Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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State Treasurer and Auditor's Clerk
Unable to Gain Sight of
Money Bagi.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 4.- (Special.) -Stat,
house democrats may have "sworn off
on soma things the first of the year, but
they have not turned over a new leaf
when It comes to continuing the peculiar
brand of harmony which has existed
among them since the good old ship of
state was turned over to the present
Again State Treasurer Georae Hall is
the bone of contention, and this time ho
Is belabored by other state officers be
cause he will not allow State Accountant
Pe France to enter his office and make
an examination of the books.
One democrat makes the charge that
DeFrance was denied the right to Investi
gate the affairs of the state treasurer,
and that after he had made a prelimi
nary survey he quit while he was making
other surveys, and was not allowed to
fco back and finish the Job ordered by
State Auditor Smith.
It is said that things were said by
State Auditor Smith to State Treasurer
Hall which are not for the ears of the
public. State Treasurer Hall says that
no man can check up his office unless
he checks up the whole concern, and he
does not propose to let DeFrance nose
around unless he roots over the whole
shooting match.
DeFrance says he stands ready to go to
rooting over the books any old time, and
proposes to follow out the Instructions
of the state auditor even though the
heavens fall and he has to do his duty
at the point of the bay-o-net.
In the meantime the official organ of
the democratic party Is digging up an
cient history regarding the man It helped
to elect state treasurer.
Republicans are shedding great gobs of
sobs to see their democratic brethren
unable to dwell In harmony.
Jewelry Store at
Holbrook Robbed
UOLBROOK, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Robbers broke Into the Guy
Butler drug store yesterday and stole
fifty-two rings, eleven watch chains,
three watches and some cuff buttons.
They fcroke out a window In the rear of
the store, making their entrance through
that way. Mr. Butler estimates his loss
St J2fl0.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. Jsn. 4 (Special.)
" ith the Nebraska primary a little over
three months off, six aspirants for sher
iff have announced themselves In Jeffer
son, an office held by Ed Hughes, the
democratic Incumbent. These aspirants
Include four republicans, John G. Rawles,
1. .. 11 n- Tthnavn PhavUi IT fl 1 1 m rrm - n t !
Charles Frans, and twu democrats, W.
F. Bonawlts and P. H. Shea. The latter
Is at present a deputy shertrf of -Jefferson
There will be no contests over county
IrcHsurep nr nrnbate ludce. as 1). B. CroD-
sey and Louis J. Nutman are both seek-J
lng second terms. Frank L. Rain, county
attorney, will retire, having held four
consecutive terms. C. H. Denney, an at
torney of this city, who was prosecuting
attorney from 1906 until W is being
mentioned for the place.
No candidates for county assessor or
clerk of the district court have announced
themselves as yet. County Assessor O.
R. Jones will no doubt retire and Oscar
Uarnsey, clerk of the district court, has
expressed himself satisfied with two
terms. This will leave two vacancies.
Superintendent of Schools Henry
Abrams, a democrat, who is-filling his
first term,, will be up for re-election and
will have a clear field.
C. L. E. Blauser, who represented the
Thirty-second district la the Nebraska
legislature from Jefferson county, prob
ably will be In the field again for re-election.
He Is a democrat.
Jefferson county may have at least one
candidate for a state office, as several
friends of S. M. Bailey have been boost
ing him for the democratic t.omtnatlon
for state treasurer. He Is cashier In
one of the Falrbury banks and Is an ex
treasurer of Jefferson county.
FREMONT, Neb.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Judge F. W. Button, who was appointed
to the bench In the Sixth district by
Governor Morehead when the late Chief
Justice Conrad Hollenbeck took the oath
of office, and Judge George Thomas of
Columbus are circulating petitions among
the voters In the district asking for
their nomination at the primaries. Jo
seph E. Daly has filed for the nomina
tion for county attorney on the demo
cratic ticket. It Is said other candidates
will be In the field soon.
IlOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) John Bragg, mayor of Hold
rege, died at o'clock last night from the
effects of a wound In the face which he
received while hunting yesterday after
noon. The accldet occurred as he was
crossing a fence, pulling a gun after
. him. -
(, Commty Notes.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.)
' Z. C. Rockhold. a pioneer of Gage county,
died at tils home In this ci'y Monday
alter an Illness of a few days with pneu
monia, aged "8 years. He located near
Wyinore when the town was a village
and resided there until eight years ago,
when he came to Beatrice. Mrs. Rock
hold died a year ago. He Is survived by
two children.
The schools, cigar stores, moving pic
ture shows and churches have been
closed at Wymore because of the small
pox situation there. Eighteen cases were
reported Monday. ,
George I. Smith of Johnson, Neb., died
feunday at a local hospital of cancer,
sged 67 years. Nothing is known of the
dead nian's relatives, and the body will
be held here until they can be heard
Advertiser and customer profit by the
'Classified Ad" habit.
Jansen Says Makers
Munitions Back of
Preparedness Talk
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 4-(Speclat.)-At
the first noonday luncheon of the
week of prayer meetings Hon. Teter Jan
sen Monday spoke on "International
Peace." In referring to the preparedness
program of the present administration
Mr. Jansen expressed the opinion that
the demands for a larger army and nary
were being created by the manufacturers
of munitions for the sole purpose of
keeping up the dividends. He ridiculed
the Idea of an Invasion of this country
by' any of the warring nations after the
present war is over, and declared that
such a thing was utterly ImposMble.
The speaker advocated international ar
bitration as the only means tf making
satisfactory adjustments of differences
between nations which he said was bound
to come.
Caviness Elected
Head of Kearney
School for 3 Years
KEARNEY. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.) A.
L. Caviness, secretary of the State Nor
mal board and well known throughout
the state, was elected as superintendent
of the Kearney schools last night for
three years at a salary of $2,400 a year.
Mr. Caviness served for flftefn years as
superintendent of the Falrbury schools
and has been superintendent at Kearney
since last fall. He has had a remarkable
success In his work here, as his election
indicates. The procedure before has been
to contract but for one year at a time,
but the desire to keep Mr. Caviness for
a period developed the situation. The
board also re-elected Principal Huwalt
of the high school and provided for the
installation of numerous pieces of ap
paratus on the ward school grounds.
Rancher Deeds Farm;
Couple Under Arrest
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. 4.-(Spe-rial
Telegram.) Mrs. Effle Mitchell of
Gothenburg Is in the Hall county jail
and C. J. Clough of the same vicinity In
the city jail here as the result of an ar
rest made by Sheriff Benton of Lexing
ton on a warrant from the police court
cf tills city making a statutory charge.
But back of this charge it is Indicated
by the officials there Is a more serious
According to the story told by the of
ficers Clough and Mrs. Mitchell came to
Grand Island from Oklahoma last Sep
tember and lived here about a month as
man and wife. Lattr the woman went to
Gothenburg and there married a rich
rancher who was aged and a widower,
first, however, stipulating that he deed
her a farm worth $18,000 which he did.
Then the ceremony was performed.
Clough, so it is said, was introduced
to the husband as her brother under the
name of Otrlm and Immediately took up
his residence with the couple. Sheriff
Benton became suspicious some time ago
and has been working on the case since
making a trip to Oklahoma, the former
residence of the couple, a week or so
sgo and securing evidence there which
caused him to return to this city and file
the necessary complaint with the local
Young Man Is Killed
Under Cars at Napier
FALLS CIXT. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) George R. Burke, about 36
years of age and a printer by trade whoie
home was In Wichita, Kan., wss killed in
the Burlington yards at Napier, Mo., be
ing run over by the cars. He had been
working for H. P. Custer, who has a Job
printing and supply house for the last
two months and proved to, be the finest
kind of a man. He saved up ha money
to send his mother mother a gift at
Christmas time and since then has made
trips to Rulo for drink.
It Is supposed that he went ot Rulo for
that purpose on Monday and when told
that he colud not buy a ticket back to
Falls ICty stole a ride to Napier on a
freight expecting to come to this city on
the passenger.
West Point Farmer
Swallows Poison
WEST PIONT. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Emll Wile, a prominent
farmer and well known cltlsen living two
miles east of West Point, committed
suicide Monday afternoon, by swallowing
sulphuric aclde. He was about 60 yeais
old and leaves a widow and a large fam
ily. No cause Is assigned for the act. He
was In fair circumstances and was con
templating on retiring from the farm
In the spring.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 4.-(9peclat Tel
egram.) The claim of Amanda H. Brown
os Ashervllle, N. C, to the $100,000 estate
of John O'Connor, was resched In the
heirship hearing In the district court to
ds y.
Mrs. Brown makes her claim as a niece.
She asserts that O'Connor's real name
wss Lorenzo Halgler. She last saw hint
alive when he was about 18 years old,
but was able positively to Identify the
body when she viewed It In the morgue
here fifty years later. She said Halgler
was conscripted Into the confederate
army at Ashvllle and disappeared after
the war.
She heard of him In 1910, when she said
O'Connor went to se relatives of hers In
Tacoma, Wash., about their Joint Interest
In an estate In Ireland. H carina; on this
claim will be resumed tomorrow.
New light on the early history of
O'Connor was riven by a number of
Hastings witnesses today who testified
that O'Connor had told them hs had a
wife and children living In the cast.
Pioneer settlers said It was commonly
understood among O'Connor's associates
that he had a family living, though they
never saw the wife or children here.
These witnesses testified In support of
the claim of llanora O'Connor and four
sons of Lapeer. Mich., who says that
O'Connor was her husband and deserted
her In Albany In the latter pert of V.
This claimant has rested reserving the
right to call two more witnesses.
Attorney General Trying to
Money Where There Are
No Heirs.
I (From a Staff Correspondent.)
, LINCOLN, Jan. 4. (Special.) The
search for estates which revrt to the
I state because the deceased owners have
I no relatives still goes Merrily on In the
I office of the attorney a-eneral.
j Those recently unearthed are two small
estates, one left by Carl Mauch of Omaha
and another by Mr. Warner at So aid
j These amounted to about I1.00J each.
I Another estate which has been lying
j Idle about ten years was discovered at
Old and formerly belonged to George
Wall. He left a quarter section of valu
. able land, which was sold
expenses of settling the estate. The
money has been lying in a bank ever
since. Attorney General Reed Is of the
opinion that the proceedings In connec
tion with the sale of the property may
not have been legal, as he can find no
evidence that the stat. was notified of
the action. v
Now a recluse has been found d.-ad
near Lincoln with about $16,000 In securi
ties in the place where he died. The at
torney general has conferred with bounty
Attorney Hager. who Is trying to secure
the money for the srfite If no heirs arc
Ask Thomas to l.rrlnre.
The I nlverslty of Missouri Is Insisting
that State Superintendent Thomas shall
deliver at least two lectures before the
students of that body during the ruining
ear. They first asked that Dr. Thomas
favor them with several lectures, but he
feels that he cannot be spared from Ne
braska educational Interests, and so they
have agreed to let him off on two. Dr.
Thomas has not yet made up his mind
In the matter.
"errelary's Mother Dead.
The State Railway commission offices
were closed this forenoon in honor of the
memory of the aged mother of Secretary
A. B. -Allen, who died at the home of her
son Sunday. Most of the employes of
the commission attended the funeral.
Warrants Are leaned.
The state auditor office force issued
during the year 1915 warrants amounting
to $5,3t,189.6. For the month of Decem
ber 4.253 warrsnts were written, amount
ing to $jOS,81.3!. But two other months
during the year was this amount iv-
ceded, when in June 147,678 was written,
ana in January, $T3S,4J4.
Paul Means Chosen
As Rhodes Scholar
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 4 (Snorlnl Tolaeram
Paul B. Means, a former Nebraska uni
versity man, was yesterday chosen as a
Rhoades scholar for this state by the spe
clsl commission appointed to make the
Chancellor Averv announced ths ton.
tlon of Means after two nthpr mtnllrant.
failed to pass the examinations.
oieans took the examinations a year
SEO With Paul llonri nf t.lncnln n.l hnlk
passed exceptional scholarship require
ments, uooa was nnaiiy chosen at that
time. Means later attended school at
Yal and Is onw taking a post graduate
course at Oherltn. He will Ion v.. In h
fall for his three years at Oxford as pro
vided Dy tne unoades scholarship.
(From a 6taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 4 -(Special Tele
gram.) Extension of the Omaha. Lincoln
& Beatrice Interurban railway to Beatilc:
from Lincoln and through that city to
Virginia, a distance of twelve ml'es,
where it will connect with the MUsourl
Pacific railway from Kansas City, is a
possibility. L. S. Cass' of Waterloo, la..
president of the Waterloo & Cedar
Rapids Interurban lias been here the
last few days looking up the matter.
It Is said this looks good to him and
that he. will so report o the company
which has in contemplation the project,
which has for Its object a more direct
line to Kansas City. '
Wants Pear t'ommlaatos).
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 4 (Special Tel
egram.) Frank Wilson, 13 yea ts old, had
both hands badly shattered today while
hunting near Pickrell by the accidental
discharge of a shotgun.
ATIHEN it comes to complexions
an tobacco, any "improve
ment "on Nature ain't
any improvement. J0 A0
$0eeS ' S0s H
rx '
Big Judgment in
Breach of Promise
Case is Set Aside
dict for bresch of promise, which Mrs.
Ida M. McNabb of Milwaukee, won In the
district supreme court here several
months ago, against John S. Kinney, a
millionaire mine owner and lumberman
of Palatka, Mich., was reversed today by
the court of appeals.
Chicago Hospital is
Held Up on Pay Day
CHICAGO. sti. 4 Two men entered
the offices of St. Luke's hospital late
Ihls afternoon, pointed revolvers at Miss
Mnry Tobln, the cashier and escaped
with a tin box containing $3,hm.
It was pay day at the institution and
offices were crowded with nurses and
other emnloyes receiving their ssl.iry.
The monthly payroll of the hospltnl
amounts to $.'.,000 and about $;.flon had
been paid to employes before the robbers
Tho robbers made the thirty nurses In
the room hold up their hnnds while they
seized the cash box from the cashier
and esiapcd in an automobile.
He Jumps to Death
from Burning Hotel
WATERBl'RT, Conn., Jan. 4. One man
was killed, five others were Injured and
the lives of sixty guests endangered in
a fire that destroyed the Hotel Con
necticut in the heart of the business sec
tion early today. The Identity of the
dead man has not yet been established.
The police say that they believe that all
the guests escaped from the building.
The desd man and five who were hurt,
received their injuries by Jumping from
third snd fourth story windows. The loss
U estimated at $100,000. The blaze started
in the cellar from unknown origin.
A "For 8ale" or "For Rent" Ad placed
In The Bee will accomplish Its pur
It Is a British custom for mayors and
such like civic dignitaries to wear about
the neck an ornamental chain, somewhat
like that worn by Waldorf head wal era.
And it wss a Londoner, Just arrived at a
Scottish town, who Interrogated the por
ter of the local Inn:
"Not a large place, this?"
"Not very," was the snswer,
"Has It a corporation?"
"A what, sir?'
"I mean, who rules it?"
i "Rules It? JuBt the provost."
"Ah, the provost. Just like our lord
ninyur. usa ii-i any inmpniA ur ruift
"Insignia! What d'ye mean?"
"Yes. insignia; that is to say, does he
wear a chain?"
"A chain, sir! The provost chained!
Na, na! He nanus loose; but dlnna be
feared, he's quite harmless." Phllsdel-
phla Ledger.
-vv;v ... . J -
VELVET is made
of Nature's best
pipe tobacco
with its best
brought out in the
natural way by
two years
ISO Sfe.ncW3v.
fir?:- 3
Board of Education Will Consider
Rcqueit of Committee to Per
mit It to Be Taken.
Th Hoard of Kducstlon last vfn
Ing engaged in a discussion over a
request of the Laymen' committee
on Boys and Girls' Kxtnslon Work
for permission to make a religious
canvass of the schools. A communi
cation signed by J. 11. Llchtenwall
tier, Q. V. Noble, H. A. Wilcox, D. E.
Cleveland and J. B. Cain, Jr., wag re
ceived by the board and several mem
bers. of that committee appeared In
President Ernst led the opposition
to the plan, stating bla belief that it
violated the spirit If not the letter
of the constitution, and he was
backed by U. F. Williams. Dr. E.
Holovtchlner and A. C. Wakeley. Dr.
D. E. Jenkins and 1. V.. Carpenter
favored the Idea, the former wishing
more Information an to the methods
of securing the desired Information.
The communication was placed on file.
with the understanding that the com
mittee will submit a ssmple of cards they
would have filled out and outline tho
canvsss in detail-.
What of Other I raml
"Was there not a comprehensive can
vass made at the time of the 'Hilly' Pun-
day campaign." asked President llrnst.
Mr. I'lchtcnwullncr replied by saying
that the Sunday house-to-house canvass
yielded no reliable Information regarding
the children. He further told the board
that the canvass now proposed would be
In the Interest of morals of the boys and
girls and would accrue to the benefit of
all denominations and creeds. He read
letters from local clergymen and Isy-
men. Indorsing the canvass.
"nearest Other Plaa.
The statement was made that only half
of the children of the city attend Sunday
jhools. Dr. Holovtchlner and Mr. Wake-
ley suggested that the committee could
get better results by making a house-to-house
Dr. Jenkins and Mr. Carpenter were the
only members to give the proposed can
vass an encouragement. No tlmo was
set for future consideration of the sub
Ray Gould Heads
Builders' Exchange
Officers of the Omaha Builders' ex
change were elected yesterday as fol
lows: Tresldent. V. Hay Gould; vice
president. Parley g. Hamilton; treasurer.
O. 8. Nelson; directors, Albln W. Bloom.
C. J. Johnson, George Ktene Peter Laux,
Grant Parsons and P. R, Vlerllng.
gains in furniture, rugs
and draperies secured in th
first two days of this sale have
been satisfying; ones. A great
many have come and found the
article they were looking for
at a decided eaving over th
regular value. Not onl did
they ,flnd what they wanted,
but were able to make other
purchases of furnishings that
they did not auspect could be
secured at auch astonishingly
low prices. x
Come and Investlg lie.
Colored Madras, beautiful bedroom
blue and yellow
Regular 7&c values,
1IB OIIKAT assortment
a powerful inducement
consider that these are only
nn Mahoiranv Davenport
7o!oo Tapestry Chair ;
OS. 00
jar jT fJ
Jacobean Oak China uiosei VeXrt
Jacobean Oak Serving Table J.B.UU
44 00
nr.. oo
52 00
Fumed Oak Library TaDie
Fumed Oak Buffet
Mahokany Sofa
Walnut Chiffonier
Old Oak Chair
Mahogany Buffet
Fumed Oak China Cabinet
Golden Oak Rocker
Kumed Oak Library Table
Fumed Oak China Cabinet
72.00 Spanish Leather Bora
68.00 Spanish leather Sofa
100.00 China Cabinet, old oak
103.00 China Cabinet, old oak
24.00 Oolden Oak Side Table
117.00 Three-piece Mahogany
Serving Table
each. 3 ft., 3 In. Walnut
Walnut Dresser
Mahogany Chair
Morocco Leather Chair
Morocco Leather Chair
Leather Sofa
Mahogany China Closet.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Traffic Bureau
Helps to Collect
Claims for Clients
Claims amounting to W.600 were col
lected by the trafflo bureau of the Com
mercial club during the year. During
the entire year an average of five rate
quotations per day was made as a mat
ter of Information to persons Inquiring.
This makes a total of 1.437 rate quota
tions made In the course of the year.
Numerous conferences were held with
the railroads on the subjects of classifi
cation, merchandising wervlce, switching
rules and regulations covering weights,
demurrage, etc
Advice and asslstsnce were rendered to
(he trade estension committee, the Indus
trial committee, the Missouri river com
mittee and the hay market committee of
the Commercial club. In connection with
the routine work of those committees,
much of which Is closely related to traf
fic matters.
Hundreds of Inquiries were answered
during the year concerning Interpretation
of tariffs, payment of claims and nu
merous other disputes that are constantly
arising between the railroads and the
shippers. All this work was done at
an expense ot less thsn $10,000 for the
Eleven Missing, One
Dead as a Result of
Explosion on Tanker
NEW TORK. Jan. 4 One man Is dead
snd eleven others are known to be
missing, as a result of an explosion that
wrecked the engine room of the Nor
wegian oil tank steamer Aiteo at a
Brooklyn dock today. The dead man was
a fireman on the vessel, snd five of the
missing men were members of the crew.
The other six were employed on the
Seven were Injures, three of them seri
ously. Most of the victims were trspped below
decks, and those who were not Instantly
killed probably were drowned by the
water that flooded the engine room
through a great hole blown In the side
of the vessel.
The Altec bed Just left dry dock and
the cause of the explosion Is unknown, al
though It Is believed to have been caused
by the bursting of a tank of 10.000 eublo
feet of gas that was used In connection
with the oil fuel for the engines.
Italy t'osamasideera ship.
N'FW ORI.RANS. l.a.. Jsn. 4. Advices
to shipping Interests hero today said the
Italian aovernment had commandeered
for transport purposes twenty-seven
steamships of the Fesrce-fottonHlra and
Creole lines, which maintain regular sill
Inns between Italy, New Orleans, Ual
veston and other gulf ports.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Orchard & Wilhelm
HE1RE aro a few items selected at random from many
attractive bargains in all lines of drapery goods.
30 Pairs Over Curtains
2V6 yd. by 25 In. Blue, Green,
to 114.00 pair, for J51.UU Pr.
Dimity, Marseilles, English Print,
Cretonne and Lace Bed Sets
at One-Half
$1.50 value. . .$ .75
$2.75 value... $1.38
$3.95 value.. .$1.95
$4.25 valued . .$2.10
$ 8.75
t7 Kf
One lot of 26 palra Curtains, one pair of a
effects, In pink,
A.Ta. a m
Regular values
Six patterns In Bungalow Net. Ivory and Ecru
Regular ouc values, .uv ywu.
ot furniture items offered in tlio m.1c at extreme low prices is
to every economical buyer. Note the savings listed below and
a few from among hundreds
aal. rrlos
: oiww
Suite, Buffet, China Cabinet,
Beds, two for
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
The 8 ft) re of The Town
Browning. King
& Company
Real Reductions
on Men's
High Class
$1.50 Shirts (Soft of Stiff Cuff)
Now Priced at
95c, 3 for $2.75.
$2.00 Shirts (Soft or Stiff Cuff )
Now Priced at
$1.45, 3 for $4.00.
$1.50 Pajamas ,
Madras or Flannel,
Now $1.15.
$2.00 Pajamas
Madras or Flannel,
Now $1.45.
50c Now 35c 3 for $1.00
$1.00 Now 65c-2 for $1.25
$1.50 Now 95c 2 for $1.75
$2.00 Now $1.35, 3 for $3.75
$2.50-Now $1.85, 2 for $3.50
$3.50 Now $2.65, 2 for $5.00
Browning. King
& Company
The Bee Is the Paper
yen ask for; if you pla to e
absent more than few aays,
nave The Bee mailed to yon.
Brown, Rose; values
value. . .$ 4.35
value... $ 6.75
..nlllA QTK
value . . . $10.00
to $3.50 pair, for 95 pair.
Brie- a-Brac
A SALE of beautiful
THINGS at astonish
ing reduction?.
40c colored print In frame,
at 20o
80c and 75c prints 40o
A doxen Blue Corona cop
and saucers and plates to
match, formerly $, now 53
for the two doaen.
Odd lot of Japanese, Ilowa
hlrd plates, sauce dishes and
after dinner coffee- cups, at
9193.0O hand carred Vene
tian lantern, 808.00.
A for piece of tapeatrjr
boxes, telephone pads and cush
ions at IHI.F PRICE.