Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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tiik nr,E: omaha. rninAY, December 31. 1015.
Tays Call Upon Governor Morehead
end Politician. Are Afog
Over What Took Place.
Four of Them Doing1 Business
State Send Word to Htnnan
They Will Pay.
FVom Staff Correspondent.)
I.lNCObN, lec. Fpectal.)-An sir
ttt mystery hangs over the state houaa
toilsy mi 4 In the offices and corridor
of the undent Ml flee could be seen pairs,
triplets and quartets of Interested Individ
ual dlsousslns: with much animation a
visit which Governor Morehead received '
during tha early hour from hlssoner
Mayor Bryan of Uneoln.
What they discussed I only known
by tha gentlemen themselves. Governor
Morehead wag as sllmt aa the grave when
aaked about It and Mayor Bryan la
equally aa dumb.
It baa been known for om time that
en effort waa being- mada to coax the
governor Into tha senatorial rare against
Senator Hitchcock, tha only thing- lack
Ing being assurances of tha Bryan sup
port to convince the governor that an
effort to land the democratic! nomination
would not be crippled by lack of support.
Some are of the opinion that the vlalt
of the mayor waa to assure the gover
nor that If he would enter the race that
ha would receive the Bryan support.
Other look upon the visit of the mayor
aa along the Hue of inquiry aa to what
the governor hlmaelf waa going to do on
the third term nomination. It la well
known that Mayor Bryan would Ilka to
be governor of Nebraska, but two thlngi
stand In hi way. One of them la (lover
nor Morehead, for even Mayor Bryan
and hla friends are willing to admit that
should the governor again be forced to
heed hla party' call and enter' the rare
for the nomination, ha would a weep party
opposition aaide.
I ..,
Beatrice Commercial
Club Will Feast at
. Hotel Opening
BEATRICE, Neb.. De. JO. (Special.)
Dana for a, public reception, followed by
a banquet In the evening, at the reopen
ing of the Paddock hotel on Monday,
January IT, were arranged Wednesday
afternoon by the apeclal committee from
the Commercial club, which met with K.
U May, the manager. It was decided
that during the afternoon the building
would be thrown open to the public, in
the dining room refreshment will be
served, which will be free to all. In the
evening a banquet for Beatrice men and
It wll consist of eight courses anl the
number will be limited to 128. )
The city commissioner have Inatmcted 1
.he city clerk to edvertlae for blda for a
inotor-drlvrn combination chemical nose
nd ladder fire truck. The city has $5,001
to spend for this Improvement for the
lire departtcent.
Clem-go Kdward Hoffman and Mlea Fen
t .n Hheldon. both of Ida Urove. la., were
murrled at the home of the brldo'a uncle,
K B, Hheldon, In this city Wednesday
tilteinoon at 3 o'clock.
J. F. Jlalderman. who ha been cashier
el the Farmer' and Merchant' bank at
Vimre the last four year, baa aold hla
Interest In the Institution to K. W. Mla
kell and i, I, Moore of Wllber, Henry
Curd .or Lincoln and J, 1. Baker of Bwan
ton. Mr. Moore will auoceed Mr. Haider
nmn aa cashier. Mr. Halderman ha pur
chased an Intereat In the First State bank
at Pawnee City, of which hi father 1
president, and will become cashier.
' (Prom a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. X.-(Speclal.) Four oil
companies of Nebraska have wired Oil
! Commissioner Herman that they expect
to continue to pay for Inspections of oil
I In the future an they have In the past.
I There are the Standard Oil company, the
Manhattan Oil company of Omaha, the
Economy OH company of Topeka and the
i I'nlon Paclflo railroad, which use a a large
amount of oil for Ha motor oar.
The Collins Oil company of Nebraska
City, after having It Inspections held up
one day, concluded to be ood and got In
out of the wet this morning by sending
In Its fees.
The B. A L, Oil company of Fairbury,
which waa one of the first to stand out
against the Inspection. Is still out, but
ha notified the commissioner that they
have the matter In the hands of an at
torney and will abide by tils opinion.
Thomas Meets Ola Friend.
J. R. Brewer! of Ponoka, Canada, called
on State Superintendent A. O. Thomas
this morning. The two had not met for
Governor Issues Proclamation
Line with Call from Presi
dent Wilson.
LINCOLN, Neb., Ie. (Bnertal Tel-
etram. Following the llne of a procla
matloa leaned by President Wilson, Gov-
ernor Morehead this evening Issued a call
ror subscriptions, to be made New Year's
day, for aid to the starving people of
roianfl. Subscriptions should be sent
to Dr. P. L. Halt. Lincoln, treasurer of
the Nebraska Bed Cross association, or
to the Amer.'ejan Bed Cross society at
Washington. The governor hopes that
Nebraska people will be generous In their
donations to this fund.
January 1 has been designated by Presl
uni vtuson, in accordance with a reso
lution by the senate, as a day for giving
contributions to relieve the destitute
thousands In Poland, and official notice
of this ha been received In Omaha from
the American-Polish relief commission
It Is stated that hundreds of thousand
of people, chiefly women and children.
over twenty years. Both of them lived; ere wandering In the wastes of Toland,
on rarms in cage county, Iowa, when the
state superintendent was a boy, and the
latter aald that Mr. Brewer had much to
do with hla atart In life and his bringing
up. Mr. Brewer went to Canada about
twelve years ago.
North te School.
Two young men have come here from
South America to attend the Nebraska
Military academy near Lincoln. They be
long to wealthy families of Bogota, Co
lombia, and are here as a result of a
move on the part of the young men of
that country to the United States to re
ceive education. The young men are
Miguel Alvares and Francisco Morales.
A brother of the former attended the
same academy for a year.
The father of Alvares Is a high offi
cial of tha Colombian government and la
at present In Washington as a delegate
to the Tan-American congress. Ha Is
also general manager of the Pacific rail
road In Colombia, and Is said to be worth
about 30.00,000. Bogota, the home of the
young men. Is, a city about the size of
Omaha. The boys arrived In New Tork
last week and saw the first snow of their
Onahaas Get Llrease,
Frank A. Sautter of Omaha, age 34,
and Miss Lottie W. Hanson of the same
city, age 21, were given a license to wed
In Lincoln yesterday.
Commissions to Hail
Company Officers Are
The Subject of Probe
ick and starving and facing the rigors
of the winter.
An attempt la being made to bring rc
lief and comfort to these aa waa brought
to the people of Belgium and of Serbia, la of food and clothing should be
sent to the commission's headquarters.
ii fc.ast Forty-sixth street. New Tork
City, Cash contributions should be made
payable to the Ouaranty Trust company.
treasurer. New York Clly.
ine commission numbers among Its
members men of nation-wide repute,
few of whom are the following:
ur, John Greer Htbben, president of
Princeton university.
Dr, Nicholas Murray Butler, president
or Columbia university.
Hon. Theodore B. Burton of Ohio.
Henry J. Patten of Chicago.
uovernor Arthur 8. Capper of Kansas.
t.. A. Van Valkenburg, Philadelphia
North American.
Oakland High School
Destroyed by Fire.
OAKLAND. Neb.. Dec. SO. (Special
Telegram.) Fire totally destroyed tha
Oakland High school building with all Its
contents at noon today. The fire
thought to have started from spontaneous
combustion In the coal room and had
gainea such headway before It waa dis
covered that It was impossible to enter
the building. Not even the records were
saved. '
ine loss is estimated at 126,000 and la
covered by $14,000 insurance. The Isst
aummer a $12,000 addition was added to
the old building; which waa built In 1890
and many Improvement were added.
Naval Division Which Attempts to
Bombard Doraxzo Driven Awaj
by Allies' Squadran.
MAJOR XO&LKT a. moton
One of the last wishes of the late
Booker T. Washington waa fulfilled when
the trustees of Tuskegee Institute, of
hlch Mr. Washington waa the head.
appointed Major Bobert R. Moton, com
mandant of cadets at Hampton Institute
to take the place left vacant by the death
of Mr. Washington.
Major Moton Is 48 years old, a native
of Virginia and a graduate of Hampton
Institute. He was a pupil of General
Armstrong, the founder of Hampton.
was armed
with two SS-inch gun,
and two torpedo tubes.
PAIU8, Dec. 30. Two Austrian
torpedo boat destroyers have been
sunk as a result of an encounter with
sea forces of the allies at a point out
side ot Cattaro In the Adriatic sea.
The purpose ot the Austrian ships
was to bombard Durazzo. An allied
squadron went to meet them with the
result above set forth. In addition
the remainder of the Austrian squad
ron was pursued by the war ships of
the allies and compelled to flee to
ward the Austrian base.
This Information was contained in an
official announcement of the French
marine department given out today,
which reads:
"An Austrian naval division, having
come out from Cattaro for the purpose
of bombarding Durazso, certain squadrons
of the allies went forth to give battle.
The Austrian torpedo boat destroyer Lika
encountered a mine and was blown up.
The destroyer Triglav, ot the same type,
waa destroyed by fire from the ships of
the allies. The remaining warships ot
the enemy were pursued and flew In the
direction of their base.
Pr.rtU, Neb., Dee. 30.-(Speclal.)-Mr. E.
Donald Bed fern and Miss Grace II. Hal
tctt were married Wednesday afternoon
at the home of the bride's father, W. S.
Haltett. Bev. Mr. Hylton of the Metho
dist church officiated. Mrs. Red fern has
been an art teacher at Peru and Mr. Red
fern Is a prosperous young farmer of
Peru. The romance grew out of former
associations while both were students at
the Peru State Normal. They will Imme
diately go to housekeeping on the Pollard
farm south of Peru. The out-of-town
guests were: Superintendent Hard his YX
lenberger and wife, EUwood: Superin
tendent Fred W. Hallett. Chamberlain,
H. U: Margaret Telyea, Tekamah; Ruth
Workman. South Bend; Gladys Mac-
Mnken, Plattsmouth, and Rachel Wit
ter, North Tlatte.
K ll tin hen n-It cox.
AVOCA. Neb., Iec. 30. -(Special,) Miss
Fophla .K. Roos of York and Kred L.
Kuhnheen of Avoca were married at
York on Monday. Mr. Kuhnhenn Is the
son of Henry Kuhnhenn of this city and
la well known here. They return to
Avoca soon whero they will make their
Kaiser Has Minor
Operation on Neck
LONDON. rec. X A dispatch fro'
Zurich. 8wltcrlnd. to the Central New
ss y s :
Kmperor William, who Is sufferln
from a suppurating phlegmon In the neck,
has been given some relief, his doctors
having resorted to Inncing."
By Dr. Miles, the Great Specialist, WM
Bends a Hew $3.76 Treatmeat TT-.
TABLE) ROCK, Neb.. Dec. .-(Speclal.)
David C. Horton, formerly of this place,
who moved some years since to Douglas,
Wyo., waa Instantly killed recently In
runaway accident In his home town. Full
particulars cannot as yet be obtained.
Mr. Horton was In business here many
years. He was about 70 years of age and
la survived by a widow and three chil
dren. Interment was at Douglas.
There have been several previous en-
oountera of leaser Importance than the
one now reported In connection with Aus
trian attempts to Interrupt transporta
tion of Italian troops to Albania and f
supplies for the Serbian forces which
have retreated to that country. Several
supply ships have been sunk by Austrian
The destroyers, Llka and Triglav, were
sister ships, built in 1813. They were 266
feet long of 7,787 tons displacement Each
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Deo. S0.-(Speclal.)-Offlclala
of the Nebraska Hall Insurance eomoanv
ot Hastings are on the carpet to explain , mmon wnicn were a gymnasium, manual
certain transactions In their official r",nln ndS domeatlo rooms.
duties. C. B. Hendricks, president, and ' u"y l""PPed. an of which were de
The school owned a fine library
which had Just been opened to the public.
ecnool was to have begun Monday after
Lewiston Business
Houses Are Burned
BHATR1CK, Neb.. Dec. .-fipclal
Telegram.) The little town of Lewiston.
twenty miles east of here, was swept by
fire at an early hour this morning, en
tailing a loss of ;,000. Three business
bouhs occupied by Carsten's hardware
tore, the Farmers' Mercantile company
end the Lewiston Post were wiped out.
The fire originated In the rear of the
t'arsten hardware store from an unknown
tause and after destroying this block
spread to the Mercantile company's store
end Lewiston Post buildings, destroying
them. The loss Is partially covered by
The town Is without fire protection and
efforts of the clllsena to check the flames
ere of no avail.
W. M. Franklin, secretary, were before
the Insurance board yesterday afternoon
in an effort to explain their acts and
were given another day In which to make
a ahowlng.
The company was organised In 1914, but
did not do much business the first year.
However, the second year business picked
up and the losses amounted to J 222, 000.
The premium os assessment due
amounted to $106,000, of which S25.60O U
still due.
It Is alleged that Vloe President Lock
hart received Ut as commission on as
sessments and Director D. D. Davis of
Kansas City reoeived a salary ot UtOO,
although he did little but attend occa
sional meetings of the board, while an
other director, C. D. Ramaey, a farmer
near Heatings, reoeived nothing. Lock
hart will be required tw explain why he
should collect a commission on assess
ments voluntarily paid.
ine Christmas vacation. A meeting of
the Board of Education was held tonight
to make plans for reopening the school aa
soon as possible.
MINDEN, Neb., Dec. SO. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Peter Anderbury, who lived
six miles west of this city, died this
morning at I o'clock. She leaves four chil
dren and husband. Two sisters atso sur
vive, runersl probably will be held Sun
day afternoon.
Gllllard Thomas.
FALLS CITY, Neb., Dec. 30. (Special.)
The body of Gllllard Thomas will be
brought to this city Friday from Albu
querque, N. M., where he died Monday,
December 27. His wife and daughter
were with him when the end came. Mr.
Thomas held the position of city adver
tising solicitor for the St. Joseph (Mo.)
News-Press when hla health broke down
last spring and he went to Arisona first
In the hope of getting relief and later to
New Mexico.
His mother lives In Omaha with her
son, Walter Thomas, a prominent young
lawyer, and her daughter, Miss Katie
Thomas, a teacher In the Omaha High
school. Miss Anna Thomas a sister, re
sides in Columbus, O., where she Is a
teacher In one of the public schools.
The funeral will be held at the Elsco
pal church at 1:80 p. m. Friday, Interment
to take place In the family burying lot at
the Steele cemetery.
William C'keyne.
AVOCA, Neb. Deo. la (Special.
wuuam Cheyne, aged 89 years, died at
the borne of his son, W. C. Cheyne. at
Council Bluffs. Ia., Tuesday, death being
due to grip and old age. Mr. Cheyne was
born In Scotland, and came to America
a number ot years ago. He was one of
the pioneer residents of this vicinity.
When his wife died, three years ago, he
went to make his home with his son, at
Counoll Bluffs. The body waa brought
to Avoca today and laid to rest In the
cemetery west of town. He Is survived
by three sons, W. C. Cheyne of Counoll
Bluffs, J. S. of Miami. Okl., and M. C.
Cheyne of Melrose, Kan.
Piles Cared la to 14 Day.
Druggists refund money If Paso Oint
ment falls to cure Itching, blind, bleeding
or protudlng piles. First application
gives relief. 60c. Advertisement.
Bookwaltcr Will
Filed in Gage County
BilATRICK, Neb.. Derf 30io.l v
The will of ihe late J. W. Bookwalter.
ho dird a few months ago In Italy, but
host bom was at Springfield. O.. Waa
ailmltied to probate Wednesday y
County Judfte Walden upon peUtlon of
rran ls ltookwaller and Charles Constan
tly of t'lsrk county. Ohio. The estate In
Nebraska will be administered from Ohio
According to the petition of the admin
istrators the eatate In Nebraska com
prises f.coo orth of personal property
iu t-Biaie. wun an annual rental
i f H6.000. The property Is located In Gage
Pa a nee. Thayer, Greeley and ValleJ
ccujiiles. No appraiser yet has been ap-
i.unnea lo vaiue the land, ao the lnher
Itanee tax can be ascertained.
Harvey lams Will
File for Regent
BCOTTS BLUFF, Neb.. Dec. S0.-(Spe-cial.y-
Harvey L, Sams, a prominent
farmer. Irrigator and stockman of this
place, makes another, shipment ot cattle
next Saturday. He expeots to stop In
Lincoln on his return from market and j
file aa a candidate on the republican 1
ticket for the nomination for regent of
the University of Nebraska. Mr. Sams
actuated into his present occupation
through the Nebraska university and
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Deo. Jo. (8pec!al. Govern
ment inspections ot oompaniea of the Ne
braska National guard with Captain
Charles M. Uordon of the United States
army as chief Inspector, will begin on
January M. and wtll be very rigid. In
spections will be In the day time and
every man, officer or private Is expected
for the giod of the service to be In line.
Absentees, unless caused by elcanes or
given leave, will be discharged without
Fullcrton Man Ends
His Life by Shooting
tuxLitTOX, Neb.. Dec S0.-(8pecal
ll rm Theodore C Koch, for taen
-ins ers president of the First Na-
4 ...... ft ... - m ..... i
........ ol r uiienou, more recently
iinetMwi in the Farmers' State bank
aim iaiiriy in Business for himself la
the Implement and automobile lines, com.
miitul e,l. ide he tonlt by shooting
hliiistif Uirounh the head with a shotgun.
Ic-!ondency over III health and finan
cial reverses are tiiuuht to be the cause.
nr. Kech leaves a widow and one so
TlaroM. la business with his father; two
!au( titers, Csmlll and Beatrice, students
at the VUveralty of Nrbrakka, and cue
daufUor, Kathryn, living at home.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Deo. .-(Special.)-Mra.
Aahley, wife of Rev. Dr. Edward
Ashley, the Episcopal clergyman who has
looked after the Interests of the Indian
churches In South Dakota, died at their
home here on Tueaday morning at 11 SO
o'clock, after an Illness of long duration.
Fhe waa a native of England, where ahe
waa born in 1M4. and was married there
to Rev. Dr. Aahley In 1S7T. Later they
came to America. Besides the husband,
five children survive
Ua Vm 1!v aar lunartt
If you fci trou.14 with sour stomach
'u '1 eat aii.wly a rut masticate your
f"vl l . . ' iy. then take one of Chaiit-t'-
1 t.!ta after sup-
1 ....U vtr wt.vio. Advertla.
... ,
Colea to.edlaai trlfkrstlsa.
OXFORD, Neb., Deo. S0.-(Speeial.)-Mr.
ana Mrs. J. u. Urtggs celebrated their
golden wedding Tuesday. They were
married in rhliltpsburg, N. J., Ieemtar
2. 1, by Rev. B. Parsoas of the Meth
t.1lit churclu In the spring of 187 they
hcmesleaded near Oxford and about five
year later they moved to the city of Ox
lora ana r.ave inaua inai their borne Up
to time. The guests present were:
Mr. cud Mrs. Krtu.k Mark of Oxford, Mr.'
nl Mrs. II. llkrtinaa of Oxford, Mr.
red I'arner and son, Kenneth, ot Cod
Good Things to Eat for New Year's
Canned Goods, Crackers, Batter, Eggs, Cheese,
Pickles, Fruits, Vegetables, Dried Fruits, Etc.
Don't Have a Winter Cold.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery and
I you won't catch cold. It kills the cntit
germa, keeps you well, 50c. All druggists.
Advertiser and customer profit by the
"Classified Ad" habit.
Many Cored After Others Failed.
At first no In apparently more
harmless tlmn drupny: a little awellln
of the evclida, hum!, feet, ankles or ab
domen. Klnallv there is great shortness
of brent h, couKh, fa.nt spells, some-
times nnusea and vomiting, even burst
ing of the limbs sml a ilngerlns; ana
wretched death if the dropsy Is not re
moved. lr. Miles tin been known as a leading
specialist In these diseases for 80 years.
Ha liberal offer of a S.1.75 Treatment
free to all sufferers. Is certainly worthy
of serious consideration. You may never
have such an opportunity sKnin.
The Grand Dropsy Treatment consists
of four dropsy lemeiiies In one, also
Tonic Tablets and Pura-l.xa for remov
ing the water. This treatment la special
ly prepared for each patient and
most nhyslclsns. Jt usually relieves the," i
llrst day. and removes wel!ln; In a
duvs In most esses. Ie. ay is danaero
Band for Remarkable Cares In Ton State
All alfiictcd reailcrs may havo Hook,
Examination Chnrt, Opinion, Advice, and
a Two-lound Trial Trentrnem FREK
Write at once. Inscribe your case. Ad
dress. lr. Franklin Mile, Dept. DA
705 to 715 Main Street, Elkhart, Ind.
9US.I f
ateJ .
r il'
jji, j
for the
16 ti
Hayden'a make the prices
people, and save you from
50 on the cost of hlvng.
For your New iear'a puddings, pies
and cakea use Diamond H flour,
nothing finer, per sack , $UI
II Ilia, bust pure cane fgranuUted
auger tl.00
i cans faJicy sweet suttur corn, wax.
string, groeu or lima beans fttio
No. S tans Uohlen pumpkin, hominy,
sauer kraut or haked beans can TO
tl-oa. Jars pure fruit preserves ..83o
ts-oa. jars pure strained honey ... 81o
Advo Jell for dessert, pkg TV0
The boat domestic macaroni, verml-
ctlll or Bpaitbettl. pkg TVe
cans beat oil sardines le
No. 1 cans sliced California peaches
In heavy syrup lse
Ime bottlea Worcester sauce, pure
tomato catsup, picklea, asaorted kinds,
prepared muatard or horseraill li,
bottle lJ0
Kanrv asaorted cookies, per
pound tOo, IBViO, ISo
v. o. C. or Kriimlilea, pk mo
Fancy Golden Hantos coffee, lb., too
Dried rmtts for Tone Puddings,
flea sua Cakes.
Cleaned currants, per lb. lSe
California cooking raisins, lb. . .U0
Fancy California peavhes. lb. . .gio
Fancy California prunes. II Hit
Fancy Mulr Fark apricots, lb l&e
Condensed mlnce meat. pkg. ...To
Imported Fard datea, lb ISO
Imported Hallowl dates In. too
California fias, pkg., li-oa. . ...TVe
The bee mixed new Bats, ,,..17Vo
Almonds, Filberts, Hraalls. pecans
or No. 1 Walnuts, all new nuts, every
kind, per lb lTle
Highland stavel Oranges for STw
Tear's, per doa, ..loo, aoe, Ifto, 30e
The Baiter, Cheese sag Xffg Market
of Omaha.
The beat creamery butter,
bulk, lb
Fancy No.
ter. lb. . .
Fancy No.
carton or
I country creamery but-
I dairy table butter, lb..
Good dairy table butter, lb. ....too
The best strictly fresh egge, noth
ing finer, per doa v gse
I he best storage eggs, dos. gse
The best full cream N. T. White.
Wisconsin cream or Y. A. ctieee,
pound too
i lbs. good table butterlne gs
Highland aTevel Orange ShUe rriday.
Resnilar . tOc, I jo. SOn, 40c, 60c doa
Frhlay ...lAo,SOo, Uxt, SOo, Oo so.
Potatoes, IB lbs. e peek SOe
Wlm oi.sin call !-. lb la
S bunchea freah shallots, radishes or
carrots 10
S heads freah leaf lettuce 6e
I.arwe head lettuce .-THe
Fancy lienver cauliflower, lb. . .TV.e
fld titteta, carrots, turnips or
nipa, per lb.
. ...le
Start the New Year Right by Baying Your
Meats and Poultry
In Oar Mammoth Meat Dept. at a Sating cf2S7 to 5Q7
No. 1 fancy dry picked turkeys 8 So
No. 1 freah gneae 1T1
No. 1 trah ilii-ks !T'e
No. 1 limn pork loins
No. 1 hni'iuiiai ters aprliis; lan.h U4
No. 1 forenuarters aprlng" laint ',e
Nu. 1 alee i ...t roakt 10o,
No. 1 hoina-liiatte suuaaa'tf SliO
No. 1 aictr rib roaai leo
Bmoked Meat Speolala,
Annour'a tltar llama..,
No. 1 Iran bacon
No. 1 l'd'k liaMn
No. 1 salt pu .
IMday Osly.
Freah bulk oysters (no water adur.t
at 3
Freah dreaaed chickens at whole
sale prices. "
A B r
1 I
If I
m ... v.
si y
"Fearless" typifies
the great motion pic
ture star Helen
Holmes better than
ny other word. Her
daring her reckless
abandon have made her
a dominant figure in film
dom. In her latest and
greatest success "The
Girl and The Game"
Miss Holmes portrays a
more sensational role
than she has ever before
attempted. If you haven't
seen this beautiful film
star In "The Girl and
The Game," go today!
Cost $500,000
to Produce
The motion pic
ture version of this
sensational story cost
half a million dollars
to produce. It's full of
"big scenes." Nothing
like it has ever before
been presented. It's
newt Frank H. Spear
man, the noted author,
wrote the story that is
appearing in leading
newspapers simultane
ously with the appear
ance of the motion pic
tures. Read the story!
See the photoplay!
At These Theaters
Every Friday:
MAGIC TIIEATKn, South Omaha,
Nebraska IVtdaj, January 7.
PAUK TllKATKIt, 16th and Cauui,
Omaha, Nebraska Friday, Jan
uary 7.
RKX THKATKK, Council Bluffs,
Iowa Friday, February 4.
Read tha Story Kvery Monday
In the
Omaha Daily Bee
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