Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 13

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    lilK Iim-,: O.U.vliA, t ill iwMA i , I M a Ui,i. -., hM.'i
"J'utJMil'i for frportlnf ooda "
Oltt OertJfloatss Edholm Jeweler.
Kif W Prist tt Now Bcon Prwi
Csrlstmas Tr UratUf Outfits
Rurgpss-Qranden company.
Investment Harney and Twenty-second
street!. Auk Dumont, Keellne bulld
lnf. for particulars.
Bella Store and Oarar J. M. Bennett
of Scott s Bluff. Neb., has sold his store
and garage In llamock, fa., through To
land Trumbull.
Today Morla Program" classified
ectton today. It appears In The Bee
EXCLUSIVULT. Find out what the va
rious moving pUture theaters offer.
Anto Is Stolen Johnson and Iee. 1S10
North Thirty-fourth street, report to the
police that an auto belonging to them
was stolen from In front of V20 South
Thirty-fourth street.
Tor Safety rirst In life Insurance, see
W. H. indoe. iiei.rrul a m .iihuhI
Life Assurance rompnny of Worcester,
Mars., one of the oldest 71 jenrs) and
best companies on enrth.
Woodbine Term Slid Hastings ft
Keyden report the sale of a l-'Mii.e farm
rear Woodbine, la., to M. Mirgln for 12.
000. Two houses at the corner of Twenty
eighth and Jackson streets were taken In
en trade. -
Tbs Stat. Bank of Omaha, corner Six
teenth and Harney. Pays JXJl'ft per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings accounts. All depots In this
bank are protected by the depositors"
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
John Meyers Kissing John Meyers,
aged 30 years, redding at 2909 South
Twenty-fourth street, left home Tuesday
afternoon to visit a dentist and has not
been heard from since. He had consider
able money on his person, and Ms rela
tives fear foul piny.
Loses Coat While Skating 11. M. Bolt,
8311 Larlmoro avenue, while skating In
Miller park, hung his coat on a hickory
limb," and when he returned It had gone.
feveral such thefts have occurred since
the skatnlg season, but the thief or
thieves are still operating.
Hakes Seal Estate ny Catherine
Riley has purchased of Magdalena Liver
a lot and frame building In Terrace ad
dition, on Park avenue, between Mason
and Leavenworth streets, for $S,00O. The
property is on the east side of the street,
and the address Is 829 Park avenue.
Dinner to Telephone Men All the em
ployes of the traffic department of the
local offices of the American Telephone
and Telegraph company were the guest
of the company at a Christmas dinner
Monday evening at the.Henshaw. B. B.
Lindsey, district traffic chief, was In
charge of the affair.
Vagrants Are Fined George Case of
Cedar Kapids and Jay Southwick of Des
Moines, two well dressed young men,
were arraigned In police court on a
charge of being vagrants. Judge Foster
was not satisfied with the testimony as
to how they obtained their living, and
they were each fined 50 and costs.
To Build Kew Apartment Hastings &
Heyden are having plans drawn lor a
three-story apartment house of eighteen
apartments of two and three rooms each,
to be located on Harney street, between
Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh. The
lot on which this apartment house In to
be built was recently purchased from
George V. Holdrege. It has sixty fret
south frontage on Harney street. The
cost of the apartment bouse will be about
Coutit Tisza Asserts
. Length of War Up to
Those Starting It
BUDAPEST (Via London). Pec. 2
Count Stephen Tfcza, Hungarian premier,
in the House of -Magnates today discussed
the probable duration of the war. He
said the length of the conflict depended
on those who started It.
"We will continue to fight until they
cease their attacks upon our security. In
dependence, and national greatness." he
said. "We will continue the war until
our enemies see that any further pro
longation by them means a perfect use
less bloodshed without bringing them a
hair's breadth nearer their goal.
"The events of nearly a year and a half
In the various arenas of the war have
given the situation definlteness. Already
our enemies can know that thev cn
accomplish the object of their attack and
that our victory will create a guarantee
for our security, but by no means Involve
encroachments upon the existence of the
other great powers of Europe as their
victory over Us would do.
"Today any further prolongation of the
war by the means of a perfectly useless
bloodshed, while It means for us also
the shedding of precious blood. Still It
cannot be doubted that It means far
greater sacrifices for the losing side, for
It must bear, at least, a part of the win
ners' losses. Every further drop of
tioodabed in this terrible struggle of
nations will be ahod in vain and the cry
to heaven for the responsibility there
fore must be borne by those who con
jured up the war from selfish motives
and lust of conquest concealed behl:l
nypocntlcal phrases, and who now
fuse to stop It."
Gown for Universal Wear on View at Last PRICE FOR Y1LIA
i t v I.. .tun.-v-.rv-
Two view of the Polymuriel gown.
The standing figure shows the gown
complete, for afternoon or evening wear,
while the sitting figure shows it with the
panels removed, the belt brought down
to the waist line and the drop skirt re
moved, showing the pantalettes edged
with fur.
The Polymuriel gown, which won the
$160 prize offered by the Polymuriel com
mittee last summer, h the work of Miss
Jessie Rosenfield, a SVyear-old designer.
More than ,000 designs were offered In
the competition.
The novelty of the gown lies In Its re-
versiblllty. The under part Is made In
two pieces, opening down the front to
the watat line, In order that It may be
donned conveniently. The sipocklng al
lows for fullness over the bvist. Yoke,
panel, belt and tunic are made In one
piece, detachable for the purpose of re
versing. The plain side, helped by an
attractive collar and cuffs. Is suitable
for buslneas wesr. By shifting the waist
line up or down, removing the collar,
lower part of the sleeves, deleting the
panels, drop skirt and other features,
the gown can be made to do duty fur
any occasion during the day or night.
With Money and Promotion as In
centives Carranza Soldiers Stage
Strenuous Search for Bandit.
LAREDO. Tex.. Drc. 82. Advices
from the Interior of Mexico tontpht
ald a cordon of Carrania ?oldlera
has beon stretched over the territory
north of Chihuahua City, where.
General Francisco Villa was recently
reported. In hu effort to prevent his
escape to the United States,
This information was contained In
military dispatches to Carranza head
qaurtors In Nuevo Laredo, made
public there tonight. Should Gen-1
eral Villa be raptured, it was said.
lit; would bo held for court-martial
and General Venustiano Carranza
would lake part personally in the
proceedings against the insurgent
Reward for Villa.
Officers and soldiers loyal to the
de facto government have been told
that Villa's capture wilt mean ma
terial promotion and large reward, it
was said by Carranza officers across
the. river, and every available body
of troops has been placed on the
lookout for Villa "dead or Bllve."
Definite Information regarding the
whereabouts of General Villa Is lack
ing on this part of the border,
although reports In Mexican circles
credited him with having left Chi
huahua City yesterday apparently on
the way to the American border.
A strict censorship has been placed
on news regarding the mllltatlons in
the vicinity of Chihuahua City, but
It was officially announced that Gen
eral Trevino had not yet entered the
Knocked Off Bridge
by Train, Two Unhurt
SIOCX CITY. la . tvc. -Mr. and
Mrs William Anderson of Pakota City.
Neb., late today had a renin rkahlo escape
from death when their automobile was
knot-ked twenty feet Into perry Creek by
n Incoming Milwaukee pnsnenger train at
a trestle crossing They received only
minor Injuries.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were en route
to the combination bridge over the Mis
sour! river on their way home when the
accident occurred. Poth were able to
drag themselves from the demolished ear
and climb the bank of the creek to the
treKlle above before members of fie
train crew could assist them.
A "For Fate" ad win turn sveond-hamt
furniture Into cash.
Culls from the Wires
James Imbrle of New York announced
st Savannah, On., that the 8avannah
Nintnr Kenning company would erect a
fS.miO.ono refinery.
Transcontinental traffic on the Oreat
Northern rnllrond was tied up by snow-
slble In tbe Cascade mountains. Three
hundred feet of snnwsheds between
Hrenlc and Tvne. Vsh.. on the west
slope of the Cascades collapsed under the
enormous weight of snow which had
slid down the mountain.
I Erectors of the Oraesllll Chemical
company of Cleveland. O.. cut a war
melon by declaring an entra ensh divi
dend of S per rent and a special stock
dividend of 10 per cent, in addition to
the quarterly dividends of IV per cent
on both common and preferred storks.
The combined dividends on both common
srd preferred shares. Including the spe
cial dividends, have a cash value of
approximately t-VOo.fiOn.
CrltlclHin of the prcpnrednes program
of tlia national ndmlnxtratton was voiced
by Waller I.. Fisher, former secretary
or the Interior In an (iddreas at the I'nf
verslty of Chicago. "Preparations f(,r
Peace" was the title of Mr. Fisher's dis
cussion and he began by pointing out the
"danger" that the Cnlted Btates mlsht
be "misled Into believing that prepara
tion for war Is the moat Imixirtant thing
for tia If we dealre to secure our own
peace and promote the pesce of the
Special Black, Blue. Gray,
Cheviot or Worsted Suit
ar as -asp- as- saar aa ga t W B W
Yonr anlt order this week will Include an
Extra. Pair of Trousers for price of snlt aJone,
Our Entire Stock Included
Suit and Extra Trousers
$25. $30, $35 and up
Specially Priced Over Coat Fabrics made in
the Satisfactory Nicoll Way $25, $30, $35
Jerremo Sons Block 209-211 So. 15th St
Public Considers Him Dreamer and
Looks on Some Others of Party
with Suspicon.
LONDON. Dec. 22. The Norweg
ian peace party declines to have
anything to do with the Ford peace
expedition, according to dispatches
to the London morning papers, as
long as Mme. Roslka Schwimmer is
connected with the movement. Some
of the dispatches state that a de
mand has been made for her expul
sion, declaring that It Is Impossible
to give the movement a neutral ap
pearance while a Hungarian woman
is an active member directing opera
tions. Think Ford m Dirimrr,
The Chrlstlanla correspondent of the
Times ays that the main Impression
made on the Norwegian public Is that
Ford is an Idealistic dreamer, a sort of
Tolstoi -whose honesty and unselfishness
are beyond question while some of his fol
lowers certainly fall to give that attrac
tive Impression.
A dispatch to the Mall from Chrlstlanla
states that the managers of the mission
announced today that the Ford party
would start for Stockholm Thursday. It
also became known, according to the die-
Allies Form a Joint
Relief Commission
NEW VORK. Dec. 22.-The entente
allies have formed a Joint relief commis
sion with headquarter, n Home to co
operate with the American relief clear
ing house in Paris for the relief of suf
fering in Serbia, Montenegro and Al
bania and of refugees In northern Greece,
according to cable advices from Paris
The plight of the people of these coun
tries hss made the formation of such
a, commission urgent. It Is stated, and
every effort will be made to forward re
lief through the base at Rome.
Arrangements are being made to
charter an American vessel to carry sup
plies from Marseilles or an Italian port
10 Aninan, Montenegro, for tranship
ment to ucuiari, where they will
starting a fire with a cip of kerosene
nearly resulted fatally last night for Mrs.
Suite Medlock, 101 : Orace street.
Her hair was completely destroyed and
fcer face badly burned.
patch, that Mme, Schwimmer had sent out
Invitations to 10" prominent business men,
bankers and others of Chrlstlanla to at
tend receptions and other functions at the
Grand hotel.
Corlon to Se Ford.
'This attempt to stir up a semblance of
Interest In the mission met with no suo
cess," the dispatch declares, "the only
thing the people want is to see the man
who Is willing to spend 30,000,000 to end
the war. but Kord remains in hiding.
Another reception was given today, but
neither Ford nor Mme. Schwimmer at
tended. Fifteen members of Ford's trav
eling office staff are to be sent back to
the United States tomorrow.
"The latest scheme to end the war Is
said to be that Mr. Ford Is to approach
armament makra In the belligerent coun
tries and by offering them orders, seek
to Induce them to cease turning out equip
ment for armies."
Read The Bee Want Ads Tt Pays.
Kennedy Addresses
Southwest Jurists
M'COOK, Neb.. Dec. 21 (Special Tele
gram.) The meeting of the Fourteenth
Judicial District Bar association here to
day was notable. Almost every member
of the bar in the district was in atten
dance. The principal address of the
gathering was delivered by J. U. Kennedy
of Omaha, republican candidate for
United States senator. Judge K. B.
Perry and others also spoke. After the
banquet this evening there was a long
and brilliant toast list concluding one of
the most noteworthy meetings of south
west Nebraska barristers ever assembled
in this district.
CAMBRIIinK. Mass.. Dec. 83. (Special
Telegram -Milton B. Petersen of 2SM
Hrletol street, Omaha, has been awarded
a Harvard college scholarship. The
scholarships are given for marked ex
cellence In study. Petersen Is a senior
and prepared for Harvard at the Omaha
High school.
Scalloped Potatoes
au gratln
Of theeountlesa ways for preparing pota
toes none is more tasty than golden brown
calloped potatoes, prepared this way.
This set Six
Wine Olomes and
Decanter, . filled
with fine Port
Wlue, all for
Every purchaser will receive
a Xmas souvenir.
OVER, a bottle of nice Port
Wine Free.
Pure Liquors and Wines for the Home
' Kk
Potato cold boUed)
2 tablespoons com starch
Pepper to season
1 Cup Cottagt Milk,
diluted teithf equal part
. of water t
'l cupful grated cheese
Salt to season
' 1309 Faxnam Street
two xkx uA.nv or w. o. w. b&so.
All the Well Known Brands of Whiskies, Wine, Champagnes, Etc
All choice California
Wines, such as Port,
Bherrr. Angelic, Clar
et, Muaoetel, etc, at
35S 50 & 75
Per Quart.
AU leading brands,
such as Old Taylor,
Quckenhelmer, Bond
& Ullard. O. V. C.
Uotirbon. Cedar Brook
and many others, full
Picnic Basket Free
1 hot Ms champagne
1. bottlo Sparkling Bur
gundy. 2 bottles Fine Califor
nia Port Wine,
1 bottle California An.
- goilca.
1 bottle Sweet Muscatel
e bottle, worth M'O
all for
and basket free.
Butter pudding or baking dish. Place a
layer of cold sliced potatoes at the bot
tom, season with salt and pepper and bits
of butter. Sift over it a little flour. Fill
dish with alternate layers of potatoes and
similar seasoning. Cover the top with
bread crumbs. Boll milk diluted with
equal part of water, and corn starch to
gether until mixture thickens. Pour over
potatoes to cover. Sprinkle over one-half
cupful grated cheese. Bake one-half hour.
Scalloped potatoes au gratin are nour
ishing, rich in food value, and satisfying.
They are never so wholesome as when
Cottage Evaporated Milk is used in their
making. Use Cottage Milk in all your
cooking. Keep a supply of it In your pan
try all the time. Buy it by the dozen and
youll never have cause to worry about
your wayward milkman. American Milk
Company, Chicago
Prompt Delivery. Phone Douglas 1241 Mail Orders Carefully Packed.
Co el Kt Walk wllh HkriniMUn.
A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's
Liniment cured my rheumatism; am
grateful. I can now walk without pain."
Ouly aV. All drugiftst Advertisement.
..s i -
rain citv ucaiTEB
Leave OMAHA 8:30 P. M.
Arrive ST. PAUL 7:30 A. M.
Arrive MINNEAPOLIS 8:05 A. M.
A glistening new steel train with Electric Lighted Sleepers,
Chair car, coaches and Buffet Club Car, through without change
Solid through day train leaves Omaha 7:29 A. M. and arrives
St. Paul 7:40 P. M., Minneapolis 8:15 P. M.
Shortest Lino Omaha to Twin Cities
For Tickets, Bertha and In
formation, Call on or Phone
P. F. Bonorden, CP.&T.A.
1933 ramam B tract, Omaha, .
Pboae Soaflas HO.
(VmphaeiM tha "GHHA V)
avlng IBank
Is a very good way to save money, but you will never grow rich,
on what your money will earn for you at 3 or A per annum.
The same money invested in good residence lots in Omaha, would
in a very few years yield you several times the above rate.
Good lots can bo purchased in almost any part of the city, with a
email cash payment down and the balance in small monthly amounts.
In a short time, you will have your lot paid for, together with the
increase in value, which is sure to come on all well located property
in Omaha.
Omaha ia today one of the most prosperous cities in the country;
bank clearings are climbing higher each weak ; wholesale and retail
business is growing faster than ever before in the history of the city.
The live stock and grain market is the envy of our competitors. New
, fckyscrapers are going up all around us.
Can you watch these developments going on each day and ques
- tion what the profit will bo in Omaha Real Estate T Valuos are going
to increase, and today is the time to buy before the advance is made
in thft price.
' Vou can keep yourself fully informed by closely following the
Iteal Estate columns of The Omaha Bee the best offers are always
made in The Boe.
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads.
The Omaha Bee
Telephone Tyler 1000.