10 thi; nr;i;: omaiia, Thursday, januaky 6, iois. By MELLITICIA. Wednesday, January 5, 1916. WE hear so murn talk these days of "national preparedness," and many think that any human being above tho rank of a second grade defective should be alive to the vital necessity of the move ment. j But does any one ever bear of "social preparedness!" Is there any : I organisation, or thought, or plan to protect defenseless members of society against attack? The mind of criminal Invention, the poison tongue, the ; Jireath of venom and the pen that stabs ,from the dark may keep up their , vll activity without the least hindrance. .' Is society unable to defend Itself against attack on men's honor and women's character? Or are these once much prlied personal attributes but . ' mere fetiches that the smart may readily discard? There Is a growing set In the eastern part of our country who laugh at respectability, they call it middle-class and say it Is something for the : Tradesman's wife and daughters to cultivate. But Is the west going to accept such a standard? Will the descendants of our pioneers be perfectly content to let brl- gands of character organize and flourish in their very midst? Or is it possible that we will have Individual 01 well as national pro ' tection? At the Brandeis Theater. On few occlona In ltd hlotory ha th ; Ftrandcle theater had such a large num ! tor of mall orders for an a It ruction its , , have bcn rceelved up to date for the .nt,m.nl rt Uf r rvrfl Matirln. the fits- " tinguUhed English actor, who come for an engagement of three days, beginning 'j Thursday night. Although the seat aaln ; oof not open until tomorrow morning 5 over half the orchestra floor la already ,j taken for the opening performance and an unusual number of large parties have '7 been booked, four of the six lower boxes i for the openlna performance being al 'I ready taken. Many parties have been made up In surrounding towns and the i first night promises to be a social event. ' the reservations for the first night are those made, by the following: W. II. Clark. Mrs. A. M. Pinto. Frank i i!"" - for Miss Marlon Towle, one. of the sea son's debutantes. Those present were: Mesdsmes Meedamea Ttlchard t'oad of "John W. Towle, Mslasa. N. M,. A. H. McConnoll. Mipmch Misses Marlon Towle, Katherlne, Krug of Kleanor Mackay, Fort I'rnok, France llornatcllcr, torolhv Weller, liiilse White, Helen Ingwersen. Isabel Vlnsonhalrr, Past Feitivitiei. Mr. Fred A. Tlmme entertained at a New Year's eve watch party,' at hln home. The evening was spent In munlo and gamrs. Those present were: Misses I.urlle Rldgway, K.dlth Matthews, Mildred Fellows, t'hlcago; Messrs. Hoy Kleslier, POPULAE GIRL WHO IS ONE OF THE BRIDES OF THE DAT. 1 Hamilton. 3. V. Martin. Ward Hurgess, box; E. 8. Westabrook, box; Mrs. H. 3 Wertbelmar, W. S. rUlllman of Council " Bluffs, Otto Pohl of Fremont. Mr. Dover of Flattamouth, Mr. Latta of Tcksmah, v Matt Qehring of Ilattsmouth, K. C. Zehrung of Lincoln. Mr. Wlgsinhorn of I Ashland, Paul Uallagher, Mrs. W. J. 1. Foya, Mrs. B. C. Bprague, J. F. Heyn, A. H. Richardson, M. C. Peters. F. Walters, F. W. Thomas. A. . Ritchie. Ir. Pol- lard. John Btout, L)r. W. H. Walker, J. ji W. Madden. Bam Carlyle. W. D. McHugh. !j Others who have made reservations if are: Samuel Burns, Mrs. Ralph Peters, ji Milton Darling. Judge B. 8. Baker. It. II. if MoDuff, O. C. tfmlth, W. B. T. Belt, W. A. ' ! Mauer. Ilarley Morehead, Wood Allen, jj II. A. Aldredge. Oould Diets, A. P. Petera, ;( W. F. Smith. Dr. ' Crunimer, George '1 Kngler, W. ft. Blackwell, Mrs. Herman Ml Myrtle Tlmme, 1onlso Tlmme, 1 .III Inn Tlmme. Doris Durfee, Messrs. David Nelson, Kred Tlmme, t'ullen Tlmme. Arthur Peterson One of the skating parties scheduled for New Tear's eve at Miller park, was postponed owing to weather conditions, Instead, the party was at the Weeki' home on Druid Hill, where they wero Joined Inter by several members of th tilrls' club. The evening was spent In music, games and contests, until 11:30, when an oyster supper was served. Those present were: Misses Misses Gladys Mlrkle, T.aura Goodman, JesMln II only, Msry Goodman, Nannie learmont, Mary Ttmberlake, ; : ; . V ' - e, V Music MRS. WALTER KI5PP. Nee Marghuretta Uurke. Will Take Doll She Won in Bee Contest On New York Visit "I Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate . my dolt and how glad I Tuesdsy afternoon st the Hotel Fonte n'Pe the Tneedny M.rnlng Musical club was entertained ly Miss Kstherlne Kemp Ptlllings of stoii, who Is visiting Miss Frsnres N'ssh, snd who ave a most de lightful violin recital tefore the dun. as sisted at the piano by Mr. Msry N. Cro foot. Miss Hllltlng Is fi lilKh'y tnlented young Indy with in sbunilance of tem perament, one who plays with an assur ance and freedom whkh betoken thor oimh study and an Intimate acquaintance with her Instrument. 8he opened the program wllh the Tar tlnl sonato In O minor, her beautiful tone snd masterful interpretation Immediately winning cordial approval. In the group which followed, her brond versatility In many moods and styles was noteworthy, the numbers being carefully selected and greatly diversified. The Vl-nnese Melody by Krelsler. with Its lovely duet, was repeated, and the Gypsy duct and Hun garian Dance by Prahms. were both plaved with great fire and brilliancy. The second group wss likewise well selected and was composed of greatly contrasting numbers. Orlcntale by t'ul and the fiery Zortslco by Farasste, two dis tinctly characteristic number, were fol lowed by the lovely K flat Nocturne of Chopin, and the group closed with Scherse Tarantelle by Wlenlnwakl, In which the player fairly astounded the hearers by her excessive vlrtouslty. One of the gems of the sfternoon wns the Csnxonetta by TsJahlkowskl, the ef fect of Its peaceful song greatly height ened by contrast with the brilliant num bers which preceded and followed It. Carnaval Russe by Wienlawskl, brought the program to a successful cloae. Miss Ktlllings received well merited and enlhuslastlo applause, many bouquets, and was called back for an encore after each group. Miss Stilling may 'be sure of a welcome if she ever visits the club at a future date. Jdrs. Crofoot's accom- Ipanlments were mustdanly and fur nished added pleasure to this excellent recltil. H. M. R. Mrs. Eva Brodkey Dies at the Ago of Eighty-Two Years Mrs. Kva Rrodkey. K years of age. died resterdsy morning at 11 at the home of her eldest son, Hoi Brodkey, Mi Mouth Twenty-fifth avenue, from old age. Mrs. Brodkey wss one of the pioneer women of Omaha. Hhe came here thirty five years ago and hud made her resl drnne here ever since. Bhe Is survived by seven sons, flol, Aaron, Morris, Dave and Ben of Omaha, Herman of Bioux City and Harry of Kort Worth. Hhe Is also survived by twenty seven grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the resi dence of her oldest son Thursday after noon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Rabbi Grodilnsky and Rev. Rabbi Fleischer will conduct the services. Burial will be In Golden Hill cemetery. COLD SNAP MAKES BIG. BUSINESS FOR COAL MEN The demand upon tTie cost dealers Is something enormous and all of the teams are out on deliveries. This Incresse In business comes about by reason of the pronounced drop in temperature and the further fact that again the cold wave flag Is flying. Omaha hns an abundant supply of coal on hand for all purposes, t'p to now, with continued warm weather, trade has not been heavy and stocks have not been depleted. To Have Curly, Wavy HairLike"Nature's Own" Women who have trouble keeping their hair In curl, or of securing the desired wavy effect and especially those who rcall'xe the harm that the hot Iron docs to the hair will do well to try plain liquid sllmerine. In no other way can they ac quire such pretty waves and cuils, having all the appearance of "Nature's own. ' And the hslr Instcnd of bcinn singed, rscged or desd looking, has am li a lively luster and wholesome beauty. If one will get a battle of liquid sllmer ine st any drug store and follow the sc compsnyihg directions, she will be simply delighted wit hatha reeuilt. This product is of course perfectly harmless and there Is nothing sticky, greasy or unpleasant about It. The hslr will be quite manage able, no matter In what fashion It Is done up. Advertisement. THIEVES SECURE SMALL SUMS AT TWO PLACES Several smalt burglaries and thefts were reported to the police. A thief entered the rrocery atore of I Peterson, Thirty sixth street and Ames, avenue, and stole $25 worth of groceries and (1 In cash. The home of Robert Robinson, 1512 Har ney street, waa entered by thieves, who KlnU Hammond. MilliO Weeks. Messrs. Bert Crook, Kay Ilaker, Harold Compton, .gteri vveexa. . a w ... a V V) sAjfl H if iounise, iourea iouni, a. u. Sjj M. Smith. F. H. Davis, II. C. Boaacker. '' The following have reservation for the h- Saturday matinee performance of I, Grumpy:" A. O. Stora, W. H. Koenlf, A Muta Jessie Millard, Mrs. A. M. Rogers. B Klopp-Burke Wedding:. h Misa Margharetta Burke, daughter of I ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burke, was married H at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the home Ii of the bride's parents to Mr. Walter t Charles Klopp of Mule Shoe, Tea., son j' of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Thomas Klopp j of Omaha. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay, reo ! 1 tor of All Saints' Episcopal church, of- j 1 1 flclating. The ceremony waa performed at' an Im- IJ pro vised altar of flowers and smllax in : the living room. Preceding the marriage i' service.' Miss Alloa Duval sang "At ' Dawning," and the Lohengrin Wedding !: March was played by Mrs. R. E. Davis. The bride, who belongs to the Kappa i ' Kappa Gamma sorority, was attended by !j a sister member. Miss Helen Chase of . Lincoln. The bridegroom had a brother i ; fraternity man of the Beta Theta PI, ; : Mr. Richard Fuller Payne, for beat man. The bride wore her golng-away gown ', I of African brown broadcloth, semi tailored, and trimmed with French t flowers, and African brown boots com pleted the costume. The only ornament worn was the alft of the bridegroom, a "A pin of platnum, with diamonds in set 's ting. A French muff of fitch fur and -I brown chiffon velvet was carried, i I MIhs Chase wore a wistaria taffeta and ; i georgette crepe gown, trimmed with sll- The living room waa decorated In pink roses and amllsx, the dining room In Mrs. Wsrd roses and the hall In pink loses. Following the marriage service was a reoeptlon, at which Mrs. Burke was as sisted by Mrs. Donald Neely and the Misses Marjorie Koote, Janet Chase, Ada Klopp, Edna Bartlett. Ruth Gould and I'arda oott. The out of town cuests were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chase of Lincoln, Mr. and Mr. Hugh Robb of Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt of North Platte, Mis Janet and Mis Helen Chase of Lincoln snd Mrs. Minnie ht and ford of Nebraska City. Mrs. , Bratt Is sister-to Mr. Charles Burke. " , i After February I Mr. and; Mrs. Klopp ' a III be at home at Mule fcUoe, Tx. 1 Birthday Party. , ' In honor of the seventy-nlneth blrtb l 1 day of his uncle, . Mr. K. Sellgsohn, a I family dinner was given by Mr, Hlgmund Induberg, at the Fontenelle, Tuesday - January 1 Cover were laid for twelve. The fol 1 'owing were present: r Messrs snd M rsds m.l ' Frrd H. S-lit(ohii, Grurge Iandiberg. Kansas Ctiv. Mo.; Kansas 'l'v, Mo ; ' Fred 8 Hadra. W. L. Harris, i Miss Krna Jlardra, Urun.- Messrs. : K heliseohn. Herbert K. Harris. ' Mginuiid Landsberg, , For Eettlement Concert. Tickets for the musical which Mr. and f Mrs. Thorns Kelly will give for the I feudal Settlement at the Hotel Fontenelle the evening of Janaary It, may be ob- . talned of the following: Mesdame Mssdames ' ! H. H. I.eitiere. Josftiri Polcar. j 1 dgr Hcnt. Htrnry lllll.r. 1 H. K. Newbranch, C. W. )lu.ll. , Villlsra K. bsUrr, ; Mi Misse Gem I'atterson. Marjorie How land. Temls Hnyder. Klls, Bespera, Ituih Weeks, Messrs.- Robert Victor, Hherman Kelly, Krnest Watklna, Mel Bablngton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrlge enter tained the Bridge Dinner club at their home Tuesdsy evening. The members are: , Messrs. and Msdmes John A. McHhane, 11. H. Baldrlge. w. a. jteoicK, nr. L lloy crummer, Mrs. Arthur Remington. Mr. Frank Burkley, Mr. Btockton lleth. Drama Students. The Midweek Drama circle met this morning with XOrs. Warren S, Blackwell. Among the members are: Mtesdames ' D. M. Vlnsonhaler, C. W. Russell. Victor Coffman, K. M. Fairfield, am to have Lillian with me." writes got over the transom and took In Isabella Canusa, 102S South Twenty-third cash. street, who received her doll on Christ inas eve after winning the contest con ducted by The Beo that week. Isabella says that she took her prlxe to school to show all her little playmates and that next month she Intends to take It back to New York with her. Isabella's rela tives all live in New York and when she goes back to visit them she Is de termined that "Lillian" shall visit them. too. Isabella won first prise In th doll contest Christmas week with 794 coupons. 'It salt! M4ftaoufS i ij' Av;lv.ll:ti..A..''?r.::t"'', i - '' tfJWWS vmlllll Vj1 9 OV THE HAM UM WHAT AM In the Stockinet Covering txdunt Armtur fiaturt. Pat. apfhtd fir. The spicy richness of Armour's mild Star cure is intensified by smoking in the Stockinet Covering Armour's way of retaining the rich natural juices and improv- ing the flavor. The Oval at ) a a . . L.aDei laentines it as Armour's best. I The fcasf ef all Araeer I I Predact. tear list Oral Lafcel H . VODUCTSI Buy the ham whole and remove the aiocRtnei yourseir. mono us your j. daalnr's n o m A If ha rannnf alinr.1v vr.11 ' ARMOUR COMPANY Kobt. Bndats, Mgr.. 13th and Jones Bts. Song. 10S "V. I WllUnson. Mgr., 89th and Q Bts. Tel. Bo. 1740. 77i re's on Armoar Oval Label sfora nor you. f J 1119 iiiivtm IIIIIIISSFC. tiuum Try Thete: StarBacoa "Shssafure" Leal Lard Deveathirs Farsi Saasage ArsMcr's Crape Joics Ckrrerblooai Batter Clsadale Olceaaariarn (Votarsl Colorl SaverCkeraOleHBargariM ( Wh,l.) AaJ erw lta 3E7 TU. ass swasmin n mini 1 Vs ji : Fit VM WIL Myla HUndlsh, m. ' fecg, Misses Isabel Vlnsonhaler, Agnes Russell, Ida Darlow, Mesdames If. F. Clarke. Kdward rlyfert. W. H. Klackwoll, J. P. Btewart. J. J. Hulllvan, Walter Tags. Samuel Bums, M lasea Carol Howard, Mona Cowell. Omahajii in New York. Registering at the Hotel McAlpin In New York City, during the past week, have been: Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ratlldge, Mr. II. II. Miller. Mr. 11. E. Smith. Mr. It. C. Sine, Mr. C. W. Oillham, Mr. David Menagh, Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Ratledge. Sojourners' Clnb. The Sojourners club of the Malva White Bhrlne, met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Y. L. Nesblt. The hostesses were; Mesdames Mesdames Neshlt, Iodder, Dr. lioltman, L'llsworth. Winter Plan. Mk-s. Qeorge Later has taken a cottage at Long Beach, Cal., for the next three months and will have with her mother, Mrs. M. R. Murphy, Master George Later, Miss Helen Laler and Miss Helen Mur phy. . Vacation Notes. Miss Naomi Towle left Tuesday even ing for Bradford. Mass., to take up her studies at the Bradford academy. Mr. Herbert Iavla, who waa to start for Cornell university early this week. has been delayed by Illness and will not leave until Friday.. ' Misa Vlvlenne Barkalow, who has been prevented by illness from starting for school the earlier part of this week, w 111 leave for Sweet Brier, Va., Friday. Postponement. The Debutante Bridge club, which wa to meet with Mis Helen Ingwersen this afternoon, ha postponed Its meeting un til next week, because so many of Its members are out' of town. ' On the Calendar. Mr. and Mrs. tnivld Baum will entertain at dinner Thursday evening preceding the Subscription club dance. Mrs. George K. Barker will entertain th members of the Trinity l'arlah Aid society tomorrow afternoon. 1 Marlon hulirv ' J Tneiday Bridge in -j uesaay Hnag cm., which was potponf4 until today on account of Ml Marioa Kuhn's affair of yesterday after noon, met this afternoon with Misa Alice jaoutih. Tbo present were: MImc Mlsaes ).u-m Catterson. Ixk ii Bacon. Ai.mo liiff'.M. Certrude Met, Au JaaHh, Harriet Mis, Varum Kulin, lirieo Clark. Matinee and Tea. Mrs. A. B. McConnell gave a tnatlne trty at Die irnJ,-! theater and a tea at il.o hutil t'roGU'utli thl afumoun .-.e.t..t.-,W..A.t..T Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up your liver, aid digestion: you feel fine the next day. Only 26c. All druggists. Ad vertisement, Leon Weaver and Helvye Olsen Wed! Miss Helvye Otaen and Leon Weaver were married last Friday afternoon at the home of Rev. Dr. A. O. Buxton. 237 South Sixth street. Council Bluffs. Th young couple went right to housekeen.1 Ing In a rosy apartment that had already I furnished In the utwey apartment house. Thltry-thlrd street and Dewey avenue, I where they are at home to their friends. Miss Olsen was one of the most sue-1 cessful teachers In the Omaha pirblla schools and enjoys the work so much that she Intends to continue teaching for a time as a substitute. She is a daughter of Mrs. A. M. Olsen, 1108 South Ninth street. Mr. Weaver la a son of Frank Weaver, senior member of the law firm of Weaver A Oilier, and Is an automobile salesman for Ouy L Bmlth. Custard Pie Hor Is an sy rsolp for ousttrd pl that la dalloloiia. Try It today for dlnnar. S Fggt i Twpoon ssWk 1-8 7 mSom satt 1 TmhUspn Jlomr 9 IWiwm saw LittU nmimtM '1 Cupml Cfr mimitntki aaftnWo I ssmt, Put milk Into double boiler and scald. Stir flour and sucar tojrcthcr. Beat the yolkt of the eggs to a cream and add flour and sugar. Add salt and vanilla then the well beaten whites of the eras. Pour all the ingredients into a deep pie tin which riaa been lined with crust. Grste over the too of pie a little nutmeg and bake for twenty-five or thirty min utes in a moderate oven. " - , i, mil Dainty Laces Fine Silk Shadow Lace Allovers. Lace Flouncing, white and cream; Beaded Silk Chiffons and Silk Chan tllly Dress Net.. Regular price C- 75c. January sale price, yard .OUC 1 1 gi ii jy in i.i ii ui iimi mm minii im.msi m i 'T t"v "m "t White Embroideries Fine Sheer Organdie, Batiste and Embroidery Flouncing., all new pat terns, hemstitched, ruffled and scal loped edges. Regular price 75c; yard , 50c ifcmmsliis IN THE White if Wa A: m n i ii i i h i n i.i As fluffy and snowy-white as they appear in all their extreme dainti ness, they are the useful, comfortable, serviceable underclothes for all their flounces and frippery. And best of all, perhaps, they cost so much less than I usual in the January White Sale. Wide assortments and wonderful values fO are the dominant characteristics. V Special Values for Thursday Crepe de Chine Underwear Crepe de Chine Envelope Combinations, a special lot of dainty designs, in flesh and white. Values up to " $3.00. d 1 AO Sale price, $1.69 and...;. J l.70 Crepe de Chine Gowns and Envelope Chemise, made of good quality silk; pretty dainty laces, many different tlQ JQ models. Values up to $6.00,... aPDaO French-AmericanUndermuslins 89c, $1.39, $1.89 These are the dainty new undermuslins that have all the features of the original hand-made and hand-embroidered French lingerie, but cost one-third to one-half less. Imitations artd real hand-embroidered, semi hand and machine made. Gowns, Skirts, Envelopes, Combinations, Drawers, Corset Covers. SB Muslin Underwear Specials $1.00, $1.39, $1.89 A wonderful assortment of the daintiest of lin gerie, lace aiid embroid ery trimmings, wash rib bons, tucking, etc.; 6heer lingerie cloths and nain sooks. , At $1.00 A very . special lot of dainty, crisp, white under garments, made of sheer lin gerie cloth and trimmed with dainty laces and em broideries; many new ideas and patterns. At $1.39 Another special lot of dainty, crisp white under garments, made of sheer lingerie cloths and trim med in fine laces and em broidery. Several of the new spring models and advanced styles shown in this lot. a. $1.89 3 ii Mil Future Event. Mrs. M. Meyer and Mrs. A. Bonoff will entertain at luncheon at the fonte nelle Thursday In uonor of Mr. If. Harris and ltokoff of St, Joaeph, Mo. Personal Mention. Mr. Cleorce V. Comstock. and two children, Mildred and Ialle. are anend. Inc the winter In California. They are at present vlaUlna la Oakland with Mr. Comatock's sister, but later will (o to Lrf Ansel and Ban Diego to spend the remainder of the winter, returning- borne about April 1. - lira. Htanley llartniaa of Chicago ar rived Monday, to be the truest of her father, Mr. Albert Cabn, for tb month of January. Mlaae Kose and Ethel Brodaky snd Ueorgia Jackon of Sious City, hav Jut returned home after spending the holi days tn Oman, as th guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonoff. Cottaga Evaporated Milk on account of ha creamy richness is superior to bottle, milk not only tn the above recipe tor cus tard pie, but tor all cooking purposes. It is economical, convenient and absolutely pure. Nothing added just some of the water taken out sterilized . but un sweetened. Made in spotless condenseries in the richest dairying districts in this country, by the American Milk Company of Chicago. A "For tala" or ' Tor Rent'' Ad placed tn TI.e Bee will accomplish Its pur-po, A Sure Way To End Dandruff Shoe Specials Velvet Shoes for Women. In black, blue or brown. Lce styles, splendid shoes, worth to $4.95 a pair;- all sties, on sale- CO f Q Thursday, pair vOiO N 49c There Is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at onoe, and that is to dissolve It, then you deatroy it entirely. To do this, )ut gvt about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need), apply It at night when retiring; use enough to motaten th scalp and rub It in gently with the finger tips. By morning, moat If aot all. ef your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more application will completely dis solve and entirely deatroy every single Ign snd trsce of It, no matter how much I dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and digging of the scalp will atop Instantly, and your I air will be fluffy, luutrou, gloaay, ailky and soft, and look and feci a hundied tunc better. Ad vvrtiiwmcul. Slumber Slippers for Women, all colors and sixes. Thursday, pair Women's Fine Serviceable Shoes, la dull calf and patent leather. Udds and ends, all good styles; worth to $400, special $2.85 Crocheted Slippers for Women, all alses. Worth to $1.60. Qrt special Thursday vJOC January Clearance Hair Goods Second Floor. We offer some very attractive specials in Switches and Transformations. 20-1 nch Natural Wavy Switches, sale "TA price I trC Triple Stem, Natural Wavy Gray ' Switches; $6.00 values Sale price. r t cuv u $3.98 at. Ail-Around Transformations. . Special 24 and 26-Inch Natural Wavy Switches. Triple Wavy 28-Inch $12.00 values Sale price. $1.98 Stem, Natural Switches, $7.98 $1.98 Shampooing, Halrdressing, Massaging and Manicuring In eur Daylight Sanitary Parlors by Experienced Operators. Children's Hair Bobbing a Specialty. Corsets Two specials Nemo Corsets and Brassieres for our Janu ary White Sale. Special values in Nemo Corsets, some are slightly soiled, odd sizes. Medium height top with self-reducing abdominal strap. Regular 13.00 and $5.00 Corsets. Spe- J0 H fa cial Thursday at PUl Brassieres, front book, trimmed rlth embroidery and imitation filet and cluny lace. Sale price. Q "T only O C Saturday About 3,000 Overcoats, Worth to $3000, on Sale at $15.00. Also Our Semi-Annual Sale of Manhattan Shirts V