BRIEF CITY NEWS "Tewassnd's for tportiag ooas." 'fktiag- Ttt Burgese-arantej. Boot rrlot It Now Beacon frtsa. Toa7s XotU Program" classify motion today, it appear In The IVe . EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the rloua moving picture theaters offer. 'rr Ocllacts More Taaa John Grant rare, city sealer of weights and rmas 'urca. tart year collected I1.S.T2 In fees, fines ajid accupatlon taxes, an Increase of l vr 1914. Coyne Draws Umit Wilfred Coyne, it" Harney street, charged with an as ault on J. J. McCarthy of tho North ' western hotel, wu aonlenred to ninety aya In the county Jail. HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Meeting of Uebrmskt Live Stock Commistiou Will Be Held Thi. Week. BULLA MAKES AITOOUNCEMEHT j A meeting of the NehnmVa Live stock . commlawlon will be held at the Stock , imi r.xrnanarn build in one tv ihii according to announcement of ( nalrman Full of the board. Ftock con ditions In Nebraska followlnn the break- Jltney mot Flnohad Morris Kohn, Ina- of records In the Mat year at the lo- un.rt, ivin nis aoareaa as lH ; cai exchange discussed In .1.1.11 uodge street, was arretted for violating Hog cohlera la reported to have broken In police court, with appended sentence. I expected that plan, for th feasors Xsaper Fined Dan Alexander, of the disease will be discussed and nosst- , upstairs at zu south, Twelfth street, waa fined 160 and coat In police court. Threa 1 Inmates forfeited cash bonds by failing to appear for trial. Chanee to taara Violin Eunice F.nsor, eupervlsor of extension work In the puhllc Schools, would like to hear of a talented boy or girl who would appreciate a free violin acholarship which has been of fered by a leading Omaha Instructor. Jelied Retnrv Hla Death. A bit of trajredv murmur. Am death of Henry Kellar, aged South SMe Ploner, who committed suicide yesterday noon by .wallowing carbolic acid. At 10 "UOCK' lwo h""rs before hla Insane ac tion, the man waa joking with court of ficials In the police court building. It "no oeen his haMt to sometimes nuka the rounds of the rlt hiiflriinc. ii. .h- The State Bank of Omaha, corner Sis- I Smith side. teenth and Harney, rays FOUR per cent on time deposits and THREE per cent on aavinga accounts. All deposits in this bank are pro' )cted by the depositors" guarantee fund of the atale of Nebraska. Brag Clerk lUe4 Charles Wright, J919 Dodge street, charged with taking a small quantity of merchandise from the King Pharmacy, Twenty-fourth and Far rmni streets, while employed there as clerk, waa arrested and fined $12.50 In police court. Woman's Auxiliary to Meet Tho Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity cathedral will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. J. K. Jones. B121 Chl-t cago street. Miss Montmorency, who spent some years In Mexico, will tell of conditions there. Worth wall Improving Tast Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Northwall have returned home from Rochester, Minn., where Mr. North wall underwent an operation for gall bladder and appendix trouble. Mr. North wall Is getting along nicely and expects to bo back at Ms office In a few days. Condition of Lomu Improve Word cornea from San Francisco to the effect that tho condition of B. L. Lomax, for mer general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, but now passenger traffic manager of the Western Pacific, shows Blgns of improvement. Mr. Lomax sus tained a stroke of paralysis a couple of weeks ago and has since been In a hospital. War Resolutions Are Offered in Congress WASHINGTON. Jan. 4.-Hundreda of i measures Introduced when congress re convened today inaludcd bills or resolu tions to extend the thanks of congress to Henry Ford for his peace mission; to prevent clearance from Aiivlcan ports of ships carrying both passengers and munitions of war; to establish a United States commission for enduring peace "The Bohemians ran lick the Irish any day." la one of the Jovial remarks that the old man Is snld to have made while leaving the city hall building. Later he whs found unconscious and dead In the kitchen of his home. He was one of the oldest pioneers of the city. need's KI.etlo. Pop. The election of W. K. Reed, local stock exchange man and prominent cltlsen. to a place on the Omaha Board of Educa tion. Is being Joyously received by local residents and, cltlsens. Many decisions of the board regarding the South Side have met with appoval. especially the announcement that stu dents of the Edward Rosewater, Vinton and Castelar street schools will enter the South High school., The remodeling and extension of the high school heating plant is also considered a helpful and consider ate move. With Reed on the board rep resenting the wishes of the South Side, local cltisena who have children attend ing the schools will have an opportunity for direct representation. Tklef Steals lUior, The place of John V. Ersnkowskl, 441 South Twenty-third street, was entered and robbed of a raxor, a box of cigars and other minor articles yesterday. The thief broke open a back window screen and entered In the night. ISamed Kaaile Delearate. Henry Rothholtz has been appointed delegate to the national convention of Eagles. Credentials were received from Grand President Grayson of Oeorgia. Tooter Editor Resigns, Managing Editor Carlson of the local Ihigh school paper, the Tooter, resigned. Howard Boycourt will become editor In "l J Hefton HO Tola's Till-: IVKK: OMAHA, THUKspAY, .JANUARY tf, lyiii. 1j 2 M Name. Psker .... Unman .. Marx Vance ... I'ederson Totals . Handicap Totals.. Name. Tanner .., rullvan . Harmon .. Culkln ... Mangan . Totala.. Handicap .-. s7 m it Mi npnrs colts. 1st. !d. W. Tot. 1.TT vl l! :u. 1 l 4 4i'l ! I 14 4Ti 112 INS 13 410 Kl r, W M7 TA M s.i4 tm n i THURSTON TALKS OF DODGE Former Senator DeliTcri Address to Grand Army Men and Women. OFFICERS FOR YEAR HAMED rTx-Senator John M. Thurston In ad- ! dressing a Joint meeting of l P. Orant post. No. IK). IVnartment nt N'.hr..!,. I Grand Array of the Republic, and 41 ; Woman's Relief Corps. No. 104. at Me- Til KH MA 2475 CENTURIONS. Int. ?d. Jd. Tot. 10 V.J m 5.1 115 17s 140 IIS t 112 I 1" 1S 4r mnrUI h.ll I- tx. . v .... n. paid tribute to General Qrenvllle M. TKt M! i7 t2 Dodge. "I All Totals FAHMRns Name. Oreen Conler Devlne Olson Clayborne , Sneed 112 lhl 2?: .. HO .. ITS '72 174 .. IM !. V .. ltK) 144 1S isl 140 were stirred by the senator s re- 78 M) s4 841 1 aoout grand army men. and tha EXCHANOH I wJor general of the civil war. 1st. Id. Id. Tot. I Officer were eleel fxr u. . 1 5"? SMR . . .. " -.HBi IV, mr Ior DO Poet, No. HO. and corp. jyi No. 104. isi i nUr," offlctale for post. No. 1KV were: 8;j ; Commander. Robert P. Tutea; senior com",n'er. Marcellua R Uladon: junior vice comma rid r. Patrick J Or-1 man: chaolain N' 1.- , ?r.J:VrnliJTph ": 0'.artermn"-: l.JavId M. Haverlr: nnu. n Mrs. W. U. Taylor. i. A etreet. H.rnt: officer of the da! 1.1. i At their regular meeting Thursday even- n'M-.V ofr,rr "r he ajard. Joseph Ing the Improved Order of Red Men will i2"r: major. Charles W. Inatall offlcera and transact other busl- jj. iuartennaser sergeant. John liess of Importance. , "" Coach Patton of the local hlch si hool I Tl, iewly elected officers are basket ball team Is sending his squad ' Commander, Sam P Jones- .ni.r through a strenuous practice In anttclpa- cominnnoer. R p Tni. i.7 M tlnn t fh. llh KV.mnnt l',U. mtnm.n.. A. I '. . ."'"lor Vice "The Folly of Youth," drama Issued by the K Totals M3 fcW ?I Maarte City fiwaalni. A eon was bom yesterday to Mr. and will be ihown at the Pesse theater this afternoon and venlng. South Omaha grove No. Ut. Woodmen circle, and South Omaha camp No. 211, Woodmen of the World, will hold a Joint Installation of officers at the Odd Fel lows' hall. Twenty-fourth and M streets, Wednesday evening. The Olory o'f Youth Is the Kalem four- act film sensation tliat comes to the South Side today. The play has had a four weeks' run In New York City, niul Mr cartway claimed It a decided hit. Tht plav Is presented here at the Posse to niKht. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew will also present new and laughable comedy. Captain of Police Polsseree of the San Diego, Cal., police force waa a visitor at the local police station last evening. Six teen years ago the visitor waa a resident of South Omaha and knew Captain Prlggs. He Is in Omaha attending the funeral of relatives. Mrs. Charles Root and Mrs. Humphrey will entertain the ladles' Aid society of the Grace Methodist church Thursday afternoon at S904 South Twenty-fifth street. The hostesses will be assisted by Mrs. T. O. Ingram and Mrs. George Emlgh. lloe In anttclpa- commander, R. P fnlen liinT.r liZ emont Friday commander.' John Stern rdlut.n Jo.eph lum- i "' -matte. master, " .. .V I Haverlv- a great moral "'. K. R. Rrysnt: chsnlaln. n .V aiem company. '""': officer of the dsv R. ii ;r.7n .?":LJn",rm'o'-' n. ris- -"" ' gusm t" W Allen- serseant major. H. Williams- ouarte' master sergeant. M. R. R,2lon f,u"rtr" For the Woman'a Relief Corpa. No. 14. the retiring offlcera were: Mrs. president; xr r. . 4, Lm: '"cher. president r,n, ..nunry. senior vice Mrs. Alice Scteeves. Junior vlc president; Mr. Cora Tallllerm, treasurer: Mrs Kenlah C lHe. aerretarv: Mrs. Ida Miller, chaplain: Mrs. t lsr K. OiiiM. cim- d'Klor: Mis. MarmrHo Newell, aaslslnnt conductor; Mrs. lxila Mchardson. ausrd; Mrs. Anna Duma II. ansintant simnl. Mm I ' y McMurry, ptTs coneapondent: Mr l.llllsn P. isir.ollc Insiruclor: Mrs. M.-len Tt'icm, miielcinn ; Mrs Anna Ixina. lr. Manilx Davis, Mrs. Joule yweary and Mls Sophia Schneider, color bearers. The newly elected officer are: Mrs. Cora Taillferm. president'. Mrs. Florence Crane, senior vice president; Mrs. Elisabeth Ixinastreth, Junior vice president: Mrs. Peulsh C. Davis, secre tary: Mlsa Sophia fVhne'rier, trenaurer: Mrs. L Longnecker, chaplain: Mrs. lila M. I.IIMe, conductor; Mrs. Q. E. Munrr, sssisisnt conduct or; Mrs. 1. P., tatrlotlr Inatrwtor: Mrs. iMicy McMurry, pious correspondent; Mlsa Cora Stern, Mrs. Vat tie Davta. Mrs. Anna Durnsll sod Mrs. All'-e S.rev. rotor bearers; Mrs. Helen Thelm. musician. The following members of Orant post died during the last year: John Grant. O. S (Julld Joseph Doh erty. W. A. Pell, William Wallace, J. J. Mercer, T. 8. Clarkaon and David Miller. Besides Senator Thurston's spoiling, a program waa given consisting c musi cal trio, violin, cello and piano .. .Ins by Mr. and Mrs. Charles T'.ilem and daugh ter. Oertrode; reading, "The Little Pronse HOtton." Mrs. J. W. Evana; Scotch dances, Misses Irene and Jennie Hlslop. Floral tributes were presented the retiring officers of both organisations. tiolmen. five "harness bulls'" have been suspended without pay for periods of five days each. The new rule require the sergesnts dally to visit every policeman seversl times, and record the meeting by obtaining the policeman's signature in a little notebook which has become known ss the "hell -record." I-'sllure on the ps'rt of the patrolman to meet the sergeant is punlshsble by suspension, snd the rule Is being rigidly enforced. The oh.lect Is to make the sergeants do a little speedy foot work as well ss to make It Imperetlve thst the patrolmen are always on the street. rr Read The Bee Want Ada. It pays) SERGEANTS MUST CHECK UP PATROLMEN ON BEATS If the "copper" on your beat Is a friend of yours and you happen to see a sergeant lurking around, you'll he doing your friend an act of kindness If you tip him off. A the result ef the police department's neweat rule for keeping tab on the pav Featuring" New Plush Skating Sets Thursday at $2,45 Skating is tho sonsntional fad of the season a,ntl cap and 8carf to match is the "every-whero-acce)ted" skating re quisite. The up p!uh caps and scarfs to match are decidedly new, madp of good quality plush, daintily lined and furnished in all the fashionable colors. A warm as well as stylish it 1 A ' . I skating ana general ouuioor noveny. very $cciuiiy displayed and priced Thursday, at $2.45. seminary Beetles) seen floor. Burgess-Nash Coiipatjy. 1 1 "Bvsn-Ywocrrla tomb" Great Increase of Scarlet Fever and Measles in Year the semester to come. Carlson resigned l-ecause of the press of studies. He will graduate with the mid-year class Girl Bowlers Roll. Girl bowlers rolled on the Brunswick alleys yesterday afternoon. The M. L. and S. L. clubs of the Girls' Afternoon league met and the S. L.'s won two of i Ills inrpg sTamOM Ktlir iniA s-r A m hn mm which might act as Intermediary between ! maae up tMjn war nations, and to ask President Wll- Mrs. Houseman, one of the best local U . K.n.. JI.I....I k.l..1I..J VI, 1 ----- T" V women bowlers, again made high scores. ....... ....... ... ir,.i. '' both in the singles and doubles message to congress. g,.,,,,,. All were referred to committees. j Ml ttcpresentatlve Steenerson. republican, i 1st. of Minnesota, Introduced a resolution to- Smith 119 dsy aimed at British Interference with J Brke"16 American traae with Kuronean neutra s. 1 2d. SI 114 97 The 3d. Tolsl. r a .3 79 298 117 &a It proposes to empower tho president to prohibit export of war munitions to any belligerent controlling the seas and pre venting exports of food or food products. Annie E. Palmer Sought as Heir Somewhere at large, and probably In Omaha, Is a woman whose maiden name was Aanle E. Palmer, who now has a big estate awaiting her In Boston If she can prove her Identity. A letter from a Boston attorney to Ar thur L. rainier, attorney In Omaha, asks for Information whether such a woman is here and If not what has heroine of her. It slates that the probate records of 1.68 in Boston give the name of an Annie K. Palmer of Omaha, and that if this woman la now alive she la heir to valu able property. Totals 31J 8. L. Myers 10:; Altman re Housinan 167 900 291 904 2d. 84 7 3d. Total. 116 313 92 248 1U 444 Totals 349 297 348 994 Hon-llna- Motes. SWIFTS PREMIUMS Nemo. 1st. 2.1. 3d. To Thomas im J04 J24 4x9 Coleman ISO ls 175 614 Anderson ls Hi 172 icA Crowe 170 2i0 147 5n The following health department sts tlstlcs show a great Increase of scarlet fever and measles during 1915 over the previous year: t n. Scarlet fever f.0 Meas es 1.11 Smallpox lfU Mumps l.'i Whooping cough Ml Chlckenpox 147 Typhoid 'fever ii& 1M. 21 1-4 2 14 33 mi a TO STOP BAD C0UGHJ SOOTH SIT, XXaUTATED THDOAT with FAjtBOVT Tmxrr. MATS HI! OLD TABHIOITXD COUOK IIHIDT ZS BEST. We are told that the old time remedies are best and Invariably contain leas harm ful yet better medicine than those which are in use today. Tills being so, un doubtedly the following old fashioned recipe which is quick acting will bo wel comed by many as there seems to be a regular epldoinlc of coughs at the preaent time. Secure from your drUKKlst ounce Parmint (double strength), take this home and add to It a quarter pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sukht, stir until dissolved. Take 1 tableapoonful four times a day. No more racking your whole body with a cour-Ii. Clogged nos trils should open, air passsges of your head should clesr and your breathing become easy, Parmint syrup is pies want to take, easy to prepare and coats little. Every person who has a stubborn cough, hard cold or catarrh In any form should give thla prescription a trial. There Is nothing better. Advertisement. FIVE THOUSAND TAKEN IN DURING ONE MONTH The month of December was an unusually busy month In tho office of Secretary of i State Pool. In 1914 this office received ' during the month of December a total of ' 32.470.20, but during the same period In in 1915 the records show cash receipts of ti.I20.14, a net increase of $2,849 94. Be low will bo found the sources from whence this) fund was collected: I Corporation permits $2,3IOW Corporation penalties 345.76 For flllna articles tit Inrnrnorutlnn t oto nK For filing notary commissions 87. "0 For filing brands 75.09 Filing oertlflcatea and transcripts. 65.75 Sale of statutes 1M.00 All other sources 10.59 1 II . " I UsS Two pair of trousers will share the wear and make your suit last just about twice as long. Try it! Include the Extra I'alr of Trousers -with 7T suit order fw price suit alone Total 35,120.14 FIRE IN CHEMICAL PLANT DOES CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE Spontaneous combustion of chemicals Is supposed to have caused a U.0O0' fire In the plant of the Central Chemical company at 2602 Dorcas street last night. The heaviest damage was to the stock ! of perfumes, soaps, etc., though the l ui'dlng was considerably damaged. The fire had a good start before It was dis-i covered, and it required several hours be fore the department finally controlled It. The building Is owned by the Potash Product company. The fire started In some way, it is supposed. In the Potash ash dryer. Suit and Extra Trousers $25, $J0, $55 Your Unrestricted Choice of Our Entire Stock See Our $25, 530, $35 Overcoat Fabrics Jerrenis'Sons 8 209-211 HlSUiK KrlthlKl 'IBON MAN DECLARES '"'SuftSNATCHED PURSE trln f v,''"-" - "tv t the hands via res Frank Osr- " uPectient rmer, stopping at According to ." r,n there were f four ,U,,e bllh In Omaha ul"1 efke'1 ,hat . 'led out his wallet. m it the youngsters fnni and made off wlih It. Tn 4:1 ii tained 1 10. Cuuahrrf (ur lrr tears. A grateful suffiTt-i- writes: "Your medi cine. lr. King's Nrw Discovery, rurvd iny uuth of tin years' standing." 60c All druggists. Advertisement. WINTER EXCURSIONS To the Ever-Sunny Southland VIA TIIK WABASH RAILROAD IIOI'ND TItIP TICKCTH ON HALE DAILV TO Florida, Cuba, Mobile, New Orleans And all other tJulf Coast m1dU. Fiual return limit, Juue 1, IBie. To destinations in t I4)l(in.l ana CI li t nn go one route and return another at tlightljr hitc'ier tuie. I lllUIUL KTOI'-OVKHH I'KKMITTKI). Attractive rrulaex to the West Indies, Panama Canal and houth America. For detailed Information and deM-rlptle literature, call au or addresa H. C. KIIIKIJM, Ueneral Agent Paaaenger Dept., 311 South llth Ht., WotMlinen of the World Uidg. lelrphone Douttlau S-V. Store Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday! till 9 p. xu.l urgess-Nash Gomrw. 'cvsrydody's stork Wednesday, January fi, 1910. 8TWRK NKW8 FOIt THUIWDAY. Phone Doas. 1S7. ALE As We Predicted Our Second Annual MHIDWIIMTEE WHITE As Comparisons Will Show Are Establishing a New Low Price Standard for the Entire Community THIS statement can be attested to best by the hundreds of thrift-wise shoppers who have been here the past few days and profited by the splendid buying advantages. Every section given over to white goods of any sort is well represented in these sales. EMBK0IDER1ES WHITE GOODS TABLE AND HOUSEHOLD LINENS SHEETS PILLOW CASES MUSLINS LACK CURTAINS ART LINENS UNDERMUSLINS BLOUSES, ETC. This Mid-Winter Sale of HOUSE PEE Is a Timely Offering of Interest to Every Woman THE first complete and thorough showing of authoritative styles for Spring and Summer tho very newest ideas for 1916. We illustrate but six of the many models included examples only of the very large and comprehen sive variety from which you may make your selection. i w m sv g j r a i i m 111 ii K.H w This Dress $1.00 No. 34211-' 'Mina Taylor" morning dress of Amos keug chaml?ray in light blue, laven der and pink. This Dress $1.50 No. 34 206 - Charming "Mina Taylor" morning frock of Manches ter cambric In gray, pink or lavender check. This Dress $1.50 No. 34223--" M ina Taylor" dress of Manchester cam bric in particu larly clear stripe pattern. Bnrfsss-aTash C. This Dress $2.00 No. 429-F i n e quality madras gingham, in clear stripes of pink, light blue, green, lavender, black and white. aa llor. This Dress $3.00 No. 456--W i d e striped gingham dress, in pink, light blue and navy on white back ground. This Dress $1.00 No. 34243-" M ina Taylor" house dress of A m o s keag madras in popular o h e o k pattern. Sheets, Pillow Cases and Muslins Specially Priced in the WHITE SALE Thursday Pequot Sheets and Sheeting are unquestionably the most wanted and preferred to all others by every housewife. Striped Madras Cloths, 121ac 32 inches wide, ullk and mercerized fancy col- 8lkOD Pequot HheeU, Mc HlsOO Pequot Hheets, 79c 7380 Pequot Hheeta, 7.V 72xBO Pequot 8heU, 7(r 64x99 Pequot Hheeta, 70c 0-)xO Pequot Kheeu, 65c Bleached Pequot Sheetings Bheetlnffs, 10-4 yard, S2c Kheetinga, 0-4 yard, 80c Kheetlngs, H-l ard, 2Hc Sheetings, 7-4 yard, ac White Madras Cloths, 8V,c Yard wide pajania checked and atrlped white madras clothe, on ele, at, yard, 8H'. Bleached Muslin at fl2c Standard branda bleached muslin, yard wide, on aale. from the bolt, at, yard, SHc White Pongee at 11c Mercerized white pongee for dresses, waists, men's nd boys' ablrts, etc., 32 inches wide, on sale, at, yard, 11c. oied. striped madras cloths for making fine shirts, waUts and dresses, the 26c quality, at, yard. 12 He. 25c Pillow Tubing at 14c One to 10-yard lengths. The celebrated Dwlght Anchor pillow tubing, 42 and 45 Inches wide, val ues 25c, sale price, yard. tic. White Wool Blankets, $5.98 Site S0x0, white wool blankets, pink and blue borders, mid-winter sale price, pair, S3.0S. White Wool Blankets, $4.75 Size 72x82, white wool blankets, pink and blue borders, raid-winter sale price, pair, f 1.7ft. Wool Finished Blankets, $1.98 Sire 72x70, whits twilled wool finished blankets, raid-winter sale price, pair, 91. UH. 35c Nainsook at 16c Very desirable for fine llnterles. Ses Island nainsook, up to 25c values, 40 Inches wide, at, yard, lOc. Unbleached Muslin at 3c T'nbleached 36 and 40-inch wide muslins, thou sands of yarda on sale, at, yard, 3 He, arfeaa-sTaih O . ssm. lUIZZ BUROESS-NASH mpamv- LEST YOU FORGET Our Second Mid winter Sale of Starts Next Monday, January 10th ae Windows aad Wawapapars foe particulars. , Free Lessons in Knitting and Crocheting Mrs. Brown, a skillful teacher, la in charge of thU demonstration of Kleisher yarns and her service are free and at your command to help you learn any of the new btltches; to teach you how to make any artiiie. aorgaea-sTssa Co Thlr4 Door. !