintained In condi
tion as long as the weather will permit.
Admission 50c
Copyright. rir,
lse Scrvk..
Chancellor Wires President Bryan
of Indiana University Asking
for Eelease of Eutherford.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. f. Chancel
lor Avery of Nebraska university
today aent a nieage to PrcHldent
Bryan of Indiana unherslty asking
for a confirmation of the release of
K. B. Hutherford an anRlntant roach
at Indiana an promised by Athletic
I'irector K. 0. Stlehm yesterday.
Ill message wan as follows:
Indiana Hoard May Halk.
BLOOMIN'GTON, Ind., Jan. 7.-Tli re
port sent out from Lincoln, Neb., last
flight that It. H. Butherford, star foot
ball player, who lin.l been engaged tia
assistant foot ball coach at Indiana unl
veralty, would not report September I
caused considerable astonishment here
No word haa come from E. O. Stlehm,
director of athletics, with reference to
i asking tha athletic beard to release
Hutherford. Coach Stlehm recommended
Rutherford and the latter accepted the
terma offered hint by Indiana. It I more
than likely, however, that v if Coach
Stlehm ask that Rutherford be released,
'so that he may remain at Nobraska as
assistant coach, his wlhe In the matter
iprooably will be acceded to.
The athletic, board will hold a meeting
next Monday, and It I probable that thl
question may come up then.
An Immediate answer to the telegram
will mean Nebraska coaching troubles are
settled and the Nebraska board wilt fol
low Ita original plan of making complete
announcement of it aelei tlon within the
next few da vs.
Training Dates for
Giants Announced
NEW YORK. Jan. S.-The snrln train.
Ing gamea of the Gianla are atinnunr4
j follow by Jonn B. Foster, secretary of
me ciud: March 11-11. Dallas; March 1.
Galveston: March 19. H miaton At a ivh K
Dallas with Detroit; March W. Dallas
with Detroit; Marct St. Houston: April
1. Beaumont; April J. Houston wlttl De
troit; April S, Baton Rouge; April 4, New
vneans; April a, Chattanooga; April ,
enroute: April 7. HUhUnH.r.. a
Highlander; April . open; April 10, LKh-
tanner; April 11, Yale.
South Dakota Loses
Fight for Estate of
Late George Winter
YANKTON, 8. D., Jan. 7. -(Special Tel
egram.) Circuit Court Judae n n
Tripp decided against the state In the
ult for possession of the estate of the
late Oeorge Winter, valued at S,000 and
In favor of the claimant, W. T. Winter,
who say he is a half brother of the
deceased. ecision followed Interesting
testimony of amlly history and per
sonal history of deceased and claimant,
who positively Identified the body of
George Winter, when It waa disinterred
after burial several weeka ago.
Real Estate Loans
Stat and Municipal Securities.
Stock Ioana
Heal Kstat
Real Estate Sold on Contract.
Ijoans tn Foreclosure
Accrued Interest
Prematura Due
Cash on Hand and In Bank. . .
Increase In Assets for tha year ending December Slat, 1915 $363,186.86
Dividends declared quarterly at the rate of 6 on paid-up and saving stock.
Dividend on investment stock accumulate and compound quarterly at a greater rate and pay
able at maturity of the stock.
Jims' F. VLACK, Freaideut.
IL A. M'frLiCHHOS, Vice lyea.
Censor Permits Details of Engage
ment in Albanian Fort to
Come Through.
ROME, Jan. 7. The censorship
having been lifted tonight. It Is now
poHslble to give details of the naval
engagement off Durazzo, Albania,
cn December 29, in which tho Aus
trian destroyers Trlglav and Uka
were sunk. For several days an
Austrian aeroplane had been flying
over Durazzo maklpg observations
and occasionally dropping bombs.
At 7 a. m. of the 28th an Austrian
squadron composed of five destroy
ers and the cruiser Helgoland en
tered the harbor at full speed.
A the Austrian warship approached
they opened a heavy fire on a Greek
steamship which had put In for repairs
to Ita engine. No warning waa given of
the attack and the assertion la made
that the sailors on board wens fired on,
even after they left the vessel and were
attempting to reach shore.
The Austrian also bombarded and
sank several Italian aalllng boata and
then attacked the encampment of Italian
troops. The fire waa directed poorly,
however, and there were no casualties.
An attempt wa made by the Austrian
to land a detachment of men with In
cendlay bamba to set fire to the custom
warehouse, but an Italian battery pre
vented the landing.
The Italian squadron arrived and opened
fire on the Austrian warships. The Llka,
the flagship of the flotilla, was struck
by a torpedo and sank after Ita magaslne
had been blown up. Most of the crew
of about ICO. Including Commander Vln
cer. were drowned.
The Trlglav waa atruck and then taken
In tow by two of the other destroyers.
They were compelled to abandon It out
side the harbor, however, and It was sunk
by the pursuing Italian squadron.
HURON. 8. D.. Jan. 7-(Speclal.)-Ed-ward
Welch, 19-year-old aon of Mike
Welch, living twelve mile north bf Iro
quola. S. D., wa asphyxiated by coal gaa
at the home of a neighbor, where he was
spending the night Ihe neighbor" fam
ily were away for ome day and young
Welch and Percy Davenhlll. also living
nearby, were looking after the stock dur
ing their absence. They had been cau
tioned against leaving tne atove open on
accohnt of coal gaa, but evidently forgot
It. Young Davenhlll had a close call and
hi escape 1 surprising, a he and young
Welch occupied the aame bed and
breathed the aame gas-laden air.
PARIS, Jan. 7. A dispatch to the Ha
ves agency from Atbena, under date of
January , aays that Jean Gulllemln, the
French Bilnister to Greece, ha announced
that the consults of the Teutonlo alllea
areated In Salonlkl have been released.
Greek newspaper, the dispatch adds,
regarded thla action aa satisfactory to
the Greek government.
of Omaha
1028-1040 City National Bank Bldg.
Statement Jan.
Capital Stock $3,545,211.57
Dividends Credited 476.898.83
Contingent Loss Fund 170.662.63
Tndlvlded Profits 5.120.40
Incomplete Ixn 22.256.78
(.KUIUiK V. FLACK, Treasurer.
T. F. WILFJi, Attorney.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Word Comes from Indiana Releas
ing Him and Varsity Will
Soon Sign Him Up.
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 7.-R. B. Ruther
ford, captain of the 1"1! Nebraska foot
bait team, will bo signed as assistant
all-year coach at Nebraska at once. It
wa announced today by members of the
Nebraska athletic board, following re
ceipt of Information from Blnomlngtnn,
Ind., thnt he had been released from h'.
agreement to accept a similar position
with Inldana rnlvcrslty. A message from
President W. L. Bryan of Indiana lo
Chancellor Avery of Nebraska received
this afternoon ray that "Indiana is
happy to concur it? your request for ths
release of Mr. Rutherford."
The controversy over ene Nebraska ath
lete arose when he was offered the Ne
braska position and It waa learned that
he had promised hi service to Indiana,
an offer having been made to him
through P. O. Stlehm, Nebraska coach,
who goes to Indiana next year. It had
been the understanding In athletic circles
here that Coach Stlehm would make
Rutherford no cf'er until after the latter
had received a Nebraska proposal.
Avery Takes Hand la Tsagle,
Chancellor Avery today aent a message
to President Bryan of Indiana university
asking for a confirmation of the release
of R. B. Rutherfor 1 a assistant coach at
Indiana a promised by Athletic Director
K. O. Stlehm yeutcrday.
Hla message waa a follows:
"President W. L Jryan, University of
Indiana: Inasmuch as Nebraska released
Mr. Stlehm from a verbal contract with
us to go to Indiana as director of ath
letics, I assume the athletic authorities
at Ind ana will release Mr. Rutherford to
remain with us. Mr. Stlehm aasures me
that he has personally released Mr.
Rutherford form all obligations to go to
Indiana, and that he will wire the In-
dlana athletic board requesting ratifica
tion of the release. Can you not have
the proper authorities wire mo at once
that Mr. Rutherford la released, as this
will clear up some misunderstandings an l
growing bitterness of feeling which may
work to the disadvantage of both uni
versities? (Signed.) "S. AVERY. Chancellor."
Bulgar Irregulars
Clash with Greeks
PARIS. Jan. 7. Irregular Bulgarian
troop have clashed with Greek gen
darmes between Popovoaelo and Pavianl,
according to a Havas dispatch from Sa
lonlkl, under Thursday's date.
The Greek authorities, the dispatch
adds, will take measure to prevent bands
of Bulgrar'an Irregular from crossing the
Greek frontier.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-The American
Red Cross haa appropriated HOW addi
tional, making S6.000 In all. especially for
uae In Europe tn healing and obliterating
facial wounda of soldiers and for In
structing those blinded by wounds to
read and write by modern methods.
1st, 1916
K. X. UOYKIX, fcecretarr.
JOHN' T. imoWXLEK, Ass't Sec.
Russian Eeport Says Austro-Hun-garians
Were Driven from
Cemetery at Czartorysk.
LONDON. Jan. 7. According to
official advices from Vienna, the
fighting on the eastern front has de
creased in violence, the Russian;;
having ceased to attack with vigor
between the Prlpet ana the Bessara
lian frontier.
The only gain officially nnnounced
'or tho Rushlans yesterday was at
Czartorysk, the scene of manv san
guinary btruggles, where i rs said
the Austrlans were driven from the
Any advance In this region will
threaten Kovel, one of he strongest
Austro-German positions, ft is believed
that even though no further gain should
be made, Russia' forces hsve attained
a position which will give the nation a
degree of power In Balkan affairs It has
not not had since Its armies were driven
bark from the Carpathians.
The Teutonlo allies still threaten to ex
pel the French and British from their
Macedonian positions, but no forward
move haa been detected thu far In that
direction. Htrong Turkish forces are said
to be concentrating on the Thraclan
frontier of Greece, and It Is suggested
hat the Turks may a; Lump t to make
gcod some of the territorial losses they
suffered during the Balkan war. " '
Fine Suits and Overcoats
At End of Season Clearance Prices
Our idea is to sell the niost dependable mer
chandise at prices that will clean our stocks of all
winter goods. The discounts are large, in many
instances 33Va and more.
Remember the per cent of discount is sig
nificant only in the light of the original' figures
to be discounted.
All our Kensington and Society Brand suits
are included none are reserved.
-Regular January Clearance
$1.50 Shirts, at $1.15
$2.00 Shirts, at . . . .$1.55
$2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, at $1.95
$3.50 and $100 Shirts, at. -. $2.85
$5.00 and $6.00 Shirts, at $3.85
4U SsU
Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent
People in Omaha have been cured by.
4C8-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts.
Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Tho BrltiBh public Is still concerned
with the domestic crisis. isotwlthtand
ina; the heavy majority for the compul
sion bill on first reading In the House of
Commons, the prone Is speculating on the
possibility of a breakup of the political
truce with a general election aa the final
chapter of tho controversy.
i l
Demonstration for
Arab Independence
BURLIN. Jan. 7.-(By Wireless to Bay
vlllc, N. Y.) "A gTeat Arab demonstra
tion for tho independence of Tunis and
Algeria was held In Berlin today," says
the Overseas News agency. "Sheik Baleh,
a descendant of Mohammed, from Tunis,
In an eloquent speech sketched the his
tory of northern Africa and declared that
now the moment had come for the races
there to ask for Justice and the right to
live their own Uvea in an independent
atHte. His sentiments were enthusiastic
ally approved by the meeting.
"Anions; the natahlen present were the,
German 1'ndor Secretaries of State Zim
merman and Mahnschiff ; Hakka Pasha,
the Turkiah ambassador: Dr. Riaoff, tho
Unitarian ambassador; Lou f II Bey. the
Turkish conaul general; General Imhoff
Paeha, and tho Arab Sheik Tahablah, the
Tunisian Sheik Kidrams, a large number
of Arabs from Algeria and Tunis, Turks,
Kast Indians, other Mohammedans and
prominent generals."
Advertiser and customer profit by the
"Classified Ad" habit.
VANCEBORO, Me.. Jan. 17.-Flve Ca
nadian soldiers, who are alleged to have
deserted from their regiment at St. John,
N. B., were captured by Immigration offi
cers today and returned to St. John.
Their names were withheld.
lttk Street.
Piles and Fistula Cured
Without Surgical Operation or Pain.
No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ
ten Guarantee Given in All Cases.
Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One
Way to Points Within 50 Miles of
Omaha. Patients must come to the of-