TTTR BEK: OMAHA. TIITHSDAY. IiKCKMHKU 23, Nebraska DR. BAXTER HANDS IN HIS RESIGNATION Head of Hastings Hospital Sayi E tirement Ha No Connection with Charge. Against Him. WILL GO SOUTH FOE HIS HEALTH HASTINGS, Neb.. Pec. 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Dr. M. W. Baxter today Bent to the State Board of Con trol his resignation as superintendent at Ingleslde. the state's biggest hos lptal for the Insane. It will take effect on February 1, after which Dr. Baxter expects to go to Florida or some other southern state, where, If the climate agrees with him, he will establish his residence. Dr. Baxter says his health has been failing for some time, and that for a month he has been unable to glye the attention to the administra tion that the position requires. He declares that his withdrawal has no connection with the charges of sub stitution of Inferior goods under sup ply contracts. Dr. Baxter was superintendent for two years, beginning In 1909, and was appointed again three years ago by Governor Morehead to succeed Dr. Kern. He is a democrat. Merchants' Statements. Discussing the charge that he had sub stituted Inferior goods under his con tract, J. II. Spotts said thin afternoon that he had been unable to secure suits like the sample on which he made hla bid, due to the war, but he had delivered garments of the came quality of cloth. He said It was his understands that this would be satisfactory to the Board of Control. lie Is now supplying a dif ferent kind of suit at a reduction of M cents. "I think they're making a big fuss over nothing more than a misunder standing." ald Mr. Spotts. "Rudge & Guenzel of Lincoln had 200 aults returned last month and there was nothing said about It." Draff Mia Talk. Edward Dclns of the Pelns Drug com pany, wh'ch has the contract for supply ing drugs to lnuleside, said he had been quizzed by the State Board of Control relative to the drugs he had delivered. He Raid no charge had been mnilf against him, but It had been reported to the bonnl by romeone that the prices quoted in tils bid were too low. "When they left my store they appeared to tn satisfied that I had been filling my cortt iict as well as It could be done." ar.'C Mr. Del in lr. .1. T. Steele, democrat, who waa six yars on the staff of the hospital and superintendent two yenrs under Gov ern! r Poynter, today announced his can (j'ldi'rv to succeed I.r. Baxter. The Bal my of th position is $2,600 and in ad dition maintenance for the superin tendent and his family. I WILL ACCEPT HKSIGJIATION "Wrma Involved Will Make Goo Deficiencies In Contimcta. LINCOLN, Neb., Pec. 22.-(SpeciaI Tele gram. ) Dr. M. W. Baxter, superintendent of the State Insane asylum at Hastings, hnmlfd in his resignation today, to take effort February 1, 1916. He gives as his reasons for resigning that both himself end wife linve been In 111 health for several months and they desire to get awnv from this work. The board will accept the resignation nnd give out that the discrepancies at the Institution, covering alleged fraud In de livery of clothing below the standard purchased, was due to lack of proper supervlHlon on the part of Pr. Baxter by reason of ill health, and that firms having contracts will make good the contracts. Commissioners Gerdes and Kennedy and Secretary Mathews of the board of con trol, have been in Hastings for two days becking up the clothing and comparing ( It with the samples submitted. It is . said that some of the clothing is 50 per , cent below the quality of the samples. J. II. Spotts, a local dealer, who se cured the contract, Is said to have agreed to take back the Inferior suits. Clothing Half Value. The irregularities which have been go ing on at the Hastings Institution, ac cording to Chairman Kennedy of the Hoard of Control, were due to the faulty handling of goods supplied under con- trsct, a system which has been In vogue for years, and which was not changed by . the board. As a sample of the Irregu-; larities It was discovered that J. H- I Spotts, a Haatlnga merchant, had con-1 traded to deliver 106 suits of clothing at! ts per ault. but had delivered suits worth but $4 each, and being out of style, even for an Insane man, who la not supposed to be very fastidious regarding the fit or style of his clothes. Wolliaih and Brauch, another Hastings firm, will take hack seventeen suits found unsatisfactory, although moat of the goods furniKhed by this firm were as per contract. Kusuieloua of Canned tiooda. Canned goods had a auspicious look and some samples were brought back by the Hoard to be tesieu d u.b . i..-.,... ; ,,,, co)1ducted by Rev. B. F. Galther. Delivery of drugs. dIPerent from ttiojrie fcody wajJ uken to OBkland , for ordered by the board waa found to have inlermt.nt. 1 een mail", in some Instance the goods contracted fr not being delivered at all. School Hoy Grta Fall. Superintendent Psxter has been suffer- TKCVMSI'JI. Neb., Dec. 22. (Special.) ing from for some months an l , . t:lmrr Wllifun--. a school hoy of Cook, Mr. Huxter has lieen in a hospital. and'tn)a C()Unty. suffered severe Injury in a It Is given o::t that the resignation of f j, from a rapdv moving automobile. Dr. I'.axter had be.-n contemplated for,tnolKr. no (,,,,. wrre broken. The boy some lime, and that the findings nf tha rsum nr.. l.eUnd the automobile, ex board had nothing to do with it. ' pe:tlng to r!de four blocks to the school They expect to go to I lorkia to rccup- house and then drop Off. The driver of crate. 'tho machine did not Know the lad waa ! riding and drove with such speed young I.titbts for Klk ( rrfk. ! Wlltfang wa3 afraid to drop off when TECrMSF.lI. Neb.. lec. 22. (Special.) th ,chool was reached. The lad hung Tlie vi'laje of Klk Creek will have a on until alout a nillo in the country, system of electric lights, both for street i when his atrength gave out and he fell lighting and commercial purposes. The off. The driver did not know of Wllt system is to be put In by (jell & Beethe, ifHns's presenco and drove on and Isfl who are erecting a small building f"rnm n the road. He waa picked up a their power ilant. 'short time later and taken to Cook, eon- iaiderably bruised and shocked. Tlmel HI"" "-r K-ttlns. Chrlstiras, New Tear's and other feast days causa many disturbed digestions. The atomsch and bowels should not e permlttel to remain clogged up. for la dlgestlon and constipation are often fol lowed by serious diseases, resulting from undigested poisonous waste matter. Foley a'ha-tlc Tablets should be In every home. reaCy for use. No griping; no un pleasant after effect Relieve distress after eating, regulate bowels, sweeun atomacb and tone vp the liver. SuM a var y w nere. A d v1 iseiu tnt. Nobraska' Third City Claim of Hastings Disputed By Grand Island GRAND ISI.ANP. Neb.. Pec. M (Spe cial V Grand Island puts up a defense of Ita continued title as the third city In Ne braska, even though It 1 not greatly ex- 1 ereised as to the rival claims of Hastings. ; While the latter city la pointed out as : having 10.87J population, according to a special enumeration. It la pointed out that ; In publication 4 Ct of the bureau of census, Grand Island la credited with a j population of 11. W. this publication being over a year ago and th city having In creased, unquestionably, at least several hundreds since. Grand Island bases Its defense further upon the following fig ures, it being first explained that In the number of people employed In manufac turing two of the largest plants, the sugar factory and the Vnion Tad fie car shops, j are not Included, while the crnsua bu reau does not name thfse two and de clines to state which two It did not In clude, owing to the privacy of the mat ter, It la known that these two plant are lunt niitairi thia limit. wiv. out them, however, the Grand Island fig-' ures have the better of It: Railroad receipts (by state Railway commla- Inn l at rt nvk a tj Population (census bu- i burenu jo.XTJ U.S06i Postoffice receipts IJ.uw " (m.ii) Kniployed In maufac- i tures (census bureau).. 544 603 Capital Invested (same ! autnorttyj 1.3M.CO) j Value prouucia (same authority) .$1,610,000 12,101,000 HOGS AND CATTLE ARE FOUND INFECTED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Pec. 22-(Speclal-Forty head of hogs, twelve of them si far gone with tuberculosle that they will be at i once consigned to the tank for soap use, were discovered in a herd of hogs be longing to Joe O. Roth, near Milford. this week by State Veterinarian Anderson, while twenty-alx head of cattle, eighteen of them composed of milch cows, are suffering from the same disease and will be'shlpped tonight to the South Omaha market. Word came to the state veterinarian last week that hogs and cattle belonging to two men living on Joining farms near Milford had shown symptoms of the dis ease, but an examination showed but one herd affected, the other showing no signs of the disease. Mr. Roth Is lending every effort to stamp out the disease and will accom pany the shipment of cattle to Omaha to night, accompanied by hla neighbor, and the two will see that the cattle are destroyed. Mr. Roth has placed the mat ter in the hands of the state veterinarian and will gladly carry out any orders which Dr. Anderson may make. He will completely stamp out the disease by the most effective methods at whatever the cost and co-operate with the veterinary department In the work. VALUE OF TOBACCO MANUFACTURED IN STATE CFrom a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Doc. 22. (Special.) Accord ing to reports filed In the state depart ment of labor by manufacturers of cigars and those engaged In the preparation of tobacco for the market, for the year there waa a capital of $1,136.78 invested. Employment was furnished to 436, of which 169 were females. The total paid In wages for the year was $247,506.08; total value of stock used was $S69,$9.M. The total value of production waa $746, 8IS.89. Per cent of sales In Nebraska, 97- Nine were employed under the age of 16 years. Average wages per week, I1S.79. Reports were filed by sixty-eight manufacturers, as compared with fifty five In 191S. GRAND ISLAND SUGAR FACTORY ENDS CAMPAIGN GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 22. -(Special) The Grand Island Rimr r.tnr closed Its 1916 eainnaiirn todv r. . mort gucceasful and smooth run of over nnet days and nhzhts The n.h.r beets sliced averaged over ten n. .r day. The beets were of fine sugar qnal ity, due to the favorablenesa of the sea son, though there have been one or two seasons In the twenty-five years that the factory has now been maintained, In which better results were secured. The entire plant Is being cleaned up for "summering" and It Is possible that 11 may undergo . some material Improve ments. In view of the better outlook for the retention of protection on sugar, contracts are already being put out and signed up for next year's beet crop. : -Notes from iage Conatr. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 22 (Special.) The Liberty Corn show closed Tuesday evening wun an entertainment by the children of the public school. M. J, Hafferty. Liberty, carried off the grand champion prize for the best ten ears, and C. R. Willie was awarded the champion ship prise for the single ear exhibited. George Hatesohl of this city was ar reBted Tuesday night and lodged In jail on the charge of stealing appliances be longing to the city's electric light lines and soiling them to the Junk dealer. Funeral services for the late O. P. LIs ton were hold Tueaday morning at 10:30 Orr Hurkrra Artlve. AUJANCE, Neb., Iee. K.-(8peelal The first aggressive move of the pro. h!Ht Ion workers of Box Butte county was started here today at a meeting held In the court house, at which was organ I led the Box Butte County Dry federation. T. It. Barnes waa elected president and Archie Gregory secretary. Several of the Initiative petitions asking that the pro hibition question be left to the people at the next general election are now b lug circulated. . Nebraska Fireman Falls Out of His Cab HASTINGS. Neb.. Pec. M.-(Sperial Tel gram.) Fireman H. IL Ault of Lin coln fell headlong from hla cah on a Pur llngton passenger train locomotive near Saronvllle last night. His absence waa discovered by the engineer four miles down the track. The train wan backed until the missing fireman was found. He was brought to a hospital here, but today waa able to walk to an ambu lance to be teransferred to a train for Uncoln. He fell out of the cab when the chain on which he was leaning became un hooked. GOVERNOR HAS REQUISITION FOR RETURN OF LEWIS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Per. 22. - (Special.) Gov ernor Mnrehead today Issued a requisition of the governor of Missouri for he re turn to Reward county of Harry Iewls, wanted for Issuing a forged check on the Merchants bank of Ctica In the sum of 120. Iwls Is being held at Butler, Bates county, Missouri. Father sad Hon Banquet. ALLIANCE, Neh., Pee. 22. -(Special.) The Alliance Commercial club Is mak ing arrangements for Its second annual father and sons' banquet and some of the most prominent speakers have been In vited, Including Governor Morehead. Governor Carlson of Colorado, U. c Oberlies of Lincoln and Attorney J. L.. Mcintosh of Sidney. Fnir Pemnna Injnred. HASTINGS, Neb., Doc. 23. (Special Telegram.) Four persons were Injured when an automobile driven by Mlas Ivy McCurdy upset between Hastings and Grand Island yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Leltlanc suffered the fracture of the collarbone. Her eon, Dorln I e HI a no, Mrs. Laura McCurdy and two daugh ters escaped wtlh minor hurts. They were brought to a hospital here. 1 Hr.r w. WTler. TMrseter dean Housekeeping Bureau af fnftl. Sanitation and UsaUk. i i .'.ts it YOU can't have bright crea and a smooth, clear (kin if the fer menting waste product! of eonitlpatian are poisoning yoor system. Constipation is the chief cause not only of poor complexions, but of three quarters of the illnesses from which women suffer. Heed the danger signals of pallid kin, poor eyesight, headaches check constipation before it is too late. Not with laxative drags which physio and irritate and later bring about reactions which make you reg ularly dependent upon them. Bring about natural conditions Nature's way with Nujol. Nujol is the II it i ; pssmai!LU0JJ.!!..! IJJUUUIWU " -- - .... r ..I ...... M Us Summeriime All ai Mobile is the I Germans Retake Positions Lost to tho French Forces lUMUN. Dec. M.-Vla l.onlon)-A part of the German position on the nm mlt of Harfmans-Wellerkopf in the Vossje that was captured by the French yesterday had been recaptured by Ger man troopa. It was officially announced by German heailiiartern today. The text of tOsy's statement follows: "Western theater: During the after noon the French attacked our position of Hartmans-W'ailedkopf and In the Hiri forest north of Wattweller with strong forces. They succeeded in taking the summit of Hsrtmana-Welleilkopf and a small portion of a trench on llllsenflrst. Tha summit of Hnrtnuins-Welledkopf, according to official French reports has been In possession of the French since the end of April. "A portion of the lost position on Hart-mans- Wellorkopf was recaptured during the forenoon today. "An attack made upon Metseral broke down In front of our position. "Along the rest of the front where bad weather prevails and snow has fallen, there has been only slight activity. "There la nothing to report from the eastern and Balkan theaters." MAYOR MADGETT SUPPLIES TALL CHRISTMAS TREE HASTINGS, Nelv. Dec. ::.- Special Telegram.) A forty-foot evergreen tree has been cut down In Mavof Madgett'a yard to bo used as the municipal Christ mas tree. It wss much larger than the one supplied by the St. Joseph Grand Island road, which instead of being se lected from among tall trees was cut down on the road's right-of-way near Hastings. Dlroree (.ranted. FRRMONT. Neh., Dec. 22 (Special.) Mrs. Ora E. Devlne was granted a divoreo by default from Charles A. Devlne. a North Bend farmer. In district court here yesterday. The Devlnes are tlie par ents of nine grown children. The parties agreed to a property settlement, by w-. "sisswm. ni in i , ins ii.ii .ii mil. n r,t .u.i.i .M,u -,-,.WMM.i H.- -4,., m,.. t - - , .... . fi iwir etc 0 A tSa i. GOOD LOOKS REFLECT GOOD HEALTH highest form of the pure white min eral oil ' recommended by leading doctors the world over for constipation. Nujol doea not act by irritation but by lubrication by softening the intestinal contentt and facilitating natural action in a purely mechanical way. Nujol is colorless, odorless, tasteless. It can be taken by anyone, even tlie youngest child, in any quantity, without danger. Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation.'' If your druggist hasn't it, we will send a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 75c money order or stamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Bayonne New Jersey n mini niiiMiiixusMsi sj ma in .j . -. t ,. .v MOBILE - headquarters the starting pointfrom which l lightful winter resorts of The Gulf Coast with their alluring juccetsion of outdoor .ports: golf, tennis, bathing, boating, ridine, driving, motoring, fishing, and hunting. Moreover, Mobile is the new gateway to FLORIDA Write today and find out about our all-rail or (ail-and-water trip to the Southern retorts. Let m tell you about our low -lire circle lour to Mobile, Tampa, Key, Wert and New York. Free booklet and full inforsaatiao upoa application to F. L. Harris. Caaaral Agent Saint Louis which Mr. Devlne deeds 2W acres of valuable farm land near North Dcnd to his children. Baron Urges Japan to Pay Foreign Debt (Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) TOKIO, Dec. 21 "lie a creditor coun try," Is the slogan ef Huron Kenlirn Den, a prominent memter of the House of Peers, with reference to the future pros pects of Japanese finance. The baron In an Interview expressea wonder why Ja iHUi'l financial authorities do not believe In the advisability of the redemption of foreign debts at this opportunity. He says that the present Is not only the best chance for Japan to liquidate Its foreign debt, but also the time to repurchase any domestic bonds which have passed Into the hands of foreigners. Ho declared: "It la not certain when this war will end. but It Is quite certain that If It lasts much longer foreign hold ers of Japanese securities will be com pelled to dlsivsn of them. For this reason Japanese bonds will decline In market value. "When this happena Japan should not hesitate to purchase them. Japan's ambition In the future must he. as far as finance Is conrerned, to get rid of the heavy foreign debts and then become a creditor country. To attain such ambi tion It Is first of all necessary that the heavy debta be paid off. The next Im portant step la to become a big industrial country. There are pessimists who say that the present business prosperity Is solely due to the circumstances created by the tsar, and as soon as peace Is re stored and European Industry resumes normal conditions Japan will again be beaten In competition." Hut the baron Is of opinion that such pessimistic views are baaed on timidity. RUMOR THAT MME. SARA BERNHARDT IS ILL DENIED UiNDON. Dec. 22. The report that Snra Pernhaj-dt Is dangerously 111 la charactorlxed In a I lavas dispatch from Paris this evening as unfounded. A "For Pale" ad will turn aeoond-han furniture Into cash. ); t 1 : 1 ! Winler m Beautiful VySinfto & GoUtl 42-Piece DOmEO- SET With Every Suit & Overcoat Sold at $9.75 6 Up An oner that nas already broken all records. It means Just what K says: A Christmas rift of a 42-Pleca Dinner Set ABSOLUTELY FREE with every Garment told In this Money-Savlnj Sale at $rt.75 and up. This Dinner Set would retail in the ordinary way for almost aa much aa tha Garments themselves. No strings to this offer. It's FREE to roa urine this Extraordinary Sale of Winter Suits and Overcoats r.7on'o O'coato Hen's Winter Sulto Tin Chinchillas, $15.00 Value $1B Blue Serges and Mixtures In blue, brown and aray all wool Guaranteed blua sarfes. and llfht sercas, flue body llnlncs, shawl ool- and dark mixtures In new winter lars. These values are f 1 C modsla for men and youna A Ir amaaina. Think of buy- If I fl men. regular 116.00 val- II I Inr these rlrh-looklnr M V ,n this Varments, I snoneyMivlaa a I new at w aale. at v And ea-Pleea Dlaaer a Free. Aad 4-PIea niaaer Set rraa. rinn'n iiVnnto f'cn' Winter Suito new Baiinaruea, 20.00 VaJuet Handsoma suits that we hav baan Tha style leaders of tha year, rar- IrA1""..1."" .""n !' 84 ni ments you'll find ticketed A A U t'ii?0, J"L t,,n ,t,hu 'Coma and at I0 all over Omaha. 11 5 SSl" .iur ."""ct'.? 4 4 7C All tha and I I 1 tW' V" 11 all) warmest, materials-all II VJ?""- I I beauties. Haw sala at low Prtt, Ana1 4-rleee Planar Set rrea. ' Ami eipieeV 'pianaV' Set FV . jfisuiT Ztf onTvrr Boyo' O'coato this money-savlna sale. tfQ MothersT herss a bargain! Boys' " '"' Overcoats of rloh. heavy dlaronal weaves with warm, fancy plaid Me.-s 1 Jl rail isl Winter Welaat i"Ln??lu"h X'J'. -"ki'" O Q fl Llaed Union Bnlta ) sY.l'. Slj, iAl'1- aWU tbU waaai at On eala at - Man's Tte Flannelette NtafcTshlrta Men 'a l.OO Winter . Walarht I'ntaa Cut wide and full: all slses; AA. Bnlta Closed erotrh style; -An. In this money-savina alUfi 1" this money-savlna sale ua& sale, thla week at www fhtm wrrk ,t www WE SAVE YOU PART Bl ( ClyOTl-I I NG COMPAiHT P OPEN EVERY EtfEfllHG UHIIL CHRISTMAS g Winter Office Quartern If you have found that you are not entirely com fortable in your office, we can assure you of having all the comforts pf proper heat and ventilation. "While we have only a few offices from which to select, ior!8ibly one of these will be just exactly what you want. ' THE BEE BUILDING "The building that it always new The only rooms that we can offer now are the following, but It tbey do not meet your requirements we will be glad to place you on our valtlng list. Room 222 Choice office suite, north light, very de sirable for two doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private offices; R20 square feet. 845.00 Room 322 pul,e' consisting of waiting room and private office; north light; 620 square feet. A splendid office for a dentist or a physician 845.00 R00m63& n,y vrnt room on the 17th street side of the building. Faces directly on Seventeenth street. Partition for pri vate office and waiting room. Siee 187 square feet S18.00 Room 105 At the h'a1 of th0 8tal"". on the floor opposite The Uee business office. Size 270 square feet. Would be specially use ful for a real estate firm $30.00 Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103. V, ' .1 "i iii. ii i in wn iii nm wr- ' f iuw"aepr.r gawln m im i hi iiiwommun u ' n fc'?5 . - ,tWV. f - ' j I s-v- T ! " " ' V1'" - J 4 ;' J' ll-' -1 ' Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, , 2502 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 8C3 or 863. See real eatate columns for bargains iriratUL UNTIL MAS OF EVERY DOLLAR run" mi i"iwpijpui.ijttt'H