Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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The F Publishing Company, Proprietor.
Enter at Omaha postofTtca aecond-claaa tnatter.
Fy wall
per yar.
Kl on
4 no
, 1.00
plaints or
By carrier
per month.
PaHr and Sunder , o...
pallv without Fundsjr.... ...
K'-enlna bti.1 Sundav
F.vonlng without Monday JfO...
fundav R only ...
nd nottr of rhense of address or com
irTmulnrltr in delivery to Cmaha Bee,
Ronrt dtsft. express or poatal order. n,T, wn'
rent stamp revived hi payment of small a
counts lronal eheeka. except on Omaha and eautern
exchnre. not accepted.
" ovnem
Omsha Th pee BHIdtna Omsha WIS N irtreet.
Council Fluffs-M North Main street
t.tnenln Little Bulldlrr.
rhlrKr 1 ll-tnl BuiMlne-. x
New York-Room Iios, Fifth avenue.
P. Inula-Su3 New Hank of Commerce.
Wsshlnirton 73 fourteenth Bt., N. W.
Ao'dre commonlcatlona reJatlnc to news and edi
torial matter te Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Plate of Nebraska. County of Doug-las. ea:
lwla-ht 'IIMm, circulation manager of The Pee
PuhliiahlnK company, being; duly worn. says that the
average circulation for the month of December, lllfi,
waa U.:4.
DWIOHT WILLIAM.". Circulation Manseor.
(hiberrlbed In my preeence and aworn to before
I me, tbla 4th dv of January, 151.
KOBKKT Hl'NTKR, Notary Public.
Bubecrlbrra leaving tbe city temporarily
should nave The Be mailed to them. Ad
dress will be c ha Diced aa often as requested.
Thought for the Day
y mors of Uyht, 1 cut, O Uod!
But j$ to $et tekat it;
Jfot $vettr $ng; but puxr to hear
Tht prtttnt mtlodiet.
Horenct llolbrook.
Sinking the remit reveals
Austria's Ancona note.
the string to
By unanimous verdict, General Orenville
Dodge waa "Iowa'a Grand Old Man."
Owing to the large stock, on band aome
weeks must elapse before the dry belt puta real
ginger Into the song, "Oh, How Dry I Am."
The Omaha grain market la breaking all
records, and what la more, Ha transactions cover
receipts of real grain rather than dickers In
It must be a consolation for the Ford peace
delegates to know that when they cannot find
peace and quiet anywhere else, they can always
i erne home. - ,
Now, ir Congressman Dan Stephens only had
ur: edict ion over our postofflce, we would be
right now choosing a postmaster ' by direct
primary vote.
It is evident from the opposition to com
lul!ory service that a multitude of Britishers are
Perfectly willing to let the other fellow do the
lighting an-' take the glory.
The maharajah of Kapurthala ought to know
better than to expose 14,000,000 worth of
precious Jewels to the dangers of ocean voyage
v.hile the watera are ao troublous.
Yes, but If the School board were to accede
to the latest request of the Evangelical associa
tion committee, would "Billy" remove the "For
Rent" signs from those heavenly mansions?
Army and navy officials, In submitting plant
for super-preparedness, strictly observe depart
ment etlquet. It la not their province to Indicate
how the money may be raised. Their task la to
plan the spending, leaving to congress the duty
of rustling the wherewith.
Colonel Bryan thinks we must buy the
friendship of the Latin-American countries by
i standing for the 125,000,000 holdup, which, aa
' secretary of state, he waa endeavoring to help
I Colombia to perpetrate. Some folks will doubt
; If friendship that must be acquired that way Is
worth having.
The position of presiding Judge of the crim
inal court seems to be particularly sought by
our district Judges just before they come up for
election, presumably on the theory that the
privilege of excusing Jurors la a political asset.
It so, It should be passed around ao each Judge
has a turn with successive Jury panela.
a H.
Orenville ML. Dodge.
In the death of Major Oeneral Crenvllle
jlelleo Dodge Is recorded the pasaing of a pio
neer whose active life apanned two distinct eras
of national development. He was a prominent
factor in both, and achieved distinction in either
that would entitle him to recognition from hie
people. He participated in the work of the
early day effort to conquer the wilderness be
tween the great lakes and the mountains, and
had made for himself a prominent place before
the civil war began. His military eervlees were
brilliant and distinguished, and his high rank
came to him on merit. In civil life General
Dodge waa no less distinguished, being a leader
In his chosen profession and recognised here
and In Europe as a man of uncommon ability.
The part Oeneral Dodge played la the build
ing of the Union Pacific road, and In directing
Ita operations for many years, Is a notable chap
ter In the atory of a life that waa busy and full
of usefulness In many ways. Hla aoclal quali
ties were no less marked than hla business and
professional rapacity, and hla Interconrae with
the world was pleasant and genial. Hla place
In the history of the nation and In the develop
ment of the glorious west Is definitely fixed.
Public School! No Place for Religion or Politics.
The Bee Is heartily In sympathy with every
movement to Improve the moral condition of the
community and to keep the boys and glrla la the
right path, but we are at the same time, on prin
ciple, irrevocably opposed to the Injection of re
ligion, politics or commercialism Into the public
schools. For this reason we deplore the per
sistent efforts of tho organization of Protestant
churches that aponsored the "Billy Bunday re
vival to use the machinery of the public achoola
for the promotion of their evangelical work.
When Nebraska's constitution makers ex
pressly prohibited sectarian instruction in any
school or institution supported by public funds,
tbe spirit, If not the letter, of the pronounce
ment, it seems to us, included indirection as well
aa direction. While. the Information la doubtless
desirable for evangelical purposea, It makes no
difference to the efficiency of public school
tearhlnrt whether the parents of the children
belong to one church or to another church, or
to no church at all any more than whether they
belong to one or another political party. To
utilize the schools to take a church census is aa
foreign to their purpose as to take a political
census, or a "wet" and "dry" census, or a theater
patronage census. The request upon the school
board to order a religious census of tbe school
children tsken, no matter how well intended,
dlffera only in degree, therefore, from the re
quest for tbe uso of the public school buildings
for "Billy" Sunday meetings, and as a precedent
Is fraught with similar dangers.
If such a census of religious affiliations is
worth while, let the churches organize their own
census bureau and make tbe enumeration oq
their own account and no one can possibly enter
any objection. '
Defending; Two Coasts.
The Ail-American Scientific congfeas, Just
ending Ita work at Washington, wandered quite
a distance from mere abstractions of science,
and got pretty deeply into the concrete proposi
tions of applied military methods. Its discus
sions bad to do mainly with the formation of a
closer union of the Amerlcaa, and the problems
that Incidentally arise in connection therewith.
The problems of the externa relations of the
'American republics largely assume the single
phase of defense against foreign attack. It la
understood. If not expressed, that South America
still offers a temptation to Imperialistic exploit
ers of Europe, and to some extent to similarly
minded patrtota of Asia.
This brings prominently to the fore the ques
tion of a two-coast defense, for a simultaneous
attack on both the Atlantic and Pacific fronts la
within tbe range of possibility. If the United
Slates is to take up ita share of the responsibil
ity growing out of the All-American union, it
muat prepare to meet any of the great emergen
cies incident thereto, and should therefore be
ready at all times for anything that might hap
pen. This is the sum and substance of the
problem of preparedness. It Is not our own
coast line alone we are engaging to protect, but
we are obligated under our promulgation of and
adherence to the Monroe doctrine, to assist other
American republics in defensive operatlona.
8o far as the United Statea is concerned, the
situation hss been well considered by the War
college, and plans for defense are worked out
lit detail. It only remains for congress to give
assent and provide the means for carrying Into
execution the scheme that does not look to mili
tarism, but to Insurance against untold loss In
event of possibility becoming actuality.
ralaed today and
ill llnee, but no no
The uow blockade was finally
ticet cara rre atarted asaln en i
ran on et txrdula time.
The Knights of Pythias adopted reaolutlona of re-S-ct
to the memory of the late ex-Mayor Murphy",
drafted by a committee of Edwin T. Crowell. W. V.
Wclla and William F. Manning.
The Two Orphans waa produced at th People'
theater to an audience "not as large aa the merit or
th show tails for"
i'iloiui Lrln Miller has gone on vUlt to Detroit.
VN III Hamilton and John Patrick returned to their
ii.'lU-sea in the eaat.
A flu upending the holidays at home. Mini Carrie
AiMna and Misa House left for Knoavllla to resume
their studies.
Th city council has received not lea by Max Meyer
tit lie lSurt of Trade that possession of tbe lot pur
c haiied by the city la desired at once in order to erect
a mw building.
On the panel of the federal Jury tailed to repoil
al Lincoln are tbe names of W. S. Uurley, IxiuU
Orrhe. !.:. t. Slaughter and others.
i "hurl. LI. yd, superintendent of the omtilliua lin .
ta home from the east.
Mm tit 'Uolilons rate bananas at from Zi to
cttila p-r but prattle thickens ran t.c had at
; If tits al-.
3. K t:he. Vi.1 rarnam street, adverttaee that hi
; ta '.! only ix-al estate and inerchandlae broker In
in . h. He does not charge a rectsterlng fee to out
,Jc i'ii(u) ho place property tlh blin o seU,
National Capital Topics
"" " " XWger O. yder.
Tbe Bee's Waahdagtea Oorraarponaeat.
ONB of the moat plcturaaqiie characters la the
Blxty-fouHh congress t "Cyclone" James Har
vey Devta of Teaa. I first knew Pavta a quar
ter of a century ago when the popullet convention met
In Omaha and. among other repreaenuutree of the
Omaha Bee, was asalgned to cover that convention.
At that time Davis was tall, gaunt, wtth a swarthy
complexion and wore fierce muatacheie. A quarter of
a eantury, bewerver. has brought many phyelcel
changes to tbla Tea Cyclone.' as he was dubbed,
aoeordlng to his ewn story, by the Cincinnati ICn
qiilrer and Ctilewgo newspapers during the days when
the populist party waa In the making: The dark mus
tache have changed to gray, and "Cyclone" Davte
wears a beard, chancing hla personal appearance vet?
greatly. "Cyclone" Davis affects a blue or a gray
flannel shirt with a lew neckband and ao collar; he
prides himself en never having worn a collar or a
necktie. His aasoctatee in the lower house of con
gress from Texas do not hesitate to aay that he l
still, as m those faraway days, one of the very great
orators of the southwest and aome of these time
when the question of pre pared nea Is before congress.
In one form or another, "Cyciorte" Davis will be
heard In some Impassioned utterances and then we
may know whether he still lives up to his reputation
made when the Farmers' alliance, populist party, free
silver party end the greenback party were powerful
According to "Cyclone" Davis' biography In the
Congressional Directory, he earned the cognomen of
"a Texas Cyclone" la debating the money question
with Oeneral Wat Hardin In im In the oapltol build
ing In Frankfort. Dubbed by the papers above re
ferred to as "Cyclone Davis." Mr. Davis does hot
hesitate to say that half his mall Is now received
bearing that appellation. He played a leading part In
organising the forcea for Mr. Bryan, commlaaioned by
the democratic, silver-republican and popullet parties
In laoe to unite these forces for the Commoner, In
which he spent about nine months and made about 300
speeches. Mr. Da via waa appointed superintendent
of agriculture for the Philippines by the Wilson ad
ministration, but declined In view of hla race for con
gress, recommending hla son, Valton .for the appoint
ment, with acceptance.
Relng on the subject of the Congressional Direc
tory It Is rather Interesting to notice the modesty of
some of the distinguished gentlemen represented end
the desire of other gentlemen to get their achieve
ments before the public.
The shortest biography Is that of Frank Park of
.Sylvester, Ga. lie statee that he la a democrat, the
place and the date of his birth; the offices he ha
filled In Georgia are a closed book so far as Mr. Park
Is Individually concerned, contenting himself by simply
saying: "Frank Park, democrat, of Sylvester, Oa."
The longest biography In the Congressional Direc
tory la that of Senator Henry Algernon du Pont of
It has been the tradition of the army and navy fur
many years that politics has no place among the
personnel of the military eatabljshment of the United
Shipmates, from Texas and Maine frequently share
the same stateroom and It Is no unusual thing to find
a Junior lieutenant of marines from New York In
close association wtth an ensign from Florida. But
Secretary Daniels, since he has been In office, seems
to have drawn a pretty emphatic line between the sec
tions In the selection of hla staff, for sine ehe ha
been secretary of the navy, Mr. Daniels, who is him
self from North Carolina, has made twelve designa
tions, and of the twelve, eleven are from souths: n
states, considering Maryland as one of these. In fact,
the only northern man In the list Is from Michigan,
and he apparently got in while the secretsry wnt
Here Is the official list of the bureau chiefs and of
ficials in the Navy department made by Secretary
Chief bureau of navigation, V. Blue, South Carolina
Chief bureau of ordnance. J. S.Strauss, Virginia.
Chief bureau operations, W. 8. Benson, Georgia.
Chief bureau steam engineers, R. 8. Griffin, Vir
ginia. Chief bureau construction. D. W. Taylor. Virginia
Chief bureau surgery, W. C. Bralsted, Michigan
Chief bureau supplies. 8. McGowan, Houth Carolina.
Commandant marine corps, C. Bamett, Marylan
(United States Naval academy).
Judge advocate general. R. Mclean, Tennessee.
Chief naval Intelligence. J. II. Oliver, Georgia,
Hydograplier, T. Washington, North Carolina.
Aid to secretary. D. W. Wurtsbaugh, Texas.
This aelsctlon brinaa to mind the atorv Jake Ilea
told ofter hla third defeat for city chamberlain
In New York in the early '80s: "In looking over the
returns I waa astonished to find." said Mr. Hrir.
"that In all of the polling precincts of the 'ate' district
I got 344 votes to my opponent's three. Not under
standing this enormous percentage In my favor J
went to Johnnie O'Brien, the district leader, and eakeJ
him for an explanation. He did not understand me at
first, but when I told him what the returns showed
he exclaimed: 'Hully gee, them three must have got
la while I was at dinner.' "
Colombian Treaty at Bryan's Muterpiece.
Mr. Bryan again gives a portion of his much
occupied time to the advocacy of the treaty
framed by himself, under the terms of which
the United Statea will be obligated to pay 125.
000,000 to Colombia for the purpose of discred
iting a former republican administration. The
late secretsry of state barps on this string with
such persistence as to convince aome that the
United 8tatea hes done grave injury to a
weaker republic, ami now halts in the matter o
making reparation and establishing friendly re
lations based on Justice.
Colombla'a alleged claim rests on thin air,
and the payment of any sum by the United
Statea for the aatiafactlon of the demands made
would be submission to blackmail. This case
baa been ventilated again and again, and the
facta have often been placed before the public
It la useful to the democrats, though, aa afford
ing them a pretext for attack on President
Roosevelt's preparations tor constructing the
Panama canal, and for this reason la being kept
before the public aa prominently aa possible.
All the established facta connected with It mark
! aa a species of graft Mr. Bryan should be
ashamed of supporting.
Colombla'a aignature to tbe Pan-American
rgrcement is desirable, but It la not worth the
price Mr. Bryan wot'ld have us pay. It would
open the door to similar abuaea of our generoa
ity. Colombia must be made to understand that
to fully ahare ia the privileges of tbe union of
Americas national lesponsibility and govern
lueatai atabiUty are eaeenUal requisite.
Twice Told Tales
Money Talks.
Times are a trifle hard In the cotton belt Just now
and money Is a little scarce. Evidently Uncle Eph
two vendors of berries were busy with piles of thin,
the other day and said:
"Mane John, times Is tighter then I ever seen 'eni
before. Do you know, Marae John, I can't get no
money at all? No. air; I caa't get nuthln'! I can't
even get held of a nickel! Do you know. Mar
John, hit actually looks like I'll have to go to preach
In' In order to make a llvln'. I done It once and I
ain't too good to do it again!" Saturday Evenlnv
Post. .
Waald Obey Orders.
The foreman awore at Caaatdy for not fully load
ing up hla hod. The hod. he aald. would hold ao many
bricks, and Cassidy muat taks a full load Up the
ladder every trip.
One morning the supply of bricks ran out and
Cassidy, after gathering every brick In sight, found
he was still short of the proper number. He yelled up
to a workman on the fifth story.
"What do ou went?" asked the workman.
"Throw we down wan brick." shouted Cassidy, "to
make good me load." Boston Transcript.
People and Events
ffafety for Pedestrians.
OMAHA. Jsn. 4 -To the Editor of The
Bee: I notice In todays paper an edi
torial headed "Things Ahead of Omaha
to Do." I would suggest that there is
one very Important matter which you
have overlooked mentioning, "get some
traffic cope."
If we are going to have a city, why
don't weT
As I understand a traffic cop's busi
ness la "to direct the traffic."
As the cope seem to understand It, how
ever. It la, "bawl 'em out; to h I with
the traffic."
No. you are wrong, t have not been
bawled out. I am one of the multitude
I walk and that's where the. rub comes.
Can I walk In safety? Well, if I do, aa I
do. and In safety, believe me. It Is not
the fault of the T. C. BROV.
gpaalah War Vetera as' Momey.
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 4-To the Ed
itor of The Bee: Some few days ago
there appeared an article. In The Bee
stating there was about 17.000 still due
Spanish war veterans. Now, this an
nouncement hy Mr. Halt was no news to
the veterans of the Spanish war; they ,
knew of It while Mr. Hall waa still wear
ing knee panties. This money has been
at the state house for seventeen years,
and why Adjutant Hall has taken It upon
himself to distribute It la more than I
can see. Besides, that money la entitled
tb compound Interest at the legal rate of
7 per cent from the date of Ita acceptance
by this state until Its proper distribution
to the veterans, to whom i. rightfully
The writer stated his claim to Mr. Hall
briefly and to the point. He was a mem
ber of the National Guard previous to
his enlistment in the United States vol
unteer service In Company EX Flint regi
ment. United Statea volunteers. He went
to Lincoln at the first call of the federal
government for the service of the First
regiment. He was at Mncoln ten days
before he waa mustered Into the United
States volunteer service In Company E,
First Nebraska, on April :. 1898. He
wrote Mr. Hall to ascertain the amount
of the federal money that was sent to
this state to pay for the service of men
that were accepted prior to enlistment,
or from the date they left home until
they were enlisted Into the United States
volunteer army (that may be due him).
Here la the answer:
Joseph Morris. Kearney, Neb.: Refer
ring to your postal card of the Jith Inst.,
thia fund is for the payment of aervlcea
prior to mustering in. Your r.ame does
not appear on the Hat. Therefore, you
are not entitled to any part of this fund.
If I am not entitled to any part of the
fund, as Mr. Hall calls It, who Is? I was
through the entire service from the time
my company left David City until we
were mustered out at tne Presidio, Cali
fornia. But Mr. Hall says the Third Nebraska
regiment Is entitled to the greater por
tion of that money. Let's see. There
was no such organisation as a Third Ne
braska, Nebraska National Guard, prior
to Ita formation at Lincoln. Therefore,
the members of that . regiment were
guests at Camp Saunders, Lincoln. Neb.,
at their own free pleasure until they were
sworn Into the volunteer service In the
Third Nebraska regiment. The First and
Second regiments were there because they
were obliged to be there under contract
of enlistment. Is this plain to you, Mr.
Hall? Is it possible that after seventeen
years of waiting that Mr. Hall can find
John Jones of Company Q and Jim Smith
of Company Z and Ike Getmo of Com
pany P to algn vouchers for tl-.e amounts
that are duo them? Come on out with
It. Mr. Hall. Print a list of the names In
the leading papers of the state of the
amounts due each veteran opposite each
name. Then at the next legislature that
honorable body will find a means of dla
tributlng this money.
My advice to you. Mr. Hall. Is to keep
your hands off of that money. It la
nothing to you. JOSEPH MORRIS.
Late of Company E, First Nebraska Vol
unteer Infantry.
Minneapolis threatens to wrest from Chicago
leadership ta men's fashion. Fashionable johnnies
of the former city set a hot pace by wearing pink
hats at afternoon teas.
A Brooklyn woman who masqueraded as a man
for four years deceived her acquaintance by drink
ing, smoking and shaving, "just Ilk a man." Her
sex was not discovered until apoplexy caught her.
The champion plo eaUr of Williamsburg, Brooklyn,
Ed Baker. Is dead at 47. Pls-eatlng for money was his
occupation, and he made a nice living at It, but his
interior department rebelled, spoiled his Job and fin
ished him In a charity hospital.
Three different correspondents bring back from
Oyster Bay three different Impreasioeta of the col -net's
political versatility. The first says T. R. wwuM
support Philander V. Knox fur president Th aecop j
says It Isn't so. The third ssaerts Wall street la hot
for Teddy for president. Take your rholo.
Member a of th Graver Cleveland Memorial asso
ciation are moving on congress to take over as s
national reservation the Cleveland birthplace at
Caldwell, N. J., now owned by the association. A
tarter la tbla Una of reservation nationally main
tained will bias th way for many unique Biesneriala.
Tips on Home Topics
Boston Transcript: Anxious republicans
re lying awake nowanights wondering
whether the prealdent's alliance with a
descendant of Pocahontas win enable
him to poll the solid John Smith vote in
Houston Poet: The British court rules
that A. J. Drexel must pay his wife
IjO.OOO a year alimony. It strikes us that
an annual little, bundle of that else can
relieve a large amount of bleakness and
pain In a woman's heart. (
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Mr. Root has
written a letter to the state of Mlnne
sota demanding that hla name be kept
off the primary ballot. Mr. Roosevelt
has done the same thing to the state
of Michigan. Some of these states will
soon have to run candidates under as
sumed names.
Louisville Courier-Journal: The Okla
homa banker who followed the bank
robbers with a shotgun and winged on)
with each barrel will need no safety
vault hereafter. He can pin a "hands
off" sign oa a pile of money, affix hit
signature and go to bed without wor
rying about bandits.
8t. Louts Globe Democrat: The War
department endangers Ita modcat pro
gram of preparedneea by auggestlng that
It will be followed by universal serv
ice. There Is not a well-informed mem
ber of congress who doea not know that
sentiment la overwhelmingly against such
a plan. It would Increase taxation be
yond what the people could bear ami
would Impose a special burden on every
male of military age and condition.
print-field Republican: General CrO
iter wants machinery for extracting
nitrogen from th atmosphere to be de
veloped because b fear that In case
of war a shortage of explosives might
result from being cut off from Chile
There waa a panic only a few years
ago ever th Impending exhaustion of th
Chile nitrate, but It was wtth refer
no not to war material, but to fer
tilisers. The world's perspective has
changed wtth remarkable auddeaneea.
New York World: Th case of th
former Wall Street messenger boy whs
baa just paid racoo for a Stock Ex
change seat out of hla wlnnlnga In "war
stocks" will long serve to point a moral
and adorn a tale of the magic possibil
ities of stock speculation. Aa against
this concrete example of successful get-
rlch-qulck finance, all the hard-luck ex
portenres of th less fortunate and all
th warnings about th anarea and pit
fall of atock-gambltng will be aa
F.rllth If vu didn't want Mr. Bore-
lelnh to stay ao late why didn't you drop
a hint?
Kthel Drnnnlno- a hint wouldn't moi-e
htm unless it was made of dynamite.
itostot) Transcript.
"These sectional bookcases are 'fine
hinds. You enn start In a nmnll wsv
end add to them aa you can afford
Good Idea. Why doesn't eomcboilv In
vent a sectional hat for ladles?" Puck.
"Father." eald the email boy.
a a nypocnnnririac?
"A hypochondriac, my son. Is a per
son whose constitution Is o stmng that
he can siand anv amo int of worry about
his health." W'ashlnKton Utar.
'Paiisrhter. you should not he seen
constantly with a young man unleso you
are engag-ed to him. or expect to become
How old-fashioned vou are. ma.
That's my dancing partner." Pittsburgh
Staae Director Thia portlv actor has
made a atout protest against the rule,
which he says afford him but a slim
Manager Then aiva him a fat part.
Baltimore American.
that the Produce Exchanae la near your
"Yes. my dear."
"Well. I lust wish vou'd aton In there
and exchange these eggs for something
iresner. iouieviiie vJourier-Journal.
"What has become of th village cut-
on. he evolved Into a very successful
surgeon. No appendix rases are complete
witnout mm. uuston Transcript.
I thought the old man left all of his
money to charity."
"t)h, no to charltaDie institutions.
James Whltcomb Riley. In Collier'.
fitting by the glimmer
Of the fir tonight,
Though th glowing embers
Kparkl with delight
There a eense of something,
Vaguely understood.
Stealing o'er the spirit
As a shsdow would.
Is It that the shutter
Shudders In the wind
As a lance of moonshine
Shivers through the blind?
Or the lamplight dancing
In pretended glee
As the keyhole whistles
in a minor key?
Footetepg on the sidewalk,
Crunching through the snow,
Seem to whisper something
Of the long ago
And the merry greetings
Of the pasers-hy
Seem like truant echoes
Coming home to die.
I have coaxed mv pencil
For a smiling face.
But the sketch Is frowning
And devoid of grace;
And the airy waltxes
Of my violin
Lie away in dirges
Ere I well begin.
Lay awav the etory
Theugh the theme la sweet
There'a a lack of something
Makes It Incomplete;
There's a namelesa yearning"
Strangely undefined
For a something better
Than the common kind.
Something! Oh, that something!
We may never know
Why the soul Is haunted
Ever thus and o.
Till the longing spirit
Answers to the call
Of the trumpet aoundtng
Something after all.
ffuV (I 1
D exawxasBBBi
Fast trains on convenient schedules
arrive Englewood Union Station
(63rd St.) and La Salle Station most
convenient locations in Chicago
connecting with limited trains for
all Eastern territory. The
Leaves 6:08 p. m. daily. Have dinner on the train arrive
La Salle Station, Chicago in the heart of the business district
ready for the dajr no time lost
Carries sleeping car for Tri-Cities may be occupied until
:00 a. m.
Other Solid Through Train Daily
'Rocky Mountain Limited"
'Chicago-Colorado Express"
- 8:00 a.m.
3:55 p. m.
Automatic Block Signal
ftneaf Modm AB-Sttal Pawn ft Equipment
AtWofe Safmty
Write, phone or call st Rock Island Travel Bureau, 1123 Farnsm St,
for tickets, reservations,, information.
i, 5. McNALLY, Division Passenger Agent Phone Douglas 42S
Route of the Seminole Iimitnl.
Consisting of Magnificent Ann Parlor Observation and Up-to-date
Hteel Pullman Cars.
Round trip reduced WINTKR TouriM Ticket a on sale daily,
Limited to Return June 1st, 1 Witt.
Rates to Principal Point a follows:
850.68 ; Ft. Iudertlale
57.08 Palm Beach . .
62.28 Lake Worth
57.88 Miami ....
62.28 Key West
59.78 I Fort Myers
Ticket to many other point at same proportional rate.
Tickets via Washtniftou, 1. C, In one direction, returning via
imy direct line, at slightly higher rate.
For full particulars, descriptive literature and sleeping car
reservations, call at City Ticket Office or write 8. North, IHstrlct
Pawenger Agent, 407 8. Ittth St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 64.
Jacksonville .
8t. Petersburg
Tampa .
Orange City
Havana. Cuba
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.