Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 7-B, Image 15

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    r-H4""-- rVXM f J-(r ' JPmt V 4
Even a Seat for the Dog in This Coupe
- H I '111
- - -4
About th fanciest thing- In a roup
In Omaha la owned by Dr. IS. R. Tarry.
Tr. Tarry haa had hla big six-cylinder
Stevens, which formorly had a touring
fr'body, remodeled, and no much of an
innovation were hla designs, he had to
7 end the car to Racine, Wis., to have
if : :
the work done. The coupe contains a
seat roomy enough for two people. In
addition to the special seat for the driv
er and another special seat for the
dog wl1oe nose can be seen In the
picture. The top of tile coupe la not
woodwork, aa in the case of most
coupes, but la plate glass. Pr. Tarry
plana several overland trips In Ms new
coupe, and declares they will be much
more comfortable than riding In Pull
mans. The big Stevens haa already been
from the Atlantic to the Pacific on
cross country Junkets, and Tarry saya
It la good for many more.
Rco Company Uses Power Gener
ated by Engines While They
Are Being Teited.
"Seem like an awfully expensive
equipment," said" a Reo dealer on a recent
visit to the factory, when shown Into
the engine and chassis testing : depart
ment .. ; ' - ' v-
"It does look like It," said the Reo
"Aa a matter of fact our aales depart
ment tells us It la one of the most
economical features of our plant. What
seems to be extravagant In fact really
proves to be very cheap when Itcomea
to jelling the product. Tou know , we
e automobiles to sell, not to keep. ,
The electrical equipment .in this de
partment is probably the most expensive
you will find in any automobile factory
In the world, but you will notice we are
Installing still more.
"Every Keo motor and every Reo rear
axle, every transmission, and every
chassis each Individual one Is subjected
to tho most rigid , and precise 'dynamo
meter. Not only the power of the motor
to the efficiency of the transmission
mechanism clean back to the tires H
tested here and accurately recorded by
electrical instruments,
"It ia not aa extravagant aa It look,
however," continued the Reo man, "for If
you will notice from each of these
dynamo-meters runs a set of wires ' and
If you will . come- over into the next
room I will show you where we utilize
Power that la generated by Reo motors
Fours and Sixes during their . saveral
hours of test."
In an adjoining room they found two
big generators. . "Here," said the Reo
man, "you will see that we are generat
ing over 450 horse power on an average.
At times. It runs twice that. Aside from
'he alight loss in the lines, we put all
the power developed by fifty or ino
motors, as the case may be, that are on
tho testing blocks. Into our lines and
utilizes It to run the factory. If all tho
motor were running to full capacity of
xurse we would generate a good deal
more, but our policy la to run the genera-
for aeveral hours at a alow apeed and
rfll.llv If link... ... I..
jau4 fs nci iu iuv uui.i nq man y
develop its maximum."
orts a Great
Winter Business
Automobiles in
Good Favor with
Majorityof Farmers
Bald B. ?. Koether, general sales man
ager of the Hyatt Roller Bearing com
pany: "A trip to any small town In any
farming community on any Saturday
afternoon will prove, that people on the
farms are buying cans.
'A representative of ours had occasion
to be In Plalnvllle, Kan., a village of
MOO Inhabitants, . a short time ago. It
was Saturday afternoon and he counted
seventy-two motor cars parked in one
block on the main business street. " In
the eame block there were fourteen ve
hicles drawn by horses. The machlnea
were the property of. farmers, who had
driven to. town to do their Saturday
"This widespread ownership of automo
biles by farmers' means that the people
on the farms have the ' money to buy
motor cars, and that automobile con
struction haa been developed ao It no
longer is necessary to have a repair shop
around the corner.
"The perfecting of auch vital parts of
, motor car as the bearings and the
motor has done much to bring about the
general use of automobile. Hyatt roller
bearings require no adjustment and no
attention.. The only care they need la
occasional oiling.
. "I ,.wns told a few days ago that 35
per cent of the farmers In the country
own automobiles; that 49 per cent of these
purchased during the last twelve months
and that 32 per cent of thoae not now
owners are In the market for cars."
At the Omaha
Automobile Club
Auto the Correct
Thing for Christmas
Gift, it is Said
Motor cars have figured aa Christmas
gifts In far greater numbers thla year
than ever before, arcoiil iu to advlois
tliat he rearhi'il the S.u.lrhaHer for
poratlon. M.iny nValera hie r ported
that purrh:is.ira apeclftrd "I '? talmas morn
ing dcllv.'rtm for their ncV earn. In
most dun th heads of the household
kept the n:Ure of their presentation a
total secret and took their families by
Close to 1 AX Ptudebaker automobiles
wero ordered during December, with
Christmas morning deliveries rejif MM j aldered the most sensible gift of all, be
In each case. cause the enjoyment and comfort und
"Tho purchase of an automobile as a I Independence It gives are not confined
Christmas gift In directly In keeping with I In one day, but rather to a number of
tho new I'hrlstmns spirit, says l J. years.
Oilier, vlre president and director of
sales of the Rudebaker corporation. "This
new spirit Is that of making Christmas
last all the year round Instead of only
one day, and selecting gifts acordlnly.
"The automobile has come to be con-
A rtah Medicine that Help.
lr. Kings New Plseovcry wll help
your cough or cold; keep a bottle at
home f.,r emergencies. Sry. At druggists.
Ad r Ixement.
Along-the,. -Automobile
Thirteen hundred per cent ahead of
last December" Is the report of buol
neaa made by the Saxon Motor Car cor
poration. The January achedule calls
for 2,000 cars.
At the New Tork show, which opens
next rViday night, the Saxon corpora
tion la planning a Jubilee and celebra
tion of the winter uualneas, and also of
the fact that the Saxon exhibit which twi
, years ago occupied an obscure corner
of the fourth floor Is now one of the
features of the main floor at the Qra'id
Central Palace.
Space at the show Is awarded in ac
cordance with volume of business done
Consequently the arrival of the Saxon
on the main floor Is tangible evidence
of the growth of the company, whlcn
now ranks sixth among Detroit makers
and ninth among all automobile manu
facturers In number of cars produced.
One feature of the klaxon Jubilee will be
a banquet at which hundreds of dealers
will be present from all over the counter.
uiea manager uewinier inai iiiv
Baxon district managor for the Pacific
coast put 600 cara Into hla territory In
December. F. 1 Dubroy, the San Fran
cisco distributor, received a tralnload of
twenty-three freight cara of Saxons early
In December, and expect to move another
tralnload by the middle of January.
The Saxon dealer In Philadelphia or
dared eight carloads of Saxona for de
livery to cuatomers Christmas morning
The Northwest and all the Missouri
valley report large business. Business
is fine In the southwest. The Dallas
dealer baa taken over 3u0 cara within the
laat month. The Texas district manager.
C. I McNulty has arranged to bring
fifty Texas dealera to the Chicago auto-
mobile ahow, occupying part of a spe
cial train. j
According to air. Oetzlnger.' ,ie Saxon
business Is about equally divided be
tweeo the e-cyllnder cars and the
cylinder roadsters. The new six road
ter la proving a very popular motiel
America's eleventh Vanderbllt cup race
will aee the paaing of the first and
most famous of American road races
Klnee 1910, when the event was taken
way from Long laland and loat the sup
port of the New York City fans. W. K.
' Isioerbllt, the donor, has ben disgusted
no uv j iim) I'Hp twxm use uwn
ylcked around and handled. Vanderbllt
V-- -V. IV,,. AS l .1... ill
- l iia up ... t u i i inai v ii i
make the BLeepshead Bay speedway stage
he eleventh annual race on its track.
Joe M. Dine, manager of the Good
year Rubber company, spent last week
at the factory In Akron and from there
went to Sheldon, la., to spend Christ
mas with bis brother.
YV. 8. Rutherford, branch manager of
the Goodrich Tire company, will spend
the holidays at Kansas City. Rutherford
and several friends have planned to do
aome hunting on one of hla father-in-law's
farms during the few daya' vaca
tion.. George L. Dlngman of the W. I Huff
man Automobile company aalea depart
ment, left for Sioux City. , Thursday
morning to accompany Mr. Huffman on
a high-gear drive to Sioux City. Mr.
Dlngman will apend several daya in Sioux
City writing dealers' aalcs contracts on
the new alx-30.
W. L. Huffman Automobile company
has received another big shipment of
I Chalmers' six-30's and the temporary
! Mlenranm has a scene of ffreat activity.
Many dealers received their demonstra
tors from this allottment, and were to
be aeen driving away with that "slx-10
Indiana, aocordlng to a Mr. Armstrong,
who waa formerly secretary of one of
the state's progressive road clubs, spends
aa much money aa any - state for good
roads, permanent roads. "But,' says
Armstrong, . "they are continually patch
ing and patching the roads. Brick la
now greatly In favor there, because of
the permanence, . without maintenance
expense. Douglaa county should make
no mistake about, the material used In
hard surfacing its main highways.. Vse
f , Knocking: . ,
"He's got carbon Jn his pistons," re
marked a club member, referring to a
prospective member who; after using the
club's 1.221 direction signs and the road
reports from the Information burVau,
raid the automobile club did him no good.
Knocking, eh?
The Reply Appreciative.
"I took but two or three little trtpa
around Omaha this year," said a club
member to Secretary Clarke Powell, "but
my car, nevertheless, was very busy in
the meantime with my family. And I
want to thank the automobile club for
their reliable road reports and to'ur'nf
Information furnished the women folks."
How Carthage Woke lip.
Carthage Is a medium sized town In
Missouri. They had been "stuck In the
mud" for years down there. One day
they organised a "366-Day Good Reads
Club." Permanent roads became a real
ity. Farmers tame to town In "all kinds"
of weather. Business was average evary
day. The cttlaens pricked up their ears.
They Immediately started plana for more
miles of permanent paving.
KeepInK tho Hollars Home.
Here's an extract from a letter written
by a farmer down south which i-peulcs
volumes for good roads: "rand he hod
been contemplating sending awav to Chi
cago for an Important piece of machinery,
but the roads being paved he went to
town, and John, he found exactly what
I s wanted rlgfct In our - tuwn, and
Many catalogue house dollars have hud
their wings clipped and are tinablo to fly
outside the home district good
roads lead to town. Isn't that logic?
"".peak for Yourself, John."
"I enjoyed my car more than any
aummer I can remember," cotif 'r.J a
club member to Secretary Powed, 'anil
I don't mind saying the club's sKns nnd
Information paved the way. Hut. do you
know, I have never said a word to fr ends
of mine about the fine t'h njs th club
gives. But. believe me, I am going to
be the best little booster you've sot dur
ing 1916." Them's lovely words!
The remodeling work Is progressing
ery rapidly on the new salesroom of the
VV, L. Huffman Automobile company at
2036-38 Farnam atreet. The new stock
room, which Is designed to care for the
largest stock of Chalmers and Hupmo-
blle parts ever carried by a distribu
tor, la the most complete In the city.
Separate drawers are provided for each
Individual part, the numbers on the out-
lde of these corresponding with the
number on the card In the stock file.
where a complete record of the contents
Is kept. The Huffman company contem
plates carrying a stock of Chalmers re
pair parts to take care of all the terri
tory controlled by Omaha. IJncoln,
Sioux City, Mitchell and Sioux Falla,
South Dakota branchea.
Dayton's 23-Mile Brick Road.
One of the most perfect roads a .to
tortst could wish for Is the fine twentv-flve-mlle
brick pavement out of Dayton,
O. They are aolld for the "man win
threw the first brick."
What G004 Hoada Mean.
The best Incentive for good roads wn
have heard Is the following: "Go whrn
you want to go, not only when the roads
are dry."
"(jiettlnai Reparation."
"Will you pleaaa send us a photo of
your sign card and a wrlteup of y?ir ex
cellent wo k the laat year. We believe
your aplend d work will Influence south
ern Cubs In marking the roads. ' T: e
above was rec Ived from two lare
motor magazines during the tast weak.
The club sign work la known all over the
Killy Wffl Attend
National Auto Show
W. U Kllly of the Noyea-Kllly Motor
company left l'rlilay for Kanuaa City,
where he wtll apend Christmas with his
father. From there Mr. Kllly will go
to Detroit,' Mich., where the Saxon fac
tory la located.
Before returning to Omaha, Mr. Kllly
will visit both the New York end Chi
cago auto shows.
Goodyear Tires
In the War Zone
A former employe of the Goodyear
Tire and Kubber company, now a soldier
In E'-rope, writes:
"I had an unusual experience In the
trenches. I waa out one night trying
to locate a sniper, who waa thought
to be operating in the rear of our lines.
Coming to a path behind a ledge about
fM yards from our front line of trenches,
1 pnvscd uiy hnnd lishtly over it to
starch for fresh tracks, and found the
well defined Imprint of a goodyear all
weather tread tire. We have seen many
Goodyear tlrea here, trt lying out in
the mud on an Inky blirk nlsht.' finger
ing the trail of a Goodyear semd to
us like meeting an old friend."
Cutting Quite A Figure
Th way our service) has frown in
popularity strengthens our belief that
motor car owners want the best ia start
ing and lighting,.
Nebraska Storage Battery Co.,
2SO:i Farnam tit.' Tel. Ikug. RlO'i
Fret inspctlon of any battery at any time
ip !!f vlln !f
n n r
S. Lansing aajr
$1075 '
Broaden Your Territory
Increase Your Business
NO MATTER WHAT YOUR LINE whether a manufacturer or a wholesaler; a tupply house retailer or con
tractor in the city; farmer specializing in dairying stock or a general agriculturalist; no matter which of a
thousand lines of commercial activity you are engaged in no matter which of a thousand problems of quick
transportation confront you one or both of these Reo Motor Trucks will meet your conditions.
SERVICE IS PARAMOUNT in modern business the facilities to deliver promptly and with dispatch the articles
your customers need whether the product of the farm or factory or the daily order from the store.
OF COURSE SOME LINES of business call for more than one type of motor truck one of great carrying capacity
to handle the in-coming tonnage, and delivery from the central warehouse to the various distributing points
from which the smaller loads are handled by lighter, faster trucks to destination.
SUCH USERS FIND that a combination of the two Reo models is ideal one or more of the 2-ton trucks
and several 1500-pound Speed Wagons.
2-Ton Reo
THEN THERE ARB others who require only one type of truck.
or bulky articles are partial to the 2 -ton Reo.
COMMERCIAL DAIRYMEN all over America use this power
ful, reliable Reo and are unanimously enthusiastic over
its performance and Its extremely low cost of up-keep.
IT IS A COMMON THING for a dairyman to carry 60 to 80 10
: gallon cans of milk on this truck load of nearly twice Its
rated (2 -ton) capacity.
SOME BIO CONCERNS In metropolitan centers, who use
fleets of motor trucks, tell us that they rely on their Reos as
confidently as on railway time-tables the Reos are even more
accurate on the schedule.
AND AS FOR UP-KEEP why, wa wish you could talk to
every owner of 2-ton Reo. You'd hear figures that, did we
use them in an ad, would be incredible to you, much as you
value the word of Reo.
IN SIX MONTHS yes. In less time than that this Reo will
pay for itself. And when you realise when you've proven to
yourself by your own figures how much lower is the main
tenance cost and how much greater the efficiency you'll
wonder how you delayed so long in making the change.
CONCERNING BODIES i There are so many lines of business
to which Reo motor trucks are applicable, and these call for
such diversity in bodies, it ia Impossible for any manufacturer
to make them all.
YOU CAN HAVE ANY KIND OF BODY to fit either of
these chassis made by your local wagon maker or we will
furnish you blueprints and photos and refer you to reliable
concerns who will do it for you.
-Ton Reo
THERE HAS LONO BEEN an Insistent and a widespread
demand for a motor truck of greater celerity than that of
which the heavy-duty types are capable.
YET IT TOOK LONGER to develop, a practical motor truck
of this type and for this service.
LOAD IS A PROBLEM but, that was solved years ago the
2 -ton Reo, for example.
SPEED IS ANOTHER and more difficult problem but that
too was solved In the pleasure car.
BUT LOAD PLUS SPEED there wss a problem over which
the world's leading automobile engineers pandered long and
earnestly. Reo engineers worked on this for several years before
we were willing to offer the result to Reo customers.
WE FIRST TRIED IT OUT thoroughly, in our own work at
Lansing and in various other tines of business there. We
carried a ton of castings at speeds up to 30 miles per hour
week after week month after month and she stood the gaff.
PNEUMATIC TIRES IS THE ANSWER to this kind of service
they make speed, with loads up to three-quarters of a ton,
possible and practical.
in operation In almost every town and in every class of work.
And, without exception, they are making good.
OF COURSE WE PUT the usual Reo factor of safety, MS0
per cent over-sise In all vital parts" in this as in every other
Reo Motor Vehicle.
TIRES TOO ARE 50 PER CENT LAROER than Is necessary
to carry the normal load. So, when on occasion, you find It
necessary or desirable to overload this " speed wagon" don't
worry it's a Reo and it will stand It.
IF ALL ELSE WERE EQUAL quality of the product, and price, and the guarantee back of it (and we
think you'll agree there no other guarantee quite $o good at Reo'e) a till good bu$inea would
dictate a Reo motor Truck in preference to any other.
ON SERVICE GROUNDS REO IS THE BEST BUY. More than 1500 dealer handle Reo and to, no
matter where you may be, alwayt there' a Reo repreuentatio at hand ready , willing yet, eager
to gioe you any tervice or inttantly tupply any part you may need.
JONES-OPPER CO., Distributors,
REO 2-Ton QTll
Heavy MX
y U, for a distance of more than SuO