Tin: iu.k. omaha. kkiday. .iant.vky, 7. iur.. 11 t h A 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WK8T SIDE CLOSE TO OMAHA'S FINEST WEST FARNAM HOMES 1 1 r irw a GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Eeceipti Good and Cash De mand it Brisk with Result Price is Unchanged. CORN ALSO REMAINS STEADY OMAHA. January . 11. The heat market waa very steady today, the receipts wm very gooil and there waa a givxl caah demand. Wheat waa quoted unchanged. The corn mai ket waa also steady, there waa lag care reported In. and they were wall taken care of, the cash corn selling unchanged. Oat a were the strongest acllera on the Mat. advancing ti wc higher, with a good demand. Hyc waa unchanged. Parley waa slao unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and (lour, equal to l.MKi.Ono bu. ; corn, 11,000 hu.; oat a, tt.ilOU bu. lJverpool I(!p: Wheat, unchanged, corn. Id higher. I'r.mary a heat receipts were 1.712 0X1 bu. and ahliunenta s..0( lm., agatnat receipts of K33.cinl lm. and shipment of S9,i0ii lu. laat year. Primary corn rcietpta were 9Mio bu. and shipments 410,000 bu . aKalnst receipt of l,4ln iKi hu. and shipments of P13.HW bu. lat year. Primary oata receipts wero 72J.000 bu. and ehimenta Mi,00 bu., against receipts of S71.'i hu. and shipments of Htff.WX) bu. laat year. CARIjOT RECF.irTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata 1V. bbls A and It. I". C. (J'intatinn J and rs .-..;,vrNt: F. O and If, tVafl: I SM; N, :.00; WO. l.'J is 12 77 It 213 its 100 47 ID If you intend to build for ia home or investment, 1 don't fail to look over this tract. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH 1. 4 D FOR SALE lOW A. MY farm fur rent from March 1, next; 148 acres; snuthweat corner Hardin township. J. H. F. Kruse, II. F. D. 2, Council Kluffs. la. MISSISSIPPI. A PKt.'A N ORCHARD Investment will make your financial future secure. Ocean Seringa, MIhs., orchards are doing this for their owners now. Easy monthly payments without Interest. Ask W. T. 8M1TH CO, t; City Nat. Hank Bldg. NKI1RASKA. CHOICK FARM BARGAINS. tOO-acre stock farm, 175 per 246-acre, Cedar county, $105 per. HOB-acro, bottom lHnd farm, Sou per. 100-acre, Hurt county. 1130 per. C. 8. RKLYRA, Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Omaha. WISCONSIN. UPPER WISCONSIN Rest dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prtces on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ak for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and Industrial Mept., Boo Una Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. MISCBLLAMKUl'B. d HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the 6lou City (la.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Frl tv evenlna. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen aas on iweive different days for W; or 50 words, 14, or 75 words, IS. Largevt circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2i'0,0O0 readers dally In four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ara ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TIIUST CO.. 212 8. 17th St. V To t fur loans on best class city residences in amounts S2,0n0 up; also farm loans. ReHSonabln commissions. PKTKUH TRl'ST CO.. I&U Farnam St. LOANS' on city and farm 'property. Fire, tol ll.nlo, luil eluiy lU ulHoiuoulle ill- sui aiu.''. y. U. T inplcton. 6o3 Rea Hldg. T. CC'". OMAHA liomea. l-it Nebraska farms, O'KRBKK REAL F.STAT H CO., 3016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas f715. KiO TJ. llO.tmo made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Blndc r. City National Bank Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 2ss State Bank Bldi. BRICK AND STUCCO HOUSE IN CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Thoroughly well built and artistic In Jeslgn. The latce living room, with fireplace and window seat, opens Into a sunny, attractive dining room. The pantry and kitchen were arranged ta make housekeeping easy. The second floor, with its larga bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch, are Just the right size for the average family. On the third floor the maid's quar ters, with complete bath, aid In solv ing tha servant problem. In other words, a complete house, built for comfortable living. In a choice location. And the sale price la Just J2..W under cost. Call GtEORQE & COMPANY, Phone D. VS. 1KB City Nat. Bk. Bldg. New 6-room Home on Straight Rental Terms. 15.000 Full 2-story and attic, beam ceiling, built-in bookcases, tile vestibule, tile buth, east front, located high and sightly, one block from car. The best buy on the best terms In the city. Don't lose this opportunity. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 9l-a) City National. Chicago Minneapolis Dulutli Omaha Kansas City I AUIS 77 Winnipeg 373 Thcae sales were reported today: Wheat No. I tiard winter: 2 cara. 11. US; 1 3 cars. 11.13; I car. 1.US; cars. 9.1.12 . I J 2-5 cars, II. II; 1 car. l.liS. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car (Montana), VM; 2 car. I II. I"; 4 cars. $1.07; 2 cars, ll.OiiS: 4 oars. i$lOK; 1 car, $1.06; 2 cars, $1.04. Sample: 1 car. II Oti; I car. $I.U: t car. $1.03 , 4 2-6 'cars. $l.no; 1 car. 71c. No. 2 spring. 1 car. j$1.15. No. 3 sluing: 1 car, $1.10. No. 2 1 mined: 1 csr. $1.1;;. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, j$1.0f. Corn--No. 3 white: 1 car. 67Jc; 2 cars. 7c. No. 4 white: ft ears, to; I car, tin1!-. No. n white: 4 cars, 62o. No. white: 1 car, 6ic. No. S yellow: 1 ear, o. No. 4 vellow: 3 oara, IWc. No. 5 yellow: $ cars. Mr; 4 cars. ti2c; 1 ear, t2o. No. i yellow; 1 car, file; ft ears, Sim. No. 4 mixed: 1 oar. tW'o; 2 cars. tifc No. K mixed: 2 cars. H2V1.; 4 cars, 2c, S cars, mc. No. mixed: ears. 00c; 2 ears, iHc; 2 cars, 5ic. Sample: 1 car, Wc; 1 car, 42Vc. Oats Standard: 1 car, 2ly. No. 3 white: 4 cars, 42c; S cars. No. 4. white: l car. 414c; 1 car, 4114c: l car 4fe. Sample: 1 car. S9c; 2 cars, SKWo; 3 cars, 38c. Rye No. 3: 3-6 car. 90c. Barley No. 3: a-l car. 7c. ... Omaha Caah Prices Wheat: No. 2 nerd. $1.1Mrl.lK; No. 3 hard, $1 .flKVyftl 13W: No. i fc.i-rt 11 asset "t- No. 2 atirtnu. $1.134Tl.lt; No. 3 spring. $l.'fil.l2; No. 2 durum. $1.13 il.l4; No. 3 durum, $1.12fil.l3: sample. 90cil oa. Com: No. 3 white. M'riflVi; No. 4 white, MWWWe; No. 6 whlta. 61tJU!c; v i,(t No 3 vellow. Rc; No.' 4 yellow. 7iWWc; No. 6 yellow, til' ka- Vn velloav finfflc: No. S mixed. iU.'ffi7ic: No. 4 mixed. 64'WAc ; No. 6 miiul iinv&i&!Uiv No. fi mixed. 5fi0c sample. 4HKc. data: No. 2 white. 421f 4:ic; standard, 42lifi4iHc: No. $ white, 4l i42-: No. 4 white, 41H-4H4C aariey. Malting. lifr67c; No. 1 feed. i3JfWc. Ry4 Chicago closing prices, furnished Tha Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth. Oman Articlel Open. High. I Low. I Close.l Yes y. BRAND NEW $300 CASH $ rooms; large living room; 2 bed rooms, sun room and bath on 2d floor; oak finish: full cement basement; fur nace; elegant fixtures; lot 45x142; lo cated in Crelghton'a 1st, on 35th Ave. Price $3. W0. C. G. CARLBERG, $12 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEAR rath and Dodge Sts., 8-r., all mod. home. In fine repair; very valuable lot. A bargain for some one; terms or small property taken In exchsnge. RASP BROS.. 108 McCague Bldg. Wheat I I May. 1 27H July. 1 lWiS Com. May. 7714 July. 7814 Oata. .May. 4Sg4 July. 47-VffH Pork. I I Jan.. I 1 97H May.l 1 30 I Lard. I I Jan.. 10 074 May.llO 32-3.V Ribs. I I Jan.. 10 874 May.llO 70-72 1 tVi) 1 78Vt I 474 1 00 19 45 1 KVt 5tfc 1 184 1 1S'1 1 27 1 V X rwrP "0: K. ..; M $;.k.. ww, r.iA Minneapolis 4irwl Market. MINNKAPtL1. Jan .-WIIF.AT-May, II 24-Si: Jul, II 23: No I hard. lTi; No. 1 northern. ll.2ail.2!.S; No. 2 north ern. $l.ltWl.Z--'V F1I,R -A'nchanged. BARLEY- i(t ;2c. RYE Ht:4' URAN-IKOPrifllt CORN-No. 3 yellow. Vyi OATf-No. 3 white. 42ft'4,l'4c. I- LAX $J. 19'rifl 2.W. Kanaaa City (lain anil Provisions. KANSAS Oty. Jan. a HlfaT-Nn. ! hard, 1 Uiil. ix. No. 2 red. 1.2.( 1 2o; May. 114: July. $l.iriM.1". nillN-Nn. i mixco. wti'ir: rso. 1 hlte. 44iJ4c; Mac. 7;tc; .Inly. 73'fcc. OATS- No 2 white. 4.1W'j44'; No. 3 mled .Kt40c. Bl'TTi;lt -t reamer? . 2.1c; firsts. 31c; second. '"V; packing, 1'. KXIS Firsts. 2W': seconds. Inc. Pnri.TUY Hens. I2'tc; turkeys, 17c; sprinsa, 13c t, l.onls CJrala MarVef. ST l"riS. Jan. ti.-WHKAT-.Vv 2 red $1.27'rtl Xi. No. 2 hanl. nominal; May. $1.S2"; July. tl.l5. ... ... Ct)RN No. 2. 7IV; no. 1 wnne, u-tT Tc: Mav. 7V4c; July. 7fic. OATS-Xo. !. Mi 34-; : white. nominal. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Active and Steady to Ten Higher Sheep and Lambs a Quarter Hijjher. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS HIGHER OMAHA. January 4, 1?1. Hecelpla were: Cattle. Hoga. 8heep Orr.-ial Mnndav J vt, h, Ofilcial Tu.-mlRV . .. l fi Vi'i" Official Wednealay .... b. 21.T41 .! Katlmat Thursday ... 6,000 l..'0 s.."' Pour daya thia week " o.V w 4.'.V Same daya Inat wei-k to. I JI.I24 Same days 2 was. ago l..7::i i"?- ame daya 3 wka. ago Wv3 MAlt 4o.lTi Same daya 4 wka. ago ;S..41.t ;S.'.4 M.l!'4 fame daya last year 20.N nO,91S H7.'7 The fniluw. dm 1.,. ahuwa the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at tha tlnaba I. If Mi,.rtli ,...rw..i tr Ihn veSr I to data aa comiwr. l with l-at year: lm. 1 !.". Inc fee. I Cattle 2S.t:. 17.7 4 1.:t73 ih,.T.'t Wl.l .. heen 42,317 4.SKi ".071 The following tahie ehnna tha averaga prices of hnsa at the Omaha live stock market for the last few dsys. with comparisons: Liverpool (-rain Market. LTVKRPtTOT.. Jan. WHK AT Bpot, No. 1 Manitoba. :aa 4d; No. 2. 13a 3d: No 3. Via; No. 2 hard winter, new. 12a ml CORN Spot American mined, new. rate. 11115. 'l&M.ilnls.iMa.ilim.ilni'Vlitsrt 34T f.'.l 1112 (' 1 2 oa. CHICAGO I.IYK STOCK M AIIKRT l:aa Mirep Cattle steady llnaa I'lrna. CH1CAUO. Jan. CATTLK Receipts, 7.000 head, nmrkct steady; hallve leef steers, W.;loii'H..i'; wcati-rn stoers, H XAt X 10; cows and heifers, ia.l!liH.I0; calves, r.Tf 10.75. Hi K1S Receipts. iVl.000 head; market easv at 16c. advance, bulk of sate. ,sf 407.10; light. !vivV((.5; mixed. $.7tVy7.3ii; heavy, ;.7in.26; rough, ItiTOirTI.; pigs, $&.7Miil.85. SIIKKP AND LAMBS Receipta. 20,110 head; market firm; wethera. R WtI.M; ewea. $;.0iKi4l.g3: lambs. $7.!Vt'10.6O. Kee. Da.-. lc. l'eo. lec. IVc. Pec. Ieo 1 ec. le,-. ' 1 lata. Jan. U Jan. $. Ian. H. Jan. .4.. .1 h 11. b Jan. i. 11. 6 . 21. re tx 24. ia 2S r. 2. SK M 31. rsi 7 ct 7 w 1 at, t ti s o I'm! I" T 6 T 11 $ ' T Ml $ 03 2614 I Mi 1 f 1 13 7 04 T $1! T 22 7l 7 14 T m i VI t tr T r. 7 04' 7 ng 7 01 61 7 141 IU T ll6. lMfc?lTs"u."ir12.iiU. 11111 i 191". 17 1' 7 10( $ 08 1 I 24 I 7 171 7 81! 7 tw M 7 7 FS 7 .11 I.onla I.lve Mock Market FT. I.OCIS. Mo,, a.ln. 4'ATTLB rte celpts. 3.11X1 head; market steady; native beef steers, $7.MVtit.S: yearling steers and heifer. $8.Aku.3f; rows. $"..60(7.00; stock ers and feeders. $n.mii7.:!f: southern steers, 25.2fxfl.50; cows and heifers. $4.0fy.6O; native calves, $(i.0iW10.M). HOOSU-Receipts, 21.000 head; market higher: pigs and tights, $.onrfr7.10; mixed and butchers, $ij Wifri.20; good heavy, $7.15 n.2o. SHEEP ANP LAMPS Receipts ftxl head: market higher: yearling wethera, $7.iiru.7;; lambs, $t.00tff 10.25; ewes, $S.0n '..VS. 77Hj 48-64, 4814WH 46, 18 9.'. 1 10 ith, 10 rw 10 4r' 10 45 10 b 10 SIHi 10 3S 10 70 47 IM 19 26 10 17V 10 S7V 10 35 10 T2H 48 46 4 18 8-"4 1 20 10 00 10 10 27-30 107V4 Kansaa 4'lty L.lre Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. .-?ATTLB ReiHtirts. 1.000 head: market higher: prime fed steers, IXMKiJ.Oi); dressed beef steers, K8(if.2ft; weatern steers, $.0O(J 8.50; Mockers and feeders, Ifi.OOitfH.OO; bulla, $,").WKi.25: calves. $.0itf 10.00. Hi MIS Receipts, R.UU0 head: market higher: bulk of sales, $.8iXJ.0n: heavy, $;.XbV.!W: packers and butchers. $6.70i 6.1: llnht. H0j; pls, $&.2M?1. BHBKP AND LAMBS Receipts, ,0iVI head; market higher: lambs, $9.0nfi9.nn; yearlings, 17 7K8.60; wethers, t9.im'!.2S; ewes, lo.7Fiifii6.50. Klonx City Mve Stock Market. PIOITX CITT. Is.. Jan. 8. CATTI J"3 Rei-eipts. 1.800 head; market lOfHBc higher; native steers, $6.1lifr7.50; butchers, $4.75p 640; cows and heifers. (4.76A4.B0: ran- ners, $3.754.50; atockers and feeder. $rt.2iVtrfi.); bulls, stags, etc $4.7B.00. Mtaj'.HKeee OtS. 11.000 head: market 1M?n5c higher; heavy, $8.75a.8R; mixed. H.B'fr8.7fi: IlKht. I6.821.4iai8.es- hulk of aalea. $lt.Vf4i.80. SHBEP AND T.AM BR Raewlnta 1 nnft head; market 27c hlaher: ewea. M t.vto 6.25; lambs, $3.!S0. t IHCAtiO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Krai a res of the Tradlngr and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. . IVospocta that ac tion of the British government would force larger shipments from Argentina and Australia, more than offset today's advances in the price of wheat. The out come was a steady close at Hffc to 4o net decline, with May $1.2iVul.27 and July, $1.18Vfil.l. Other leading staples all scored gains corn NOo to Vo, oats He to He and provisions 6c to XbbvlVfae. Wheat traders appeared at first to de vots chief attention to bulllah news, nota bly the fact that rumors of the kaiser s death had failed to be confirmed. The lack of snow covering In the winter helt. where a com wave waa in streiiKth in the market. Tha market rmn nroKrea cave additional emphasis to v utmimlti finally sagRed below yesterday's closing LEGAL NOTICES The Union Land Company. THE UNION LAND COMPANY. TO TUB STOCK HOLDKR3 OP THE irNION LAND COMPANY. Tha annual meeting of the stockholders cf Tha Union Land Company will ha held it tha office of the Company In Omaha, Neb., on January loth, liMii, at 19 o'clock A. M.. for the election of five directors, and fcr the transaction of such business as may legally come before the meeting. ALEX. MILLAR, Secretary. D.20d.20t. CITY" and farm loans, 5, f.V, per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 416 Slate Bank. 6 CITY LOANS, C. G. Carlberg. 310 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE VVll EXCHANGE 1 HAVK some good town property In Iowa to trade for some land near B. Omaha 10 to M acres. Must be wall Improved and good soil. Describe fully In II rot letter what you have and price. Addreaa Bo 221. Stuart. Ia. TO EXCIIANGK MxKO ft. on N St.. Omaha, near 26th St., for California property. Address J. M. Caldwell, 240 Webster St., San Franclscp. Cal. TWO.cfear Omaha lots worth $6o0 for lSloauto. Colfax 2831. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT Two good frame houses, 6 rooms, mod ern, flist-class condition, renting $66 per month; on corner lot:, both atresia paved and paid for. I'rice le.Uu. Will take good lot in part payment. D. V. JSHOLES 00., 915-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 49. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS BUY A HOME-DON'T RENT. A k'ood T-rooui house for only $1.00, 'nting all tha time at 116 Dcr month. We inn sell you this on a payment of cash, balanca, lis per month. Owner imalit take a cheap lot as first pa voi. ut Paving and all other taxes paid PA I NK 1NVK8TMKNT CO , itb Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug 17&1. OMAHA GENERAL If A1KET FRUITS Orange: Cai. navels, 4s, $2.00 box; Cal. navels, 80s, U:i6 box; Cal. navels. M. pxie. $2 to box; CaL navels, 12s, $3.00 box; Csl. navels, 150s, 176s, 2, 324s, $1.25 box; CaL navels, 2"0s. 216s, 2Ci0s, $'1.60 box. lemons: Extra fancy Cal. Sun klst. aoua, S60S. $j.O0 box; extra fancy CaL Red Ball. $4.50 box. Grapefruit: S6a, 46a. 54s, $3.60 box; 64s, 80s, 13.75 box; Clear water grapefruit, all sues. $4 23 box. Grapes: Emperors. $4.5O4r&,00 ksg; Mala gas. $7.0Wa.oo bbl. Cranberries: ibl., $12 00; box. 14.00. Bananas: Medium size bunches, !1.6ot1.76; medium slxe Jum bos. $2.0O(U'2.26 bunch; medium slxe jum boes, 12. Mi; 2.75 bunch; extra large Jum boes. t3.ovrii.25 bunch; mammoth jum boes. t":W(i3.T$ bunch. APPLKS (Barrels) Ben Davis. Illinois, 13.25; Jonathans, G. & J., $,l.'i0; Jonathans, Kansaa. $4U; Missouri 14ppln. Star, 13.30;. (irnltons, Stsr. $3.50: Jonathana, star, $3.5ii; Ben Davla, Missouri. $0.26; Blsck Twigs (Shield), $1.50: Black Twigs (Comm.), 14.00: Ban Davla, Star, $326; Daminoa, Bechtel s. $4.00; Ben Davis, Bechtel s. $4.00; Willow Twigs. Bechtel'a, $4 .00: Rainanltes, Bechtel's. $4. 00; Genitona, Bechter's, $4.00; Wallbridge, Bechtel s, 14 Ol. BEEF CUTS-Ribs: No. 1. Wc; No. 2, 16V; No. 3. U'tc. Chucks: No. 1, c; No. 2, Sc. No. 3, 64c. Loins: No. I, 204c; No. 2. 18c; No. Z 14c. Rounds: No. L 13c: No. 2. 12ic; No. 8. HV-. Plates: No. 1. 8vtc; No. 2, $Hc; No. I, 7c APPLKU (Boxes) Home Beauties, Ma, 11.75; extra fancy Jonathans, Washing ton, $2.00; Newton Pippins, $2.00; Arkan sas Blacks, $2.75; Wsgners. $2.25: Delici ous. $250: Grimes' Golden. $2.(u; Pear malnes, 12.26; Siaymen Wlneaaps, extra fancy. Washington, $3.00; bpltionburgs, Washington, fancy, $2.50. Metal Market. NOW YORK, Jan. .-METAL8-Ex. change quotes lead at $3.70, bid; spelter, not nuoted. Copper firm; electrolytio. $23.75024.25. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin. nominal; spot, $42.50, bid. At London: spot copper, 91; futures, 90; electrolytic, 114; sot tin. 175 hi Futures, 176 15a. Antimony. 125. Lead. 31 15s; spelter. Z'.. London Stock Market. LONDON, Jan. 1 American securities were dull todsy on the stock market Only a few transactions were recorded and the tendency of prices waa down ward as the rate of exchange Improved. SUA' K R Bar, 4 per ounce. MONKY 4'(j-'4 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES ohort bill and three months, i'm per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. t Bank clearings for Omaha today were $4.240.540 25. and for the corresponding day last jear. $1.47, 746.77. early final figures mainlv because of announcementa from Liverpool that new marine regula tions CHllecl for at least. 10 ir cem 01 wheat In cargoes on all nntian vessels leaving Argentina. ... . Advances in ocean ireism the United States had a further bearwn Influence on wheat. Coin showed strengtn tnrouanoui inn day. The government crop report con tinued to encourage buying. Oata went higher in sympathy witn corn. Higher prices on hogs and corn put firmness Into provisions. Packers realised heavily on the advanoe. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.26V. No- red. $1.24Vfpl.2fH: No. 2 hapd?$1.23Vai.24: No. 3 hard. $1.20B-1.22M. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yel low. 70fd'72c; No. 4 white, WtTlM. Oata: No. S white. 444?M6c; standard, nomlnaL Rye: No 2. 984c Barley, 640. Timothy. lii.iKVriS.OO. Clover. $10(K!.19.00. Pork, $17.54j lg t.-H $.rw10.12V. Rlhs. $9 dF.W0.S5. BUTT BR Lower; creamery. 22H8H4o. KOGS Higher; receipts, 2.577 cases; firsts. 29c; ordinary firsts, ZP&SK&c; at mark, csaea Included, 222. POTATOK8 Higher: receipts. 27 ears Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota white, and Minnesota, ana Dakota Ohlna. 90ch$1.00. POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls, 15Hc springs, livjc; turkeys, 18c. I NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaetalloas of the Day on Vnrton Commodities. NKW YORK. Jan. .-FLOUR-teady. WHEAT Spot, unsettled: No. 1 durum. $1.39, f. o. b. New York; No. 1 noil her r. iniiuin. i.;un. ana ino. 1 norrnern. Mnnl toba. $1.354. c. I. f. Ruffalo. Futures were utiacttled; May, ll.JoVs. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, K4c, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, steady; No. $ white, 43fa Mc. HAT Unsettled: No. 1, $1.20iQ1.2!4. HOI'S Steady state, common to eholce, 1916. 16tf'2Xc; i:il4. ViWc; Paclflo coasL Il'jl5c; 1914 dtnOc HIDES Steady; Bogota, 20 31c; CenUal America. 29c. LEATHER-Firm; hemlock firsts, 334) 14.': seconds. 82r.?c. PROVISIONS Pork, firmer: mesa, $19 00 fill). hit, family, $31.0iKir22.(iu; short clear. $19.5o'23.oa Beef, steady; mens, $19.2iVji 19.76; famly, i H0-6M3.&0. Lard, firm; mid dle west. Il0.atfr10.30. TALLOW steady; city, Sc; country, 7Vi 5', simclal, c. BUTTER (Steady: receipta, 6.183 tubs; creamery extras, tJ14c; firsts, 2B!c; seconds, 264v27V4c, WKkS Steady; receipta, 7.731 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, S7ti!c; extra firsts, $531360; firsts, $3ij&4c; seconds, 31 19 $2c. CHEESE Firm: recelpu. 7 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held, special, I7c; state, whole milk, flats, held, aver age fancy. lTft'Hc; state, whole milk, flats, held, ruirent make specials, 179 i;'-,c; state, whole milk, flats, held, av erage fancy. 16Vtfl&0. POULTRY Uve, steady; western chickens. 15c; fowls. 1fVl'4c: turkeys, 22 fT26c. Dressed, quiet; fresh killed chick ens, l&tf'-lc; fowls. U(T17Vc; turkeys, 24 ' , Evanornted Annlee and Dried grralta NFiW YORK, Jan. . EVAPORATED APPLFS Dull DKJEJ FRUITS Prunes and apricot firm; peaches, steady; raisins, quieC Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. .-T7'RPFN-T1NB Firm at 5ftltc. sales. 172 l.t.ls. ; receipts. lihla., ahiiunents 13 bbls. ; stocks. I :..' hbls. K(.-IN Ktrin. sales, l.ja) bbls.; receitits. ?lfi bbls.. shil mciit.4, 126 bl.U.; slocks. 76,- 4 St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. $. CATTLE Re ceipta. 2000 lirn.tr market l,l.h.- $.WVW.fl0; cowa and heifers. $4!0W.6: calvea. $ .Vn9.;.-,. HOOR Receipts. 1,000 head: market higher: bulk of sales. M.tti.0. KHETCP AND LAMBS Receipts. $.000 neaa; marget slow; lambs. $8.509.40. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five nrtn. clpal western markets: Cattle, llnaa. Sheen. South Omaha 6.000 miyio sroo Chicago 7,000 50,000 joonf) Sioux City 1,010 j i.ooo IO110 Iftoux City 1.600 9.000 gftyi St. Louis $.100 21.000 900 Totals 1S.R00 101,500 17.0t lhat from Coffee Market. NT?W YORK. Jan. . Reports ocean freleht rates An .nrru Rraall had been raised from about 60c to 1 per ba, were followed by a sharp ad vance In coffee futures, here today. Home trade buying waa reported aa well aa covering by shorta and fresh bull support on the advance to 7.15o for July, and T.2Sc for September contracts. The general 11st opened at an advance of 4 to 7 ipolnta, and the more active months sold 28 to points net higher during the dsy. Moderate reactions followed under realising with the close 16 to 1 pomia net nnrner. alee were 66,500 bsgs; January, .67c; Fehruarv. .7c; March. 6Me; April, 4.8c; May, 64c; June, 6c; iwi.v. i.tac: Ausniat, 7.csc; September, 7.14c; rctoher, 7.1c: November, 7 21e: Tieeember. 7.26c. Spot coffee, steady : Rio, .s, o; Santos, 4s. c The cost and frelglit market was more or leaa eon. niaed. no fresh offers having beea re ceived rrom Brasll up to tha close of me iinnrea maraet. Trie official cables "ponea no ensnge in milrela prices, with wv vai;iiiiii i -.-a lower. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jsn. rvvrivvw!. oulet; middling uplands, 12.46c; sales, 300 Cotton futures opened steady; January 1235c; VUrch. 12; May, 1312c; July' 12sc: October. 12.62c. ' '' (tton futures closed steady. January 12.25c. March. 12 50c; May. 12.73c; July 12.c: October. 12 Mc. Cotton closed steady today, at a net uwi ' ui o iq b puinvs. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 6. COTTON Spot steady; good middling 6Sd: mlddllnr -S.TO ; iow middling. 7. Bid. sales. 10 007 bale. I 7 67 U I I M 6 03( 7 7 66 IT" l 6 9sl 7 70 a .! $ 96 7 Ul 31 !J $ 96 7 r t t ' I 7 71 21 fair rows. $.7f00. good to ehnioe feed, era, $s Nn'7; fair to good fcrdera. H i'fl I 0. common to fair feeders. I tl'" 2... goiwl to choice stacker. 9K.75V1 7,:t; fiilr to good atockers. tatr6.76: common fair stix'kera, $v.0iita.(i: sto.k helfera. If, .VMiS .VI; at"ck rows, $4. w"! .'; stock calves. S(o7W: veal calces. $70O4i95O; bulla, stasa, etc.. 14 .'mtW.25. Representative sales: BKKF VTKRRR No. :i t . . . . . 11 ri 11 ... . MKIFERS. i II Ax. rr. J K. l'vn ail as 1V4 ( . HI 1(M4 1 M.1 ' CI STKM'.S AN i . 7 liT'i T COWS. . . . . 7 4 !; 4 I l'7 4 . I" I Ml in It :t k ii . . . . live i T. it mm 1 m I0T1 I" 14 HElKb.ll. w m 11 t.u ;s 4 . . . ...... m y u . . . . . TJi 4 11 T .' 4 I 14 . COWS AND Hl' IFEUS. ill to a HULLS Me 4 : 1 ... 1ITO I . I if.an t n l At . 1M Hi. ..lire s ' 1 i CALVES. 4 4 T IV 4 ,.n t r. fc 7 -. , ;o w . KM ; 1 i w 7 ' iti t j; ink 1 ., ? 1 .lo.t t 4l . .; 1 x. lev ( ;;. .to i & tl' 4 ' in t a . io;a f. i . n !' MM :. . 7"A SI" . 4.-4 ' . :w) 4 J . 1 M . .t t ; . . 4 l'n 4 Ki lm t X. .1170 .-1 i .ln 4 k. I 4 h- trie I w ri 1.. 1. 6 50V, 4S 64 7 o 7 13 & li, 'i !' till 7 04 7 02 6 741 $ Sal 7 62 6 74) 9 M 7 621 I 10 7 $0 8 !N h if 7 7" K 17 001 7 42 $ I I 6 OOj 7 4 'I M S.;n'1av. "llolldsy. Receipta and disposition of live stock at the 1 nlon Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., (or the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS, Cattle.Hoga.Sheep.H'r'i. C. Ml. & St. P.. Wabash 2 Mlaanurl Paclflo .... 1 Union Pacific C. N. W., eaat.. 27 C. & N. W., west.. i C, St. P.. M. O. C. B. & Q., east.... 24 C., R. 01 W., west... 8 O.. R. 1. A P.. cast.. 1 C. R. 1 At P., west 8 Illinois Central 4 Totals 154 12 4 6 55 8 K2 12 8 10 3 t $ 280 4 3 10 31 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. .. 6IH I.2-J0 1.02 .. 945 ..l.Of .0.166 Morris A Oo Hwlft and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour at Co. Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... IN B. Omaha Packing Co. 13 W. R. Vanaant Co 6 Ronton, vanaant A U. 103 II. Iwla 2il B. lto.it A Oo 191 J. II. Bulla 94 L. K. iluax 14 Roaenstock Bros 24 F. (1. Kellogg 44 Werthmeler A Dogen.. 92 H. F. Hamilton S Sullivan Bros 29 Mo. A Kansas Calf Co. H4 Chrlatle 85 Hlggtns 1 Roth 9 Meyers 9 Baker. Jones A Smith., 100 Ranner Bros 24 John Harvey 93 Kline w Jensen A Ltingren S3 Other buyers u 4.056 8,478 4,(140 113 3.0T0 $.347 l.INt 2,256 8X5 Totals 6.513 19.867 7,tl CATTLB ReoalDta were larae for a Thursday, 202 cars being reported Itv This makes the total for the four days thia week 28.026 head, the largest of arfy recent week and 7,tti0 larger than for the same period a year ago. Killing cattle were In active demand, cows and helfera, as well as beef steers. While advices from other selling polrfts were by no means encouraging, the mar ket here opened fully steady, becoming stronger later on, so that the cattle aoh$ at prices that were all the way fpvm steady to 10n higher than yesterday, r 26c higher than last week. Stockers and feeders were In fair de mand and sold at fully steady prices, the market being In a good healthy condi tion. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice yearlings, $8 6080.00; good to choice beeves, $8.0iiis.7t; fair to good beeves, $7.263.00; common to fair beeves, $H.2i 7.26:. a-ood to oholce grass heifers. 7.(0; good to eholce grass cowa, s6.60((iitj0; fair to good cows, 4o.uu0a.ou; common to A ...11 ...111 ...ltt ...fsi ...154 ...1M gh. Pr. ... 4 40 1MI 1 i 40 4 Sfl ... ... 4 7(1 ... 7 Set r. 11 ..1 1 f.0 PTOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. ;, mi l.. S 4 e l"r; 1;. ii 4 txi 4in 1 ilia (i w.i I" 7" s i a 11 V INI w 7 M II Ill t 14 1 j I u7 i HOOS Supplies, while not aa large as yesterday's were liberal, shunt 2i'.l csis. or 18.5H0 hsd. being reported In. Total for the four days la iw.2' head, being nearly IR.000 head larger than either laat week or last year. althoiiKh smaller than lor the correajiondlng daja two Weeks Hgo by shout i.OOO head. Receipts were larger st all points sgaln todsv. nut values opened stronger nearly everywhere and the local market was no exception to this rule, shippers buying freely right from the alert at fully 10c hlKher prices. In fact, some of the good light hogs which sold right clean to the top were thought to show fa'ii mote advance than that. Packers wero a little bit slow about getting started, but they soon fell Into line and the big end of their purchases looked to be all of 10c above yesterday, while In spots a good many traders thought the market as much as 10r(ri6c up. Movement waa not aa active aa yea terday. hut a fair clearance of the early arrivals had been made In good season. Representative saies: Na. A. k. r. Na. int. 141 ... 4 44 . M.. sn. ...... .174 ... IM J.. S4 1H ... T 3t 4 4 71.. 1 44 ISO 6 W 34 . t - ' J Ut ... I M SHEEP There was another moderate supply on hand In the barns this morning estimates calling for some twenty-seven rare, or 6,500 head. So far this week re-. relpts foot up i;X hesd, aa against 61,424 laat week, S3.H91 two weeks ago and li.KI for the corresponding days last year. The brisk demand for lambs that has featured the market every day this week, with the exception of Tuesday, wss In evidence again this morning, and trade opened out fairly active and In the ma jority of the cases 26c higher than yes terday. In fact, toward the latter end or the trade more than one sale was pointed out that looked 304J860 up. Practically everything that was In had been cleaned up by mld-frenoon, although a few loads on late trains had not yet arrived. I'P to this time the high price waa $9.90 with a number of bunches of good Iambi from $9.76 up, clipped lambs, annthei cut of the bunch that brought $8.40 on Wednesday, landed at $8.60 today. Aged sheep were Just moderately sup- f lied. and In moat cases gold a flat quar er above yesterday. Top on ewes reached 14.50. This price, which ia the highest paid since May, was given for two loads nf medium welehta of a good kind. Other wes sold as lilgn as $6.40. No good light yearlings were offered, but weighty ones, mates of yesterday's 17.35's. showed a quarter advance, selling at $7.60. No feeders of consequence were offered, although aa usual there waa more or less Inquiry for them. Two cars of lambs that rame In late sold at $10. tha extreme top of the day. Quotations on sheep and lambs: I .am ha, gnod to choice. 111 7MH.; lamha, fair to good, $9.5Nft.75; lambs, clipped. $8 00 8 65' yearlings, good to choice light, $7.7u g 26; yearlings, fair to choice heavy, f7.(NVf(7.7o; wethera, fair to choice, $6.264r 7.00; ewes, gnod to choice, $6.254341.60; ewes, fair to good, $5.00rii6.25. Representative sales: No. Av. 8(6 fad yearlings 110 S22 Idaho ewes 96 5 feeder lambs 66 115 Colorado lambs 90 $62 fed iambs 71 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Gary's Statement Has Powerful Effect on the Ex change, IT IS LIKELY TO BEAK F&UTT NKW YORK. Jan. - Tha one engross ing and overshadowing feature of today's highly Irregular and at times unsettled market v.ns the statement leaned bv Chairman (lary of the United States Steel corporation bearing upon present snd fu tuie aapecta of that Important Industry. For some time there has bean a disposi tion to cheek wild ard reck leas operations In many llnea of trade and Industry, no !ea than In the atock market Itself, snd the belief prevailed that the ad monition a cntalnrd In the Gary statement were likely to bear fruit. St-icka cre under restraint from the vitect ami naturally the cnurae of Cnlted Statca Sleel waa observed with eapec.lal ititercat. Steel, common, opened at a aMeht advance over the preceding dsy's final quotation of 8V but soon fell off to M4. from which It recovered to 87'4 After thst It lort ground more or leas ateadlly. yielding to 6 Just before the close and making nnlv s feeble rnt other lesdlng iaaues were st lowfat r!oea In the final hour, all the activity "f thai period converging about the mora ulnershle atorka. For a while coppers withatoed the sefl 'n movement better ttisn any other rmip. their strength being attributed to vci another high quotation for ths re fined metal, but these stocks, as well as ill claaaea of aneclaltles felt tha Impact if the Increased selling. CJmersI MMors 'ell fnrty-flv points to 44. Rethlehem leel. twenty-four and a half, to 4. and 'nternatlonal Agricultural Chemical, pre Vrred. six. to M. rtslla were under constant preaaiire. Total aalea of stocks amounted to 81O.0O0 harea. The bond market In general waa de cidedly Irregular. Total sales, rr value, imressted I5.335,flnl. I'nlted States bonds ware unchanged on cell. Number of sales and leadTnc grtetaUana n stocks were as follows: atoe. f'V lev. Claaa Pr. 7 85 S 00 00 n t 86 .M4 VM Allw-rhalmara Amerliwn Itaat Sugar American Can Aniarlran Lneemntlrs .... Amarlran 8. a- R Am. a. a r. pM Jim. aiaair fteflalnr Amerteaa Tl. 4 Tsl Amr(ra T.'lw m Ansenna Oicpr Alhiaon lulitwln LaeMnetlve Kaltlmnr A Ohle Ilellllaham S(at Krn..klrn Rasld Tr rillmrala ttmleam .... fanirilen Parlfla 'antral tMlhar rtiaaaiiaaka Olila iltsen O W , Cntaafn, M. A SX. P.... Oilmen N. W (Irasn. R. I. P. Sr.. ctilnn ilnpwf , fntnrafn Fa A Iroe.... i"nirlhla glaal llanrrr IHO. tM iMMIIIars' tHnarltlM ... PXa linarml Wactrla ('mat Nnrtharn ee4 '(raat Nn. Ora etfti Ounamhelin nilaratlna. Mllnl Mitral alarhnmaKli elea. Inaalratlea rVaeiw intamatlnnai Harvwrtar, Kinaaa City Southara.. thlati Vltv tymlaTtlls Kasnvtlls. Mmi Iras Petroleum .... Miami rVeear MlMnari. K T. set.. MlanuH Paclflo IMKmI niarvll Vailnnal Ia4 Varsita Oofear New Yard ("alrtraj T.. N. H A M Vnrrolll A Wea(am ITorttiaTn Paelfle Varlfla Mall Si!flc Tl. Tl tVanavlvanU Pullman raises far.... 4ln any Con. Coyer nnnWIe frnn A Steal.. anuthara Paelfie anuhra Tlstlwar aturtcMliar nomaasy ., I'eaneaaes dieaaff eas cVimnr t'ntnn Pactric ,, fnlna Pacltle eM gam &4ie Il.Tna 4. ta r.u 4714 sat ai Sii las aim MS S 4Si 4t.iw 111s 1V iwn a 1111 lit 1U', Ja 114 114 IDS 4i irs W4 it7s lea aa yia laa nVSn ns 114 . tars rw M taa H4m lieu 4. mo tt 444 ns T4l 94. Mn aas i.r iar M.as ST14 ll4 44 as 41 4 "H i Kw 8.S0S 10114 KMS4 !" 1X1 rvi jat HIS MS 4)4 81 S Ta g4 S4S I4S I ana 4.4aa I one .Tnt It S3 St St irltl 1T-4 4S ft'4 4414 41 S TTS Suns ru ll"l 4JS Tan rS t.4m ls IMS 1s tea 4S ,yi 4s 1. too s ns an ins s 1 Care.. Va n, is is S 4s 4H in ias PiS II fx 11 ft SJV IJtS IKS . tans ts its "im "ii "" 'rsm w" 4" l.aaa isj u liana ios ym gnat 1 n 1.M10 m 1 re irrs iith 4M II as lis 114i MS 1H lu 1MV. 114 .4sa 1114 4 14 tans sis ,7 as ana s !." las I aw sas 19 we 11 s 9 aaa as I.HiS 1S i&; iis T iu, UTS iiv 4-lS S MS IMS 11 Si s 4iv, S s rv lars lars t s 14TS tTS ai 144 a4 1S14, Vai4 aia(M Slaal Ill taa f-v( 4 H r. at at..! pit 1 na 1"S tlT lira; 'tah rnw 7."S i s tti-i wnra falna I.nas 'S S WnatlnehniM TOaetrle ... tt.aM "S S MS Vnetana Powar sna fl T4 T nnnarnl Mnlnra 1 1K 4H 44A 44 Wahaatl n at4 a H 1 " tntaraatlsnal Marrae sM. IS ta T T4S T44 Tatal salas for lbs ht. 4M.H09 Sharas. Amiricin Tttephoat & Ttletnpk C. A dividend of Two Dollars per ahare mill be paid on Saturday, January II, 1J14. to etockholdens of record at ths close of business on Friday. December SI, 1I1S. O. D. MTLNB, Treasurer. Dry Kooili Market. NKW TORK. Jan. .-DnT OOODS Cotton goods were firm and leas active today. Tams also were firm with a good Inquiry for fine and medium counts Cheap dress goods were in active demand for Immediate and later delivery. Knit goods were aotlve. Sngar Market. NKW TORK, Jan. 6.-S1 OA R-Raw, tarely steady; centrifugal. 4.!M(4.bc; mo lasses, 3.IVK0.18IC. Refined, quiet. Sugar futures opened steady today. At noon prices were unchanged to S points higher cn trade buying and covering. w York Money Market. N?iV. YoRK- " PRIMB ME3R CANTILK I-AlJF.R-3'u per cent. K.f!T1';N'.,Nti KXCH ANOK - BUty-day bills. S47JVt; demand. $4.7674; cables. 44 774 SIL.VKH-Uar, Sc; ileilcan dollars. HONDS Government, steady: railroad Irregular. ' T1MK I-OANS-FIrm; sixty and ninety days, 2tj2 per cent; all months, 2fiJ per cent. ' CAL.L, MONKT Kash: highaat. S per rent; lowest. 1 4i,per cent; ruling rat !. 5"r. .cn,: U,t ,0n' Vr cMt: closing tid. 14 per rent: offered at S per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were . Mo. Par. r. U .... tVl H N y. c, .t. , ...in U.1SV. Y I'ltv Sa KS raaama la aouDoa..lISNo. Ptrlfi. 4. Am. Mnxliara ta 114 4s la A. T. a T. a. 4Ss .luisri. g. u nt "W" Ananur 4k (a. 4Ss.. 4 Pae. T 4k T U " Atnbune saa. 4a MSPaaa. cwa (w'" Dal. A ob 10 4 s as aaa. 4sa "' faa. Paolfl. Ut luwgaadlM san. 4a! ! r."t i hl? U g r. . 4 Q ' 4a ... S 44a. Pan. im... C M A 8 P 4a..li 4W ra. 4a . ' .r r' "a"" ta!. '. a rat. 4W ... msl'o(aa Pautfla ia n a K o m. ia. . u do 4. mi C. g. rcf. la. ras. do eoupoa r. 8 . ras 60 aoasos U. g. 4a. rag so enssoa .I10S . M .IO11S .loks . K'4 . M l Tli .1H . PN 1o . r. . axu. a. h.hu. a. ui,. rUa U1 . - .... ., m . . . . . ft. No. lat 4S.... 44Vrokaak lac W i HI. ra rf. 4a .... t'aloa 4Ss..! Ms K l' Ko rf I.. ria- ct ia. 1. , il. A S unl 4a ... M'v.AaalvKrouck 4a .... tt't M K 4 T. Ut 4a .. 7s aia. 74WU. $3,500,000 - Paducah & Illinois Railroad Company First Mortgage 4 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Du4 July 1, 195S Principe!, Interest and SlnWInt Fund Payments Unconditionally Cuarent xi, Jetnfy anej Severally, liy Fnrlorsement hv the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company nd , The Nashville. Chattanooga & St Louis Railway Interest MjraKIa January I snd July I in New York and Chicago. Callable far the Staking Fan on July I, 1921. and annually thereafter, at 1024, and accrued internet, upon IS days' notice. Authorised. $7,000,000. Outstanding. $3,500,000. In tbe opinion of eennssl, a lesjal Investment fee life lasniwaee fssannnlas la New Terk State. , Wc summarixf ths following from g letter from Mr. Hale Holden. Prcsidsnt of the Chicago. Burlington St Quincy Railroad Company and of this Company: The annual sinking fund parmentt. beginning May I, 1921, provide for the redemption of the entire issue by maturity, bond, to be called annually at 102Jj and accrued interest if not obtainable in the market at not exceeding that price. The mortgage securing these bonds if a direct first lien upon the new deublg-track teel bridge, more than a mile long, which is being constructed across the Ohio River near Metropolis. I1L ; upon about 1 4 miles of railroad under construction to a point near Pae -aa, Ky., and all property acquired with these bonds or their proceeds. 1 he mortgaged property will form the only direct connecting link between the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad and The Nashville. Chattanooga tt St. Louis Railway, providing a north and south route across the Ohio River for the interchange of a large and increasing traffic, now handled by car ferry. Temporary bonds will be delivered, sichancabl for definitive bonds when prepared Price 100 and Accrued Interest Dcacriptivt Circular upon application Kean, Taylor & Co. Chicago Union Trust Company Chicago First National Bank of Milwaukee Milwaukee Mercantile Trust Company St. Louis Merchants Loan & Trust Company Chicago Second Ward Savings Bank , Milwaukee Northwestern Trust Company . Paul Commerce Trust Company Kansas City .