i i 10 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. 11S, Mi Pervlce. International Drawn for The Bee by George McManus VELL- WEIt--VELl-HELLO -OOY-, - ITS TOO ARE NOT I JOVT ;qt WE DRIVE out ; V f WTTMP-OUR ) Huvdea? I - ', ! i W T7 7 n ; CHMJTrrV Hvs ,CNOnTMETMOU(SMT 0LLYTH 1 cl I CAME TO IT H(. HELU0JIKS-J , HELLO- Jl4i WELL-lfi 1 HELLO ; BOH StCwTB K 'O'HC NffAftA OMLlDOWN r CHAUFFEUR DON'T "YOUiir OLD PAL- IT AINT PETDIhift ON HORRID f NAK,F 'N ME OLD , Jf 2, J CAJT-iU.FA TUf HtTM J-f VHAT ARE , S ' liS "S f AFE YOU k MWT0 WCNT i k,NWT i0! PUH MAROlK WOnOE IF V IV J IOD TO CHAtf 7 I N X 0'N' to QE " - 1 : 1 LU1L : J WILL HE SMILE AFTER MARCH FOURTH t ST. LOUIS BROWNS SOLD FOR BIG. SUM! Owner! of Federal League Team Jfaifl Nearly Half Million Dol . lart for Team. OJfLT ONE PAYMENT MADE T. LOII8. Mo.. Deo. 2 Th- - pf the Bt. Louis Federals paid H2S,00O for me 01. 1.0111s Americana, it waa learned today. This Included I25.oi commission 10 certain stockholders In the St. Ixula Americana who iwum th a 1 hii the club brought tU a, share. Th Mir. chasers did not have to taka over a lli.ouo mortgage on the plant. It la understood that only one payment vi tm.vm inus xar has been made for the ft. Louis Americans and that Thll Ball naa until February I to pay the balance of $336,000. The minor atookholdera who received me la.uuo commission, it la eald. were Cal MrDlarmid and John F. Bruce, both of Cincinnati. . . Ban Johnson Says He Will Unravel " Cleveland Tangle CLKVBLAND. O , Deo. X.On erriv. lag here today rrealdent Baa B. John eon of the American league announced that the Cleveland American lea rue club either would be aold In three daya. or rrancementa would ba made whereby other rluha would alve Preatdent Charlea W. Bomere financial aaalataaoe durln the coming aeaaon. Trealdent Johnson arrived one day In advance of the American league maa natea, who are to meet here tomorrew. He Immediately went into conference with Bomera and the bankers' committee Which la handling Somera' affaire.. Colonel Jacob Huppert of the New York Americana waa here today and rumora apread that ha would buy an Intereet In the local club. Live Cub Bear is. Given to Weeghman CHICAGO. lec. .-Charlea W. Weegh man, purchaser ef the Chicago National league club, today waa presented, with a rub bear aa a maacot for the team. It 'was the gift ef State Senator A. J. Ol tn ef U oodslock, III.,, who caught the rub while on a recent hunting trip la Wisconsin.-The animal will be Installed la a cage at -Weeghman paj-k. Artio Ball, Famous Shortstop, is Dead CHICAGO, Iec M.-Artie Ball, ahort atop of the famous Baltimore Orioles a score of years airo, died at hie home here yesterday, at the are of 41 years. Ball as a inanimate of John ' McOraw, Ilughey Jennings, Jack Doyle and a num ber of other noted payer of that time He retired from the game two yeara ago. Here la the latest picture f va Fulton, the man matched n firht t. Wlllard for the h ahlp of the" world In New Orleana on narcn , net. The picture waa made In Oilcago a few days.1 ago and shows Fulton with a blar imiu-anniu. his countenance. How . long the smile win ust depends largely on the outcom. of the. fight. Few experts concede that Fulton haa a chance of defeating the man who wrested the championship crown from Jack Johnson. Gibbons and Ahearn Will Meet January 18 ST. PALX. Jee. Js. Toung Ahesrn Brooklyn and Mike Olbbona of fit Paul will meet for' their postponed ten-round bout Tuesday night. January 1. It was announced today. Gibbons, who haa been 111 with pneumonia, resumed training yesterday. ' Iter tn sauieel j c rwaai. "My sot F-letn Is subject to eretip," writea'Wrsr E.'0. Irwin, New Kensing ton. Pa. "I put In many aleepleas hours at night before I learned of Chamberlain's Cough ' Hemedy. Mothers need not fear this disease If they keep a bottle of Cnamberlaln'a Cough .Remedy tn' the bouoe and use it as directed. It always gave my boy relief ' 'Obtainable every, where. Ad vertlsoroenL Itppartnvst Ureer. WAMHIXOTO.V, Deo. -8peclal Tele grm.) i'ouiii?r appointed. Nebraska Fore. Arthur rvuuly, William O Krotherton, new olfUe; I!ln hlry, Bhert daii rourttv, lilrs. 1xju: W. t-'liildera. vice lwrd W. Hmctilry, rwetirned. lvwa Lowniour, t lintoti t ounty, Charles F. r-mlth vt.e Harry Keton. removed Xodale, Harrison county, lie lo4lle H AJwrrow. vice frank U liaminer. re- Ja:"ved. V yvinlnc Tytou. Fremont county. Miss Ioi Mutlure, new of (ice. Henry A. hui lierlaud of Marion, la., 1 b.-ri ''n.liUcl a land auralaar In conneciion wl'.rt the Vaiuatlou of rail- ivttiXM, iiiirmfcie ..mii-rc commlMlmt. H. A. hi,,irr of tiuti Kails, K. D.. has hf-a epi.oinirj a l.r li,,.r tor in connec tion vuii ti.o l,ur-i4ij ol annual lndusiry, lo 1 Iu at-1 H C'l.ica.-o. Tl.e ji roffi, e at lvoufci. Fremont tounty, V. oiiKi., has bct-ll Jicoului ue'l; timil t'j tf-..u Km k. II rrvi,- -Aatiiiiiatltn will be held on January :S lor I-,uuatris at I'aw "n a.-i I K!horii, "J tm f. 'ioeu.a; !"iolfti--s w(t become trjir,i.i .,i l niurirc orOT'- rrius on !'""" ;i: i- ' la-ifca-He-tijcr, t"lro, '.Sfri-.i 'nJf, I in.ii.ay, N- .,. Oai.a,,,!,, dten, Tiii.te. Earl Caddock" Has Challenged Charlie Peters to a Match Henry Carey of Anita. Tat., tna.lla.wa. Earl Caddock. champion amateur wrest- er or me united States, while In Omaha taeued a ehallenge to Cbarlea Patera of Papllllon. who last week so easily put the shoulders f Kuveraa. , the giant Greek, to the mat. The challenge Issued by Mr, Carey i, ,h caddock meet Peterg In , Council mfr. . catch-ae-cetch-can. winner Uke all. ,k h,d no "Ejection to th, match being slated for Omaha, except that the expenses for the Auditorium left little for the wrestl.r. .r... . penaea of the match were paid. ne recelpta for the last Petera match were about WOO. and artee ... preliminaries and advertising and 1300 for .wum, mere waa not much left CHESS TOURNEY BETWEEN IOWA AND NEBRASKA ON t clJa.Brh", ,0,Urnwnen to determine Znt, "wtl! U rume-1 hl. morning; continuing through the day. In the chess tournament four games are constantly going on and thla playtna wilt be continued until each plaver has Played each other player two r,mM The potnui won will determine the chaw plonshlp, - In starting, players were matched aa follows: W. Gllman. Plou city, played Rev. w- Kollman, Daykln. Neb. .,E- A- Crew. Marlon, la., played W. T "nney, Uncoln. O W. Bherrard. Fort Dodge. la., played Prof. E. l Hlnman, Lincoln. M. Babln. Northwood, la., played Pete Baron, North Platte. C. H. Coyls. Omaha, la the referee. While a number of the Omaha cheas aharka are attending the tournament, none of theiu Is taking part In the cham pionship play,, due to the fact that there are not enough player from Iowa to make up more than the four tearae. They were entitled to enter for the champion J'lp. but to accommodate the outside Hr. they all wal-ed their rights. triiku Cere Bark, lielaa Klaaeye. Take .1. drop ef Bloao,, Liniment four !"' ay si.d apply , ,mJi f w.k. H kills ths p. All drug,l.i..Adver-tieiient. STATE TO INHERIT THE MAUCH ESTATE No Lopal Heiri Are Found and Two Thousand Dollars Goes to Pub lic Treasury. TAILOR'S SAVINGS OF LIFETIME For the first time in its history the state of Nebraska has become the heir of an Omaha man. "It will In herit the $2,000 estate of the late Karl Mauch, as the result of a de cision by County Judge Crawford that the dead man left no legal heirs. Mauch died without leaYlng a will. The property which Mauch left rep resents the savinM 0f a long- life time of toll aa a tailoi. He had neither children nor wife and lived a lonely life. He was averse to writ ing: a will. "Why should I care what becomes oil my money after I am dead," he answered when urged to make some disposition of his property. After Mauch's death aeveral cousins liv ing In Germany and In Oskalooaa. la.. made application to Inherit the estate. The case came up for hearing In county court and the evidence adduced before Judge Crawford proved that they were couatna only by marriage through their relationship to the late Mrs. Mary Mauoh uernard or Germany. "Relationship by marrias-e la not ,,r. flclent to allow persona to Inherit estates." said Judge Crawford. "In Ger many the rule la different, a child becom ing the heir of a atcp-parent or othar relative by marriage." Many cases In which helra to have been apparently lacking at the time or me death of the deceased come to the attention of the local probata court iinr- taf Its history, but never before has there oeen an Instance where the court found that the dead person had no legal helra. In every other case helra have come for ward and established their relationship. INDICT CONGRESS MEMBER AS AIDE IN GERMAN PLOT (Continued from Page One.) been bustneeea associates of Lamar. Tay lor la a labor leader in New Jersey. faalala aa laamaatiy Rlahta. WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. MWh. Representative Buchanan heard of hla indictment In New Tork today on charges In connection with the actlvttlea of La bor's National Peace council, ha de clared that If he enjoyed any congres sional immunity from arrest he Intended to Insist upon It that he might be free to press his Impeachment chargea agalnat United titatea Attorney Marshall of New Tork, now pending in the house judiciary committee. "I don't know what they charge me with," he said, "and I have done nothing hlch I would not do again If I had the opportunity. I have been working for peace. That la all. I underatand they charge me with fomenting strikes. I have never seen anybody or talked to anybody about atrlkes. If they have in dicted me on perjured evidence It will Just furnish more evidence to support my impeachment charges." Moaaett Dealea Wrossdelas. COLUMBUS. O.. Dec. OL--1 know anything about It." was the com- meni or jrrank S. Monnett of thla city when Informed that an Indictment had been returned by a federal grand Jury in New Work charging him with con spiracy to foment strikes at munition planta. "I am attorney for several labor unions." he continued, "and recently have been giving legal advice to the glaaa blowers and there atrlktng here. There was nothing In tny employment that waa not' entirely regular." HISTORY Or PBAlR. COCWCIL Vaa HI. tele Sweat Large Baa, bat Started Kew Strikes. NEW TORK. Deo. tJ.-Laboi'. Na Uonal Peace coucoll was organised in May of this year, after the arrival In thla country oa April I Cf Frans Von Rintelln. who is reputed to be high In the councils of the Uannaa government He . apparently commanded mUinuted funds, having VMfic te hla credit la one ,!W. T0rk tnk' te federal officials, hla missloa waa start propaganda agalnat the exportation of munitions to the allies, hut also U sUr -i wuuuie Between thla country and Mexico. In this respect his efforts were a failure from the etart. The first Important meetinv .v.. peace council, which waa ostensibly or- '""" l promote the cause of Inter national peace, was held In Washington in June. Congressman Buchanan was Just an Earful By Tad Jimmy Johnson, manager of George Rodel, the Boer, disputes the claim of Kred McKay to the high diving championship, and declares George has beaten and probably will beat the world's mark many Umes more. Mr. Rodel, by the way. Is a trader in wallops. He has fought many times in this vicinity, and has done the diving act upon many occasions. Mr. Rodel crossed bats with Gun boat Smith one night uptown, and In the last three rounds took five dives that came near being fatal to his rep and Jimmy Johnson's future Activities as a manager. Jimmy had to keep the Boer on hit feet for the limit or blow two other matches he had made for his man. He worried himself sick for five min utes, and then remembered that George waa stuck on a Jane In Lon don, antTfaked a cablegram from her to George. The next time Rodel went down Jimmy yelled: - "I gotta cablegram from Jane." ' Rodel pricked up his ears at the count of seven and got up again. He was no sooner set before he wag dropped once more. "It you don't geC up I'll tear this cablegram up," yelled Johnson, wav ing the thing In the air. ' George got up again. He begged between rounds to see the cable, hut James was obdurate. Jimmy told him If he stayed the ten he would rtad it to him. Rodel took an awful walloping from Smith and barely stayed the limit. When he got to hla corner Jimmy slapped him on the back and banded him the cable from London. George hastily gave it the once over, then looked up at Johnson with his one open glim and remarked: "Aw, this ain't from Jane; it's a fake. Why it ain't even her hand-writlnV elected preatdent. Fowler general coun sel and Monnett waa named a member of the committee on resolutions. Buchanan resigned July 11 and waa succeeded by Jacob C. Taylor, a leading labor union official of New Jersey. Von Rintelln, according to United States secret service agents, finally discovered that he was pouring out hla money with out result except to enrich the men he employed ae his agenta. Soma . strikes were called, but they failed to have' any Important effect upon the exportation of munitions. The German agent decided to leave the country. He first endeavored, by the aid of An drew D. Meloy, an American mining pro moter, to secure an American pas port. Falling In thla he aalled under a Swiss pa a port, ualng the name of Edward V. Gasche. Meloy waa subsequently ar rested and turned state's evidence. When Von Rlntelen was taken prisoner by the Brlt'sh a mass of documents was alao seised and turned over to the Amer ican authorities. Acting on the Informa tion obtained from these papers an In vestigation was started Into the activ ities of the peace council. The- grand Jury first returned Indict ments against Von Rintelln and Meloy in the passport case. A sealed Indictment, the contents of which have never been known, waa next handed down. The in dictments today are the final results of the grand Jury work which haa lasted four months. Assistant United Statea Attorney Bar- faty, who conducted the proceedings be fore the grand Jury, declared today that while the Jurora had been discharged. the lnveatgatlon was by no means ended and would In all probability be taken up by subsequent grand Juries. Price of Tungsten Ore Takes Big Jump BOULDER. Cola, Dec. . Competitive bidding today brought offers of U and to per unit for SO per cent tungsten ore aa compared with S.H0 last April. At that time the first Increase brought the price to ft per unit and In the Intervening months It haa made ateady advances. Two buyers placed the schedule for M per cent ere at K7.S0 a unit, making the ore worth 2.Sj0 a ton. mlastoners to reconsider a saloon license granted December 15 to Chris Paulson at 1119 Douglas street Attorney Thurston contended that Paulson . was a resident of Council Bluffs at the time he applied for the Omaha license. Mayor of Toledo Accepts an Auto as A Bribe, is Charge TOLEDO, O., Dec . An Indictment charging htm with accepting a bribe In the shape of an automobile was returned today against Mayor Carl H. Keller, who goes out of office New Tear's day. It la charged that the mayor accepted the automobile from an agent of the Peerless Motor Oar company of Cleve land. Keller as a member of the city board of control, had a vote In awarding a ttiB.OOO contract for motor fire apparatus. "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed In The Bee will accomplish Its purpose. LICENSE FOR GOLDSTEIN REFUSED BY COUNCIL The city council refused to grant a license to Isadora Goldstein, B24 North Sixteenth street, the vote being five to two. Mayor Dablman and Commissioner Butler voting for the license. Hearing waa had last week on a Pro- teat filed by Fanny Markabury, but those opposing the license did so for other reasons thsn the protest filed. It Is understood Mr. Goldstein's at torney will appeal the case to the district court. J. M. Thurston, representing George E. Richardson, failed to move the com- life ' - v iy jHuwvl I CROTTB BROl CO. I 1 1 Gaweral Dutribatesa ' I j Oaaaka. Bsa. mm A' A Has! MaU Sour Mash WHISKEY Made la the heart , 1 - A? BOTTLED IN .BONO Daniels Suggests Naval Academy on the Pacific Coast WASHINGTON. Dec. 28.-Secretary Daniels said todav that k- i creased building program for the navy ultimately made necessary a second naval academy, the logical place for the new Institution would be on the Pacific coast. Senator Phelan and Representative Kent of California are preparing bills to that end and have conferred with Sec retary Daniels, but the question of site naa not been discussed. Secretary Daniels has recommended to congress an Increase of the undergradu ate body at Annapolis to Its full ca pacity 1,200 mldahlpmenand that num ber will care for the first body of Junior officers for the fleet Increase. Further Increases, however, will require additional facilities and the secretary said today bt) thought better results would be aocom pllshed in an additional academy. I Christmas Mail is Nearly Double i WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 3.-Chrlet mas mall this year waa from 15 to 40 per cent heavier than ever before, according to a Postofflce department statement Issued today. A middle-west postmaster wired thai parcel poet shipments were three times as heavy as last year. Parcel post paolo. ' ages handled through the Chicago poetn office would have filled seventy train of ten cars each, the postmaster said. Most packages were delivered from oAt flees generally before noon Chrlstmasl - da v. MATCHLESS BARGAINS IN YEAR-END SALES. HJAYDEN' il Hi 6 IP DODGE aa DOUGLAS STREETS TN EVERY department prices on vast quantities of season J. able merchandise have been radically reduced; in many Ba 0AM AtTAM A .a 5tcu uciow acuuu cost to manuiacture. Don't miss one day of this sale. Watch our windows and our ads. Read the Big Pre-Inventory Grocery Sale Oar Mammoth Stock to Be Reduced $20,000 Before Janaarv 1st BUY NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE USES Two carloads' beat hlch raH Diamond H flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, " made from the best selected No. 1 wheat, every sack guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or your money refunded. Clearance sale price, only per sack $l&0 600 cases fancy sweet sugar corn. 4 cans for aje 400 cases wax. string, green' and lima beans, 4 cans for a Jo 4 75 case; Early June peas, irine quality, S cans for ...... gSo 750 caes Golden pumpkin,' homlry. they last, 4 cans for uj 17 lbs. best pure granulated sn'rar for g oO 10 lbs. best white or yellow Torn meal B- L- .be,t ro,led wh,t breaJ;'fsst oatmeal 4 lbs. beat pearl tapioca "or Vane v Japan rice . . g3o 4 pkgs. Skinner's macaron l" ' .' goo v.,' .,tJ, matches . . .4o Teast Foam, pkg !.: So Large bottles Worcester aauce. pure wVITh" h ""T: . PlrMltK. assorted J"'k rerad,"h or P"Wod mus tard, bottle SV4o MacLaren'a peanut butter. Yb."isU0 W. o. C. or Krumbiea. pkg. . .TUo SJ-os. tars pure fruit preserves 83o m;?i ,?r" Pure "trJnei honey tie Mallo, for (clng, large can . ...lo Hersneya breakfast cocoa, lb ftoo The best tea stftings. lb. ....igUo fflC.3r OoW"" 8ntoa. a fine drinV nothing; finer for family use, lb. 000 The Butter, Cheese and Bgy Market of Omaha. Lnt '"it crem'y butter, carton or bulk, lb - jj0 Fancy No. 1 country creamery but ter, lb. gso Fancy No. 1 dairy table butter'.' lb.. at S7o Good dairy table butter, lb gso j,he',t 8tr,ctj5r "'h egga. notH Ing finer, per dosen ago The best full cream N. T White. Wisconsin cream or T. A. cheee- pound goo 2 lbs. good table butterlne .'."iaSo Highland WaTel Orange Sale Wed. Regular J0c. 2c, 0c. 40c. 60o dos. Wed . . .ISO, floo, aso, 30c, 40o doa. V 1 iVeV CookiS.? Potatoes, is lbs. te Deck goo Wisconsin cabbage, lb. ... io S bunches fresh shallots, radish ei or carrots " loo S heads fresh leaf lettuce 6j Itrge head lettuce IMa Fancy Denver cauliflower, per lb at fu. Old beets, carrots, turnip or parsnips, per lb .....lo .Try HAYDEN'S "First. Winter Office Quarters If you Lave found that you are not entirely com fortable in your office, we can assure you of having all the comforts of proper heat and ventilation. While we have only a few offices from which to select, possibly one of these will be just exactly what you want. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that it always new" The only rooms that we can offer now are the following, but It they do not meet your requirements we will be glad to place you on our waiting list. . Choice office suite, north light, very de Room222 alrable tor two doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private oriices; 50 square feet Room 322 Suite, consisting of waiting room and private office; north light; 620 square feet. A splendid office for a dentist or a physician Room 635 0n'y vacant room on the 17th street aide of the building. Faces directly on Seventeenth street. Partition for prt. vate office and waiting room. 81 xe 187 aquare feet Room 105 At th h',d of th atalrs, on the floor opposite The Bee business office. Slse 1 70 square feet. Would be specially use ful tor a real estate firm 815.00 845.00 318.00 830.00 Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103, V