Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 6-B, Image 14

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This Week at the Movie Houses
ESCRIBED by critics th
most Impresslv nd grestest
In scop of any film drama
ever produced. "The Battle
Cry of Iace"' opened Christ
mss day mtlnee. at the Hoyd
th-ater. and will remain for two weeks.
Here are ome of the feature! of the
Immense spectacular play: The foreign
apy system ahown In Ita many detsils an-I
rartleulsrly aa Influencing opposition to
President Wilson policy of military pre
paredness; the Invasion of the Vnlted
States by a forelan force; the sinking of
the American fleet after a pitiful res'st
anoe. Alao Ihe apectator la ahown the
atand made by America small standing
army. He sees the abusing of women
and children by the enemy; he aeea tho
country forced to pay tribute; he aeea
the nation's capltol in a vast Jumble of
Later the picture changes. America's
great ehlpa of war ride the blue waters
of tjio ocean; trained forces drill with
the precision of great machtnee; fleeta
of aeroplanes fly and circle overhead; a
preparedness Is shown of auch compelling
scope as to defy any Invading force.
In the production are J.R0O National
Guardsmen, Sno members of the Grand
Army, Sf-0 horses and H.OOO superumsrlcl.
The critic of the New York American
said of "The Entile Cry of Peace": "It
la the grtatest war drama ever filmed."
Ites-rvat'ons for this groat production at
the Boyd theater were being made all
this week.
"The Birth of A Nation" will close Ha
long engagement at the Brandela theater
with the two performances today, mati
nee and evening after having exceeded
by weeks the longest prevloua local run,
being presented from ten to twenty tlmea
as long aa the average theatrical attrac
tion which comes to Omaha. Includ'ng
tonight's performance It will have been
given at eighty-five consecutive perform
ances, or twice dally during the alx
weeks and ona day of Its envagement.
This long engagement waa made possible
through the fnrt that It la unquestionably
the greatest. If not the only, great picture
ever produced, and every patron left the
theater with the Intention of telling
everyone he knew to be sure to go and
aee It, and over s&.Oflo of them did so, or
about one In every four peraons In
Omaha, Council Bluffs, South Omaha
and the surrounding country.
A varied program will be offered by the
Ftrand th'a week, commencing this after
noon, when the offering will be the cel
ebrated American 'actress, Mrs. Leslie
Carter. In David Itelaaco'a war dram
"The Heart of Maryland." There aro
thousands of soldiers In this picture
and the heart interest Is kept at the
highest pitch from start to finish.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
comes "The Passion I'lay" or "The Life
of Christ" which Is In seven parts. Apo
dal musical numbers will be rendered
during the presentation of this picture,
as well aa lighting effects and stage
setting, making this one of the moat
notable film offerings of the season.
Friday and Saturday a war story with
out a single battle. Introducing America's
youngest screen atar, Mary Miles Winter;
supported by America' oldest stage and
, x
' t a
J,' s
i 'V ,
' ( t V , t.r" f .
f A
L i I
" Miftytfatf stlAim
2UTylTileS Wide
At Me SfriA
screen star, Mrs. Thomas Whlffen, In a
fllmlzatlon of Clyde Fitch's well known
i ram a 'JJerbara Frletchle," which U
based on Whlttcr's poem of the same
11B echoes of muslo today re
sound with "Peace on Earth,
Oood Will to Men." happily
intermingled with "Ring Out
the Old. Ring In the New,"
and parting from another
ChrlKtmaa we hurry on to the New Year.
I the first day of which has long been
1 recognised aa the psychological tlmo for
the new leaf. And In ringing out the old
! there Is much to be Included which never
j was and never will be new, and In the
ringing In there Is much which never la
nor ever will be old, peace and good will,
for example. In music there Is much of
new to be found In the old, and much of
the old to bo found In the new. Tlmo
rings both In and out in the life of the
art, and It moves accordingly.
, It would be nice to be able to ring out
the old and start the new leaf In mu
sical life with Just the new. Then the
thoughtless ones who Indulge lntemper
ately night after night In cheap enter
tainment, developing perverted musical
tastes, would discriminate more In the
; expenditure of their money and climb
tion the waterwngon of the beat, only
economizing upon the poor thlnga. In or
der to know the greater enjoyment to be
had from the good.
Those amateurs, who, in their con
stant search for the new, happen upon
the vulgar, and tawdry, the humdrum
and the commonplace, would think more
In their selection snd choose only light
muslo which Is clever and tuneful in
stead. Those others, who, with reckless care
lessness or contented Ignorance, commit
sacrilege brazenly upon every composi
tion they perform, would hesitate to so
wrong themselves or their hearers, and
approach the language of sounds with
more regard for Its fundamentals of
time and notes, at least. Though they
would sing or play more seldom, they
would commend greater respect, from
themselves and their friends In what
they did.
Ktudeats would be enrolled upon the
new leaf. too. ' They would resolve to
never pass a mistake, to learn not only
how to play upon an instrument and the
For tcday only "The Slren'a Song," a
five-part Hhubert feature, will be the at
traction at the Hipp. The atory tolls of
a young man from a email town coming
to a big c:ty to make his way In the ;tcchnlci!l, and artctlo ,JMalu of th, arti
world and getting aent to prison. After
his release he has many temptations, but
puts his adversaries to flight.
For Mondny, Tuesday and Wednesday
comes Vslcska Sural t in Msky'a product
ion of Marion Fairfax'a thrl ling drama,
'The Immigrant." In this picture Mlsa
Suratt la supported by the two distin
guished Lasky stars, Theodore Roberts
and Thomas Meehan and other members
of the Lasky all-star organisation.
T'-e end of the week the attraction
will be "Th O'd Hoestead," a play
Immortalized by tho late Denman Thomp
son, put into picture form by the Famous
Players' company. This feature wl'.l be
shown for the last three days of this
Omaha Theaters
Offer for the Week
but they would also study the lessons of
life taught through the music. Honesty,
the many virtues, Including orderliness
cf thought, patience, Induatry and othera,
without which either one's muslo or life
fares badly
With a now leaf friends and pupils of
one teacher would feel a delicacy in try
ing to win pupils away from another
teacher akin to that which they would
feci In causing trouble in a family. They
would do their winning before rather
than after the teacher has been selected.
Likewise some of the proferelonal teach
ers would show the same delicacy. Muslo
Is looked upon by Its worthier disciples
as a proferelon, a one of them aptly put
It, subject to the same rules of profes
sional courtesy as the medical and other
professions. Certain members would no
predicted the snow would continue to
fall throughout the night and for some
time tomorrow with the temperature ! re think of Interfering with the pupils
dropping below freeslng point The j ot other teachers than they would think
storm was general throughout Missouri. " 'ln "" meir pocxets. with a
Illinois and Indiana, the weather bureau
(Continued from Page Five) 1
service on all lines at the termination of
the performance at 1:45 a. m., Saturday.
"Shore Acres." aNow England folks
play, whose pathos will appeal to all. will
be offered at the Krug theater the cur
rent week by the North Brothers' Per
petual Stock company. The stellar role
is a character study and will be Inter
preted by so capable an exponent as
Sport North. .Miss Russell's part In
"Shore Acres." will carry her deeper into
the affection of her admirers than any
thing she has protrayed with this com
pany and the entire strength of the sup
porting company will be brought forward.
Throughout the entire play there la a
true touch of nature, which shows Mr.
(Heme's acknowledged genius. This play
makes a particularly good holiday play
and Manager Cole w.ll give It an elabo
rate scenic and detailed production. The
usual ten performances will be given
beginning today at the matinee and even
ing with the regular Thursday and Sat
urday tNew Year) matinees to follow
This week Is to be designated i
"Raggy Week" at the Empress, and the
Empress orchestra, under the leadership
of Albln Huster. has arranged a musical
program consisting entirely of popular
song hits. It is the pleasure of the man
agement to announce that they have so
cured the services of Mr, Huster, who In
the future will direct th musical selec
tions ot this theater.
For the first half of the week, head
ing the bill, is the UonesetU troupe of
Furopvan scrotals. The Davis Castle
trio of s.ngers and Instrumentalists, fea
turing Sam Davis, the blind pianist, Is a
et-vtid headline attraction. Other acts
of merit are E. J, Moore, who is bllUd
"the gabby trickster," and th Interna
tional quartet, comedy and harmony
Henry B. Walthall, who practically
made the "Birth of a Nation" a. success,
and the coming 111m favorite, has been
cast with Erna Mayo, th queen of the
photo-play. In a thrilling three-part
drama, "The Kdge of Things." Th play
will be offered for four daya, eUrtlug
Sunday. An assorted program completes
the bill.
Women Are
Doing in the World
new leaf all would have th same ethics
of personal honor. Pupils as a rule are
changeable enough In th matter of teach
ers without assistance. They would look
before they leaped, and then give the
teacher they decided upon a fair oppor
tunity to do hi best with them.
France Wlllard Women'
Temperance Union will meet Wedneaday
afternoon at S o'clock at the home of
Mrs. George Co vol I. 2M Wirt street.
Mk-a. N. II. Craig Is In charge of the
program which will be on tne subject
"Celebrating Crusade Day and Mothers'
Day." Members of the union will bring
gift for th Women' Chriatlan Tern
peranc Union hospital at Kearney.
Many muatcal people, temperamental
In a sinister meaning of the word, might
i turn the new leaf and curb their temper
' ament to leave unsaid many unpleasant
. trivialities. Many others might develop
Christian over lne,r sometning with the properties
or a auca tacg, to shed the dampening
effect of petit Jealousies or senseless
Those at th helm of musical progress
In any community have enough to do to
get past the shoals of publlo Indiffer
ence and Into tbe open water of Interest
nd enthuslaam without themselves rock
ing the boat.
If all the. Interests In musical life would
pull together Instead of apart, and work
for music with merit and for the best i
Interests ofv tho community In general
without thought of personal advancement
what remarkable at ride would be made.
If all would get behind one thing and ac
complish something with that before pro
moting another, we might have many
more musical Interests than we have at
There are so many things which might
be accomplished and written to our credit
Pon the new lear. There Is much about
'ur musical life In general, which la old
n.hould be rung out. And then there
s always the new to be rung In, Jhe new
witn all tho promise and good win anj
lope of the future contained In It.
Maaloai .Notes.
MIr Luella Andorann. teni-iicf fit vtnlin
at Brownell had. Is spending her vaca
tion In Chicago.
When Frances Nash returned from Ku-
ropn last February an.1 made h"r pro
fessional bow to her home city with the
Minneapolis Symphony orrhcstri critical
Omaha heaped Its hliclieKt praise upon
her. Th's was, however, onlv the begin
ning, for her first American tour lias
been not only successful, but triumphant.
When Miss Nash opened her season's
work the very first enKnxement brousht
an insistent call for a return d'tte. and I
her manager now has three mot enfhu- I
elastic letters from prominent orchestral
conductors which sound the praises of i
this brilliant young artist in no uncertain
tones and all ask to be celled upon "If
they ran be of service to Miss Nosh."
Neither the charm of sincerity or a
magnetic peraonallty could hnve won I
ich pralae from hardened critics. Miss
Nash's hopes were only those of count
less hundreds, but she was able to "find
herself" verv quickly and ea an eastern
crltio says. "Miss Nash poura her whole
soul from her finaer tips"
Miss Nash's only rec tal apoesrnnea
here thl season will be In company with
George Hsmlln, tenor or the cnicsgo
Opera company. Tho concert will b
given at the Bovd theater at popular
rnjees and Miss Evelyn Hopper, who hs
he occaalon In charge, report thnt the
very first announcement brought a num
ber of reservations. A capacity houao is
certain to greet two artists who have
such a wide and loyal friendship.
A "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed
In Th Bee'i will accomplish It purpose.
Home of Paramount
Plot nrss. Continuous
from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Sally. Admission lOo,
VUa Diana and Cha Trowbrldg
"The Siren's Song"
A Melodrama with a Punch Every
X,asky PTssnts th
0lbratd Actress
Mr Marion Palrfaa
A Great Production, with a Oreat
tar and Orat goenlo restores
3 DAYS ZZ? DEC. 30
Daniel rrohman Present
A ralthfol Ploturlsatlon of
Dsnmas Thompson's
"Tha Old Homestead"
Without Exception th Oreatest
Triumph of th Amarloaa Stag
Vszt Week Oeraldlne Paxrar la
Th literature department of the South
4?meha Woman' club meet Tuesday at
Library halL Mr. P. J. Farrell will
lead the program on "Industrie of Hol
land." Her eubject will be dairying and
cheese making. Mr. W. P. Adkina will
read a paper on "Tulip Crase"; Mr. I.
U Bhugart, "Ship Uullding".i Mr. J.
n. Ash. "Ftahlng"; and Mr. E. M.
Sloano, "Delft Ware."
Superfluous Hair
ft contain th
original liquid fcalr
remover which bag
been used and recom
mended by Physicians
for over twelve rears.
Protect youreslf. Re
fuse worthies lsslia-tloas.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S5.-Recommenda-tiona
thst the nv(r-nvnt control and
cperats all coastal radio station within
the Jurisdiction of the United tate and
establish a practical monopoly for th
transrr'lP'i'lon of all government business
are Included In the annual report of
Captain W. II. O. Bullard. superintend
ent of the navy radio service, mad
public tonight, Th board of radio or
ganlxatioa, th report adds, 1 preparing
amendments to existing iiws to work
out this cfaern which will b sub
mitted to the secretary In a special communication.
Sola anu I'fuuimneuue by b..eniiRU ...o-
Cunnell Drug Co , Owl Drug Co., Har
vard Pharmacy and Loyal Pharmacy.
Ml Z.eava worth UX.
STsTDAT Th Family Btaln." A Fog
fouturs with rrederlck Perry,
MOSTSAT "Unoa th Jester." Path
feature with Xdwla Ardsa.
TUESBAT Th seventh Voa. a
Mutual Masterpiece.
WCDWXBOAT "Th House of Boa.
eaia." With Maroia IVeokweed.
American feature.
THTJarAT Th Keaao f th
Mut." Pathe tiold Hooater Tlay
with Arnold Daly.
rmiDAT Th Prlo of Her Biieae.
With rioreao !-, Badi.
ATrKDAT The Bias of Society."
A il amuus World Peetur.
SNOvsTcar.i of year
HT. I.Oi'13. Mo.. Deo. 8. St Louis x
!! Uinod Its fir.t snowstora of the year
totWy and tonight, seven Imbes of snow
i.aUng ffcHen Uiwi'in t a. iti. and I
. hi. Tlie ot( -nt wtatlur bureau
Marie Svanson
533 South 27th Street.
Thome Harney- 1003.
Toms awd ornmA
Apply Thursdays
fhoam & . V04 .
San Carlo Grand Opera Go.
Auspices of Tangier Temple
Management of Arab Patrol
janUARY, 27, 20, 29, 1916
Operas to Be Given:
Additional charge for reserved seats from 10c to 76c
each Opera, according to location.
Tho Auditorium will be crowded alright. Remember
last year, when the Shrine presented the same company?
Not a money making scheme, but a movement in musi
cal and civio uplift.
Tickets from any member of the Patrol, or Sheet Music
Department of llayden Bros., or Information Bureau of
Burgess-Nash Company, or from Lucius Pry or, Local
Manager, Picture Department, Brandeis Stores.
Wasa n SMplrM r of Bsprio
Is a Gilt Unsurpassed
Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments
mil COX, Director,
roeae4 f th tare great s worsts of saasioal p4acoyl
aad aloat to th wrvle of all who lev th aaaiM!'
tluuui la snasia.
It auarante- th quality or th procrea of it faith
Students. Writ for catalog".
Aadrea Sol --- Jattersoa Blocs-
With Detachable Coupe Top
See Us About Our
Payment Plan
Buy your automobile
from us on the same
basis you buy your
home from the Building
and Loan Company.
This life is whatever
you make it. Grasp
your opportunity and
enjoy life while you
Two Automobiles for $455
Amazing as It sounds that's exactly what you can Ret today two automobiles for $455. First, a
Coupe, a Myllsh, comfortable enclosed cor for winter driving. Second, an open Roadster, grace
ful, speedy and dependable with renular Roadster top Included.
$455 XrC
Saxon Roadster with detachable all-season top
offers you this remarkable combination.
The all-season top Is of handsome design and
first quality workmanship. It Is made of metal,
handsomely finished, with removable windows
nnd ventilating windshield.
The car Itself, proved In the hands of 35,000
owners, is this neason better than ever. It has
all the modern features high speed nJitor
honeycomb radiator Tlmken axles three
speed selective transmission cantilever springs
ot vanadium steel. Electric starting and light
ing S0 extra.
Come In and see it.
"loor" Boadstr 1398
With detaohahl Coup top 468
Salivary oar 395
"la" Tourlns- Car
With detaohahl Xtimoualn top. 93
"Six." Jtoadtr 783
f Noyes-Killy Motor Co.
2066 Farnam Street Distributors Phone Douglas 3646
Wm Haw Vrj Attractivm DmaUr't Proportion
1 '
i -
5.. -: i . 4 t -If
V" .' .": .. .: .J,-'4'1 ..'.'-VI.- "T '
kh-: t?;rjrM y
ivrw (- - -
"Through hvb-dfp mvdwhtrt no rmar-whrnml-drtva truck eoalJ pottibty rrsnf"-Bmll-Bachml
Co., Quad Oiantr and Contractor atAUoona, Pa.
Jeffery dealers select a month when road condi
tions are exceptionally bad to demonstrate the
amazing ability of the Jeffery Quadthe truck
that drives, brakes and steers on all four wheels.
CELEBRATING the world-wide acceptance of the
Jeffery Quad as the ultimate type of motor truck, Jeffery
dealers this month are giving a series of remarkable demon
strations. Their purpose is to drive home more forcibly than ever before, the
fact that this truck does everything the standard rear-wheel-drive type of truck
can do, and then goes on doing things no other truck in the world can do. They
have chosen the month of December, because heavy snow-falls, thaws and rains
make the roads particularly bad at this time and because it Is under the most
difficult conditions that the Quad most clearly demonstrates its superior ability.
If you're not already thoroughly posted on the Jeffery Quad, see your dealer, or
write the Jeffery Company fur complete information.
These Men Have Seen the Light
' Following Is a partial list of concerns
in this country which have bought the
Qaad and proved its superior ability in
practical daily service. We have room
for only a few of the many names.
Notice the widely varying lines of
The United States Government!
Standard Oil Company) Armour 6i
Company; Du Pont Powder Company;
Morris & Company; American High
Explosive Co.; Copper Queen Consoli
dated Mining Company; Bissell Carpet
Sweeper Co.; Pople Transfer & Stor
age Co.; Val Verde Irrigation Co.;
Mogollon Stage & Express Line; Tom
Reed Gold Mining Co.; Milwaukee
General Construction Co. ; Merrell-Soule
Co. (Wholesale Milk); Citv of White
water, Wis. Fire Dept.; Marshall Oil
Co.; Hart & Page (Road Iiuilders and
Quarry men); Highland Brewing Co,;
Burton Powder Co. (Wisconsin Veterans
Home; Brook Hill Farm, Waukesha,
Wis. (Dairying); General Asphalt Co.
of Philadelphia (Contractors and Road
Builders) ; City of Winston-Salem, N. C.
(Road Building); Bethlehem Steel Co.
and scores of other well-known con
cerns, which bouirht only after the most
searching investigations. '
Now Comes YOUR Trans
portation Problem
If you hav not already seen the
Jeffery Quad perform, you will surely
want to witness one of the demonstra
tions conducted this month. Get in
touch with the Jeffery dealer in your
locality at one, or. if you do not know
him, write the Jeffery factory, stating
the nature of your haulage problem and
we will gladly send you com pie t a In
formation In addition to putting you
in touch with our nearest dealer. Find
out now bow the Quad will tnalumontv
' W wr vvriKwar Muiaau
Originally designed and built by
the Jeffery Company to replace tbe
four-mule team in the United States
Army, the Quad during the past
year, by sheer merit of its per
formance, bas met with tremend
ous success in commercial service
iu practically every part of tbe
world. In this period, more than
2,000 Quads have been bought,
built and sent into service, from
the Jeffery factory a record
never before equaled for trucks of
similar capacity. Today the Jeff
ery Quad is known and recognized
the world over as a tuper-trvek.
The Only Truck of Its
Kind in Existence
the only truck which drives, brakes
and steers on all four wheels. M. & S.
Automatic Locking Differentials put
tbe power of the motor Into any wheel
or wheels that can get traction when
the others cannot. Internal spur gears,
driving directly on the Jnner circum
ference of each wheel, give a tremen
dous leverage. Consequently, the Quad
plows through mud, sand, gravel and
snow, and
grade which
are impass
able to other
tha Quad is
to maintain
nd operate.
The big sav-
What the Jeffery
Quad Does
Pultt with all Awmawli.
Brakes on alt four tvhiU
ana artvs mart.
Sttert on alt four wAest.
Carrit two ton on its
Oot through mud or snow
up to it hub.
Climb difficult trad.
Trait Li t trough uxiltr Si
tuck drp.
Turn within it .
MoonomiM tin.
ng in tires Tho Thomas a Jeflbry ComDanv
s particular- Dm. OO
is particular
ly notable.
"V smvtar tors dine jso$
Read What User Say
About the Quad;
Lark of spsce limits us to
Ouo 'iioni from on y a lew
of the many letters in cur
lues snowing now tne unaa
is out-performing other
types of truck.
miik in j the psrehsse of oar
Jeffery Quad, we looked into
all the tnnilsrd makes. We
are sntitfled that our deel
aion was correct snd thst the
four-wheel drire. brake snd
steer truck Is the only one
which can he used with en
tire tat isfactinn t hroiirh sllp
pry and muddy road,. MImImp-
iii iuvr ronar uo., JLaokuk. la.
LUMBER We are haulini
resularly two tons on our
Jeffery Quad snd have no
trou Die at all. even at the
firesent time when the snow
s S or 10 inches deep. We
have reached the ronculslon
thnt there is no truck like
the Jeffery Quad, and w
think wc have the worst pro
position in the country for a
trark to overooOM. St. Croix
Lumber Hfy. Co., Wfntoo,
Minn. Uinaa Lumber Co.
MINING The Quad will car
ry its rated capacity where
the P . . . . truck will not (o
at an; wnereas, tne r . . . .
truck, with a rated capacity
nt S tons, cannot carry over
two tons up tha hllla at our minaa.
Tho Jeff r machine makas taatar
time than tho P . . , ear and
ill oporato I a deep anow at timoa
wnwa ,na r . . . maemna can
not bo uaad at all. Portland Gold
aunins jm . Victor, col.
have had the Quad running
continuously over rouih
roada, ataop hills and In tha mod.
Thie truck haa atood tha tort
ffhera aovorai other trucks work
ins In tha eame conditions mm
nam to so uio work. Lea Moor
wwuKung w. weensm, Cat.
inese two uuada are each
doing the service of tea
nolos -O. B.(VII Moors Estate,
Baa Antoruo, luaa.
inva our Jcllery Quad lias
rauned our business to he
Increased bv one-third. Bill
nfuoou una, waukacaa, til.
1 lie Quad wasslile to make
iu regular triis through the
mud when the road waa impaas
abla to tha 14 and 18 horss teams
lor 7 and 8 davs. Tho Quad his
run to data t ad miles and tho
pnly rcpJacemonta bore
been a fan snider and a h-l,
JJ 8. Jonas, YYianamuoea, rlo.
ICE We have used our
JeftVry Quad going on two
years ami nnd it perfectly
aatifactorr In averv 1
roar-drive truck would hava boon
of no usa to us, aa wa are off
pavement S blocks and in tha
tumbo right on the banks of tho
liaaouri River, and for ten weeks
thta past season wa were con
stantly in tho mud. The Jefferv
Company are trie people to do
buaineaa with. Kioas City Arti.
Bcial Ice Co., Sioux City, Iowa.
mon I li s output with the
Quad whi a little over rr 000
Salions. Tbe second BDontb It waa
nearly U.uJO gallons. We make
all our country trips with the
Uuad, from SO to 60 mi tea out
' li k I A
over atunble Scale to threahug
out Ate, and have also gone over
newly plowed ground to roach s
tractor plowing outnl. y. L.
v maun, duuwuu vu ataenft.
Kenoeba. Wia.
We have a . . . . truck
about the same rapacity as
Um Jefferv uuad. It ia all right
la good roods, but it would have
been ea wipoaaibilhy tor this
. . . . trues to do what tho
dead does, apparently whs tho
Srestse eaae - Rieherdaoa Ula
rioauug Co., Qulaey. ill.
lee reew Dealer or write the Jefier
Cosaauy tee saUrsaatM lutlaf.
JONES-OPPER CO., Distributors-2043-45 Farnam St.-Omaha, Neb.
aawaw J.' . ew . JT 4'Th I
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