Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tim BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1915.
t The Pee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha poetoffice an second -clsss matter.
Br carrier By mall
per month. per year.
pally and Sunday ..... W.jw
Jllr without Sunday....' 460 J"
yenln and flunrtav no
F.venlng without Sunday J-J"
fiend notice of ehana-s of address or complaint of
Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, ClrouJatlon
Remit kr draft evpreas or poatal order. Only two
eent stamps received In payment of small ee
rounta Tereonal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
mchaere, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
Houth Omaha 31 N street
Council Blufta M North Main street,
1-lncoln M Little Building.
Chloao-M Hearst Building.
New tork-oom 11". Fifth avenue. .
Ht. IiOiile-M New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 72 Fourteenth Bt.t N. w.
address communications relating to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
fate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa:
Dwtght Wllllsms. circulation manager of The Bt
Publishing company, telng duly aworn, aaya that the
average circulation for the month of November. 111,
was M ill.
DWIOHT Wlt.tiTAVS, Circulation Manager.
Puhacrlbed In my preaence and sworn to before
na. this Id day of December, ID1S.
KOBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Snbsriibert leaving tne city temporarily
should hy Tba Be mailed to them. Ad
trees rfll be chanced as often as requested.
Xoe saber SI
Thought for the Dmy
StUettd ty Corgi AUxanJar
Rivg out vild btll to tht wild ky,
Ike flying doud, the fro'y light;
Tht year I dying In th$ night;
Ring out vild bll$ and let him dit.
Tinny ton.
It the event Is watched carefully it will be
found that the new year slips Into the old groove
a smoothly as a pol'ce ehalteup peters out.
It Is said 40,000 soldier have been made
blind by the war. Mars seems merciful to the
few who eyes are closed to the havoc wrought.
J ,. 1
The talk of preparedness, as far as It has
tone, Is distinctly educational. It shows that
Uncle Sam has very little to show for his mil
lions spent.
Prohibition advocates are not obliged to man
ufacture munitions of war. The creed of the
enemy supplies an abundance of the most, ef
fective quality.
A world court with William Howard Tatt at
the head has been launched. The weight of
the court U assured, but its mandates must com
mandeer a punch. -
Experience proves that a New Tear turns Into
the old road without the bother of tanking up at
a service station. But some people take pleas
ure In flouting experience.
Now that the lawyers and the Judges have
'fessed up and received legal absolution from
each other, patrons of the courts may look, tor a
square deal and a fair split during the new year.
Tale of the Dead Tear.
Twelve months of unusual activity and dis
turbance in every phase of human life will close
with today. From a strictly humanitarian point
of view, the year baa been one of disappoint
ment, of sorrow and cause for regret. To the
utilitarian it has brought some recompense to
offset the inconceivable losses incident to the
war. Society has been stirred as never at any
time In history. At no other period were ever
such tremendous forces loosed for destruction,
nor did ever man's Ingenuity employ more for
midable agencies in conflict. But all the ener
gies of man have not been devoted to war, nor
all his achievements recorded on the field of bat
tle. While the majority of the great nations
have employed themselves assiduously in prose
cution of war on a magnificent scale, others have
given attention to development along lines that
mean not only the preservation, but the advance
ment of civilization and enlightenment
In the United States, commerce and Industry
have been stimulated by the war until activity In
some avenues of production Is feverish in its
haste. Generally speaking, the tone of business
Is better. Abundant crops have found ready mar
kets at profitable prices and this has brought
new life to the business of the country. Reports
from all reliable sources of information are sat
isfactory In the main aa to the conditions at the
close of the year, and very encouraging for the
On the spiritual and intellectual side, the ad
vance Is quite aa general, and may be as sat
isfactory. Americans have been stirred to the
depths by events of the war, to the end that
patriotism has been given such emphasis as
has awakened the citizen to a better and fuller
appreciation of his obligation and duty to his
country and himself. The church has taken on
more vigorous life and the schools are looking
more closely than ever into methods and results
so that Improvement, If possible, will follow.
The balance sheet that must be struck today
will show a goodly sum of achievement on the
credit side for the people of the United States,
while the prospectus for 'the new year shows pos
sibilities that should enlist the most earnest of
effort. Our record is good, but we can make a
better one.
Omaha's Lire Stock Market.
Figures Just given out from the office of the
State Railway commission at Lincoln show that
the live stock market at Omaha not only retains
Its position of third place In all, but has risen to
second rank in some of the divisions of the In
dustry, and in the matter of Increase in receipts
of all kinds of stock during the year 1915 is
first. Much that is gratifying will be found in
this fact, but it Is also a reminder that much is
yet to be done. The facilities for the marketing
of live stock at Omaha are the equal of any In
the world, and are unsurpassed in detail. If
this condition were entirely appreciated and
properly taken advantage of, the Omaha market
would be first In all. Rival markets are yet
permitted to draw support from Omaha's terri
tory, a condition that may possibly be remedied.
That it is so is not chargeable to the manage
ment of the local stable yards, which, baa always
beeu enterprising In the natter of endeavoring
to Interest stock-raisers In the advantages of the
local market. When this effort is properly sec
onded by all concerned, many thousands of ani
mals that now go by Omaha to be sold on other
markets will be disposed of here. The stock
yards and the packing houses together constitute
our greatest local industry, and effort expended
to make them still greater will not be wasted.
That old gray mule which balked a presiden
tial Joyride on the hills of Virginia evidently
could not pass up a snorting chance to give a
distinguished audience a dress rehearsal of the
coming performance In congress. Despite his
uncertain ancestry, the aim of a live mule Is gen
erally good.
Arbitration remains the hope and the ambi
tion of western republics as a means of peace
fully settling disputes among themselves. The
sentiments of the Pan-American congress in that
respect crystallise the aspirations of democracies
and point to the one safe road for their devel
opment and perpetuity.
The Indictment of Thomas Mott Osborne, re
xorm superintendent or King Bin prison, Is a
disagreeable shock to progressive penologists.
Early reports of the proceedings of the local
grand Jury foreshadowed an endorsement of
Osborne's management Only an outline is given
of the evidence upon wb'ch the indictment Is
founded, but its seriousness is Indicated by Gov
ernor Whitman's action.
The Sana Ceremonle club save Ha
Klllard laat evening with more than
Piychopathio Tomfoolery.
For several years the City of Chicago has
been experimenting with psychopathic testa to de
termine the mental capacity of Us citizens, es
pecially of its school children. At various times
some doubt has been expressed as to the suffi
ciency of these so-called tests, or as to the ac
curacy of the conclusions to which they lead.
This skepticism lately led to the application of
the test to a number of prominent cltlxens of
Chicago, men who have achieved great success
and been of eminent service in their lives. The
result was astounding. It was proved that, ac
cording to the method adopted by the psycho
pathic experts, practically every one is feeble
minded in some direction. For example, Mayor
William Hale Thompson achieved by the test a
mental rating that would be given to a boy of 12,
and othera even below this mark. A prohibition
candidate for mayor of Chicago was graded as
having the mentality of a 10-year-old. These
experiments vividly Illustrate the danger of per
mitting the , extensive application of pseudo
science to the ordinary affairs of life. This is
not a reflection on the psychological researches
so elaborately carried on; It is nature's protest
against man's assumption of ability to exactly
determine the processes of thought Certain men
tal manifestations Indicate unerringly the state
of mind, but the origin of appreciable impulse or
action is likely to rema'n forever a mystery as
unscrutable as the secrets of lite and death.
party at the
fifty couplet
prcacot and the executive committee In charge con
sisted of J. W. Foster. W. II. Clarke. F. T. Hamil
ton. F. P. Wells. W. A. Redlck, C. C. rhaae and IX.
Si. Wheeler, Jr.
The Ladles' of Progreaa, Knlghta of Labor, gave
grand New Year'a eve bail, at which all at Annie Ens
tram acted aa mistress of ceremonies, assisted by
following committee of arrangements: Mrs. J.
Kenney. Julia Parry, Emma Van Trott. Frederick
Blurvall. Jennie ro1th and Lena Ulurvall.
The military euthorttlea of the Department of tht
J'lelte are preparing for a vtalt from Dr. Clarke, the
celebrated veterinarian, to Instruct the cavalrymen
there in the art of filing the teeth of their horses.
Mra John M, Thurston, who has been quite tow
evtth diphtheria, la Improving, but la atlll confined to
tier room.
tm Armour Jacaing company win open a store
house la Omaha la a few days with a full Una of
lie products, under Joe M. Btott of this city as ltt
i. B. Ertop of the Houth Omaha Globe has bought
the Omaha Live Block Journal and will consolidate the
tee J r prs.
Fred IL Martin and Visa Rose Ward were united
In nterrtage by Rev. J. E. Detwcller at tht realdenoe
of air. and Mrs. John Read, lull Case street.
The Metropolitan club bad Its midwinter danoa ta
Metropolitan hall last evening. It n a strictly full-
d! affair, with music for aliteen numbers fur-
r.iill by tt.a Union or lirelra It-d by Prof. 8u-Hihuar.
IL ti Ha Atui,ou of lnuvrr Is visiting Mra. An-
Meeting Agreeable People
From the Boston Transcript.
Overplaying- Hit Hand.
Secretary of War Garrison seems intently
bent on pressing his advantage In having the
support of an aroused publlo sentiment In favor
of preparation for defense. It is but natural
that he should seize on the present as a time
especially appropriate for presenting his plans
In their best possible aspect Yet his recent ut
terances are of such character as show a ten
dency that frequently proves disastrous to specu
lators. He is making his case entirely too strong.
In his latest statement, that it would take three
years to equip the United States army rUh the
guns needed for defense, he is guilty of exaggera
tlon, perhsps due to over-enthusiasm. It took
less than that many months for the factories of
the United States to provide the equipment
necessary for furnishing munitions to supply
armies greater than this country will ever likely
be called to pnt In the field. If this could be ac
complished for the service of the European war,
why can it not be done for the United States?
Mr. Garrison's case will be much stronger and
his appeal more potent If presented in terms of
reason? At present, he la overplaying his hand.
WE WETIB sitting around the fire one evening
recently and somehow fell to talking about the
people we knew and their personal ldlosyncraa
les. Then the talk slipped down a little toward com
plaint, aa It too easily does, and one of the younger
women aaked: "What la tht moat disagreeable per
son whom you have ever know at" It was not, per
heps, a gracious question In that genial companionship
around the hearth, but It evidently atirrea memorlee,
for the anawer from the one adrressed was prompt
In word a half of an exaggerated asxeasm, half ot
regret for our poor human nature, he described a
widow whoee husband had left tht property which
they had jointly earned and aaved to his own rela
tives, to tht total exclusion of here. The experience
had made her a man-hater of the most venomous
kind, and she went to tht limits of social allow anct
to tramplo on every man ahe met.
"She Is no worse," a woman of the modern type
responded, aroused In defense of her sex, "than tht
husband I knew, who used to treat his dogs with
more consideration than his wife. Her beat en
deavors to be civil were always met with a anart or
a sarcasm. If there Is any more disagreeable mortal
In the world than he, I should not like to have even
a calling acquaintance at his house." We all admitted
that this was a trying raat of cruelty of man ti
woman and tht conversation might have gone on In
this strain for some little time had It not been for a
quiet person In tht shadow, who spoko with a volet
llkt a song. "Why not," she said, "forget the disa
greeable people for a while and each take turns In
telling about tht most agreeable person they know."
A laugh was raised by her husband, who suggeated
slyly, but with an undertone of seriousness, that "ahe
might grow tired of listening to descriptions of her
self." But the opinion of the company with one ac
cord was that thla would be a much more profitable
expenditure of time.
To be agreeable Is to have power. A good and
kindly manner Is Ilka current coin of the republic In
all social relations. We do not look askance at It, wa
accept It as our due. It la tht uncurrent or clipped
coin of bad or brutal manners which we question or
refuse. In fact, we take tht social amenities so much
for granted that wt art not half as grateful at we
ought to be whtn wt art thrown with an agreeable
man or woman. The chances In thla unhappy and
bedraggled world of ours, I fear, art rather against
such happy experiences. Wt bavt had so much ex
perience of shortcoming In courtesy that we ap
proach a stranger with soma misgivings and art not
as much surprised aa we ought to be If he turns out
a boor. 6o little agreeable In common experiences art
a good many of us that wa lower tht average expecta
tion for all humanity.
The worst of It la that a rood many of us mistake
Intimacy for a license to be prickly tempered. It
might not matter so much, after all. If wa were silent
and morose aa we go about among strangers, but wt
art silent and morons at homt. We keep a forced-up
smile for our clients or our customers, but even that
poor, pitiful apology for a genial spirit evaporates on
tht way home. Then wa let out true mood comt to
tht surface and never stop to understand tht out
ward revelation of tht Inward spirit which that
mo rose and peevish mood supplies. That disagreeable
husband who belabored his wife with saroastlo or
opprobrioua words may well have been a fawning
sycophant in his business. In fact, too many of us
hold back our evil tempers when they will do harm
to money-making and let them form when they will
do harm to love. We shall never have an agreeable
world to live in until wt think as much of our homt
as of our business and take as much pains for self
restraint among those wt art supposed to lovt as
among strangers.
To be agreeable, then, la a duty; but perhaps tht
most hopeless business In the world la a atudled and task ot pleaalna. About the leaat agree
able people I know are the flatterers who think to
wheedle you Into compliances. There was one such
person, X remember as a child, who always made me
think ot a toad. She was well-meaning, but sho was
too dull to understand tht Instinctive penetration of
a child. Many a tlmt bavt I dodged around a corner
to escape her effusive and forced Interest in my
affairs. All these things, when they are genuine,
grow naturally; they are not manufactured. Tht con
descension of tht great as It exists in courts seldom
seems to have brought about high results la char
acter. Heaven seldom is reflected In eyes that always
are looking down. It la a king's business to pretend
an Interest la those whom ht admits to his presence;
but between tht king and Diogenes requesting him to
stand out of his sunlight, tht more genuinely agree
able la hardly likely to be tht king. However art
fully and even willingly wt pretend, those whom wt
flatter art likely to find us out.
X come back, however, to tht statement that to bt
agreeable la a duty. But It Is a duty which can only
be fulfilled when we learn first to be genuine, and
only then to ht kind. There art degrees of natural
gift. When we comt to define then what wa call
charm, we find that a large element of It is Inborn
and no more worth commending than a rose In June
or a lllao bush In May, For soma It Is taay to bt
charming If you do not ask too much, or comt too
close. I am not think ot them, X am thinking of tht
rest of us who bavt our black moods, when It Is best
to leave us to ourselves, and our methods of aun
shtnt when our frtenda delight tn our companionship.
The problem is to limit tht blank mood and to exten.l
the sunlit time. And tht deeper problem Is, tn your
cast and mint, which of these moods Is tht real ex
pression of our genuine selves. Which Is tht In
truder, the sunlight or the storm T If wt can settle
that question beyond chance of wavering wa ahall
know what to do. If the black and stormy self Is
the real self, all we have to do la to let It out on all
occasions. It will grow like a thunder cloud. But If
tht sunlit mood Is the expression of our genuine self
tht task is harder. To change the figure It la easier
to slip down hill than It la to climb. One need not be
a believer in original sin to know by experience that
moral Improvements art the fruits ot overcoming.
In regard to you, dear reader. I feel pretty well
assured that the real self Is the kindly and genial
aelf. If not, you would hardly have cared to read so
far. Now your problem, and mine, la thla view of the
matter, becomes a problem of aelf-expresalon. Either
you art a natural and Incurable porcupine, or your
difficulty Is to get your best self at the front For wt
have to pick to choose among our qualltlea, encourag
ing this and discouraging that We expect our chll
dren to do that Wa tell them what wt think about
their naughty tempers why not do as much for your
own self as If you were a child T Instead of frown
ing on ethers, why not frown on your own ungenlal
qualities T If you must acold, why not take yourself
Into some corner and give yourself a first-rate wig
ging for your own delay In overcoming your bad tem
pers, and for laalneaa In making yourself over In tba
Image of your beat thought T
With Japanese guns in front and revolution
ary gunmen at its back, the revised monarchy ot
China has the best of reasons for embracing
preparedness sud compulsory military service
People and Events
The marrying record of Texas Is held by Judgo
Matt M. Johnson of Austin, hit score being LS3S. The
Judge la . Ht started at a and gave away chrome
certificates until ht drove competition to tht wall.
Tht street railway company of t Louis admits
that it is not perfect, but being anxioua to attain per
fection, tnvltea patrons to "Tell ua our faults. Wo
waat to correct them."
manuscript of a speech on firt prevention, which
Horace B. Clarke, president of the fire board of Hart
ford. Conav, Intended to deliver, was partly destroyed
by fire tn bit deek when a visitor dropped a smoldering
match oa it
New York's socialist eongreaamaa. Meyer London,
does more than keep his ear to Ut ground swell of his
constltenta lit hires a hall and meets them once a
month, tells them what Is oa and what be la doing, and
gets first hand pointers from the voters on the East
Bide .
OMAHA, Dec. 29. To the Editor of The
Bee: The approaching primary for the
nomination of the seven candidates for
judges of this Judicial district Is one In
whlrh all voters of the district, regard
less of party affiliation, should, and, no
doubt will eagerly participate and anx
iously await results.
As thla Is the first time in the history
of the state (except In the filling of
vacancy last year) that our Judiciary
was not presented to the voters by and
through party combinations, the party
workers and convention manipulators
will find themselves sadly out of a Job,
and their self-importance will be most
gloriously lest and most beautifully
The coming campaign In tht selection
of the Judges will be on the non-partisan
basia, and the ones receiving the highest
vote at the primary will bt placed on the
official ballot
It has been my pleasure to have per
sonally and Intimately known every Judge
of this Judicial district from Judge Sav
age in 1S80 to and Including the present
occupants of the bench, and during that
period of time we have been fortunately
blessed with many very competent dis
trict Judges, as well as unfortunately
cursed with a few political hacks, the
products of bigotry and fanaticism. In
thla connection I am pleased to say that
the bad ones art not Included In any of
the present Judges of the district court
for In all my acquaintanceship with
those who have occupied the bench of this
district, I have never met a more oblig
ing, courteous, impartial and accommo
dating set of publlo officials. It is
reasonable to presume that all of them
will be candidates to succeed themselves,
and while a few of them have graced
the position for a number of terms, yet. In
my opinion. It has but ripened their
judgment, rendering them mora efficient
by reason of tht experience acquired, and
while they merit publlo confidence, yet
It does not necessarily follow that other
good and capable lawyers would not fill
the positions equally well, nor does It
follow that none other will file.
From the many tllgibles, I frequently
hear mentioned tht names of Arthur C.
WaJceley, J. M. MaeYarland. C. T. Dickin
son, F. 8. Howell and George W. Shields.
Any of these men would make excellent
judges. They art even tempered and
fully capable, yet should none of those
that I have mentioned feel disposed to
enter the race, there Is little doubt tht
present Incumbents will have plenty of
opposition, bt their opponents heavy or
lightweights, and by way of warning I
would advise tht unknowns to be very
backward about coming forward In tht
anticipation that they will have soft
sledding in defeating tht present Incum
bents, for they are very likely to go
down tht toboggan and have the empty
honor of telling their posterity that they
once ran for district Judge.
As for the office of county Judge, It
would be but a waste of time, or a lust
for cheap advertisement for any one to
fUo against tht 1 present incumbent
Bryce Crawford.
Tips on Home Topics 1
Washington Post: Had General Bher
man lived to set gasoline soar, ht might
have tndulgad in a few remarks on what
a war tax la
Baltimore American: The nation which
up to date has not beta aaked to give
satisfaction to the United states is out
of tht running. From tht way in which
ha has been constantly taking his pen in
hand. Uncle Bam stands in serious dan
ger ot writer's cramp.
Philadelphia Ldger: When Bishop
Kemper was the head of a missionary
diocese covering several states ht was
known as "tht bishop of all outdoors.
Colonel House seems to be ambassador
extraordlnsry and plenlpotetlary to all
Springfield Republlcani Former Vice
President Fairbanks qualified as In
diana's favorite son, with sixty out of
ninety-two counties petruonlng to have
his namt placed on the primary ballot.
It Is not necessarily to a prophet's dis
advantage to bt honored in his own coun
Indianapolis Newst Tht safety of chll
dren In the streets depends In Urge
measure on the children themselves their
alertness. Judgment caution. These, in
turn, depend in large measure on home
training. Instruction on the part of
parents not delivered once only, but re
peated day in and day out la an essential
In educating a child to take care of Itself.
The Instructions, moreover, should bt
definite, not merely general, and they
should embrace certain specific restric
tions and prohibitions. The child should
be taught at home, and continuously, that
It muat "atop, look and listen." Unfor
tuneately, there are many supposedly
"gentle" parents In this world who grant
their children wide privileges In the mat
ter of their play territory and make lit
tit, or nothing at all, of tht simple rules
of safety.
Jabs at Omaha
Craig News: Did yon ever notice that
a stand pat republican swears by th
Omaha Bee and a standpat democrat by
the Omaha World-Herald; that each
claims the other's favorite paper Is full
of misstatements and fraudulent reports,
although both are undoubtedly cood
papers and one la aa full of Integrity as
the other?
David Cltv Banner: Thirtv-two prison
ers In the Omaha Jail refused freedom
recently when a chance was given them
to escape. Well, we don't blame them.
with a murder committed every nlaht
and holdups every few minutes day and
night they probably thought It safer to
be locked behind bars thsn to be run
ning the streets.
Genoa Leader: The AJblon papers both
registered a protest last week because an
nmaha DuDfr in euloaislng L. B. Day,
who was elected chancellor commander
of a Knlghta of Pythias lodge In that
city recently, claimed him for an Omaha
boy. He was born and raised at Albion,
mm inn't blame them for kicking.
Those Omaha folks art blamed hogs, any
fati.wav Oueen: For a number of
years the Omaha Commercial club has
been sending out weekly letters to the
news-press of the state In order to gain
publicity for that city. The expense will
now be unnecessary, as the candidacy of
Walter A. George for governor wilt give
to Omaha all the publicity It neede for
tht next several months. We are all for
Walter A. George and Omaha, anyway.
Kearney Hub The Omaha Centrat
Labor union has gone on record as op
posed to conscription for the purpose of
enlarging the army for national defense.
Point made of tht fact that our armies
have always been made up of volunteers,
which Is In right spirit, but tht plan also
has Its faults. It would bt mort Just and
equitable that any levies for a "prepared
ness" army should be made pro rata upon
the atstes. and that It should not bt left
entirely to the coward and shirt to put
the responsibility upon a wining volun
teer. In other words tht system should
bt aa generally and impartially applied
as any form ot taxation for raising
York Ntws-Times-Thote Omaha thugs
might as well understand that If they
want to continue their operations profit
able the had better remain right there
In their own bailiwick to do It As soon as
they get over In Tork county tney meet
officers who are Just as quick on the
trigger' as they are. The man shot yes
terday at Bradshaw when attempting
to rob tht poatofflct got a Christmas
package he wasn't sxpecting. Ht Is tht
second one to meet this kind of recep
tion In the last month. Mr. Trump s
entitled to a medal for his courage. Thty
are not many men who would go In
single handed and alone and attempt to
hold up three desperate characters bent
on robbing a postofflct. When two of
these fellows showed their oowardics, Mr.
Trump did not know they had this yellow
streak when he went Into tht fray.
"There's one consolation about being '
Jail. mum.
...- v ... i .1 .1 nrtnonv rtf
makes me get up and go down to be sure
that the back door s locked." Detroit Free
i ne JtecnuunK iruiniii-vn.
father living? Is he on your fathers
The Recruit Oh, 'e varies, sir; e sticks
np fer both of 'cm a sort o' nootral.
ixinnnn rseicn.
"That man accuses you of being the
greatest grafter on earth.
"Wtllv Blnks Is a brutal husband to
whv, t always thought he was the
kindest-hearted sort of a man. How Is he
cruel to her?"
"In the worst way. He never does any
thing that she can find fault with."
Baltimore American.
M aa SWa. a a sru as 1
rrs Esin? to kTtp TfiAcx lnr
"There Is a very excellent reason why
a girl shouldn't smoke."
"What?" she demanded.
"Makes her less agreeable to kiss."
"Well. I'll wait till somebody wants to
Mrs me." she said; "when they do?, I'll
give up cigarettes and take to a pipe!"
Woman's llome Companion.
Little Johnny I'm awfully hungry, X
didn't get half enough to eat.
Little Fred What did you have) for
t.lttle Johnny Company. New Tork
Rivers That fellow across tht street
always doda-es me.
Bridges Why?
Rivers Force of habit. I suppose. Ht
once owed me two dollars for nearly five
years. Judge.
Editorial Snapshots
Pittsburgh Dispatch: King Peter of
Serbia mislaid his crown In bis flight.
Ha is lucky . to have escaped with his
Cleveland Plain Dealer: An eastern
sculptor has remarked that Colonel
Bryan's mouth la "beautiful tn repose."
He surely must have watched the colonel
Washington Post: A million men, wt
Understand, art In readiness for an army
nucleus. Weary William also had a
button, but lacked the services of a kind
woman to sew a shirt on it.
Boston Transcript: A good way for an
inconspicuous republican to obtain the
enthusisstle endorsement of Colonel
Roosevelt Just now Is to proclaim loudly
that under no circumstances would he ac
cept the nomination.
Boston Transcript: Is the Secretary
Wilson who now boasts that he has ob
tained employment for 94,000 men since
last February any relation to tht cabinet
officer of that name who laat February
was proclaiming that there was no un
employment In tht country?
Springfield Republican: Senator Ttl
man's pitchfork la waved with the old
tlmt vigor. Col. Bryan la "simply ob
sessed" and Col. Roosevelt "smells the
blood of a German man," according to
tht chairman of tht naval committee.
One need not necessarily indorse this
more or less expert opinion In order to
bt pleased at tht evidence of tht senai
tor's good form.
Some day," said Cynlcus, sourly, "we
may aealn have statesmen' In this coun
try who can be counted upon to right
"Whv, wet've got statesmen who can
write things now, haven't we?" said Lady
Fare. New York Times.
John K. Bangs, a New Tork Times.
I aeed no soaring aeroplanes to take me
to tht Milky Wav,
To lift me from earth's highways rain to
where the little star-beams play;
No wings of birds to raise me hlga mto
that nuree AtmnanhMM
Where human hearts no longer sigh o'er
munaane irouoies, drab ana drear.
One glance from Daphne's eyes so rare
nlll send me way up In the air;
I envy not the eagle's bliss when speeding
inrouitn in ncaven s niue.
To soar on pinions like to his no doubt
noma measure deep and true;
But why should I be Jealous to his mar
velous capacity
To reach to realms ao far above tht wlld
est dreams of you and me?
One darkling rlsnce from Daphne's eye
Doth quite suffice to maka me fly.
Tht lark o' mornings soars aloft, nnd
awoona. and swerves. And nlrmi,ttAa
Upon his feathered wings ao soft, and
seems to know no dull rerreta:
Tet not one Jealous thought Is mine when
there ha soars before mine eyes.
And with a grace almost divine darts
through the brilliant morning skies
One frown from her I so adore
la quite enough to make me "sore."
Then there are angels, too, with wings
that flit about the heavenly street.
Where everything thit llveth sings Its Joy
In songs surpassing sweet
I envy not these angela e'en, clad in their
robes of snowy white,
With every prospect that Is seen so full
of love and rare delight ,
When Daphne smiles and calls ms
I find my Paradlae right here.
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