f TITi: HKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, .TANTAIJY f, lMfi. 13 i l x i' RENTALS HOIUKI (Ml rnTTAOKH. Ml F.l.l, AH ROT'S. T C REED r Co moving; l. V,. JV-lvJ-jLt l(tcWn sni storage. I 1307 rarnam St. Pcuglae t14. SfvnRftoCrelgh &on Co.. Bee Bldg. ousestn all part, of the Hty. MAOOARD Vn ft Storage Co.: Moving pcMnif, storairs and snipping. D. J4! BEE the" Central Furniture Store aFRTB RENTAL LIST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow. $30. Web. 123. l-RM. cottage, Bellevue, Veb.. 17. n. 79S1. BAR AND GARAGF.. GARAGE. Fireproof garage, centrally located, equipped with elevator, stock room, of fice, steam heat, about .0 square fort will be for rent In a few days. Very reaonahle rent. Conrad Young. 3.':' Brandei Theater. Douglas 1S71. BARNS HI 4 Pierre, rear. Dour 209. STORES AND OFFICF.S. MODERN alore near postofflce; tow rent. O. r. Stebblns, HU0 Chicago. REAL ESTATE FARM 4t RANCH LAW us FOB S ALB FLORIDA. BARGAINS In Florida high lands, 1,200 Herri at 7 per acre. Write box 330. Ar cadia. Fla. IOWA. MY farm for rent from March 1. next; 149 acrea; southwest corner Hardin townahlp. J. H. F. Kruse, R, K. D. 3. Council Bluffs, la. IVKBK 49KA. CHOICE FARM BARGAINS. ?oo-acre stock farm. 176 per -4.Vacre, Cedar county, $105 per. a-acre, bottom land farm. $S0 per. pio-ecre, Burt county. $130 per. C. 8. RELY EA, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Om'aha. FOR 8A1.K-B(t large, body of high gcade, meidum priced land In Nebraska ; very little money required. C. Bradley. Wolbach, Neb. o WIStU.NSI.N. UPPER WISCONSIN Rest dairy and KflliriBI BIHID 111 1111 """'III .-...w., wanted: lands for "ale at low prlcea on j eaav terms. Ask for booklet 84 on v la eonsln Central Land Grant. Excellent landa for stock raisins;. If interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. MISCELLAMHiUUS. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR 1JALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City (la. Jour nal, "lowt'i Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, a-lvlng sixteen ads on twelve HufcKni riavi for 42: or 50 word. 34. or 7.H words. i&. f Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 2jO.0OO readers dally in four great state. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ISO ACRES Nance county, Neb.. 8 miles from Wolbach: 90 a. cul., 30 a. alfalfa. 1!0 a. hH.v, land lays fine, first- 'lasa piece: vylll exchange tor good Omaha - realty. Price, $.6 per acre. . Encumbrance $3.00C. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 915-1 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 4. 1 HAVE sonic good town property In Iowa to trade for some land ncjr S. Omaha 10 to 0 acrea. M'Jst be well improved and good soil. Describe fuliy in tlrt letter what you have and pri e. ddressBox ??lStlart, le. TO EXCHANGE 53xr ft., on sf! Omaha, near 2tith ft., for California, property. Addreas J. M. Caldwell, :.'4i Webster St., San KrancJco. Cal. . r 'J' WO good lota In town of 2 (.; copula licn, Dunlap. la.; ftiCO cash or trade tor Income property. Joe H. Tupprr, Ijo- rhla. j TWO clear Omaha lots worth $600 lor 1SI5 auto. Colfax 2h.1t. REAL ESTATE LOANS To 6 lor loans on bet class city resl'lencen in amounts JL'.CM up; nlo farm loans. - Fleaxonable commlnlon. PET K HS TRUST CO., h,M Farna ni LOAN'S on city and farm property. Fire, toiimdo, buruiiy mid ..atoinoiilie In surance. W, U. Tcinpleton, 6"J3 Hce HldK. T. 2".'0. OMAHA homea. lst Nebraska farms, O'KEBKK REAL ESTATE CO., 10141 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271. $I0 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. IX Wead. Wead Bids-,, lth & Farnam Pts. MONEY on hand for city and farm lonns. H. W. Blndpr, City National Bank HMg. CITY properly. Larse loans a speclslty. V . H. Thomas. iUH State Bank B)d-. CITY -and farm loans. 6. f.W. per cent. J. II. Dumont Co., 41 Slate Ba nk. lc CITY LOANS, C. O. Carlberrsio- 12 Brandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED or -room modern cottage; norlh or west part of city; will pay fouu cash. Address 14 363. care Bee. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE BUY ON EASY TERMS. Wa can sell you a splendid iv-room modern house with par Re, only one block from Field club and two from Hanscom park, on a payment of ton caah, balance $30 per month. Pavin and all taxes paid. You can't go wrona on this. PAYNB INVESTMENT CO., 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. loug. 1T1. o BRAND NEW HANSCOM PARK HOME. $3.a. You are cordially Invited to ride with us on an Inspection of a dandy new ft-room up-to-date bungalow, on a lot 49xlSJ. Both streets paved and neighborhood high class. When can you go? r. A V V T7 K'IJC!I1.',X1,1 11 y;th Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 1781 o REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE liKANl) Nf;W $300 CASH 6 rooms: large living room: 2 bed rooma. sun r'Mim and bath on 2d floor; oak finish; full cement basement; fur naoa: elegant fixtures; lot 4.'xl4:2; lo cated In Crelghton'a 1st, on 3Mh Ave. I'nce $3.9)0. C. O. rAHLBEim, til Brandela Theater Bldg. NEAR 2ih and Dodife Sis., $-r., all mod. home, In fine repair: very valuable lot. A bargain for some one; terms or small property taken In exchange. RASP BROS.. 10f MoCagua Bldg. REAL ESTATE MlSCKLLANtXU'H A UNE brand new iiunaalow. livinx room across front of house; two front rooms hate Drained cfliins; i rooms fin ished In oak; 2i floor unfinlnhed: could finish 2 rooms; screens, window shades; lot fulls ft., paved street: 1 block to car. Price $: .si. Kasy trms or lot nsrt osvmept. RASP BliUS., DOUG. 1C53 BUY A HOME-DON T RtNT. y A good "room house for only $1,900, ' renting all the time at $l( per monili. We can aell you tills on payment of $J0u caah. balance $11 per month. Owner might take a cheap lot as first pavment Paving and all other iaes iiain PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. . ! Mh Hoor Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. I7M. o A "For 8aIe,v"or "ror "Rent', A"d "placed , in Tl Bee will accomplUb Its pur- ' REAL ESTATE A WM "'' t-ANDS FOR S A I.K MISSISSIPPI. A Pecan Orchard Investment Such as we are offering, you at OCKAN SPRINGS, Mississippi. "THE HOMR OF THE TAPER SHELL PECAN," ths finest nut Krown. IN the heart of THE famous RIVERA OF AMERICA. Is not only attractive to the business and professional roan of means, as a 8AFE AND RELIABLE INVESTMENT for himself, his chil dren or those dependent on him for the future, but It Is especially ATTRACTIVE TO EVERY careful and thoughtful salaried MAN OR WOMAN, now in the prime of hla, or her, productive age, while the earning capacity Is at Its height. AS a reliable and safe IN SURANCE FOR OLD AGE. A Pecan Orchard Purchased now. WILL PROVIDE for YOUR LIVING IN A" DE LIGHTFUL and HEALTHFUL COUNTRY, when advanced age de mands that you cease your regular work, or will provide a self supporting home. PRODUCING A STEADY AND HANDSOME IN COME, when you wish to retire to a less rigorous climate and enjoy the BENEFITS of your FORESIGHT and PROVIDENCE In taking advantage of the OPPORTUNITY we are presenting to you ruDw on a GROUND FLOOR BASIS. IT IS WITHIN YOUR POWER to acquire one of our valuable orchards as we are offering them on very liberal terms and at a price so low that it will surprise you when you stop to realize what you will receive for your money. COME AND SEE US, phone or write and let us explain our proposition in detail. Do it now. W. T: Smith Company Doug. 2S19. REAL ESTATE 1XVE8TMEXT8 9 1-2 Per Cent Dividend Earnings We paid to all our Stockholder 9Vi Dividends for 1815. The outlook for 1910 Is much better than it was a year ago. Now Is Your. Opportunity to buy aome of our 7 GUARANTEED PREFERRED STOCK that is protected by Permanent Investments, such as well located Apartment Houses that sho large returns, and Acreage Properties that have proven the best Investment In past years in Omaha. Our Profit Sharing- Plan is with'n reach of all. shares selling at $105 until about January 10th. Our plan enables the small Investor to enare in the profits on the same basis as the large Investor. DIVIDEND EARNINGS are payable January 1st and July 1st of each year. The next advance will be January 10th. REMEM BER! these shares are guaranteed to earn not less than 7 on' par value, but we have never paid less than 9. See or write us before the neit advance. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000.00. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY 24TH STREET NEAR FARNAM PRICE REDUCED TO $11,500 Corner lot with brick Improvements, renting at $1.0 per year. Nonresident owner la aacrifli'lmr for immediate vale. This is located just two blocks from Farnam 8t. and bound to show a quick and substantial increase In value. In fact, la worth not less than $14,000 at this time. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 3Mi. 919-20 tlly National. X O j reston in A close in tract in the west Farnam district will be placed on the market about January t aw 4 1 4k F . ibth. lnis tract of Omaha's finpst hnmoc All ' ""vwv liVlllVUl i 1U lots have modern street im provements on paved streets. If you intend to build a fine Ed home let us talk with you, and Q g snow you some ot the advan- tages of this tract. g H. H. Harper & Co. 8 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 3 Flione Douglas 2596 See real estate columns for bargains REAL ESTATE FARM RN4M LAN D FOR S A l.K MISSISSIPPI. City National Bank Building. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS STREET. -IV. I O IMtil INVESTMENT This is a new brick business block, located on a large east front corner lot, in a fine residential district, at a street car Junction point; rented to responsible parties under long time leaaea. Improvements consist of two stores and moving picture theater, something very desirable and muat be J.".!? PPrr'ted. rrlce $2.ooo, or will divide and aell two stores on corner for $12,000. It will pay to Investigate this proposition. OEORQB & COMPANY, Douglaa i.M. W City Nat. Hk. Bldg. a o Annex g is close to some a CO in ci-3 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is of Bullish Tendency tnd Prices Promptly AdTance Two to Five Centi. DEMAND FOR WINTER VARIETY OMAHA. January . 191 Tha local wheat market waa vary bull ""H today, advancing from lr to fc' over yesterday's prices. The demand for cash wheat waa quite active, although the bulk or the aales were of the hard winter variety. Corn receipts were good and the de mand for this cereal waa qujte active, i ash corn waa also strong and ranged from lc to 4c higher. mere waa a moderate run of oala to day and the demand In general from this Cereal Waa good. Oats fnllnm-aA h. mnA rr.1 J" Jh lvnce nn Txl(. from e to lv higher. Rye and barley receipts were unimport ant and the sales of these eereala were very light. Rye and barley were quoted at unchanged prices . , fiMlT" wr: Wheat and flour equal to I.6.t.om bushels; corn. 17.000 bushels; oats, none. .,,1TKmJ.ri": "fceat, IffCd higher: corn. 4d higher. Primary w heat receipts were l.naaonft hu. "."Lihimnu SI.1n0 nu.. against receipts of m.cm bu. and shipments of HTS.OO) bu. last year. Primary corn recelpta were I.Stt.flnn bu. and shipments 444.000 bu., against recelpta or l ,i4.0ii bu. and shipments of 1.W9.000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.1J.ono bu. and shlpmenta B6.ono bu.. against receipts of hu. and shipments of 1.133.0UO bu. Is st year. CARLOT RECKIPTS. Wheat.Corn.Oats. hicago it is n Minneapolis UTS I'uluth 144 maha N) no Kansas city 1M 7 Rt. Iuls lift j; Winnipeg 497 These sAlea were reported todav: Wheat No. i hard winter: t car. '$1.19; I car, $1.1. No. 3 hard winter; 1 cur, $1.14; t car. $1,134; cars. $1.13: $ cars. $!.U: S cars. $1.11; 2 cara. $1 10. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. $1 12; 1 car. $1.14; cars, $l.o; 1 car. $1,074; 5 care. $107; 7 2-S cara, $1 OA; 1 car $1.05; 7 cars, $1,044: 1 car. $I.U3. Sample: 1 car. $1.04; 1 car, $1.0:4; 1 car. cars. 11. uo; 1 car. !sc; 1 car, C4c; 1 car. 91c. No. $ spring: 1 car. $1.16. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.13; 1 car. $1.10. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1,044; I car. $1.0'.'. No. 2 durum: 2 cara. $1,144. No. S durum: 1 car. $1,134; 1 car. $1.13. Corn No. 4 white: S cara. SHe; 4 cars, 64c. No. 6 white: 1 csr, 4c No. white: 3 cars, rtOc. No. $ yellow; 1 car T04o. No. 4 vellow: 1 car, No. S'yellow: 1 car. fioc; 1 car, 64c; 3 cars, S34c; 1 car. 63c. No. S yellow : 2 cara,, 04c; 9 cars. ftOc. No. 3 mixed: 1 csr, 67c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 6fie. No. t mixed: 1 car. lifto; 1 car, 3c; 1 car. 824c; 2 ears. 2c; 2 cara, 14c; 2 cars. 61c. No. mixed: 1 car. 6!rte: i cars, 54c; 1 car. BS4c; 1 car, 67Hc. Sample: 1 car, Mc; 1 car. Mc; 1 car. Mo: 1 car. 53c. Oats Stsndsrd: 1 car. 42c. No. 3 white: 10 cars. 4i4c; 3 tars, 414c. No. 4 white: S cara, 41c; 1 car, 40c. Sample: 2 cars. 3Sc; & cars, 3S4c: 2 cars, 38o. Rye Sample: 1-3 car KSc. Harlei No. 4: 1 car. Mc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard, $1.191.19; No. hard, $1,1041.14. No. 4 l,nnl I1.04(oi1.12: No. 2 SPling. $1.1.4 1.18: No. 2 spring. $1.14yTM.1R: No. I durum. I $i. 1 31 vh 1.144: No. 3 durum, $1.1:411. 13; ssmtile Plcnll.04 ( orn: ino. s wnue 1 cnoice to onn. 'n.w. r-o. i. r,.ip &rCfWe; No, 4 white. aj,fTc: No. 5 1 No 2. $t.MWfi50; No. 3. $4.f0flW; choice white. SIVwUMUc: No. 6 white. HKSK". No. , midland. $0iVn9.50; must he extra choice $ vellow. t4ji704c : No. 4 yellow, .sfiio; to bring. t.50; No. 1 f7.5mfJH.50: No. 2, No. n fcK6ki(': No 6. 5)Wr14c: No. 3 mixed, JS.li0ift7.5O- No. 3. $4.5O04 50; choice low iiwir;4c; No. 4. .1f7Wr; No. 5 mixed, I lend. $7.OVti7.50: No. 1. $A.5'7.O0; No. 2, tiftn3c; No. 6 mixed, E7(W0c; sample mixed, , $5 oo on; No. X $4 OOWi.tV). .-2flJc. Oats: No. 2 white. 42V4J4;V4c; STRAW Cho'ce wheat. $5.IOJ.50; cholcs standard. 4H.if.42c; No. 3 white. 4li0i' oat or rye. M.Onffg. ,v. , 4IUc: No. 4 white. 404i41o. Barlev: Mslt- A T. FA t. FA Choice. $1! O0ft12.fi0; No. ?. Ing. Arlic: No. 1 feed. 5Mic. Rye: No. $10 5011.60; No. 2. $S.50rff 10.0);. No. 3. V0O 2, nv- No givaoflc. I 'JS.0O. Chicago closing prices, furnished The $ ' Pee by Linran Bryan, stock and grain Kansas Cltv 4.rnln ami r-..lslotiB. brokers. 315 Poulh Sixteenth street: i KAK,SA cttv .is n. 5. WH FAT No. Article. Open. 1 HUhTlw. Close.l Yes y. .h"rdi, V-lV. ; j?,?v tf. v neaii Msy.'il :SH. 1 Julv. 1 19-&I 1 2 1 z.' I Z'4T4) ; .1.1 I 1 1ST,! 1 2041 1 lITs 1 r.i'a 1 ... ifi4W4 i4 Corn. I Msjy.!74fl'4 J iiiy.: 49 41 t4; Osls. I i I Mav.l 4-4: 4M July. 454'a V 774t)4 7?Sj"l ni j. 1. telL- u ... 4 44' 4KR 474 44 4 454 I'orK. 1 .tsn.J 1 774! 19 00 Mav.' 1! CO I 19 3i lrd. I I Jan J ! 90 I 10 CO May. 10 li-10! 10 T.j Rlhs. I Jan..! 10 174' 10 Mav. 10 55-52! 10 75 13 75 I 13 M4l 1 f3 14 974 -9 I IS So A 90 10 10 10m ik-u.H n 'i in in 10 i7U io :7-n 10 124 10 5341 10 574' 10 474 A-Askcd. CHU tt.O (.RAIN AM) PROVlIO Feat a res of the Trading and Cloelas; Prleea oaj Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 5. .Notwithstanding rumors of the Kaiser's death and of the possibility of Imports from Canada, the wheat market today retained the greater part of a aubetaniwl advance that waa flue largely to buying for Kurope and to fear of damage from a cold mv. I he close w as unruled. 4frr4c to 14'(j-4o net hither, with May at $1 274 and July at $1. 1941. IS'4- t orn gslned half a rent lo Vft'lo, ois a shade to 4c, and pro xlslons. 124'fiIV- to 35c. Advances In the whest market carried prlcea upward to (he highest record so fsr made by the 1915 crop. "'able advices Indicate nurtainment of Argentina and Ai stralia exports through scarcity of vessels for an indefinite per iod. Reports of lack of snow protection for the winter crop were coupled with predict Ions of a cold wave. The green hug damage In Texas wss reported in creasing snl the hesalsn fly danger, was said lo be worse In Illinois. It waa not until after midday ' that tba wheat bulla encountered any serious check. Then, the rtimors of the desth of the kslser. slthough not generally given muc heed were sufficiently sensational to cause some longs lo take profits orn rose chiefly as a result of gov ernment figures that only 72 per tent of the 1915 crop matured ahead of frost. Tbe us'ml average Is shout 95 per cent Oata went upgrade with other cereals. Higher prices on grain and hnga car- l.ij ;"."" eiieriiiy upwgra. backers od at the advance brought alout some. tb'" of a reaction. , Th rX"" nervous at a net go In of 1 "-c to 4IIc. j Oata sympathised with the strength of FIHier prices on hogs sn deereala gave a lift to provisions. Offerings were not pr-- he sdvsnce. RT'TTER- Txiwer: creamery. 2?4jniic FGC.S-Hlgher; receipt.. m I ,1 firsts, 29c; ordinary firsts. 274'Siaic- at mark, oses Included. 23lc POTATOKS-Recelpts, 12 cars; un changed. POfl.TRY Alive, higher; fowls, 15c Springs. 15c; turkeys, ISc. Chlrstro Caah Prlcea-Wheat: No. 1 red $1,274: No. $ red, $1,2441 2?: No. 3 hard! nominal: No. 3 hard. 11.1981 21. Corn: No. 1 vellow. nominal: No. 4 yellow, 70Ur Tl'-c: No. 4 white, 44j704c Oata: No. 8 "hite. 444W5ic; stsndard. 4iiVifi-4i... Rve: No. 1 c. Barley: 4i8T7o.. Peed: Tlmcthy. $.nivgo0; clover. $100"j194. Provlnlona: Pork $17 MUM lU XTU.: lrd I $9.Vfr!0.00; ribs. $.04J10.0. EV VORK OKKKRAIi MARKET daotatlona of the Day aa Vartoaa 4 omanodltles. NKW YORK. Jan. S.-KIXJUR-Flrmly held. WHEAT Spot market, strong; No, J durum. $1 40, f. o. b., New York; No. 1 northern, Ouluth. 31.33, and No. 1 north, ern. Manitoba. $1334, c. I. f.. Buffalo Kuturea. strong. May, $l.Ai. C-ORN-Spot. firm; No. 2 yellow. 5Sc. prompt shipment. OAT.-4-Kpot, firm; No. 3 white. 4fMc. HAY-yuiet; No. 1, ll.304Tl.t4. HOP Firm: aisle, common to choice 116. U4JW; 1914. 58c; Pacific coast, lir. Jlll5c: 1K14 seiOo. MIIES Steady; Bogota. 0iffnc; Central America, 2c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock flratg. SJO "4r; seconds. IJJfMc. PROVISION!-Pork, firm; mess. $IW l.5fl; family, $71.0'Tn 00; short clesr $1.U( 22.50. Beef, steady; mess. $Ht03 17.ou; family. Slit Ornjn 1-4.60. Jird. firm, middle west. $U).lii4jl(i 26. 7AI.UHV-Oulec city, Sc; country. 74-1 :: special, V,e fil'TTEH-Irregular: receipts, ,225 tubs creamery extrts. 3334c; firsts, 2at2o, K'i(i" riteady." recelpta, 7.5H2 cases; rresn gainerea. extra rine. Si4::: extra tit st s. J. Q JOC; orsu, AJig.i4c; soconds. 31 Ji??4c. CHE EH E Firm ; receila. i boxes: sis la tshule milk, flats, held specials. 17k hlT,c; average fancy. 1717t,c; current mae, specials. lTyi7'c; average fancy. lmilc. I'ofl.TRT-Allve. firm; weXern rhlck ena, 1f.c; fowla, 1Mi1Hc; turkeys, J?"j?.V; dressed, firm; fresh killed chickens, 1."H He; fowls. 12H4)17c; turkeys. 24ffc. OMAII4. tir.rBAl. MARK KT FRCITS Orangea: Lai, navela. Ms, $J.0 box; Cal. navem, "". IJ box; CaJ. navels. urns, $J N box, Cal. navrle, l'Ais. $.t.H0 box; t si. nave. a. l.va, 17tu, i's, M4s. $, K box; Cal. navela, a. 11 Ha. 2Mhi, 13 W box. Umonn: Extra fancy (. al. Sun klst. w. itV. $..U box; extra fancy Cal. Bed Ball, $4.W box. Grapefruit; IAS 4a, Ms, 13. Ml box; ls, HOs, $. 7& box; clear water grapefruit, all sses, $4 $K box. Orspea: Kmperora, $4.iuiii;vi keg; Mala gas, $700io! bll. Cranberries: KM, $120; Ihix. $4 on. Bananas: Medium alae bunches, $1 Miit1.7; medium six Juin boes. ;WVii.'.1S lunch; medium atse lum- bnes. $ay-tiJ7B bunch; extra larre Jum- j boes, $.1Htn3 2S bun h. mammoth jum- I boes. tS.HViil.76 hlinrh. AIM'l.KS (Harrelsl -Pen liavls. Illinois. $3.3A; Jonathans, V A .1., $:". Jnnatliana, Kansas, $4 00; Mlseourl Pippins. 8iar, $.W; (Jenltons. Htar. $3.&0. Jonathnns, ftar. $3 fi Pen lavls, Missouri, tvt.36: Hlack Twigs (Shield), $4.f; Hla.k Twins (Comm.l, $4.00; Hen I'avls, Star. $a -t; Iiamlnoa. Bechtels. $.i; Ben ravls, Pechlel's. $4 (X; Willow Twigs. Hechtel's. $4 00; Rsmanlles. pechtel'a. 14. "0; Oenltona, Hechters. $4.W; Vallbrldi;e. Pei-litels, $4 REKF CVTS Ribs: No 1 ls'.c; No. 2. 14c; No. X 124c. Chucks: No. 1. Nn. T, 1c; No. 8, 84c. Iritis: No I, 4o; l4c; No. 2. 12V; No. 3. live Plates -U. A. IOV. Ali. m 1 . , n.Mtmii.. 1, M.. 1 SVc: No. 2. IWr: No a. to. APrl.KH t Boxes) Komn i.eaime. 's, $1.75; extra fancy Jonathnns. Washing ton, $3.00; Newton Pippins. $J.0O; Arksn sss Blacka. $2 7.V S aanera. l-ViS; 1 bil i ous. $2 W. Urlmea' Oolden. $2 C4: Hear malnes. $1; Stsymen YA'Incssps, extra fancy, Washington. $-'iX), Spltsenburgs, Washington, fancy, Cdsr: Nrhawka, $3.'.'$ keg. VKUETABL.K8 Potatoes: Red River Ohloa. 0c. hu.: whites. $1.00 bu. w!sweet Potatoes: Kansas, $380 bbl.; Jer 'seys, $1.7& hamper. Onlona: Tellow. 240 20 lib red. Vic lb: Bosnl.h. $l.7S orate. Cu cumbers, $i'.ft dot. Peppers: 0c basket. Csullflower: $1.75 crate. Brussel Pprouts: lb. Cabbage. 14c lb; red. 340 lb. New Beets. Carrots, Turnips: 60c dog ; old, 14c lb. Head Lettuce: $100 doi; crates. $4.00; leaf, 40c dot. Radishes, Mc dos. Cel. erv: Jumbo. 0c dos; Michigan, $2.00 box; Parsley: ISO dos. Eggplant, $1.60 doa. Ruta bssoes, 14c lb. HONEY Comb (U sections), $3.T5 esse; Airline. (2 doi. s-o. tumblers, $1.) case. Pigs: New, twelve 10 o., $5c case. Pates: Dromedary, (JAs), $3$ esaa! stuffed, walnuts. $123 bos; fard dates, 12c lb. NUT9 Peanuta: No. 1 raw, 4o lb; No. 1 roasted. e lb.; Jumbo, rw, $4c lb.; Jumbo, rossted, DHc lb,; mixed nuts. ISc: almonds. OsVes. 15c lb.: English wal nuts. No. 1. 14c lb.; English Walnuts. No. 3. 134c; f liberie, l$c lb.; pecans. 1243 lb: pecans, Jumhoes, 174c; Rrsxlla. l$r lb. POP(Y)RN-No. 1. rice. 4c lb.: 40 1-lb. packages, $2.50 case; Nehraaka white, ac cording to quality, 24cfM4e lb. MlSCEliLANEOt'8 Cornpopa. $$ case; cornpopa, 4 ease. $l.fii: kornettes. $3.2Ti esse; Icornettes. 4 caae, $!.; check, era. $350 case: checkera, 4 caae. $1.75: cracker lack. $3.50 case:, crsrker Jack. 4 case, $1.75: chums, $3.50 esse; chums. 4 case. $175: snlted peanuts. $1.35 can; horseradish. $1.75 case. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. .Tan. 4 PRATRIB 1TAY- .Choice upland, $9.Vfll0.flO; must be extra white. c: Mav, 72'V; July. 7:14c. OATS No. 2 white. 4.11141; No. 2. 1 mixed. 39940c. 1 PrTTF.R-Creamery. 33r; firsts. ..fniMl. 90r: rjirklns 1c. He; 17c; I : . . . . .. Fn nrsts. otc; seconns, joe. POCI.TIIY-Hens. U4c: turkeys springs, lie. Minneapolis t.rwln Market. MfNNEAPOIiTH. Jan. B. WHEAT I Mav. $1.24'nl 2XU: Julv. $1.22i.224: No. hrA' H-": No- I northern. $l.2r.SU1 1.r,R.' No. - northern. $1.194f 1.21V KUU'R-Ti'ov psle)ils, $"i95; first rlesr Ifi l."; others grades unchanged. H I Rt.F.Y "i71c. R1T,-92'4J934r. OR AN IK.0oHj1.. CORN No. 3 vellow, 7.VfT7fc. OATS No. 3 white 4;t.ilj4;!c. f?i-:n;i" Flax. $2.:':4'&3.2.V l. I.eala t.raln Market. ST. liOl'IR, Jan. 5.--WHKAT-No. 1 red nominal; No. 2 bard, nominal; May. $i.?2'i.i.I3: July. $t.l4- I'liRN-No. 1. 71c: No. 2 while, 71W714C; Mav. 74e; July, 7"4c. OATH No. 2. 4V(i434c: No. 2 while, nominal. Liverpool Oralw MarVet. 1.IVFRPC01.. Jan. 5 -WH F,AT- Spot, No 1. Manitoba. 13s 4d: No. 3. I3 3d. No. $ I3s; No. 2 bard winter, inw. 12a 4d. '1 iRN Spot, American m'xed. new, 9s 1d. Rvaworaled A pales aad Dried Frnlts NTW YORK. Jan. .-V:VA PORATE7 APP1.FS -Pull. rR1FP FRI'lTS Prunea and raisins, steady; apricot a and peaches, ojitet. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. $ -COFFEE The market for coffee futurea was verv qule4 today. The opening was one point lower to one point hlaher, and the market closed net unchsnged to two polnls higher op a little scattered covering and reports of stesdlness In H rax II Ssles were 4.7V) bags: Jsnuary. 4!'c: February, g .'Ac: March. lc: April. 71c; May. .7c; June, "i2c; July, g Mc : August. .2c:, Hepteniher, .97c: October, 7c; November. 7.03c: Ie ceniber. 7.07c. Ktot coffee, dull; Rio. 7s, rSc; Santos. s. 9c. C ist and freight of fers were unchanged, quotations ranging from 9.75c to 9c for Santos 4s. English credits. With returns front Antwerp vet to be received, the figures Indicate a de crease of about 1'3.T9 bags In the worl.f s vlsthlr supplv of coffee for the nv.nl h of I'ecember. The offi sl cables ahow an advance of rela at R'o nrt a decllif. of 1-33d In the rate of Rio exchange. Santos, unchanged. tntlea Market. NEW YORK. Jan 5.-COTTON Snot, nu'et; middling uplands. 12.4'c; sales, ( W0 bsles. Futures onened stead v: January, it 27c; March. 12, ',7c; May, 12.74c; July. 12.90c; October, i:.3e. Cotton loed very stesdv today, at a net advance of four to thirteen nolnta. Cotton futures closed verv steady:, Jan lisry. 17ft; March. 12 Mc; MNy, l.79c; Julv. 1?9V: October, 12..S4C l.lVKHMisii, Jan. 5 -COTTON-not. firm: good middling, ld: middling. .2sd; low middling, 7 M.I; ssles. 14.001) hales. Oil aad ftnala. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. 5 -TCRPEN-TINE Firm at i'c: sales, 374 bhls.: re celrits. II tibls. ;. shifiments, 3 bbls. ; stock, 15.N00 bbls. ROSIN-Firm: salea. 7M bbls.: receipts. "iH bbls ; shipments. 10 bhla : stock, 7r,91 bbls. Quote: A. 14. C and P. $.' 70 K. F and O $' 75: 11. $5 A: I. IV Ki- K. 0R; M. $.60; N. $7.0; VVG. 17. 27.; tW. 7.50. nt. I.oals l.le Ktoek Market. ST. 1,01'IS. Jan. 5.-CATTI.E-.llere1pta. 4.9D) head: market atrong; native beef steers. rr.VtriO; yesrlimr steer and heifers. $4 fiiirn9.36: cowa. $V'rtii7.00, stock era and feedera. $5.ooi7.S5: Texaa and IV rtlan steeis. $5 2f.8.f0: cows slid lielfers. 4.naig50: native calves. .00ti I0.M. HOGtt Receipts. 14.700 hrsd : mark " higher: pigs and llahis. $ frn7.(i24: miTcd nd butchers. KW-IO; good heavy, Vi.90 i7 10 RI'F.EP ANP I.AMBS-Reeeli.ts. 1.509 head: market string: ewes. $i..7wrf.75: 'smbs. 9 x,"rt9.7S; yearlings and wethers. r.5otm.7t. I Market. NEW YORK Jan. 8I'1AR-Raw. un settled: centrifugal. 4.4tVn4.6ac; molssses, J iHWjvi.Slc. Futures opened quiet, and at noon prices were I point higher to 2 polnls lower. Ir Imiidi Market. NEW YORK. Jan. V-HRY GOOPR Cottou g'Muls weie firm todsy; cotton yarns, firm, knit guoUs, acllve. OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET Good Kindi of Cattle Are Fully Ten Higher Sheep and Larabi Make Good Advance. trnne . . . --.n HOGS FULLY STEADY TO STRONG OMAHA. January 4. 1M. Receipts were: Csttle. Hogs. 8heep Offl.-lal Monday stj; 4 6TI ll.rl Official Tuesday MM Kstlinate Wednesday.. $.) :2,000 7.0o Three days this week 22.42T 4".Mt S4.0J Btme days laat week. ,lfi.47 2-1. W3 2!. 2 Haniadayn 2 weeks ago lStms f 3 944 "2.4.V same days $ weeks aao 21.: 27.71. fi.'.n Same days 4 weeks ago 22.o4 V.0J3 4 7:3 Same daya last vesr.,17.r JH.443 S.t,r The following labia shows the receipts of cattle. hoaa and sheen at the omaha I.lve 8tock market for the yer to date aa compared with last year: 191 Pir. tnc. fsttla f..,y!i i; 722 Hogs Ftfi 1K11 X,o 23.0t7 heep ,4 mi 34,(V Ml The following table shows the averags prlcea of hogs at the Omaha live stocg maraei ror the last few dsys, wltn com' parlsons: Pate. ec. tF ''ee. 22 pwc. . Ieo. 34. lec. 25 Pec. 2l. Dec. 17.. Iec. 21. Pe. 3s. lac. 0 Dec. 31. Hate. 115. '19l4.l!Ui.il'.il2 I!i 1 . ll". lwr a 4M IV, 7 12 7 51 1 2f'S : 7 03' 7 Of: I g 0? 1' 7 0J T $0! T 11 i n 7 Ml 03 HT 111 4 SI 7 4 T 13 1 04 1 55 7 tsl 7 a T 22 ( 03 7 731 5 7 T9 I J 5 w 7 711 30 I Ml 7 Ml I 31 t 54 4) 17 7 14 7 07 1 05 t m 1 u! 1 u 7 M T 5 U 7 7 I 2' ( 51l 7 14 7 M I 7 71 4 ! M. m&. 1914 ll13 !li:.,l!U. 11910 Jan. 1. I Jan. t. !Jan. $. Jan. 4.. !Jan. 5. I 7 lli 7"i 7 10 08,, I $ 24 7 17 7 Rli 7 091 00 7 551 U 7 SOI 7 IS1 5 o o'i a 30 6 44 T 04 T 141 $ 90 7 90; $ 4nT 7 Ml 7 ! 0i" 7 7rt 47 .4t!nHav Hll.lM.v Recelpta and disposition of live stork t the Union Stock yards for the lael twenty-four hours: RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogi.Sheep.H r a. r , M. St. P 14 Wahaah 1 I Mlasourl Pactftc .... 1 1 I'nlon Pacific SH 4 C. N. W east ... 19 22 . N. W west... el 7 C St. P.. M. A O.. 34 22 C, R. A Q., east.... II C. R. ft O.. west ... 34 43 C, R. 1. ft P.. east.. 14 2.1 , .. V., R. I. ft P.. weat. 2 2 1 Illlnola Central 12 10 Chicago Ot. West... 7 Total recelpta.,. 241 292 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co Mi S,2. 77 Wwlfi and Company 1.407 4.lt? 2,:'4 "udahy Packing Co 1.440 K,7K 1.06J Armour ft Co 1.152 &.IS4 3,&o0 fichwarta ft o 34 J. W. Murphy 2.540 Lincoln Packing Co Hi South Omaha Pack. Co. 4 W. H. Van Sant Co 94 Pentnn. Van tf. ft L..... IV. Hill ft Son 51 K. B. Iwls 1( Huston ft Co 30 J. H. Boot ft Co 11R I.. F. Huss 140 Roeenstock Bros 1M K. a. Kellogg M AVertKelmer A Degen... 2) H. F. Hamilton 15 Sullivan llroa 2 Hothschild ft Krebs l M. A K. Calf Co 232 Christie 94) Hlgglns 21 Huffman 14 Roth 19 Meyers 2 Baker, Jones A Bmlth.. 20 Banner Broe 20 John Harvey 2 I lentils ft Francis 3 Kline 74 Jensen A Lungren 11 Other bucrs 541 1,77 Totals 6.902 22.031 $0 CATTLE Receipts were moderate this morning. 217 cara being reported In. but for the three days this week they foot up 22,417 head, being the largest of any reoent week, and pver 5,000 head larger than for the same per;od a yrar ago. Tim demand wn, acllve and pretty much everything changed hands In good season In tne morning. rcslrablo kinds of heof steers, cows and helfera. In fact, all go-d killers, in In artlxe demand at prices that wetc fully loo higher than yesterday. Leas de sirable kinds wore not so much sought sfter. but they were at least steady and possibly strong. Good stockera and feeders were also sought after, and they showed fully as much advance as killers, being active and at least higher for everything do hliable. Quniatlone on Cattle Oood to choice yearlings, $x 2r.fl.25; good to choice beeves, $7.60(&s.25; fair to rood beeves, $1. 7&p7. 40; common to fair beeves, $6.71 50; good to choice grass heifer. $5 bt) W; good to choice grass cows. $S.2tQ 6.25; fair to good cows. $4.505.2t; com mon to fair cows, $3,502-4.60; mod ta choice feeders $.Vi7.15; fair to good feeders, iHOmtH.an; common to fair feed era $,i.ft)4.oo; good to choice Blockers. $H.7.vf 7.25; fair to good stockers, $0w i5: common to fsfr stockers, $6.0000', stock heifers, $5 25j.0O; stock cows, $4,500 5.25; slock calves, H.0037.26; veal calves, $7.1029.50. bulla, atagj. etc., $3,754.75. Representative salea: WSEK bTEKKS Ne. 4.., 14 ., . V., 47... 14 . M) . 21... 14 .. 7.. 1... 14.., II... 4... 13 ... 4.., 5... .. a... I . .. ID ., 4... 1... 1.. 4... 1 . II. .. 11.. 14.. U At. Tr. No. A. Pr. . . X,l I 49 . . T7 4 j . 1V4 4 H . . I .1 ; en , 7 n ..llii 7 10 .1)4 7 40 , i:n r it . tk.il T U . , TM 4 U . . Ml 4 Ml ..1047 4 7rt ..IIT4 4 II .. t t OJ ..1340 T II ..111 T ..1414 .7 41 . U'l 1 to IS. I . II . 14.. . tl . It.. ,H . IT.. ISO T 71 ie .191 7 16 HTEKRH AND HEIFERS. P IM 1 4 10 :t W. 4 14 440 7 0 ) 4 HKIFLRS. 1 I 0 T 7 I I 1l I M t 1144 a in id n . 4l T CALVES. sm in I . . . in I 1 111 ; so 1 .... i n t on t MA 15 T4 4 4k 10.7 4 101 Ik 411 4 V) III I 40 T"t I O) ifta 4 1.. MO I 40 410 I 34 471 I il : 4 it in I ISO 9 Ml STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. ht 4 "0 II 744 7 i;i 1 UJ 4 M I 44 . . . . 4 4 4 .... .44 4 It III I 4 471 4 747 4 14 1 Ml . ... IM 4 U 14 I7J 7 HtHiS The largest run to show up on sny one day In months put In an appear ance tills morning. Estimates called for 32.1 rsrs, or 22.0U) head, putting the total for the week at 4 head. This Is IS.huO heavier than last wsek and II MX) laignr thsn last year, but about J.UD smaller than for the same dsys two weeks ago. the big week of the same aeason to date. All points were very llherally aupplied again today, bill despite Una lact early advlcea from other polnls Indicated that values would be right around ateady, and the local market opened on this basis, shippers starting In making their pur chases st about the samo figures ad yesterday. Karly killer blda were placed at some what eaaler prlcea, being aa much aa a nickel lower than yesterday'a average, arid first salea looked a ahade below yea terday'a general market, but competition waa good all around, and by the time a general movement started values were very close to. If not fully steady. Kven at alrady prices the hogs did not move fast enough to suit packera. and the market continued to Improve as the morning advanced, a good share of the sales being fully a nickel above yester days average. Buyera. once started, kept on going until practically everything had been cleaned up, a good clearance being made long before noon Light hogs, which on the bearish mar kets of Ule have been alow sellers, moved more freely, and on the whole showed aa much advance as any oilier kind, sales being sharply higher than vester. day's close. Some of the underweight grades found the going silll a Utile slow, but even I he bulk of the pigs and shoals waa cleared early. The big end of the sales era steady to oc Mglier than Tuesday, or fully ateadv with Monday long strings sold at $nbV?W55. and bulk of all the sales landed at a spread of $ri 45&4V40; top reach ing $i fin. There waa quite a sprinkling of light from $K 4" down. He present a 1 1 e aalna: No. v Hh. Pr. No A rfh. Pt. II 171 . 4M Si JM ... Ski M E It. 14 ltd ... J4 I .Ii4 ... 4 lb II Ii,s ... 17 14 .... 4 4 14 lt ... H , a its . ii ia 4-, 74 ti ... it yi 1 l ... if i 4 T l SK M 171 ... 4 1 at itj ... fa i ... v 4i.. 7 m 4? vt . . ' M Sat IX IH riofl. i 14 in ... I M 4 ... D , ut . . .-, . UK 14 4 M II no i S M EE P Supplies were moderate, ar- ! rivals of tenty-n!ne cars, or ;.10 hesd. . r.'l less th-.-, half as large as yMer- i day'a run. Receipts for the first half of tne ween root up at.sn; head, a gain of l.'.om over last week and 2.0U0 heavier than two weeks ago, but entailer than for the same days laat year by over 11,000 head. With lighter receipts lamb trade took on a better tone, opening out In good sesson at prices that were fully lOtfi.-.e higher. Fact la If la doubtful If anything sold showed less than a t.Te advance. , while some of the ssles mnde before the nose tookefl aa much aa 2nc above yes terday. Movement waa active, and while the late arrival of a few trains made things a little dreggy In spots a prettv fair clearance waa mide by mid-forenoon, all the stuff ottered early and some of the later arrlvala being cleaned up shoitly after 10 o'clock. The close proved to be fully a quarter higher on light or medium weight lambs and heavy klnda were any way 15c up. Several loada of the best handy weight lamba brought n 55. hu nKRiMi j bought the bulk of the offerings. Clipped 1 lambs, mates of the $1.25 stuff yeaterdsy. I showed a 15c advance, bringing $4.40. To. Idav'a top of $9.55 la the hlchest price i paid here since last Julv. vesterdav a I slump wss more than recovered In the l.''4 25o advance scored todny. fcwes, while not so heavily supplied si ion yesterday, were Mill a little alow. I Bulk of the stuff offered was on the wlghtv order, and moved at prlcea that I were mainly 10fi5c higher. Bulk sold around x.(. some verv w-eightv sturr bringing this figure, while the best here made $s.o5. Nolh'ng good on the light order waa Included In the supply, and best kinds would easily hsve made $4 35, possibly more thsn tliat. Two loads of hesvy yesrllngs, which were still unsold at noon yesterday, were caabed late In the day at $7.25. the same figure they brought Monday. Today another cut of them sold at $7.33. Only a few feeders were offered and tbev were eagerly picked up at the highest figures ever paid for feeding ismbs. One pretty good hunch made $9.00, while a very plain eort brought $4.35. Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lambs, good to choice, $9 401T9.66; lamba. fair to good, $9.109.40: lamba. clipped, W.oogg .40; yearlings, good to choice light. 7.75a.: yearlings, fair to choice, heavy. $7.0o J.75: wethera, fair to choloe. $.26i8'7.0i; ewea, good to choice, $A.0OpS.26; awea, fair to good. $50v9.06. Representative sales: No. i. Pr. aiA shorn Ismbs T4 I 25 544 shorn lamba 90 40 K9 fed lamba 19 45 $(0 fed lamba 93 t 25 499 fed lamb T7 30 755 fed lambs 4 35 4"3 feeding ewea 121 I 90 131 feeding ewea 11$ t 7, CHICAGO LIVK UTOCK MAHKBT CHICAGO. Jan. I. CATTLB Receipts. 17.000 head: market firm; native beef . ateera. $i.3,7f19.an; western steers, $5 4 10; cows and heifers, $3.10$rg.4&; calves, $7.00flT10 75. PCX . Receipts, 54 OnO head; market strong. 5c to 10c higher: bulk of salea. K.uOtjJ.OO. light. $R ftt77.96: mixed. $V554 7.0.'.; heavy. M.&rii"7.10; rough. $1.4T.70; pigs. $5 754M.H5. SHEEP ANP LAMBS-Receipts 17.09 head; market strong: wethers. $1 75lf7.2i; ewes. $4.75AI75; lambs. $7.75910.25. Kaasaa fltr I.I re Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Kan., Jan. $. CATTL15 l$4.on9.; dressed beef sleera. $a.70v.25; .wr stern steers, $4 HubJ.OO; stockers and 'feeders. tj.WHrtl.OO; bulls, $5.00tpS.36; calves. 4i1.1iKnn1.1w. IK HiS-Receipts. 13.000 bead: market higher; hulk of aalee. $.50i8t.fl0: heavy. M.7fl4i.90: parkera and bulchera. $.( a.m- lights. $t.5ivd): pigs, $5.s&Mr. SHEEP ANP LAM BH Receipts. 9.500 bead: market higher; lambs, $9.oiVfl9.(in; yearlings. $7.50ifJ.40; wethers. $.2fy(t7.25; ewes, $'..Vu.K. Sleax f ltr l ive Htnrk Market. SIOCX CITY. Jan. 6,-CATTLE-P-celpts. 3.500 head: market steady; native ateera. .2.Vfl 7.50; butchera. $r..0rvaS7o. cowa and helfera, $6.0iva.35: stockers and feeders. StfUVnti 5.1 : calves lri OTIiH S .V) bulla lalasa et liMKKIIl HOGS Receipts. 14.nflf) head: market 5c lower; heavy, $.IW?14 5:, mixed, $ 4itt1.50; light. W 0uii 40; bulk of sales, $4.4nfjA.5.V SHEEP ANP LAM PS Recel pts. l.ooa head: market inTi5c higher; ewes, ti-WH .ff; lamba. $7,5019.16. . Stock la Right. Receipts of live stock at the ftva prin cipal western markets: Cattle. TTora. Fhsen. Kansas City .0n0 la.nw sort Chics go 17.009 54.0f4) 17 T! Sioux City 3.500 4.nm 1 Av Oniahs 8.410 21.000 T.nco St. Louis 4.&I0, 14.7uO I..1OO Totals ...$.V410 124.700 K.ont) 4. Joeepk I.fre Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. I. CATTLE Receipts, l. head; market higher: steers. $.5oiTi.oO: rows and heifers, $1.00 ltM: calvea. $4.0009.35 HOGS-Recelpta. 9.000 head: market higher: hulk or salea. $..50ff.70 SHEEP ANP LAMRE Receipts. S.OOfl hesd, market steady; lamba, $x.5OJ9 40. . . - Metal Market. NKW TORK. Jan. . METALS Lead $5 70 bid. Spelter not quoted. Copper: Firm: electrolytic, $2.1 25024.09. Iron: Sieadyand unchanged. Tin: Strong; spot. At London: Spot copper, 4g f.; f. lurea, JM. Electrolytic. Ol2. Spot tin. 173 lf.s: futures, 174 15a. Antimony, 1125, Ii ad. 31 1.7a. Spelter. H3. iDog Saves Master While Puppies Burn SHENANDOAH, la., Jan. tV -Special Telegram.) Love stronger than for ber pupplea waa shown by the canine heroine of the Jack Warden livery stable fire laat night, when the dog awakened the liveryman and hla wife, Mr. and Mra. John Vaughn, then returned to the build. Ing for her family, whirh the waa unable to save. Eighteen horaeg were destroyed In the flr of unknown cauae and the man and woman barely escaped wtlh their Uvea. Willis Strong, a race horse owned by Mr. Warden, who waa visiting In Lincoln, waa burned to death. The office of Dr. V. A. Ludlngton. vet erinarian, waa destroyed. Family of Six Burn To Death in Idaho BOISH. Ida. Jan. 5.-Arch Eckeraall, his wife and four children were burned to death in a f're which destroyed llielr home at Salmon, Ida., on January 1, it v - . .,, d her '. diiv. Tne victim. were asleep when the fire started and perished before help arlved. I 4ast Harbor I as pro venae a 4 a. WASHINGTON. Jan 5 Improvements of the 1.0a Angelea and Long Beach. Cal., harbors to cost about Jl.tni.nnl mere rec ommended In a report of General King man, chief of aimy englneera, submitted to congress today by Secretary Garrison. LKOAI, NOTICES The I'nlon Land Company. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS Of THE UNION LAND COMPANY. The annual meeting of the atockholdera ef The I'nlon l and Company will ba held at the off!-e of the Company In Omaha, Neb., on January 10th, mi, at 10 o'clock, A. M . for the election of ftva directors end for the transaction of such business ks may legally come before the meeting. ALEX. MILLAR. Secretary D.tUd t. Tn. frank rommsot on N' York gioi-h t rirhno Mcurllttl In THI ifn I T R I IKW. II a wr 9n4 fur tr emols rue. Juhu Muir A lu, ft) Hri4s. , tt,r I ( nr. '