10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1010. YIDEHDS PAID '' TO STOCKHOLDERS Building: and Loan Associations of Omaha Close Up Ono of Host Prosperous Yean in History. JmHOIfS PUT INTO SA VINOS Any time after today something- ortr Ml.a la to ba paid by the loan and building associations of Omaha In the form of dividend to the 85,000 persons who ara keeping their savings with these companies. Thla represents the divi dends of tha half rear, aa they are paid twice a year by these companies. There are eight such organisations In Omaha, with assets totalling about S3D.000.OnO. Tha Commercial Savlnga A Loan asso ciation, la one of tha growing asaorla tlona, having at the cloae of buslnesa yesterday, assets amounting to S1.072.Z90.36. The company has a reserve of 117.500; cash on hand, M.tflft SO. and first mort gage loans amounting to SWU.Srt). The reserve fund and undivided profits total S1S.W7.3S. Passes Mllllna Mark. The Nebraska Savings A Loan associa tion eight yea re ago changed from the aerial to the permanent plan of share Is sues, and sought business on equal terms with tha stronger associations. Results jutlfled the change. From amets of I1.000 In July. MOT, tha association ad vanced steadily until laat month, when the St.000,000 mark waa passed. The as sociation closed Its annual report with assets of 11,906,000, a gn of $l30,noo for the year. During 1S16 the Nebraaka made 157 loans to home makers, of which eighty were for new buildings. The usual S per cent dividend, amounting to Sul.za, waa paid to the ahareholders. and tha reserra fund and undivided profit account Increased to S1M00. The whole year's business was handled for a total of $5,181 Mlllon dollar associations have ceased to be a novelty in Omaha. Ftour of them reached the seven-figure mark some years ago, and two have added the eight to their expanding records. The novelty remains, however, to the officers of the smaller associations whose guiding hands snd minds push forward the business of an association until to the point that waa In former years deemed tha goal of ambition, the 11.000,000 mark In assets. Peapla Sarlaar Money. Mora Omaha people are saving money than aver before. This Is shown by tha semi-annual report of the Omaha Loan and Building association, submitted by Secretary W. B, Adair at a meeting of the board of directors, a said: "Tha figures are tha result of our work during 1015: Increase in assets, S1.K6.604.5U total assets, SS.S78.470.43; receipts during the year. H.0B1.96S.89; loana made. S1.8S7, 7; dividends paid to members. S382.304.70; Increase In reserve and undivided profits, J,40l.45; contingent loss fund. S1W.42&.24. "The fact that our association could could not accept oil the money tendered during tha year for Investment Is a true Indication of sound financial conditions In Omaha. Tha number of savings sl rounts opened since July 1 shows a healthy Increase, and tha business of tha association has expended every month of the year. J 'It Is possible that tha war In Durope may have Influenced a greater number of persons to Increase their savings. But the prime causa of of tha growth of our rlnn accounts may be traced to tha lettcrmrnt of trade and Industrial con UM'Mis. which we hope Is the forerunner of nn ern 'if prosperity smnng all classes. "Crrta'nly present Indications point to 1I as a year of permanent growth of that r!ch reslnn of which Omaha Is the commercial center. That our association shall continue to share largely In such growth Is a foregone conclusion." I-sra"t la t'altea States. The Conservative Savlnga and Loan atlll holds the record of being the larg est In the t'nlted States. Its total assets at tho present time are SI 1.333,551.73. Its resources have Increased In the last six months by S71S.19H. Dividends created for the half year are S27S.S2S.IW. The dv. dends paid for the whole year are STOS.OOO approximately. The venture Into tha field of making farm loana on the security of Improved farms In tha recognised agricultural belt has proven popular with the farmers and the company now have soma $900,009 in such loans. Tha fifteen and one-half year amortisation plan under which these luans are made Is a popular feature. That the habit of saving in amounts cither large or small Is growing mora and mora popular Is evidenced by the fact that the company opened a net of t.om new savings accounts for depos itors In the course of the year. The year IMS waa for this company tho largest In Its history In the growth of assets, these having Increased by S1.715.0U). were soma of tha most extensive manu faeturers In the country. And with the publicity given them during tha last nine months their names have become house hold words throughout te confines of Omaha and Its trade terttory. In this campaign warn: Tha Bemla Bag company, tha largest concern of Its kind In tha world.. It puts out a Una of all kinds of bags, besides being one of tha largest tnanAfacturers of horse blankets. Tha Wrake, Williams, Mount company. This concern Is one of tha largest of the boiler making establishments In the west. Tha Omaha Bottling company and the 81oup, Sherry Bottling company. Rach does an extensive business In the manu facture of soft drinks, with a trade that covers five states. The Omaha Box company and the Eg-gers-OTlyng company, both manufac turers of boxes, the formtr manufactur ing wooden and the later fiber and cor rugated paper and board boxes. The Stors Brewing company, the Mels Brewing company, tha Fred Krug Brew ing company, the Jetter Brewing com pany and the Willow Hprlnsa Brewing compsny are among the best known con cerns In the west and their trade Is extensive. nne Better A ay where. The Hydraulic Preased Brick company manufactures a grade of pressed brick that has no superior In the United States. The product Is used over the entire cen tral west. C. B. Liver V Co. are extensive manu facturers and jobbers in everything In the way of tools used by butchers and In packing houses. The Casco Milling company puts out a full Una of cornmeal, poultry and chicken feed and has built up an enor mous trade. The Omaha Concrete Stone company Is one of the largest manufacturers and contractors In cement block and cement building material in the west. The D. J. O'Brien and the Voegele A Dinning companies sre the largest candy Jobbers and manufacturers west of Chi cago. The L. C. Doup company manufactures lounges, couches and mattresses that have a most enviable reputation from the fiver to the mountains. Here there are two Immense coffee, tea and spice houses, the Palmer-Olson company and the German-American Cof fee company. Both buy direct from plan tations and here In Omaha do all their roasting, grinding and packing. The Iten Biscuit compsny Is the largest concern of Its kind In the west. Us plant covering practically an entire city block. It puts out a full Una of crackers, cakes and cookies. Tha Omaha Batter Market. Omaha Is the largest butter market In tha world, tha pack exceeding that of any other city. The Fairmont and the Waterloo creameries have been Instru mental In making Omaha known as the great butter packing center. Tha Klrschbraun A Hon commission house Is known all over the west for Its square dealing. It handles produce of all kinds and fruits. Tha Her A Co. Willow Springs distil lery Is the largest spirit manufacturing house In tha west, and In connection therewith operates extensive cattle feed ing yards. Tha Omaha Electrlo Light and Power company supplies Omaha and Its sub urbs with light and power and, has a plant that Is unequalled. The Burgess-Qranden company Is one of tha largest and most extensive dealers In electrical supplies and lighting fix tures to be found west of Chicago. Tha Baker Bros.' Engraving company does all kinds of engraving, elcctrotyplng snd lithographing. Its plant o com plete that It can handle anything from a visiting card up to the largest poster. The Burkley Envelope company manu factures envelopes and In a few years has built up a trade that extends from the lakes to the rati fie roast. The Omaha Fixture and Supply com pany carries a full and extensive Una of bank, office and store fixtures, all of Its own make and assured to be the best and most up-to-date that ran be found In any city in the land. The l;pdlke Milling company operates one of the largest flouring mills In the Missouri valley and e)oys a trade that covers sn extensive area. Some Other l.laes. The laniard Furnace snd Supply com pany puts out the celebrated Nesbit all cast and Weir all-steel furnaces, besides csrrylng a large stock of furnace aup plies. The Omaha Foundry company Is pre pared at all times to handle the largest orders. The National Fur and Tanning company Is one of the largest concerns of Its kind In the west. Its purchasing market Is the world and Its selling market Is all over the United States. The Omaha Has company supplies the city with gas and has mains laid to some of the suburbs. Its output Is of a su perior quality. The Omaha Hat factory puta out a com plete line of hats and caps and loes a large Jobbing business. The Peoples' Ice and Cold Storage com pany and the Omaha lea and Cold Stor age company supply Omaha and suburbs with manufactured Ice that Is the purest of the pure. Besides, both concerns lo an extensive cold storage business. The Baker Ice Machine compsny builds Ice-making and refrigerating machines and la the only concern of Its kind In the central west. It enjoys an extensive trade. The Nonpareil, the Kimball and the Puritan laundries are Immense plants anl. besides keeping Omaha clean, do much of tha laundry work for towns and cities within a rsdlus of loo miles. The Lawrence Shot and Lad company Is an extensive dealer In lead and the manufacturing of ahot. It gives employ ment to a Isrge number of men and has an extensive trade. The Lodge Supply company manufac tures and deals In all class of lodge and secret society supplies, no contract being too Isrse for it to handle. The Skinner Manufacturing company is probably about the largest manufacturer of macaroni In the country. It formerly occupied a targe five-story building and last year doubled the else of the plant. Its trade covers the entire country. J. F. Bloom and company manufacture the highest grade of monuments of any concern In the country. The trade Is extensive. The L. V. Nicholas OH company Is nearly as large and an extensive dealer In oil as the Standard Oil company. It has Its own refineries and an enormous distributing plant In Omaha. Creat Packing; Plant. Swift and company Is a concer nthat Is known tho world over. Its packing house at South Omaha Is one of the larg est. The company Is constantly In tha market for all kinds of live stock. It deals largely with country butchers, sup plying them with fresh and cured meats. The Midland Glass and Paint company la one of the largest Jobbers In glass and paints to be found In the west. It has Its own art glass manufacturing plant and does its own cutting! The Bankers Realty Investment com pany deals extensively In real estate and Investments. It also builds houses and sells them on the easy payment plan. The Omaha Printing company and Corey A McKenxle do an extensive business In the printing line. The Omaha specialises In blank books and office furniture: Corey A McKenxle do blank book work, sell office furniture and are expert Job print ers. J. H. Haney A Company are probably the largest manufacturers of harness, saddles snd home goods west of Chicago. They sell from the. Mississippi river to the Paciflo coast. The Defiance Starch company manufac tures a brand of starch that Is known almost the world over for ita excellence. Savins; the Hoc. The O. K. Serum company, the Axtell Serum company, the Omaha Serum com pany and the Grain Belt Supply company manufacture aerum that cures hog chol era and during the last year have enjoyed an enormous trade. The Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank company manufactures about everything In sheet Iron, specialising an tankage of all kinds. The Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning company employs a large number of persons the year 'round manufacturing tents, tent houses, awnings, porchgoods and wagon covers. The Smith, Lock wood Manufacturing company Is an extensive manufacturer of cravats and suspenders, as well aa putting out a large line of purses, pocket books and leather goods. The Gordon. Lawless company manu factures tin cans and sheet metal goods for a large area, having some of the biggest packers as its customers. The Omaha Wood Working company manufactures sll kinds of office and bank furniture and fixtures, doing an Immense business. Among tha wholesale grocers of the country, there are none west of Chicago that do a greater business than the Paxton A Gallagher company. It Is one of the oldest concerns In the west and has a trade that reaches up to Canada and west to the Pacific coast. Baalaesa Change at Crete. CRETE, Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.) A deal was completed here torfay, whereby Fuhrer A Francl sold their candy store to George Vlfquln. The new proprietor takes possession February 1. California Market Board in Charge of Routing Products WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. SI. After consulting for several days with Attor ney General Gregory and members of the Federal Trade commission Harris Weln stock, California state market director, left today for California to Invite all producers of perishable farm products In that state to give the State Market com mission a monopoly of routing and di recting csrloads of the products for the eastern markets. While not having any formal approval from the federal officials for his plan Mr. Weinstock said they had found no defects and he waa confident the state could do without question that which Individuals acting separately or through private organizations could not do. "One of the weak spots In the eastern marketing of California perishable farm products," said Mr. Weinstock, "is thit some of the shippers are large individual growers, some are growers' co-operative societies and some are shipping corpora tions, with the result that the distribu tion has been conflicting, uncontrollable: uncontrolled and unscientific snd causal lng frequent gluts and famines." Bank Clearings in Larger Cities Are Far Above Record CHICAGO, Dec. 31. Bsnk clearings fo fflj in the principal cities of tha country show Important Increases today at the end of the year. Chicago's 1!15 hank clearings totalled;, $1.1!8 9S.-).174.I52, breaking the previous raoJ ord established In 1913 of $16,073,130,524. Philadelphia reported clearings of 3.SSle 631,202, as against S7,!lR,Ofi4.219 for 1!14. Boston s clearings were $8,25.93.,635, aau1 Increase of 9.9 per cent over 1914. St. IxjuIs banks cleared $1,133,529,090, breaking all records and exceeding last year's mark by $24,679,000. Detroit increased Ita bank clearings 10.0) per cent, attaining a mark of $l,4S4.973,S49 Kansas City clearings were VJ.815.000,009, a new record, and In excess of tho 1914 clearances by $1 9.000.000. Read The Kee Want Ads. It pays! pose. I 1916 HAPPY NEW YEAR 1916 STATEMENT OF Nebraska Savings & Loan Association B Commercial Savings and Loan Association - Financial Statement January 1, 19JS ASSETS First Mortgage Loans $ 986,800.00 Loana on Pass-Book Se curity ' 3,105.00 Ileal Estate 8,857.70 Real Estate on Contract. . . 3,583.08 Interest in Arrears 457.58 Cash on Hand 09,495.90 $1,072,299.26 LIABILITIES Dues and Dividends. ..... .$1,037,467.24 Reserve Fund 17,500.00 Undivided Profits 1,967.26 Incomplete Loans 15,364.76 $1,072,299.26 Put Your Savings in a Safe and Profitable Placet Mart an Account NOW in This Association. Under Supervision of the State Ranking Board. OFFICERS: P. J. SHKEHY President J AS. J. FITZGERALD Secretary W P. ADKIN3 Vice President F. W. THOMAS Treasurer ' A. H. MURDOCK Attorney ' DIRECTORS: D. J. O'BRIEN, W. P. ADKTN9. F. KOUTSKY. W. J. COAD, E. C. KOHANSKY, L. F. ETTEH, T. F. QUINLAN. RECEIVES ACCOUNTS of from 1.00 to $5,000.00 at any time and has always paid dividends on all accounts at the rate of not less than SIX Per Cent per annum, compounded semi-annually. DIVIDEND PERIODS are at January 1st and July 1st, on which dates, at the option of the stockholder, the dividends will be paid in cash or added to tho principal. 4931 South 24th St, South Side At the Opc-nlnp; of Business January 1, 1816. RESOURCES. Real Estate Loans Loans on Association Stock. Real Estate Sold on Contract. Real Estate Foreclosure Account Face of Loans and Costs Paid. Interest Due from Borrowers. Cash and Checks in Drawer.. Cash In Bank .1 957,200.00 10,746.48 5,778.78 2,383.02 668.82 270.57 1,564.54 37,024.16 THOS. A. FRY, President. ROBERT 8. WlliCOX, V. Pres. JOHN R. BRANDT, Secretary. U. K. HAVERSTICK, Treas. KDC.AR M. MOBSMAN, JR., Attorney. O. T. KIPLINGER. HARTHOLEMEW JTTTEX. V. II. T. BELT. THOMAS ,F. GODFREY. BYROX R. HASTINGS. THOMAS J. FITZMORRIS. OMAHA FACTORIES EOOST FOR OMAHA (Continued front Page One.) their grain and their hog and cattla and all tha product of their farms. As soon aa outside merchants got this Una on tha schema of tha Omaha manu facturers, tha business of tha latter com menced to show a substantial Increaa. keeping It up month after month. Perhaps there waa something a bit self ish In the motives of the Omaha manu facturers who went Into the scheme of pushing the sale of Omaha goods, llelptag Omaha, Too. (Hill, If there waa and If they were add ing to their bank accounts, they were helping tha city and its business men In every line, for as tha sales increased and tha outputs of tho factories became greater, it became necessary to employ more people to help In tha manufacture of the wares. The employment of more people meant a greater demand for houcs for the workmen and their fainl lles, and the filling up of these housca with men and women who were drawing good salaries and paid off weekly, on monthly, meant mora money for the grocers, the butchers, tha dry goods, ciothiig and shoe store. The money paid out to the employee waa distributed among hundreds of deal ers in tbe various lines and all got their relative shares. Whlla it la difficult to make an abso lutely corect estimate, it la safe to predict that tha campaign inaugurated by the sixty, or more manufacturers of Omaha last March, added several scores of fami lies to the population of Omaha before tha close of the year. Tho heads of these families geuerally were experts in tha lints in which tbey engaged and they drew salaries commensurate with the era-tluymt-nt they performed. Tfcrr im tbe Ulaa baser. Of the corporations, firms and lii 1niJusl8 who entrrcd upon tha campaign in t-jxnuute the "ilade-in-Omaba" guods FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE CONSERVATIVE Savings and Loan Association Of Omaha. Nebraska January 1, 1916 First Mortgage Loana on Improved City Real Estate.... $9,791,330.14 First Mortgage Loans on Improved Farms 662,500.00 Real Estate and Sales on Contract 34,606.90 Loans on Conservative Association Stock 87,226.01 Accrued Interest 20,200.34 Office Building and Lot 81,000.00 Municipal Bonds and Warrants; 178,900.90 Cash on Hand and in Banks 477,787.44 Total , $11,333,551.73 Dues Paid and Dividends Added $10,846,859.55 Building Loans 184,626.07 Contingent Loss Fund 290,000.00 Undivided Profits - 12,066.11 Total $11,333,551.73 Increase in Resources Past Six Months $ 719,193.36 Amount of Dividends Credited Jan. 1, 1916 278,823.86 Dividends Credited Since Organization 3,266,759.37 Loans promptly made on Omaha Real Estate or on ' Improved Farms in Eastern Nebraska. Call for rates. Money to Loan. The Conservative is laying the strongest emphasis on the matter of encouraging and aiding people to open savings accounts. It is seeking this line of business rather than the larger investment amounts, with the result that during the past year the number of its savings members increased 2091 It is "in the air" these days to save money, and this Association invites people with $1.00 or more to become members any day, without expense, and to add to their savings any amount at any time. Officers and Directors: Geo. F. (illmore, Pres. Wm. Ralrd, Counsel T. If. McMillan, Asst. SC 3. A. Lyons, Asst. Sec Randall K. Brown K. A. Benson Robert Detnpater John F. Mack Byron K. Hasting J. V. RoMnson II. A. Thompson A. I. Tukey P. W. Kuhns, Sec.-Trea. Jj. R- Slonecker, Attorney A. V. Bowman Charles O. George J. A. Sunderland C. M. WUhe-lm Offices, 1614 Harney Street, Omaha FINANCIAL -STATEMENT Mil. andBng Association December 31st, 1915 ASSETS. Loans on First Mortgages , $7,928,576.80 Loans on Association Shares of Stock 101,501.60 Interest Due from Members 6,666.50 Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure 22,882.95 Foreclosures Pending , 5,610.85 Office Furniture and Fixtures 020.00 Association Building 180,000.00 Sundry Persons and Accounts 1,208.22 Cash on Hand and in Banks 248,695.41 Certificates of Deposit 60,783.93 County Warrants 22,024.11 Total Assets $8,578,470.43 LIABILITIES. Kunning Stock and Dividends $7,563,355.03 Paid-up Stock and Dividends (528,401.67 Due Sundry Persons on Account of Incomplete Loans 173,919.64 Reserve Fund 196,425.24 Undivided Earnings 16,308.85 Total Liabilities $8,578,470.43 Increase in Assets during 1915 $1,285,596.51 Dividends Earned for Members during 1915 382,304.70 Dividends Earned for Members since organization 2,378,054.54 Reserve Fund and Undivided Earnings. . 212,794.09 The Omaha Loan and Building Association is the oldest savings Institution in Omaha, and one of tbe largest Building and Loan Associations in the I.'nited States. Durlns: tbe past year we have made 963 real estate loans, amounting to $1,594,400.00, of which 306 wero for the purpose of erecting homes, and the others to purchase homes already built, and for other purposes. ', The ease and promptness with which loans are secured, coupled with the low rate of Interest and the easy monthly payments, makes our plan especially attractive to the average man of moderate means who Is ambitious to become a home owner, Savings Accounts may be opened at any time. In any amount from One Dollar up. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS; J. W. LOOMIS. President. W. S. WRIC.HT, Vice President. W. n. ADAIR, Secretary and Treasurer. J. T. HKIXJREX, Assistant Secretary. A. A. AU.WINK. AsaiNtant Secretary. JOSKI'H BARKER, CHARLES E. BLACK, JOHX H. BITIJCR, R. J. BIXXIXG, E. A PARMELKE, MIIJRD M. ROBERTSOW. OFFICE: Association Building, Northwest Corner Dodge and Fifteenth Streets. SOUTH OMAHA OFFICE: 4733 South Twenty-fourth Street. J. H. Kopietz, Agent $1,015,536.37 LIABILITIES. Reserve Fund 9!!,!1H? Undivided Profits 13,a2'2. Incomplete Loans , 096.07 Bills fayable 15.892.67 $1,015,536.37 COMPARATIVE GROWTH. RESOURCES. January 1, 1909 213,111.67 January 1. 1910 276,607.69 January 1. 1911 393,071.18 January 1, 1912 608,948.88 January 1, 1913 649,184.40 January 1, 1914 729,999.66 January 1. 1915 874,682.1i January 1. 1916 1.015,536.37 Loans to home makers, on Tlrst mortgage security, repaid monthly, like paying rent. Interest rate, 55c per $100 per month, or 6 6-10 per cent per annum. Shares may be subscribed for at any time, giving you an account on which you can deposit your savings weekly, monthly, Quarterly, semi-annually. $1.00 starts an account. Investments from $100.00 to $5,000.00 received on which the dividend is paid semi-annually, July 1st and January 1st. The as sociation distributes Its earnings to its shareholders pro rata in pro portion to his or her account. Has never paid less than 6 per annum dividends. OFFICERS ANI DIRECTORS. SAUNDERS-KEXXEDY RUILRIXtJ, 211 S. 18th St. City Hall Block