17 And Predictions for 1916 Made by Prominent Omaha Auto Men THK ItfiK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 191G. I New Year Greetings 1 x; tT" ' : ?r : .' ..' "I i r xi ' - - - - - " lit We Wish Oar Many Friends, and Customers A Happy, Prosperous NEW YEAR M1AHA TIRE REPAIR GO. HENRY NYGAARD. Prop. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House 2201 Faraam Street. Goodrich and Goodyear Tires. OMAHA. Is it.-, Uv ; fj ' " VKUR MO?EI, 23 Npevlflcatlonn BASK 1 1 R Inrhe. WHffil.a AND TIllKH Sl-ln.4-ln. front iuid rear. MUTUK mi cynnaera. mmovnn cylin der Kill t-in. bore. 4H-ln. stroke. COOIJNH HYUTKM Large Honeycomb riututor. Centrifugal water pump. IGNITION Remy, with nutomatlo spark . advanr-e. ri,l T H Vti dry plate Hutch. TKANSMI8SION Selective type. Three. speeds forward itnil reverse. KI.KOTKIO Lighting and Starting. Twj milt Remv K.vateui. KQl'll'-MKNT One-man top and envelope; (inlrk adjustable aide curtains, ventral- in rain. vision wind shield; Htewart meedometer driven from propeller shaft: Electric dash light: portable light; coat rail : fool rail; electric horn un der hood; five demountable rims; full tool equipment. ...,., i. ....r ' MODKLe Boat type, utreamline body, blending into taper lim' hood and curved radiator. Full five pasnger. I'rlce fl0t5 P, O. B. Factory. WISHING YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR L. E. DOTY (inc.) Distributor. 2027-9 Farnam Street, Omaha Chevrolet and Velie Motor Cars CHEVROLET "FOUR-NINETY" Specifications .Powerful valve-ln-head motor. Cone clutch. Sliding; BBtoctir transmission. Three-quarter floating rear azla. 101-4 orb. wheel base. fprlax CxntQsrww". Equipment Mohair top, curtains and dust hood, wind shield; electric horn; tool equipment. Electric lights and starter 1 60 extra. Price $40 P. O. B. Factory. CHEVROLET MODKL 4H. c w. raAHCia. Our pay as you ride plan with small payment down and balance easy will make you A Happy New Year THE 1916 MAXWELL Is complete in every detail electric starter and lights demountable rims one man top graceful lines full five-passenger body everything that the high priced car has and you buy it and Pay As You Ride C. W. Francis Auto Co. 2024 Famam Street Phone Douglas 853 Omaha, Neb. v snwMSBxaawasrMsjk 11 ' ' ' - "" '" " ' ' " ' " " ..JTH-E OAKLAND I . .I,'v JT.l npHE OAKLAND has enjoyed ita share of pros- ' "4 J J. perity this year. It materially swelled the an- " nual sale of automobiles in Nebraska, and on this day . V makes happy? the hearts of hundreds who drive it. v " We arc-doing business right along during the winter y Ji'j , ' and there is no reason why everyone wishing a gdod r; " car at a reasonable price should not drive the Oak- ty land. . A Happy New Year to all. Vq--;.-.;7 W. H. HEAD. "ivftX Secretary Llninger Implement Co. "V Oakland 82-B C Under S 795 ,TJF1 Oakland SH-4 Cylinder 81.050 . v ' ,-.Si- Oakland ft 0-8 Cylinder 81.585 W. XL. Mlitt) V - . - STUDEBAKER THE ASCENDENCY OF THE STUDE BAKER was never more pronounced than during 1915. The demand for this remarkable car exceeded our most enthusiastic dreams. Dur ing 1916 Studebaker cars are going to break all records and I extend to Omaha owners the sea son's greeting, A Happy New Year. E. R. WILSON K 1 We Wish You the Season's Joyous Greetings And We Want You to Come In Next Week And See the New Eight Cylinder Knight It is a Grand Car and You'll Want One . When You See It. The Mclntyre Auto Co. 2427 Farnam Street OMAHA NEBRASKA J. A. KcXHTTBB. Applications for Positions in Navy Show a Big Boom Thera waa a bit Boom In tha cumber of boye from thla land-locked locality who want to tread the deck of battleihlpi and aail the raclnc main, as ia indicated by the annual atatlatira given out by eutenant T. M. Tipton, in chart of the local recruitlnx atatlon for the navy. During 1915, 191 lada aought to enter the navy at thia atatlon while In 1814 only f79 applied for enlistment But the ratio of aucceaaful applicant waa larger In li14. tiian In for only 4 paaaed the examination tbla year while in 1814 there were 244. who paaaed the requirements Ktatiatlca for the two year by quarter are a followa: Flret quarter .., Second quarter . Third quarter , Fourth quarter , Total Flrat quarter . . Second quarter Tnlrd quarter .. Fourta quarter . Total 191&. 114. Appll I'anta. 242 Jul 24 irt ..797 .US ..131 ,.131 ....; Bejeo tlona 171 11a lfl U iM 107 7 14 Ut 406 Hoar StoaaaM-h ladtseatteat Cared. Your atomach anf bowrla need cleaning out. fr. Klng'a New Life Fill give iuiiK relief. Only Z'.c. All di ugglat Ad-eitiaement. AUTO MEN LOOK FOR GREAT YEAR IN THEIR TRADE All Indications Point to Enormous Demand for Can All Over the Territory Tribntary to Omaha. FARMERS TO BE BIG BUYERS COOK GOES TO HELP THE BAPTISTS IN CELEBRATING Bergeant H. J. Cook, formerly of th police force, left for Nebraaka City thla morning on a mlaalon aa pleaaant aa It ia unique. He goes In reepona to an invitation from hla mother to Join with her in tha obeerrance of tha sixtieth anniversary of the eatabllahraent of the flrat Baptist church In Nebraaka. Mr. Cook la the survivor of the original nam berahlp and will be th gueat of honor at tha celebration to be held tonight. She wrat t ar aoa that aa ha was preaenM with her on the original occasion, ahe would like to have him with her to night alao. Sergeant Cook waa I yeara old when, the church waa founded He la now a grizzled veteran of two and alxty, while tie mother is U. Dealers Look for Banner Season Be came Thia Section Has Plenty of Money. NEW CARS SOON ON MARKET The automobile dealers of Omaha are enthuslaatio over th volume of their bualneaa In the cloalng weens of 1915, and the prospects of an enormous Increase beginning with the new year. Indication are auch that there will be a record-breaking- demand for automo bile In this section of th country. Crops last year 1 were excellent and th prices obtained mad th farmer a happy Indi vidual, and consequently he la right now planning to celebrate by the purchase of a car. Th manager of one concern said that hi increase in 1915 over the year previous waa 300 per cent. Few, If any, of the dealer have failed to record a substan tial gala In 191S over 114, and In many case the business ha doubled and trebled. Th 191. model are arriving now and some of the distributer are busy supply ing their small town dealer throughout Iowa and Nebraska. Bvery distributing agency ha all it can do to take car of th order that are pouring in, while many are far behind because the facory cannot supply th demand. . Small town agent are showing a great degree of confidence by making bigger contract than they ever have made, and they are making them early In anticipa tion of trouble In delivery later when the factories cannot keep pac with the de mand. ' The number of agent I also in creasing. Una dealer tell of an agent coming- in from a "water tank" atatlon and making arrangement for a "full car load" for Immediate delivery. War condition, according to the deal er, at making the manufacturing coat of all automobllea higher than ever be fore and it will be a remarkable thing If the price of every car on tha market doea not raise later in th year. To a certain degree this fear ia th cause of th early speeding up by the small dealer or agenta. Tha public la also mora or leas wis to th condition, which have been aired In the press over and over again. There Is a general belief among th dealer that there will b' a ihortage of car among th well known make. It I not thought that the factories have made adequate preparations for the enormous business now Indicated. Tbla ahortage of cars may alao have some effect on the price, although the manufacturer are not inclined to Increase the price because they cannot make their car fast enough. Tires, so the dealers aay, are expected to advance before th end of January. Here, again, the European war la given th credit in conjunction with the enor mous demand for cars in th United Stataa. One dealer doe not giv th crops or the fact that tha people hay money credit for the big demand. Ha said tha people Just naturally had to have auto mobiles. They were a pleasure, of course, but more than that they were a neee sltv. Anyway, they all agree that the coming year will be th banner season la auto- "TT ssamssaal New Chalmers Six $1050 The 3400 R. P. M. engine gives this c&r unequaled performance. This is the fastest engine speed ever developed in an American stock car. This new Chalmers will be first choice with most buyers. Place your order NOW with your dealer to insure against tak- ing second choice. vQaUty Fint" i$ mot en aioertuing tlogan it it a Chalmers principle of construction. W. L. Huffman Auto Go. Distributors for Nebraska, South Dakota and Western Iowa. mobiles and that th people who want to buy cars in the spring bettor get their bids In early or they'll be disappointed. Fifteen Thousand Persons Arrested in Omaha in 1915 Chief of Police Henry Dunn make publto th following annual report of acttvttie of th Omaha police depart ment: Accident reported S1J Arrests made '''ii Amu ii Ita reported - Hul.dlnns secured, being found open fl Hurciara frustrated 4 t'uttlnw affrays reported 4 Dead bodiea reported and taken to mom tie 1J7 Destitute persons cared for 1 Heat prostration 1 Fires attended '37 Insane persons cared for Ul Lrfxlgers accommodated I.OM children cared for 33 I Murders ls rvuisances ana aeaa animate reporxeu " Number of calla for patrol wagon... S.741 Number of mile traveled by patrol wagon 11,79 Number of meal furnished prison ers, etc 36.0.11 Prisoners taken to county Jail .Wfi Prisoners taken to workhouse Ul Hhooting affrays Hick and Injured taken home 2-4 Mirk and Injured taken to hospital... 26 Hick and injured taken to station and cared for 11 Htray horse taken up Ktrey team cared for.......... 40 Hulcfne reported M Hair idea attempted b2 Turned over to Juvenile officer 1I Amount property reported stolen. IjO,!. Si DR. ALBERT J0HANN WILL TALK TO WOMAN'S CLUB Dr. Albert Johana of th University of Nebraska, recognised te be one of th best authorities on school by glens, has been secured aa a speaker at th puv If you are a Harley-Davl lson ilder this Is a Happy New Year. If yon are nut a Harlry-Pavldaon rider become one and It will be a Happy New Year. To All Motorcyclists and Friends we Extend "THE SEASON'S GREETINGS" VICTOR H. R00S Distributor and Dealer in Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles. Phone 2703 Leavenworth St., : Harney 2406. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. lie meeting to be given Monday at th Woman's club. Mr. K. H. J. Kdholm reached Dr. Johann by telegram at Can ton, Mo., where he waa spending hi vacation. Dr. Johann rut short his va cation to come to Omaha to address tha mothers and members of Mothers' club upon hycrtrnlc conditions In the public schools. la-Year-Old Had . "I have a little girl year old who has a great deal of trouble with croup," writes V. K. (?urry of Kvanaville, Ind. "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar, obtaining instant relief for her. My wife and I also us It, and will say It I th beat cur for a bad. cold, cough, throat trouble and croup that I ever saw." Those terrible coughs that seem to tear one to pieces yield to Foley' Honey and Tar. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. Little Girl is Making Plucky Fight for Life Although her Intestine were punctured sixteen time when a large caliber bullet passed through her body, little 10-year-old Ida Htroud. who wa shot by a watch man at the city dump a week ago, has a chance for her life. I'hyalclana at St. Joseph's hospital de clare that the little girl haa been making a heroic fight for her Ufa and that If he continue to exert the same amount of mental force that h has showed In th laat few days th probabilities are ah will bear up through, tha arltloai stag as. A "For Sal" or In Th Be will pose. Tor Rant Ad pla4 aceoenptiatj tta ssm- i