Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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tiki's (E(O)Si(0)il(fl)WiIie
Towastafl's for portlnj Ooods."
XilfkUBf rutirss Buriess-Orandea.
Kara Boot Prist It Now Beacon Press.
"Todar't MotI Promm" classified
lenlon toiler. It appears In Ths Bea
BXCLUfUVELT. Find out what ths va
rious moving; picture tnatera oiror.
s Mm
th Stats aaak 01 omut, corner six
eenth and Harny. rays FOUR per cent i
in time deposit and THREE pr cent I
n savings accounts. All deposits In this '
bank are protected by the depositors'
tuaranten fund of the atate of Nebraska.
Auto Pilot rinad Frank Llddell. 8314
Hnmllton street, was arraigned twfore .
Tudge Pouter, charircd with the reckless I
driving of an automobile. I pleaded
hot guilty, but was fined 13 and costs.
The case was appealed.
, Bosnia Identified for Bobbery I.
Itounln, (18 Capitol avenue, was arrested
knd positively Identified by Albert Ma
rtinson as the person who robbed him
of $30. Martinson asserted ha was en
ticed to the above number by Rounle and
then separated from his cash.
eaten oed or Theft Robert Fmrretl of
kloldreire was arrested by Officer Wil
liam Hudson for theft of a small quantity
of merchandise frotrl the Beaton Drug
company. Farrell was Just emend n
from the store and was stowlnir the stuff
away when Hudson snared him. He was
sentenced to fifteen days In the county
Voted ZraA-llt Comtnff Evangelist,
Rev. F. W. Cox of TttnsvlUe, Pa., will
hold a, series of meetings at the People's
church. 615 North Eighteenth street, be
ginning next Sunday at 10 a m. Recep
tion for the evangelist at the People's
church Saturday evening at 8. Rev. Mr.
Cox Is a wide traveler and a man of great
experience In Oods work.
Strohm la Promoted H. C Btrohm, for
several years traveling passenger agent
out of Omaha for the Baltimore & Ohio
Irosd. has gone to Minneapolis to take
the position of northwestern passenger
agent for the same company. The ap
pointment In a substantial promotion. Mr.
Btrohm is succeeded by Charles C. Ffl
rlcR, who has arrived and taken posses
sion of the Omaha offices of the com
pany. Aanoal Xleotlon Said The annual
election of the Hastings ft Northwestern
Railroad company was held at Union Pa
cific headquarters and an the old officers
re-elected. A. I MobJer, president of the
Union Pacific, continued as president;
Charles Ware, general manager; N. H.
Ioomls, vice president; T. M. Orr, secre
tary; H. J. Sterling, auditor, and W. S.
V. Crosby, treasurer. The Hastings &
Northwestern Is that portion of the Union
Padflo from Gibbon, on the main line,
southeast to Hastings. The officers are
all Union Pacific men.
Leap Year Arrives
and Larry Flynn is
the First Target
Larry Flynn, deputy sheriff. Jolly,
rotund and of uncertain age, is believed
to be the first Omaha bachelor to re
ceive a leap year proposal.
Mr. Flynn recently received much at
tention In 'many quarters as the result of
a correspondence with a New Tork girl
Iwho desired to marry him and there wej
keen competition on the 'part of Omaha
lyoung "women to prevent the prlM from
going to Gotham.
The victim,, however, escaped all snares
by reason of the fact that convention
'required that he should speak first, whloh
he refused to do.
Monday morning a young woman called
Mr. Flynn by telephone and after a brief
Introduction of herself, asked for his
hand In marriage.
"I would like to marry you, my dear,"
she said.
"Do I know you well enough?" coun
tered Lorry desperately. "I don't want to
get married yet, I'm too young. I don't
know yet how many chances I'll get."
It is understood Larry's relatives want
him to wait at least a year.
Metcalfe Studies
Retailers' System
in St. Louis Stores
J. W. Metcalfe, secretary of the Asso
ciated Retailers of Omaha, has returned
from St. Louis, where he spent a few
weeks In a minute study of the systems
of the big retail stores and of the Re
tailers' association, with especial refer
ence to the abuse by some customers of
the privilege of taking out goods on ap
proval and the privilege of returning
Mr. Metcalfe will report his findings to
the Associated Retailers of Omaha at
their meeting January 13.
"I find the St. Louis merchants have
Instituted a lot of good things In their
practices," said Secretary Metcalfe, "and
we should be able to draw some good
lessons from them. They have a good
system of eliminating the abuse of the re
turn goods privilege, and then, too, they
have cut out the practice of holding
clearance sales at all times of the year,
which Is a practice that Is bad. They
have gone back to a sane basis of doing
C J. Shaw to Assist
in the Educational
Work at Y. M. 0. A.
Cyril J. Fhaw. president and mans iter
of the Custer Business and Normal col
lege, Broken Bow, has been secured to
take the position of assistant educational
secretary of the Omaha Young Men's
Christian association. He will take up
his duties here January 15. His wife and
'baby son will come to Omaha at that
time, to reside here.
Educational Secretary J. W. Miller of
the association made a trip to Broken
Bow to get Mr. Shaw. The former says
he is well fitted for association educa
tional work, being a good organiser and
teacher. He has a college degree as ;
uiuier or commercial science. 1 1
RI4 -ot m Hacking Vm Grippe I
roach It Weakeas.
For the severe racking cough that eomes
with la-grlppe. Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound la wonderfully healing and
soothing. It eases the tightness over the
chest, raises the phlegm easily and helps
the racking, tearing cough that is so -haunting
and weakening. H. G. Collins,
ex-postmaster. Barnegat, N. J., says:
"Foley's Honey and Tar Compound soon
stopped the severe lagrlppe cough that
completely exhausted me. It can't be
Positively the Greatest Cut-Price Selling Event History of the Furniture Business in Omaha
Commencing Tomorrow, Tuesday Morning, loors Open at 9 o'clock,
Our Immense Stock of Furniture,
ilisposed of in
toves, .lugs and Draperies
bort (Period of
The cost and the former selling price of this immense stock of beautiful home furnishings is a thing of the
past. We have now but one object in view and that is to dispose of this splendid stock as quickly as possible
to transfer it to the homes of the people of Greater Omaha ana the surrounding country.
We are going to make this the greatest cut price home furnishing bargain event in the history of this city. We are going to dispose of the immense reserve stock now stored in our
big warehouse rooms. We are positively going to sell all of the samplesmow displayed on our five big sample floors, if prices never before quoted on high grade home furnishings will
move them. Our advertisements in the newspapers will not appear as large as might be expected for an occasion of this kind, but rest assured the bargains throughout our entire store will
be all the greater. In cases where it is so desired an extension of time will be allowed at the same low prices. Collections on such purchases will be made later with other accounts which
are now on our books.
Furniture, Stoves, Rugs and Draperies at Less Than Wholesale Prices
Kitchen Cabinets
At Goln g-Out-of -Husl news Price.
Alt $12.60 kitchen cabl- 8750
nets, sale price
All $15.00 kitchen cabl- 3Q25
nets, sale price i
All $18.00 kitchen cabl- Si ft?5
nets, sale price 1 w
All $22.50 kitchen cabl- $1150
nets, sale price Ax
All $27.50 kitchen cabl- Si Q50
nets, sale price lO
All $32.50 kitchen cabl- SOlOO
nets, sale price t L
Library Tables
A big assortment in the different
finishes to choose from at Going-Out-of-Business
All $7.60 library tablea, 8150
sale price
All $10.50 library tablet, Sf25
sale price O
All $12.00 library tablea, $7 50
Bale price
All $15.00 library tables, SQOO
sale price J
All $17.50 library tablet, Si f75
sale price A VI
All $22.50 library tablea, Si AlZt
aale price 1"
Dining Roora Tables
A fplendld rariety of the different
finishes to choose from at CJolng-
Out-of-Bualness Prices.
All $17.60 extension
tables, sale price
AH $21.50 extension
tables, sale price
All $25.00 extension
tables, sale price
All $29.50 extension
tables, sale price
All $32.50 extension..
tables, sale price
All $37.50 extension .
tables, sale price
A big assortment in the different
finishes to choose from , at Golng-
Oitt-of-Uusiness Prices.
All J10 .10 dressers.
sale price
All $14.50 dressers,
sale price
All $17.50 dressers,
sale price
All $21.00 dressers.
sale price ....
All $24.60 dressers, - Si 00
sale price
All $27.50 dressers,
sale price
8 1375
mugs Hugs Bugs
A splendid variety of styles, weaves and
patterns to choose from. All to be sold at Go-ing-Out-of
-Business Prices
6x9 Brussels nips $7.50
9x12 Brussels rugs $9.50
6x9 velvet rugs $10.50
8-3x10-6 velvet rugs $13.50
9x12 velvet rugs $15.00
9x12 Axminster ruga $16.50
36x72 velvet rugs $2.75
27x54 velvet rugs $1.75
4-6x7-6 willow rugs $2.05
8x10 willow rugs $7.05
One big lot of Ingrain rugs, many of them
are samples, others are soiled and many have
been slightly used, sizes from 6x9 to 9x12,
choice of the entire lot, each, $1.95.
Wo positively guarantee prompt delivery
during this big Going-Out-of-Business Sale.
China Closets
A splendid variety In all the differ
ent flnlNhc to choose from at Going-(hit-of-Iliinlness
All $21.60 china closets. Si O50
sale price 1J
All $25.00 rhlna closets, Si 00
sale price 1Q
All $28.60 china closets, 81 Q50
sale price IO
All $82.60 china closets, SO 1 50
sale price m 1
All $36.00 china closets, $050
Bale price 4T
All $39.60 china closets, SO7OO
sale price
Sewing Machines
('very machine carries w
maker's signed, binding,
warranty, at (tolng-Out-o
All $22.50 sewing ma
chines, sale price. .......
All $28.50 sewing ma
chines, sale price
All $34.00 sewing ma
chines, sale price
All $38.00 sewing ma
chines, Bale price
All $42.50 sew I at ma
chines, sale price
All $4 7.50 sewing ma
chines, sale price
Ith it the
? 1 950
Dressing Tables
A splendid variety in all the differ,
ent finishes to choose from at Going-
Out-of-llualness Prices.
All $16.60 dressing tables,
sale price
All $21.00 dressing tables, Si O50
sale price
All $24.60 dressing tables. $ AOO
sale price A"
All $29.60 dressing tables, Si Q50 I
sale nrlce .. A a H
All $35.00 dressing tablea, 80050
sale price
AH $40.00 dressing tables, SOQ50
sale price a&S
Gas and Electric
Lamps, Pedestals,
Mahogany Candle
Sticks etc., at
Going - out- of -business
attend Gubel's ut-Price oing-Ouft-of-Business Sale
Reeking Chairs
Hundreds of different styles and
patterns to choose from at Golng-Out-of-Duslneas
Prices. 1
All $1.75 rocking chairs, Qf"
sale price muC
All $3.00 rocking chairs,
sale price
All $4.50 Rocking chairs, SO50
Bale price
All $6.00 rocking chairs,
sale price
All $8.50 .rocking chain, SC25
sale price 3
All $10.00 rocking chairs.
Bale price
All Heating Stoves,
steel and cast iron Ran
ges, Cooking stoves and
Base Burners must be
disposed of during this
sale and are marked at
going - Out - of -Business
All Washing Machines,
Wr inger s, Clothes
Hampers, Go-Carts,
Sulkies, Lace Curtain
Stretchers, etc., must be
disposed of during this
sale and are marked at
Going-Out-of - Business
Dining Boon Chairs
A wide range of patterns, in all of
the popular finishes, at Going -Out-of-BuKlness
All $1.25 dining room chairs, JC
sale price OOC
AH $2.00 dining room chairs, QC
sale price 70C
All $2.50 dining room Si 50
chairs, aale price 1
All $2.95 dining room Si 05
chairs. Bale price 1
All $3.60 dining room 8o25
chairs, sale price a
All $4.25 dining room 8075
chairs, sale price Ct
Come Early While the Assortments Are Complete
A splendid variety to choose from, in golden oak, fumed
oak or mahogany. They are upholstered in either genuine
Spanish leather or in the genuine Moroccaline. All are marked
at Going-Out-of-Business Prices.
All $29.60 davenports,
sale price
All $34.50 davenports,
sale price
All $37.60 davenports,
sale price
All $41.00 davenports,
sale price . .
All $45.00 davenports,
sale price
All $48.50 davenports,
sale price
All $52.00 davenports,
sale price
All $59.00 davenports,
sale price
3 2 50
The Qubel Furniture
Company's entire stock
of Furniture, Carpets,
Hugs and Draperies must
be disposed of during
this great Going-Out-of-Business
Lace Curtains
Hundreds of different weaves and patterns to choose
from, all marked at (jotng-Our-oi-liuHlneas Prices.
All $1.00 lace curtains,
sale price, O C
each OOC
All $1.60 lace curtains,
sale price, (ZKr
each OOC
All $1.95 lace curtains,
sale price, QC
each OOC
All $2.25 lac curtains,
sale price. Si 10
each A
All $2.76 lace curtains,
sale price, S 1 25
each A
All $3.25 lace curtains,
sale price. S 1 50
each A
$4.00 lace curtains,
price, 3 J 75
$4.60 lace curtains,
price. 3j05
$5.25 lace curtains,
price, 8050
$7.00 lace curtains,
price. SQ25
$8.50 lace curtains,
price. 83O5
$10.00 lace curtains,
Price. S45O
One big lot of lace curtains, many of them samples,
others are soiled and many of them slightly used, in
choice of the entire lot, each 1UC
Everything at Lo
Than Wholesale Prices
A wide range of patterns and in all
the desirable finishes, and at Ootng-
Out-of-Hufcineaa Prices.
All $8.60 chiffoniers,
sale price ,
All $10.00 chiffoniers,
sale price ,
All $12.60 chiffoniers.
sale price
All $16. GO chiffoniers,
sale price
All $19.00 chiffoniers, Si f75
sale price A J
All $22.50 chiffoniers, Si O50
Bale price A a
Library Cises
In all of the new finishes and a
variety of patterns, at Going-Out-of-lluslness
All $10.60 library casea, ' 8750
sale price
AH $13.50 library cases, 8Q50
sale prlc V
All $15.00 library cases, 8l75
sale price , A Vl
All $17.60 library cases, Si OOO
sale price Asm
All $22.50 library cases, Si C75
sale price AO
All $26.60 library casea, Si "750
sale price , Af
All Statuary. Hall
Trees and Hall Racks,
Mirrors, Medcine Cab
inets, Pictures, Music
Cabinets, Smoking
Stands, etc., at Going-Out-of-Business
Ladies' VJriting Desks
Many very choice patterns. In all of
the most wanted finishes, at Going
Out-of-Buslness Prices.
All $12.60 ladles' desks, 8750
sale Dries
All $16.00 ladles' desks,
sale price
All $18.60 ladles' desks,
sale price
All $22.50 ladles' desks, 81 O50
sale price AO
All $26.00 ladles' desks,
ale price ' . .
All $28.00 ludles' desks. 81 750
sale price At
'11 -
Nothing Reserved Every Thing Must De Gold
Brass and Iron Beds
Au excellent variety of bras and
tjoiiig-(tit-M!iinlnes Prices.
Brass Beds
All $12.50 brass bads, ?fj25
sale price .TT"
All $14.60 brass beds, ?Q"5
sale price JTT
All $16.60 brass beds, SQ75
sale price T
All $19.50 brass beds, 81 f50
iron beds to choose from, and all at
sale price
All $26.60 brass beds,
ttnlA itrirft
All $29.50 brass beds, 81 gOO
sale price X
Iron Bods
iron beds, sale Jj-S
iron beds, sale 8275
iron beds, sale S75
0 Iron beds, sale Sg50
0 Iron beds, sale 8775
Plenty of Extra Salespeople to VJait on You and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed
F (10 D3 Oil D ft M V
wai. - ooia everywxierc. duuDuieui. j-