Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, December 27, 1915.
. w 1., ,... In tha UriMt
AT a recent dinner r " "
cities of our land. the iumU were seated on benches corered with
rose-colored cloth. At another dinner, now planning. the bench
Idea will be carried out elbow pillows on either tide of each
f oest, the benches high backed, settle style, and plentifully supplied with
melon-shsfed pillows as spine props to the diners.
Rather Terfln toward the Roman style?
"No fear of that." say" a matron who has a prophetic sense for modes
at least two month ahead; "the modern woman will never dine reclining
she is too much afraid of getting fat, and she is quite too fastidious to
adapt the Roman means of banting."
go it would seem, despite the few threatening symptoms showing, that
we are quite safe from any such pagan modes. Our women are more apt
this winter to dine with their ice skates on by the side of a froien pool on
the roof of a sky scraping hotel than they are of reclining in Roman luxury.
And the secret of its ethics?
Merely fastidiousness, refinement of taste.
With the Glee Club.
It was OtxTlIn day In Omaha all day
today and this evenlns; while the Obe
lln alumni entertained for the Glee dub
of their college. Musical circle, too. ere
hofflng- a .marked Interest In the concert
to bo given this evenlna at the St. Mary's
Avenue Congresattonai church. This (loo
club represent the pick of over 1,000
musical students, making their holiday
visit to Omaha as much an artlstlo avent
aa It la a collet or social affair.
Tha festivities opened early this morn
ing at breakfast slven by the club and
Its director, Mr. J. C. Wlrkler. to tweo-ty-flve
former Oberlln men. Tha break
fast was given In the private car of the
club, "The Magnet", tracked near the
Union station.
A luncheon at the University club was
a feature of the afternoon entertain
ment, followed by a box party at the
Orpheum theater.
"The Magnet" will leavs Omaha , to
morrow morning for St. Joseph, and
from there east as far as muaurgh
the Oberlln glee boys will give concerts
throughout the holiday season.
The committee In charge of entertain
ment In Omaha for the club bars the fol
lowing members:
Messrs Messrs.
W. H. Bnalla, Fred Ixximta.
Chart Malison, E. L. B nails,
Harvey Moor head, Noble,
Put Festiritics.
Mrs. George Larooureux entertained at
a bridge-luncheon Wednesday afternoon
for her slsler-ln-Iaw. Mrs. William T.
Miller, of Medicine Hat, Canada, Those
present were:
Ivan Ixinswnrth,
ill la (ioortrtnh.
Hoy I mil k a,
S III Truelson,
Frank Anson,
Will Davis,
Clyde Smith.
Fint-Claii Kail Falls Behind Be
came of the Thousands of
Christmas Cards.
The postofflce was enjoying a
Dreaming spell yesterday for the
first time since the Christmas rush
started over a week ago. It was
nearly in a condition where it was
all going out and nothing coming in.
No. 15 on the Burlington, usually a
heavy mall train, came in. with so
little mall that "you could hardly
see It" as one of the clerks said. Two
small sacks was all it left at Omaha.
Last year the day after Christmas
there was an accumulation of parcel
post that took five days to remove.
This year it is all cleaned up.
First close mall suffered somewhat be
cause of the great clutter of Christmas
cards that swooped down on the office.
Though the clerks worked day and nlarht
thla avalanche continued and for a while
George Brandcis Tells Good Joke
in Which He is the Leading Figure
George Ttrandel telle this one on him
self, lie had driven his auto up In front
of church to wait for his wife when the
chauffeur of s Mg Tmouslne approached
and recognised Mr. Brands s well known
car. Mid, "Ho you drive Mr. Bramlels"
car. do you 7"
"Tea. I drive Mr. BrandeU car," replied
the general manager of the Branded
"Well, how many cars does he have?"
"Oh, a couple."
"Well. I wouldn't drive for him. They
tell me the chauffeur has to milk the
Another good one happened at the news
boys' banquet which Mr. Brandela gave
to the newsies. Mogy had a bunch of
the newsies around him when Mr. Bran
dels approached, and to give George a
boost with the newsies, said: "Boys, do
you know who Is giving you thla- tig,
rine feed tonight 7"
"Sure." rpoke up one of the urchins.
'That fellow over there." pointing to
Tom Quintan, Mr. Brandela' assistant.
And still another good one was pulled
off at the banquet.
Mr. Brandela asked a little fellow how
Santa had used him. The tot looked for
lorn and said he did not get a single
present. Mr. Brandels handed htm a half
a dollar.
Mike Barto, The Bee newsboy leader,
who was standing nearby, asked the lad
what he was going to do with so much
"Oh." said the lad. "Burgess-Nash have
a swell toy department and they, got Jes'
what I want."
given by the echool set In Boston, where
many of his classmates live.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford will re
turn to Omaha the first of the year and defied all efforts and seemed to hurt
will be at their apartments in the West;" the teeth of that old maxim
xna ' laDor conquers an tnings." The
clerks assert that the small envelopes in
which many of these cards are sent are
thrice as hard to handle as are the or
dinary slxed envelopes, to which they are
So, these Just - accumulated in baskets
and often those that came In last, get
ting on top of the baskets, were the first
to be delivered.
Thla morning, however, things had as
sumed normal proportions. Mall prop
erly addressed bad about been disposed
Will Koyce,
Harry belief ferle,
Harry ihnpnuo,
Clarence Owen,
Carrol Claris,
lloy Kealey,
I'harles Jewell,
riert levl.
Miss Margaret Vincent entertained at
dinner Christmas for Mr. and Mrs, H. C
Urome and Mr. and Mrs. Clnton Bronte.
Hnid-Huiiter Wedding.
Ou Liectniiit-r U, al . p. m.. Mist
Kculah C. Hunter, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. W. J. Hunter, as married to Mr.
Cilonn L. Hurd of Spencer, la. Rev.
' I dulu Hart Jenks was the officiating
cluiioiiiatu. Only a few of the immediate
rtluUtca aeita pieaent.
wiAkiina- was the haipy culmina
tion of a uiiuner romance at lake
koixijl. V. lur a toeuuing tr.p, Mr. and
fcira. llmj will 1,9 ui iiuinu at thence)',
Ihe fu'.ur t e UiUie, Mr. W. J.
IluiiUT, H.t I fur H e and iu.Ue com r oi loo ill of Umana.
For Biide-Elect.
Miss NtU ttn fca.e a linen shower
, this afternoon for Mlas Wetma Damon,
who will be married Wednesday. The
out-of-town guest was Mrs. J. Allen of
Washington, LI. C, sister to the bride.
The guests were:
Mlsaee Misses
Wilms, 1 emon. Blanch Brotherton,
1ouIm lamon, lrrna Jones,
Marion l erpenter, Mabel Cunklln.
Muriel Bullin,
Coronado Festivities.
Cards have been received In Omaha f
the Bulla Espanol to be given at the
Hotel Del Coronado January tt.
Among tha Omaha guesu on this ooca-
eiotj will be Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brad
ford, who will leave for California Jan
uary IS. Mrs. Bradford will also graoe
the brilliant military ball at Coronado.
which wilt be given during her six
weeka' sojourn on the Peclf la ocast
Easiness Girls' Council.
The business girls' council will hold Its
weekly luncheon and- prayer meeting
Tuesday between the liours of II. U a, in.
and 1:39 p. m. at Volunteers hall. Mrs.
James Hodges will be in charge of the
meeting, over 1'" business girls attend
these luncheons which have been heli
each week since the "Billy" Sunday cam
palsn. llarriagre Announced. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D&hlqulst announce,
the marriage of their daughter, Muth. te
Mr. Jamea R. Evans of Kansas I'll)'. The
wedding was eolcmlnlael December U, at
the BL John's Episcopal church, St.
Joseph, Mo. After February 1 Mr. an J
Mrs. Evans will be at home at Mil Vir
ginia avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Bridesmaid.
The society pages of the Chicago papers
are giving much apace t the coming
wedding of Miss iK-rothy Ial Fulton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ful
ton. Among the bridesmaid will be
M)se Martha Dale of Omaha,
Gau Reunion.
The third annual reunion of the Omaha
Hlh school class of I3U will be held at
the boiue of Miss Beulab Byrd oa Thurs
day evening, December u. Dr. Kalph
Carney and Mlas Grace B. Robinson will
be In charge of the committee of ar
ruxgements. Kotrs of Interest
Mlas Adele Cullen leaves today for an
extended visit In the oast, Chicago aad
11 toil. Mum Cullea will go to Cbam
peg'ie, l'l-. t attend the sophomore
toiuiluft ef the university tbere on Jas
i.ery 14.
0z&l2.s in the Tast
John Ktoi, who attends Grvloa school
t Clroton, Mass., la (itdUig U.e holi
day vac' Wn Ith hU mother and aunt,
Mia. Krank t'r ford, at M Common
vcli!s axruue. In boston, touiig Knox
l en tte l:,.i,ur list at Grot on and has
Iv-n a gurat at a taiuWr nf affairs
Dinner for Glee Clnb.
Miss Dorothy Wright wtlkgtve a dinner
at her home In Falracrea thla eyenlng In
honor of the Oberlln Glee club. Eighteen
guests will be present. The decorations
will be In college colors combined with
emblems of the holidays.
School Set
Mr. John Heed returned from Shat-
tuck school Wednesday.
' Harold Simpson la home from tha Ne
braska Military academy for the holidays.
Personl Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Bowen and son
spent Christmas with their relatives and
trlenda In Kansas City.
Mr. John II. Hayes of New Tork City
Is spending the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hayes. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Harding left Fri
day evening for Grand Island to spend
Christmas visiting with relatives and
Mrs. J. If. Schmidt, accompanied by
her daughter. Miss Florence, will leave
Wednesday for Chicago, to visit her
sisters, Mrs. Paul Cox and Mrs. Catherine
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hubbard and their
guest, Mrs. M. A. Woodruff of Uos
Angeles, were the guests Christmas day
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bherman.
Mr. arid Mrs. R. M. West are spending
the' holidays in Orlnnell, la.
Mrs, Jesse Sherman of balem, N. T Is
the guest of his grandson. Earl Sherman,
and Mrs, Sherman.
Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Baxton of Sioux
city, Mr. Oeorge Baxton of McCloud,
CaL, and Mr. F. Stevens Baxton of New
Tork City, parents and brothers of Mrs.
J, H. Ehinn, are spending the Christmas
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Shlnn.
Mr. J. W. Hayward of Vinton, la.. Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hay
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Johnston and
children of Linooln are spending Christ
mas week with Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd B.
Mr, and Mrs. T. N. Crosby are spend
ing the Christmas holidays In Central
Mrs. W. W. Wells of Valentine and
daughter. Miss Sarah Wells, artlvd on
Tuesday and spent Christmas with her
son, Mr. Chester Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Batty or Denver
and their two sons are spending the
Christmas holidays with Mrs. Peterson,
principal of the Dundee school.
of. One big table held thousands of tet
ters and cards undelivered because of In
sufficient or incorrect addreos. These will
be gone through with the city directory
and many of them will be delivered.
In the "nixie" department, where all
things go that have lost their addresses
or are Incorrectly addressed. Is a moun
tain of packages. These come from all
over the Fourteenth division of the rail
way mail service. Some of these pack
ages had been mailed without any ad
dress. From others the address tags had
beep torn.
Several packages were delivered to peo
ple who called up and described contents
of certain gift package which they knew
had been mailed to them, but which they
had failed to receive.
Help Weak Ktdneye aad Larabusro.
Get a fto bottle of Sloan's L, niment,
apply on back and take six drop four
time a day All druggist. Advertisement.
Mrs. Doane Resumes
the Distribution of
Xmas Packages
Secretary Doane of the Associated Char
ities states that her Christmas distribu
tion has been resumed for the week, al
though not on the same scale of the work
last week. She continues to receive dona
tions and likewise Is receiving more re
port of famllle In need.
The Bee gave Mr. Doane XX from "A
Friend" and 13 from J. H. Spencer. A
doll sent by Mrs. Fenstermacher of Cedar
Bluffs, Neb., and a box from the Baptist
Sunday school of Herman, Neb., also
were turned over to the Associated
Charities for distribution.
The charities secretary figures that BOO
families were aaslsted through her de
partment last week.
Lawyer from the State to Gather
for Their Annual Meeting at
the Fontenelle.
The sixteenth annual meeting of
the Nebraska State Bar association
will convene at the Hotel Fontenelle
tomorrow, the first session being
held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
The program for the day Includes
the annual address by C. J. Smyth,
the president followed by reports of
officers. After these are In they will
be referred to the committees.
Wednesday morning there will be an
address on "The Policeman and HU
Beat." by John C. Hartlgan of Falrbury,
and one by Merton I Corey of Clay Cen
ter, who will talk on "The Lawyer's Duty
to His State." Wednesday "afternoon
there will be further action on reports
and an address. "An InquTy Concerning
Justice," by Prof. Mechem - of the law
department of the University of Chicago.
The election of officers will 'be the last
thing of the session.
In the way of amusement, the visitors
will go to the Orpheum Tuesday evening,
where they will be guests of the Omaha
Bar association.
The annual dinner of the state associa
tion will be given at the Hotel Fontenelle
Wednesday evening, with Frank H.
Gaines of Omaha as toastmaster.
Osiakaaa la Wauthlagrtoa.
WASHINGTON, Dec. M.-(Rpeclal Tele
gram.) A. M. Byera and wife of Omaha
are at the Metropolitan.
Hold Funeral of
Mrs.E.H.Metcalf at
New Dietz Church
Funeral services for Mrs. Elisabeth It
Metcalf, who died Thursday, were held
from the new Diets Memorial Methodist
church Bundsy afternoon at S o'clock.
The services were the first held In th
new building. Service at the home were
conducted by the Ladles of the Grand
Army of the Republic, at the church by
Rev, C. N. Dawson, pastor of the church,
and at the grave by the Degree of Honor.
Burial was In the Grand Army circle at
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mrs. Allan E. Leatnsuy, formerly Miss
S. Neveleff of Omaha, arrived Saturday
evening from Los Angeles to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Neveleff.
Mrs. Leelnsky was married last April
In Fan Francisco to Mr. Allan E. Leslnsky
of Boston, and last autumn the couple
visited In Omaha after a trip to the east,
visiting relatives of the bridegroom's
family. Immediately upon leaving Omaha
Mr. Leslnsky waa seised with appendi
citis and was operated upon In Los
Angeles, where he died December 18, Just
two weeks after leaving Omaha.
Mrs. Leslnsky will remain for some timo
with her parents, but toward the end of
the coming year will return to California.
Frank Haines and Clarence Brodie,
colored, arrested by Detectives Dunn
and Kennedy for holding up and robbing
Sam Rlseman, grocer, at 1320 Capitol
avenue of II, were bound over to the
district court with bonds fixed at $1,000.
niawfc JWewy Oa Teres Swat Fwe-sM .OS
Wsnh Ma-Jaw, awy ewrse aad wrMta, yard. t . . .,...
Bom Hair Plaa, valarM, k-ex. ..,,,, . ,,, . , . .Oe
lee-Yara Raeeta SevHa; Silk. fMk.,,..i,,.mt
0s4 twallty (tea's -Bartera, sat-r. .!
Mew !, aaMertal, MM-. ,,,,,,i, IH
0el Sala Twread, SOavyara sVsela. ......,...,
1-Var4 delfts 4 Haa-tlaa TwtIM Taaa. . .1
Vt ii h fttii Uli w mil wi in ii i hi wmwImm. i i mil
BOe Kef lea llesea, eaeeial, each lSe
riae Mesa. Klaalle llalr Mrta, a perl a I, ft for .......... .STfe
Wewlea Caat Mui,a-rra, aale arlee. a far ...Be
M. K. KallUai
, KaHUaar A Car tea, ball. ,S
Japeaaed Hall SJasae, each ,e
it Ha a4 llaaler Snwi Hesa Sepeartera. ...... lee
I Saff fara CfcaaieU, aa-ch 4
Merchandise w&nted now as at no other timet And yet reduced in price. It's Jnct a matter of business that stocks must be re
duced at this time, but when we reduce we make sure of quick selling. Our Great Enlarged Basement has enjoyed greater prosperity
this season than erer before, and consequently has many fine small lots and broken lines which are offered Tuesday at absurdly low prices
"What goes up must com down, on
your head or on the around," quoth a
voice emanating from a cluster consist
ing of Matt Dermody and C. J. Breen,
Twenty-fourth and Harney streets. The
declaration was Immediately followed by
a soaring whisky flask which tinkled
merrily on the pavement as Its fragments
scattered to intercept some 0 automo
bile tire. Officer O. P. Peterson hap
pened to be rubber-soloing his way to the
rear of the two gents and he Immediately
collared the pair and brought them be
fore Judge Foster. The Judge fined each
offender tt-M and ooeta.
Blankets. Etc
TJM Oaaasa
, A nay 1
keta taa
tVK 1S-4 W
. rtaa AO-Waal
Blaakets y-raa AS
Weai Blaakaea.
gM rtaa Waal
rtiia White
tvao tl-4 Heavy
TwtIM Ueteea.
LB Slaa-Vs Ba
eaa Maaketa,
a Daakle Ban
rWaa (ltM
laaketa, aal
STM aad a4S rtaa
aA Waal rifle
11-4 Daable
Blaakeea Ml ratkea
mtaa SV
Wait for Our January White Sale Monday Next
You will be greatly repaid. Wonderful assortments and wonderful values are
the two main features of this great January pageant of white things.
It comprises the following departments, which will offer their best values and
best assortments: American Muslin Underwear, white petticoats, kimonos, cor
sets, boudoir accessories, negligees, yard goods, French underwear, silk petticoats,
infants' and children's underwear, lingerie dresses, blouses.
And all departments in which white merchandise is a feature.
Rrraniiatllfl far Oaa.
Ceughs, eolds, croup, hoarseness, in
flamed throat, bronchial trouble or sore
chest are relieved by Foley's Honey and
L.k ..AHMU. I-
soothes and heals Inflamed surfaeag, and 1
reaiore normal breathing. W. C. Allan, I
Boaeley. Us, saya: "I have raised a I
family of four children and used Foley' '
Honey and Tar wtlh all of them. I find
It the beat ooush and croup medicine I
ever ueed. I used It for sight or tea
Cold everywhere Advertisement.
Offlcs D:sks, Gbirs,
"J Filing C3!i::Is
Soin Special
at Reduced
J6:.0O Maboanr. (A'J C(
Holl Top Desk V I sOU
146.00 Flat Top, 6-ia. CQV flfl
Dsk, golden oak eUU
I5J.00 Mahogann 64- rjriQ rtf
la. lUill Dsk VUU.UU
t76.00 Goldea. 66-ia. CCZA f(
TT omen's ITfrol as4 Tlttrj
Iiaed Hels7, wecta IM, 7-
special, pair
WtateVB FIm CUa 8aa-
lesa, tteeey Liaea Haiaaiy,
wort lie, BBM
TVomea's FIm Tattoa H am
ies s UeslfHry, wortk U 71
ltH pair I "jC
fblldrve's FIm Cettoa, Hedl
am Weight Ilelsory, 171.
warU !. special, pair.
fkUdrca's Flae CotUa
Balaery, wartk 10
Kra's ris Cottoa Beasaleaa
Hotsery, blark aaa taa, 71
worth 10c, special, pair. . . I "jC
Men's Heavy Grey Xlxed
EerJtford Boeks, worth r
oHc, special, pair OC
$48.00 Golden. lMn. fQJ nn
Roll Top Desk.
Roll Top Desk V
Rmgt, Cmrpct, Dr Aas, iWi
flT officii.
Orchard &
Wilhelm Co.
el 1-410-4 18 South 10th tit.
TTsiaeVs rine Cotloa, rWi
Iia4 Laloa Halts. Kegs- Tf
tar Me aaUty, eah 0)JC
Waavea'a Cettog Fleery Liaea
CsJoa Salt, M liJ'2)c
ChUJrtVs Taata aai raata U
asatra, whlta aad creasa, fletti
llaeii mtsai aad hoarj
weight, WorU Me, sps-nr
rial, sca aVOC
Waatea'a Ottoa Fleeead Testa
aad faaU, i& if
vsUaa auW
ChnimH Tecia aad PaaU to
ataira, aseaJaai welkt, 1 7 l
Yrsnh Uc, special IVC
Caiea balU U7C
ITassaa's M Ileera!
CeUoa IbIob halts aV7C
CkOdraa's tS Cottoa 171
Task, aad Fasts l,-f
Over 800 CoatsIn Four Big Lots
Coats Worth
Up to $5.00,
Tuesday, in
Basement, at
,$11 95
Coats Worth
Up to $7.50,
Tuesday, in
Basement, at
Coats Worth t fCI
upto$io.oo,4 jyo
Tuesday, in Qjf
Basement, at . .
Women's and misses' sizes. Every kind of material Chinchillas, Boucle,
O&racnl. . All lined black coats; coats with fur collars, plush coats, etc. Hundreds
of different styles.
Choice of Any Woman's Coat in Oiir
Basement, Worth to $15.00 g
( Oo&ts made of fine Zibeline, fancy rough ma.triali; all latin-lined. Full
length Eealette Plush Coats, fancy and plain. Fine, all-black, all lined and
partly lined coata. Valuta up io $15.00. Choice Tuesday, at
All Women's and Mioses' Suits in the Basement Marked Down
210 Splendid Stylish Suits. Coats come
in various lengths. All fine materials,
fine all-wool Serges, Broadcloth, Gabar
dine. Poplins, Fancy Rough Cloths.
Blacks and all the correct fall and win
ter shades,
Gin stan aad Perrala Boose
Drses Ligbt aad dark clra,
111 slses ap to 4a, lie
valaea, spedaL at
Dtlldrea's Sweater Coats Kd
aad grajr. igf t, S aad 4 iQr
yean. Bcalar S9e Talaes for. 1
$10, $12.50
and $15
One Big Lot of Suits for Women and
Misses offers extraordinary bargains
Tuesday. Good, practical models that
will give splendid service. Various
length coats. All good materials.
Kisses' aad Children's Sweater
foata, Yalws Bp to I2.0U.
ISF: $1.00
Wouea's Hoase Dresses Vaay
aaaaples. All flae Materials. $L2i
aad tlM Talaes,
Worth to
Sateea Petticoats Look like silk.
Black aad colors. Values to T r
4(fC, Speeial, each OoC
A lrt of White A press Fancy
and plain. Massed froai Christmas
handling, tie, 9e aad tie valaea.
peclallr priced,
S80 Pair af Waaaea Ftaa
Draaa Bhaea, aataat mm4 Sail
leather. Odea aa4 eaaVa, aaaaplca.
ate eta. All sjeea atrlea
siaea. v.rra ta s.ja,
aale rlaa.
y r .....'........
OSSa aad cbmU ta Heaa Sheas,
mi law pair, whu
a aaao. aaeelal
Chllareare Pelt SUppers. flaa
aiae lelt aaaia
y.i- ............
Wasaaa PeK B9p
pera. warth BOa.
. mw ......................
Hlaaca' sat Chllarea'a Plaa
Bhaea. hattaa aa4 laea. BaUa,
arrrlceabla, Kaad a n
atto ahaea. All l
alsaa. fair W itJ S
lafaata aaa ChlMr)'
Bhaea, pateat laather aai
kaae-tararS eelee. Slaea
a a 8. Warth ta $1.00.
Spa rial
WaaMB'i Orercaltera, black,
re4. brewa aad hla. m
Vterth ta TBa. sD alaea. Q
Jeraer LesiBjlBa far W
flaaca aaa ChlMrca, all
alaea. Jeraer a lath fleaea
Uaea. fair
a. flaa
AH the Baarxlaw mn
Vets, Talaes to Sc, yd.,..OOC
Tsar choice of any Crete aae
laonr entlra stock, SSC
Varqalaette CaTtalKa,'p fQ
HU0 Talaes, pair sPaVeVO
All the sTarqnlsettes, Scrims
aad Tollea, Talaes to f)
60c, special, yard ., I"C
60 Dosea Liaea
Shades, S-lB. x S-0
long, each
lie Seta Dutch Car
Ulna, f&OO, Talaes
4Se 4. aad M-lneh
Scotch Madras, yard .
tiM Dosbled Thread, ft Tf)
Marqalsette CarUlnj 1.117
Boys' Clothing
YIM to 1 10.00 BoTs SBlta. 8 ale price 5.00
M-00 aad leUM Boys' OToreoata .$2 95
HM to UM Boys' Mackinaw s ...$2.f)S
1 1X0 Llaed kalckerhockers, sale price 75
AU 114 LUe4 Kalckerhockers, ehoteo 81,00
7s flaaael Mosses. Halo price 45
7ho CordBrey hslckerhorkers, special
BweAter Coals, 114 Talaes Sl.OO
Boys' M U lie Bloasoa aad Skirts 25t
We Flaaael SleeptBs; Garateats 20
UM Boys' Sweaters, sale price
soo Flaaael Kompera, sale price 354
Men's Furnishings
M Dosea tie Wool Mafflera; .12 Via
ii Doaea Tie Uepllgea aad Golf Shlrta 40
One Lot of Mea's lie Cottoa Bote 9
U Dosea Mea's 11.0 laloa Salts
ti Doaea Mea's fLM Dress Shlrta CO
Oaa Lot of Mea's tie SUk Keck wear .19
U Dosea Mea's tie SUk fiber Hoso 15
Obo Lot of Flaa tiM Silk Mafflera 81.40
ti Doaea Mea's $LM TJaiea Salts 05
Mea's Flae fLM sad tUS Dress ShlrU... .81.00
U Doaea Mea's aad Boys lie C Is res 30
Mob's LM Dress ad Street Gloves GO
Xea's aod Tfo men's 6c 9 1
Initialed Handkerchiefs ..eVjL
lAe Chlldrea's Colored
Border SUk Handkerchiefs. .UU
. 10c
Tf oaiea's Faaey
Silk Haadker.
Laces and
tie Shadow Lao JQr
FloaacUM aad AHoTeri.. 71,
lOe Cottoa Cluay aad C
Faacy Wash Laces, yard. sJW
tfte Kathrolderad Flo sac- Q -lacs.
Corset CoTers, yd
75e Esshroldered Baby Q-
Flaaaclars. Tard 'v