THE OMATTA SUNDAY BFE: JANTAUV. 2, 1916. What is Going On in Society Circles Xorsmeyer-Tukey Weddinj. Mis Ethel Tukry. daughter of Mr. and tr. Alamo Praae Tukey, - married K'cw Tcwi day at 2: o'clock to Mr. William Korsmeyer. son of Mr. and Hri. f. A. Koramryar of Lincoln, at th frnw of the brldo parant. Rev. F. T. Rouse, pa-tor of th First Cnrrrfm lional church, of f Iclalin-. Th" Itrlclo waa unattended except for rer ynuns; niece and nephew. Kllahth Morrison of Kansas city was flower arlrl and Helen 1 tyrant of rhlcaao and Moor head Ttiker t retched the rlbona. The bride wore a -own of white a tin and tulle, with hooped skirt and pearl lind brilliant trimming. The abort veil of tulle was fitted r-fnlilon about the bead and waa held in pla- with hand of penrls. The bouquet waa an ld-faehloned nosegay of orrhlds and Ultra of the valley, held In a lace frilled holder. The flower girl carried a basket of white rosea and !!!! of the valley and the rlbbona wete of tulle atrip, caught Into festoon. The little girl were d reared In white bet frock a and Moorhead Ttikey wore a white suit. The bride' ornament was the gift of the bridegroom, pearla and diamond aet In platinum. I Tlie marrlnpe line were read In front of the mantel In the living room, where Christmas decoration were banked with high candlea In eathedral randleitlrks. The out-of-town rucst were Mr. and (Mr. Kilwtn It, Morrison of Kansas City, Mr. and Mr. Harry K. Byram of Chi cago. Miss tiarten. Mr. and Mr. Kor nieyer, Mr. and Mr, t.ou Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Iau, Mr. and Mra. Will Iron, all of Lincoln, and Mr. Hope PtHiigliam of Chicago. Mr. Morrlaon and Mr. Byram are sister of the bride and Mra. IMIIIngham a coualn. A reception from I to I followed th marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mra. Koranieyer will be at home in Lincoln after March, 1, at 1234 II street. Fomy-Thompson Wedding;. Mir. Oayl Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charlea Madison Thompson, waa married Saturday afternoon at t:XT o'clock to Mr. William Alvln Forrey, on of Mr. and Mra. Harry Forrey, at the North Bide Christian church, Itcv. George L. Petera officiating. The bride waa accompanied by Mr. D. E. Neafus; Mr. Lynne K II gore and Mlsa of honor; Mra, Lynne Kilgore and Mlsa &Mbel I .a Belle of Newport. Tha beat man waa Mr. Stuart Brown, and tha usher were Messrs. Carl Cain. It. Q. Phelp. Lynne Kilgore, John l. Illgglna and Charlea Forrey. Little Xclll McCulley bore the ring, and rlbbona were atretched by Lola Thompson. F.rnlly Roa. Stary t're, Mil dred ben son and Helen Roa. The bride wore a gown of ivory atln. trimmed with Cbantllly lace, tulle veil and carried lille of tha valley. The attendanta were arranged In rain bow effect, white frocka with colored aaahea to carry out the color achem. The matron of honor wore a light green puy willow taffeta gown, Mlsa La Bella waa in blue crepe meteor, and Mra. KII itor wora a white aatln frock with yel low velvet jacket. Mlsa Jeasle Oady waa tha organUt, Mr. Joseph Woolrey gave a violin aolo, and Mr. Harry Dlabrow aang 'I Love Roll Truly" and "Oh, Promise Ma." A reception In tha parlor of the church followed th reception during which a musical program waa given by Mesr. Iul Hampton and Joseph Woolery. Tha out-of-town guest war Mr. and Mr. Lynne Kilgore of Newport, Mr. and Mia. P. II. Davis of Norfolk. Mr. J. H. Berry of Norfolk. Mr. I. K. Deck of Atkinson, and Mra. Howaer of Genoa, Interesting: Announcement In Troy. N. T., on Christmas day. the engagement of Mlsa Lola Don of that city to Mr. John McFerran Clancy of Louisville. Ky., waa announced at a tea given by Mr. and Mr. Stuart Don for their slater. Mlsa Don visited In Omaha two years ago laat cummer and waa tha guest of Ml Carolina Barkalaw. Tha engagement la a romance developing from Mlsa Don'a visit to Louisville year ago. Vacation Notes. Soma of the girl and boy go back to soliool th'a evening, among them being Mis Father Wllhelm, Mis Gertrude Por ter. Mia Helen Smith. Charles Surge and YVI'ard Millard. Mlsa Marjorte 8mllh returna Monday to Bryn Mawr. Mr. Arthur Crittenden Smith will leave for tha east today to accompany her daughter, Mlsa Harlet 6mith. who Is re turning to Miss Spence'a school. Winter Plani. Mrs. Smith and her daughter, Mra. W, 8. Popploton. and aon, William, plan to go to California aome time In Janu ary. Mr. and Mr. Frank Crawford, whoa apartment Mr. Conrad Toung and Mia Young have bad for aom motnhs, will be horn January 12. ' Mr. and Mr. J. R. Scobie expect to go to Ormond Beach. Fla., about the middle of January, and their apartment will be taken by Mr. Conrad Toung and Mlsa Gertrude Ycung during their absence. XII. Helen Sooble will be with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mra. Harry Jordan, for the winter. With the Art Students. Mies Helen Eastman return tonight to Chicago to reaume her art atudiea. Ml Dorothy Hali and Mlsa Janet Hall return to Chicago toward the end of the week to continue their atudiea at tha Art Institute. Omaha Bridesmaid. M!s fUina Connell went to Chicago Wednesday to bo a brtdemaid at th Trevor-Johnson wedding Friday evening. Mias Connell waa in time to be a guest at the brlditl dinner Thursday and at the .Assembly ball tha m evening. Mlsa Connell will return homa today inatead of attending a house party at Lodl. 111., a at first planned. Mra. Connell had expected to accompany ber daughter to Chicago for the wedding, but wa com pelled to giv it up at tha last moment. Past Erents. Mia Mildred Whit gave an entertain ment Saturday evening at her homa to twelve guest In honor of the Triangle elub. Future Erenti. The White bin in Wnt club will meet IHi Mis. at Masonic Temple Mon u. flcno'fe 1 n-.'.e jfe- sisterhood will hold It Stars of the San Carlo Opera Company I Kile. Slella. DeKchle ItLlQ Soprano The Pan Carlo Grand Opera company ia to again be hcatd In Omaha, the en gagement consisting of three daya, Janu ary ;?, 28 and 29, to be given at the Audi torium. And what la more interesting, at popular prices. The San Carlo Grand Opera company, to appear under the auspices ot Tangier Temple, management of Arab Patrol, has a number of noted singers In Its caat, two of whom, Ktella DeMette. formerly of the National and Metropolitan com panies, as well aa Henor Angelo Antola, baritone, are particularly well known. The operas to be given are "Alda." "Rlgoletto," "Lucia dl Lammermoor," "Cavallerla Kuattcanna" and "1'Pagll accl." Senor Antola I said to have no peer aa Tonlo in Leoncavalo'a opera,' 'TPagll accl," a character In which he will ap pear during the Omaha engagement of the Kan Carlo company. Antola la tha possessor of a pure, high, clear baritone voice of splendid currying power and la an artist who pays keen attention to the hlatrlonlo a well a the vocal requ(r menta of the role. Stella DeMette la the possessor of a auperb natural voice of great power and aweetneaa and Is an acknowledged actress of not. Tha engagement la not' a money-making scheme, but a movement for clvlo and musical uplift. Grand opera of the flrat-clas at "movie" price. Tickets regular monthly entertainment next Mon day afternoon. Tha W. Wt club wilt give lla annual New Tear's psrty Wednesday at tha homa of Mrs. Charles Gruenlg. Each member will bring a guest, and a pro gram ha been arranged by- the enter tainment committee. Th Week End Dancing club will give lla regular party (taturday evening, Jan uary I, at Chamber' academy. Laurel Review No. 1 will give a card party In Ita hall In the Continental build ing nest Thuraday afternoon. Eastern Star Dance. Veata Chapter. Order of the Kaatern Star will give the third of a series of dancing parties at Chamber' academy. Thuraday evening January 13. Arrange ment for thia affair are in charge of a committee which Include: Messrs. and MeaHamea-- O. R. Porter, r'. L. Cnderwoud. Dean T. Gregg. W. 8. Rowa K. D. fthlrey, Meadamea Meadamea . C. M. Gaunt. J. A. Ullck. Messrs. Mesar. William Nevotti. J. C. Buttle. Prettiest Mile OoTF Club. The Preltleat Mile Golf club will hold Ita annual reception Tuesday evening at tha home of Mr. and Mra. C. W. Martin, t&3 Preltleat Mil. An Interesting pro gram has been arranged by Mrs. Walter A. Meyer, chairman of th social com mittee. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Martin will be: Meaara and Meadamea W. II. Kllnn. A, M. Smith. A. D. Northrup. V. V High. i J. Wonder. W. A. Mever. F. N. Crane. Frank Ft una 1 1 C. J. Tlues.Min. J. v. 8prgue. Watch Party. Mr. Glen Muagrave entertained a am 11 company at hie home on Plnkney atreet at a watch parly. The evening waa a pent with music and dancing and dinner waa served at midnight. Those present were: Mlaaes .Misses . Bonnie Crane, Itolicta Coulter. Madeline Kinney, I. in lie ,M uagrave, I aulln Trout, Mesar Meaara Lowell Gregg, Byron Hnvder. Leonard brltlenhaughGlrn Musgrave. Omahans in Chicago. Mis Mary Munchhoff apent the past week tn Chicago enjoying grand opera and renewing old friendship with mny of tha opera singer. On Thurs day Mlsa Munchhoff was hostess at a luncheon at the Cordon club there, her guest were the comoaer. Mia. Frier, and aeveral Omaha and former .Omaha women. Including Mra. J. M. Metoalf, Mra. Gerrit Fort. Mra. V. A. Cudahy. Mra. Butler and Mkrs. Chaaa. Th Cordon club ia In tha Flna Art building and Its mem bers ara from tha ranks at thoa who ha doeta something In art, literature o music. Another lunchraa Thursday In Chicago waa given bv Miss Carmelite Chase fur Miss Helen Tsft. who I visit ing friends there. The luncheon ,aa at Miss Chsse s apartments and the gueao were St sa Taft, Mrs. Bowers, Miss Joan r-! . , . ; , . i;r '.- I ) 'ri'. . .... A-- i : m J TW I A : ' Ln 1 , J x'fw , -ixaif tgnor'Angelo Anfotj may br' purchssed from any member of the Patrol, or Lucius Pryor, local mana ger, picture department, Brandels stores. Stirling. Mis Gladys Spry and Mlsa Mary Kchrlbner. Ragah Club. The Ragsh dub entertained Its friends at a dancing party at Turpln'a academy Wednesday evening. Those present were: Misses Mlaaes Marl" Holland. Gertrude Moran. Nell Knepher, Margaret Havage, Lather Conelly, M. Bpangenoerry, Mary Croft. Schroder, t laria t lay, Lillian 8ugrue. Mary Downing, Maud Mulvihlll, Pauline Ryan, i Ines Lovejoy, Florence Murphy K. Lenta. of Montana. Mary C. Swift. Fanny Lldell. N, Jorgenaon, Agnes M d reary, A. Ixiftliurg. Moirn Rosalter. Grace Cuinmtng. t oiinne Klline. Ada Blai k. Margaret Inneen, C. KadUi R't...rp'ntr Floren.o Roaalter. H. O Brlen. Grace 8ullivan. J era Barry. j. MrCreary. M. Murry. Mildred Hauth. Marian MrMartln. Helen McCaffrey, Alice Johnson. Mable McUowan. June Gafford. Meaara Messrs Harry Kaamussen, lo MrCreary, V. J. Harrington, Slav Mulvlhlll. H. C. Miller. Kd Welsh, John Halpine. Pr. c. Anders, r. G P. Carroll. M. Flannlgan. f:"', ,Con;,,l- , '" Hubltec-hek, AN llllam Zlesel. A. Ma her. Clair Nelson. F. C. Baird. mrrl MoNemara. Frank Cuming. Hay Tray nor, Mat Cain. im pugdale, c. J Wohlford, Ralph Dunn. K. McCaffrey. Jerry McCreary, Hugh Graham. Harry Cumlnga, "'harle Verity. Gerald Xavoiy. Frank Dtneen. Bob Heath. YV. B. tallard. . harlea Lovejoy. Jim HartnetL Hid Hhaw. H. Sulllvaa. Dr. John Kelly, i Vic Black. Aid to War Sufferers. The Franco-Belgian Relief aoclety aent another well-atockad bog to Parle on Thuraday. Thia contribution to war auf ferera constated of underwear for women and children, bolt of flannel and cotton to be mad up, pillow caaea, hoa, atock Inga and a variety of other uaeful artldea. Mr. F. P. Klrendall gave tha ahoa and one particularly appreciated donation waa seventeen palra of hindniti . made by a poor woman who waa anxloua is contribute to tha cause. Tha yarn waa tha contribution of Mr. Robert Cowell. Th next meeting of the aoc-ety will be at tha homa of Mrs. OV C. Redlck on Tuesdsy, January 1L McFerrens Leare Thia Wek. Tha house guests of Up Charlea Teat Stewart of Council Bluffa will not remain Into tha month aa had "wn nopea. Mr. and Mra. William Mc Ferren returns homa thia svanin. --a Mr. and Mra. Donald McFerren return to tioopeetowa. III.. Tuesday twanlng. Mrs. CummingV Houm Party. The holiday house party or Mra. Harry L. Cummin ga will break up thia avact ing. when Mr. and Mr. Harry Klepack of Dulutii will leave for Kansa City and Mr. and Mia. Frank Orr return to their home In Duluth. Mrs. Cumminga' niece, MUs Jean Tallvar of Chicago, will remain with her for some weeks yet Mrs. Orr la sister to Mrs. Cummings. New Year's Party. A New Trar'a party was given st the home of Mrs. H. H. lu.nney New Tear's e. A musical progiam was given In which Msater Thomas Bonney gave a vocal solo and other songs were given ny Mls-es Juanlta Bnnney, Dorothy I.angford, Jennie Solomon. Kthel Kolo non and Messrs. Kllwrt Smith, Julius Rorncrnti end Hcnjannn Bnnney. Those present were: Messrs. and Mcsdamrs . D. R Benncy, . J T Solomon. Mmaea Mlsees Alva Hmltli. ( Jennie Solomon Dorothy l.ancford, Junnitn Honnev, 'Indya ITarln, Irene .McCarthv, .Vartiaret Ryan. Kthel Holomon.' .eliha O'Connor. Ilnr.rl Kolonion. Irene inith, Messrs. M.sfrI Jfo Coekley, flarles McGulre. Robert Isltt, .IiiIIiih Rosencrnntz. Iawrenre Holomon, HIIIv Cone. lenjaniin Bonney, Thomas Bonnev, John O'NTaIII it..(....u- " Joseph Kelly, M. it. Solomon! Cotillion at Turpin's. One of the holiday affair for the younger set waa a cotillion party given on Wednesday at Turpln s academy. The hostess was Miss Mary Coll assisted bv Mlea lone Fogg. Mr. Sam Carlisle led the cotillion. In the elimination dance prlxes were won by Miss Virginia Franxer and Miss Janet Pargcnt. During the Intermission a short pro gram was rendered, an follows: 1 The French Doll Mlsa Haxel Hlett 2 The Villager Mls Lamona Mane it Plana MIms lone Fork 4 LaCrcole Mine Adelaide Fogg The following pupila of the regular clasa assisted In entertaining: Ml see MlsRea Kathleen Herdman, Marnret Wyman, Virginia Herdman, Hleanor Scott. Harriet Rosewater, Virginia Csrllale. Virginia Freiuor, Ruth tSrlminel, Jean Frenxer. Margaret Shotwell, Joaephlne Frenxer, Virginia Peerce, Tollver Dineen. Venia MacAulay, Virginia Cotton. Helen Mlthen. Mary Jane Kinsler. Mary Alice Mithen, Kmina Nash. Dorothv Higglne, Margaret Hlett. Charlotte Smith. Haxel Hlett. Kathryn Elgutter. Anna Jane Beaton, Mary Agnes Marshall. Mesara. Messrs. Francia Martin. Pam 'ertlielmer, George Martin, H. Wert'relmer. Gordon Smith, Austin Sturtevant, Flward Rosewater, Richard Young, Nelaon Cpdlke, Billy Her. Bennle Cotton. Jackson Hoagland, James Klnaler. TOtiis Nash. William Hynes. Fiwid Nash, Richard Welpton, Krneat Pegan, Sam Carlisle. Shukert. New Tear's Party. Dorothy Griffia New Tear'a eve at tan homo of her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Buffington. Those present were: Miaaea Miaaea Ruth Buffington. Margaret Hart. Mildred Rockwell. Angellne Uuh. , Angela Herstherg. Alice Huntington, Jean Burns, Frances Patton. Mears. Carroll Mullen, Harold Clnv, Fred Funk, Kent Hunter, Herman Crowell, William Korth, Zeno Korth. Ruth Pelerann Louise McKwan, Flora Shukert, Herbert Barker, Ruth Miller. Annie Jenkins, Margaret Falkner. Ferguson, Garland Haaker, meg w ooi. Harold rlallflalra "Morrla Brammann, Kodman Brown, HnWlM IT.vHnn Albert V.A m rH ' James Buffington, N Prairie Park Club. Members of the Pralrla Park club nva a New Year's dancing party on Saturday evening, a number of novel and sur prising features appropriate to the oc casion were Introduced, and In special recognition of the beainnfnar of lean vear th dance was ladles' choice from start to finlah. Men were carefullv Instructed regarding proper conduct for he eve-1 , ---'-'-am.Miwrmiaw.uiiHm .aMMIrVUiUllrlliMllaW - CUT OUT THIS A.D FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES i To Make January 3d Memorable--A Sort of a Gala Day of Bargains I Xlhoinnisis . KfilpattpiiGlk Si. Co. Present SOME STAR SALES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT LET US ACT AS GUIDE, PHILOSOPHER AND FRIEND. FIRST STOP SILK SECTION Bought from a Jobber Just be fore he closed hit books for the year a choice lot of Silks mainly 27 Inches wills-Messaline finish, largely etripes. These were in tended to sell at $1.00. With them a lot of Real Jap Pongees Just landed by a big importer made up before Bilk advanced and to sort it up ao that no one need be disappointed, a lot from our own stock of odd' pieces and one coloring of a kind etc. ALL AT ONK PItICK, 59, MON DA V. And here is what ia probably the biggest bargain that will be offered in Silks in America on Monday. The final lean up of odd pieces of Brocades. Crepes, Silk Mixed Poplins, Liberty Fancies, Tub Silks, etc., $1.23, IJM), $l.7 rormer prices Last word, 40 yard. Theae Are .Mainly Doubl Width. . a Ask the man to show you some choice things at 31.59. WOOL DRi:sa OOOIS. We have covered the counters with 5 groat lota of Dress Goods. The bulk of these were bought from Amerlca'a greatest Jobbing house. Whole thing was divided into a lots we got one a Wisconsin merchant got the rest. OQ raai-af rFor eod8 40 t 54 inches wide all the wanted JiV VCIllO colors made to retail up to $1.25 yard. CQ Csl A11 NVo01 GooJs Various weaves Suited eapecial Jif VrdllOly to spring needs regularly $1.25 per yard. rorV-tA cholce lot 50 to 51 Inches wide, the usual re VrCIllotall price up to $1.75 per yard. QQ in,-iror w,d p,id". VCIllO attractive fabric $1.19 On opposite aide of aisle 1Q f,rifaFor Madraa. vlously at 2ftc OC Cr dd P'0 of " -wa, quauues wnicn sola up to $1.00. 39 Cents rool75cDe fbric" Mny Sllk warP" tc-. p LADIES' HAN) BACH Hags which sold to $2.25. in the new shapes, genuine Morocco, also Grain Leathers at $1 18 each. Af Ba.M wbich ,ol1 10 5- Newest shapes. Real Tin rt- V'J5tl, Mat Seal, long grain and levant leathers. Here are aome Itc-nu, interesting enough in and of themselves to always crowd our store. II MKH; Hli:i S left over from the (lirUtnm rush, feems aa If all America knew of our fame on Hand kerchiefs. If there was one place in any shop crowded all the time wasurety 1' th" other tM" "-ndkerchief Section of ours .. ,No trno therefore, that dvr.eiis were cminpled, mussed or soiled Now we could have them washed and reflnished we prefer Make No Engagements for Monday Come iu the morning Lunch with us Stay lor the day Most of your friends will be with us to gieet you-Consider yourself a member of our m-eption committee. Lunch eon served till 5 P. M. We close at 6. This will be a great gala day. See Pages 6 - POPULAR GIRL TO SPEND WIN TER IN THE EAST. '. .. ' .' J . . . , , ' A ' v I - v 't .y-"V .". ; : ) I i ' ' -; - ' - n ...... ; '.'.' ;-. ';" ...'." , .... . ... 3 - rm. rmrnu t m m rA jl mini f Tn-T.raaai H iiiAmSSi i i i i Hiss Jiele Cull, nlng. Wrist watches and lace moucholrs tucked In the cuff were not only tolerated but encouraged, and the order of the evening for men waa a coy. ladylike de meanor. Light refreshments were served and the favors were in the club's colors, green and white. School Party. Mlsa Mary Nygaard entertained a num ber of her girl frlenda Thuraday evening for Ml Anna Reim, who Is home during the holidays. The evening waa spent tn dancing and playing cards. The follow. Ing guests were present: Misses f'rancea Mallnv, Margaret Hold'en Misses Margaret Schurlg. Pauline Deversaea, Katherine Blind, K. Koenigsbruegge, Jessie Neale, Marie Nygaard. Lillian OvAr Mereta Mathews, Marie I.acy, Anna Helm. Bellevne Affair. Bellevue college faculty member saw out the old year and welcomed the new at a party given Friday evening In Low rle parlors by Mrs. Llda Churchill, li brarian of the college. Refreshment were aerved at the stroke of twelve. Prof. Ed win L, Puis of the department or ex- nresalon nv aavar! 7aw v - m ' . IDBU Ings. Guests of, honor were Mr. Melvln .Miner, sophomore at the University of Iowa, and Miss Vivian Miller, Instructor! 'tr.. 64 and 56 inchee wide, many mainly $2.25 goods. For fine Broadcloths and Fancy Suitings worth in the regular way $2.50. will dean out stacks of Wash Goods. Tlss - ies, Voiles and Rep lold pre- ami ;15- yard. thl" - ,ht nd the other weave. Spleu- B, 6-A and 10-A. In French at the Iowa Weslevan L'nlver slty. brother and sister of Miss Item ice 'tiller. Instructor In French and Swim ming at BcMevue. Those present were: Mrs. Llda M. Churchill. Miaaea , MUacs Vivian Miller. Myrtle Hunter. Beinice Miller. Luolla Carter. Meaara Meaara. J Miller. Kilwlu L. Puis. Melvln Miller. School Set. Mr. Totn Proan. son of Mrs. Thoma Brown, left Crlday evening for Chicago. Before taking up hi atudiea nt the Fnl versity of Wisconsin Mr. Brown will at tend a dance In Racine and a houae party in Mcnaaha. Mixers' Plans. The I nlversity Mixers' iluli of Creigh tcn iinivcreily will cutcrlaln the atudenta of the university at a dancing party Tuesday evening. January 11. at Hotel Fontenclle. Thi will bo the third of a Original Princess-Gypsy Imported Black Clove Skin and Frenck Bronze Kid witk white pearl but tons full 9 -inch top$ The dignity of the Princess and the freedom of the Gypsy are both em bodied in Napier's original Princess-Gypsy Boot Indeed an ultra stylish model n that affords absolute comfort. P Jz Justly priced at tV Cash Mail Orders Sent Postpaid New however, to make very low prices your homes 9 the regular price was 15t the repular price was 23t the regular price waa 33 the regular price was iBf the regular prices were.. 70? the regular price was 98 the regular prices were $1.50 and $1.75j 20 off A small lot of French Embroidered Handkerchiefs. 20 discount off Jewelry and Silver Novelties same off Brass, Goods. s- Fancy Neckwear big reductions g8 for $1.50 Sport Scarfs. Silk Sport Scarrs, 58c instead of $1. 79 Instead of $1.50. Silk Sport Scarf". 98 instead of $1.75. $1.23 Instead of $2. &ilk Sport Scarfs, SI. 48 instead of $2.50. All fine Pure Silk, Scarfs reduced. "MOliK FOH LKSS," applies aUo in the Knit Underwear Section. Children's Underwear Clean-up of various lines of Suits and separate garments Boys' and Mixed Children's garments at 29tS sold up to 65c. One group of Girls' Suits Stretton and Duofold. 85 Instead of $1.10. Several numbers of fine Wool, and Silk and Wool, to be closed out at One-Half. 39 for the regular 50c Union Suit for women. Women's Vesta Wool. Silk and Wool, and Mercerized, sold up. Dollar Fleeced Union Suits for 79- each. Globe Vests and Pants, usual ly $1.50. at $1.19 each- Stretton and Merode Union Suits, sold to $1.75, at $1.29 each. Silk Hosiery Big range Blacks, colors and fancies sold ti m J a. - . , . , ' av ai.vv nq )i,;a, tot prr pair. Kmhroidery and Lace department We have rooted out of our stock a lot of Broken Sets of Fine Embroidery Nainsook and Swiss, also Convent Embroideries Narrow Edgings and Insertions and Flouncing aa well IS Inches. 2 7 inches and even 4 5 Inches wide One-Half Former Price Monday Uancy Trimmings, all colors Fancy Gold and 3ilver Laces from the very narrow up to 18 inches wide One-Half Former Price Monday. Fine C'hantilly and rihadow laces and Bandings White and Cream, in the One-Half Price Cluss also Monday. Fancy Embroidery. Edging. Naitwook etc.. wide specially for Underwear and Children' worth to 1 6c. Marabout Scarfs and Muffs, Natural and Black One-Third Off 1-3 the former Prices on Monday. ti eric of dances to he given during tha school year. Attendance will be rc- trlctej to Creighlon tudent and alumni. The chaicronc of the occasion lll be: Messrs. and Mesilanies A. L. Mulrhead. U A. Young, If. K. Gerald. . T. .1. Dwver. H. L. Conjiclt, F. J. KuMlscheck. Messrs. Messr. A. H. Blgelow, W. C. Kraser. R. ti. Voung. J. M. Klixgerald, K F. Lcaty. Ludden-Shanstrom Wedding;. Miss Addie V. Shanstrom. daughter ot Mr. P. G. Phantrom of 8t. Paul, Neb., vhs married Tuesday noun at the home of the bride's father to Mr. John Ernst Ludden. Rev. J. M. Bates, rector of the Kpiscopal church, officiated. Mrs. Ludden was formerly a teacher in Irfis Angeles and St. Taul. Mr. Lud den Is a member of the faculty of Kear ney Stutc Normal and is a son of the 'Continued on Page Three, Column One.) and let you wash and launder at lSe 25c Broken Lines of ' Initials in These Lots. 35c . . 50c 75c and $1.00 $1.25 Sterling Suits, sold to $3.50 at 2rUi each. Globe Suits, sold to $3.50 $2.39 each. at Imported Stuttgarter Veata and Pants, also Merode Large size, sold to $2.95, at $1 GO each. at 2 V lo 5 Inches Wear, 8Via i t