Tin-: OMAN A SUNDAY HKK: DECEMBER 26, 19U 3 A i Nebraska 00L DEBATERS TO TALKOF ARMS Preparedness Will Be Subject of Arguments of Nebraska High School Leagues. NINETY SCHOOLS TO TAKE PART LINCOLN, NEai., Dec 25 8pclal) The Ninth annual debate of the Ne braska High School Debating league, which begin In February and end with the state competition at the I'niverslty of Nebraska on High School Fete day In May will be on the live question of Increased armament The proiosltion 1st "Resolved. That congress should sub stantially adopt the recommendations of the secretary of war and the navy for Increased armament." Thla question will be thrashed out In some ninety schools In all parts of the state under the auspices of the largest debating league In the country. league was organised with thirty members in 1908. In each district the members are aired for the first-series debates, the winners then go Into the second-series; and the two winners there then meet to decide the district championship which school shall have the honor of sending a representative to the state debate. Slsteem Seek Adealsstoa. Sixteen new schools have asked to be admitted to the league this year. They are: Arapahoe, Supt. A. J. Margate: Ben kelman. Supt. C. 8. Strtckler; Coiad, Supt. Norval Pearce: Crawford, Supt. R. I Iloff; Crete. Supt. O. A. Gregory; Hosklns, Supt. Harold Boyce; Lyons, Supt. P. L. Franklin; Mason City, Supt: Sherman County Pioneer, H ale and Hearty and a Hundred Years Old Michael Kneiss, Ravenna. Neb, born In Bavaria. November 11. WIS. Ha la quit vigorous in mind and body, and declares he never was attended by a pyhslclan In his life, lis fought with the Austrian army during the war with Russia In 184S-1S50. He came to America when S years of age and lived In east ern states until 1S71. when ha located on a homestead In Sherman county, near Ravenna. He has lived In Ravenna about ten years. His wife. l years old. Is still living, though very feeble. A son lives In western Nebraska and a daugh ter, Maggie Kneiss, has always lived with her parents. Although deaf and dumb, she has more than ordinary In telligence and energy and Is a most faithful and competent companion for her parents during their declining years. W. A. Rosene; Nelson. Supt. C. K. Mtorse; Newcastle, Supt. W. F. Richard son; Newman Grove. Supt. E. L. Mar tin; Overton. Supt. H. O. Stout; Rising City. Supt. T. Z. Zacek: hock County High School. Supt. H. A. McFarland.:. Phlckley, Supt. O. II. Wrlghtman; Wayne, Supt. O. R. Bowen. The director of the twelve districts of thq league for 1915-16, appointed by the president. Prof. M. M. Fogg, are as follows: Supt. E. L. Meyer, Geneva, Central; Principal S. B. Moore, South Omaha, Eastern: Principal V. G. Mays, Lincoln, Ks'st Central; Supt. W. B. Mtarrln, O'Neill. Northern; Bupt L. J. Knoll, West Point. North Central; Supt. J. R. Armstrong. Oakland, Northeastern; Supt. W. R. Pate, Alliance, Northwestern; Supt C. W. Uwlnn, Edgar, Southern; Principal A. P. Hlllyer. Beatrice, Southeastern; Supt. S. K. Chadderdon, Oxford. South western; Principal J. C. Mitchell. Hast ings, Western; Supt. Don R. Leech, Sar gent, West Central. r I: ' Vf v -V. x i V - v - is i 1 J saved by the quick work t other em ploye who reached a nearby switch and shut off the current. Hall Figures Up Sums Still Due To Spanish Vets (From Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Dec. 2o. (Spectal)-Adjutant Oenoral Hall has spent some time look ing up claims due survivors of the Span ish American war ard has prepared a list of the same so that It Is known how much Is due each one. The total runs up to fcl.WW and runs all the way from eighty rents up to I.T7.7S, the highest i auiount due to Lloyd I Shaffer, a mem ber of the regimental band of tha Third regiment The post office address of most of the parties to whom these amounts are due Is unknown and In many cases the poatofflce address given hss been changed so that it Is difficult to find the parties. The lnrger amount is due members of the Third regiment, the First and Sec ond regiinenta running W and $4. Red Urt llarler. Frsnk Canorel. a pitcher of the F.lmlra New York Plate league team, has been sold to the Cincinnati Reds. MicJizel Kneiss Electric Worker Nearly Meets Death SUPERIOR. Neb., Dec. 25. (Special Telegram.) Thla evening while working on an electric light pole to make a con nection for a line to attach to a sample siren whistle which was being demon strated to the local fire department, an employe took hold of two live wires In full view of the onlookers. His life was Long Dr. Bradbnry in New Officet Life Dental Work It Is Policy to Get The Best Anyone who buy, my Dentistry is Insured against the trouble of having it done over. Once ia enough for you and me, too! If I did not do it right the tlrst time my ten-year guarantee" would compel me to do it over and you don't want lo go through it again, because it takes time and you need it for other things. PAINLESS TREATMENT AVhether it Is for swollen face. live nerves, removing decay, crowning, bridging or extract ing your teeth, my special treatment for each ruse Is made easy by several means of Killing the pnin. Gum diseases' need first attention. It Is really more dangerous than decay of the teeth. Write for mv home triatment. Plate, $2.50 Vn. Write for llooklet on I'nusual IentiHtry. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 27 Years in Omaha. 021-23 Wuodnten of Ihe World 111. Ilione P. 175fl. 1 1th and Farnam 8t., Omalui. Hour, 8 to 6; Sundays, lO to 12. -JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres.- -WM. Ii. HOLZMAN, Trcas.- The Event That the Weil-Dressed Women of the West Wait forOur Of Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, and Furs at Exactly 1 ttnTa TTr A. ALL " PP&itV:; :H ; V ALL MtetlKV- '.V ALL 'ALL ''Aflf ! ' -hf ' ' V ALL " ALL (' F-- ! ALL Lv ?lAHr . Iff Kv:-.iU:v i.-.c v. : " v ViVi::" .. y ALL 'y: J ALL ' m's-':-jL -i all ,.J $ I SPECIAL ALL tW NOTICEt ALL ; NO C. O. D'a. ALL Wi V NO APPROVALS. ATt , NO CHARGES. AX1I4 t - 1 A Bcna.ll Charge ALL -4 N - for Alterations ALL .KVV During Thla Sale. SX ALL , ' ALL ALL Starts Monday Morning, December 27 ait 8:30 O'clock . '? : Our one aim now is absolute clearance. The prestige of this greater store and its sweep ing measures to effect cleared stocks is known to everybody. This Year's End Sale will be the greatest from every standpoint, because assortments have been kept up to a high state of completeness, and now out they go at exactly one-half off. Choose Monday as follows: COATS- At One-Half Off Velonr, Flush and Wool Coats. $64.50 $54.50 $49.50 $44.50 $39.50 $34.50 $32.50 $29.50 $24.50 $19.50 $14.85 $12.85 COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS COATS 7 AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... AT... SUITS' At One-Half Off Velvet, Wool and Corduroy Suit. J ...827.25 ...$24.75 . . .$22.25 19.75 17.25 16.25 14.75 12.25 9.75 ...S 7.45 0.45 ALL ALL ALL ALL s ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL $59.50 $54.50 $49.50 $44.50 $39.50 $37.50 $34.50 $32.50 $29.50 $24.50 $19.50 $14.85 SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS A.C . AS . . a a AT A . a. . . AT a . . A.T .... AT .... AT. . . T. . . . .... AT .... AT .... AT. . . . 29.75 27.25 24.75 22.25 19.75 ..18.75 ..$17.25 ..$10.25 ..$14.75 ..$12.25 ..$9.75 ..$ 7.45 DRESSES At One-Half Off Farty,' Afternoon and Street Dresses. J FINE. TORS- At One-Half Off Coats, Sets, Separate Muffs. J See Our Show Windows Today $49.50 $44.50 $39.50 $37.50 $34.50 $32.50 $29.50 $27.50 $24.50 $19.50 $17.50 $14.85 $12.85 DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES-AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. DRESSES AT. ..$24.75 ..$22.25 ..$14.75 ..$18.75 ..$17.25 ..$1G.25 ..$14.75 ..$13.75 ..$12.25 ..$ 9.75 . .$ 8.75 ..$ 7.45 ..$ 6.45 ALL .$93.50 ALL $89.50 ALL $79.50 ALL $74.50 ALL $69.50 ALL $64.50 ALL $54.50 ALL $49.50 ALL $44.50 ALL $39.50 ALL $34.50 ALL $29.50 ALL $24.50 FURS AT $49.75 FURS AT $44.75 FURS AT $39.75 FURS AT $37.25 FURS AT $34.75 FURS AT $32.25 FURS AT. ..... . $27.25 FURS AT $24.75 FURS AT ...$22.25 FURS AT $19.75 FURS AT ..$17.25 FURS AT....... $14.75 FURS AT $12.25 More $3jj)0 Women's Blouses, Oc 300 Washable Blouses, em broidered fronts, sailor collars. Slightly soiled from handling. Worth to $3.00. Year-End Sale Monday, at Radical Clean-Up $3.45 All Wool Middies $1.29 Reductions For Monday: Misses' All-Wool Bergs Middles. Come la nary with red or white trim mings, sizes 14 to 20, worth to $3.45, la Year End Sale Monday, at 156.95 Women's Skirts, $ 1 .95 One hundred Women's All Wool Skirts, nary and black, all sites, sold as high as $8.96, to clos out Monday, la Year-End Sale, at , $2.00 House Dresses, Oc One lot of Women's House Dresses and S-Plece Breakfast Bet of madras, percale, gingham. Worth up to $2.00. Monday, choice, at.., All Our Finest Waists at One-Quarter Off All fancy and high rado waists, in beautiful laces, chiffon, georgette and crepe de chine. Year End Sale Monday, at..... Off $5.95 to $14.85 Children's Coats, One-Half Off These eonsiit of martly styled Plushea, f A J . (J r-y i r and aJJeVa tU eP.iJ All late fall and winter of 1915 models. Persianaa, Matalam, Chinchilla Astrakhan. Full lined. Belted. W '. Wnri. arl, Tkar Dm JOttN A SWAM SON.! i $14.85 Women's Dresses Choice Monday at S195 125 Women's and b Misses' Ail-Wool 11 Serge Dresses, this season's mer chandise, green, black, navy, Co penhagen; worth to $14.85. Year End price Monday. ... "CORRECT APPAREL TOR MEN AN!) WOMEN tJ Agency for McDougall Kitchen Cabinets Beaton & Laier Co. 415-17 South 16th St. Phone Douglas 335 I AH Cedar Chests V Less T ir in iiimi in iimi in wwni l Better Choose) Yours Early Tomorrow To reduce a long stock of Cedar Cheats before Inventory, a discount Of 25 per cent will be allowed from the regular prices this week. Our chests ere thoroughly well made and finished as they should be. Here's how prices are affected: $12.: 0, 11-Inch Celr Chests. o at $0.75 $15.00, 4 4-Inch Cedar Chests, go at tt.S f 19.00. 4 7-Inch Cedar Chests, fro st (14.25 This Range Guts Fuel Bills and Burns Both Gas and Coal Come In and see for yourself the many advantages of having a Moor Combination Gas-Coal range in your kitchen nuflt to last a llfetlmo and save Its purchase price over and over a&ln, not only In fuel saving but by saving time, space and labor, as well. Sold on Easy Terms 25 Different Kitchen Cabinets Priced to Please Vhy not start the new year by providing your kitchen with a means of saving thousands of a ... .A.J. . nceuics steps in imo na riv- . Ing yourself more time out of the kitchen. We have' the Cabinet that will fit your kitchen to best advantage. Price range from $13.25 to $13.50. Sold on Easy Terms Closing Out All Office Furniture At Big Price Cut Aiming to close out every piece of office furniture In the store as quickly as possible, prices have been stripped of every vestige o( profit. It will pay you to come In and check over the line, Mr. Office Man. i Roll Top Desks and Office Chairs HBHf! r E; Oak and Mahogany Birch mahocsny 5 4 -Inch Roll Top Desks, at S8S.T5 snd I3S.73. High grade quartered golden oak Roll Top Desks, at S4S and t.60, One Oolden Oak Douhl. Flat Top Desk, to close out, at aT.ea. Plain and RevoMng Quartered Oak BSTOlvlag tools, $3.(8 asd 8430, A Dosen Patterns Arm Chairs, from S4S np. Mahogany KorolTtor Chair, to close out, S9.TS. Typwritr Chairs, $5.40, 7.7S, 97.SS, .1S and ll.as. in lf to PaaJJSJl HSiwi wwm-i Flat Top Desks and Office Tables tint top oak desks, to close out, st $10.75, $40.85 and $52.00 each, exceptionally good desks everyone. 8-foot mahogany office tables, to close out, $29,75. Other office tables at $4.50 $10.75, $16.50 and $20.85. Your Credit i Good at Beaton & Later' sxxxxa no. a. Are You Gifted WITH COMMON SENSE? Are you uslns; It to advantage in reference to your health? Tou wou'd take offense If somebody told you you were not, wouldn't you 7 oomcoaT acsTaa tell u It Is natuie tliat throw out any and all dead tissues from ths body, a a protection to health, AJTD . common sens.' tells us that the poisonous suppuration of pus from decayed teeth ha the unit effect on the system aa a larse boll or even canuer would, and a om as a tooth ! dead nature Immediately uses it utmost endeavors to throw it out. aw xsxa ran be found of ihe poisonous nature of dead or decayed teeth from the breath of anyone unfortunate or short-sighted enough in having them. let your health become Impaired? Why hav. a foul breath T Wny let yi.ur lace sink, in from loss of your teeth, and become old before your time? vni you can, by eiendlng a little time and money avoid all these trouble. Txijrx rr orxa W. are equipped vlth the latest, modern, painless methods In all our de- -perlmcat and alien necessary can comslet your work In one day. OHOB AOAXST At the first sign of danger let some competent Dentist examine your teeth. We will gladly do so KKKli of chaise, and tell the truth. (Series No. 4 to appear soon.) jt Are Vot rPrlmsnUng AU Work Ooaraateed 10 Tears. Bee Oar Frloe Ust and Compere It Wit. ts Prlees Tea Hve Vald (or Work Slsewaere. 4.00 t t t S4.00 .".' SS.OO,' gaoo aai'l.aoo 11.00 Best S3-K. Q-ald Crown Bridge Work, per tooth . Best riatee Treatmeat We Olve BOleag (or Fifty MUes oa AU Out-of.Towa Coatraots of 110.00 or More. McKENNEY, Dentists, ltk a ad raraam Street. raoaa Ooaglas SSta F4 if X