THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1915. i ! 1 1' i ; BIG PITTSBURGH . AUK CLOSES DOORS Institution " Carryiaf' Sayingi of Thirty Thousand School Chil - ( dren Faili. ICHO FROM KCE5 DISASTER PITTSBURGH, Pa D. I. The Pittsburgh Bask (or Savings, one ot the beet known Institutions In this cltr. tailed to open for tnslnesa this mornlm. It was closed by order of the Penasylvsnla banking- depart ment, and 0. H. Getty,' bank exam iner, hsS been appointed temporary receiver. So statement was issued In con nection with the closing, but It was known In the financial district that the bank bad been unable to- weather the storms it has encountered aince the failure of James S. Kuhn and W. 8. Kuhn, who were - identified with the bank In 1913. " Schaol CtillSrra I.a Maaiey. The savings of some IW.OOO school chil dren are Included In the bank's deposit. By tta savings plan children would take money weekly to veheol. where collectors would call for It. atvtng the children credit on their txwkd for the amounts Continued 'oo rage Eight Column One.i deposited. Thla practice had. been In ef fort frr veers and many thousands of dollars had been deposited by the chll dren. It was said that acorea of suceese ful pereone In tha city, who be (ran sav Ins In thla way, have continued thelf business relatione with the InaUtutlon aver since. It waa auted that tha bank had ap proximately 76.000 depositors, of whom fully . . were peraons living in other parts of tha country, as tha bank waa among tne rirsi 10 vj nun g Kaha Seearltlee Depveetafe. The failure, according to rresldent t Jones, waa due entirely to tha deprecla- tln of soma securitlea held by the bank ' In varloua corporations. Following tha ) Kuhn failure, there waa a large dsprecle tlon In the market value of certain ae- ' ' ' curltlea. but It waa hoped that the va rloue eompanlea would be soon rehablll- . tated and the aecurlllna regain their for mer Value. Through tha peraonal efforts of tha President. h aald, half a million dollara waa added to tha aaaeta of the bank alnoe July 7. 1911. The hank has a fine Una of assets and I believe that a M per cent dividend can be paid to depositors within sixty days. aald Mr. Jonea. . necolver Getty alao attributed tha fall uro to the depreciation In the Kuhn se curities. . BRITISH HOUSE VOTES MILLION MEN FOE ARMY (Continued from Pare One.) J i cabinet, who la not over friendly to the entente powers. It la not believed here that the change will have much of an ffect on the attitude of Oreeee. Which la now much more agitated by the pos sibility that Bulgarian will eroae the frontier, than by the formation of a new rovernment. ' . I Flghttagt I r reuse. Along the western line, according io British official report, tha derma rva uffered heevjr loaaea while exposing their forcea In an attempt to occupy craters which their mine had opened long the front neat Armentlere. French operatlona at rnoet placea are hampered greatly by bad weather, but a eonelder- bla portion ef the German works en Hartman's-Wellerkopf has been carried. The Russians are reported to have ee- cupled Kum. which Indlcatee they ere making an Important advance Into the Interior of Persia. - Although the question of conecrtptlon rigured largelr In the array debate laat night In the Ilouae of Commons, It waa only an Incidental part of the discus sion. The country a walla with keen In terest the debate which la certain to fol low presentation to tha tiouae ef the earl of Derby's flgurea on the atteatatlon plan. Maflay Anwar ItrltUti TrMss, BERUK, tee. .-By Wireless to Bay. vllle.) The Cologne Oaaette re port a that British troops which were stationed on Islands In the eastern Mediterranean hsvv been withdrawn to be aent to Salontkl. The Overseaa News Agency ears: "Tha Cologne Claxette published a die patch from Athena stating that nearly all the British troopa have left Imbroa. Lemnoe and Tenedoa Island, to be aent to HalonlkL "The troopa on Imhroi . Island were moat dlacontented. Some ef the troops mutinied and flva or sis. officers of the general Staff are reported to have been killed. Finally the troop were removed after they had been promised that nu merous reinforcements would be sent. School Board of . 'Frisco Renews Its War On Fraternities , fl.if "FRANCI3C.O. Dec. Jt-As a pre caution atalnst the revival of sororities and ; of the fraternities In the publlo schools of thla city, the Board of Edu cation ha" adopted a,'- rule, 'it. was an nounced today, whereby every school pupil. foro entering acho61 muat sign a pledge against becoming a member of any forbidden eecletr. Parent and guar- om;.io, pjut.jlft. co-opf ration with the school board. Mr lima KA lupiW in the San Fran-, lco f.'gli school were suspended re-1 Cently because of their membership ' In aecret aocletlea and were reinstated only whrn the societies either disbanded or amended their rules to exclude public school pupil from membership. A state, law forblda the existence ot school aecret soateUe. ..... - Horse Thief Found Guilty at Sturgis BTUBXHS. a D., Dec B.-Bpeclal Tel egram.) The eaae of the State ot South Dakota against Joaliua Ouffey, charged with horse ateallng. which had been on In Mead county circuit court her since Thursday laat week, ended laat night. Tha Jury brought in a verdict nnaing Quffey guilty aa charged. Tha caa was tried before Judga Hughes of Fort Pierre, Jude McNenny being disqualified. Kaiseris Taken 111 and Postpones His Trip to the West BERLIN. Dee. . (Py Wireless to Sayvllle.) Qnpew William has peat poned the trip he had planned making to the Western front, the Oversees New agency announce, a alight indlapoaltlon making It neoeaeary for him to remain Indoor for a few day. The agency's an nouncement described the emperor's ali ment as -"a alight InflammAtlon of the cellular eyatem. - LONDON, Tee, An official meaaage received here today .from Berlin describes Emperor William' Ulnaea aa "sellgewe bentsuendung" (more frequently given aa "blndegewebentsuendung." An authoritative medical pubtloation give the terra "cellulitis," and desorfbea It ss fellows! "Inflammation of eetlnlar or loose con nective tissue, chiefly auboutaneoua. but alao of that between muscle; and viscera, or surrouodtng varloua organs. It U char acterised by the same spreading of a tonic character aa eryslpelaa, and is eiroum- scrfbad Or dlffuae. The swelling Ig anarked easly by branching lines Of lymphanjiua Pain to tenalve and great and the ab sorbent glands and vessel are often In flamed. Constitutional symptom are grave. The disease IS often mild in de gree, and the lymphatic may dlapose ot the poison and suppuration fall to ee curr." WILL STOP FIRING ACROSS BORDER i American Troop i at 1 Paso Will Act Promptlj if Any More Bul let Com from Joares. SEVERAL RIOTEES EXECUTED WASHINGTON. Dec. 22. Amer ican troopa at El Paso, the War de partment announced today, bare been lven orders to return vigor ously any further deliberate firing from tha Mexican side of the border, General Pershing, in command at Fl Paso, bas reported that the firing which resulted late yesterday in the death of an American car inspector was the deliberate act of a squad of Mexicans, which appeared a halt mile east ot tha international bridge, American troops, the report added, were covering the whole river front During the rioting In Juarea, the report aald, there had been little firing and none toward the American aide. General Avlla, who waa in charge of tha troopa In Juarei, ordered aeveral of tha rlotera a hot, according to military report. A State department a rent at El rase reported that the American Car Inspector waa killed by an Irreapanalble soldier. who wss afterward killed by his owb men. Vlllat ta Kspected fooa. The releane of the thirty Americans de tained at Chihuahua by General Villa, it became known today, wss a condition Imposed on Villa In granting him permle- slon to cross the American boundary line. Advice that tha Americana had been lib erated strengthened the Stat department belief that Villa Intenda to avail hlmeelf of tha opportunity to escape from Mexico Nothing definite regarding Villa'! whereabout had been reported to the department today. Some uneasiness waa manifested after the receipt of advice that additional Villa troopa were moving toward Juarei, but government officiate felt that Juarei aoon would be In Car renxa'a possession. Jsarts 1 Qatet. EL PASO, ' Tax.. Dee. - B. Complete tranquillity prevailed In Juarea early to day. It waa reported 1.000 troopa had arrived from the south, but the were aid to ba part of a force surrendered by their officer at the Carranaa consulate hare during the night REPLY TO AUSTRIA IS FIRM AND CLEAR (Continued from Page One.) culpability of the commander 1 in any race established, and the undteputed fact 1 that citizen of the United State were killed. Injured or put In jeopardy by his j lawlea act. " 1 International Law la IMala. 'Tha rule of international law and the J principles of humanity which were thus wilfully violated by the commander of the ' aubmartna have been ao long and so unl- vereally recognized and are ao manifest i from tha standpoint of right and Justice i that the government of the United States doea not feel called upon to debate them mnA An., iint iindMt,n4 that the Im- ' perlal and royal government questions or! dlepute them. j "The government of the United Btatea j therefor find no other course open to It but to hold the Imperial and royal gov ernment responsible for the act of its naval commander and to renew the defi nite but reepectful demands made in It communication of December s, 1J1B. It sincerely hope that th foregoing atate ment of It position will enable the Im perial and royal government to perceive the Justlc of thoae demand and to com ply with tham In tha same spirit of frank ness, and with the same concern for the good relation now existing between tha United Btatea and Austria-Hungary which prompted th government of the United Btatea to make them." Rate Delivered at Vienna.. LONDON, Deo. IX A Vienna telegram, forwarded by Renter' Correspondent, ay that delivery to tb Austrian for eign ministry of th second Ancona not from the United State I announced by Neue Frele Freaae. TlOf'KOFf MIDEN 6CO, The.Fasliion Center oFllie HiddleWesl" Established 1886. DEATH RECORD. Mm. Cynthia. Haaalltoa. FREMONT, Neb.. Dee. II (SpecUU Mrs. Cynthia Hamilton, 10 yaara of age, one of the flret women settlers of Dodge county, died at her home here following an Ulnes of eeveral week. Mr. Ham ilton cam to Dodge county In 1V7 with her first husband, Henry Wret, who wa a freighter between this place and Denver In the early day. Mr. West died In the early '0. Mrs, West tnen married Wil liam Hamilton at Racine, Wis., later re turning to Fremont to make their home. The body will be sent to Racine for burial. The Weataer m Year Agra Today. Clear. Temperature, high tl degrees, low 10 degree remember Laxative Brorao Quinine cure a Cold in on day. There la only on Brorao Quinine." Look for the signature, B. W. Grove. 2Sa Advertise ment. . TAFT UNABLE TO SPEAK BECAUSE 0FSEVERE COLD CHICAGO, Deo. SI Former President Taft returned her today from Bouth Bead, where he waa to have made aa addreaa laat evening.. 'but waa prevented by a svre cold. ytr., Taft 1 to' .leave lUr for tha eaat. ' . Mr. Taft was still suffering from (he throat affseUon which attacked him at La Crosse, Wis., several day ago, and waa advised by a physician to refrain from using his voice. - Before taking a train for Allentown, Pa., where he la Scheduled to lecture, Mr. Taft aald that be would attempt to keep all hi speaking engagements.." ' T had a good night's ' reV -eald Mrv Taft, "and (eel better today." HYMENEAL . t '1. Kraa-Snvrfcrfck. .... Miss Margaret BuVerlirubb, daughter of Henry Buvarkrubbe of Irvtngton, Neb., and Wilt Kruae of Calhoun were married at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Charlee W. Bavldge at hi residence. They were accompanied by Albeit Bu verkrubbe, brother of the bride, and Miss Frances Kruae, eouatn of the groom. . McMallea-WlleoxaOB, Mlaa Marguerite Wllcoxaon and Fart McMullen, both ef Farragut, la were married Wednesday afternoon at ' 1 o'clock by Rev. Charlee W. Savtdg at hi office In the Brandels theater building. SERVES AND CONSERVES In serving aa executor,' the . Peters Trust Company-conserves the in terests placed in its charge carrying out the exact. terms of the Will Vith efficiency and economy. Consult with ja m - V '.' us treely about trust matters, any 7 Capital $500,000.00 Ji I62Z rARNAM STREET yji nil IWSlSiislagslsWanssSaSsMaMlwi mf Certificates For Gloves and Merchandise The ever-read v solution of the gift problem, mer chandise and glove certifi cates. GLOVE CERTIFI CATES issued for any number of pairs of gloves of any quality. MERCHANDISE CER TIFICATES issued in any denomination, redeemable at any time in merchandise in any section of the store. The Day 9 WarNei BEATON'S SPECIALS TIRKISH OfTICIal. REPOBT elare 1 allied aae--f.llr attasstd av. vlaleat - kuiarsl t dee trey the aioree nkleh the British left fcehlad Iheaa la Ihel aeaettoa at th mm Ana latrlcta (he Ualllpoit pealBeala. BEBllK M Cstasitlnel ad vice relteratlac that the with drawal ra Calllall was dUr erlr tastemd ef rtaaatt aad Tlrtaallr wlthaat leeees, a th BrltUh declare, It Mmg aaeerved ta th Berlta nssrti that th BrttUk va left their alek aal waBd4 fcehlad. BKITISII tlOl'SB OF fOxMOtl, after all-alebt debate, ay raved th geveraasal's desaausS tar 1,U,000 addltUaal sera fa tha asar FROM GERM AW SOIRCES same tatesaeata that aeelr all th ' Brltlah trees kav heea with t raw a from th Aealaa lalaad at ; sa bra, Peases a ad Teaedea, I tketr deetlaatlaa aelag Balaalkl. TkeM re aorta are la 11a with th ' lasareeelaa that tha withdrawal '. saarlc tba vtrtauU ea at th . Dardanelles .- eaasyaJga, va theaaxt a featlagr a tb aeatasala ha ktta tvtalaed ar th all lee. ATTt-R THE FRKKCH had aaad aa , leieerieat a at a la th Weaea re als, eaetarlaaj th aaaaaalt ef Uartavaaae-VCtlrkef, tha Oer sum,, aeeardlagTr ta Berlla, re. aalaed a aertloa t the lest Best., 'ilea. ' Twetv haadred Oersaaa drive, rart elalese. KOISO 1BOVT BICrOST fraat Malta 1 ta tha effeet that aa lie. trlaa akaarta . kaa keea raa tared ky twa teraed kaats, ara aasKaftlr ttalaaat. JirtXCta STKAMBR Saaa Mara la reported ta have heea isak la Ik eaatara Mediterraaeaa kr a eakatarla. UKt'lH OF Ceaerai Vaa tsamleh, Ik eaaaaerer ef I.lear Is B. aeaee4 Ja lierlla. Commencing Wednesday Evening and for tha balance ot tha week, we are making soma extra special prices and would advise you to compare our prices before buying. pi a TrT Place your ordora now tor Xmas Candy. We deliver free to all parta ot tha city at any VrVlliJ I time you designate, or pack tor shipment Just leave us your card and we'll do the rest. Cigar Specials II " (Eljnniiattii U "THE APPRECIATED aJ CANDIES- CEEEf IT I3K STOKE T8-S1T Ws n so many of thssa famously good chocolates thai we caa always tupply any of the sOIAStOrt popula laoiftala And ulwaym Frh Thssa art tha kind you advertised In Tat Satuhost Evtmra Post and art What Sh Wmnft Dona, M to B-lb. boxes, per lb., from.., ttOo to Sj'i.OO O'Brien 'a Chocolates and Bon Bons, per lb f....eoo Crane's ChocoUtes, per pound, from SOe to $15 In hi to 5-lb. boxes. Crane's Chocolates art now tha talk ot New York. We are the ex clusive agents in Omaha for Huy ler'a of New York, and Crane ot Cleveland, Ohio. 60c Melba ChocoUtes, lb..... 80c 0e Bulk Hard Candy, lb &5 75c Fruit Filled Hard Candy, per lb., at .60o 10c Chocolate Covered Peanuts. bulk, per lb 40c Huyler'a Chocolates and Bon Bons, to l ib. boxoa, lb 80o Lowsey's Chocolates and Boa Boas, Vs to (-lb. box, per lb., from .....o to fl.oo Johnstoa'a Chocolates and Bon Parisian Ivory W ar avaata for th fameua a pont Ivory. Tie Tvery Flexible File Tie Ivory Cultcl Knives e He Ivory Comb .4 II. uO ivory Hair Bruahaa S1.6S II. JO Ivory Nail Brualiea V Ivory Tray. Olov Rosea. Mirrors, Hairpin Keeaivera, Powder Box., Jewel Box, eto. all at aal prloe. Over knadred kraada ef welUkaowa , ttt-er Ater ar a few 10J ChancaUor Ciaara. Coaihaa alae. box of 21 81.50 lOo El Con ten to. box of SS 10 Vlrrinla lOarle. box of t0...$i.OO lVo Oeoraa the 4th, boa of IS...SS.S9 llo Moaart, Havana, S for as 10c Tom Aioore, Concha ls, box ot tl for S1.S0 10o La Prferncl Ooncha else box of It Sl.ftO to Usjinerette, T for .....Ss cox of 15 , aso So Little Tom, tox of 10 Sl.SS l I Speelal of 10 Ho stralfht Mo aart viaara In humidor box, all, M SO And apectM prices on all th (popular brand by th box. ll.SA Fountain Pena, non-leakabl and elf-Mlllna, guaranteed for one year aal price, each SS A sent for Watermen's, Conkltn'a and Aloora'a Fountain fens. T. CAMERAS AT COST , . . Ws ar maklna special prices on Camera this week. The Store for SHIRTWAISTS The Christmas Week Waist Special, $5.00, is making a decided hit. It is a comprehensive collection of choice Waists. Silk and Lace Waists are both included. Petticoats, Bath Robes, Kimonos are inviting gifts. Blankets and Comforts Are Sensible Gifts Fine, fluffy Comforter, 72x84, beat quality ellkoline covering-, in new Pemlan and floral patterns, $l.AO, $2.00, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50. t Wool 'Nap Blankets, fall sixe plaid blankets In bine, pink, tan and (rrays, heavy winter weight, $'2.50 a pair. RaaTnent. Hair Ribbons Make Pretty Gift for Children We have the Dorothy Dainty IUbbons, sash and hair ribbon to match, in pink, white, light bine nnd yellow. We also have them made np into seta, each in fancy box. Bashea are made with rosette effect, to be worn either in the front or back. Idttle ribbon flowers are used in the) roeette. GREAT GIFT TIME Assortments of Handkerchiefs For "last minute" gifts, to be chosen quickly, to reflect daintiness and thought, experienced shop pers will come to the Handkerchief Section tomorrow. Assortments, even so near Christinas, are tremendously varied. Pare linen handkerchiefs, fine quality, with band embroid ered initials and corners, 15c. Imported Irish linen hand em broidered corners, initialed, 28c. Madeira, Armenian Lace and French embroidered Handker cbiefs, ROc to $15. A Special Sale of Towels, Thursday Guest Towels 45c Iluck Guest Towels, Thursday, 25c 50c Hack Gaeet Towels, Thursday, 80c 75c Muck Guest Towels, Thursday, 50c Huck Towels 45c Huck Towels, Thursday, 20c 75c Ilnck Towels, Thursday, 50c $1.00 Huck Towels, Thursday, 75c $125 Huck Towels, Thursday, $1.00 $1.50 Huck Towels, Thursday, $1.25 Lovely Silks In Lengths for Scarfs, Waists and Dresses. Put up in Christmas boxes, if requested. Many weaves in black, colors and novelties, all up to our usual high standard of quality. Broadcloths Colors and Black, Make Sensible Gifts. You'll make no mistake in choosing a broadcloth as to style, quality or price. Blue, African brown, Russ green and shades of plum are particularly good. Dainty Neckwear A Lovely Gift Crepe Veata, with high collars, $2.00 to $3.75. Net and Organdie Vesta, with high collar), from $1.25 to $3.75. Roll Collar Vests, $1.25 to $225. High Collar, frith Jabots, $125 to $3.75. f Feather Boas, $3.50, $3.00 and $8.50. ' Windsor Ties, in crepe, for chil dren and women's blouses. Reindeer Fabric Gloves Fit, look and wear like kid; colors, white, black, pearl gray, putty, navy and chamois, $1.00 a pair. Christmas Candies Regular 60c Chocolates, 39c. Mazeppa Fruit Brand, - Swiss Cream. Table Center Aisle. Women's Silk Underwear SILK VESTS, plain band tops, in pink and white, $1.75. SILK VESTS, hemstitched tops, in pink and white, $2.25. SILK COMBINATIONS, $3.75 and $150. , These make beautiful gifts. Useful Gifts HAND BAGS, of leather and Tel vet, lined with silks and leather, fitted with coin purse, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $4, $5, $0, up to $1.3.50. ' LEATHER NOVELTIES, Collar . t bags, handkerchief case, sew , Ing raaes, etc., $1.25 to $3. NEEDLE BOOKS, with scissors , and best quality needles, 85c to $1.00. Without scissors, 25o to 50c TRAVELING CASES, covered with cretonne, lined with rubber, 25c to $t.OO. v WHITE IVORY, Mirrors, brushes and combs. Notion Section Main Floor. 3! TKe Apis ofU Chriiim Jjjirit AMUSEMENTS. 6th Big Week Only S Mora Bays Dally Kate, ails, Bvery are 8 US. rmiCBSi Keta, tSa to 91.00 Bvars.. eoe aa THERMOS CARAFE $3 00 Thsrmos Carafe rEKFi'Mica All th latest In bulk and fancy pks . S1S.OD from. .Sda to 60o Linen Stationery, per box.... 2Se 11.00 Leather Traveling Cases with comb, hair brush, soap, 7Cr tooth brush and powder bottles, all for .' BEATON DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam CENTRAL TAXI CO. Up-to-date llmooelnee or touring cars. Special rate for shopping by hour. Our car look llks prints cars: they have no monograms, carry n.o meters and our ehaufteurs wear ao uniforms. PHONE DOUGLAS 862 STAND PAXTON HOTEL. Hymie Borsky, President. The Store of tha Town Just the Thing COLLAR BAG $1.00 sad $1.50 Crcn&isg, King & Co. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER 7 hero la Only Ono To Cot Th QEHUlftZ, Omit Fof Tha fW Kmmm . . . ,. ' f Ud Tho World Ovmi' to Omm a CoJdla On Day Whenever you feel a cold comlnt; en think of the full name LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE. Look iur this vuature oa the boa. Pries U csjonl -E7 Ov - Where tkeOculxa Bee Unirersal Animated YeeUyMty Be Seen PAJUTAM TEKATR9 . CAJCKRAPHONB GEM LOYAL UTRXO UAOSO HAMOOtf AJtBoa rnr p$xca DIAJtfONTJ . ; VCKt ALMO 1 CM ink. BXX9GN , AMTSEMB1VTS. i-Komical Rops-S Mil. Selbini ft Co. a suo or ran" "A cycling aoveity" Aad Other Acts of Merit. "The Losing Cim." A featvrs Play With Sarwla Karr. Admlsslos 10 B's'd Beats 100 Xxtra. rhoae . S9S Special Until Xmaa Saata Olaus wtU preseat a rift from the Smprees Xmas tree to ev ery ohlld who at. teads our Matinees -rmnmirnr-ii i BOYD Showing at 1P.MnJ, S. 7. 1. rhs most beaatlf al plotoxe ever shown In Omaha SOWIV ABOXsT la m BILOTID VAOAJBOBrD. Flret Photo-Play la Color. Afteraoons, IQet Sriahts. lOo, SOo. Berlaalag Xmas Bay ror Tare Weeha, -TM BATTX.B CT O PBACB." Beats Slow Oa Bale. OMAJiA' ros enni Daily Bvaga, isaa-so-Tfrs JBAN BBOINl'S PAJUtllAM NOVXUTT, "PUSS-PU8S" ra. Klitmi Claras ( Malodlous Hwn. iillWrlsf Anar ut siuertM. rvalUralr BrlxulMt Burlaaens m pro M. Com u4 hlp th Omaha Otr MImi .u. ghopjMrs' Matinee Week Days. ui r. f f P I sf Mlgh-Claas Braraas 1 a. n U U at Movie Prl B a ev Always Ip, re aVeepeotable. KOBTU BROS. '.Ul II?.cwSP; tub "Parish Priest" rt cents ja Jas. A Hoira'a ILXT Wftls? iU "Snorea eren WEW HIPPur7n10c wwsay, moay aa4 Bararday, HACLVn ARDUCItLE Ta tha ruums, (Teatara, aajroAJsi oisdimts. The Store of the Town For the Chauffeur WARM GLOVES (Fur and Fur-Lined) $3.50 TO $35.00 Browning, King & Co. 1 The Best Bargains In Men's and Ladies' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furnishings and Shoea For the whole family at J.ilelphand Clothing Co, 814-316 North 10th St The Sunday Dee ia the only Omaha newspaper that fives its reader four hig pctfea of colored comics. AMrSEMBXTS. i.n . rflff i i ',.,' i , , I j TOOAV Last PreeentAtion 9 "The Eternal I City" I i in 0 Parts I i Friday: Wm. Faverkham. I Vkaaa Deealaa e. ttallr SuIum. Ili Im KlaU Tils -" T.lwo Tulfc- rrul Vnau. J- laa Tsck sua. Til iina tt Iiftii."" (ucm I4. si,. U4 MansMe Pkllase. jm. orpMw Trwl Wwir. Saurr m4 mu). sm. M la 1m. u.