Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 4

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Conferences Continue and Publio
is of Opinion that Candidate
Will Be Drafted.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Lec. 81. (Special. )-Thcre
la a deep atmosphere of mystery in the
democratic camp today. The conference
of Governor Morehead and Mayor Charlea
Rvan yesterday and on top of that a
hurried visit to Lincoln today of C. M.
Sklles of. David City, who has been
hobnobbing with politicians, has led to
the belief that something will be turned
loose In the democratic camp very
The fact that some of the so-called
leaders In Lincoln arc not in on the deal
has made the situation all the more com
plicated, for nobody acems to know Just
when it will happen.
Some are of the opinion that another
concerted effort is being made to spring
a demand for Governor Morehead to get
into the race for a third term. It la even
Intimated that the demand will be backed
up by an even stronger force than
prompted the governor to change his
mind two years ago. but where it will
come from or In what manner It will
come is the great secret.
Corrlck Sera T. H. la Rare.
It In the opinion of Frank P. Corrlck,
who has Just returned from a six weeks'
sojourn In the east, whve he hobnobbed
with politicians of all kiids, that Theo
dore Roosevelt will be the republican
nominee for the presidency.
Mr. Corrlck bases his prediction on opin
ions expressed by business men, who,
while business has been pretty good dur
ing the last year, do not lay it to any
conditions resulting from the work or
policy of the democratic administration,
but rather to the result of conditions
brought on by the war in Kurope.
Business men of the eant, Mr. Corrlck
says, are almost universally for prepar
edness and preparedness of the kind ad
vocated largely by the Oyster Bay states
man. They are not In sympathy with
the manner in which the situation lias
been handled in the controversies with
belligerent nations and say that with
Roosevelt In the presidential chair a pol
icy would be carried out that would count
for results.
This would not mean war, they believe,
but they think the offending nations
know Teddy so well that they would
know better than to dllly dally along
and would understand that what Mr.
Roosevelt laid down would have to be
followed out and there would be no high
worded communications ably couched In
grammatical words which had a mean
ingless end,
Mr. Corrlck says that most of the senti
ment for the peace program has come
from the middle west and that tie east
and the Pacific coast states are 'not In
sympathy with it.
Omaha and Lincoln
Traction Line to Be
Built, Says Musser
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 31.-(Spec!al Telegram.)
Aa New Year greetings to the people
of Nebraska, Harvey Musser of Ohio,
president of the Omaha, Lincoln A Bea
trice Interurban railway, who has been
in Lincoln the past ten days, announced
this morning that the road will be com
pleted between Omaha and Lincoln within
the next year, and equipped with the.
latest high speed cars. J. M. Bramlette,
manager of the Lincoln Traction com
pany, w'H also manage the Interurban
One Set of Triplets
Born in Nebraska,
171 Pairs of Twins
(From a (Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Deo. 31. Ppecal.) Vital
statistics for Nebraska prepared by Sec
retary Case of the State Board of Health
show that one set of triplets was born
In this state during the year and 171 pairs
of twins appeared. More mnlo children
were born than female, tho report show
ing 11,137 of the former and 13.04" of the
latter. Of that number 131 were coiorei.
24.109 were American, 1.0CJ Herman. '.91
Scandinavian, 1S3 British and 512 Bohe
mian. There were 11,331 death casea re
ported to the board.
There were 11,943 marriages In the state
last year, 2.224 of them being In Douglas
county, while Wheeler county had only
seven. While Wheeler had but seven
marriages, the report shows that there
were thirty births, a pretty good pervent
age as compared to some of the other
The largest number of deaths waa
caused by orgsnlc diseases of the heart,
1.163, while there were 398 deaths from
tuberculosis of different kinds. There
were S1J deaths from pneumonia and 0H
deaths from cancer. There were forty
eight suicides by poison, twenty-seven by
hanging, fifty from firearms and forty
nine by other means, while there were
three deaths from starvation.
There were l,9t4 divorces granted in
1916, Douglaa county naturally furnishing
the largest number because of Its larger
population, 642, while Lancaster county
came second with 213. Arthur, Banner,
Perkins and Sherman had but one di
vorce each.
Mother Is Victim
Of Son's Target Rifle
NORTH TLATTK, Neb., Dec. 3i.-(Ppe-cial
Telegram.) A shot from a small
caliber rifle she had given her twelve-year-old
son for Christmas caused the
death late yesterday of Mrs. D. H. Doven
barger who resided twelve miles south of
Brady. Mrs. Dovenbarger was alone with
her little son at their ranch home. The
boy had been shooting birds in the
neighborhood during tho afternoon. He
brought the gun to the house and was
seated on the floor playing with it when
it was accldently discharged. The bullet
struck Mlrs. Dovenbarger in the temple,
killing her Instantly. The body was taken
to Brady for Interment.
At a coroner's Inquest the death was
pronounced to be the result of an accident.
State Railway Commission Issues
Order for Thre Passengers
Each Week.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. SI. (Speclal.)-The
State Railway commission han Issued an
order In the Imperial branch case on the
Burlington railroad wherein patrons of
that road asked for a better passenger
The commission has Instructed the road
to jut on a passenger train both ways
three days In the week and a mixed
train tho other three days. The service
heretofore has been a mlxd train very
day and a fright train two days In tho
OU Companies Asrree,
The Missouri Valley Oil company and
the National Refining company, both
Omaha concerns, have notified Oil In
spector Harmann that they expect to
continue to obey the law regarding in
spections of oils and will continue to
send In fees on the Inspection of their
More fare Seat North.
The car shohtage which exists in this
state made more so by the raise in the
price of wheat, was partially alevlated
this morning by a notice coming into the
railwajr commission that the Missouri
Pacific railroad was sendng igo csrs
nto the state from ft. Louis. This was
the result of personal work on the part
of Rate Expert Powell, who took up the
matter with the officials at 8t. Lolus
Tecum arb nor Drownrd In Kansas.
TECVMSEH. Neb.. Dec. Sl.-8paolal.)
Word cornea to Veata, where the family
formerly lived, thot Coy Wilcox, the
young son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wilcox,
now of Washington. Kan., was drowned
near that city Wednesday. He was skat
ing on a river and went through tha thin
Ice. His body was soon recovered, but
he was dead.
. j
News ote of Genera.
GENEVA. Neb.. Dec. 31.-Speclal.)-The
Fellows gave a banquet to their
wive, the Rcbekahs and their husbands
last night, serving It themselves. The
tables were tastefully decorated and all
present enjoyed a social pleasant time.
Soothe Yonp ton ah and Cold.
Bell's Plnt-Tar-Honey goes right to the
spot. Checks the cough, eases throat,
kills the cold germs. Only 25c. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Firth Lumber Yard
Destroyed by Fire
REATRICE. Neb., Dec. JI.-(Speclal
Telegram.)-The lumber yard of J. R.
Harms of Firth, northeast of here near
tha Gage county line, was destrowed by i
fire early today. Tho loss Is placed at j
$15,009 with S9.000 Inaurance. The suppo- '
sition Is that the lumter yard was set on i
fire. Bloodhounds from this city were i
called to work on the case with the ,
authorities. This Is the third destructive j
fire visiting Firth sines last June,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Iec. SI. (Special Telegram)
It Is given out this evening by friends
of Chief Justice A. M. Morrissey of tho
supreme covirt that he will file for renom
Inatlon to the place of chief Justice.
Judge Morrlssey has been hesitating be
tween coming out for chief Justice or for
a place as one of the associates, three
of which will have to be chosen this
year. Associate Justice Fawcett has also
been considering the matter of filing
for the chief Justiceship, but has not
made his plans public yet.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. Jl. (Special Tele
gram. ) Reports that Senator K. J. Burk- i
ett of Lincoln will enter the fight for the !
republican nomination for the Vnlted '
States senate were not confirmed by the j
senator this afternoon when visited by a 1
Bee representative. The senator aald he
has been flooded by requests from dif
ferent parts of the state and some strong '
pledges of Support had come from promt
nent Omaha republicans.
Severe Rheumatic !
Pains Disappear j
' Rheumatism depends on an acid In the
blood, which affects the muscles and
Joints, producing Inflammation, stiffness
and pain. This acid gets Into the blood
through some defect In the digestive !
Hood's Sarsararilla. the old-time blood
tonic. Is very successful In the treatment I
of rheumatism. It acts directly, with
purifying effect, on the blood, and Im
proves the digestion. Don't suffer. Oet
Hood's today. Advertisement.
For January 3d, the Opening of our
A SALE of house furnishings that is awaited every year with eager ex.
pectation by hundreds of Omaha's most careful buyers and there is a
reason every piece of merchandise that goes into this sale is a genuine bar
gain. The price quoted represents an actual and substantial reduction from its
true value and is a price that is made because for one reason or another we
wish to remove it from our stock.
January is the month devoted to stock clearing of this sort and to ac
complish our purpose, prices are made low enough to make it worth your
while to buy and even anticipate your wants.
and the Sale Starts Monday, the 3d.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th St.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Dec. 31. (Special
Telegram.) Married at 14, Mrs. Cather
ine Shay, who is now 17 years of age,
has found that three years of married
life is enough and she filed through
Fred Siebert in the district court here
a petition to have the marriage an
nulled. She now resides in this county.
Mrs. Shay In her petition alleges that
at the time ahe was married to Clarence
Shay at Mount Ayr. Ia., she was only
14 years of age. The laws of Iowa are
similar to those of NeDraaka in this re
spect, that an applicant must be at least
Id years of age and then a marriage can
only be performed with the consent of
tb.9 parents or guardian. Mrs. Shay says
her parents were dead at the time she
married. Her husband has not been living1
with for the past several months and
lie now is in Montgomery county, Iowa.
The plaintiff asks to have her maiden
name of Catherine rhllllps restored to
FluiMONT. Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
A number of Fremont railroad men went
-to Norfolk Thursday evening to attenl
a banquet by the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers, In honor of Theoioie
N. Mann, who celebrated his fourtieth
anniversary aa a member of that organl
tatlon. Mr. Mann ia the oldest engineer
on the Northwestern west of the Mirssurl
river. lie haa been In the service for
forty-five years. For the lust twelve
ars he has pulled a passenger train be
tween Hastings and Missouri Valley.
Frank I. Schmidt.
Prank I. Schmidt died Friday noon.
aged 25 years, at the home of his father,
E. J. Schmidt. 1518 South Twenty-eighth
street, from heart trouble. He had been I
111 three months. j
He Is survived by his widow, father
and mother, and one sister, Mrs. Ethel
Shorter. Private funeral services will be ,
held at the home of the parents at i .
o'clock Sunday afternoon with, puDllo :
services at the Kountse Memorial church '
at 2:30. Interment will be In Forest Lawn
Hector McLean.
GENEVA. Neb., Dec. 81. fSpeclal.)
Hector McClean, father of Mrs. Sidney
Donlathorpe, died today. His death oc
curred at the horns of his son, Allan
McClean, at Dunning. Neb., where he
and Mrs. McClean had gone on a visit.
The body arrived at his home In Sew
ard yesterday. Mr. McClean was 85. He
was an old settler of Nebraska. He was
born and brought up In Edlnburg. Scot
land, coming to America a young man.
'William Garrctaon.
TBCUMSEH. Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
William M. Garretson died at his home
at Wlnfleld, Kan., Wednesday, and the
funeral was held Thursday. For many
vears the Garretson family lived In Maple
Grove precinct, this county. Mr. Garret-j
son was a native of Iowa and came to :
Nebraska In 1S75. He fs survived by his !
widow and three chlllren, Mrs. E. G.
Shugart of Elk Creek, this county, ia a
John F.' BransToa.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
John F. Brunavon, a well known farmer
living north of Sterling, lied Wednesday
after a long Illness or dropsy. He was
65 years of age. Mr. Brunsvon was a na
tive of Iowa, but lived In this county for
twenty-flvs years. He is survived by his i
widow and six sons.
Marx Ann Bark.
Mary Ann Burk died Thursday morning
at To'clock at the age of 60 years. Fu
neral services will be held Saturday
morning at 10:30 from the residence, 2339
South Forty-fourth street, with burial
In Holy Sepulcher cemetery. She Is sur
vived by a brother, Lawrence Burk.
Mrs. Mrllnda Blddle.
DENVER, Colo., Dec. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Mellnda Biddle of Trumble.
Neb., died while visiting a sister here.
She was stricken with heart failure.
I i
g'j'Wtliilt(llWi- Ht wisssasi t-'l!!llllW'ri,'wTrt!Wsl a,lJt,''s1' T!'Mlr,T'tl'!-l H"l'11s"iri ill,-Vff w' w''Csl's'sLiKJI' I W'STf ! r'"ltl""""1""i''?l"lW"ll""!l
. vmm iswiwihwiiilnisl iHlnil iiiiliWitirllFiiilli ltWWsisi;ihlnsnlsilli. Misl.srs . i .W, il. si , il.s.i istlT, s.i. stisl a,r;iiirilliiiliiaiiliiii.Mi Miiiffl
Douglas Street
Clearance Sale
Starts Next Monday
Profit Dy The Big Savings In
Third Annual Calendar Sale .
Here's the key to it and it's sure the key to economy. There is an item below to
correspond to the number of each day in the month. We've picked out something ex
traordinary at each particular price and cut the price extra deep. And now we an-
nounce that each and every one of the THIRTY-ONE ITEMS mentioned in the little I
f squares below will go on special sale Saturday and Monday. Read 'em all; it will pay
Complete Details in This Paper Sunday
Cnaaclt Acqaltted.
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) John 8. Cusack, former cashier
of the Wellington (Colo.) National bank,
formerly of North Bend, Neb., where his
father was a banker haa been acquitted
on a charge of embezzlement.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Dec. Sl.-George W.
Klrchwey of New York, former e'ean of
the Columbia l-aw school, was appointed
warden of 8lng Slug prison today by
John B. Riley, state superintendent of
prisons, to succeed Thomas Mott Osborne.
The appointment contained no limitations
as to Its duration.
Prof. Kirchwey said that he contem
plated a continuance of the Mutual Wel
fare league, founded by Osborna,
Oar Jitney Offer This nnd Be.
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, en
close with 5c and mail it to Foley St Co.,
Ciiicago, III., writing our name and ad
Ureas clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar compounds, for coitgha, cold 4
and croup; Foley Kidney Tills, for pain
in sides snd back, rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for con
stipation, biliousness, headache and alug
4,ith bowel. Sold everywhere. Advertise
luebL ' -
Don't Suffer NfdUatly
An eminent physician slules thai fully
95 of all diseases have their origin in
stomach troubles, so if you suffer from
dyspepsia, indigestion, bad breath, belch
ing, sour stomach, uncomfortable feel
ing of fullness after eating, sleepless
ness or tired feeling, you should prompt
ly seek to aid your stomach in perform
ing tha functions that nature intended.
Delay often results In a rapid undermin
ing of the entire system, resulting in
the utter wrecking of health. However,
whenever the stomach can take care of
food and properly distribute nourishment
to all parts of the body a healthy con
dition is sure to result. Stomach suffer
ers should avoid harsh purgatives, which
generally servo to aggravate the trouble,
and promptly give TABLER'H BTOM
Alil TABLETS a trial. Being abso
lutely free from harmful and habit
forming drugs and containing the bct
knoan ac d neutralize!-, combined with
pure, soothing, strengthening and heal
ing Ingredients scienlif ically combined,
their action while mild, cannot help be
ing beneficial to any stomach sufferer.
old on a positive guarantee of satisfac
tion or your money refunded by all re
liable druggists. If your druggist should
happen to be out of them, he will gladly
get them for you. Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
is to be given next and
believe me she is a very
pretty dolly. She has
such sweet winning
ways that we would like
to have her go to some
little girl that didn't get
a doll for Xmas. fSho
would make that little
girl so happy.
Put on your thinking
caps little Busy Bees,
&nd' see if you cannot re
. member some such little
girl, and try to make
her happy by collecting
a few pictures to help
her win Florence.
Florence will be given '
free to the little girl un
der 12 years of age that
. brings or mails us the
largest number of dolls'
pictures cut out of the
Daily and Sunday Bee
before 4 p. m.f Friday,
December 31.
Remember, you must
send your pictures in
this week, because Saturday is New Year's Day, so the
of Saturday.
Florence pictures will be in The Bee every day this
week. Cut them out and ask your, friends to save the
pictures in their paper for you too. See how many pic
tures of Florence you can get, and be sure to turn them in
to The Beo office before 4 p. in. Friday, December 31.
You Can See Florence at The Bee Office
) j
V - 4vr (
i ' ' . . i v
-v ' . U
j . : j
( s ' i
I "J
AV ' -A
te;-.;;7:.-f .
Make a New Year's resolve that you will buy your Drugs
and Toilet Articles at the Sherman & McConnell Stores
where you can "Save Time and Money"
1916 JANUARY 1916
Orange wood
Flmery Any Uni, f One Unn pound Any l0o joe Tooth fc-lb. pUra
Hoards Cc Chealnir Pound Kulphur Cigar In Brushes Rock
at num. Copperas for our case. at Candy.
2C 3C 4C 5C T 8C
Several tic. Maxell's tic Kennedy :5c Senna J5o Swift's 25c Allen's tSo
Kinds of Toilet Laxative Liver Pills Enchantress Foot "Jess
26c Boap, Powder. Cough Kyrup. for Boap, Ease, Taicum,
9 'i0c IT 12c 13 14 15c
S5r "So 35n 3o- SBc J&o 60o nicger'sj
"Kver-Bweet" Cutnur.i Initial Tooth lirush French II lea Castorla Perfumes,
Deodorizer, Soap, Stationery. for Powders, ror per oa,
16c 1 17c 18' 1 19' 1 20 21c 1 22c
35c bottle r.Oc T-'orty kinds COo Carmen 60e 1 dor. kinds 60c Pompelan
Hay Kum Dr. 'harW Malt F.xtrait. Toilet Crems COo Perfumes, Massags
for Flesh Food. 2 bottles. Powder, Marquise, per oi.. Cream,
23c 24c 25c 26c 27 28 29
50c hOr bottle
lialr Witch Hazel,
lirush, for yewi ' ,
30 31.C Leading Prescription Drug Stores
Sherman &r.cGonneil's 4 Rexall Drug Stores
BTTRMAK MoCOsTsTlLI. BBUO CO.. lsta and Sedgs ts.
LOYAL fHAJULACT, loyal Hotel Block, Worth lata mu
OWL DITTO CO., lth aad HarBsy Its.
HlaTABD niaaACT, S4ta and Varaaas tits.
ji a a ttlLinili'Uiiii iL.lli! '.! i . Juii iXu, il Li. J ., iiii .! ii I! 'll'll l.l.!u.ll II iuc. Hi Jtouto A iiilliiisWiaiAw MiiU.WJijj.lii.ui..
I"'"'!'!!' WI'MI'l'IIIWIIIIISillliillllillilllSllliSJIlilllB'iilll 'Hill
B a8 0? gfi
" - r k ft sfH-a- 1 rf I to Xa rUllLrt,. ."Hs" dsMsV r.a sJ. - .. - -- l I t II l' I SJ nsj - inn ir - 'Il I i sji I
1 '