Omaha Daily Bee. The Sunday Dee is the only OTiiha pewpiper that tfivrs its reader. four big THE WEATHER. Eain or Snow -- of colored comics. VOL. XLV-NO. 1C.J. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24. 191 5 FOURTEEN I WOES. Om Tralas. at Jtotal Btanda. ate.. 64, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. r MUNICIPAL TREE PLEASES KIDS IN GREAT NUMBERS Santa Claus Comci to Auditorium Bringing Big Bags of Candy, Nuts and Fruit as Presents. TALL SPRUCE GAILY LIGHTED Gold and Silver Ornaments and Many Electric Globes Provide Beautiful Sight. DUNN AND OTHERS SING, ALSO Tnis little arrangement by which Santa Claua Is able to tend to a couple of thousand little boys and girls on the evening before Christmas eve Is working out fine. Santa pointed out to the city offi cials that Christmas eve he's always so terribly busy that he simply has to skip some of the boys and girls. When the people of Omaha heard of that they said, "Nothing doing, Santa Claus. You've simply got to visit everybody here in Omaha. We won't have you slighting anybody. No. sir." Well, to make a lone Ktory short. Santa agreed to come and visit an nmny of the children a possible on the evening before Christmas eve. And In order a make It easy for him (Santa has a touch of the rheumatism sometimes and it's not so easy climbing up and down chimneys), they agreed to let him bring all the things into the Auditorium and have the children come there. Well, they were there last night. My, my. but they were there. A big bunch of thm appeared before the doors were open and then they flocked from all directions. Big: Decorated Christmas Tree And that Christmas tree! O-o-o-o! Some Christmas tree. Mule Joseph. Comlne, newsboy, had a discussion with another boy, In which Joseph held that the tree was 100 fiet high, while the other boy said it was ZOO. And all covered, with ornaments and th's gold and silver stuff and countless electric lights. Over on the other side of the building was a big platform specially built on which was the Omaha Musicians' as sociation band, led by George Green, which pealed forth strains of sweet music, while the crowd was gathering and then gave a fine program. But Juvenile eyes were directed toward a small mountain of bulging bags on the platform. Ah, this was the thing. No stingy, pinchbeck bags were these, but T!Tg'. "irelthv-heaxty bags that con tained pounds of candy, nuts, popcorn balls, oranges and apples, quite a load for each youngster to carry. Mayor Delivers tireetlun; Mayor Dahlman himself delivered the Christmas greeting. He kept the kiddles Interested by telling them what he did when he was a little boy and hung up his stocking. Just think of the mayor being a little boy and hanging up his stocking for Santa to fill. The youngsters wriggled with delight at hearing It. Then Miss Grace Poole sang and Charles II. Gardner sang and a eiuartet mmlMtini? of Errol Strlckler, Kdward Fuller. John uunn ano onra jwu.-io. An then enry Dunn, cnier or pom-, urn. . solo. My. my. it seemed there was L.tblnir that Santa had left undone to i Insure a so d time. l"p till this time the old fellow had re mained behind the scenes. But now he came out In his red suit trimmed with fur. My. how his happy old eyes beamed with Joy as he saw so many of his be oved children gathered to see him. His fat sides fairly ehook with Joy. Kids Applaud Santa Clans. And the youngsters. How they did ap plaud and cheer him. They were all mar (dialled at one s'de and marched In a long line across the stage and past the mountain of bags. And as each passed Kunta Claus handed out one of those big bags of goodies. Santa had to have help and lie nnuolnted Dan Butler. C. F. , shot three times by Night Marshal Trump lloisie and t'..e mayor to assist him. Oh. at Bradshaw at 2 o'clock thU morning yej. even the mayor, has to do what while Miller was thought to be attempt Santa says. i '"a t0 enter and rob the postofflco at Such Joy and laughter. Such full hearts that place. Trump shot three times, one and bands. And it had started In such good time that It was all over by 9:3i. so thnt the ti00 boys and girls could get home In time for bed and Santa could liurry back to the -North t'oie lor ins b'g loaj thnt he has to bring down to night. The Weather Temperature Omaha. Y raterdar. Peg Hours. ft a. ni. a. m. 7 a. m. a. n. a. in. 10 a. m. 11 a. in. 12 m 1 p. m. t p. in. 3 p. m. 4 p. m. 5 p. in. ( p. m. 7 p. m. ...37 ...3i ...Si ...37 ...3S ...Si ...40 ...3fl ...W ...: 6 p. m 3' Local Kreord. 1115. 1H14. 1'.1J 1912 I 40 .'S i 4-4 ContparmtlT Highest yesterday... IO west yesterday.... Mean temperature... Precipitation 34 12 M M 37 '" li" M T . " Tsmperatura and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 1" Kxcess for the day 12 Total clellciency since March 1 1 Normal precipitation 03 Inch deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall slnco March it inches Iieftciency since March 1 2.04 inches Jeflclency for cor. period, 1S14. . $ 3 inches deficiency for cor. period, ISjU.. 6 M Inches Hlrta from (iioas at T I. M. Station and State Temp. Hlgh- Rain- of W eather. Cheyenne, snow Davenport, cloudy Denver, cloudy . lies Moines, cloudy... Lander, snow North Platte, snow.... IMieblo. clear , Kapid City, cloudy... ull iJtke City, clear, hheridan. cloudy I P. Ml. 14 ) 40 34 24 :w 42 Zi 3li :o 34 t. laJI. 44 T 3H .0U M ,i .00 M .0o .10 .ou 3 ..) 44 .30 3-' .10 3i .0U tinux City, clouuy i Indicates trace of precipitation. A. VVtl-eii. Luiai forecaster. OMAHA'S MUNICIPAL TREE Thousands of kiddies re ceive presents and make merry at the Auditorium. mm nihil) nwA hip &$B, H 9'M)fa ' of - - li . uimi h ft- J,$& I J r ,,cr.-;- . j v -vr mmmm' , , ,i ia iibiiIii n issimi i i i Itin 1 ' i i i-- " At the base of the tree are the large sacks filled with good, things for the thirty-five poor families. Omaha Man Shot Three Times by Bradshaw Marshal YORK. Neb., Dec. 23. Spedal Tele gram.) Fred Miller, who resides at 3002 j North Twenty-fourth street. Omaha, was I shot going clear through Miller's right breast, the other shots making slisht wounds In the abdomen and arm. Miller '. wa brought to the hospital In Yhrk, where he is resting easy, and It Is thought he will recover. Two of hla alleged pals got away in an automobile they had In walling. Miller claims to conduct a restaurant at 11:' 4 Howard. He will bo turned over to the United States author les. He says his pals all came from Omaha. Marshal Trump was not hit during tho fight. Investigation In Omaha finds that Mil ler's assertions are true. He conducts a lunch counter In the saloon owned by Charles Loftman at Fourteenth and Howard streets, and has been so engaged for three years. The Omaha address given is also correct. M.ller has no po lice record at all In Omaha. Tuesday he left for a brief vacation, saying he in- I lennea 10 iune a iiuiiiiiib u ii iq uraa jshaw. Miller has relatives in Des Moines, ...3i ' I but not In Omaha. His wife has left for York, where he is in the hospital. Detached Chicago Cafes May Keep CHICAGO. Dec. 23. Though Ctilcago saloons must close their doors promptly one hour after midnight New Year's morning, restaurants wholly detached from bar rooms may remain open all night This supplemental ruling from the cor poration counsel today lifted the gloom from those who were saddened by the 1 o'clock closing order issued yesterday. The latest opinion of the city's legal adviser was verbally announced and was construed by the coropratlon rounsci to mean that patrons of. restaurants with detached bars ran remain In the places all nUht If they dec I re and eat and drink anything which they may purchase be fore the bar-cluHing hour. 1 Order Americans Out of Juarez as Mexican Mob Forms EL. PASO, Tex., Dec. 23. All Americans are ordered out of Juarei at 8:3 this evening. All .Americans were ordered to remain on tho American eide by General Pershing at the same time. Tramawy traffic was also discon tinued. A mob was reported sur rounding; the financial agency at Juarez, demanding money. Vienna Likes New Note from America VIENNA, Dec. 23. (Via Iondon.) The new American note regarding the Ancona has made a good Impression here. An early answer may be expected. Work on It has been begun already. No Evening B ee on Christmas Day Subicribers will be served with The Daily Dee on Satur day morning. WESTERN ROADS ALLOWED A RAISE IN FREIGHT RATES Interstate Commerce Commission Grants Increases Asked for on Hauls from Rivers to ' Mountains. MOST IN EFFECT JANUARY 31 No Estimate of Additional Revenue This Will Mean Has Been Made. CAMPAIGN AT VIRTUAL END WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Rail roads operating between the Missis sippi and MlsnourU rivers and the Rocky mountains were granted in creases In freight rates by the Inter state Commerce commission today on many commodities, including agricultural implements, canned goods and boots and shoes. No estimate of the additional rev enue the roads will derive from the advances la contained in the com mission's report on the case, but It will mount into the hundreds of thousands annually, despite the fact that numerous Increases sought were denied. (mli at Although there atlll Is pending before the commission proposed Increases on a few other commodities the general cam paign of the western roads to obtain higher rates on the more important com modities virtually Is at an end. Both the cases decided today and the one still pending are related to the so-called west ern advance rate cases. The first and moat Important part of this case was de cided weeks ago. some increases being allowed and others refused, nnd a peti tion for Its reopening recently was de nted. The Increase proposed on agricultural Implements was about 2 per cent per hundred pounds, on canned goods about 1 cent per hundred, on flue lining about t cents per hundred, on eggs about 3 cents per hundred, on cider and vinegar from 2 to 7 cents per hundred pounds, on buxite ere about 20 cents ier gross ton. on boots and shoes about Wt cents per hundred pounds, on dried fruits about 5 cents per hundred, on furniture 7 cents per hundred. Charge on Fralts. The transit charge allowed on fruits and vegetables amounts to IS cerAs er hundred pounds; for storage In transit with a minimum charge of tr per car. The opinion of the commission la con fined strictly to a discussion of the merits of the contentions for and against tha Individual Increases proposed except ror one general reference. Jn this it says: "Ths testimony heard In the western advance rate cue relating to the finan cial needs of the carriers was made a part of the record In this case. That testimony was carefully analyzed and discussed In the western advance rate case and will, therefore, not be again discussed hero, but It has been carefully considered as part of the Justification o fered by the respondents for the in creases here promised." Lumber Rate Increase Among the miscellaneous Increases al lowed was one of 1 cent per 100 pounds on lumber In carloads from Chicago and St. I.ouls to Missouri river crossings, and an Increase on lima of 1 to 5 cents per UK) pounds on shipments from St. l'aul and Minneapolis to Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska points. Most of the new rates will become effectlva January 31, and the tariffs containing the Increases dis allowed must be cancelled by IJecember a next. Murderer of Police Chief Gets Life Term QALESBURO. 111.. Pec. 23.-Henry Hopkins, colored, was found guilty today of the murder of Oalesburg's former chief of police. T. U. Mathews. He will he Imprisoned for Ufa. Hopkins shot Chief Mathews when the latter headed a raid on tha negro's gambling house. Mathews tad been chief of police six months. The Day's War News TUB MICH UINPt'TEI) summit of llartmana-Wr llerkopf. In th Is ...In In Uerm.n h.nd., sreordlsg to Herlla. It Is in. aonaresl by the war offtre that the peak, taken by the French on Toeaday, was reeaptared by a landwehr reulment. FRENCH OFFICIAL BTATKMKVr of today declared there was no rktsgt la tha situation an the left of llarlmana-Wellerkopf, while proareaa was made yester day by the French right. JtrAKF.HR MWKH Yaaka Mara nu sank by a submarine without warnlns:, sreordlsg to reports from Its asrnls. The vrasr went downla the Mediterranean while bound from London to Japan with 1ZO plMfDirrn, on of them an American, all of whom were aaed. DAHDAtKM.t'.N K PKDITIO N lias coat tha Drltlsh 118,0X1 men, these brlns: the official flararea of casualties up to December II. More Than Four Lines in War NEW YORK. Dec. S.-More than t.OOn,- 000 of the population of Poland are desti tute and entirely dependent upon soup k tchens, where there Is Issued to reach each applicant a small loaf of bread and a pint of soup daily, according t Wil liam 11. Hamilton of the American mercy 1 -r.d relief committee, who reached New They Entertained the Kiddies at the Municipal Christmas Tree um1 -V is- - ' Chas. R. Gardner. AUSTRIAN PLANE SHELLS GREEK CITY Teuton Aircraft Flies to Within Few Miles of Saloniki, Shell ing Village. ZEPPELIN ALSO REPORTED SEEN l'AKIR, lec. 2:1. An - Austrian areo plane yesterday flew to within a little more than three miles of Halonikl. and dropped bombs near a village In the vicinity, according to reports from halo nikl. forwaided by the llavas' corres pondent at Athens. Another unconfirmed report from tho same source whs to the effect thnt a seppelln hud been seen flying over northern tlreek territory. The dispatch, which bears today's date, is as follows: 'It Is reported from Saloniki that an Austrian areoplane was perceived yes terday morning five kilometers from Saloniki. Alter reconnolterlng, the aero plane dropped five bombs near the vil lage of Apapll without doing any dam age. Three French aeroplanes started In pursuit, but the enemy aeroplane flew off In a northerly direction. "According to another report, as yet unconfirmed, a seppelln has been seen flying over Fiorina and Uemlr-Hlssar." Christmas Gifts in Way of Salaries to Some Postmasters (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Iec. 23. (Special Tele gram.) The following fourth clans post offices will become presidential offices on January 1 and the salary the post masters will receive ars given: Nebraska-Ueemer. 11,100: Brady, I1.0K); Cairo, l,li0; Carroll, 11,100; Chapptll. $1,100; Oody, $1,100; Lindsay, $1,100; Ne Imwka. $1.0"; Oshkosh, $1,200; Soneca, $1,000; Talinnge, $1,000. Iowa Albert City, $1,0; Ashton. $1,200; Hussey. $1,100; F.vcrly. $1,100; Farragut. $1,100; (inrrlsnn. $l,0u0; Oarwln, $l,0i0; Key stone. $1,100; Melrose, $1,100; New Alhln, $1,101); Hcnwlck. $1,100; St. tiarles, $1,000; Shcllnhurg. $1,100; Whlttemore. $1,1ii0. .South Iiakota Canton, $I.1"0; Ilnmona, $1,100; Siiencer. $1,200. Wyomlng-Aiton, $1,300. Twenty Years Fate Of "Wholesale" Thief SIOUX CITY, la., Deo. 23.-L. Roy Chase, self confessed burglar, who robbed homes on a wholesale scale, today pleaded guilty to a burglary charge In tha district court and was given a twenty year sentence. After Chase was arrested Mondny night, thousand of dollars' worth of loot was found In his home, the house lielng filled from cellar to garret. Chase posed an a painter He has a wife and four children. CENTRAL PACIFIC BONDS BOUGHT FROM FRENCH NEW YOltK. Dec. 23.-K.ihn, lxeb & Co., announced today the completion of negotiations In l'arls for the purchase of bonds of the Central I'hc fin Hallway company, which la controlled by the Southern I'aclflc company. Tha bonds are a t per cent lasuo hm.I were sold In to French banking interests, prin cipal and Interest belim- K'laranteed by the Houthern I'aclflc. Tin- total amount of tho Issue la a0.000.onu fiancs, or ap proximately luO.000,000. ONLY ONE PRIMARY PREDICTED FOR DAKOTA I'IKRIIB, 8. D., Dec. lS-clal Tele grain.) C. M. Uurke, republican national committeeman from this siittc, said this evening: ,-I predict that there will be only one primary election in .South Dakota for tho next campalKn ami there will not be a special session of the legislature to change the primary election." This he puts forth as h'a political forecast of the outcome of the present apparent tangle an the situation over the early call of the republic an national convention. Millions in Soup - Devastated Poland York today on the stsamahlp Rotterdam. Mr. Hamilton has been In Europe seves) I months looking Into relief work for hla organisation. He added that he had traveled from Alexandretta to Warsaw, mnl In the entire country evacuated by the Russian there waa hardly an 1 1 .luUlulUe building standing. JsJ" A P.. 'A - i lstJsni'--M'ilrj MISS GRACE POOL.. inaNnr w. dlnn, JAPANESE LINER SUNK BI TORPEDO Taska Mam is Sent to' Bottom of Mediterranean by Submarine Without Warning. ALL ON BOARD ARE SAVED LONDON, Dec. 23. The new Japanese liner, Yasaka Maru, which was sunk in the eastern Mediter ranean by a submarino while the steamer was on its way from London to Japan with 120 passengers and a crew of 160 aboard, was sent to the bottom without warning, according U a report received from Port Said from the agents of the owners. All of those on board the ship, including line American passenger, W. J. Leigh, were saved. The nationality rf the submarine is not mentioned by the agents, and previous reports referred to the sinking ot tho ship a done by either an Austrian or a German submarine. The Yasaka Maru was sunk Tuesday afternoon. -A French gunboat picked up tha passengers and crew at midnight and landed them at Port Said Wednes day morning. The company provided hotel accommodations for them and Is (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Serbian Crown Part Of Bulgarian Loot HKUI.IN, I Via Wireless to Sayville.) Dec. Amioiik the news Items given out today for publication uy tne over seas News agency, were the following: The liulgarlan king was greeted as liberator on hla trip through the con quered Macedonian districts. He first visited L'skup, and then passed on to tha captured Anglo-French positions near Veles and Krlvolak. "King Ferdinand waa deeply Impressed by the scene of the battlefield at Prlwend. where there were hundreds of burnt automobiles and millions of cartridges to remind him of the breakdown of the Serbian army. On one hill, was King Peter's broken carriage. At the same place the Serbian crown was found. 'In Monastir the king was gieeted with bread and salt. 'Christmas gifts were presented to day to children of dead German soldiers. The presentation took place In the American church In Mots-titrasse, lierlln, under the direction of the Indies' union. The gifts were made by Ameri can women. Mrs. James W. Gerard, wife of the American ambassador and Mrs. Jacques Mayor, of an American resident In lleilln, subscribed liberally for the occasion." Runaway Street Car Hits Tree; 30 Hurt SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec. 83. Thirty persons were Injured, some probably mortally when an lnterurban car, run ning wild after the motorman had fallen out on a sharp curve, left tha rails and truck a tree here late today. Of tha too passengers aboard the car, the major- i were workmen. &. 7 I GREECE FEARS MORE BULGARS MAY CROSS LINE Proclamation of Martial Law Throughout the Hellenio Kingdom is Reported to Be Imminent MINOR NAVAL FIGHT AT VARNA Rumored Capture of City Seems to Be Only Skirmish Among Torpedo Craft. MAY BE PRELIMINARY ACTION LONDON, Dec. 2$. Proclamation ti' martial law in urpece is reportoa unofficially to he imminent. Al though no confirmation of this report I available, there is evidence of growing uneasiness at Athens over (he possibility that Dulgarlan troops will cross the border. The only thing which has occurred to relieve the situation Is the an nouncement that the Bulgarian offi cer in command of the force which clashed with the Greeks in Eplrus has hern punished and that the inci dent is considered closed. ttccrudeseence of submarlbne activities In the near east la signalised in a start ling manner by tha sinking of the Jaranese liner Ysaka Maru. Apparently there was no loss of life, but, according to marina Insurance men. tha property loss was the heaviest Incurred In any maritime disaster of the war. The na ture of the valuable cargo remains un disclosed. Minor Naal Flaht at Vans, The mystery of the bombardment of Varna, which was at first depleted as a formidable Russian attack on tha chief ltulgartan port, has stirred London, but, according to reports from both sides It was nothing more than a minor naval action among torpedo boats. In which the shore batteries participated. However, a large Kus-lan fleet Is said to be In the vicinity of Varna, and tha action may be merely the preliminary to a se rous Russian attack. llartman's-Wellerkopf Is ones mora a subject of contention, rossesslon of tha summit 'of this mountain baa been dis puted so closely by military forcaa as well as by those who officially record their .unovemcnte, that an Associated Press correspondent was called upon last April to decide the relative positions of the opposing sides. In the present In stance the French assert they have ex celled the Germans from their highest trenches. Tha Germans admit retirement from the summit, which they assert they hsd occupied since April. The French claim they have not only advanced their positions substantially, notwithstanding the fact that the Germans succeeded lit reoccupylng some of the lost trenches, but have forestalled In a measure an offenslro which the Germans had been preparing In the Vosges. Bnlaar Account of Yaraa, Ftarbt. BERLIN, Dec. 23. (By Wireless ta Payvllle.) What la apparently the Bul garian version of the recent naval en counter off Varna on the Black sea, coast, which waa followed by reports that the Russians were landing troops there. Is contained In a Sofia dispatch given out by the Overseas News agency as follow: "Four Russian torpedo boat destroyer approached a Itulgarlan torpedo boat and attacked -it. The torpedo boat answere-l the Russian fire and Bulgarian coast batteries also took part In the engager ment. The destroyers shortly withdrew The torpedo boat waa not damaged." Turks Sink Two Monitors. CONSTANTINOPLB, Pea n. Yls) London, Deo. 38.) A Turkish official statement given out last night says that on the Irak front. In Mesopotamia. Head Kut-EI-Amara, Turkish artillery sank tw enemy monitors and caused an explosion on board another by a direct hit. An enemy attack on the Caucasus front In the neighborhood of Id, la Turkish) Armenia, on December 20, resulted In losses for the enemy of eight officers and too men, while the Turkish (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) THE WANT-AD. WAY Johnnie O'Nntl saw an MtomobUej Advertise! In The Omaha Bee. 1 sex oiid hand car, and cheaper by far Than moat of the new ones jx ile bought the machine, now may be seem Killing round both at work an4 at play. lie's aur iiiltfhty glad be saw thaj want ad.. And he's strong for the) classified way. Are you looking for a used eart so. turn to the Automobile Column today's classified section and you w rind trie boat bargains or tne day tend there. Do you want to aallT ell your automobile, w If you want rite a snail Tiring full rrtloul about f ear I id If vour Dries la riaht you can i qulo .t a buyer. Telephone Tyler 10 And put it la The ... .-,,, ,'i ijTg ni eni