Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 9

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Increased Demand
rlr.l ha bfrn ona of the mnit prosper
ous year In tlie history of the Industry.
The quantity exported during the tweres
months by the various procroclns; coun
tries Increased from 754.000.000 to 101.000.00
India' crop haa broken all prevloui
records, contributing nearly SD7.000.M
pounds, of which Kngland took three
fourtha. The Increased use of tea In Russia l
one of the features of the year'a atatlaHi-s,
Its Imports amounting to in.000.ono pmirxl",
against ffi.0O0.0OO pounds the previous year.
The trade reports. In fact, eh- that con
sumption of tea has Inereeted every
where, especially In countries ehcre un
til lately tea has not been popular, while
the military demand for the staple shows
that there Is an Increasing tendency to
supply the forces In active service with
tea In preference to alcohol.
(' rrespondenre of The Associated rresa.l
I (iNPaN. We. 10 -Am ni t re en(
ronnnisirn In the ar.ny appears th
name of U pel T"e Jersey Mars d he
rtesrendanl of Joh.i Harvard win wss
graduated last June at the American c I
lege of wh'ch his ancestor wns the
founder. Tiling Harvard has been
granted a llevitensn y In the flrenadler
auards, three battalions of which I are
already srrved in Flanders and of which
a f ninth Is now In Ira ring In England.
VT - r-i -&- ft
V . Jb or lea to Drink
f tnrrfupotidsnca tif the AMorUted Prps.)
LONDON, to. 10. -The ta season Jut
Keep It Heady for HhratTiMtiain.
ton't suffer and try to wear out your
rheumatism. Floan's Unlnvnt goes rlehl
to the spot, kills the pain. 2.V. All drug
gist. Advertisement.
Read The Pee Want Ads. It rays!
Sunday, January 2, 1916-
w KpHeg Nibers ef Royal
Hoitj ratwtas Criwiits aow In."
Melsher Yarn Pemoiwtmltew
"starts Jan. Srd Third rioer."
-Phone Douglas 137
BurgessNash Second Annual Mid-Winter White
Begins Tomorrow, Monday, Morning at 8:30 O'clock
Now for the Greatest
of All White Sales
and this announcement will bring a thrill of pleas
ure to thousands of Omaha's most discriminating
It's a general SALE OF WHITE that will set
the low price standard for the entire community
a great out-pouring of new 1916 merchandise.
It's a striking example of Burgess-Nash mer-chandising-ability,
just another demonstration of
the splendid achievements of the past year.
Every section given over to white goods of any
sort is brilliant with rare economies.
Will you profit by it?
Then make a memorandum of your needs of
this kind and be on hand early Monday to take ad
vantage of the opportunities.
r We know the savings will warrant it.
Bed Spreads in the Mid-Winter
White Sale for Monday
SPECIAL values that point the way to sure and safe economy.
These for instance:
Eatin Bed Spreads at $2.25
Satin bed spreads, scalloped and cut corners, full size, pretty
designs, specially priced at $2.25. ....
Satin Bed Spreads at $3.00
Extra large satin bed spreads, scalloped and cut corners,
extra heavy, with raised designs, 'special, at $3.00.
Printed Bed Spreads at $2.55
Bed Spreads, printed in blue, green and pink combination,
extra large, 90x108, something new, at $2.95. - - -.
Embroidered Bed Sets, $3.95 to $4.95.
Consisting of spread and bolster covers, embroidered in blue,
yellow and rose, specially priced at, set,, $3.95 and $4.95.
'-v Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
These Special 'Values in ART EM
I N every instance "the special is aboui one-half " the regular
.. , 50c Stamped Bath Towels, 25o
Stamped bath towels, ' large "size, 'heavy quality, the usual
50c kind, at 25o each. '" V' '
25c Stamped Bath Towels, 12c
Small size bath towels, stamped for embroidery, the usual
25c kind, at 12o each: y '" r " f . . .
75c Stamped Towels at 39c .
All linen, hemstitched and scalloped towels, full size, the
' usual 75c kind, at 39c each.
Slumber Pillows for 39c
Slumber pillows, lace covered, in pink and blue, good qual
ity filet lace, well filled, 39c each.
Bursopa-Xaah Co. Third Floor.
White SILKS and SATINS in
Mid-Winter Sale Monday
AN offering including all the most wanted white silks and
$1.95 Soft Charmeuse, $1.49
Cream charmeuse, 40 inches wide, soft satin finish, very
handsome and rich for evening gowns.
Chiffon Taffeta, $159
Chiffon taffeta, soft finish, 36 inches wide, special, at $159.
$1.25 Cream Pongee, 79o
Real imported pongee, in cream, will wear and wash splen
didly, 27 inches wide, regular $1.25 quality. ((
27-Inch Messaline, C9o
Cream messaline, satin, finish, specially priced, at 59c.
Kayser Italian Silk, $1.49
Kayser Italian silk, made specially for underwear, 44
inches wide. Co. Mala Timor. "
Girl's White Dresses in the
White Sale at $3.00 to $15.00
AN exceptional showing of white dresses for girls 6 to 14
years. Violets and organdies with val lace and Swiss
embroidery trimmings. A special feature is. the dainty ribbon
sashes in pink, light blue and white. Dresses that are very de
sirable for confirmation or graduation.
BarreM-Naah Hooaad Floor.
Nainsook in the White Sale
TIIREE special values 36-inch Nainsook, boxed 12 yards to
the piece.
12c White Nainsook, 12-yard piece, $1.29
18c White Nainsqok, 12-yard piece, $1.75
25c White Nainsook, 12-yard piece, $2.25
Long Cloth, 10 Yards 69o
36-Inch long cloth, 10-yafd pieces, special at $1.00 and 69c.
12Vj0 Krinkls Underwear Crepe, 9o ' ,
30-Inch white krinkle underwear crepe', usually 12Y2c, Mon
day, special, at yard, flo. ....... .
Bar -Waa h Co Mala Floor.
Crochet kind, good weight and full sis.
Bed Spreads, $1.25
Scalloped and -cut comers, standard size, yery special.
Bed Sprtads, $1.59
- - Hemmed end- good heavy quality, crochet kind. - ... -
V Ba-p-Na.a Co. Himai.
Mid-Winter Sale of TABLE and HOUSEHOLD
LINENS at 25 to 33V3 Under Present Market
W E anticipated the scarcity of linens nearly a year ago and made preparations accord
ingly, with the result that we own them at 25 to 1-3 per cent under the present mar
ket quotations. In fact, some of them cannot be duplicated at any price. We offer you the
same buying advantages values, we doubt seriously if you can duplicate in the city.
Pattern Cloths
All linen, satrh damask quality. Always the best,
and the designs the choicest variety.
Pattern Cloths, 68x68, special, now $2.25
Pattern Cloths, 72x72, special, now $3.25
Pattern Cloths, 72x72, special, now $3.95
Pattern Cloths, 2x3 yards proportionately
For every use, In a wide selection of
qualities and patterns.
Mercerized Napkins, 75c
Mercerised satin damask napkins,
hemmed ready for use, doien, 75c.
Linen Napkins, $2.25
Dinner napkins, all linen, splendid se
lection of patterns to $2.95, at 12.23 the
Madeira Napkins, $5.00
Real Madeira napkins, plain scallops,
dozen, $3.00.
Madeira Napkins, $7.50
Real Madeira napkins, hand embroid
ered, eyelet work, beautiful assortment,
values to $12.50, for, dozen, $7.60.
Lunch Napkins, $2.95
Scalloped lunch napkins, hand embroid
ered, eyelet work, dozen, $2.95.
Lunch Napkins, $2.25
Hemstitched damask lunch napkins,
the dozen, $2.26.
Pattern Cloths
Austrian damnsk, high grade, heavy quality, soft
satin finish, pleasing designs.
Pattern Cloths, 72x72, now. . .$6.00 to $10.50
Pattern Cloths, 72x90, now. . .$7.50 to $13.25
Pattern Cloths, 72x108, now. .$9.00 to $15.75
Napkins to match, 24x24, at. .$7.25 to $13.50
Towels for every purpose In great
variety, priced in the sale like this:
15o Huck Towels, 11c
Extra heavy, an unusually good qual
ity plain white with fancy woven bor
ders. 40c Huck Towels, 25c
All linen with satin damask ends,
size 21x38 Inches; present value 40c,
each 25c.
45o Huck Towels, 25c
Hemstitched huck towels, all linen,
size 19x36, present market price 45c;
now 25c.
75c Huck Towels, 50c
All linen, hemstitched, size 21x38,
beautiful satin damask end.
Turkish Towels, 19c
Snow white, bleached, size
special at dozen. $2.25, or each
Tea Towels, 5c
Tea or kitchen towels
stripes, special, each 5c.
with red
Fancy Linens
Madeira, cluny and other decorative
linens, specially underprlced, In some In
stances about Half Price.
Madeira Doilies, 15o
BVi-inch site, hand made Madeira scal
loped and eyelet work.
Madeira Doilies, S9o
9 Inch size, round and 6x9 Inch oval,
at S9o.
Centerpieces at 95o '
Madeira and cluny lace centerpieces,
18-lnch size, at 95c.
Centerpieces at $1.49
18-lnch madeira and 22-Inch cluny cen
ter pieces at $1.49.
Centerpieces at $2.95
13-plece scalloped lunch
Madeira centerpieces, spe-
clai at S2.B3.
Lunch Sets, $2.25
13-plece scalloped lunch
sets, all linen, special, the
set. $2.25.
Table Damask in the White Sale
Table Damask, $1.50
All linen table damask in
design exclusively our own in
this market. Including coin
spot and apple blossom, chry
santhemum, grape, rose stripe,
wreath and, wild rose, and
chrysanthemum and stripe.
Quality and finish if duplicat
ed today would be worth $2,
yard, $1.50.
Bart-cao-'Naah Co. Main Floor.
Table Damask, 25o
Mercerized table damask, 68-ln.
good medium weight, yard, 25c.
' 60o Table Damask, 39c
Mercerized table damask, 64
inch size, extra heavy, lustrous fin
ish, many beautiful designs, regu
larly worth BOc, yard, 39c.
Table Damask, 79 0
All linen table damask, 68 Inches
wide, all good designs, splendid
value, at yard, 79c. ,.
Table Damask, 96c
All linen table damask, 68 Inches
wide, full bleached, an exception
ally good quality, at yard, 96c.
Table Damask, $1.25
All linen table damask, 70
inches wide, made of selected
yarn. Heavy quality, with a
beautifvl linen finish, come in
the following designs: lily of
the valley,' pansy, key stripe
and rose border, chrysanthe
mum, tulip and Btripe, plain
center key border, plain center
chrysanthemum border, snow
drop ; sale, yard, $1.25.
Mid-Winter Sale of New Embroideries
Certain to Set a New Low Price Standard for the Entire Community
GREAT stocks remarkable assortments extreme values, crisp new. 1916, embroideries in a
world of pretty patterns and designs that will prove most tempting.
Embroideries at 5c Yard
Xalnsook and swIss edges and Insertion beading,
pretty new 1916 designs at 5c a yard.
Embroideries at 7o Yard
Nainsook and swiss edges and bands to 9 Inches
wide, special Monday at 7 1-2c the yard.
Embroidery Flouncings, lOo
Swiss or nainsook flouncing, corset cover em
broideries and wide headings at 10c yard.
Embroideries to 25c, at 15o
Nainsook tucklngs, organdy and swiss flounclngs,
matched sets of embroidery, fine edges, organdy and
venice combinations to 25c at 15c.
18 to 45-Inch Flounclngs, 25o
Organdy or swiss flounclngs 18, 27 and 45 Inches
wide, batiste and Venice combinations In bands and
allovers, colored organdy, batiste and chiffon edges,
values to 50c, at 25c.
Flouncings to $1.00, for 69o
27 to j Inches, fine colored embroidery, organdy
and swiss allovers and flouncings, fine baby floun
cings, dainty patterns; values to $1.00, for 69c yard.
Flouncings to $3.00, for 98o
Beautiful, dainty organdy flounclngs, fine French
novelties, Venice and needle point edges and bands,
fine voile and lace cloth In flounclngs with dainty
French colored combinations; values to $3.00, at 98c.
BarveM-Xaab Co. Main Floor.
We Illustrate But Three of the Many Striking
Blouse Values in the Mid-Winter White Sale
The waists illustrated here are but representative of the splendid values offered.
No. 6328 Blouse made of good quality voile, with
embroidered front, Hy-lo collar of embroidered or
gandy, long sleeves, Venlse edge, front opening, $1.00.
No. 789 Voile blouse made with convertible col
lar and long sleeves, Swiss embroidery panel front,
with Inserts of filet pattern lace. Special $1.00.
No. 790 Embroidered voile blouse with dainty trim
mings of val lace on either side, bands of 8wlss em
broidery down the front, collar convertible, long
sleeves finished with tucked cuff. Price $1.00.
No. 729 Organdy blouse, embroidered In a dainty
conventional design, panel front of same, two rows of
Venlse lace down front Hy-lo collar embroidered, $1.50.
No. 6525 Voile blouse trimmed with embroidered
organdy panels and rows of val lace. Insertion down
the front, two rows In collar with hemstitching and
sac edging, long sleeves. 81a 14 to 46. Price $1.50.
No. 777 Voile blouse with filet lace and bands of
embroidered voile trimming front, lace and embroid
ery trimmed. Hy-lo collar, long sleeves. Hpeclal $1.60.
No. 611 Blouse of fine French voile, collar and
front trimmed In hand embroidery and hemstitching.
Venlse lace around collar, cuffs and down front. $2.50.
No. 512 Blouse of fine French voile, trimmed
with fine organdy embroidery and shadow lace Joined
with cluny Insertion down front. Organdy collar
trimmed with shadow lace, cuffs to match. $2.60.
No. 532 Organdy blouse, daintily trimmed with
lace and embroidery. Pin tucks on shoulder and
sleeves, The Hy-lo collar Is of fine organdy and the
sleeves ars long. Sizes 34 to 46. Price $2.50.
No. 626 Hand embroidered voile blouse with lace
medallions, deep rovers edged with val lace, low neck
finished with lac trimmed collar, full length sleeves
finished with pointed cuff edged with lace. $3.60.
Our Mid-Winter White Sale
A TIME when all white goods are much lower in price
than at any other time of the year.
Ws Eeierve the Eight to Limit Quantities. .
speoiali ' v
Genuine Lonsdale Muslin, Bleached and
Yard Wide From Bolt, Monday ; Yard 6c
AH the best known brands of muslins, cambric, eta. By com
parison you will find our prices as low as offered by ear otber
store In the country. , . : ( : -
6Vg0 to lOo Unbleached Mtulins, 80 to THo
86 and 40-lnch unbleached muslins, th regular 8 Ha, end
10c grades, In a sale at, yard, 1 1-2c, Bo aad 7 1-8o the yard.
Martha Washington Bleached Muslin, Do
Yard wide, uniform wear, soft finish aad wearinff fmttty,
special for Monday, yard, 6c.
Fruit-of-Loom Bleached Muslin, 36-Inches
Wide, Monday at Yard, 6c
Muslins to I6U0, Monday, 7y,o Yard
8hort lengths of I to 15 yards, Including muslin, eambrto, end
long cloths, also Wamsutta and Lonsdale bleached twills, end Jeans,
special, yard. 7 1-2o.
Wamsutta Nainsook at J 60
40 Inch extra heavy quality Sea Island and Wamsutta nain
sook In lengths 8 to 30 yards, lengths worth to 8(0 at yard, 18o.
Mid-Winter Sale Prices on Utica, Pcquot
and Burnasco Sheets and Pillow Cases
Our Burnasco brand sheets and pillow cases are th best to be
bad for home us. Pequot. Dallas, Fruit of th Loom and New Bed
ford sheets and pillow cases.
81x99 Pequot Sheets 83c 72x99 Pequot Sheets 75c
81x90 Pequot Sheets 79c 72x90 Pequot Sheets 70c
' 50o Seamless Sheets at S&o
Sire 64x90 seamless bleached sheets, for single beds, 8O0 grade
on sale at 35c. .
69o Seamed Sheets, 4 So
Size 76x90 Inches, seamed bleached sheets for double bsds,
69c values for 45c.
25c Pillow Cases, lOo
Scalloped pillow cases, size 42x36 and 45x36 special sale price,
each, 19c.
Mid-Winter Sale Prices on Pepperell,
Aurora and Mesco Sheetings.
The Mid-Winter prices are from 80 to 4c on th yard less than
the present market prices: This idea:
8- 4 Bleached Sheeting at 22c Yard
9- 4 Bleached Sheeting at 25c Yard
10 4 Bleached Sheeting at 26c Yard
25c D wight Anchor Pillow Tubing, 14c
Extra quality satin finish, one to 10 yards lengths. The well
known Dwight Anchor pillow tubing In desirable lengths, 25c
values at 14c the yard.
Mid-Winter Sale Longcloth and Nainsook
Do your sewing now, while prices are so low on all white goods.
Manhattan Nainsook, 36-inch, in boxes, 10 yds. Q Q
to the piece, $lji0 value, very special at ,OC
No. 555 Longeloth, in bolts of 10 yards to the CQ
the piere, worth 85c, very special at .' 0tC
No. lJ99 Longcloth, in bolts of 10 yards, 36-inch, OA
worth $1.25, very special at 0C
No. 9000 Longcloth, 40-inch, worth $2, Mid- f -I AQk
Winter sale price, very special at..i V JL T"i
25o Bear Mills White Oyptine, llo
30 inches wide, a newer and much more desirable fabric than
solsette for dresses, waists, etc.; worth 25c, now 11c.
25o to SOo White Goods at do '
Mill lengths of 30 to 40 Inch white organdie batiste, sheer
lawns, fine mulls snd novelty white goods, yard 9c.
White Madras Waistings
at 3y2o
Mercerized 24 Inch white
madras, walstlngs, lengths 10 to
20 yards, at yard. 3 1-2c.
18o Pa Jama Cloth, 8Vac
Mercerized striped and
checked pajama cloth, yard
wide, 18c Quality, yard, 8 1-2c.
rw. y
10c to 12y2o White Dimities
at ey2o
Baby checked whit dimities,
thousands of goods of the regu
lar 10c to 13Hc grades. Sc.
25c Madras Shirting, 120
Also walstlng, fancy colored
stripes and figures, special Mon
day at yard. 12 1,2c
-Kaab Co Buuuit.
'everybody's store"
Onest Huck Towels, 7c
Full bleached with pink or blue Grecian border. Spe
cial at 7e each.
Turkish Towels, lOo
Bleached, els 18x3 Inchea, hemmed ends. 11.10 par
dozen, 10o each.
isa Kaaa) Cm Baaaal.