Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 6

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    8 A
American Geographic Society's Re-1
cent Studies of Turkey'i Bewil- j
derinj Babel.
While the "mcltlne; pot of the Vnlte1
States my be the blsgrst of all. it haa
not t:ie moat varied contents, nor the
nwt. unmeltable. or non-fusible. The
Rt-est country of hyrlteimtes l Tin key.
In the long run. like Bwltwrland. we may ,
observe In America a rt-adual dlssolvlnf
prfc'. a arsdrel "colll,tiefactlon"
eltPbugii sometimes slowed ui when the
flre of ratrlotlum burn low-but In
Turkey the Insiedlonte aie tougher and
ntlrjrlrr. Century after century of aim
meting, atlrr'nt by aclmltar. and appli
cation of Ihe fierce heats of rel'glon.
have left oU'l matwa of population
stubbornly Unsubdued to the Turkish
"The Turks." declare! the author of the j
American Oeogranhlc Society's report.
I -eon Dominie n, "bear dame which hat
no aignlf'canre. They thomrelvea apply
It to every Mohammedan Inhabitant of
Aa!a Minor without discrimination of
race origin. But for fully e'ght ren
turli a they hava stocked their harama
with women Seized from conquered popu
lations. It Is no exaggeration to say
that this human tax ha been levied on
almost every family of the Caucasus.
Western Asia and the countries of the
Balkan pen'nsule. Today the net reault
of this vorlegaled Intermixture Is that
the Tartar or'gln of the average T.irk
ao called, la entirely concealed b; the
mingling with Mediterranean, Aimeno'4
Alplne end even Nordic elements. Except
In a few isolate! Instances, thi Turklih
type of Central Asia la rarely met w thin
Turkish boundaries. Clearly no valid
claim to racial distinctiveness csn be set
u by the Turks."
If the Germanic powers fancy that the
prophetic and final evolution of the Turk
la represented by Captain Boy-Ed they
base It on small grounds. Ha Is the
Tartar-Clrcaeelan-Armenold-Toutontc hy
rhenats, his father being a Turkish mer
chant resident In Oermanv, and hit
mother a German novelist; but ha Is not
a type, but a mora or lass isolats Incident
there are too few of Mm to amount ts
a prophecy ef Turkey's future. That fu.
tura is as vague aa the so-called Turk,
and his looaaly held empire, Mr. Domln
ian writes:
attoaa1lt Meaalaaleas.
"Turkish nationality Is as equally mcsn-
Ingteas (as the word Turk). The de-1
scendsnts of Aslatle nomads became mus
ters of western Asia without aver con
ferring the boon of government or of n-1
tionsllty upon the land and Its peoples.
In Gibbon's mordant language, "the camp!
and not tha soil is the country of tha gen-1
ulne Tartar.' And Turkey is still a vast;
fields in which tha Turk has pitched It's ;
trnt, waiting, knowning that tha day
is not far off when ha will hava to break
mn,t and eck new pasturages for nla
herds and flocks. But tha stta on which
he has settled for tha past flva centuries
has boen the seat of a h'ghly organised
government. Seeing himself mauler of
thla estate tha Turk unhesitatingly
adopted Ha institutions. Thus, under tha
mantle of Islamic theocracy. Bysantlne
government and customs hava continued
to nourish in Ottoman domains. Barring
fy.clul features belonging to Moham
medanism, tha cermonlala of tha sultan s
court may be tra:ed step by atep to
Bysantlna government and customs have
-f tho caliphs la alien to tha fundament
ally democratic character of both Tartar
societies and Koranlo teaching. It la
Bysentlne and a rello of tha despotism
of tha Roman Caesars,"
Even tha language f tha so-called
Turk Is not his own. Originally ha had
one, but now "over 70 por cent of tha
words In any Turkish dally are Arable,
retained in unallotted purity. A scant
sprinkling of Tartar words merely re
calls by their sound tha raucous articula
tions whieh form tha nomad's speech,
while thalr paucity is a trus measure of
tha limited rang of concepts which find
Judgement in his mind. Tha splendor of
Arabian syntax and tha supple eleganoa
or Persian atyla alone confer literary
flavor upon it" Moreover, in religion
the Turk ia rut innovator. 'He has
merely taken unto himself tha idealism
of Arbla. And yet his efficient wield of
tha fine edga of Mohammedan fanati
cism to sever tha tlea which bind Islam
to tha land." Ha has never really sub
dued or made Turka ef any element in
his ., population ha haa merely made
himself less Turkish, mainly by tha pro
cess of plural marriage with various
foreign women-in effect marriage by
capture or purchase,
I'luM of t nflU-ttn.- Ideals.
"From th social standpoint tha east
ern half of Asiatic Turkey deserves In
vestigation aa tha seat of ao lmntemortal
conflict between nomadism and seden
tary Ufa. Every stage of tha transition
between tha twa conditions may be ob
served. The feuds which set community
agslnst community in Turkey originate
in tha divergent Interests of nomad and
settled Inhabitant. Viewed as a whole.
Asiatic Turkey haa changed from an
Ideal nuraery of hardy men to a land of
mertlr.g between racea and people aa wall
a a between their ldeaJa. It may be safely
predicted that tha future of lta lnheb'.
unis bids fair to be as intimately af
fected as tha psst by the ctrcumetanees
uf ths remarkable situation of the coun
try and its features. One can only hope
for sake that a thorough invasion
of h'ghland and ;owland by tha spirit
of the r.est not be decayed much longer.
ThU much may be said now, that the
establishment of Christian ruls In the
land would probably be attended by
wholesale converaloua to Christianity In
mary so-called Moha.nmedau commun
ities where observance of Ialam'o ritea
haa been dictated by policy rather than
b" failb"
' vnf n.loe by Teaaea.
Among ths different languages in
northern and central .Aslatlo Turksy
not necessarily "foreign," soma of them
being mora thoroughly native than that I
used by the governing Turks) Oreek Is
spoken by l.oot.OOO as compared with
S. 000,000 speaking Turkish. Other lan
guages are Arabic, A run can, Armenian
(Aryan), Sjrlac. Oruatnlaa, KermaaJe.
Kurdish and Hebrew.
Among the different races (most of
them not "foreign," but native to tha
land for centuries), are Turkoman's, the
reel Bimon-pure Turk, of small but un
certain number; -"Turks." or the blend
of Turkomans. Arroenokd. etc., Mediier
rsneaa Greeks: and great awarma of
Ansarlyeber, Arabs, Badoulna. Choi
.deans. Circassians. Druses, Jewa. Kurds.
Babeana, Snana. (Samaritans. Tealdla.
Yuruka. Jacobites. Lasts, keeping . to
their ancient tongues and Customs.
Among the different religions, besides
Mohammedanism, are MonolheisliQ,
BJtitil. Hebrew. Hhls, '-Mohammedan-Cfcrieuea."
(.'brlstian, "Ohrlatian-Motto-
ATE "General" Jacob S.
Coxey, who led the "Army
of the Commonweal" to
Washington in 1894, has out
lined plans for his campaign
as an independent candidate
for United States senator
from Ohio next year. lie
would run on a platform de
manding that congress au
thorize the issue of $1,000,
CC0.0G0 legal tender curren
cy, half to create a merchant
marine and half for naval
equipment or coast defenses.
Special Attraction of Dainty Laces
Mna Silk Shadow Lace Allovers, Lace Flouncing,
wblta and (ream; Beaded 811k Chiffons and Silk Cnan-
tllly Dress Nets. Regular price 76c, January
tale price, yard.....
Lace Flounelns. Jt to IT Ins.
wide. Mercerised shadow
I -see Allovers. 11 and M Inches
wide: white and ciaam; regu
lar fpc values. "ale Jr
price, yard afc
All I.lnen Ctuny t-ae.a, In
sertions and Rands, mads tc
matrh. up to 4 ins. wide; . . -
worth IV. Sale price, yd
Fancy Wash Laces. Oermea
French, fcnallsh snd File
Vsls. matched aets. AlaoLlnet
Torchona. Reg. price r
sc. dale price, yard 1
Cotton Cluny and Waah
I.aes. white, cream and ru
in matched aeta. up to 4 Inchei
wide. iterrular price lae. c
January Sale nrice
3 mmMB feiill
- -
V VS. i
GW tcca s.coxsr.
physltes." devil-worship snd .oross
trtanlsm. Reduced to generic race-terms tha dif
ferent bloods sra Bemttk'. Armenold.
Turkl, Georgian, Indo-Etiropenn. (with
mixture. Next to the Turks, the least
pure-blooded, Mr. Uomlntan relates, are
the Jews. They are now a mixture of
Bemltlc. Mediterranean and Armenold
pcoplrs. There are about 130,000 of them
In the Syrian and Meaopotamlan prov
inces, and according' to Mr. Domlnlan
they are a fusion of four distinct rsces.
Refaaea to Pace.
Armenians are not the only Turkish
subjects who hava refused to fuse. By
killing tha males the Turka hava sought
to overcome this rsce which would
neither accept Mohammedanism nor In
termarry with Turks. They have moral
fortitude and martial spirit and "dwell
ers of many of tha less accessible re
cesses of the Taurlo or Armenian high
lands have held their Turkish foes In
chock for centuries, and hava managed
to maintain a state of semi-Independence
In the mldet of their conqueror's land."
It ahould be noted that their preserva
tion of the hyphen, or rather their re
jection of Turklah supremacy without
qualification. Is ' due to resentment
against hated conquerors and perse
cutors, ,
This, . Indeed. Is ths cause of the al
most militant preservstlon of the hyphen
among other tribes and races an eter
nal protest avainst the armed conquest
of their landa and forcible subjection
and forcible tribute-laying of the con
queror. Tha ao-callod devil-worshipers,
tha Tesldls, who came from tha Ku
phratea and dwell in the Mesopotatnlan
bllla, hava been execrated beyond all
others by Mohammedans, "This hatred
of tha presumed worshiper of thi devil
has not outlived Its time," remarks ths
geographic report: "a devout Mohamme
dan will today spit upon the ground and
mutter a curse whenever tha abhorred
name Tesldl crosses his Hps. Tho mod
ern armament of Turklah axpedttiona
has cowed tha present generations into
submission which their fathers would
scorn. But they still remain unwilling
taxpayers, and rely on tha natural dis
inclination of Turkish tax collectors to
mountain climbing."
Mr. Domlnlan remarka: "The preaent
inhabitants of tha diversified domains
of tha sultan hava been welded by tha
run of hlatory Into a shadowy political
unity which has fsllod to conclllste their
Incompatibilities or orlKln and Ideals."
In fine, whatever Kuropesn nstlon
takes over tha Turkish empire. It will
find its work cut out for It with tha
chief est hyphenation problem in exis
tence. Boston Transcript.
Bhlaaoaa flrsk "polls Bsswtrk and
Scares Hatdera Off the
Two men, after they had mads a pur
chase of tobacco at F. A. Lamon'a store,
m Payne avenue, attempted to hold up
the proprietor at tha point of a gun.
The men. who were roughly dressed,
entered shortly after I p. m. Mr. Larson
and hie wife war In tha atore. Tha
visitors purchased a small amount of
tobacco and departed. In ten minutes
they returned and asked for cigarettes.
Larson told them that ha had none. Tha
men did not leave the store at once, but
one moved t tha front door and tho
other ta tha rear door.
Miss Helen Larson came from the rear
of tba store, where tha Larsons make
their noma. As she entered one of tha
men leveled a pistol at Larson and de
manded that ha put up his handa Iraoa
Instead drew hla gun from under the
counter, and as he did so tha bandit
ft red.
Mrs. Larson and their dog "Dick"
Joined forces with Larson, tha dog at
tacking tha two men and driving them
from tha store, while Larson opened
fire. Both fled In tha darkness.
Larson said that the bullet fired at
him struck near where be waa atandlng.
"Had my wife not set tha dog on tha
men I do not know what would have
hapixu.'d When she told him to d ive
j the men from the store be tried to bite
I their less," said Larson.
Mla Larson ran to the telephone and
called the police. When they arrived
both men had disappeared Kt. Paul l'ts-patch.
he First Great Sale of the New Year
At 4
A fine lot of Gowns, Skirts, Cov
ers, Chemise, Drawers, Combina
tions, etc., lace and embroidery
trimmed. Some with ribbons, oth
ers plain tucked and full liberal
At 69c
Choice of two big tables of
Choice, Daintily Trimmed Gowns,
Teddy Bears, Combinations, Skirts,
etc. Made of good;quality material
and pretty trimmings.
A wonderful assortment of the
Daintiest of Lingeries, Lace and
Embroidery Trimmings, "Wash
Ribbons, Tuckings, etc. Sheer Lin
gerie Cloths, Nainsook, etc
Crepe de Chine and Satin Underwear of Wonderful Interest
Some have assortments and many samples in these lota, especially pur
chased for this sale.
I Crepe de Chine and Satin Corset Crepe de Chine Gowns and Enrelope Oom
' Pnrprs worth &4 binations, worth to $6, Janu- C'2 iCQ
$1 50 . . $1.09 sale price W.OV
Crepe dV Chine "Envelope Combinations, Crepe de Chine Petticoat, gpecially -
-;r.- $1.69 and $1.98 .,:.W.,.J"' $2.98 1
Crepe de Chine Envelope Com- Crepe de Chine and Satin Gowns CC ftfs 1
binations, worth to $3.50 ftnd pettieoats, worth to $10 S&W
2 Extra Specials In Boudoir Caps
One Big Lot, worth to 75c 39
One Bis Lot. wortb to 35c 183
Without going into details of the i
Market this Beaton we wil) give you jut
January White Goods Safe interesti
First, we found plenty of cottfr
fine, dainty materials that go into ti.
this months ago while the choosing u
time for careful preparation.
And, quite as important to the sue
manufacturers more than willing to co
large and early orders. Ready cash agt
maximum values, by securing many ot
The resuks of patient and paineta
assorted stocks of white goods at prit
tiful supply now. We have made high
pleteness of sixes and quantities of ea
Children's and Infants' Specials
At 18c
Choice of Some Wonderful Special
Ix)ts of
Ideal Waists Drawers
Petticoats Princess Slips
Choice of Big Lot of Infants' and Children's
Outing Kimonos, Nightingales and -f r
Sleepers, for I A,CL
Choice of Big Lot of Children's Muslin,
Sucked and Hemmed Draw- frv
ers, for VC
Ready Made Sheets and Slips, Longcloths,
The Celebrated "Utica"
Brand Sheetings
Beautifully bleached and finished la
wears, weight and durability son batter
width AetaalTalae SeJ Prle
8- 4 width 8 JHc jrard
9- 4 width ;...& S0o fard
10-4 width 7r
72s90-Inch Bleached Aheets, good qual
ity, soft finish. French aaata enter; regular
39c Tallies. Bale
price, each
Guanine "Hill Sen
per Idem" pillow
(aiei keaitltal
Quality, positively
free from dreeelng.
This well known
brand la sure to give
satisfaction. Worth
up to 20o. Pale price
Stre 42z3 18 He .
Site 45x36, 14Ve ea,
Geaalae "Freit-ef.
the Lean" Blecb4
Pillow Cases, each
slip bearing the or
iginal 'Tnilt Label."
Well- made, 1-inch
hems, torn and
ironed. Special
SUe 43x36 to lie ea.
Biie 45x36 in., lie ea.
A "For fale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture lota cash.
ta-la. Bnwa Maalla,
Hlahla "C a
ether ekalea
bleaekeal saaalta.
ao-Ia. Daafcaaa U 1.
V a a lea. Bhaattasj,
soft ram 4 thsvael
flaUahi f He val-
Maalla. eatra
flae aalltrei
tlnUk, cleae
waa eel Te eerae
al Baa
lish Lena
elr Ih. aeaa-
tlral aatta
Ylalak. Ueal ia
Chtielrea'a we.
ladtea aaavr-
arnse-ate. le-ral
a, Sato
Ho, tha
Se-lsMSi Brew
Oraaa Cataahrta
Maalla. VVia al-
Bleached Pillow Blips to Match, aame
reliable ausltty and flnlah. Jr
Each IC
Fine Stajidard Sheeting, compares with
Sterling Brand; t-4 width; 26o value.
Sale prtoe, Jfig
West Farnam Bleached
Sheets and Slips
Made from the celebrated Whltehora
and Dwight Anchor sheetings, none better.
1-inch hems term and Ironed. Sale price
3xt Inches
T3x0 mobes
73xM Inches
31xt0 inches
lets! Talae Sale Pries
t 58e
a Glar
Tt2aw Elios.
laches lbev 15e
laches iOe 16
43 and 46-inch TnMng. tins soft finish.
extra weight Mill lengths up to 10 yards.
l&c aad lie values. ft 1
Yard V-J-C
36-lnch Bleached Baa Island Cottons, fine
quality, soft finish, tree from dressing;
10c value. Sale price, CAr,
yard d?C
Genuine Wamsutta and Dwight
Anchor Bleached Sheetings,
Casings and Tubings.
Theee wonderful fabricg are considered the
beat American made sheeting, their value
Is known from coaet to coast. We carry
them In all widths; not stamped, but other-
wine genuine.
Width Actual Talse Sale Price
8- 4 width 80c.. We yard
9- 4 width 82c S4 yard
10- 4 width 84e 26c yard
45 inches 19e 15c yard
43 Inches 17c 14c yard
Beautiful Tubing:, Same Reliable Grade
43-inch tic lc yard
45-inch S4e 17 Me yard
-4 Bleached Sheeting, our special
leader, unstamped. Fine soft finish. 22o
value, special, yard 17
Ths Oenulne "Frult-of-the-Loom"
Bleached Muslin, 86 inches wide. Each
bolt bearing the genuine and original
Fruit Label. This well known cotton,
as our trade knows, it sold regular
ly from 10c to 13 He. Spe
cial sale price, yard
(Only ten yards to each customer, no
phons or mall orders filled.)
The Genuine Brown Pepperell Sheeting,
easily bleached and laundered; 9
width. Sale price, yard.
Genuine Mohawk Bleached
Sheets and Slips
This moat desirable make ot bedding
is made from finest grade domestic sheet
ing, all purs staple cotton from the Mobawk
Steam Cotton Mills! 3-Inch hems torn and
Ironed ready for use. Sale price
Klse Actaal Talae Sals Price
72i90 inches 70 -57
72x Inches 75 03
81x90 Inches 70 07
Pillow Blips.
42x36 Inches 17....
46x36 Inches 19....
The celebrated "Baker R" Brown
Sheeting, S6 Inches wide. Compares with
Pepperell "R;M worth 10c CA
Sale price, yard O4L
(Only 10 yards to each customer. No
phone or mall orders filled.)
The genuine "Fruit ot the Loom" and
Lonsdale Mercerised Cambric. These
beautiful Underwear Muslins are worth
It Vic Special for our Jan
uary White Sale, yard
36-Inch Pine Sea Island Ladles'
Choios Longcloth, No. 600, and 40-Inch
Natneook. beautiful " soft finish, for
ladies' tine lingeries; 13 He 71
value, yard yC
Ths Oenulne Londsdale Bleached Muslin,
36 inches wide. (10 yards to each
customer.) Yard
No phone or mail orders filled.
The Genuine "Pepperell" and
Aurora Bleached Sheetings
Pepperell Sheeting is one of the oldest and
choicest American products; easily laun
dered, good wearing qualities.
Width Artnal false Sale Price
8- 4 width 28c tSc lard
9- 4 width 8c 24c yard
10-4 width 80c 26c yard
72x90-lnch Bleached Hemstitched Sheets,
fine soft finish, good quality, torn and
Ironed. Sale price, 1C
yard Ly
Fine quality Hemstitched, Bleached Pil
low Cases, soft finish to match. 1f Is
Site 46x86 in. Each
9-4 Standard "Brown Sheeting" comes in
large web or roll. 1,000 yards, stands up
right; direct from the manufacturers'
looms; worth 33c,
yard ,
The Oenulne Wamsutta Bleached Madras,
beautiful shirtings and walstlngs; neat
checks, brocades and hairline cords; loo
and 19o values. Sals 191 r
price, yard laVyt
SS-la. BleacheS Mas- ,
Ua, "Oat Stari" aaft .
flalehi Tc TaL TS.
SS-tau Bleach rt Maa
lla, "Cora Cattaa
ar "Haa at llaa
Be Talae. Vara
SS-laeh rtaa
Bleaches Mas-
a u
McKlaaer I e.'a
haet siraSei IS
araa. T
O e a a .
lae "Haa"
Maalla, each
halt harl.
the erlslaalaad
u res. ta a
iva valaa
Mill Rrasaaata
Sa-la. Bleach
Maalla, Ca atari e.
ar UBsthatalSySs.
lSa ralaea. TS
The Celebrated Utica Bleached
Sheets and Pillow Slips
This popular brand stands tor perfec
tion of weave snd wearing quality unex
celled, the equal of linen In weight, texture
and finish; America's finest sheeting, 8-inch
hems, torn and Ironed.
Slse Actaal Talne Sale Price
72x90 inches JH f
72x39 Inches t)f 76
81x90 Inches 95 7S
81x90 Inches 91.00 84
Pillow Slips.
42x36 Inches 24.... 18
46x36 Inches 25 10
Extra Heavy Linen Finish
Genuine Regal Brand, made from beat
grade heavy round thread sheeting; will
stand w ear and laundry. Hemmed ready for
SIss Actaal Talae Sale Price
81x99 Inches 05 53
81x99 Inches (19 50
81x99 inches 75 00
TTe Ars ths Sols DtstribsUrt ef ths Faneai Bridal Fabrics ta Omahs. Bleached Sheets aal Pillow RUps, Sheetings, Casings, Tvblng,
Cambrics, Sf sails a, Lenrkths, Kaliiseoki, Ttssaes, etc
Fine New Material
Invite You to Shai
17 7.: TIT XT J X 117 '
juvzryuuiiy u rr wiui jetus or wv uis
, lms. Foundations, Sport
Various Lots of
Drees Materials
One big lot of fine Em
broidered Fancy Imported
White Dress and Blouse
Materials which are slight
ly, soiled; 36 or 45 inches
wide; worth up to 31.25.
January Sale AQn
Price, yard txyt
which we secured for
40 and 45 inches wlde
Shadow Voile
Rloe Cloth
Seed Marquisette
Plain Organdie
Novelty Batiste
January Sale Price, yanl
Cotton Crepe.
27-lnch Imported
White English Cotton
Crepe, made from best
selected Egyptian yarn,
strong and durable tor
children's wear, house
dresses, undermusllns,
etc.; requires no iron
ing. 26c value, JQfj
Windsor Crepe.
86-Inch, another
splendid white crepe
for dainty undermus
llns. This is the best
and only 38-inch crepe
manufactured, and sells
ererywhere for 26c.
January Sale 7 A.
Price, yard CUC
White Checked Voile,
fine crisp quality; 27
Inches wide; 1 C
25c val. Yard.... ItJC
Buy imp
InsJ ,
8. l
for your undermuslini
selected combed yarns,
finish, doea not turn yelloi
and durability it has no
lng to width and quality 4
86 Inches wide, 12-yard be
42 inches wide, 12-yard be
45 Inches wide, 12-yard tn
40 Inches wide, 12-yard be
86 Inches wide, 12-yard bta
86 inches wide, 12-yard b--
Sea Island Nainsook,
making dainty undermu-
yards each
42 inches wide
ev uicase wiua ........
Manhattan NainsooV
tip In 10-yard boxes; 3f
Greatest January Sali
of Corsets z;
Women who appreciate the necessity of new
corsets for the ssccess of the spring wardrobe wbi
take advantage of the special prices which preva 1
hers this month.
The values are grsater than ever before and tW
sixes and proportions ars so varied that osr cor
setleres can fit every type ef figure.
Corsets for slender
and medium figures, low
bust with free hip aeo
tion. Made of
pink and white brochK.
January Sals
Prom 35.00 to 37.50
Corsets, In low and me
dium bust. Materials are
coutil and fancy bro
cades, boned with
walohn. Sale 93 pa
price, each .... ?)) U
Two Distinct Modelsot $1.50
Model for stout figures made in coutil, me
dium top, long skirt with elastle gore set in at
bottom of skirt ' Model for slender figure is made
In fancy stripe coutil, one of our most popular
models. Regular 82.00 values. Janu
ary Sale Price
A big assortment of
Corsets, in fancy mate
rials, plain batiste and
coutil. Sizes
19 to 30
Brassieres, odd sizes
in best makes; $2.00,
32 50 and 13.00 values.
January Sals
Brassieres in front or back closing styles
mea run wiue emoroiaerr insertion ana eage, oiutf
trimmed with heavy lace. Sixes 84 to 48. Q
Regular 60c and 75c values Of