HTE OMATIA SUNDAY TlEE: DECEMBER 2G, 1915. I What i: Brido of Week and One of Her Attendants at Sherry with a party of friends from Boston, and on the Sunday following they go to Boston for a visit, t'pon their return Mr. and Mr. Bradford will be home only a shirt time, as they plan to go to California January 23 for six week, part of that time to be spent with Mr. Bradford parent In Los Angeles, but most of It at Coronado Beach, where they were last winter. Mr. and Mr. B. P. Marr and Miss Mildred Marr of Kansas City are here for two necks, the guests of Mr. and Mra licnis p. Lorlng and Mr. and Mr. N. Charles U. Henrlckson, Mr. Marr' sla ter, Mr. Galpher, and daughter. Mar Jorie, of Alameda, Cel., are also here for Christmas on their way home from Kansas Clti'. Mrs. J. .M. Metcalf plan to go to Cali fornia the latter part of February for two month and will be accompanied by Mr. Charles Eddy of New Tork, who Is at present In Arkansa wlttf her lster. Miss Stella lloblnaon, daughter of Mr. and Mr. H. 11. Robinson, left Friday (Continued on Page Eight Col. Five) (Continued from ras Two) is flm'n cr fin j in bociety Uirclcs Hon. Mr. I5rckfiirMe U studvlng- ltw t Harvard. Alls Alice lildnn, who Is a student at the t nlvtrslty of Chlcano. arrived home Friday morning to siwnd the holiday vacation with her mothei, Mrs. J. U 'dt-on. Christmas Dance at Fontenelle. The moKt brilliant affair of Christ mas night was the dancln party given nt the Hotel Fontenelle last evening by Mr. and Mra. U. J. lna-wcrsen and Mr. end Mrs. X. B. I'pdike for their daught er. Miss Helen Ingwerxen and Jliss iiaei i pdlke. Thla atralr marked , the '! but of Miss InRwersen In Omaha so cvty and was complimentary to Mfiss 1'pdlke'a return from school for the holl dnys. In the receiving line were the' two lionor pursls and their parents. 2WI ln worsen was a beautiful de butante In while tulle over white satin, altiaitively festooned with silver tici. riixer lace rornied the hem of the short KOWn. the beailtv of uhlxh u-aa an. lanced wlih whfto vnivt.) bedice was cut square neck and had tiny ie.ves of tulle. With this were worn iMiltc sliprers and stocklnp-. Miss In- swersen carried a sheaf of red poln settins which gave a brilliant touch of color to the all-white contume. Miss Updike waa equally lovely In an attractive pink taffeta gown made short and bouffant. The skirt waa box pleated nnd had a ruffle of silk net around the Vttom. The bodice was of sliver lace draped with pink tulle and was cut square neck with cap sleeves of silver lace. Draperies of pink tulle and pink, roses and rosebuds which were Intro duced In the trimming, lent additional beauty of this costume. Pink sllppe.-i and stockings were worn. Miss Fpdlke carried an old-fashioned boqtiet of lilies of the valley, sweetheart roses and violets tied In a lace frill. Mrs. Ingwersen wore a handsome black tulle gown made ahort length and trim, med with sequins. Mrs. Updike wore an attractive gown of palo blue silk net over poul de mctear In the same hade. Christmas decorations prevailed, quan tities of holly and polnsettias belna used. For favors red candy baskets filled with candies, cunning little hats trimmed with flowers and for the men. Imitation silk hats were distributed. 01 n--ia-nc i-uupies were present. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames P. IjOuIb Meyer. a.1 Tf. O. Edwards, Peter Klewlt. John Tow M ixses Alice Jani E. Buckingham. Misses Florence Russell, JOlsie Storii Margaret Orlmmel, Marion Towle, Naomi Towle. Harriet Walters. Ixulse White. Olga Meta. Vlvlenne Barkalow, Gwendolyn Wolfe. Mary Fuller, , Cartta O'Brien, Ruth Kinaler. Josephine Congdon, He he oca Haven. Helen Btrelght. Olodys Robertson.' Alice Carter. Bugente Patterson, Incite Bacon. Marlon Coad. Frances Hochatet- ler. Mary Latenser, Helen Pearce. Marrerv Smith, Anna Gifford, Clara Hart. Halycon Cotton. Messrs. Robert Edwards, Kdward Fuller, Robert Howe, Charles Hall. Warren Hamilton. Robert Ingwersen, Harry Koch. Austin Matthews. Harold McOonnell, Kdward Murphy, F. ugene Neville. Kenneth Norton, Douglas Peters, Burdette Kirken- rtall. Penman Kountse. Jack Summers, Paul Shirley. Wayne Belby, Frank Selby, Frederick Shelton, Allen Tukey, Waltman Walters. Pudlev Wolfe. Robert Stori. R. H. RturtevaBt. Albert Slbbemaen. Irexel Blbbemaen, George Englsr. tilth. Helen Murphv. Marjorle How land, Hale. Marlon Kulin, Isuhel Vinson- ha'er. Helen Clarke. Htella Thummel. Helen Epeneter. Kleanor Mackay. Dorothy Myer, Gertrude Metz. Grace Allison. Clnire Daugherty, Reglna Connell. Virginia Offutt. Margaret Cavers, F.velvn Ledwlch, Gertrude Porter, Phyllis Iaiman of Salt Lake, - . Horothy Smith. Florence Neville, KmUy Keller. F.l'iabeth Reed, Krna Reed. Gertnide Stout. Elsa Smith. Alice Duval. Messrs. Cleary HanUchen, Judson Squires, Thompson Wakeley, Frank Campbell. Joseph Millard, 2d.; Ray Millard. Wlflard Millard. Clarence Peters. Herbert Connell, James Reynolds. John Caldwell, Malcolm Raldrlge. I-loyd Smith, Fred Clarke. Jr.; Pick Payne. Husf-n. lexander Ioomls. Herbert Davis. Keith Cavers. Clarence Squires. Robert Stout. Ralph Benedict. Charles Allison. Charles Burgess. Robert Connell. Jabln Caldwell. James Connell. Fred Daugherty. Edward Daugherty. Orpheum Theater Party. Mrs. Victor Rosewater chaperoned a party of little folk to the Orpheum on Thursday afternoon, little Miss Harriet Rosewater being the hostess. Following the matinee there waa a luncheon at the Rosewater home. In the party were: Misses Misses Virginia Carlisle, Eleanor Scott, Virginia Pearce. ' (Elizabeth Colt. Beatrice Rosenthal, Masters Masters Gordon Smith, Nelson Updike, Francis Martin, Howard Werthelmer, Kain Wertheimer, Edward Rosewater. fcam Carlisle, Past Festivities. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Holtman gave a Christmas dinner Saturday. Coven were placed for: Prof. 'and Mrs. William Terrlngton. Miss Elizabeth Eroeklln of Melbourne, Australia. Iir I.. r Adeock. Dr. 8. M. Campbell. Encae-ement Announced. The engagement of Mlsa Margaret Mc Caffrey, daughter of Hugh McCaffrey, to Ed Callahan was announced Chriat mas day. Miss McCaffrey is a graduate of Park Place cenvent and also attended at Slnawa, Wis. The wedding will occur in January. Christmas Sinner. Mr. and Mrs. E. w. Dixon entertained Christmas day at dinner at their home. Thoae present were: Messrs. and Mcsdamea E. H. Sprague. U. M. Fairfield, Messrs. Messrs I.uther Drake, Charles Watson Hull, Stockton Heth, Charles Saunders. E. W. Dixon, Miii Daley Doan. Mrs. Victor Coffman. Bridee Party for Miss Cole. The Mlssea Hazel and Carol Howard entertained Informally at brldg Christ inas night, complimentary to Mlsa Myra Cole of Atlantic City, who la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brownies. Three table were placed for the game. Informal Tea. Mra. W. r. Shelton haa asked a few of the younger aet in to tea Sunday after. oon between the hours of 4 and S:3ta complimentary 10 Alias isaoei inson. aler. Stork Special. A daughter, Virginia Templeton. was born Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mra. Harold Frltchett. The baby is a grand- ( ) ; 'mU I - - r H ' ft H j - , MISS AVLDA stooge daughter of Mr. George L. Hammer and niece of Mrs. John 1 Kennedy. Hear Opera in Chicago. Mr. J. M Metcalf and Mlsa Mary Munchhoff leave thla evening for Chi cago to enjoy a week of grand opera. Mr. Metcalf will also meet her brother and his wife. Mr. and Mr. E, J. Cornish of New York, who are coming to spend New Year's here with her. Mr. Dana Van Dusen returned Tues-i day from Chicago, where he attended the grand opera. Invitations Recalled. Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy Bums have recalled the Invitations Issued to a dinner to be given Monday evening. At Omaha Club. Fifteen couples participated In the ub scriptlon dance last evening at the Omaha club, preceded by a buffet up per. Mr. and Mr. Harry Wilkin of Chi cago. Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena and Mr. Oscar Weston of East Orange, N. J. were the out-of-town guests at th dance. Social Gossip. Mrs. Thomas D. Crane, who went east two weeks ago expecting to pas the winter In New York, was recalled by the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. C. N. Balrd of Lincoln, who was suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Balrd is better, so that Mrs. Crane wa able to lcn" her last Sunday to come to Omaha for the holi day. Mr. And Mrs. Crane and their son, Rodcrlc, are at tho Doyal, the lat ter having come home from Lawrence- ville for the vacation. Mr. Crane has given up her eastern trip entirely and will spend her time between hero and Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and little son arrived Thursday from Roanoke, Va., to spend the holiday with hi mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. This Is Mr. Brown's first visit home since her marriage two year ago. Colonel Jullua Penn, formerly stationed at Fort Omaha, will be In Omaha tomor row and next day on lit way to take station at - Madison Barracks; N. Y. Colonel Penn has just come from Hono lulu. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Connell went to Lincoln Friday to be with their daughter, Mrs. Isaao Miller Raymond. Jr., for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Connell re turn homo tomorrow. Mr. and Mr. D. C. Bradford leave Tuesday for ten day or two week In New York and will see the old year out STARTING MONDAY OUR ANNUAL PRE-INVENTORY SALE AND CONTINUING THROUGHOUT THE WEEK, THE GREATEST WE 'HAVE EVER HELD SUITS-CO ATS-DRESSES-W cVISTS-SKIRTS-FURS A OFFERED AT ASTONISHING REDUCTIONS IN MONDAY'S SALE 2 8 WOMEN'S AND MISSE3' STYLISH NEW FALL SUITS ALL MATERIALS, COLORS AND SIZES The ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED. S3 SUITS Worth To $25.00 All Go At $9!? CHOICE OF ANY FUR SET IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK One-third Off Buy a 915 get and pay $10.00 Or a $30 aet and pay $20.00 Every Fur In tna Houe Ooea. American Mink, Black Fox, Japanese Mink, Red Fox, Chine Wolf, Crota Fox, Racoon, Blu Wolf. SUITS Worth To $35.00 All Go At $13!? SUITS Worth To $50.00 All Go At $20"!? WOMEN'S AND HISSES' FASHIONABLE DRESSES SERGE, VELVET AND SILK. . EVERY DRESS IN STOCK MUST GO. DRES5ES Worth To $15.00 All Go At $7 50 DRESSES WHth To $25.00 All Go At 50 $12 DRESSES Worth To $45.00 All Go At Separatt Skirt Sale Valhea to $6.50 $3.98 COATS! COATS!! and Still More COATS!!! Tht Greatest Assortment In Town and Every Ono In tho Stock la Greatly Reduced. Many Special 8al Group Beside. COATS Worth to $20.00 $20?? j Sljli.h New Waisti I Every Walat In Stock at a $14.95 COATS Worth to $25.00 $18.75 COATS Worth to $35.00 $25.00 Special Group of Coats Odd Garments From Stock Vaiuea to $20.00 $4.95 Evening; Coats and White Chinchilla Coats Value to $25.00 $1 0.00 Substantial Reduction. Special Sale Table Waist Worth to $5.00 $398 & Stylish New Waists Worth to $3.75 $295 Entire Balance Skirt Stock Vaiuea $8.00 to $10.00 $5.75 Stripe, Plaid, Solid Color. SILK KIMONOS Choice Our Entire Stock One-fourth Off The Biggest Sale of the Year SILK PETTICOATS $2.50 Silk Petticoats; $1.65 $5.00 Elosfit Petticoats.... $3.95 l3Bt DOUGLAS The Biggest Sale of the Year BIG SALE TABLE LINGERIE WAISTS Slightly Soiled From Stock Regular $1.50 Walata, 35c 3 for $1.00 The Store Beautiful Mm B. Tie Store Beautiful 16th and Farnam Streets New U. S. Bank BIdg. ANNOUNCING OUR FIRST GREAT ifrr - sl i ssal MARJC silts, U3lt9 of Our Entire Exclusive New Stock of .Presses, Fer, f w This is the one January Clearance Sale that thousands of economical women, who are particular in their dress, have been eagerly watching And waiting for. The garments in this sale represent an entire new stock in a new store, repre senting all that is best in quality, and all that is new in style. Seldom, if ever, are goods of this kind offered at such a sacrifice, but our limited space compels us to clear out the present stock at whatever price it will bring, in order to make room for the spring goods soon to arrive. This Great Sale Starts Monday Morning at 8:30 32L5 Clearance ol Tailored Suits $65 and $59.50 Tailored Suits, exclusive models. Year End Clear ance price $49.50 and $45 Tailored Suits, beautiful fur trimmed models Year End t Price $39.50 and $35 Tailored Suits, late models, can be worn for early spring as $Cfl'7Z well as now. Year IJ ' End Clearance Pr. . $32.50 and $29.50 Tailored Suits, Bmart new models, fur trimmed. Year C 1 W rMa Clearance Price 29L5 !19Z! $25 and $27.50 Tailored Suits stylish models, made of beauti ful materials. C V T - J Tl V xear iter ance Price is a. vuuvi 142 Over 1500 High Class Ex- elusive Coats to Choose From $89.50 and $75.00 Bassen Seal Coats, fur trim med models. January Clearance 4tJl 1C Price $G9.50 and $05.00 Velour Coats, fur trimmed, exclusive models. January Clearance 4? Oft Price OOtMD $59.50 and $55.00 Bassen Seal and Velvet Coats, beautiful fur trimmed models. , CQJ January Clearance Price ) I u $49.50 and $45.00 Coats, Velours, Velvets, Seal ettes and Duvetynes, fur trimmed CO ft Off models. January Clearanco Price. . . VUvUv $42.50 and $39.50 Coats, Velvets, Sealettes and Broadcloths, beautiful fur trimmed QO J HZ models. January Clearance Price. .. . $37.50 and $35.00 Coats, Plushes, Corduroys, Duvetynes and Broadcloths, very stylish fur trimmed models. January CIQ 7ff Clearance Price vlvoiD $32.50 and $29.50 Coats, Corduroys, Broad cloths, Wool Velours and Fancy Materials, fur trimmed models. January Clear- 7C ance Price $'Uolu $25.00 and $19.50 Coats, Corduroys, Broad cloths, Fancy Zibelines, Chinchillas, tfl O 7C etc. January Clearance Price vXUlii Clearance ol Fine IFoips $95.00 Mink Sets, CQ Clft Clearance Price Vvvowv $75.00 Mink Sets, frikn r A Clearance Price VllloDU $50.00 Mink Muffs, 00 Cft Clearance Price. . . . .vuudj $37.50 Mink Muffs, QOO CA Clearance Price QilUtVV $75.00 Lynx Sets, frMn rft Clearance Price 9U $05.00 Lynx Sets, CQQ CA Clearance Price. . . . ,vu vv" $40.00 Lynx Muffs COO ff A Clearance Price. . . . .vAAstf U $35.00 Fox Sets, A rn Clearance Price vlv3v $25.00 Fox Muffs, 4( nr Clearance Price. . . . .vl v I D $19.50 OpossumScts, f O H Clearance Price. . . . vluid $15 OjHossum Muffs tfA Clearance Price vUi w $12.50 Plush Muffs, Cfi 7C Clearance Price vDola Our Entire Stock of Beautiful Dresses Oltered at Clearance Sale Prices ORKIN BROTHERS-16th and Farnam Streets, U. S. Bank Building (Thin is Talk No. 9 of a Bcrleo on "The True Story of Real EsUte.") Figuring Apartment Investment Returns In last week'o talk wo compared an apartment lnrestment with a bond Investment, and said that the former required much more attention and wan much more complex. Thla will be evident from the llt of item that enter tnto tbe calculation of the returna on any flat building Invest ment, according to the best real eatate authority.' '. The list follows: Interest on total Investment at 8. Sinking Fund, or Reserve for Depreciation.' Taxes and Insurance. Maintenance. Management. Reserve for Vacancies. No one will question the first item, Interest. Every in vestor is entitled to earn a rate of interest on his money that Is equal to the prevailing rate on realty loans (in Toledo. 6 to .) The Sinking Fund Is a thing the bond. buyer does not need to worry about, since the company issuing the bond pro vided for it. But the flat owner must set aside, annually, out of his Income, enough for a Sinking Fund to offset the De preciation of the building, due to the wear and tear of time. How much shall he set aside for this purpose? On a frame flat building 1.03 of the value of the build ing, compounded annually at 4 will yield the principal In 40 years, the COMMERCIAL LIFE of such a building. In the case of a cement, brick or stone building, the percentage Is .816 annually for 60 years. The items,. Taxes and Insurance, require no explanation. Under Maintenance Is Included decorating, painting, plumbing and other repairs, water tax and electrlo light cost, janitor and janitor supplies, coal and beating, and all other similar expenses. Management Is an item easily figured. The usual charge for managing properties Is 5 of the gross rental. When the owner attends to the management himself he is entitled to this compensation. Reserve for vacancies Is an item sometimes overlooked. All of the apartments msy not be continuously occupied. It Is usual for the prospective Investor to deduct 10 of the gross rentuls as a Reserve for Vacancies. All cases are not nllke, however, nnd a competent real estate man should be consulted as to what should be deducted in your individual case. - . One point that we have not considered in the above is the tncreasement or natural increase which may occur in the value of the land occupied by the apartment building. This ranges from nothing up to 6, according to the location. Here, too, a real estate man's opinion will be helpful. Whatever the Increament amounts to, It serves as a bonus to which the owner Is entitled for the risk he takes in this sort of an investment. (Signed) E. R. BENSON, C. F. HARRISON, O. O. 'WALLACE, Committee. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL