TTTK BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2.3. 1915. i 1 i t V: 1 ! CAPTAIN YON PAPEN LEAYESJOR HOIIE Recalled Oermtn Attach Seaiei that Ha Violated Any Bnlei et ' Diplomatic Etiquette. CLAD TO GET WTO BATTLE PASTOR WHO PERFORMED WILSON WEDDING CEREMONY At the right is Rev. Dr. Herbert Scott Smith. At the left is one of the wedding: gifts received by Mrs. Wilson a replica statue of the great Pocahontas monument erected on an island in the James river by the National Pocahontas Society. NfcW TORK. Dec. it. Captain Frani Von Pipd, Germany's' re-; railed ' military attache,, lft New! or for Rotterdam today on the( rleaiuefclp Kvrdam, bearing a eafei rotduct to O'rrr.tny from' the en-. ten'e allies.., Departing, ' ne issued tMs final ft tern era to (he American rrle: ' "1h tctilnt thl ro-Jri'tr. here I lure re-elwi an rtur prV.s ef klfidnets snrt rwst-;;s!Uy frtonv American and others. I t. it. ray, nuty to triang ail tnas irhi,- ( d not "permit tbe'r f-len41y pr r'flhiri te, be potsortad ly the HI ! c-Mted hy the r among the r.t en. ! "My ihftufch'. turn back (oay etpraealy j te those unforgettable days whon t ha4 j the hftoe and good fortune to speed m ttttia with the axpefllttoriery force it Ve;i ii where I lesrnea ta admire the srleadMI eoiitlerly quality and !eve tion le duty ft the U'Mtel Mates army. f'rrsprnlly speaking. abater satis faction con i be given ! ma than the fLlNUment at my ar lent o re t ba railed heme where solders aia far mora intently 6d than here. Hilary Will Vlagleate lllm. "I leave tar PH witheut any feeling ef bUtefnris, bre::e I know tfto that rii.r.r.-.- la enr r:tten it wilt rjlltlh oue tn reorOa deelte a: I the 1 lnrrrsenrf.leiin and alumnlea apread l-reedcaet at present. ' 'Tha Ke -offc v. o-M ahlfh certainly !a not ftn to the sue, Ijirn of harher t ( rVenol; feeing fnr iny jtintry. slated v r. fslrly, ..hen rtle.Miee ns mv iee.l, the matter srtt'ed the tatA efo it t amphaa'ttd that the rttate made n ehargee ! e. fw.ilfi Vm P.mA Mnit lnf.l i I Uj'f . 1, r . : i 1 .a siUlwtat .e r.a on tnir 1 u r a tf.'lrete. LflrValn iepaer mde rakfta ehafiea h!rl r,u d nii tn aupfort 4 by al tt cf. ti!t tha . ntnt ttia otrinmant n-.ver tlii2t.rd 'i li bi'..t.e.t thua tbi. ta.n. t t ir .e." 'I to V.utnt l(n tha unfthakahle con-' viol on tint in eff jn. h-merer Inalatant lhy int- Lt. will uocomrtlah tha arvenl a tj,- rt,iy to amnroil our coun try t.ltlt thin grant hitlcn. ' Our natitral mlBflorw will, itni muei, on the contrary. IneWLaMv aid araduelly tmprovo aa It ; . .. . . , b cornea e war. to ry Intelllunt and! 8T- WUIS, DevO.- 31. An opinion i1nar-n'.ndd Amaik-an that cionnany !a J regarding the Jeatlng of land waa banded down In the United State . ( w I J 1 1 rw I .;- ijJj'K BRITONS ABANDON SICK AND WOUNDED Berlin Report Sayi So-Called Or derly Retreat Wat Head-Orer-Heeli Flight. PAWC REIGNS AT SAL0NTK1 SCOTT JSAKCl SWTM. JOCrtHOVTAS STATVC DOUBLE LEASE OF LAND IS LEGALIZED Federal Court Rules Surface and Lower Strata Can Be Sepa rately Rented. OIL CASE FROM OKLAHOMA ncr4 in a fully Juatlflable and herolo fltfht tit exiMtnoa and tha very Ufa of the nation.?, : ' : GU4 ta 6t lata Aelloa. AlthcMRii Captain Vort Papon dccllnad to ancwrr any of tha queetlona of r pottert after he handed out hia etata mo tit. n earing rood dye to a German friend, he laid! "1 inn yiad pf iM opportunity to ao to tha tteni-ae fof ny eountrf. "I with t aaaura all that t fael moat rratefu) to tha arat number of German Americana In ihla country for their pur port and irmpathy. "I - 'baen charted with !: ef thlrrn, hut Whan thl war 1 ovar you will tea that everything will coma out all rlaht. 1 am aura I have been hare for my country and I have tried to aarve It. hut 1 hava not done anything- aealnet diplomatic eourteay, and I leave hare fftelknc trttefut that I ean at laal be among the real artora In tha tranchea." Tha captain ehatted with frlenda while hit bacraae wa being' eiamlnad. Tha examination ef all baggage going aboard ahlp.waa put m force far tha flrat time today by tha Holland-American Inc. Dfflclaia ef the line denllned to glva any ereclfld rcgsowe for It. Wrla Ahoat tatotle Veakeea. Captain Vch Papeu wa apolntad mili tary attache 'tit the t riian embaaay In December. Il.. fub'.lo atlentloti waa directed ta hlin In fcepicr.ber 1 it whan a latter which, he wrtie to tile wife waa found' anam t;-e ta.ere tied by thjl BrltUh ' Vfriimn'. frtm J.imeii K. J. Arch.'ba'd v bile h ea rylug tliem to ICfrorr In "hia .-re.- V . epeu al 1' Ucd ti .'b rv-de -f TehHe'e." which wee tri f I ee .tl Tenkcta' Ha eaM tM et. i at-pil A ?e New Tork niwiti .. IJ'i l.i thoia papere h ac'h'S'J'e j-n irlticuacd. i;ii rcP "d Cipuln BoyEd. tha German tvc! et'ic'.-.e. waa redueated by JUtremy L'ljini J)comber J. - - It le !iHtd that ('a (i lain Boy-Ed wit) leave Itrre 'for RoUtdni pecemoer US on the tiniraif Ratlartieia. circuit court of appeaja here today. The opinion lef allies the granting: of two different leasee on the aame piece of land, one for the aurfaco and the other for lower atrata. The opinion upheld the endure by the Midland Oil and Drilling company of half an aere of land from the leasehold of O. Kammeret, a farmer of Nowata county, Oklahoma, ta enable tha oil com pany to develop Ita laaaehold In tha oil and natural gaa depoalta beneath the land. l '.-.; - ' Cewpaay etaea Itad. On June t 1U. John 8. Woodward, a Cherokaa Indian leaaed forty aeree of land which he owned to Kammerer for agricultural purpoaaa for five yeare at a!4 a year. Later he leaaed tha oil anil gaa rtrhta In the land to the Midland oompeny. Tha oil company tnvadail Kammerar'a farm, aelaed half an acre of land en which, to tnatall a drill and be gan eperatlona. . '. . , -Kammerer obtained an Injunction aalnat tha oil company, hut thla waa dieaotvad by tha United Butei dlatrlct court for the eaatern dlvlalon of Okla home. Today'a decialon affirmed the order dlaaolving tha Injunction. Tha opinion waa written by Judge Smith and wee concurred In by Judge Adama. Prri.U'm Judge Sanborn dtaaented from U.eir vlewa. Jedgea Divide. Jude Pinlth and Ad ma hold that the owner ef the land ha a complete domina ting over every part of It. from the aky above to the center of the earth beneath it. lie hae not only tha rtcht to diapoae or l I t vertical eecllona, but alao In horizontal aex lione. Therefore. It la aald, If the owner, after leaalng the tup atrata iof hla giound for agricultural purpoaee. dlacovera that In the underlying atrata are depoalta valuable to hlmeetf. he la at liberty to diapoae of that atrata, Ir reapecttve of tha other leaiee. LAST OF YILLISTA ARMY WIPED OUT; NO QUARTER GIYEN (Continued from Fee One Lloyd Binghan of Ford. Peace Party Dies of Pneumonia Women Lawyers Will Defend Girls CHICAOO. Deo. IJ.-Thlrty women law lyrra Of Oilcago have formed the Public - , I tefndera' league for Qirla, It wa an- CHl'.HTIAMV. No way. Ie. ar tV la j ftoUllC, 0(UVi ,ur (h, purpow ot pr 1-jniw.i-in '.' e ,',7!!11t" . .veuUug any ir from being aent to Jail the Ford pef p.i:. d d today uf paati-I or prlmn for , n,.,t off.n(M., Member monlo. He waa the buabend nf Amelia ! of lh, MU wlu Chief Juetlce CNaon BlnKham. Uie Amerli an actres. ; of ,h8 munlclual court to create a pcll - " iwurw, ure. h-mvh glria- vourt. and arpolnt a woman aa Elnjham, who died at Chrjit aula today, judge. The woman attorney hava agreed a' ted r.4 maeter of cere.aonUa at t 1a 1 lo Svt cne day a month to tha prop-atd rel Inv of the Tord petty from New York.. speolal court defending young women Mr. Ulrglam lulroduirj Mr.. I'ord and often 1cia free. eiKtr m;nber of the iarty to the ei-owj - i on tie per. wade varloua Imprompt 1 1 TJ TTriivPrqitv apehra and led the cheering and alng- j DL U W li U 111 V til SSllj For a number of year he hag acted aa Team Starts West manager tar 1 1 wife, Amelia Elngheui, military oruanlaatlone in tha aurrendared Villa territory and Ochoe, In command of former VlUa troop. Yllta Drrrni gwallowed I'o. The myetnry aurroundlng General VIIla, wheroabouta baffled military authorities Mtate deportment repreeentatlve and lo cal police. I.ait night Villa waa expected to reach Juarea at dawn, according to report) to' the American oonaulate at Juarea. For aeveral daya the report haa been otirront that Villa waa at the Uuatllloa ranch weat of Chihuahua City. For four day commercial wire aouth of Juarea have carried no meaaage from the depoaod northern chieftain. The departure front Juarea of American Coneu! Edwarda co-Incident with tha flrat news of Villa' retirement cauaed pecula tion whether h had received Initructlon to receive Villa at a point agreed upon eaat of here, poaalbly fllerra Blanca. Ed warda aald he Intended taking a brief mat, but It waa pointed out that he would hardly leave for ; auch . a reaaon when Mexican affaire-might develop parti to Mr. Edward at Juarex. Mr. Edwarda acouted the publlahed reaaon for hla abaenre and declared he left on buatneaa, ' the nature of which and hla destination h would not dlacuaa. Jaarea la Veafe, , Tha reported arrival of Trevlno at Chi huahua and Ocl.oa ratification ot tha urrender placea Villa If atllt in Chihua hua atate between hoe tile force. Bhould he aeek to reach the Tnlted State he la likely to come to the border, eaat or weat of Juarea aa that city la unaafe beoauae the aurrender apeclflcaJly excluded Villa and hla brother, Hipotlto. Normal condition prevailed today la Juare. The embargo In effect early m tha day agalnat tha travel of American acroea tha Rio Grande waa rescinded and (uhaequently American border patrol re turned to camp. However, aome appro- henaton waa apparent among bilaineaa men In Juarex which wa noticeably re lieved upon receipt of Information that General Alvaro Obregon had left Nogalea and waa expected to reach Juarea tonight Waahlnatoa Optlmlatle. WASHINGTON, Dec. n.-Optlmlem waa expreaaed In official circle tonight re garding tha Mexican ituatlon. The aurrender of General Ochoa. Vom manding tha Villa garrison at Juarea, and hla acceptance of a commission un der tha de facto government Waa one of the chief reaacna for the hopeful feeling among offluiala. who expressed tha belief that Ochoa' capltuluv'.sa put an end to Francisco Villa aa an actual menace. Villa might remain at large, they aalJ, and continue troutilcaom. but w ithout an army It a a believed he could do little to disturb border peace. Na Interest wa manifested la Vllla'e ultimate destination. not yet been completed. Among the booty near Art Burnu were two heavy aitn, on Schneider field gun. a great uantity of ammunition, especially CArtrldgea, rifle, a great number of mulea. ammu nition cart and tent filled with provi sion and telephone material." The "booty abandoned by the enemy" referred to In the above statement la the war miiterial which the Turks claim the British forces left behind In their with drawal from the northern coast of the. Oalllpoll peninsula. BERLIN. D?o. 22. (By THrelepa to Bayvllle. ) Advices received here from Constantinople rrltorate the ae mrtlon tht the Uritleh forcea which quit the Dardanelles retired In great disorder. "According; to Constcn tinople re- porta," according to the Oteracaa New agency, "the British left their a'ck r.nd woiindoJ hehlnd. The re heat, which thry pretend waa carried cut (ryatenintirally, in reality was a head-over-heel flight." Paete Iteiarna at galonlkt. The Overeias News Aaency says: "Private report from Palonlki Indicate that a state of panic reigns there. The ClreeK are hostile to the English, who behave arrogantly. The French and Brit ish are on bad term. ; Nearly fifty members of the Serhlnn Parliament are living In a hotel there. They have formed a provisional Parlia ment and play carda during the nlglit while Serbian refugee ere starving In tha atreeta. The people of Falonlki are anxiously awaiting liberation by the cen tral powers." Tarka Win In C'aaensa. CONSTANTINOPLE, I 13 - (Via lxn don.) The Turkish war offl haa given out the following atatement: "There waa local flabtlng on the Irsilt front (In Mesopotamia) at Kut-El-Amar. "A hostile attack against tha tenth arc tor on the Caucaau front waa repulsed. "On the Dardanelles front hostile ahlpg violently bombarded until late In tho evening different camps In order to de stroy the booty abandoned by the enemy. The bombardment failed to achieve It purpose. Hostile attacks at Seddul Bahr repeatedly were repulsed." "The counting of the war material and military equipment left behind by the enemy at Art Burnu and Anafarta haa ADVANCE IN BATES BEFORE OFFICIALS OF FIVE STATES (Continued from Pnfre On".) tomeys who are fearful that an appeal would be thrown out of court take the position that If the decision had been against the railroad there would be no question about their right to appeal. On the other hand, they maintain that each state being a part of the United State and the Interstate Commerce commission a creature ef the United States govern ment, a state or it officer would not have the legal authority to step In and attempt to overthrow a decision by thl commission. The contention Is that the authority of the Interstate Commerce commission exreed that of any state railway commission, and that therefore there could not be an appeal. who t now :n Austin, Teg. year old. II waa V) PROVIDENCE. B. I., Brown university foot Dee. U.-TIv tall aquad of Pardon for Thomas Stripling Delayed ATLANTA. Ga., Tee. g.-Thomaa Edgar fetrlpllng. who wa sentenced lo life Im prisonment in JVC. escaped from Jail and during hie four lean year of freeduru ba rame chief of pulk of l anvHie. Ve, protbly will not receive hla expected t hrlatma pardon from Oovsraor Harrla. ra tirstk) at Ikrsss'ssk. tliENANnOAH, la.. Dee. 2.-peelaD The tas'.hg y of Mrs. Lnnley Par rlsh, Mr. Vartta Fender and Alice Koa etta Iirrlit.x. tM tittle daughter ef Mr. and Mra. Vrd Marling, add three more to the umbr ihit baa occurred ta Sken anloaH recently- Pneumonia w the c f of tLe death of (be little 1-year-old girt. Kra. Fn-Uh. whq waa a young mi, (hr af i yens, died on after her Jcifsnt iau;i-r ViJ. Mra. F W waa a p'.ontrr ttr in.t si.d waa the another ef ir. J.o.i r ..n-"Bn, Mia. Clans Bsach. ilsj-uo aui4 Stioriis tender. twenty-one player atarted for the l'a clfle coast today to open tha 1U foot ball aeaaon wltb a game agalnat the Weeblngton fJiat college at Paaadsna, Cal.. on Kaw Year's day. The player expected to reach Paeadena next Mon day and will devote four daya to praetloe. Stops will be made at Chicago and Al buquerque, en the way weat. KRUPP WORKS IN TURKEY WRECKED BY AIR BOMBS COPENHAGEN. Dec. !.-Vta London,) The National Tldendcx prints a atate ment of a Dane from Constantinople that the Krupp work utk:ce of Constanti nople have been destroyed by bomb dropped by British airmen. The Store) of the Town A Giveable Gift A SWEATER $3.50 TO $8.50 Drowning. Kin? & Co. or o w sj That Christmassy Appearance Of Your Gifts Caja always bo secured If you choose the proper wrapping We have those SEALS TAGS WRAPPINGS Omaha Stationery Co. 203 Couth 17th Et. " Phone Douglas 805. commissioners and their attorneys are not a unit on whether an appeal will lla. and before they do anything they will go Into all the legal phasea of this oues an. What May Be Dosp, tf It Is decided that sn appeal he taken he cnee will go direct to the t'nlted tate supreme court. At tha time of starting proceedings an Injunction will be applied for restrsining the railroads from putting Into effect the new tariff Increasing the passenger rate. Somo of the attnrneya for the commis sion are positive that an appeal can be taken, while other are Just aa positive that one would not be considered by tha supreme court. In support of their contention the at- Bandits Executed in City of Mexico GALVESTON, Tex.. Dae. U.-Blx mem bers of., the bandit gang recently cap tured in Mexico City were publicly ex ecuted today, according to a message received by Juan T. Bum. Mexican con sul here. Four other condemned to death were given a respite at tha laat moment. Flva women arreated with the gang have been given long prlaon terme, the meaaage aaya. The bandlta had been able to avoid capture for aome time by mean of forged document, which made the police believe they were army offi cers. Today'a measae aays that an official announcement regarding the govern ment' policy toward the redemption of outstanding note by .bank Will be pub lihed shortly. The Store of the Town A Suggestion PULLMAN SLIPPERS $1.50 and $2.50 Drowning. King&Co. ur Last Suggestion Before Christmas We have the finest line of Seal and Walrus "Fitted" Traveling Bags and Suitcanes in Omaha. They would make a present so dif ferent and so acceptable. These bags and suitcases eontaln a fnll set of beautiful toilet and manicure articles. Any woman would be proud to own one of them. Special Price Reductions . "FITTED" BAGS Old Price New Price ' 130.00 824.00 $87.60 $30.00 40.00 832.00 $80.00 ...840.00 $80.00.... $48.00 $5.00 852.00 "FITTED" SUITCASES Old Price New Price $33.00 S20.4Q $35.00 S30.O0 $42.00 833.60 $45.00 836.00 $47.50... 838.00 $50.oo $40.00 FRELING (SL STEINLE "Omaha's Be$t Baggagm Builder' 1803 FARNAM ST. Cigars me box 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Candies and others 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores 89c up Thermos Dollies 4 Sherman & McCcr.i;e!l Stores Fine Box Paper 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Razors Safety and old style 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Perfumes 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Hair Brushes 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Hand T.lirrors 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores Fine Toilet Soaps 4 Sherman & McConnell Stores r Bargains in practically new articles in "For fl Sale column; read it. 've shopped, inspected, thought over matters, called for the opinions of others and now at the very last moment You've Made Up Your Mind To Buy a Victor Victtrola Haven't You? jf. ya v -TaA 4.Ip a.. r.finJ " ar - B n si f N 1 U vajr K Any "Victrola" ahown upon our 'floors mar be Durchased for cash or on easy time payments. If you wish, " vre will ship any "Victrola" to any point on absolute r KEiu TKiAXi, we paying carrying charges. Shipments made so that the "ViotroU" will reaoh you on Cbrifltmaa day. Now that you have decided to gladden tke hearta of all tha membera of your household with a Vletrola on ChrUtxaaa day, you are asking yonr gelf: "What sice Vletrola would prove proper in my homer' And If jron leave the matter to our sincere Judge ment we will adriee Ton to buy a large, massive appearing klrl elMaifi at $100 We say thla beoanae ao maajr people are buying "Vletrola XI a" at $100 It's a large slse. In the erer tamUtar "Vletrola" ahape, poeaeaaes every feature of the very highest priced Vletrola. and win please and entertain you for a lifetime. Thert'sa Victrola at $15, $25, $40, $50, $7 5, $100, $150, $200, $250, $350 and we have the whole family right upon our floors 150 instruments. -MICKEL'S- MeirasEsa Cycle C Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets, Omaha Abo at 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Last Minutt" Mail Order Promptly Filled. ..y i 1 via i.