Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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I to remove MMiiffljO'COHNOR KILLED
Oet a IB-cent hottle of Psnd-rin at any I TUA ITCM TM WfiDTU
drug .tor pour a Unit into your bin I J Xll d A 1 111 HIAIII
and rub well Into the p with the fin- ;
r tips. By morning most. If not (II. of '
thin awful curf win have'-iiri. i This ii Veriion of Hastinji Myitcry
Two or three awlicatmii w 1 .lln y , THtiA - k TV, T
every Mt of dandruff: Mop scalp Itchln w V .v.... .
and falling hair Advri llsrment.
Syrup of Figs
For Cross, Sick
..Feverish Child
Look, Mother! Is tongue coat
ed, breath hot and
stomach sour?
Harmless "fruit laxative" best
to clean tender liver
and bowels.
Mother sn rest easy after Mn
"California Pyrnp of KIks," hccs'i'e In
a few hour all the clogsril-iip wast,
four bile and frrmontlnir food gently
moves out of the. bowels, and you hsv a
wall, playful child again. Children simply
will not tske tho time from play to
empty their bowpla, and they become
tightly parked, liver not aliiRgleh and
stnrnsrh disordered.
V1ien croes. feverish, restless, see if
I on ana la coated, than give tliia delirious
"fmlt laxative." Children love It, and
It can not eauac Injury. No difference
what alia your llttla one If full of rold,
or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stomachache,
bad breath, remember, a gentle. "Inside
Heaping" should alwayi be the first
treatment given, Kull directions for
babiea. children of all ages and grown
tipa are printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your drugg let for a 60-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Flga," then look
carefully and aea that It la made by
the "California Fi Syrup Company."
We make no amaller else. Hand back
with contempt any other flf ayrup.
Advert leetnent
j HA.-TlNO.i. Nfb.. .'an. . (Special Tele
. gram. l- Before Judge Corcoran In the dis
trict court today John T. r.ilavln's tcnti
; inony for the first time rslel th" rurlaln
land explained the mystery enshrouding
the life of John O'Connor, the Hustings
recliian alio ,iiii. I i, I'll. snl
whose body is still unhurlcrl awaiting the
mint's disposal of h 1 10 . ) rsisl".
I I't eased hard In rns- xnuilnatlon. ami
alth what appealed to be reiUctanre.
Culavin an 1,1 that John O'Connor killed
two rural police In Canada .and then fled
; to this country, concealing bla identity
for fnriy-tw") years. In Canada, accord
ing to Culavin, O'Connor' name was Olef
Horn ll psrtlcl-alcd In l'tilrii rc:vl
lies and other rebellions snl kld tlio
rollce. who were shiul to ari-s' bin.
The lullrr fact he d -ov .1 th.- i1y b' - I
fore lie klllcrt ll-e !
rent him to Onmln ti apiead ti e report j
that Olef Oleen waa dead, and bis py
i ment for thlr. In part was the executinr
j or O'Connor will making Culavin the
1 beneficiary. Ia.t year a tury decided
! that the will waa a forgerv.
Alleged anna of Olsen hy an Imllsn w fe
are here claiming the estate as heira in
the present term of court. Many other
clalmanta from varloua parts of t m
t'nlted State are her rlaimlng helrshln
and each claimant positively Identifies t la
body of John O'Connor as a rrlat've.
The mesa of conflicting testimony I
no within eight of the end.
f .
l 1 J- W - f
H is. ' j
; .' t '
gMMiiiijiiijaiat mtmmtmw$mvimtt ii i fli Trim itwa-riwiwfai
J. LAVniK WAI.I.AC'r..
Continued from Page One.)
ruptlonr If we"'arefullyaflve tc mlr op
poi tunltiea
War May Soon. Then What f
"1 believe the war of Europe will not
be so long protra'cted as many. If not
.the most of men predict. TbU opinion la
jl.sed principally upon two grounds. In
the f rst place, It seems apparent that
: Mule, if any benefit to any belligerent
country or fo the world at large can re
ault from the war erccpt and unless it
he the firm establishment of an Inter
nstlrnal tribunal for the aettlement for
all International differences: one that !
universal and practical, and whoaa de
crees arc enforceable; one that will pre
vent tlie prolongation of wars In the
future. Tills can be created. If ao,
negotiations for peace and for such, re
sults should te opened at once and pnahed"
to a conclusion. There will be never a
better time.
! "If one able or the other should abao
Jutely conquer the other aide fwhlch
: i-cr-m impossible unless the war la car
ried to en extent that would leave the
! anrvlvlng peoples of the present gen
eration of all the nation helple end
hopeless), there would be no need nor
J. lsurie Walace, Omaha well-known
artlftl. has an attractive nrniiostt I, in which
he la conxidorlng which will take him . disposition for an international tnnunal.
awy from Omaha. He say that he bn , Tho'tcVrg of all the nation mut reallie
not exactly made up his mind, but that "nl appreciate theae facta and are likely
he probably will establish a studio In j to act upon them aoon.
Rock Island, with Pavenport and Moline 1 "The other ground for my belief la
that each of the warring nation la
starving for men and money both. They
do not admit It, but the sign are plenty
and convincing. Any nation that 1 pro
b nclntt the war beyond the time when It
can be reasonably and honorably dis
continued, la lowly but aurely committing
aa an additional field for hla work.
(From a Btgff Correspondent.)
WAHHINCJTON. Jati. 6. (Bpeclal Tele-
OF YORK COLLEGE TCM !rm )-The. civil aervlce commission hH
1 v n wwuuuwu I kHlfl nnnounM1 tnilt examination for the de-
lamp are to ( onr,
"But whenever the w-ar ahall close, the
business of the country will be con
fronted with new condition. The pur
chasing power of the whole world will
hae been very greatly reduced. Foreign
countries who are now buying our prod
uct, beeauae compelled, will withdraw
their patronage In a large measure. Other
nonproduclng cbuntrlea will find their
financial resource and credit lessened.
More than this, foreign producer, In
great need, will trlv more diligently
than ever to uppty the countries that
are financially able to pey and at price
baaed on cheap labor and low cost, as
they have a perfect right to do.
"Our producers. Including our wge.
earner, will find themaelve In commer
cial antagonism with the mot perfect
and difficult competition ever experienced
unless this shall be prevented by law
that are reasonable nd sufficient. Thl
la not a question of politics, nor for .po
litical parties a such. Tt 1 one of
economies and of good business, and It
affect alt the people. It I a question
of the greateat good to the greatest num
ler. There should be an effort to as
certain and establish a line of Justice and
fairness between the producers and the
consumers. f
Overconf Idence fireateat Danger.
'This la an epoch. Time are serious,
perhaps critical. Financial, commercial
and Industrial Interest of this country
may bo firmly established on an Inde
pendent and invulnerable foundation, but
here muat be o-opera tlon -.between all
classes and department, private and pub
He. "We must . be prepared for radical
change In volume. In prices . and re
sotirces. There Is danger of ' over-production,
over-extension of credit and ll.
bllltlea, over-confidence. We have ob
served thla before and we shall see It
gain. It I possible the hanka will over
extend their credits, particularly In favor
of foreign Interest, who offer attractive
rates, but they will take care of that
matter for themselves. We business men
should reallxe there Is possible danger
ahead In the business outlook, and If we
proceed with caution, however aggres
sive, we will have done no harm, and
we may hereafter have reason for cc
gratulatlon. We have the greatest coun
try with th greatest opportunities, nnd
may properly be hopeful and confident."
(Continued from Pge One.)
"that the marketa of thl country are
tree and open to Germany as well as to
11 other coiintrlca. and that thl govern
ment doe not distinguish between arty
belligerent nations, then bow can the sen
ator say that thla government hs taken
an tinneutral position?"
Ilia thief Objection.
"It Is Impossible to got arms to !er
many nd I aay It la morally wrons for
this government to permit shipment of
arms to any of the belligerents." Pcnator
Works Insisted. He added that hia prin
cipal objection was bad on a conviction
that the I'nlted States was aiding In pro
longing the war and the killing of men
and that he would not only put an cm
bargo on munitions, but also on ship
ments rf food and clothing to the armies
of Kurope. .
Senator Lodge In upholding the posi
tion of the Vnlted Ptatea as to the 'ship
ment of munition- engsged In sj lengthy
colloguy with Senator O'Gorman, Jlltcb
cock. and others. -
"Our markets are open to all the world
to buy," said Senator Iodgc. . "We have
taken no action to prevent any belligerent
or any one else from buying In our mar
kets and we are at peace with the world.
A condition has been created by thl war
and by the war alone which prevents one
or more belligerents from buying In this
market. If we undertake to reverse a
condition created by the war we nt once
enter into the war nd endeavor to
restore a condition existing before thsj
war. and that Is an art of iinneutrality."
"Evidently An time of war auch aa now
disturbing the peace of the world," "Sen
ator O'Gorman rejoined, "almost any act
of a neutral power would be regarded by
some as an act of partiality, but. In my,
Judgment, this government, If It deemed
It best for the American nation and thsjj
beat security of peace with all the na
tion, couM place an embargo against thai,
al'lpment of munitions, to any hellgerent
without exposing Itself to the Imputation
of an unneutral act."
Miles Oreenleaf has recovered from a
long lllne-s with bronchitis, and Is now;
able to bo out again for the first time
In almost two months.
"Tiz"'A Joy to
Sore, Tired Feet
Use "Tiz" for aching:, burning,
puffed-up feet and corns
or callouses.
Good-bye. sore feet, burning feet, swol
len feet, tender feet, tired feet.
Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and
raw spots. No more shoe tightness, no
more limping with pain or drawing up
your face in agony. "Tl" is magical,
acta right off. "Tlx" draws out all t he
poisonous exudatlona which puff up th
feet, fee "Tlx" and wear smaller shoes.
t"e "Tl" and forget your fool misery.
Ah! how comfortable your feet feel.
Get a 2,-cent box of "Tlx" now el nnv
druggist or department store. 1) m t
suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, fcct
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed
or money refunded. Advertisement.
It's Easy If You Know Ir.
wurda' Olive Tablet.
The secret of keeping young la to feel
young to do thU you muat watch your
liver and bowels there' no need of hav
ing a sallow complexion dark ring un
der your eye pimple a btllou look in
your face dull eye with no sparkle.
Tour doctor will tell you ninety per
cent of all elcknea come from Inactive
bowel and liver.
Pr. Kd wards, a well-known physician
In Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil to act on the liver
and bowels, which he gave to hi pa
tient for years.
Dr. Kdward' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, are gentle In their ac
tion, yet always effective.
TOP.K, Neb., Jen. B.-Bpeclal.)-Dakt
ball ha begun with a ruh following the
holiday. Prospect look very bright for
Y'ucceasful team. Thtrty-flve candidate
hve responded to Captain Baunder' call,
and beside a strong flrt team the col
lege also expect to ba repreented by a
trong bunch f reserves. The schedule
January 14 St. Taul at Tork.
January 19 lioane at York.
February York at Peru.
February York at Cotner.
February 8 Kearney at York.
P'ebruary Cotner at York.
February 11-York at Poane.
February II York at llastlnva.
February l-York at W. Paul.
February 1-York at Central City.
February 2t-York at Grand Island.
March -Omh at York.
.March s-Peru at York.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. .-(8pecll Tel-egram.)-Dr.
S. J. Stewart today an
nounced hla candidacy for auperlntendent
of Inglealde asylum, competing with Dr.
J. T. Steele, the only other man already
They bring about that exuberance of!1" the. race. Dr. Btewart I a republican,
spirit, that natural buoyancy which wn,le Steele I a democrat. Btewart for
should be enjoyed by everyone, ,y toning mr,lr "ved on the hospital staff under
tip th liver and clearing the system of Superintendent . Kern, some year ago.
i.n...m.. r
You, will know Dr. Kdward Olive Tab
lets by their olive colur. 10c and Kc per
'box. .All druggist.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus,
Ohio. I
Stop the Cold
And Avoid
Cong a ad
Oolite hould
H eglooted.
sams OFiScorrs bluff
From a Staff Correspondent.)
j LINCOLN, Jan. (HpecaU-llarvey
J I.. Hm of Bcolt'g Bluff ha filed for the
J republican nomination for state regent,
j Walter R. llager of Hastings today ent
In hi filing for th democratic nomina
tion for the state senate from the Nine
teenth district.
The lack of resisting power that pie- '
ix iie al kind of Ill-health cause t o igh
and colda. Th theory of om pooplc
to "let a eold run It course" should be ,
supplanted by the safe rule to "never
neglect a cold," beeauae it la from coughs
and colda that grippe, pneumoMa nj
other erloua cilmvnta usually develop.
Bo It behoove all who are prone to
"lake cold" to find a remedy to fore
stall it. In thla connection Duffy Pure
Malt Whlikey will prove on of the most
effective remedie you hvg ever tried,
if taken in tablespoon- dose in etjual
amount of water or milk before meal
and on retiring. Because Duffy' Pure
Malt Whiskey I n. absolutely pure
tonlc-atlniulant. It asit In building up
th weakened and run down system by
it beneficial action on the stomach, th
our ee of moat 111. If th system I in
a healthy condition tt la Invariably, able
to re 1st and throw off rough, cold,
fripp and bronchitis prevalent at thl
eacon. Remember.
Notes from Lindsay.
LIN PSA T, Neb., Jn. 5.-tSpeclal.)-Th
tan of matrimony for Mis Pauline
Porer nd Albert Prothman were an
nounced for th first time at th Holy
Family church on Sunday. The wedding
a i't be on January 11
At the annual meeting of the Farmer'
Elevator association It. wag tieclded to
build a new elevator of 15.000 bushel ca
pacity, building to commence a aoon a I
arrangement can be made. An I per
cent dividend waa declared and two old
Ulrecjor. Herman Beheren and Juilua
Nathan, war re-elected.
rartmentai service In Waahlngton will bo
held at the following places and date:
Nebraska Alliance, April 7, March 15.
April 12.
Peatrlce. April 11, March IB, April 12.
Hroken Bow. April s, Mrch 15, April 12.
Chadion, March 1ft, April 12.
Columbn. April b. March IS, April 12.
Fremont, April
Grand Island, April , March 15,
April 12.
Iloldrege, April In. March If.. April 12.
Lincoln. April 4. March IS, April 12.
M.t ook. April 10, March 1ft. April 12.
Nebraska City. April 16. April 12.
Norfolk. April SI, March In. April IS.
North Platte. April , March 1. April 12.
Omaha. April 13, March 1... April 1.
O'Neill, March 15. April 12.
New Drainage District Authorised.
STELLA, Neb.. Jan. 6. (Special.) -Judge
Raper has authorised Ihe orgsn
Isstlon of Drainage District No. 3 in Ne
maha county. The project la being pro
moted by O. W. Hopklnson. n. G. Wil
kinson nd others, who own 3,X cre of
land to be benefited. Thla move will
reultate the organization of a drainage
district In Illchardson county, beginning
at the 'county line about three miles
northwest of Ptella. to a point where the
Muddy cmptle into the Nemiha, a dis
tance of about twenty-five mile.
Tllalr Bank Changes.
LINCOLN, Jan 6. -(Special. )-The Blair
National bank has changed to a state
bank under the name qf the Bank
of Blair. The capita remains the same.
Ml, mm, and the officers are likewise the
ssme, (. A. Schmidt being. president ; T.
K. Htevens, vice president, and Thomas
Ftnnoll, caahler.
Plattamonth Woman Ilndly Hnrned.
PLATTSMOI'TH, Neb.. Jan. 5.-(c'pe-clal.V
Mr. Harry Wilcox was seriously
injured Tuesday afternoon by' the ex
plosion of a gluns jar of hot lard the' WdS
engaged In sealing. Iter face, neck and
one shoulder were badly burned.
o Money Mailed to Serbs.
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 5 Ilasne of postnl
money ordera to (Serbia ha been discon
tinued Indefinitely, It waa announced to
day, on account of th auepenainn of re
lations with Serbia by the postal admin
istration of Bwltserland, which hereto
fore ha served a intermediary.
Knock. Down by Anto,
PARIS, Jan. 5. Th Mariuls Pe
faatellane, father of Count Bonl le
Caatellane, was knocked down by at
automobile as he was coming out of i
military hospital where he had been work
ing. Although his injuries are serious
the physician believe he will recover.
Farmer Klevator Kleeta Officer.
PLATT8MOL-TH. Neb.. Jan. 6.-(Sp-viD
The annual meeting of the Cedar
Creek Farmer' F.levator company wa
held yeaterday. at which th following
officer wer chosen: J. A. Hennlng.
Cedar Creek, preside t;. J. l. Terry?0T
ry, vice president; John Alber, Piatt.
uuin. treasurer:, . u Fredrick. Piatt.
ao not neglect a I mouth. crtrv vim. ...
cold but get Duffy'. Pur. Malt Whiskey i Cedar Creek, manager; Phillip Bch.efer'
at once from your local druggl.t, grocer j Henry Horn and O. P. dl"
rector. During th last year thl com.
or dealer, l.Q0. If he can't aupply you.
writ us. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
Bochester, N. T.
uany nancied ln.K, buahela of corn
S1.S9 buahela of wheat. 16.882 bushels of
oat and JW) ton of coal.
rtejret !anraae Offer,
FREMONT. Ntb., Jan. S.(8pe.i.l.)
The county board of supervisors at th
monthly ea(on Tuesday rejected the of
fer of the nineteen Insurance rommnln
FT"! " iTF ? fSfflsfSi holding pol'clo on the. Dod.e county
LJ L Jf ' j H 1 i UilSllL l CUrt h0UM' ,MI-'1 by fir a month
U.bMW! U UHW-Ual age and it i probabl tne mutter will
For Weak Stomachs ukn ,0 '" " county Attorney
InartlvA Rowels Sldner w Instructed to prepare a for-
UUI rilidi aiur UaiHU . ... .UJu.lPr ror the om
Physic PUIs Mineral Waterc
Drugs Oils Enemas
Five Minutes! No
Gas, Indigestion
or Acid Stomach
Instant relief from sourness,
heartburn, headache,
"Pape's Diapepsin" is quick
est and surest stomach
relief known.
panic offered to ttl for $X,0ui. The
county asked $47,000.
They can nithr cur ailment nor prv.-,t
them. They are unnatural In action and their sfTsct
Kvnreas lasnnanlea Move.
PIF.RRK. P. D.. Jn. S.-Jnoi.l T.I..
is M him th body nerve and brin. . fruit- grm.)-The first mnvi 1.. ih- .....i.
vigor I dinrnt-not a mdicln. nor a luxury. ... -
but vl necessity. It fruit derived eleowil ,n xpre companies on the present en -
re the natural corrective for disorders of stomach, press tsx law under the contltutl.insi
pnrperue K
partisct order.
wny nrsi cias aruggist or grocer can get , , " vompani. contest the prvsen l,iw
aa, kidneys, nd It vils.umg upbuilding aiurnitmont , mis j . . .
kesp urn Tenure dtitwuv yum u rn1""'? of 1WS was started In circuit
Jr-fre from Umnt. court before Judge Hughes here todav.
fruit Vigor for you-$l per ar. Or for I tvlni been auccetaful in r,.
mo Dy parcel pot on '. ... . ...
' v wmcn wa a eel a rod to be un-
n", constitutional.
kmiiad tun w wili (end by parcel post on
.30-uuar 3.00,
lr lor tl-f-our ars i
h Stewart rood Company .
LLiU 2 Security gU4g, Chicago 1
- Th exact esos of rhsumailim I aa.
known, (hough It ts geoaraily believed to
be due loin excess of uric aeid lo th blood.
It my be also said wl'b equal truth that no
temoJy baa bean found wliich ts aspeeina
in all cases, to tact th lllsratur of rheu
matism shows llii tbere are but few dru
wblrti have not boen given a trial. In the
bands ft one observer we Bud that a certain
drug he been used wlib th utmost sails
Ikiioq; others bav luuod lbau remedy
I be n ra disappoimmaul. all pbrsl
. 4 isn aowever aaree that every ruetbud of
1 I'rtiuii-nUi elded by lb adnilnlslraUoo of
..iijs reiuady to relieve the pain nod quiet
lev nerous .vlm and lr. w. B rto hulls
iptataw iti opinion ol thousand of pr
t'.i. .i.-r sum b a( thai aotl-kamaia
!i ' lo.. h) bx (Ivea prlerence over all
t -r rue2is (or tb reltrl ol in paia la
lort-i of rlieuuistism. 1 hen Uiiiimscaa
t pur butj la uy aautity. Iber are
t..'t'i,d in brw-iw hr, agufaigift
-j a j i-.u. Asa it A-, liuiti:
Hrrttrafvln Hubbea
rii-MU.NT, .Neb.. J.. S.-iSueclal i
Why not get aome now thl moment,
and forever rid yourself of stomach trou
ble and Indigestion? A dieted stomach
get the blues and grumbles, tilve it a
good eat. then take Pspe Dlapepsln to
atart the digestive juices working. There
will be no dyspesl or belching of gaa or
eructation of undigested food; no feel
ing Ilk a lump of lead in th stomach
or heartburn, alck headache and dlailneaa.
i and your food wll) not ferment and poi-
son your breath with' nauseous odor.
I Fspe'a Diapcpstn costs only 50 cents for
la large case at any drug store here, and
i will relieve the most obstinate cea of
' indigeatlon and upset stomach In five
There I nothing els better to take ga
from th atomach and cleanse th stom
ach and Intestlnra, and. besides, one sin
gle dose will dlgrst and prepare for as
similation Into the blocd all your food
; the aame as a sound, healthy atomach
; would do It.
j When Diapepsin works, your atomach
resta gets tlself In order, e'esns up -
llenrv C ul,..u s . .ana men on irci l'i:e r! UK worn ) OU
,. Freonr encM" !! ' rom u-- will
of t.,; ;r,7n ....ion s Tu;.Z L Ab.,olu,;,,re,i;f "om "om"ch mJ-
nliht Mr Hr.itenr.irf 1 U,M ery is watting for you aa soon a you da-
night Mr. Breltenfeld wa on his way to cld. lo a little t)loen.l,. Tell vo,,r
druggist that you want Pape'a IHapepsin.
beeauae you want tq become thoroughly
cured thia time.
Remember, If your stomach feels out-of-order
snd uncomfortable now you ran
get relief In five minute. Advertisement.
th station to take a train for home.
Oar Jitney Offer 'lata aBa a.
Ion't miss this Cut ran thla slip, en
close with tc ard mall It to Foley Co ,
Chicago. 111., writing your nam and ad
dro clerl. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foley' Honey
and Tar compound, for rough, cold
and croup; Foley Kidney Pill, for pain
In aide and back, rheumatism, backacb.
kidney and bladdr ailment, and Foley
('sthenic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleanalng cathartic, for coa
tlpatlon, biliousness, bcadach and slug
gish bowsla. Sold everywhere. AdvcrtiiH!-loeot.
10 Experienced Furni
ture Salesmen. Apply
before 8 A. M. Thursday.
Rubel Furniture Co.
Clearance Sale IVIeets
WItri Enttiuslastic Approval CROWDS ATTEND
OF course ther were pleased, and they will be even more gratified six months from now when the
goods, "PROVE UP" that's the way with first-class, dependable merchandise, and it's the ONLY
"ITT XT TV TTTf TlfAT TXT - J U kXTT "V t'TVn rtr 171 A T A rnt? CI A T TT
jYxrvi y xj uxuau iii aiiu ixic vhjjx Jin 1 mat, fauces 111 our jxjizJjAjIU oVJUXj.
tWsnes't Dept.:
eenna Fleer.
Cf, 1- Seyeml Hundred Garments
oKiriS In a W.aderfil Display
Corduroy Skirts In light blue, nayy
and brown, good for . either street or house
wear. They were extra good value at 14.50,
in the sale at S2.KO.
The remainder of our stock in Are big lots
$3.50 to $4.00 8kjrts
$5.00 to $6.50 Skirts
$7.50 to $8.60 Skirts
$9.00 to $10.00 Skirts
$12.00 to $13.50 Skirts
The entire stock of Women's and Misses'
Dresses In afternoon and evening models in
velvets, serge, taffeta, combinations, crepo
de chine, etc.
$14.75 Dreesee ..810.75
$17.50 Dresses 12.75
$19.75 Dresses 814.50
$2J.60 Dresses 816.75
$25.00 Dresses 818.50
$29.60 Dresses 821.50
$35.00 Dresses 826.50
$39.60 Dresses 828.50
$45.00 Dresses 833.50
Women's and Misses' Coats
A tremendous assortment to choose
from, including Plush, Corduroys, Ve
lours and Mixtures, in full flaring models,
with or without fur; satin lined. The
make is much better than ordinary and
the original prices were extremely con
servative in the sale ' they are whirU
w'inds. ; ,
D14.75 to $17.50 Coats, now... .$9.75
$18.75 . to $22.50 Coats, now. .. .$14.50
$25.00 to $29.50 Coats, now $18.50
$35.00 Coats, row...'. $23.50
$45.00 to $49.50 Coats, now. . . .$35.00
$55.00 Coats, no.w .$39.50
$65.00 Coats, now $45.00
Every garment, including Velvets, in
the sale. It is absolutely imperative that
we clear, hence the low prices.
$25.00 Suits $12.50
$29.50 Suits $14.75
$35.00 Suits $17.50
$45.00 Suits $22.5U
$65.00 Suits..'... $32.5U
$75.00 Suits $37.50
$97.50 Suits $48.75
Main STeVlr, Ylett' Atml.
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
TW ian.a,r. mi Anta
The kinds that have, built
us a reputation, models by
Sam Peck and others, from 6
to 1$ years.
$3.60 Suit or Overcoats. tltt
$6.00 Suits or Overooats.tS.76
$S.60' Suits or OvarooaU.l4.7S
$7.50 Suits or Overcoats. $4.7 6
$8.60 Suits or OverooaU .
$10.00 Suita-Ovarcoat.. . $70
$12.60 8ults-OverooaU..48.8
$16.00 Sults-Overooats..$lL25
1 1 I Tears Junior
$3 Sultw-O'coaU ISJ
$3.60 SulU-0'ct946
$6 Suits-O-ooaU $8.76
$7.60 Snits-O'ct 16.76
$$.50 SulU-0'c't$46
Of Real Maekiaaw Clot.
$3.95 Macklnawa
$5.00 Mackinaw
$6.(0 Mackinaw
: Infant' Ttrft .
Seennal Flewv
Bargains in Infants' Wear
Children's Coats Ares a to 7 Tears.
$5.00 to $5.95 values, now 83.05
$6.50 to C8.50 values, now $5.75
$10.50 values, now 8H.05
$12.60 values, now
$13.60 values, now
Lob and Short White Coats aad
$1.95 values. 81.39 '
11.10 veluss.Jt.TS 16.00 values.. SS-SR
values.. M 17.10 values.
Children's SHgbUy Massed White
S to 7 year.
U SA value... . Is. 00 valu.4S-SS
$t.60 value. SiM M.tO values. JM
t tl value. 330 $7.10 values. 40.8
Children's Fin.
.JtlM 11.(0 values. JKMt
7J value. .
.A4.T5 tlO value .. .ar.TS
Children's Bath Bobes.
$1.25 and $1.50 values 05
Children's Hata.
and Bonnet, that formerly sold up to
13.85, durlnc sale, for 81.50
Itontly lia Infants' Ismms, flnn
nel skirt mmt veata nt ajvaatty r4ae4
Hcntnnnni f enr4ra flnnnel at
One-Half a fi
!ttt value.
11 valu.
iH values.
- Glrla'
Junior Girls' Coats
Our whole stock of beautifully Tailored
Chinchilla. Zlttellnea and English Mixtures.
belted or plain
models. Are to
If. year.
$5.00 to $7.60
Coats ....$3.85
$$.60 to $10.00
Coats ....$5.65
$13.60 Coats.
st 87.85
$15.00 to $16.50
Coats ....89.75
Junior Girls'
In our usually
wall made. axl
fabric. fashion
able styles. in
a ana
?hck. Sera and
II II Dresses
II 71 to 11.10 Dreane .
17.10 to II 10 .
1 00 to 110 t)rss ..
Ilt.l to 115.00 Dress
rnr Dent. :
Seeond rU.
Oar Entire Fur Stock
in a Clearance
$$.75 Black Coney Muff.. 85.75
$9.75 Chinese Lynx Muffs. 86.75
$9.75 Brook Mink Muffs. . .86.75
$26.00 gen. Beaver Muffs. 817.50
$35.00 gen. Marten Mutts. 824.50
$35.00 Black Lynx Muffs. 824.50
$25 Seal and Fitch Mutt. 817.50
$25 Gray Opossum Muffs. 817.50
$3.75 Russlan.Mlnk Boar f $2.50
$6.60 River Mink Starts. . 84.50
$9.75 German tttch Scarfs. 80.50
$15.00 Black Lynx Scarfs. 810.00
$25.00 Red Fox Sets 817.50
$50 Southern Marian Beta 833.50
$50.00 Chinchilla Seta .... 833.50
$140 gen. Mink Set. choice 803.50
VaaMM p .sa,t,
Hal riMt jmtt Alalt.
A Sale of High Grade Shoes
W sea's Dress Boeta, in
button and lace styles,
patent leather with black,
brown and fawn cloth tope,
welt sewed soles, Louis
Cuban heels, $6 and $6
values, now 83.45
Women's Batten Boots, in
patent leather, with black,
gray and fawn tope; Louie,
spool and Cuban heels;
dressy, comfortable fitting
footwear, broken llnea.
$3.60 and $4.00 stock.
now 82.95
Misses' High Cat Battoa
Boots, patent and dull
leathern, welt sewed soles,
broken llnea of $3 75 and
$4.00 stock, now . .82.95
lsses High Cut and Be
alar Battoa Boots, patent
aad dull leathers, welt
sewed soles, broken lines,
$1.60 value, now. 82.45
Misses' High Cat and
Be-alar Top Battoa Boots,
tan leathers, welt aewed
sole broken lines, $3.00
and $3-60 values,
now 81.05
Boys Bntten and Lace
hnees, patent and tan
leathers, welt sewed rock
oak aoles. Broken llnea,
$$.60 and $$.76 stocks.
now. at 82.45
Tenths Battoa aad Laos
Shoes, tan leathers, welt
aewed rock oak aoles.
Broken lines. $3.16 and
$$.60 value, now. .81.95
Main Flnor, Ift A talc.
Children's Two-rteee Merino
$1.00 values 59
60c values .35
Women's Wool Mlrtare Union Salts.
$3.O0-$125 values, now $1.65
$$.00-$$ 60 values, now . . . . .$2.45
Women's Mediant Weight Cotton
$1.60 values, now 98?
Women's Angora Sweater.
$7.60-$8.60 values, now $3.95
Children's Ail-Wool Sweaters.
$1.25 values, now $1.00
Wemea's Handkerchiefs.
36e values, at t tor .25
60o values, at S for 81.00
Wemea's Faney Mayer Hose.
$2.26 values
$1.76 value $1.35
Children Cashmere) Grave.
25c and 60s kinds, now 15
Women's Chamolsette Glevee.
75c values, now 355
Women's Gloves, Kid er Cape
Broken llnea. $1.60 values ..81.15