r a THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: JANUARY 2, 191G. PLENTY OF OIL, BUT ! THE PRICE SHOOTS jYodnction of Petroleum Greater Than Tear Before, but Away Up Goei Gasoline. AND EXPORTS ARE LESS, TOO WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Official Government figures made public liere today disclosed that in tbe face pt rising prices of gasoline, produc tion of crude petroleum during tbe i last tear was greater tban In 1914, although production was "purposely retarded as far as practicable;" that the reserve stock of crude petroleum now being held in the country is the largest ever recorded: and that ex-, ports of gasoline, to which the rise j In prices frequently Das oeen attri buted, were in the last ten months of 116, less than the exports during the corresponding period of the two 'years previous. Two rrobra Ob. Both the Derailment of Justice and the Federal Trade commission are pre paring to Inveftlgate geaollne pr ces. A atatement Issued hy the gio.olcal survey estimated the 1!1S production of market petroleum at 2".40,(.0 barrels, I.OCO barrela more than In 1914. "This." says the atatement, "docs not agree with the currently reported reason lor the exceptionally high prlcea now prevailing lor motor fuel." It adds: "Aa a result of the overload put on 'the transporting and refining rhae of the petroleum Industry by the excest output of 1911. the year 1915 may te char acterised aa a period of readjustment in Swhlch productive activity wae purposely Retarded aa far aa practicable. The mall ' Increase therefore la mora algnlf leant 'than the almple flguree Indicate." Some of the Factors. . Factors that might be expected to af fect the price of gasoline, according to 'Geographical aurvey officiate are produc tion, consumption and prlcea of crude I petroleum. Consumption figures, they said, wera not available, though conaup 'tlon waa increasing. ' WOMAN HEARS HUSBAND IS DEAD, SO MARRIES AGAIN (Crrepondence of the Associated Presa.) OENE7VA, Swltserland. Nov. 80.-A curt oua military "Enoch Arden'case has be come known here. There w'ere two men in the Bme regiment from Lyona, FVance, ramed Bmlle Dubois. One waa married, the other single. In the fighting in Al sace one of the Emlle Dubois' waa killed -the single one but the death waa re ported to the wife of the other. Thla iwaa in August, 1914. Mme. Emlle Dubois came to Oeneva and after a year's j mourning she married another French l soldier, who la at the front, and went to live again at her home In Lyona. A few ,daya ago her first husband, who had re covered from his wounds, came home on ! leave and found his wife. Jt la not known what legal arrangements will be made. MOUNTAIN OCTOPUS OF ICP Mauler's Gllateaila Teataelee Spread Ost Ow Oat lfsalre4 BejsMirs Mllea. A frozen octopus of enormous hulk (whose glittering; armored body rises three mlloe into the sky, with twenty or more huge wrinkled arms reaching down among thousanda of acres of the most gorgeous and luxurious wild flowers, to squirt, from each finger tip, a river of Ice water into ths valley below. 8urely a quotation from the "Arabian Nights." Or a ghost tale to frighten chil dren on Hallowe'en. But no, however, figurative, this is a I true statement of an actual fact. There really exists aueh an Ice -armored octo- Ipua in the United States, It Is a justifi able description of the most interesting mountain tn Uncle Barn's dominions, and, j perhaps. In the world, j Mount Rainier is In the state ef Wash j Ington, fifty-six miles southwest of ITacoma. It la one of that celebrated ' range of volcanoea which were supposed to be extinct until, within the year, Las sen peak broke rortn again. Kainier, though supporting; one of the moat re ! markable single peak glacial systems In ' the world, emits steam from certain j crevices, evidences of continued Internal ' heat ' Mount Italncr atanda. In round num bers, 10,000 ftt high above its Immedl I ate base and covers 100 square miles ' of territory. In shape It is not a sim ple cone, tapering to a slender, pointed summit like Fujiyama, the great vol .eano of Japan. It Is rather a broadly truncated mass resembling an enormous tree stump with spreading bass and Ir regularly broken top. Mors than twenty glaciers, great and mall, clothe Ralner; rivers ef Ice, with many of the characteristics of rivers of wter, roaring at tlmea over preclples like waterfalls; rippling and tumbling down the rock slopes veritable noisy cascades; rising smoothly upon hidden rocks, to foam, brook -like over its lower tdxrm. Each glacier, whether originating at the bright summit or in vast spring-like cirques, beglna in even. Immaculate ims. A thousand feet or so below It attains sufficient dimity and weight to acquire movement. Here, looking down Into s crevasse, one sees nothing but i clean snow, piled In layers; slightly 1 compacted and loosely grmnular anow, J called neve In the Swiss Alps. Gradually, I s-s the current sweeps along. It compacts. ! under tbe pressure and the surface meet ' Ings. into hard, dense blue ice. Iln glowing contrast to this marvelous spectacls of Ice are the gardens Of wild . flowers surrounding the glaciers, push ! lug, wherever the rock and loe will per- mlt, up the giant slopes. These flowery spots are called parks Spray park, St. Andrew's park, Henry's Hunting Ground, , Paradise, Summerland and many others. 'Above the forests." wrote John Mulr, "there Is a sons of tbe tovelieet flowers, . fifty miles in circuit and nearly two miles ' wide, so closely planted and luxurious , that It seems as If nature, glad to moke an even space between woods so dense I and Ice so deep, were economising the precious ground and trying to see how many of her darlings she can get to gether In ons mountain wreath daisies, anemones, columbine, erythronluma, lark spurs, etc.. among which we wade knee- ' deep and waist daep, the bright corollas In myriads touching petal to petal. At- i together this Is tne richest sun-alplne lrdfn I have ever found, a perfect flower tl alum." Boston Transcript. fire lt-r tollcgc, MO.VCm.V. V B.. Jan. 1.-Screj Hurt cohere at Carauuet. S. B., was de- i-yd by fire Ut iltit. according to avi..es Mivtd lure today. The loes festUu&led at i-MW. Chief Dunn Has k :v -v. :Vi - . J Henry W. Dunn, chief of police, says he has loved dogs ever since he was knee high to a grasshopper. His present canine, pet Ms a cocker spaniel whose name la !atay, alias Pudge. This dog is 11 years old and haa been a member of the Dunn household for seven years. Tatsy'a father was a bench winner and the son seems to take delight In impress ing upon visitors the fact that his sire was a collector of blue ribbons. Mrs. Dunn made a pillow1 for Patsy, who was quick to learn the value of the head rest. When he goes to sleep for the night or wants to take an afternoon nap, he gets the pillow out and arranges It carefully for the convenience of his head. Aa a rule, when visitors call. Patsy gets the pillow out and places It In full view. Thla dog receives the mall from the Carrier, brings in the newspaper every day and otherwise Is quite a help Japanese Warship Placed in Service (Correspondence of The At soclated Frees.) TOKO.SUKA, Japan, Nov. t.-Amld a roar' of "bansai," the ,superdreadnought Tamaahlro which will carry twelve four-teen-lnch guns and which la about the aame slbe aa the United 8t tei super dreadnought Pennsylvania waa aucceas-fully- launched today at the Tokosuka naval dock yard. A special Interest was attached to the ceremony because It came The Snows of 1 "it A- -- I sm jmf f 1 - i ' but during all the years we have never presented so many attractions for a January Sale Not a nook or corner of our store which has missed the Price Cutting Knife Read these offerings For Monday, January 3, at 8:30 A. M. Q Every ono of our Tailored Suits, not a single OUllS one excluded Just one-half former prices $25.00 Suits $12.50 $40.00 Suits S20.00 $27.50 Suits 13.75 $50.00 Suits $25.00 $35.00 Suits 17.50 $65.00 Suits ..... 32.50 and so on through the stock, including the very high class garments. TV Staple wool serges and checks, silk and LlCSSGS Batin. afternoon dresses, chiffon and lace dresses, some party dresses A few very high priced gowns. These will need some slight modeling. No altera tions will be made, however, on this lot In- C AA stead wo will make tho absufd price of, each. .pOV NO EXCHANGES BUYERS KEEPERS. A few evening gowns A few of tho better kind of afternoon dresses at merely nominal prices, for instance $9.75 for $25.00 dresses; $13.50 for some which sold at $37.50, etc. Slaughter of Prices in Men's Furnishings The Horns With SEPARATE GARMENTS OR UNION SUITS $1.00 grades 85 $1.50 grade 81.29 $2.00 grades 81.59 $2.60 grades .81.98 $3.00 grades . 82.59 $3.50 grades 82.98 83.45 83.79 84.98 $1.00 grades $1.50 grades $6.00 grades MK.V8 N Kt "K WEAR $3.00 A White Sale Infants' Lons; and Bhort Hand- made Ureases, sold from $8.50 to $35.00. 1-3 OFF, Long and Short hand made Dresses, 3 special lots 81.75. 82.75. 83.75. Machine made Dresses, 6 mos. to 6 yrs . 98. 81.93. 82.98. Plws take aina.ll pixckai'cs vt elub In the homes ever) w Ur re, 11 I j j Ke Panes 2-B, O-U and O-A. Remarkablo Dog vtjtX-.Mf Tfr sround the house. lie asks the blessing before each meal. A few days ago Mrs. Dunn was buy with her needle when Patsy appeared, carrying the pillow from his mouth. He dropped the pillow on the floor and whined as he looked Into Mrs. Dunn's face. The pillow needed mending. About ten years ago Chief Dunn had a valuable hunting dog he named Joe. He loaned the dog one day to an Omaha man who was in his A.B.C.'s of hunt ing. When the hunter returned home he called at the Dunn residence to apolo gize for having lost Joe and was sur prised to learn that the dog returned home alone, traveling a distance of twenty-eight miles. The answer Is that Joe became disgusted after having pointed four prairie chickens and' his master's friend missing the mark every time. At leaat the friend told Mr. Dunn the dog left after the fourth ahot missed the birds. during the period of coronation. The era perjr was represented by Prince H r j yasu Fushlml, who delivered an Imperial meseage to Vice Admiral Fujii, the com mandant of the station The signal which sent the huje battleship Into the wuer also released the cage of pigeons wh ch took wing above the moving t a tics lp and at the same time it lease 1 a shower of gold leaves which sprinkled both ship and ape -tators. A "For Sale" or "For Tienf Ad placed In The Bee will accomplish Its pur pose. Many Winters SHIRTS SOFT OR LAUNDERED CUFFS. $2.0 and $2.60 grades ..81.55 Shirts with Pleated or Soft Fronts. $1.60 and $2.00 grades, 'or 98. $1.00 Shirts at 70. SILK SHIRTS $6.50 grades at 84.98 $5.00 grade at $3.85 $4.00 grades at . . T. $2.05 60c Ties. 3 for 81.O0 qualities at 81.39 11-60 qualities for the Little Tots Short machine made Skirts. 6 mo. to 8 years. 39 and C9t. Long and Short Flannel Skirts, 30t nd C90. Pillow Cases. -HV and 79. Drawers, all sites, 10, 12 He. 25 nd 39. Kid Shoes. 39. 1th you and bear vilth as the first All (naha and its environs will MAKING BRITISH MUNITIONS Sjitem Carried Out to Keep the Sol diers at the Front Sap plied. PRIVATE FACTORIES USED (Correspondence of The Aoe.lated Press.) LONDON, Nov. TS-The following facts ss to the making of munitions are sup plied to the Associated Pres by one of the heads of that department. "The country I divided Into areas, each of which has a local uoard of man agement In control acting under the min istry of munitions. This hoard of mnnive ment has representatives of the leading engineering and manufacturing firms, and expert engineers working the whole time on the work of the mln'atry are attached to each board and survey all the engineering resources In the locality so as to utilize these aa highly as possi ble for the production of munitions. "This work hra been carried very far and machinery concentrated in suitable factories and every effort made to util ize all the lathes and enelneering equip ment In every town and district In the locality. "Each hoard of management Is In di rect touch with headquarters at the min istry of munitions, where there Is a gen tleman who Is In charge of every par ticular district and U able to answer all Inquiries and help and advise In any difficulty which may occur In that par ticular area. "At the head of this organization Is Mr. J. Stevenson, a business man of wide experience. It should be noted that the powers exercised In regard to taking ma chinery and factories by these local or ganisations acting under the ministry of munitions are very extensive and very drastic. "The national shell factories already es tablished number twenty and are chiefly situated In large centers of manufacture, while co-opcrntlve systems run side by side so that every available means may be taken of Increasing the supply. "Steps have been taken to control the conditions under which private factories are working, the powera of the ministry In this matter being defined In the munl tione act. The moat Important sections of thla act relate to what are called "con A KIDNEY REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS Experienced Druggists in Every State Recommend and Use Swamp-Root in Their Own Families. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root sells well with ua because It Invariably produces good results in Kidney, Liver and Blad der troubles. We sold a dollar bottle to one of the Inmatee of our Soldiers' Home near here, and after using it he brought In about one dozen gravel atones some aa large as a pea, which he had passed. He mates that he obtained wonderful relief from the use of Swamp-Root. ERNEST A. BROWN, Lafayette. Ind. Personally appeared before me this 2Sth of July, 1909, Ernest A. Brown, of the Brown Drug Co., who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same la true In substance and in fact. DAVID BRYAN, Notary Public. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamton, N. T for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. Ton will also receive a booklet of valuable Informa tion, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Omaha Sunday Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at ail drug stores. Have Fallen on Our Heads, TWO PRICES-Now for a Final Clean Out of the Coats .1 fi flft for Coats of Corduroy, of Zibellne, of Wool, Plush, etc. i ?lU.UUrhM sold uP to $2:.50. 41 HO ,Ian,som fu' trimmed garments, Dresses, Coats, Auto PlUtV;U Coats. Warm Winter Coata, gold up as high as $35.00.. A few lower priced Coats at SRS.OO. and a few hieher nrimd nne" at very marked reductions. 8KIKTK Mad and wear of Serge, Silk, WAISTS Oil BLOUSES 81.35 tot Lingerie Waists sold at $2.50. $1.08 'or Silk and Georgette Waists, sold at $6.50. 81.95 S7.50 'or beautiful models sold to $16.50. C1IILIKEN'8 ANI JUNIOR' 8KCTIONS All of our 2 to 6-year Coats at 2 prices $2.50 and $5.00. These sold up to $12.50. All of our 6 to 14-yr. Old Coata at 2 prices $4.50 and $9.00. These sold to $18.00. High priced Juniors' at equally A Dig group of Dresses, Wool, I on ana lany, ai a.Oll ana D.OO. Tnese sold up to $2 0.00. Colored Wash Dresses, ages 6 Junior Suits, 810. 814.75 MEN'S SWEATERS $2.60 grades at $1.95 $4.00 gradea at $3.35 $6.00 grades at $5.15 $6.60 grades at $5.85 BATH ROBES V $10 and $12 values at ..$0.98 $7.60 values at 84.98 $5.00 values at ....... .$3.98 $3.50 values at $2.95 $1.50 Wool Mufflers, price 75t. atSl.05 $ LOO qualities) at . as Well as for Papa and Mamma B'bs. HQ and Q8. Infant' Gowns, 49 and 09. Corduroy and Pllk Hoods 59 nd 89. Princess Slips, 3 to 5 years 50. 79. 98. to 14 yesrs 79. 98. 81.98. 1 - day or two of the sale. Thin event will be ili-M-usaed In the cars aound tho glad tidings of this, the greatest of all our great aaies. trolled establishments." The total num ber of controlled establishments Is now 1,341, and there are a million work people employed therein. "This control Implies, as regards the employer, limitation of profits, control of changes of wages and as regards the workmen It Implies the suspension under statutory safeguards of rules and prac tices restricting production or employ ment and the enforcement of regulatlona In regard to regularity of work and efficiency Germans Counting On Help of God to Win the Victory (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) AIX-1-A-CHArEL.L.E. Germany, Nor. 24.-8oldiers In the German armies are being supplied by a religious association here with a booklet entitled "Father, I Call Thee." It contains prayers suitable for various military emergencies and ex plains to the soldier In simple language his religious duty while on service or in danger. In the preface of the book the reader la told briefly and eloquently that he Is fighting "with God for emperor and fatherland" and that the German soldier is the representative of a sacred and rivhtrors cau:e. "For a long time," saya the piefa'-e. "our enemies have been looking on us with envy, and It la their act which has brought this war upon us. We Germans can count on God's help, and Ho will crown the righteous cause with final victory. Therefore, g for ward In full confidence that heaven will shield you from the enemy. "(kd helps the brave. Ton have pledged youreelf to the emperor by your military oath. Show that you have sworn it with an upright heart. Be obedient to your superiors In the minutest detail, for they are the emperor's representa tives. Do not be led astray Into disobed ient ways. Never betray under any cir ctimstanoes a military eecrct, such as the movements of troops, and even should you go Into Imprisonment In an enemy's country, never divulge anything. For emperor and fatherland!" A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. I have handled Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy for twenty years and have heard plenty of favorable reports concerning It from my customers. They are satisfied with tho results obtained from Its use. I know of many etna where Swamp-Root has cured Stone in the Bladder, Gall Stones, Gravel. Catirrh or Inflammation of Bladder, Liver trouble and Rheuma tism. I have uaed it in my own family with good results; and I heartily en dorse Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and be lieve It has good curatlvo value. Very truly yours, ' ALEX. LIPSCHITZ. Druggist, 84 North 6th Street. Brooklyn. N. T. November 12th, 1915. Corduroy, etc., ready to put on S3.08. S5.00. each 13 to 17-year Juniors' at 2 prices 85.00 and 810.00. Sold up to $22.50. radical reductions. All the Children's Hats, Staple .velours. Velvets and Plushes, at f)8 and $1.98. to 14 years, 50? aid 81.00. and S19. All very excellent value. the Hide, As it Were OUTING FLANNEL ROBES $1.25 quality 85 $1.60 Pajamas) 81.15 $2.00 Pajamaa 81.55 MORE NIGHT ROBES Cut full and of good length $1.00 quality -79t 75? quality 55, hi. Off all House Coats and Smoking Jackets. .79 75c qualities at ... .55, Knit and Cashmere Jackets 59. 98. 81.59. Kimonos, 3 to 6 year 59. 98. 81.59. Angora. Hoods. 59?". Crepe Bloomers, 29, Night Oowns, 39 andSO reiucoais ror ruisHes' ana Chil dren. 29. 79. 98. t th TTF conflicting claims confuse come to hold fast to this thought:- The joint judgment of a majority of consumers, and motor car manufacturers is that Goodyear Tires give better, longer service. Goodyear sales to both of these two great markets are much larger than those of any other tire. Ci OODWEAR f II TIRES I 9 I BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BUoVeTE?fTNO Our annual January Clearance Sales are the event of the year, and afford you an opportunity to buy Diamonds, VVatchea, Jewelry, at h yery great saving. The beet resolution you can make for the NEW VKAR la to "Save a Diamond" on our eaay payment plan. Every payment made on a diamond ia ao much money saved, uiamonas increase in aiue iv 10 .'v per ceni a year, ana m Innroiuie lnn makes a diamond a clK-edR. Investment. Open a charge ac count with us NOW, and you will find year. Extra special vaiuna in every maiuonu, wmcn or omer joweiry in menu g-reai salea. Select anything you may need for future wedding, anniversary or birthday present, uy ie time never mlaa monoy, I LofliS PerfCCtiOll ;l fc , Finest quality dla mond. perfect In cut and full of fiery bril liancy, mounted in our famous Xrfftls "Par. faction" S-prong ring mounting. 14k solid gold. Ton cannot find Its equal anywhar. Many sixes and atylea, extra special values. at M0, 150, 65. 1,0, fioo up. A Diamond IsU For-ever 19 OUU BIQ LEAUEU 8i?Sgs'p PER MONTH OPEX DAILY TILL 8 P. M. SATURDAYS TILL 0:3O. Call or write for US-pagi) Catalog No. SOS. Special attention given to mall orders, phone Duuh'las 1444 and our salesman will call with any article you wish to see. Maij dKUOVU U60 Opposite) I III -ft-" you when you choose a tire- NOTICE P.uropran war demands have caused a shortage in the world's supply of materials used in the manufacture of Whits Tread Tires. The color of Goodyear Tires may ultimately be changed from White to Black. Our supply of the required materials assures the greater portion of our 1916 season's output of tires being- furnished with White Treadi. It a (treat convenience all througli the nwini yuy wiu nave mem paiu vr Diamond Ring Bargains in Diamond Rings, La Vallleraa, Ear Screws, Scarf Pins, Studs, Brooches, Brace, lets. Rings, Watches, Wrist Watches, solid gold and gold filleJ, Chalna. Charms, etc. Kxtra valuo for your money, and all sold on Our Usual Easy Credit Terms TERMS: THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS Iloor, City National Bank Block Burgesa - Nash Co. Department Store. . mm ' 1 -i'.Vei :l1r :- ' M 'A T . J