The Omaha' Daily .Bee WIIFN AWAY FROM ROME The Bee is the Paper yon ask fori if yon plan to fce tbntiit nort than a few days, bar TIi Baa mailed to yon. THE WEATHER. Fair OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY . 19HJ-SIXTKKX PAGES. Oa Tntu. KotaJ SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VOL. XLV-NO. 173. B"tws Btawea, etav. SENATE DEBATES THE NEUTRALITY POLICY OF LAND O'Gorman Sayt American Consul Losing Life in Persia Disaster Advised to Avoid Bellig erent Ship. LODGE OPPOSES ARMS EMBARGO Works Says Government Morally Responsible for Citizens Sent to Death. REED BACKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Bonds of restraint against public discussion of International relations of the United States In regard to the Eu ropean war were broken In the sen ate today and for more than an hour the cession was enlivened by debate orer the government's neutrality policy, exports of war munitions and travel by American citizens on bel- . . i ngerent-ownea snip. There no division of th debaters along party lines. Senator Jones of Washington, republican, denounced aa "unpartlotlc" American cltiaens who Im perilled the nntion by tailing passago on belligerent vesaels. Senator Works of California, republican, asserted that the government of the United States was "hypocritically claiming to be neutral when It was In fact participating In the nsr through the sale of munitions." Lodr peat, a Aaralnst Kmbariro. Senator Ixi.lh'e. ranking republican member of the foreign relations commit tee, declared thnt to place an embargo on arms now would be worth more to Germany than a million men; that It would be a "grossly unneutral act" and would, In fact, make the I'nlted Statea the ally of Germany. Senators O'Oorman of New York mid Hitchcock of Nebraska, both democrats, urped tlm advisability of an embargo on munitions. Senator O'Gorman alao Informed the senate that American Consud It. N. Mc Ncoly. who lout bin llfo on the British liner Persia, had disregarded the advice of American Cnnaiil General Skinner at Ixindon that he make the Journey to Aden t.i a Dutch vessel. The diaciiwlon was precipitated when Senator Jones read a ncwspaier editorial mging American cltiaena to keep off bel iUcrcnt ships and advlMiig the president lo proceed slowly In the prenent crisis, heeding the Interest of :t,flC,0uO rather ilisn that of a ''thousand reckless, in considerate and unpatriotic cltiaens who . uialxftt on iaa.veiiHK an lietiUKereat shios. J Dtereerarrted ffklnner'a Advice. Penator Nelson of Minnesota, repub lican, arou.-cd Senator O'Oorman by ask ing whether Penator Jones resurded Con sul McNeely unpatriotic because he sailed lor his post on the Persia. After the Nw York senator had explained that McNr.ely had declined to heed Consul General Skin ner's advice to sail on a Dutch ship Sen ator Works biased the way to general debate on the position of the I'niied States In the war by declaring the Ameri can government was not neutral. Asserting at the outset that. the gov ernment shared responsibility for deaths f Americans on the Lusltanla. the Cali fornia senator said: "The government knew that the Lual '.anla waa loaded to the guards with am munition and explosives. Pasaengsrs wera permitted. In spite of this, to travel on the vessel. The government, itself In full knowledge that th ship carried mu nitions of war, la morally responsible for the deaths of our cltlsens." Heed Aeke Qweatlone. When Senator Works declared the United States actually was participating In the war by the sal of munitions. Sen ator Read, democrat. Interrupted to ask: "Does the senator uot know that the first loan placed In this country after the war began waa a loan 'of S2S,000,000 to Germany, and that the loan waa made without protest from him or any other cltlien? Does the senator not know that Germany procured arms In this country ss long as it waa possible for It to get them?" "That may all be true,", said Senator Works, "but that doea not alter the sit uation." "If it be true," continued Senator Reed, Continued on Page Five, Column tilx.) The Weather For Omaha, CouncU Bluffs and Vicinity Falr. TrMM-ratarea at iirnak Yesterday. Tm . B a. m IS iu a. m..... is 11 a. m IS 13 m 13 1 p. m 13 S p. m U S p. m U 4 p. m ll 5 p. m p. ra 7 7 p. m i S d. tii a Comparative Lua ateeord. MIS. 1915. 114. 191' 44 29 21 Highest today lowest today Mean temperature S t :s , T 14 1 S Z2 12 T IS depai .- rrectpltalton leuipvratdre and precipitation ea t"-m the normal: Normal temperature , lefiriency for the day Deficiency aince March t. 191u..., n 12 si Normal precipitation 02 Inch Derit-Jncv for the day 02 Inch Kainfall slnoe March 1. 1915. ...17.41 inches Deficiency aince March 1 l.Minciiaa Deficiency cor. period, 1914.... I 61 Inches Deficiency oor. period. 1U.... . Inches 4lirta frwiu aialloaa aa I '. . Htatlon and State Temp High- RsJrv- of Weauier. 7 Cheyenne, clear la vejixrt, clear Inver. clear De Molnea, clear iH;ilve City, clear i aimer, clear North Platte, clear I 'a:aha, clear HLrbki, clear an id City, clear Kilt Ijika Clly, cloudy.. .--aula Ke, -lear Mieridan. partly cloud)' i4ouy t1,ty, I'lear Valentine, clear ' r J 8 p in. eat. (ail .. V hi .00 .. S i T .. Si 44 .00 ,. IS T .. IS 34 do .. 14 24 . .. 12 14 .00 .. S 16 T ..Hi .00 ..10 IS .) .. 84 40 .40 .. 34 44 . .. a U ..I 1 .MU ..-S S .00 wcinlalion. Indicate below aero. Wfc.tU, Lam al Ferecaaler COMPLETE PLANS FOR THE DODGEJUNERAL Services to Bo Held from Home of Deceased This Afternoon, with Burial in Walnnt Hill. MILITARY IN ALL DETAILS No changes have been made in the arrangement for the funeral of General Orenvllle M. Dodge. It will be held this afternoon at the Third j street residence. Council Bluffs, be ginning at 1 o'clock. The religious services will be conducted by Rev. A; O. A. Buxton, rector of St. Taul'a Episcopal church, and Rev. J. T. Jones, pastor of the First Congrega tional church. Although General Dodge was not directly connected with any church denomination, his broad liberality made him the friend and benefactor of every church in the city, and St. Paul's and the First Congregational were particularly favored by his gen erosity. He was one of the founders of the First Unitarian church estab- j lished in this vicinity. All of the panoply to be used In the military funeral has been forwarded by the War department from the federal arsenal at Rock Islsnd. The field bat tery gun caisson upon which the casket mill be borne Is from the regulsr serv ice equipment, it will be drawn by six black horses. The black military har ness for these horses Is a part of the equipment forwarded. A black cav alry saddle, taken from the service equip ment, Is here. It will be placed In re verse position upon the riderless horse that will be led behind the artillery caisson. The black sheet that will enve lop the casket will be hidden by a huge new silk flag that has never been un furled. rian of Fanrral Procession. The funeral cortege will be made up In accordance with this plan, arranged by the military and approved by Major M. A. Tinloy, who will be in command of the nine comianles of thu Iowa and Ne braska National Guard: 1. Music Third Regiment band Kyoort. twn battalions of inrantry undT command of Oolonol M. A. Tlnley. 3. The clergy In carriages. 4. Th pall, borne on a caisson draped and escorted by the active pallbearers n..iioi..ii.ii.Hioin-.i otiliei of ui. troops j nr-wnt. 6. The led horse caparisoned with tho general's Haridle and eaher. I B. Tho honorary pallbearers, memoera of the Saturday Noon club, mounted. j 7. The tamlly and mourners. In car-; riayes. I b K..kA.'. A 1. . BAn.p.1'. former 1 command, the Army af the Tenneasen; . Fourth Iowa Infantry In the clv;l war; rcyuiiu JU WB Itrwt in Jf anus "iii ' civil war. and other members of his dlvl 'I-1 slon of the Blxteenth Army corps. In car- rispe. . . , ' . Other officers 'and etiUsTed men ' t the civil war and Gi-and Army of tie Re pule and t'nlon Veteran's Ijeulon, lt carriagee. The trnlted States hpanisi war veterans and soldiers of thn hpanish war. Ph'llpptne atid China, marcl )ln. 10. instlnguisnen; visitors: novernor Clark o' and staff distinguished guests from all points. 11. leler'atlona: Officers of th- Women's Relief Corps .and representative, delegations aa may appear. i I;. il -M' f-.ies: o.itoer of the; iaugntrs or tne Arrynran Kevoi nion In carriages. B. F. O. BlUs. and othjr civic eocletlea, marching. 13. Civilians In earriagea. 14. Automobiles. The I.lne of Marvk. The cortege will be moved from the residence down Third street to Willow avenue, then west on Willow avenue to .w . . . Fourth street, north on Fourth to Broad- Wk r T. fir'et' south on Oak to Pierce street and thenco to tho grave In Walnut Hill cemetery. ine grave nas oeen opened in one or the moat beautiful spots in the cemetery. I definite period. one long ago selected by General Dodge. , nle inspection made this week was sur and often referred to when he expressed prlatngly gratifying in tho aggregate, his wish to be buried in Council Fluffs, i There were some suspected casea re in the whole arrangement of the funeral moved and a few positive cases of scar every wish that he has been known to , let fever discovered, but the school of- have expressed la being faithfully ob served. For three houra yesterday afternoon the Dodge mansion, that has a commanding view of the town from Its site on the hillside at the highest point of Third street, waa thronged with' silent visitors. The body of General Dodge lay in state, resting upon a b'er placed in the main parlor. The constantly moving throng waa admitted at cne door and passed out through another, without noise or con fusion. Many paused more than a mo ment as their eyes lingered on the well known face. It was a strong, but kindly, face. Every trace of pain had vanished and an expression of absolute peace waa there. Tears fell in spite of efforts to re press them, but the strong emotion was given no sound. The memory of the last look Into that calm and tranquil face will be treasured aa long as memory lasts. The doors will be opened again thla morning from : until 11 oclock. The casket will then be closed and will not be opened again to the public. Psvrk Baard rare Rtiaects. The Board of Park Commissioners, of which A. C. Oranam has long been the head, assembled for the regular monthly (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Dr. Karl Heine Attacks Socialist Minority for Opposing War Credit BERLIN, Tuesday, Jan. 4. (Via In don, Jan. 4.) (Delayed in Transmission.) Dr. Karl Wolfgangs He'.ne, social demo cratic member of the Reichstag, writing In the International Correspondence, bit terly attacks the minority of his party, whlvh Is opposing the sanctioning of the proposed new war credit. "Enemies, who nuw, as Germany stands, powerful and unified, refuse all sugges tions of peate." Dr. Heine aays, "cer tainly would not be ready to grant peace to a German empire weakened by inner dissension. They would push across the border, defeat our armies, kill hundreds f thousands of our brothers and bring all the misery of an enemy investment nlo our counti. "Those aho destroy party unity lu jider to oppose tbe war credit really do AMERICAN WOMAN NOW 'ICERENE OF INDIA Mrs. Lewis Vernon Haxcour 5 of Lewis Vernon Har court, who is about to sis aron Hardinge as viceroy of India, is an Amerir vsS jan. Before her marriage to Mr. Harcourt, in 18?' . Harcourt was Miss Mary Ethel Burns, eldest dau . A "the late Walter H. Burns of New York. Her mother as a sister of the late J. P. Morgan. ill v I i P If , j iff I i V J.' v'::-. :::. " - f I j ; V - "'s N 1 1 rfTy . : I I i - ' I 1 mwmwmmwiMMmwtwimwnWMmmnwmm LAD HAD CHANGED DAD'S AUTO TIRES , Had Been Sent Home as Scarlet Fever Suspect, but is Soon Reinstated. Tft w INSPECT SCHOOLS OFTEN . ., 1 ... . ' . During the medical Inflection this week at Central High school a boy was excysed ,becauHO of.,tbe .siajj: jp pearance of his hands, the first sup position being that ho might be re covering from an attack of scarlet fever. Toe boy's father telephoned the school officials this Information: "My boy was 1 sent home because of the appearance of his hands. 1 wlah to say that he changed two automobile tires for me and that is why hl, hna io not recommend him. v( trlcl Inspection at schools, but II wish you would let my boy return. His ailment la automobilKls and that is not contagious." Tn8 Doy w returned to achool within ' the hour. I laaerf Schools Often. I , . . . ... ..... , Superintendent Oraff has divided the hoo, Btem , aMrlclg tor convenience of five nurses who will , , i., i.n.,i ; j The plan la that each school shall ho : v,Bltd onc. mvtiry f()Ur day8 for n In- ficlals wish to reassure parents that the situation Is not as serious as was at first believed. Attempting to Recall Atlanta Officials . ATLANTA, Ga.. Jan. 6. A special elec tion Is being held here today on the question of the recall of Mayor Jamea U. Woodward and five members of the local board of police commisalonera. The rea son assigned for the attempt to oust the officers is that they reduced Jamea U Beavers from the poaition of chief of po lice to the rank of captain on charges of insubordination, alleging that he took his orders from a number of so-called re formers. General Huerta is Much Improved Bl. PASO, Tex., Jan. S. General Vlo tortano Huerta had so Improved at noon today that he insisted on leaving his bud for a lounge chair. According to his physician he passed a comfortable night. not want it refused. They enjoy the luxury of their neaaUva votes only be oauae they feel assured that others will look out for th! saieiy of the fatherland. "Let me say it plainly once and for all, that such tact Us show neither cour age nor love of truth." I'nder the heading "a social democratic apllt." the Tagcs Zettung reproduces a statement made by Dr. Karl Peters, who said: "They (the minority) strutted around proclaiming they had shortened the war when they had used the most certain method of prolonging It, for It is plain to everyone not entirely crssy that their procedure was bound to awaken among the enemies of Germany the nope that the empire eventually bould be 'tired out.' That thla is a fight to the last mail should be apparent." WILSON AND BRYAN GIVEN GLEAN BILL Senate Committee Finds No Ulterior nri iAvnrarv Motive Back of Their Advocacy of Ship Purchase Bill. TEDDY ROOSEVELT CENSURED u'louiucTriM T.n r rii.ftPi WASHING! ON. Jan. 5. Charges circulated during the last aeaslon of cpntress thiit Bdmintntratjon off iclals acted iu the interest of foreign bust ness firms in urging the passage of the government ship purchase bill w ere held to be baseless In majority . m- u aim milium "i-""" J "'.questioned of great prosperity. It is not the senate committee appointed to Investigate them. Both reports also found the shipping Interests blara kss of illegal activity In opposition of the measure. The majority denounced Theodore Roosevelt for falling to appear before the committee to testify concerning hla published assertion that president Wil son and Bocretary Bryan "had endeav ored in the Interest of certain business concerns to secure for the Cnlted Htatea i the power to purchase the Interned ships of one of the belligerents." fenaare for llooaevelr. The chargo, the report aald, had Its origin "In that ungenerous trait of the human mind, which prone to attribute unworthy motives to rivals and particularly political antagonists." The writer, added the report, "whose eminence was naturally calculated to give weight to his utterance, 'finding him self without any basis, even of a hearsay character, for his slanderous attack upon .... t I 1. . . 1,1 n.r m n. n , llio Ills Ileal viiivi v. .tw , ji..ii,w,ih ... a . -i..r "I'!: :,Zr ,V. a .Am Hon he had made. whii commute, found no evidence to Indicate that the president or aecre- i,..v.4 ., nmnu ir, tmv in. terned shins, the majority held that It waa not difficult to conceive of reasons consistent with the most exalted motives that mliiht induce the president to re- fraln from a public declaration that bel- liferents' ships would not be bought. I "Buc.h an action," said the report, j "would 'rightly be construed as an aban- donment of our rights, which our nstlon j has vigorously maintained to acquire merchant ships by bona fide purchase, j though a state of war exists Involving the ' nation under whose flag they previously I sailed." I Hll Thoroughly Bad. Senator Sutherland presented the mi nority report for himself and Senator Penrose. "We do not concur," It aald. Insofar as the report defends the bill Itself nor Insofar as It Insists there would be no Impropriety In the purchase of the belligerents' idle ships. We 'believe the bill a thoroughly bad piece of legislation, and are certain that to have purchased the boats now seeking security In Amer ican harbors would have developed seri ous trouble for the United States." The committee's investigation was au thorized by a resolution Introduced by Senator Burton and an amendment by Senator Williams, d. reeling the inquiry aa to whether the so-called shipping trust bad maintained a lobby against the bill. (German government that the principles With reference to criticism of Colonel bf civilized warfare should be vindicated. Roosevelt the minority report said: "We I it Is true that the incident, which sud flnd ourselves unable to agree with thejdenly reminded Germany that such strict jres with reference to ex-President Roosevelt." Colorado Coal Camps in Good Condition TRINIDAD, Col., Jan. 5-General con d tiona In the coal camps of southern Colorado were the subject of favorable LOinnier. by Patrick J. Gilday, a member if the federal commission Investigating the industrial situation in the Colorado : l fields, la a statement here today. GARY SOUNDS NOTE OF WARNING TO ALL LINES OFACTIYITY Steel Magnate Calls Attention to Extraordinary Increase of Pro duction Due to War Conditions. STOP. PONDER AND LISTEN Conflict May End Too Soon and Great Shrinkage in Purchasing Power Sure to Follow. DANGER OF INFLATION GREAT NKW YOU.K. Jan. 5. - Klbert 11. Gary, eh airman of the Inltrd Slates Steel corporation, today Issued a statement dealing In detail with pre vailing prosperous conditions in the steel and Iron trade, together with a forecast of the future of that Indus try. Reference is made to the ICuropean conflict In its worldwide application to economic conditions. Judge Gary calls attention to the danger of over production or Inflation by manufac turers and bankers, resulting from overconfldence, and the aid of the government is Invoked for adequate protection of the country's Industries. In part the statement follows: "It will be admitted b- all manufac turers of those products that there la no reason for complaint st. the present time aa to the volume or urgency of the de mand, nor. In most cnaea. the prleea re ceived, notwithstanding the cost of pro duction has been larger during the last flv year. because of Increase In wage, freight charges, etc. Production Doablee In Year. "The rate of production at present In the I'nlted 8lat la about SS,(ii,niKl tons f pig iron and about 4l,oni,iin tons of steel liiKota per annum. This Is compared with a rate of 19,nno,(mo tons of pig Iron i and li.Ono,ii( tons of steel Ingots one year I ago. and Xt.& tona of pig Iron and ' tons of steel Ingots at high water mark in the year 1913 for pig Iron and 1913 for Ingots. "Prices could easily be materially ad vanced and, perhaps, will be, although I believe as to Home of the commodities, ! at ''sat, they are high enough. It is not ;rtl0n ,nry ,.,, ho conlro(H, for lh, ; reason that the requirements of pur- chasers and the offers they make, fix the ! Pr " - w "tent. "Apparently about "5 per cent of the sale la for domestic consumption and the fop op :rectiy. The influence of the export sates j upon domcsUa galea I da not . undertake to say. "Conditions pertaining to this Industry reflect, more or less, those of other lines, and, perhaps,' are an Indication of the general situation. Certainly there are . evidences which cannot reasonably be my purpose to disown the reasons for ' these satisfactory conditions. They exist ; and it now seems probable that they may continue rnr momns to come. I Vie la ttaM. taction Necessary. '"When there la possible danger ahead. the locomotive engineer is directed by his rules, formal instructions and signs to proceed with caution, and sometimes to stop, look and listen. We may draw an analogy. 1 would offer words of caution. We are proceeding at a rapid pace. There is great expansion at present. 1 1 fear there Is great inflation. Home of the circumstances aurroundlng the finan cial and Industrial world are peculiar and not Justified. There will be Jars ani ' jolta when eyes are opened and things ; become normal. We ought to stop, ponder, reason. We shall be all the better for It. . Legitimate enterprise and progress will be benefited. If we read all the Igna. conaldor the past and reflect upon the future. "What of the future? Who can say with any feeling of certainty? It may be very dark and desperate. It will be thua , , . . . , n Europe, and we In America will feel Ith. effect, to a Er-ter or l.r extent "The destruction of billions upon bllllona ot Property In any country must neces- 1 sarlly affect in some degree all other countries. Kconorhlc conditions In the i I'nlted States may and should be good In the long future, with tho usual lnter- ( (Continued on Page Five. Column Four! i j Grey Makes Rather Sarcastic Answer to Germany's Complaint LONDON, Jan. 4. (Delayed The sink ing of the White Star liner Arabic, the destruction of a British submarine by a German destroyer on the Dsnlah coast and the submarine attack on the British steamer Kuel are the three incidents that Sir Edward Grey, the British foreign secretary, suggests for submission to soma Impartial tribunal for investigation, together with the case of the cruiser Baralong. In his reply to Ambassador Page's com munication of a memorandum from ths German government complaining of cir cumstances alleged to have attended the destruction of a German submarine by the Brfllah auxiliary cruiser Baralong, the foreign secretary wrote: "His majesty's government note with great satisfaction, although some sur prise, the anxiety now expressed by the principles exist. Is one In which the al leged criminals are BrltUh and not Ger man, but hla majesty's government do not fur a moment auppose that it la the Intention to lestrlct unduly the scope of any -Judldal Investigation which it Is thought proper to Institute." Sir Kdward'a reply man no denial that the facts regarding the sinking of the German submarine are essentially as alleged in the affldavlta from the six Americans, inuletters, on the Nlcoslan. These charged that the Bsrslong raised the American flag and signalled that It was a merchantman coming to rescue the MANY SURVIVORS OF PERSIA INJURED Passengers Were at Luncheon and Some Did Not Have Time to Reach Upper Deck. OTHERS FALL INTO THE WATER LONDON. Jan. 4.-M Delayed.) The survivors of the British steam ship Persia, which was torpedoed in the Mediterranean last Thursday, reached Alexandria, Knypl, according to the account sent by Ueutcr'a cor espondent at that point, all bearing traces of shock and hardship. Most of them hnd bad bruises and daged limbs. One woman Is hospital with a broken leg. The tragedy whs enacted so idly that the survivors say hardly reallxed what happened, sequently they had little to tell ban in a rap they The passengers were sitting quietly at luncheon, everyone In good humor and an atmosphere of gaiety prevail ing. Five minutes later those who escaped were in boats or clinging to wreckage and the luxurious liner was completely gone.' Short Delay la fatal. Luncheon had Juat started when there came a terrific explosion. The liner trembled violently, and a moment later listed sharply to port. Only those who left their seats Instantly and thoao who nad not yet come down to the dining salon hnd any chance to escape. Many seemed paralysed with fear and est ss If glued to their seats. Their Indecision was fatal, ss the water poured In and ha list Increased. Home of thoee who ualned the deck Inst their footlnwnd lipped Immediately Into the aea. while others were awept away by waves. ' it was poaslble to launch boats only on one aide of the ahlp and only the prompteat action by officers and crew enabled them to launch four boats. All the pasaengrrs praise the coolneas and qulckneas of the crew. There were no signs of panic. Kveryone made tho moat of the few remaining momenta. Ynnnar Woman Jnmpa Into Sea ne young woman deacrlbed her ex- jH-rleneea aa follow : I waa Just sitting down at the table when the explonlon occurred. I ran at once to my cabin for a life preserver (Continued on Page Three, Column Two.) Major Henry Smith, Organizer of War Secret Service, Dead NKW YORK, Jan. . 8,-MaJor. Henry Bascc-m FmlthV who helped to organise the federal secret service department In the civil war died yesterday at his home here. He wsa chief of the service of General Lew Wallace, from 1W2 to IMA. He was 74 years old. When the attempt was made upon the life of Secretary Seward, Mr. Smith was assigned to the ease and found and ar reated lxula Payne, who was alleged to have committed the crime. In 1HM, Mr, Smith also waa one of thnso who dls covered the conspiracy against Prealdent Lincoln and uncovered the Lincoln frauds in the army at Baltimore. After the war Major Smith resigned from the secret service and entered the paper manufacturing business In No York. Three Thousand Cases of Typhus in Mexican Capital GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. S.-There were 1.141 cases of typhus in Mexico City and its auburba during December, with deaths in the city, acoordlog to an of ficial communication received by the Mexican consulate today. Tbe report adds that the death rate of cases treated in the hospitals was about S per cent and of other cases about 10 per cent. There are at present, says the report, about 1.500 cases In the city and suburbs. The report says the medical and sanit ary corps are now adequate to handle the situation and that the disease Is found chiefly among persons living In unsanitary surroundings. Nlcosan'a crew. The Baralong, It is al leged, crept up behind the submarine and opened fire, continuing firing on the sub marine's crew after they were In the water, and even killed in cold blood sev eral who later were found on board the i.icuHn. 11 u aiao cnargfa me tiriiian commander gave orders to take no prla- Nlcosan. It la also charged the British oners. ' By reason of this evidence, con cludes the German note, "there Is no doubt that Commandar MacHrlde of the Baralong gave his crew the command not to make prisoners certsln helpieaa, unarmed German seamen, but to kill them In a cowardly manner; also that his crew obeyed the order and thua shared the guilt for murder. "The Oermsn government Informs the British government of this terrible deed and take It for granted t t . latter, when they have examined h- . .eta in the case and the affidavits, will Immedi ately take proceedings for murder against the commander of the Baralong and the crew concerned in the murder, and will punish them according to the laws of war. They await In a very short time a statement from the British government that they have instituted proceedings fur the expiation of this shocking Incident. Afterwards they await information of the result of the proceedings, which should be hastemd aa much us possible, iu order that they may conv:'ce themselves that t)a deed has been punlalied by sentence .f corresponding aeterily. Should they be disappointed In tills expectation tliey would consider themselves obliged to take serious decisions as to retribution for tho unpunished crime." ASQUITH DRAFT BILL IS TAKEN UP IN THE COMMONS Premier Explains Proposed Measure to Compel Unmarried Men to Serve in the Brit ish Army. GREAT STRUGGLE IS EXPECTED v Members Called Home from tho Front to Aid in Passing the Bill. REPORT MADE BY EARL DERBY LONDON, Jan. 6. Under the terms of the compulsory military service bill. Introduced In the House of Commons today, all males between the ages of 18 and 41 who are bach elors or widowers, without children dependent on them, are liable for military service. Ireland Is excluded from the terms of the measure. The largest assemblage of mem bers since the war began faced the premier. Many members bad ob tained leave to return from the front so that they might be able to rote on the compulsion bill. Mr. Aaqulth opened his address with an analysis of the figures in the Derby re- port. He emphasised the fact that dur ing the Derby campaign nearly 1,000,000 men had offered their services. Even deducting those rejected on the ground of physical disability, the total waa still In excoas of l.wn.ono. "These are wonderful encouraging fig ures." the premier continued. "They ought to convince both our al lies and our enemies that the people of this country have their hearts In the war." Many Hlnarle Men Still Oat. Mr. Asqulth said he was unable, after making the largest possible hypothetical deduction, to consider the number of un requited single men as anything but a substantial and even considerable amount, He added that Sir John Simon, whose resignation as home secretary waa an nounced yesterday, thought they might be reduced to an Inestimable quantity. if he had shared this view, Mr. Asqulth said, the present contingency would not have arisen, but he omild not think that. The primary obligation , was to keep faith at all costs with the married men. The prime minister said exemptions from service could be claimed under the terms of the bill on the same grounds aa In the case of men attested under the Derby plan. The grounds of exemption Include conscientious objection to per forming military service. Other grounds for exemption from serv ice, the premier said. Included 111 health, physical infirmities, the necessity to sup port dependent persons and the fact of being engaged on work of national Im portance. - Mr. Asqulth said no case had been made out for general compulsion, anj thaVlhe ' bill he waa Introducing could be sup ported by those opposed to. conscription. Why Meaaare Is Needed. LONDON, Jan. (.Delayed.) In the Housevof Commons tomorrow (Wednes day) the compulsory military service bill will be taken up. It promises to brine on the sharpest parliamentary struggle since the war began. The Earl of Derby's report on hla re cruiting campaign which began October 23 and ended December 11, explains wby the cabinet found it necessary to bring forward a measure for compulsory en listment of unmarried men. More than ntlnued on Cage Five, Column One.) Haiti Eebels Attack ' American Marines; One Native Killed FORT AU PRINCE Haiti. Jan. 5.-AJ revolutionary outbreak occurred at 9 o'clock this morning at Port Au Prince. The force of American marines main tained In this city were' attacked. On of the rebels waa killed by the Amer icans, who suffered no losses. Several groups of Insurrectionists ran through the streets discharging rifles.' The Americans met them and they were rapidly dispersed. The outbreak is generally condemned and has been characterised as a piece of folly. Following the assassination of President: Gulllaume by a mob last July, in the course of the revolution, American forces were landed in Haiti. Under the agree ment made subsequently between the United States and Haiti. American force are being maintained on the Island fop police purposes. i y . a ftailS kCUUman-lieink Dies of Pneumonia SAN DIEGO. Cel., Jan. 5. -Dans Schu mann-Helnk, son of Mme. Schumann Heink, the famous contralto alnger, die. 4 here today early this morning follow in a two weeks' illness of pneumonia. Ill mother waa wl'.h him. Young Schumann-Helnk was taken ill, Christmas day and was removed to a hos pital. The case was first diagnosed asj la grippe and latiir developed Into double) pneumonia. Mme. chumann-Helnk waa, In Chicago at the time, but hurried ta San Diego. As her son seemed to be Ima proving Mme. Schumann-Helnk corn sented to sing at the'New Year's day opening exercises at the Panama-California International exposition, later leaving for a vistt with friends In Riverside. Yes terday she was Informed of a change foi the worse In her son's condition and ar. rived In San Diego last night. Immedi ately going to the hospital, where she rc4 matned until the end came. The young man was years of ar-4 arid is survived by a widow an I tw--1- dren, his mother and severe! iiv;; "' sisters. He ha I been eiitfJtfpJ !' (ate business here. m mmmm m )