TIIH HKIU OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY C, 10K5. AGED COUPLE DIE WITHIN FEW HOURS ! Theodore Hunker Passes Away Just Before New Year Arrives and Wife Dies Just After. , STEPSONS GAIN PROPERTY How death awarded a prize of ' 12,200 to three step-sons of Theodore Runker, favoring them over hla own children by three hours In a contest . which the grim reaper staged on New Year's eve, Is a story given to the 'county court by the filing of petitions l for probate of the estates of Runker . and hla wife. 1 Theodora flanker and Sophia Hunker, .his wife, an aited i-ouplo, who lived on ' West Center Mrcet for many years, were I found by neli?hlors in a dylnf condition, both suffering from pneumonia In an advanced stase. Having depended on eaJi other for assistance, in all cnierjenfiea for more than half a century, they sum moned no outside itld when both ap proached their death agonies. Medical attendance was summoned and all possible aid was given the aged couple, but physicians said they were dy.ng. Three children had been born to Mr. and Mrs. Runker, all ot whom have reached middle ase. Mrs. Hunker was iiIho the mother of three sons by a ptc- Iouh marriage. lie was iiosaesscd of property valued at ttf.ono and she had H.tOJ which she had Inherited, from her former husband. Neither Made a Mill. Neither bad made a will and according to law a portion of the estate of whlch cer died first would go to the survivor, then by a second death to the next heirs. tehortly before the sounding of bells land whistles which announced the new 'yenr the old man passed away. 1 The wife at that moment became the ,her to one-third of Ills estate, i -Before daylight New Year's morning 'the wife and mother died. AH of her fchlldren, including the three born of her first marriage, shared equally In her Irhtate, more than doubled In value by ,hcr husband's death. Mr. Hunker's children will receive two (thirds of their father's estate and one i hnlf of their mother's property. They arc Charles TJ. Rtuiker, Orand Island; Mrs. E'lzabeth Brock, Florence, and Mra. Hannah llorder, Benson. The tiiree'Ptepsons will receive one-half of their mother's estate, thus gaining one fix Ih of their stepfather's property by li s death prior to that of their mother. They are Fred and D. H. Kirschner, Hon tilnijton, 111., and Henry Kirschner, J'i.ebli), Colo. Village Cutups Are Not Able to Josh Al Scott Any About Jane Elizabeth N. N. G. to Escort General Dodge On His Last March Adjutant General Hall's order that the Omit ha battalion of Nebraska National guar J partlclj-.ate as part of the escort If""- the Tiinrrni of M'l.ior General Gren M;ie M. Dodg this afternoon at t-uuncFi duns, will be closely observed. Major Slerrlcker and Major Elnasser liave completed their arrangements lor t'.e movement. Special cars for trans P'Ttiiur the troops wT leave the Omaha j armory" promptly at 10:45 this morn l.tf. 'j ile iiuun in.ai win be x(,i eu ill ino (.land hotel, Council Bluffs. Men who are not completely equipped . w ith service overcoats and equipment were ordered to report- to the armory last night or as early as o'clock this morning, that they may be properly furn ished. Every member of tho National guard in Omaha, whether enlisted in an Omaha company or not, la ordered to report to tho army for aervlce In this escort. t'own at the rcmmcrrial c'ut- and at the Omaha Manufacturers' association buslnesa men have been wondrrlns what was the cause Pf n certain phenomenon observed in the person nd physiognomy of "Al" Scott. Mr. Scott Is a laige man who assays about PS per cent Jollity, mirth, laughter. Joviality and joyousness. But in tho last week or to he has become twice as Jolly, twice as mirthful, twice as Jovial and talce as joyous. His smile, which formorly seemed to reach for about 120 degrees across his "map," reached a full lso degrees, going, we are reliably informed, "from ear to ear." At the office of the Scott Manufactur ing company, of which he .a president. It wss noted that he hns become more In a hurry to leave In the evening and get home. It was a mystery. But It Is no longer a mystery. It Is explained and the explanation Is "one bahy girl." The mite of humanity waa adopted by Ml., and Mrs. Scott and hns already become tho light of tho household at tUUt Kouglas street. Mttto "Jane Kllzabeth." for that la her name, Is the caus" of the expansion of "Als' mile, tho rcTdetlon 0r Ms Jocundity, me completion of his Joviality. ' Didn't step on any tacks last night, dldjt 'A l ?" Is now quite a popular ques tion propounded to him by the village cutups at the office and club. "ATMs right there to answer the Jest with his lsO-degree grin and then. If tho questioners don't make a quit-it get-away, he buttonholes them and tells them some- Alfred Noyes, Great English Poet, Will Speak Here Twice Alfred Noyes, the Knglish v-oet, Is to arrive In Omaha at l-.W Friday afternoon ov:er the Hock Island, and la to leave that night arter Ms lectures to the Fine Arts society at the Fontenelle at 4 o'clock and his lecture 10 thi 1'allmpnest club at the Fontenellc In the evening. He goes to Chicago from here. "It will be a great privilege to see an English patriot and poet here in Omaha," rsld Fredrick T. Rous. ' "To those of us who have been study ing his poems," said Miss Kato Mcllugh, "it will bo doubly interesting to hear them read by him." Said Mrs. Leonard Everett: "He has taken the past and revivified its tradi tions, and he has revealed o.ir modern world In the pure light of idealism." Mrs. W. W. Keysor say: "I have had the pleasure of hearing him, and ha Is not a bit disappointing." Mrs. "William a. I'ro nays: ' Mr. Noyes never fails to charm hla audience with hla marvellously beautiful view of life." lone C. Duffy, who recently heard tho poet, says: "It wns a golden hour and one not to be forgotten." Mrs. Anna P. Morey of Hastings speaks of the great Interest their club felt In having such talented men as Alfred Noyea to give a lecture. Abba Wlllard Bowen of the Feru Nor mal school rays: "It seems desperately I bad to us that while he Is to bo so near. ! we at the normal school cannot hear him." She asks of the possibility of get ting him to come to Peru. HARRISON IS RELEASED ON CHARGE OF ASSAULT FARMER GOES BROKE BUYING CANADA LAND John A. Boiling, a farmer at Fort Crook, Neb., has filed a petition in bankruptcy lit federal court, giving the astonishing figures of liabilities, $55,SK9.15 and assets $1(0. Nearly all the liabilities are money due on Canada land in which he had Invested heavily, relying on crops to make the payments. William O. Harrison, charged by Abra , ham Bahlch, former mimical director of 1 the Empress, with "assault with Intent to do great bodily injury," was dis charged by Judge Foster In police court. Harrison testified that he came upon Bablch talking to Mrs. Harrison at Thirty-fourth and Jackson streets, and after carefully removing Babich'a glass , j emote him in the eye. Harrison returned I Babich'a glasses in police court'. Tha Harrisons-' have recently been divorced land Mrs. Bablch. la suing Mra. Harrison for alienating . her husband's af tectiona, 'as well aa cuing her husband for divorce. ! DIETZ WANTS BUDGET WORKED OUT IN OPEN i The city council finally has decided to jatart work on the 191ti budget Thursday' 'morning. In all probability the prelimi nary worH. will be transacted In executive I session. Chairman Diets of the municipal af I fairs committee of the Commercial club believes the work should ail be do" In 'open session. MANY SIGNS NOW ARE POINTING WAY TO OMAHA Over 200 big signs are now firmly I placed on main automobile thoroughfares j w ithin a radius of seventy-five miles of Omaha, telling the distance to Utmaha. These signs were bought by the Commer cial club and placed by the Omaha Manu facturers' association and the. Auto club. El CZEMA BABYS HEADANDFABE Started With Little Pimples. Spread All Over Her Face, Head and Neck and Got Real Sore. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My Uttle daughter had a bad rase of ecsema on her bead and far when she waa five months old. She took it with Just a few little red pimples, and It started from that and spread all over her face, bead and neck. 1 They got real sore and she would scratch aa they would Itch ber so much. She was terribly cross and fretful. "While It lasted, ber face was disfigured. She could not sleep or rest until I used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I started with just a free sample and it relieved ber so I purchased more and about two months after, she waa healed." iSlgned) Mrs. Alice Wilbarger. R. F. I). 4. Alliance, Ohio, July 26. IBIS. Sample Each Free by Mail With S3-p. Sldn Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cutleora, Dept. T, Boas tan." Sold throughout the world. A. (2. .Scott tlilnfir cute that Jane IJIzabeth did the day before. "Al," however, denies vigorously, em phatically, categorically and in toto that ho walks tl.e floor ot ntRbt with Jane Kllzabeth. or that' he makes nightshirt trips about the house In the interests o-i tiny Jane Klizabeth. Jane Klizabeth is an ideal youngster, a well-behaved baby, a perfectly ladylike child and she wouldn't cry at night to make "Al" walk the floor. Bo he says. Besides, "Al" has engaged a mirse to take care of the bahy and Insure her comfort and happiness. Young Lads Admit Theft of Toys Few Days Before Xmas Joe PoIIIk. :i5'-d M yrnr. l.'M fv th Twelflh street, and n. SHplenan. agfO 1 vrar., loll South Thirteenth streri, wrre arrested by Detectives Dolan and WaMier and admitted that Just before Christmas they broke Into B'liler Bros, stores at I'll I Farnam street and stole a, quantity of toys. They were turned over to Juvenile officers. Says Omaha Market for Hay Not Glutted That there is no foundation for the re port that the Omaha hay market waa g'.utlcd by the arrival of l.V cars, as given in nn evening newspaper Tnesi'av, is the assertion of C. M. Hlce of the Csso Milling company. "One hundred and thhty flve cars could never bother h" hay market In Omaha." said Mr. Hlce. "That number of cars wouldn't begin to coer our company's outgoing shipments, let alone the combined shipments of the city. It seems Omaha doesn't reaiue bow big the Omaha hay market Is. It would tako consldetabe more than i:S curs to glut tho market here." HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD-TRY THIS (let a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the lierman folks call It, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put i cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It openn the pores, relieving congestion. Ali - looncns the bowels, thus breaking ' a t old at once. j It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable, I therefore harmless. Advertisement. , January 8th is the Day Set for the Final Awarding of "Dandy" the Christmas Pony In the Toy Shop Pony Contest If you secured tickets that en titled you to eu ter this contest be sure to see the big sign posted In the show win dows or phone Orchard & Wll helm and ask about Fony con test. Perhaps you will be entitled to the Tony. J I ) A R January 8th is the Last Day Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Noonday Luncheons for Busy Men and Women In the Men's Cafe and Logan Inn A Hasty Lunch for men is served from Twelve to Two I. M. The price is sixty-five cents. In the Main Restaurant A Special Luncheon is served from Twelve to Two for ladies and gentlemen, at eventy-five cents. It is needless to say that tho usual Fontenellc service par excellence will be maintained in the preparation and serving of these meals. 1 "BUILT TOR YOU TO ENJOY." gls-Vear-Old Had troup. "I have a little girl years old who has a great deal of trouble with croi:p." writea W. E. Curry of Kvmnaville, Ind. 'I have uaed Foley's Honey and Tar, ob taining instant relief for her. My wife nd I also used It and will say it la the best cure for a bad cold, cough, throat trouble and croup that I ever aw." Those terrible coughs that seem to tear one to plecea yield to Foley's Honey and Tar. Bold everywhere. Ad ver-tUemeot. RESOLUTION PASSED FOR LATE VICTOR B. CALDWELL liesolutlona of respect for the late Vic tor R Caldwell, former president of the Vnited States National bank, were adopted by the executive committee of the Commercial club. Could vrk with HkfiMllw. A satisfied patient writes: "Hloan'a Liniment cured my rheumatism, am grateful; I can now walk without pain." ,Unly c. All druggists. Advertisement. A DAGGER IN THE BACK That's the woman's dread when she gets up In the morning to start the day a work. "Oh! how my back aches." Gol.1) MKDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules taken to day eases the backache of tomorrow taken every day enda the backache for all time. Ion't delay. What's the use of Buffering? Begin taking iOL,D MKOAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today and be re lieved tomorrow. Takx three or four every day and be permanently free from wrenching, distresalng hack pain. Hut be sure to get (JOI,T MKDAU fllnoe 16M GOLD MUDAI. Haarlem Oil baa been the National Remedy of Holland, the Government of the Netherlands having granted a special charter authorising Its Preparation and sale. The housewife of Holland would almost as aoon be with out bread aa she would without tier "Real Dutch Drops" as she quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules. This la the one reason why you ll find the women and children of Holland so sturdy and robust. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original Haarlem Oil Capaulea Imported direct from the laboratories In Haarlem. Hol land. But be sure to get GOLD MKDAL. lxok for the name on every box. hold by reliable drugiriatfl In sealed packages at ifce. ioc and tl Money refunded if they do not help you. Accept only the GOLD MEDAL, All othcre are iiuita turns. Advertisement. HarELfTOKTErJELLE A. BURBANK, Managing Director. -m? ill' . 1 ? -A i..4.. t -4- Mof t Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West Tamily Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, '2502 N 8t. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. Established 1894. fll Rupture treated successfully without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and children. Tha cost )a determined after examination, and time required two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. DM. W1AT ft MAIHIlT, SUITE 309 BE! BZ.BO-, OMASA, HU, rTTt n n ITr Orchard & Wilhelm Co. FURNITURE RUGS DRAPERIES . o Iu-gular I-t Ice. 70.00 $ 0.00 $ ts.oo 32.00 62.00 32.00 22.00 86.00 21.50 f.3.00 42.00 IS. 00 38.00 SR. 00 4.00 32.00 Maltoftnny t'hlfronipr, extra larpo aly.A Mahogany Drrsaor, large plate nilrror Mahogany Dressing. Table Knmed Oftk Crllerrtte .' Oak Srtlo, caoe- hark and arat. White Knamrlod Chlffonlor ... Whtto Knatiieled nreaalnR Table. Knmed Oak Davenport ' liolden Oak Rorkar. Spanish leather aeat yind bark Muhoi?any Wing; Chair, denim cov Tapestry Arm Chair, loose rtioh- loit aeat ; .". ....... Kunied Oak Library Table, plank to Mahogany Serving Tabla Mahogany Serving Table . . . , Ktimed 0k Htiffet. nfi-lnoh. Kumed Onk Nerving TRble. , .lanuary alo Price. $15.00 812.75 SX17.50 $35.00 SUO.OO S15.00 955.00 St 4.50 $37.50 S25.0U P-8M.OO SI 1.00 SI5.00 S15.O0 -SKi.OO Regular I'rlce $ 14.00 $219.r(0 Worth-Your-While Furniture Sale 0FFKR1NO moat dependable furniture nt ntoat tmtiatial prleea. It la lmpon Klble to tell of all the values and deacrtbo them. We want, however, to lmpreaa upon you the fact that thla pale la not of a few patterns but eovera it vast number of de nlgna In furniture for all rooms. Ilerr ore it few examples of prevailing January lYIces: January Kale Price. Ivory Enameled Table 80.50 Three-pleo Ivory Enameled Hed riom aet. dresser, chiffonier and toilet table 8175.00 67.00 Ivory Enameled Dressing Table, whlto maple top $38.00 1200.00 Mahogany Hall Clock, Woatnilns- ter chimes 8125.00 1100.00 Mahogany Library Table, pedes tal base 870.00 $110.00 Mahogany Table, 54-lnch top, Sheraton design ." 880.00 $160.00 Mahogany Buffet. 72-lnrh top. Sheraton design 8110.00 $ 20.00 Mahogany Fervlng Table $8.50 $ 45.00 Mahogany Dining Table. 48-ln. top. $35,00 $100.00 Mahogany Ill-Boy. large and roomy $00.00 $ 66.00 Auto Valet, golden oak $30 .OO $ 4 2.00 Brass Bed. 2-ln. rontlnuous post . S20.QO ' L"i IiU.I r Bric-a-Brac AS.K of ar ticles, of ar tistic value at prlres moat at tractive only a few can be mentioned; thero are many more. Regular January price. Hale Price. $18.00 2 Chinese Bronze Candle Sticks SS.OO $1.76 Butterfly Plarques, &2.40 $7.50 Butterfly Hacques, $3.75 $8.26 Butterfly riacques, $4.15 $0.50 Butterfly riacques, $1.75 $10.00 Curved Wood Book Ends 88.00 $12.00 Wicker Moat $0.00 $10.00 3 Painted Wood Smoker stands, each $5.00 $10.00 Carved Wood Picture Frame . .$5.00 $20.00 Wood Box 810.00 $4 2.50 Marble Winged Victory $21.25 $39.00 Hand Carved Oak Table, standard $10.50 $U7.00 Bronze'and Sterling Silver Desk Set . . . -833.50 $95.00 Brotue Figure "lit Trlompe" $17.50 RUGS J3 1 re fife iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy lilmitiiiuiiHijuiii A SALE Including Bundhar Wilton, French Wilton, Anglo-Persians, Anglo-Indinns, Hartford Saxony and rugs of such quality that we can say positively we will NOT offer ajraln nt less than the regular prices within the next six months. Note These Examples: Ilegular January Price. Hale Price. 3 Runners, Bundhar quality. 5x16 $22.60 815.50 3 Runners, Sanford Axmlnater, 3x12 10.50 7.5Q 1 Runner. French Wilton quality. 3x9 18.00 12.50 2 Runners, Hartford Saxony quality, 3x15 26.00 17.50 2 Rugs Nesnmo reversible, 4x7 10.60 3.50 1 Rug. Tapestry, cross seam, 9x12 12.00 0.05 2 Rugs, Bundhar Wilton, 9x9 43.00 35.00 2 Rues. Bundhar Wilton, 9M5 .. . C8.00 40.50 7 Rugs, Bundhar Wilton, 9x12 4 8.50 30.50 5 Rugs, Hardwlck Wilton. 9x12 65.00 40.50 1 Rug, Whlttall's Anglo-Ferslan, 8-3x10-0 60.00 43.50 2 Rugs, Seamless Chenille, 8-flxt 0-C 60.00 35.QO Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th Street. vV ..sn r Take the "bull by the horns" and hie down to Florida now! Don't dilly-dally. Things that can "keep you from going" can keep 'til you're back. Life's too brief to be putting off pleasure that you've the oppor tunity to enjoy; go to Florida ?iow. A day and a half; that's all the time it takes to reach Florida from Kansas City via Frisco Lines and Southern Railway the direct route. The Special leaves Kansas City at 5:55 p. m. and gets to Jacksonville 8:25 a. m. second day. All-steel train of coaches, sleeping cars and Fred Harvey dining cars. Write the undersigned for new Florida literature and lull information ihout firr and reservations. J. C. LrrUa, Dirisioa PatMDfcr Af ant, Waldhsira Building, Kansas City, Mo. jiff if Low fares to Florida and Cuba R J trlsi. Km JacksMvills St Aifastiaa Tsaaa Psiai Bsach Missrf Ksy West KtTtat MZ.50 44.80 54.10 81.00 4.60 75.60 79.00 Cla tl3.attoUe.M ICMlSM) Mhcral stop Tr prtT Urge, sod long return limit OorrnpoDrtiDflr low (art. to othrr ra sorts In Florida. Cuba aoil tbs Isle ot Pines Lt.tiUll service s mm and to "of tb new THAT PAYS DIG DIVowtonuU