Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Tin: bek: (Waiia. wkdxksdav. dixkmheh 20, mi.-.
Dismissed German Attach Advises
United States to terii lws
Along German lines.
thus to JTsnrr himself
KEW YORK. Dec. is. Captain
Karl Boy-Ed. the recalled German
ear! attache; Colonel Edward M.
noose. President Wilson's special
emissary, and Brand Wbttlock, Amer
ican mlnUter at Brussels, boarded
the ateamiihlp Rotterdam within a
few minutes of each other today to
all for Europe. I
Colonel ' House and Mr. Whltlork
vera uncommunicative, but Captain
Boy-Ed gava out a written atatement
In which ha denounced what toa
charaeterised aa "tha reckleas uttf
sncea of an Irresponsible press" and
predicted that tha American gorarn
tucnt would "in Belt-defense" eoma
day find It necessary to curb such ut
teraneea. Statement t r-Ea.
Captain Karl Boy-Ed ImuI the follow
tnt itiUnwut )uat before selling:
"Before this terrific war broke out I
bad tha great fortune of having aerved
almost two and a half yeera for my
emperor aa navel attache to tha German
ambaay at Washington. Those
tor.( not only to tha moat Interesting, but
ft! to to tha moat pleasant In my Ufa. I
am particularly thankful for tha rare
comradeship of tha American navy that
Z have been permitted' to enjoy, due to
tha kindness of Ua gallant and amiable
Office re.
"Tha treat" and cordial haspHelliy
which la ao proverbial for
and which waa extended alao to me from
tha vary ftret day of my arrival In the
Vnlted States, I can never forfet.
"Of course, I refrain at the hour tt my
departure from aaaln refuting alt ' tha
tortea which were told about ma In the
American papera. which moetly Ilka the
allly liuaru Ule-were Invented by tha
Providence Journal.
Thla paper, with Ita BHOah-bom Mr.
Rethom has done Ita utmoat to create
an almost hysterica! auaplclon of apylng
tnrougnout tna country in oruer a
(Prejudice publlo opinion against Oer-
Mania for Threes Sangested.
VVe Oermana do not understand what
you call your 'free presa.' Our lawa al
low the fulleat pereona! liberty consta
tent with the welfare of the atate. But
we do not permit tha dlplomatlo repre
sentatives of friendly governments to be
Insulted ad libitum or our government to
be embarrassed In Ita dealing with other
nations, nor men'a reputation to be wan
tonly eaerlfleed by the wild and reckieas
utterance- of an Irresponsible presa Ilka
the Providence Journal. And I venture
to predict that In enter aalf defense you
will be forced to take like raeaur.' not
withstanding the dangerous power of
your press.
"While our enemies have been and are
feeing supplied from thla country ., with
II forma of death dealing munitions of
war without which they would have long
V -.. f hivi Keen Am
nounced from one end of the country to
the other for having been eon Pernod at
tha outset of the war In chartering ehlpe
tn sunolv our crulsero at aea with coal
and food." as though It ware a crime In
.t.A f helna. aa It haa been considered
bv vour court, to be a etrletly Uwtul
action, Tha ahlpe that brought coal, pro
visions and supplies from Hong Kong to
Admiral Deweya fleet during the Span-I5h-Amertcan
war In 1K were cleared for
llar-eo and not tor American warsnips
. .nd In their etearanoa papera it
waa stated that the cargo consisted of
crap iron.
a.otee Anathev Jlewepaaer.
"In thla oonnectien X may elte one of
tha leading American newapapere wmcn
raid on Deaember I la regard to the re
rail of b colleague. Captain von Papea.
and myself: 'It wUl be worth coneMer-
abla to ua If we keep eur sense or pre
portion working and do not permit preju
dice to shut out our perapecuve.
"It is my heartfelt hope that the United
Hates aad Germany, which have ao many
common tntareata. will always maintain
their frlandiy relatione; that peace- will
coma aoea and that tha abatement at
jsaioa will enabl all Americana to have
for Qermany and Oermana the same gooo
will as formerly.
"I aay goodbye to all my personal
friends in thla country, thanking them for
the innumerable evidence t friendship
J have received at their hands, and ea
presa my gratitude to thoaa who have re
mained Impartial and unbiased In a war,
the bloodshed and misery of which the
world haa naver aeea tha like before."
They're Not Matched
Charles A. Prouty Discusses Publio
Ee gelation of Utilities Versus
Publio Ownerhip.
WASHINGTON., Dc. 23. Eminent
aclentlata, historians, economists,
statisticians, arensclogistt, geofraph
era and others discussed problama of
world-wide Interest at a - acora ot
conventions held her today In eon-
neotlon with tha second Panamerlcan
Scientific congress. ;
Member of I tba congress, which
Judgs nut Denies Motion to Sis-
miss Cliarjei Against Rockefel
ler and Other Directors.
NEW YORK. Dec. J .Judge Hunt
denied today tba motion of tha de
fense to dlamlaa tha case against
William Rockefeller and ten other
former directors of tha New York,
New Haven V Hartford railroad. on
trial, charged with conspiracy to
tuonopollsa the transportation traffic
cf New England.
Judge Hunt alao denied the motion to
strike out the testimony relating to the
Two Hundred American Passengers
on Board United States Send
Protest to Lansing.
NEW YORK, De. jg. The
steamer. United States, which arrived
ted ay from Rrandanavlan ports, re
ported that on December IS It was
alopped east of the Shetland Islands
ly a British cruiser and taken to
Greenock for eiamlnatlon. There
ti e British removed 1,96 1 small par
cels and 930 parcel poet packages,
7 he steamer was released on tha
Because they were held five days
at Greenock, the 200 American cltl
sons aboard the United States drew
up a vigorous protest against the ac
tion of the British government and
will forward It to Secretary of Stat
Mall for Holland Selaed.
BERLIN, Dec. 88. (Hy Wlreleae to Pay
villa.) aelsure by the Britlah govern
ment of American mall from two steam
ship on their way to Holland la reported
In a rtottardam dispatch given out today
by tha Overaeaa Newa agency.
According to the News agency dispatch
tha vessels from which mall waa taken
are tha Dutch eteamahlp Nleuw Amster
dam from New Tork. December 14, for
Rotterdam and tha Norwegian steam-
shln Christen Mlrhrlson frtm New Vrtrk.
December S, for Rotterdam.
Whether the mail seised Included any
flrat elasa matter or consisted cf parcel
post ehlpraente, the foregoing does
not make dear. Tha British government
haa taken tha ataod that parrel post
matter must be regarded aa freight, e
empt from the protection given first
clasa matter under the International
Posts! convention. Washington la under
stood to have concurred In thia view.
-Will Eaaaalae AH Mall.
WAPinNOTON, Dec, . The alllrs. It
la eiplalned her. Intend to aelse and ex
amine all mall passing between the Vnlted
States end tha European neutrala which
there la reason to believe la Intended for
Oermeny. Hitherto, eelxurea have been
confined to parcel post
In Justification It la aald that the allies
will first plead military necessity, and
second, that there ia no Inviolability ot
mall to tha Tautonie powers because
Turkey, their ally, did not eubecrlbe to
The Hague convention which covera It
ruthermore, the action la based on an
article In The Hague convention provid
ing that Immunity of eelxure of mafl
ahall not apply "to correspondence de
tlned for or proceeding from a blockaded
port." -
Now Look: Oat.
Whan a cold hangs on, aa often hap
pens, or when you have hardly gotten
over one cold beforo you contract another,
look out, for you are liable to contract
soma very aerloua dlaeaae. Thla succession
of colds weakena tha ayatem and lower
the vitality ao that you are much more lia
ble to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia
or eonaumptlon. Cure your eold while
you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
haa a great reputation. It la relied upon
by thousanda of people and never disap
points tham. Try It It only coata a quar
ter. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement,
Louis Lochner Says Secret Informa
tion will Soon Astonish
tha World.
1 "Sis I
STOCKHOLM. Dec. l,g(VU Lon
don.) The public meeting- held laat
night under the auspices of the Ford
peace expedition ia characterised
here aa tha most enthusiastic demon
stration for peace that Europe haa
seen since the war began. Nearly
1,000 citizens of Stockholm attended.
Every mention ot an ear'y end to the
war provoked prolonged applause.
When Louis Lochner, secretary of
the expedition, announced that the
executive committee had secret In
formation that certain onea ot the
belligerent' natlona were willing to
negotiate for peace, the meeting be
came tumultous.
"It would astonish tha world." aald
Mr. Lochner, ,"lf we made It known
at thla time what Influences are at
work for peace. Thla Information
baa been In the possession of the
executives of the expedition ever
since we sailed from New York. It
waa the real encouragement behind
the expedition. We have every as
surance) that onr project will meet
with favor, although at this time It
cannot be said Just what la behind
the movement."
Abed rritiXaoa Wlleaa.
Tha Rev, Charles F. Akod of Ran Fran
cisco declared In bis speoeh that he re
gretted to aay that America was not
giving tha peace Idea auch support aa
might be desired. He found fault with
President Wilaon for what he charac
terised tha president's failure to take the
initiative in leading neutrals in a peace
The sucoeaa of tha meeting, which was
the flrat of a publlo character sine the
arrival of the party In Sweden, Is attrib
uted to the fact that most Swedes can
understand English. For the benefit of
those unable to understand English the
speeches ware translated by Interpreters
on the platform. Each time a speaker
referred to the unity of neutrala In the
dealre for peace the Academy of MuMe.
where the meeting waa held, rang with
Joaea Kiseeti Mm-a Ksreirtfrnrst
Tha Rev, Jenkln Lloyd Jonee. chair
man of the executive committee, aald
after the demonstration was over that
It gave a great Impetus to the expedi
tion and argued further encouragement
when the party reached Denmark and
The committee announced that Sweden
and Norway had arranged to send un
official delegations and that cltlsena from
other neutral countries will attend the
final pears conference. The expedition
'eavea Wednesday night for Copenhagen.
From that point It will proceed to Th
Hague, possibly by railway through Germany.
Ta Prevent tha Grip.
Colda eauee grip Laxative Bromo Qui
nine removes the cauaa. There is only on
"Bromo Quinine." B. W. Orove'a signa
ture on box. 25c. Advertisement.
Read Tha Bee Want Ada. It pays!
opened her yesterday with a Joint
' VW"1.J -i Mairenolltaa ataamahln deals which In-
groupe to carry on the deliberation voWt4 v, Robbina.
(Continued from Fage On.)
loving additional points ia his add rea :
Criticised the present easy method of
mendliia; Nebraska'a constitution, al
though conceding amendment waa too
dtftmult under th old system. Expressed
rr-gret that lawyer a had not opposed the
Approved Initiative and referendum "as
B, corrective, uevtr as a daily diet."
To Hack CvMBsareUtUaa.
Declared Primary election law as In
as at pre sect, practically a fallute and
urged aa amendment birh would re
sult ijt placing information concerning
randldatea for office in th hinds of
tlte votera
Advocated giving county attorneys
power to call in witnesses aad Inquire
tato crime after tha eame manner of
grand Juries.
Defend tha gar against chargea of
corruption, but declared lawyers are
"wandering away from the ethli of tha
good, old days especially the younger
attorneys." Commercialism la deterto
eulng the profession." said rrcaideat
The committee on Irglttation reported
tbat five out of ten reoummeodsxioaa
tnade by ilia feiete &ar association wra
ad'Jl ted and made lawa by the Uat leg
islature. Th financial committee reported a bal
dm i't hand of ll.ST.
I.t ettiiti.g the Mailing members Were
n tM tnt!.r,i at a thraitr party at th
ou I"; m wlivie 10 scats had bcea r
t.n t d
A "TVr rio" or ' f ur Sunt" Ad placed
In T e 1 v. U at.'-.ii 'lJt Ita pur-
Of tha gathering.
Ia addition the following organisations,
affiliated directly or Indirectly with the
eongrese, alao settled down to work:
: The American Historical association,
.International Congraaa of Americanists.
American Koonomlo association.
I American Political Science association.
American Society of Intsruational law,
: Naval Historical society,
1 American History society. .
American HUtlatlcal association.
Amerlran Boctaloglcal society
American Association for Labor Legis
lation. ...
American Folk Dor society.
American Anthropological association.
Arohaeoioglral Institute of America.
American civil association.
The Association of American Ooegreph-
From time to time In the next two
week anost of the organisations will
meet In joint session with certain divi
sions of the Scientific; oongr.
rraaty aa Fa hi la Vtllltlea.
The question of highest Importance that
remain to be answered before the ac
cess of government regulation of publlo
utilities can be affirmed, according to
Charles A. Frouty, director of the division
of valuation. Interstate Commerce com
mission, who apoka before a division of
the oongresa In "The ragulatloa ot publlo
utilities," la whether necessary private
tunda can be obtained under regulations
for the development ot these utilities.
He aald H waa certain that tha rata of
return must be very much In excess of
the rate at which the government could
borrow money for providing the eame
utilities and the question might finally
be "can the people afford to regulate
their utilities, or la It batter that the
governmen furnish tho service at flrat
Mr. Frouty aald that tha need of gov.
eminent regulation of tha utility waa due
to tha fact that the corporation furnish
ing tha service usually haa a monopoly.
Tha patron who requires the service must
pay the price asked. Ha aald that elnoe
the Individual la powerless to protect
himself the government must protect
htm. Otherwise aoclety could net prop
erly develop.
The political development of American
rountrloa la . largely dependent on
nether the blood of Aborigines, Kuro
peana or negroes predominate, accoid
Ing to h'ran Boas, Instructor in anthro
pology of Columbia university In an ad
drees before a Joint aesslon of th In
ternational Congreaa ot Americanists and
tn anthropological section of the Tan
American congreaa.
Address hy MeAdoa.
Secretary McAdoa apoka at tha open
ing session of the section of the con
greaa on transportation, commerce, fi
nance and taxation. Secretary Lane
addressed tha mining and geological sec
tion of the congreaa
The woman a auxiliary conference of
the Scientific congress bald ita flrat ses
sion today. Mrs. . ilobert Lansing pre
sided. More than SOS women attended.
Addressee ware made by Mra Fercy
Fennypackar. representing the General
Federation of Woman'a cluba, aad Mra
William Cummlng Story, president of th
Daughter of tn American Revolution.
Pr. Char lee W. Elliot, president enieri
tua of Harvard, waa te have addressed
tha division of education of tha congress,
but did not arrive In lima and bla paper
waa read. Dr. Elliott took the position.
that to little attention waa paid to th
training of tho senses and be thought
agriculture ahould have a prominent
place in country schools.
' Bobbins was formerly general counsel
of the New Haven, In rendering hla de
cision against the Metropolitan teatl
mony the court said that the motion waa
denied without prejudice to lt being sub
mitted again at a later stage of the trial.
Judge Hunt rendered hla decision at the
resumption of the trial today after attend
ing tha holidays In studying the argu
ments on the motions made by both
Sldaa laat week.
The defenae then began the presenta
tion, of Its side ot the case.
(Continued from Page One.)
tn the spectacle of a great nation, obese
and otiose, wallowing la fat. too smug,
too supine, too spineless to fight If
need be In self defense.
America can never be conquered ex
cept by herself by Its own Indolence and
folly. Nebraska ia the very heart ot this
mighty organism and knowa that Amer
ica' a welfare aa a whole dependa on the
welfare of all Us member.
"I believe In rural credits In land
banke-4a any legitimate device that will
enable farmers to borrow money at
minimum rate.
National WatsrwsMi
"I believe In tha national development
of waterways: provided, however, that
an estimate of the ultimate eoat ef any
Improvement, as a completed, permanent
whole Is first made and filed with plana
and peclftcatlone.
"I am utterly oppod to 'clasa' legia
lation to lawa creating caste distinction
among tha cltlsena ot the United Statea.
There are no such things aa labor and cap
ital aa Immutable categories as If once
a laborer alaways a laborer; onea a
capitalist always a capitalist. In a free
government, honestly administered, these
relative positions are as shifting sends.
There la no such segregated body of men
aa 'consumers, with nothing to do but
consume. We are all af ua consumers,
and with pretty good appetites.
"I favor eubvenlione gifts outright
made by the atate for the undoubted good
of the atate whether these subsidies take
the form of old age pensions, widow a'
pensions, disability pensiona or Induce-
otente to Americana to build thalr own
"I believe In the consrnation of natural
resources. If by the phrase la meant not
the absolute withdrawal of our natural
resources from present use for the sola
benefit of generationa unborn, but their
economical uae by thoae now living."
Winter Caaake aad Cola Deageraas
Don't run the risk, get a Mo bottle of
Dr. Klng'a New Discovery now. The
first doae help you. All dru gists. -Advertisement.
ru4 Tee Bee Want Ads, It pays!
Fir la llllaola Twwa.
nilJWRriUI. 111.. Dec SI Fire of un
known orialn today wiped out e prin
cipal bueineee liiock of the village of
Little York, warren county raueing a
17ea of ifi.rt"0, partly covered by Insur-
jnea w w
The Greatest Oearaitce Sale of Tlieii All
1S08-1G10 Douglas Street
wir Ilito teiie (Cneitis
To Is SacFfficefl ii
V&luea tb&t represent the climax of TsJue-giving. Any woman In this ricdnity who reeds this advertisement and
fails to take advantage of some of the bargains offered in this clearing' sale, will miss tho most remarkable ralnes ever
off ered by this or any other store.
Surely, women shouldn't require much ooaxing to come here this week and take home garments that hare fonnd
ready sale at twice the prices now being asked. Do yon realise that this stock is the NEWEST in Omaha all bought
for our opening only a few weeks agocritically selected by Mr. Orkln himself wad is actually being sold for lees
than the cost of manufacture?
400 Fine Coats
Representing garments that sold readily
at $29.50, $35.00 and as high as $39.60,
offered for the balanoe of this week at
350 Tailored Suits
Suits that are distinctive, representing
all that is best in ladies' apparel, that
formerly sold at $39.00, $39.50 and up
to $45.00, to be cleared quickly
$1(0) 8
Beautiful Dresses
Garments for all occasions, the riohest
silks and combinations all latest styles
fomerly sold at $35.00, $29.50 and
$39.00, all going in this sale at
While we feature the shore) three groups, remember that EVERY garment in the store Is included in the sale at
HALF cr less than HALF the former prices.
$10 Skirts Going at $3.90
it Models, flue
Choice of SSO Skirts, latest
naterUls, wort, ap to
110. ( boose from entire
assortment, at,
VP 1SOS-1310
$4.00 Blouses at $1.69
Cholee af SM Handsome
B losses, gems
,, ... 7 mwnm ,vae
sUrbtlr avasaad, actual value Aj a a
toUoo. Choice dortOK SI Ktl
thlg rlearaaoe sate, VXaUal
TCSAT JSSo Last I Times
The SeXovea Overs Compear ta an
Sleborete rreaaottoa ef
Tana iTsaausv aad aT9waz
AU Stat Cast Aagmeataa Oean are.
Mat aa te ti.aoi svag aoo ae a
S sTig-Bta, BegiBBlae; Tomorrow, SX4C
30TBI MaUM Snrj
Wat., ase te Sl.Wlvage. t ta S1SO
Mights, Beglaalag Baaday, JaST.
ad MaUse W4asstay
IiWIat AM1 CO., Freeeat ,
Tai isia x.Aua jmsxrvAi.
St Sa a Tear ia Hew Tors
Mat.. 85e te til Waga asa S S1.SO
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at 11 druggists.
St ta Time for Amarteaas te Tatak
r&xcxs. a, aoa, Tsa,
Klaborate Film Presentation
"The Passion Play"
life of Christ
Spscla) Musical Prcgr:;u
Electrical Effects
.Ji W-1VtL3 ' 11 I II J I Sal BSJBS 1 1 II I I I.I g
DATia cati.i a co.
X). J. af uore a Otaer Aeta
The saga of Ttoaga"
tvAJiwia gna
AojsUs'a A
StasT I
aaata 1
10a Bxtra I
fh. r. 1
Chamber's Special Classes
Open First Week in Jan.
Adult beginners, alone, and Thura
Adult advance. Weds. Uiirti school. even. Children, rues, and
bate. La. early. Tel Di. laTI.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may he
in other respects, it must he
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessfuL
"Omasa's) rxrm
A ana4
can Tam
Dally Stata IS SS SOs
srrojr is aa-so.Tse
New atuam tat HollAar W.t.
Midnight Maids
Kaarlr M sila
I.fileaiits Pm. OurUr. pi r
nr. VauS.'lli. aeta Oatmtlr Govee '
rtwraa Bia tivnk SurpriM at Xua MiAalis
Shew Manl&a MUM N.w Iri B.
IsAMe Sim Mat as Weak Vara.
0:20 laTSkRU
North Dros. Otoek Co.
Oaaaaa's Beat Taeatrioal argata,
"Shore Acres"
10 Cents nll 2o
So eg.
The Best o( Vaudeville
pally Matinee. I ll; Every Night. S.ll
Charles E. I Walter
Evans a Co. C. Kelly
Other Acta Thla Gardiner Trl-v
Oeorg Chlyo. Dorothy Breau.r and EVldt
Allen Orpheum Weakly.
Prleea: Matinee. Gallery, 10a Beat 8eata
( Saturday and Sunday). Itu
Nlaht, 10c, lie, 0o and Tic.
ar w w at CHTiauouai
Today and Tomorrow
lilt! ITreaents
Tiitixi aosvATT ia
tai larMiuaAnT-"
aaa wa aitiiBtxi raaaia
ta "marTitlOI"