Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1915, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 10

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r . ; a.
Recent Brides at Home for Christmas n
isi at
. 7 - v SOT . . ! u u '
Q' v A i n i T7, ,rtTv, TT MR8. HERBERT FRENCH.
? r .
Oaffif G30QBAV, BEG. 27th
"Music Makes Any House A Home'
reaf lys of Eflospe's
New Pianos, Player Pianos, Grand Pianos
Our larqo ChrlstmaH Btork not havlne arrived in tlnip, we are consequently heavily overstocked, which
positively must b reduced bprore INVKNTORY PERIOD; hence a sweeping reduction In prices all along
the line. Here Is your opportunity, the one you havo been WAITIN'O for. Our I-OS jour (JAIX.
Most wonderful array of hlKb-grade, medium-grade and lesser makes of Flanos ever offered. Think of
this great line of bea'itlful new Grand. I'prights nnd Plaver-Planon selling pt unhenrd-of prices and terms.
Imagine a Dependable, Hew Piano for only $163
on $1.50 weekly payments: other instruments of high-grade at $105, $225, $318. $.140, $305, and Player
Pianos that were $450 to $850, now $375 to $600, at sums and terms to suit your circumstances.
A Groat House Guarantee
its Pianos and Player-Pianos and Grand Pianos to be the best values obtainable, and as the Great House
has the reputation of being the most reliable and responsible. Its guarantee fully protects you. When a
house like this, whose integrity has never once been questioned in a business life of 4 0 years, presents
facts such as these, bow could you refuse to take advantage?
This Reduction Sale Runs for 20 Days
ueginntng jvionaay, December ztn. on January lOtn we close our books lor the year,
to save from $50 to $160 per Piano or Player. A stool free; a scarf free.
Here is a chance
Mrs. Thomas Heyward'
What, v:; -:v
is Going On
in Society Circles
! , , i ..
Dinner for School Set
Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Loom! will lv
a beautifully appointed dinner at thrt
Hotel Fontenelle PjniUy for their ion,
Arthur, who Is home from Cornell.
Polneettiaa and Christ ma a decorations
BneaMy will brighten the dinner tabla
and aixteen of the younger aet will be
Intereitinj Houie Partj.
Mr. and Mr. F. H. Craig. are enter
taining an Interesting bouse party for
the holidaya. Soma of the member of
the party conie from the far aouth and
eaat. the etatea of New Tork, TennpMoe,
Georgia and Alabama all being rep.
The house gueata are Ulna Harriet
Grotnfboro of Atlanta, (korgla; MbU
Marlaa Burnett of lleniphta, Tenneesee;
Mlaa Mute Frank of Fy recuse, New
York, and Ur. W, P. Craig and Mr. 8.
M. Gibson of Montgomery, Alabama.
Honor Suifrag-e Speaker.
The Kqunl Franchise aodety will give
a luncheon at the Commercial club Thura
day. honoring torn. R, K, H. Bteyena of
Syracuse, N. r a former Omaha woman
ho Is Ultlnr hrr sister. Mn. J B.
Mann. Mrs. Ktevena Is actlva In suff
rage afaira la tit MiU Uri Chtnci
Johamtea and Mr. Joseph folcar of the
Kqual Franchise aoclety are In charge
of the arrangements for the luncheon.
Mra. J. M. Mtualf U praaldant of the
society and the members of the board
E. . I-ood
Joseph oicer,
'. H, Mtebblns.
C K. Johannes,
Juhn U. Kennedy,
1C M. Fairfield,
a U Burke.
C. D. Wakefield.
Vftiilng Kani. ' - '
Mlea Avllda iOoore, daughter of Mrs.
May t Keatoo. wUI be married to Ir.
Krnest Xna Wilson, aoo of Mr. Charlea
II. Wilson of Lincoln, on Wadnaaday at
seven o'clock at the. I'mted - Preeby
terlaii church, the Rev. Hugh B. fipear
The trtde will be given away by her
brother, lr. Hoy C. Moore, gd ahe wll
be atteiied- by Mi4" Nora- J. ' Nelooo.
S 'I
The tt man will be Mr. Ralph Brown
of Chicago, and Measera. Ted Uhmtr
and Harold More will act aa usher.
Utile Miss leabrl Uhmn will carry the
ring, and the ribbon stretchers will be
Misses Fredericks Hwartilander, Theva
Gail Vartnes of Chicago, and Olive
" Mis. Carrie - B. llaymond of Lincoln
will play the wedd ng march and Mr
Walter B. Graham will be soloist. I
After the ceremony, a reception will
be given at the home of the bride from
elxht to ten o'clock In wbich Mrs. Keaton
will be assisted by the mem hers of the
wedding party.
Colony-Byera Wedding.
A vary pretty wedding waa solemnised
at the home of Mr. and Mra W.
pauey Thuraday evening, when their
daughter. Vera Mabello Byers, ,
wetfdeg to Klllott Archie Colony of
Salem, Ore., the double ring service be
ing used. Promptly at I o'clock and pre
ceding the wedding - march, Mlaa Lite
Kamey of Tork. Neb., sang "Th Dawn
and 'Cotnpenaatlon." by Carrie Jacobs
M'ss Ine Bloom, at the piano, played
the chorus from ."The Ko Maid." by
naiiciilun. nhkli waa sung by taelv
of Mlaa Byera' schoolmate and friends.
who led th march down th stair carry
ing ropoa of mllax, forming an aisle
through which the bridal party marched
to Mendelssohn' wedding march. The
bridal party was led by the Rev, r. W.
Lsavltt. followed by F. C. Bailey, brother
of the bride aa beat man, and th groom;
then cam the ring bearers, Mary Helt-
land and Dean Webster, dressed - In
whit, each carrying a basket of roses
which contained th rings. They were
followed by Mr. F. A. Thomas, sister of
th bride and matron of honor.
Th bride wor a beautiful gown of
white pussy-willow taffeta and chiffon
with pearl ornaments, carrying a bouquet
of whit bridal roses.
Th matron of honor wor a beautiful
gown or yellow tarieta a re pea with aim
net and yellow rose buds, and h carried
bouquet of yellow rose bud.
The bridal party assembled under a
canopy of yellow and white chrysanthe
mums interwoven with wild smile. Th
color scheme throughout vii yellow and
white. . ,
During th ceremony Miss Bloom pl4yed
Romance." by 'Schumann, and Just be
fore the benediction Mis Ramey sang
"Beauty Eye," by F. Paolo Toatl.
Th out-of-town guests were Mra. R. It.
Manaon, Grant, Neb.; Mra. T. A. Thomas.
Aurora, Neb., and Mr. and Mra. H. O.
Hall, Mra. Jennie Stephens, Mr. Nora
Osborn. Mrs. II. M. Vr&denberg, Mis
Lita Ramey, Miss Bessie Maqulr and.
M'ss Stella Lov of Tork. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Colony will be at home at
179 North Twenty-first street, Salem,
Ore., after February 1.
Parker-Folki Wedding.
Th marriage of Miss Edna Folks.
daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. c. Folks, of
Pender, Neb., and Mr. J. 8. Parker, son
of th Rev. J. J. Parker, was celebrated
at 4 o'clock on Christmas day at th
horn of Mr. and Mra. William Sidney.
Th Rev. a. A. Hulbert or tit. Mary 'a
Avenue Congregational church officiated.
Preceding th ceremony, Mre. Florence
Basler sang "'Because," and Miss Netti
Baker played, th Lohengrin Bridal
chorua. .
The wedding waa a quiet one and there
were no attendant!. Christmas decora
tions prevailed and a reception followed
the ceremony.
The bride wore her go-away suit rf
wisteria velvet, trimmed la fox fur. with
bat to match, and ah wore a corsage
boquet of lUes of the valley.
The young coupl left last evening for
Chicago oa their wedding trip. After
February 1 they will bo at home at
apartment No, t, Th Troy.
Holiday Affairs Planned.
The New Tear' eve dancing party of
the I.a Mara club will be held Friday
evening at Turpln'a aadeiny. F pen' a I
arranaemenla hav been made for this
particular dance and th members an
tlclpate this -affair to be the most suc
cessful of th season.
With the School Set ' ,
Mlsa Helei-Curtls. who' -attends Rock
ford college Is spending the ' holiday
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
' Mr. Warren Breckenridgo arrived homo
Thuraday from Cambridge for hi vaca-
(Contlaued on Pag Three. Column On.)
Fifth Ave
Just l,000
Too lYSany
For Inventory
In the next twenty days
we propose to cut down our
Picture stock, both framed
and in sheet form. This
takes in every variety of
paintings, water color pict
ures, pastel pictures, steel
engravings, etchings, fac
simile pictures, artotypes.
whether framed or not, a
flat discount of 20 per cent.
Ready-made frames,
frames to order, everything
in the frame line 20 per cent
off, and no charge for fit
ting. One thousand mould
ing patterns to select from,
gold, antique, bronze, nat
ural woods and harmony
tinted frame patterns, every
one to go.
Must Go Too
Stock, carrying . thousands of
articles, made in Silver, Oold,
Bronze, Marble, Pottery, Ivory,
Natural Woods, go into this pre
inventory Price Slashing Sale;
only 20 days in which to sell the
over stock of $20,000, in art stock
goods, which embraces Electric
Lamps in Oold in newest Punjap
and Tudor Shaped Shades, at from
:$.73 to $75.00.
Candle Stick, Night Lamps, in
mahogany, white and oak woods,
from 91.00 up.
Silver Ware in Sheffield silver,
from SOc up.
Urans Seta, Smoker's Sets, Book
Racks, Book Rnds, Umbrella
Stands, Cornucopias, Desk Sets
and .many art pieces in brass, at
a straight discount of 20 per
cent off-
Cordova Leather, Ladies' Bags,
Pads, Bill Books, Book Ends.
Diaries, Leather Frames, at 20 Per
Cent Off.
Flowers, Artificial Rosea, full
bloom, 25c.
Butter Cups, Daisies, Naatur
tiums, Polnsettas. from 10c up.
Vases in Bronzed Sterling Sil
ver. Vasekraft Vases, Holland
Vases, Niolak Vases. Every one
of them at 20 Per Cent Off. '
Marble Statuary, Composition
Statuary, 20 Per Cent Off. t
Mottoes, framed and in sheet,
zo per cent Off.
Pohison Gallery, novelties em
bracing hundreds of useful neces
arleB. cut with the 20 Per Cent
20 Oft except on contract goods
Complete Violin
Outfits SO to $350
Violin Cases, wood and
leather 81.25 to SS5
Violin Bows,
imported 75 to 830
Music Stands, Japanned
and nickel 50 to 82
Mandolins, high
grade 85 to 850
Mandolin Cases, canvass
and leather 81.25 to 88
Guitars, American
manufacture 86 to 835
Banjos, standard .
makes .....87 to 825
Drums, orchestra and
band..'. 815 to 835
Cornets, brass, and
silver.... .810 to 895
Clarinets, perfect
acale .812 to 875
Flutes, Boehm & :
Albert. . , V . . . ..812 to 885
at ........ ...... .84 to 88
Brass Instru- .
ments.......;..SlO to 805
Bugles, regula- -
- ...-84 to 80
Imported .5 to 82.50
Accordeons, German and
Italian . . .80 to 825
Swiss Music
Boxes ...35t to 87.50
Music Rolls, real
eath" -75 to SIO
Musle Bags,
morocco .-82 to 810
Orchestra Bells, Saxophones,
Harps, Cellos and all accessories
for musical Instruments.
Buy Now From the House You Know About-Absolute Satisfaction or Money Back
u uvu Lha Vn9 DoUglasSt.
Mctrola Records on Sale Tuesday, December 28.
of Napier's smartest nine
inch boots. Comes in soft
est imported kid, with 2
inch full Ix)uis heels, cov
ered, to match. Has ex
tremely high arch light,
hand welt oles, and is
strictly hand made thru
out. Sizes 1 to 9, widths
AAA to 1).
Kaiser Gray, French
Bronze, Havana Brown
and Gait Blue, $10.00
Softest Black Kid, $9.00
Cmtk mU rdtrt $tnt ptpii.
On Sulttmlh mt farusi
6S--L a d I ' Pla
in o n d Ring. Hit
Solid KOld boftli
"1'er fee lion"
mounting 3U
as a Bf oath
0. Men's Dia
mond King, etx
prong Tooth
mounting. St-iK
lis .1 M
13 a week
Solid Gold Wrist Watch
tilth Solid Oold Extension Bracelet
175 JW 52.50
a Month
1033 Wrist Watch t'aae and Bracelet
are hoth fine 14k solid gold. Lver eet.
full nickel Jeweled, either white f J li
or gold dial, guaranteed "iT'"
Credit Term i I a. SO a Month.
Call mid Secure One of These
Kxtraorrifnarjr Itargalna lief ore
They Are All Gone.
Plamond Rlnga ,
JMu.iiund I.a Val'lerea
liamond Broodies ...
1'iamond liar Tina ..
l'lunond Ijucketa ....
Diamond Kar Screws.
Diamond Kr.rrVi.
Diamond Bet Watches, solid KOM
irom ,25 un
Watch Bracelets, solid s-old.124.75 up
ivn Drwfmii, kuiu Illiea 1 65 iin
.11301 up
.: no
. . IT. tO up
.tli.50 up
..15.00 up
liu.oo un
lla.09 up
Watches, solid eold
Bracelets, solid ftold . . . ,
Kr&celctB. -n!d fi led....,
Diamond Puff Links ....
Diamond Scarf 1'lna
Diamond Rtuda ,
Rmblem King
Signet Klnva ,
Jo!d HUoU Wstches
Solid (Sold Oiat Chains..,
Oold HUd Coat Chains
Solid Oold Fobs
Solid Gold Cuff Links ....
t 1 Y.60 UD
.110.0,1 up
. . 14 00 un
. tS 00 up
. .14 50 up
.115 00 up
. . f 4 j A up
. 4 0 Ull
.$10 00 up
. .15 00 up
..1350 up
..1(100 up
..It. 50 up
12 Slza Thin Model Elgin
$12 $12J
Mo. 388 Cases are double toast
gold fined, warranted for 25 year,
polished or beautifully S12'
engraved a aconta. ' '
Call or Writ tor Catalog Tj. S03.
peoui Atteauoa Olvea to KaU Oraers.
National! Credit Jewelers
Main moor City Vatioaal Bank Bail dins-.
40 South lath Street, Omaha.
Opposite Bargosa-Haea Co, Department aHor.
Our great Christmas sales have left many broken lines in Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, eto which we have
placed on sale during holiday week at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to buy a handsome Diamond
Ring. Stud. Ear Screws. Brooch. I Valllere, Pendant, Bracelet. Watch. Wrist-Watch. Chain. Charm etc and
secure an exceptional bargain. Many persona, unable to decide Just what Christmas present would" give
the greatest pleasure, make a present of money. The recipient usually desires to Invest the amount in some
article of real worth. To such we suggest the purchase of a fine Diamond. If your gift of monev la not
... , ii .i . n . . . . t .
amount you can make first pay
ment and balance can be paid
monthly. By making your pur
chase NOW, during our Holiday
Sales, you can obtain Kxtra Value
for your gift money.
mon Bonglaa 144 and
etur sales mas will call.
Get into business via the "Business Chan--s