Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 18

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Lcjpndt or r-i' Countries ia
HcjRrd Vo Thm a Thick e
the Foliage.
The cifaln of t-c Christmas tree is
difficult to trace. Tneie are tunny In
terest in kn-nils ati.l myths concerning
It. and several rnunirles cUlm the honor
of glvlnx this benutiful custom to the
world. One story tlls how Martin
Ixither. the Krrnt rellRloua reformer, was
traveling ovrr the country at nlaht. and
who on lookfns; P from the anow-civ-ered
ground to the sky with Its countless
brilliant stars began to meditate, and on
returning to hla home tried to explain
Mm feelincs to hla w fe nd children
i 1 1 'Inu'l y aroirnie, may te st for sny
, lencth frrin lo to six Inched. A hoy
I iKiinlly ivstrhe the machine. nd his
' nl- worK I to stra'shtcn out the tinsel
In rii t should "tmirh no."
The finished filrite In Un-ysrd pieces
Is then handed over to ynung women,
who rut It Into Irnstlie for trimming or
nsnents for Christmas trees, which con
sist of stars, p'cturee with tinsel frames. baskets, hills with tinsel
tHmmlnirs, etc. little girls pull the small
pieces of frlnire Intn the shape of wheels
with no outer rim, hut with many spoke,
and pile them Into lota of one dosen.
These are carried to another table, where
they are transformed by the aid of em
bossed colored picture of Kanta Claua
Into gllttcrlna; tree ornaments. All pieces
are put together with clue or wire, and
there la Just aa much care used In bav
in; the part fit correctly an there la In
the manufacture of the moat useful pro
duct, and thousand are made exactly
the seme alio.
Paper Trlnnlntt.
At another table stria string class ball
on wire and surround them with tinsel, a
.V n Tnio the j T
den and cut a little fir tree which prytlco tha girt become, a profl
!" hi 1 v he h. fsst- c"nt worker. Paper baakeU ara made.
..nursed to the nursery, where he fast
wied candle on Its branches and Hunted
them. Ono of tlie popular pictures In
Germany shows Luther and his family
aeated about the Chrlstma tree.
The Scandinavians claim that the tree
sprang from the Mood-soaked soil where
two lover, were killed, because, run
the legend, during the Cbrltma season
mysterious lights appeared on pin trees
which no wind could extinguish. The
Trench, too. have a ChHstmaa tre atory.
It relates how a horo of the thirteenth
century found a irliranllc tree with It
tranche covered with candle, some of
which were upside down, and on the top
n a vision of a child with a halo about
Ita head. The knight asked the pope
for an explanation of the wonderful
alght. and waa told by ths holy father
that the tree represented mankind, the
Child the Bavlor, and tba candle good
sd bad being.
gi. Wlnfrcd's Legend
Another Oerman legend point to BL
Wlnfrtd a the originator of tha Chrlst-
u tree Idea. Th atory relate that
after converting; aome of tha Druid h
hewed down a giant tree which thay had
been worshiping. Aa ha raised tha blade
there waa a shower of atar and a whirl
ing wind passed over the forest and the
tree was gripped from It roots and leu
with terrific force, putting Into four seo
Uon. Just behind It was a amall fir
trea which remained unharmed. Sir Wln-
frted then epoke t tha awa-atrieken
people who also witnessed the remarkable
Incident: 'This little tree, a young child
of tha foreat. .hall be your holy trea to
night It la th wood of peace, for your
bouses are built of fir; It la th lgn of
endless life, for Ita leave ara avr green,
a., km it mints to heaven. Let thla
h. called tha tree of the Chriat child;
gather about It -not In the wood, but In
... t,nma There It will shelter no
WVTU iiutlitw, "
deed of blood, but loving gift and rite
of kindness."
BtlU another legend, which la rather
vague, trace It origin to the great trea
Yggdraall. of Norse mythology, and yet
another telle u that It may be revival
of tha ptna tree of the Roman Saturn
alia. Thea tree, according to Virgil,
were decorated with Image of Bacchus.
8lr George Birds ood. who la an emi
nent authority on ancient cutom. be
Uevea that the Chrlstma trea la derived
from tha ancient Egyptian practice of
decking houae at the time of the winter
solstice with branchea of palm, th
eymbot of Ufa triumphant over death,
and therefora perennial life In1 th re
newal of each bounteou year; and the
upportera of these suggestion point to
tha fact that pyramid of green paper
covered with flower are atlll ubtltuted
In some part of Germany tor Chrlstma
tree. All th legends enow that In me
diaeval tlroea there we a tradition of
holiness Investing an Illuminated tree.
Another well known antiquarian tella
ua that tha Jew celebrated their r eact
of Chaauckah or Lights, also known aa
th Feast of Dedication, at tha season
of tha birth of Christ; therefore, thera
must have been twinkling light In every
Jewish boms In Bethlehem and Naiareth
at th time of tho Chrlat-Ctaltd birth.
This Is claimed by many to ha tha origin
of Uie lighted Cbrlstmaa trea.
There seems to be no way of authentl
eating any of these legend, and perhaps
th merging of them all ha led to th
world-wide use of th Christmas tree. Aa
far' back aa 1608 tha Christ maj tree la
mentioned aa a feature of th Chrlstma
season. Tha manuscript telling of this was
found soma years ago In Btrasburg, Germany-
Record show that Queen Caroline
had a Christina tree at tha palace In
Munich In V30. In a tha Duchess Helena
of Orleans introduced tha Chrlstmaa tra
la Paris, but this trea was brought in
with It root and planted la a hug tub,
and thl I tha style of th French Chrlst
maa tree at preaent there tha American
Christmaagarden la not used. Queen Vic
toria'a marriage to a German prince) led
to tha Introduction of th Christmas tree
tn England, and It la aald that on of
)o Vlctorla'a greatest Joy waa aupr
Intes&ox the decorating of tha trea for
tba royal children.
PeeklBB tha Tre,
Tba Idea of decking tha tre with
imstmntt and fancy ornament also
originated tn th German mptra, and
wtth very few exception. ven In thl
country, th manufacturer of Christmas
tree) srusmU ar of Teutonic ancestry.
Th glass bail so popular In trea trim
too, by th thousand, and these ara used
for holding fancy Ice for Christmas par
tie well as tor Chrlstmaa tree derora
tlon. Home again there Is a crimping ma
chine uaed, and this time for paper. The
little Instrument Is no longer than a lead
pencil sharpener and Is turned by hand
and glvea tha paper a crepe effect. The
baskets ara of various colors, and, Ilk
th ornaments, are uniform In site and
each handle must be perfectly shaped snd
glued so as not to allow raw edges. Many
of them are trimmed with gilt paper cut
out tn lace-Ilka patterns. Cornucopias,
too, form a part of our trea decorations.
and the are, perhaps, th most popular
owing to their Inexpenalveneas. Tha tin
sel Is put on the baskets and cornucopias
by machinery, and thla Instrument la very
Ilka the one used In shoe factories for
fastening oa shoe buttons. Thl Instru
ment, too, can be worked by a boy. The
tinsel, which has been cut to the desired
length by girls. Is held by the operator
on the edge of the baaket Ha presses a
pedal with hla foot and one and of the
tinsel la fastened. There Is a twist of
th hand, another pre of th pedal and
another fastening I made, and so on
until six stitches of wire complete the
work. The cornucopias ara decorated by
the us of th earns kind of a machine.
Th garland are made by th tinsel be
ing puckered on ft string by a machine,
thus forming th pretty llver and gold
garland which play such an Important
part In tree trimmings. It I mad In
various colors and from half an Inch to
three and one-half Inchea In width, and
usually In lengths of ten yards. Th
spools of tinsel wire ara placed on reels
lust as in the fringe making, and tha
machinery doe th rest-tlee the tinsel
firmly to a strong. .The operator must,
of course, watch closely and see that tho
delicate wlr does not get tangled. The
wast tinsel Is used to throw over the
tree loose ' to represent a shower or
Al King of th grocery department at
IJsyden Bros., insist that ha has the
most elaborate Chrlstmaa decoration of
anyone. Hla chief baal of thla claim
consists of soma palm leave about thirty
feet long which someone In California put
In a car of orange which war received
by Hayden Bros. 'Wedneaday.
Fir starting on th roof of th Naal
Institute. 1303 South Tenth street, did
considerable Bamaga yesterday. A
B. llovrsley, nurse, and Assistant Mana
ger L. A. Beavers carried three patients
from the upper floor of tha building
which waa filled with smoke. Two other
Inmatea were able to walk out.
Guy McArthur of Denver, charged with
robbing Charles Williams, a negro, of U.
waa fined 140 and costs when arraigned
In police court. Several people saw th
robbery of willam who was (lightly
under th weather, seised McArthur,
forced htm to give back th money, and
brought him to headquarters.
Mora than on ton of tvkey and
gees came In to th Omaha poatofflc
Tueeday through tha parcet post. Princi
pally they came from farmers direct to
city customers. This waa In addition to
hundreds of pounds of chickens and other
Christmas edibles.
General Von Emmich,
Conqueror of Liege,
is Dead at Hanover
She Will Always Appreciate
Dainty Underwear
Italian Silk Vests, band
mbrol tiered, at Sl.ftO
and t)8
Dainty Gowns, ac and
embroidery trimmed,
regular $3.60 values,
t 080
Bloomers, hand embroi
dered. S1.S0.81.08
Outing Gowns, and Pajamas, $2.00 value. .. .QH
Children's rJnmn, worth to $1.50 690
1 LfU LU'IL.lPq
Remarkable Underpricings on all kinds of Fancy Linens,
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Toilet and Manicure Sets, Hand
Bags and Leather Goods of all descriptions. Selection is
made easy by the big assortments and little prices.
Suggestions in Corset Aisle
For Thursday Bayers
Children's four-pteca Angora Pets,
8 eater. Cap. laggings and Mit
tens, blue, cardinal and tan; values
to 11.00, choice
Angora Scarf and Csp Pets, all color,
special .., fl.98
OIe her a fancy Brassiere. TVe
hare them In al elses. beautifully
trlmmeu; pretty Xmas bojes, at.
each 91.60 and $8.00
Everyone likes crocheted Shawls. AH
colors, values to $1. special, at B9o
Ladles' and children' sweaters a 1
colors and sixes 980 to $10.00
J s
Superlative Values, in Women's, Misses9 and Children's Outer Apparel That Should and Will
Crowd Our Big Cloak Department to Its Capacity Thursday Don't Fail to Get Your Share of the Bargains.
One Thousand Stylish, New,
Children's Coats
All sizes 2 to 14 years and in an almost end
less variety of styles and colors, on sale Thurs
day, in two lots
Worth $3 and $6;
Corduroys, Astrak
hans and Novelties; all
colors and
fcizes 2 to
14 j-ears
Worth $7.50 and $10
in fine Plushes, Chin
chillas, IJoueles, As
and fancy
mixtures . .
to sell at $7.5". $6.50 and $10. Many beautiful de-
fclfc-na la fine Velvets, Corduroys, 811k and
Wool combinations, etc., all newest
tyle, In all sizes from 6 to 14 years. . . .
Hundreds of Classy Coats
That Sold at $15 and $18
In the season's newest styles and most
desirable fabrics and colors. Belted
and Hare models, artist- ft
ioally tailored and trim- p
med. Clearance sale
price, each
Good quality knitted sets, in best colors
and all sizes, on sale Thurs
day, in children's dept
Four Very Practical Gift
Beautiful Silk Petticoats
The popular Klosfit, in all the
most wanted colors and styles
$3.95 and $5.00
Including a splendid line of im
ported .Japanese garments; spe
cial values, at, $5.00, $7.50,
$10.00 up to $35.00.
Suggestions in Cloak Dept.
Silk Mandarin Vests
Comfortable, pretty, just' the
thing for an inexpen- qQ
pivc yet pretty gift.V m
Special . ,
KIMONOS Made to sell at
$3.50; good assortment d 95
lor your selection; onf M
sale, at . .
Furs, Ideal Gifts
And Thursday We Offer
You Choice of . Over
500 Fur Scarfs
and Muffs
.J v
In big assortment of dependable furs
and the season 's newest styles at
a reduction from regular selling
prices of just......
Gloves Are Sure to Please Her
You're always safe, for an extra pair
more or less is always acceptable to her.
La dim' one-clasp pique sewn Kid Glove, In
black and white, with fancy em- 1 1 A
broidered backs, npeclal J) 1 1 U
Ladles' real French Kid Olore, In Perrin
and Monarch, in the fancy and contrast
ing stitching; make a o 0 C f
beautiful gUt, at ... . 9 P& eJ J
ladles' French Kid and Gorman made
Kid Olovea, with fancy 1 PA
backa. at, pair . P 1 OU
Ladles' one and two-clasp lamb skin
glovtss, all colors, very special, at,, Q
w w
SrJS,.r pair
If You Don't Know the Size, Buy a Glove
Certificate On Sale at Glove Counter.
Why Not Give a Nice
We have a won
derful complete as
sortment for selec
tion at all prices.
Special Thursday i
Men's or ladles' Um
brella, worth to
$3.60, big assort
ment, well made,
American Tail eta
covers, on sale, at,
choice, 1 QO
each. . . J1 e70
A lady or gent will appreciate an
Umbrella We have some excep
ting, value In men' or ladles'
at ..' il.B8 aa4 up
Don't Miss These Specials in Solid
, Gold Jewelry
. Dll
engraved, with blade of tha best
teel, special XSS
Sterling Bliver Comb, Brush and
Mirror Set, Thursday 80.95
Sterling Blkver Powder Boxes,
Thursday $3.75
Sterling- Silver Manicuring'. Sot,
Thursday $5.00
Sterling Silver Bud Vases and-Vanities,
set, Thursday . ...$1.0 to 87
Sterling 811ver Bracelet . 'Watches,
Thursday 84.95
Solid Gold Diamond. Cuff Links,
Thursday 83.95 to $11.50
Solid Uold Diamond Brooches,
Thursday ......... $3.78 to $15.00
Solid Uold Cameo Brooches, Thurs
day ., $8.85 to 89.00
Solid Gold Scarf Pins. Thursday,
at $1-98 to $7.50
Solid Gold Baby Rings, Necklaces
and Pin, Thursday, TBo to $3.98
Solid Gold Ring In slngl- settings,
cluster or slgnata, Thuraday, each
at $1.50 to 15.00
Solid Gold Hat Pins. Thursday. T8o
fiolld Gold Baby Chain and Locket,
regular $3.75; special, Thursday,
only $1.50
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, engraving
free; rec-ular 16 to $7, for Thurs
day, only $1.98 to$3.78
German Silver Olsrar Jara. Ash
Tray and Bmoker Sets, special,
from 7 So to $5.00
Sample line la Ivory, regular to $9,
your oholoe aso to $1.60
ivory Mlrrora, Combs and Brushes.
Ivory Files, Powder Jaxs. Itelr Re
Ming are Imported from Germany, but
tha American manufacturer puts the fin
ishing touches on the ball befur they
go to araoe our Christmas treea. Tinsel
Is used extensively In tree decoration and
Is manufactured la many of our larse
cttle. Th raw material la Import!
from Germany and a duty of I cents on
very pound Is collected by the United
Mates customs. Last year congress bad
about decided to Increase tha duty to It
cent per pound, but this raised an up
roar among th manufacturers, who dr-
. dared that If such a thing was dona
they must necessarily raise tha price of
their ornaments. On manufacturer went
to e th president and after a long
talk with him and also with several sen
ators and congressmen as well, tha In
creased duty bill fall through as far aa
tinsel was concerned. Tba raw materials
used consists of wlr almost as thla a
sewlog silk, and la wound on spools In
th asm manner. Each pound of tinsel
atretcbed out will reach half a mile, and
during on year th tin sal seed by th
manufacturer of thla country If laid out
' In a straight Una would gird1 th glob
. many times. Th mod of converting
thla delicti wlr thread Into beautiful
ornaments Is an Interesting prooeaa, and
the work continue throughout the y
Th spools of tinsel are plaoad apofl little
revl. twenty-four at a time, and each
ihresd Is trained from tho reel to th
crimping machine, and th povrer turned
' tn. As the thread of silver, gold or
whatevt-r culor It may t. passes through
the machine It Is crimped 4lny dents, on
after th other, being mad. It ttMa
)ars to another msj'hln. which cuts It short Irnetbs aiwl tiea it on a string,
fi.rmiig a fringe. Tha machine, which Is
HEHUV, Dee. fl-rBy Wireless to Say-vtlle.l-The
death at Hanover of General
Von Kmmlch, tha conqueror of Liege. Is
announced by th Overseas New agency.
General Von Emmich was commander
of the Tenth array earns. Ha flsured
prominently la th early ovent of th
war, being In command of th German
iroopa wnicn mvaaea Belgium. It was
ha who Issued an appeal to the Belgian
people not to resist the Germane.
Tha heavy loss of Ufa of tha Ger
mane at Liege was said to have shat
tered the confidence of th general, and
a report that he had committed aulclde
gained wide currency In August of last
year. H wa decorated with the Order
of Merit last June.
General Von Emmich Joined the army
on the day of Prussia a victory over
Austria at Sadowa In IMS. Ha fought
a lieutenant In th rranoo-Prusstan
war, was mad colonel tn 187, and In
lf"l attained the rank of major general.
He becam lieutenant general and com
mander of tha Tenth corps In 1M.
Rigki Before Christmas, Extraordinary Sale of
At January Price Reductions
Do not wait until January or February to buy a Piano
or Player Piano at a reduced price,
Because Right Now
We are making the extreme low prices, and you can have
your choice from the largest and finest selected stock of
artistic instruments ever shown at one time under one roof
Including such world-famous pianos as
Knabe, Everett, Fischer, Estey, Price &Teeple, Sckaeffer
Accoustigrandes by Chickering Brothers, and many others.
Also a complete line of Angelus Player Pianos. Every in
strument guaranteed. Prices and terms to suit every
$700 Emerson Angelus, 65-
note $275
$550 Price & Teeple, 88-
note $275
$550 Harmonola, 88-
note . . . . : $325
$550 Chase & Baker, 88-
. note $375
$550 Weiller, 88-note, $350
$750 Holland, 88-note,$265
$700 National Electric
for $125
Special Bargains in Used Instruments
$350 Price & Teeple. . .$275
$350 Schaeffer $275
$350 Knight-Brinkerhoff,
for $200
$500 Accoustigrande ..$285
$700 Steinway, upright, $350
$450 Fischer, upright. .$260
$350 Decker Bros ....$125
Headquarters for Grafonola Talking Machines and Other
Good Makes at Moderate races.
$300 Carleton, upright, $ 85
$300 Decker & Sons...$ 90
$300 Gibson, upright. .$100
$350 Epworth, upright, $100
$250 AVeiler, upright. .$125
$350 Radison, upright, $150
$350 Baunibach ....,.$175
Now for a Clean Sweev Sale
of Holiday Stocks in
Hardware Department
All we have left must be sold. Xo room to
store them until next year.
One lot of Coffee Machines, nickel plated and
copper finish, worth $7.50, at Jj53.4D
One lot of Electric Percolators, worth up to
$13.00, at ... $7.50
One lot Electric Chafing Dishes, worth $16.50,
at $10.50
Size No. 8 Aluminum Tea Kettles, worth $4.25,
at..,......: $2.98
Closing out all fancy im
ported English 3 - p i e ce
Carving Sets, at prices be
low factory cost. '
$1.50 Enameled Savory
Boasters $1.10
$1.90 Enameled Savory
Roaster $.159
$2.20 Enameled Savory
Roaster $1.79
$1.20 Enameled Savory
Roaster 89
Large size heavy aluminum
Roasters, worth $4.00, at,
each ' $2.75
Medium size Aluminum
Roasters, worth $3.25, at,
each $2.10
Read Our Christmas Special Prices
Fresh Fruits, Nuts, Crackers, Canned Goods, Bottled Goods,! Dried Fruits, .Vegetables, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Meats,
Etc., Etc. it s Quality Goods at a saving of 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
Pennsy Company
Increases Dividends
PHlULDELTIftA. Pa., Dee. a. The
Pennsylvania company, which oparatea
Pennsylvania railroad line west of
Pittsburgh, today declared a semi-annual
dividend of ' 4 per cent. Thla ooanperee
with t par sent paid sU months age,
making a total of ( per rent for tha
year. Ia ltlf tha company paid a total of
I nar cent.
Th Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago ft
BL Louis Railway company, also a
Pennsylvania subsidiary, declared a divi
dend of 4 per cent oa the preferred and
a divides of t per cent oa th common
trSUtrv-cVilf TRY HAYDEN 'S ITEST. Vsan'tyVisanr'lr
17 lbs, best Pur Qranulatd Sugar
for .O0
41-lb. sncl.s beat high grad Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for your
I'uddinga, Pie and Cakes; TM
Fancy Queen Olivea, per quart. . .800
4 can fancy Wax. Btrtng. Green or
Lima Beana for ....-BSC
I cans Karly June Table r
I large cana Golden Pumpkin. Hom
iny, 8quaah, Bauer Kraut or Baked
Dean for -88c
Plum pudding, par can lOc.85
1-lb. can Assorted Bouf BH
The best domestic Macaroni. Vermi
celli or 8iahettl. pkg Tit
Imported smoked or oil sardinaa, can
Tail cans Alaska BaJmon 10
Advc Jell, for dessert, pkg.... .TH
Rip Olives, per can lOo
tt-oa. jar Pure Fruit Preserve. . .aoc
Lara bottle Worcester Bauce Pur
Tomato Catsup, Pickles, assorted
kinds; Mustard, or Horseradish, per
bottle a.v
Th best domestic Macaroni, Verrnt.
cent or Spaghetti, pkg TH
C B, Crystallsed Olnger 6naps. par
cn aso
Lac Parrtna cr Brand'a A. L Sauce,
bottle as
sins rarnra ro tovb rtm
DisToa, puss oa uin
The beat cleaned Currants, lb.... 18
California Muscatel Couklnc Rslsina.
per pound BH-10
California Mulr Peaches. lb...8Se-10e
finer California Beodlea Raialns.
per lb. 1&
Fancy Gulden Sultana Raialns, lb. loo
l-oi. pkg. condensed Mince Meat THe
Tha beat Lemon, Orange or Citron
Peel, lb 80
Imported Fard Pates, lb lgo
Imported Hallowtna Dates, pa j... loo
Imported Dromedary Dates, pkg... to
s-t'rown rig, lb , auo
CaUfornta Cooking Flga, per lb... loo
TH T MUD, ltlg CMP,
W HDT8. XJ iTv,
Per Tjur Xmaa Oraag, The migh-
laad are vela Baoal All for
an Flavor. It's th Oraag ut
rr Dons 80a, is. 80s, 86a, OC
CBJUavratAJi DOT sua.
11 lbs. Ked River Potatoes . ...SCO
Fresh Brussels Xprouts. ib....lTHs
Fresh California Cauliflower, lb. TH
Jreh Radishes from Louisiana. Lh re
bunches for .........10
Fresh Shallots. Carrots or Turnips,
per bunch 4
1 lbs. California Sweet Potatoes .. 10s
Fancy Rtpe Tomatoes, lb. loo
Michigan Celery, I for loo
California Celery, large bunch. . .TH
Eitra fancy Large Green Peppera.
each at oo
Wisconsin Cabbage, lb la
I bunches fresh Parsley ...10
Anything- row waa La frmits or
vee-etable for Xmss Wi have it.
roa tu raorxa.
The beat Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk 81
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per
pound, at ...
Fancy Dairy Tabl Butter, lb.... are
heat Strictly Fresh Kgra, dusen.-aao
Hest No. 1 Storage. F.fs, 1oi....a
Full Cream. N. Y. White. Wisconsin.
Young America Cheeea, lb 80
Imported Roquefort and Bwta Cheese
per Ife, at
Thursday Specials
in Drug Department
11.00 bottle Woodworth Violet
Elite Toilet Water gas
76o botUe Plnaud a Toilet Watr
for .U", ,.
f 1 II bottle Le Trefle or Asurea
Toilet Water (5
4.00 bottle Mary Garden T' U.t
Water 88-88
$1 00 Love Me and 2i other brands
of Toilet Water 7So
f5o and ISc box Perfume. . .19
75o and 60c box Perrumea . ...S
74c Colate a and Wllllama' Toilet
Cora fort a gas
tl 10 box I-e Trefle or Aaurea
Face Powder 6o
tOo Dry Kouge Ashes of Ross
for aso
ISo Pond's Vanishing Cream. 80o
7le Ponspslan Masaar Cream, fro
ic box Phenolas Wafers. .. .8
26c bottle Lambert' Ustertne le
40c tube Pebeco Tooth Pasta 86
10c Jar Das-gelt and Kamadell's
Cream for 88
J- full and complete line of
manicuring sets for rasa or ladles,
from 85 a p.
11.00 Wellington combination Brr
loga, g-uarantewd I years. 88.00